What is observed when potassium iodide is added to lead nitrate identify the type of reaction give a balanced chemical equation for this?

We know that what a chemical reaction is, but how to know that a chemical reaction has happened? As we observe the changes around us, we can see that there is a large variety of chemical reactions taking place around us which are easily observable. We can say that a chemical reaction has happened if any of the below changes are observed. These are known as characteristics of a chemical reaction.

Let’s perform an activity to understand. Take Lead Nitrate solution in a test tube and potassium iodide solution in a conical flask. Add Potassium Iodide solution to test tube. We see that the mixture produces a yellow color solution. The color of potassium iodide changes upon mixing with lead nitrate, signifying a chemical reaction. Change in color is one of the observations to determine a chemical reaction. This is one of the important characteristics of a chemical reaction.

The following video shows the characteristics of a chemical reaction by reacting Lead Nitrate with Potassium Iodide. Please like, share and subscribe to LabInApp Youtube channel to find more such videos. If you want to perform this activity by yourself? Download Spark Learning App from the Google Play Store here.




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i) When a solution of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate taken in a test tube, the precipitation of a yellowish solid is observed. This yellowish solid is lead iodide. Potassium nitrate is formed along with lead iodide.

(ii) This is a double displacement reaction.

(iii) The balanced chemical equation for the above reaction is:
2KI(aq)       +   Pb(NO3)2(aq)  —→   2KNO3(aq)  +   PbI2(s)↓Potassium         Lead                     Potassium         Lead

  iodide             nitrate                     nitrate            iodide

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