What is display name on Twitch

If youre planning to change your Twitch name but you havent done that before, keep on reading this guide to learn what are the steps to follow.

Your current Twitch username may no longer represent you. In this case, the best solution is to simply change it. You can change your Twitch username every 60 days. When youre eligible to change your name, a message will appear next to your username field informing you about that opportunity.

Steps to Change Twitch Username

  1. Launch Twitch and log in
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Select the Profile tab
  4. Click on the Edit button next to your username
  5. Enter your new username a green check mark will appear if the name is available
  6. Hit the Update button
  7. Type your Twitch password when prompted to verify youre the real account owner and thats it.

The change will take effect right away. Your new username and channel URL will be visible for everybody in just a few seconds. Hit the Refresh button if you dont see any changes.

Rest assured, changing your Twitch name wont affect the number of followers and subscribers. You simply edited your account, you did not create a new one.

What You Need to Know About Changing Your Twitch Name

Twitch recycles abandoned usernames

Every 6 months, Twitch recycles the usernames abandoned by gamers. You can use theTwitch Username and User ID Translator browser extensionto check when the username youre interested in will become available again.

  • Download the extension from Chrome

Changing your Twitch username too often

While you can change your Twitch name once every 60 days, changing it too often is not a good idea. Your Twitch name is your brand and you want to deliver a solid and reliable brand to your followers and subscribers. Once you found an appropriate Twitch brand name, stick to it and do your best to grow it further.

Heres an important thing: if you sold or youre still selling merchandise with your brand (Twitch user name), your fans wont appreciate the fact that you changed the name.

Top 3 reasons to change your Twitch Display Name

  • Your username contains numbers and special characters which makes it difficult for people to find your channel and remember your brand name.
  • Your name is hard to pronounce. Go for a name thats short, simple and easy to remember.
  • Your name can be confused to that of a popular streamer. And you dont want to be a copy-cat. You want to be unique.

How often do you change your Twitch name? Whats the funnies Twitch name youve ever seen? Let us know in the comments below.


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