What games to play on roblox to get robux

Roblox is a virtual world of gamers created by Roblox Corporation. This virtual world of has its own rules and regulations which the gaming population have to obey. Otherwise, they can no longer be a part of it.

In the real world, in order to survive and have fun with the luxuries, humans need to have money with them. Likewise, in this virtual world of Roblox, gamers need to have in-game money called Robux to purchase in-game items.

Robux is very useful for the gamers as they can be converted into real money as well. 1 Robux can earn up to 0.0125 USD. Robux can be earned in several games, as some of the popular titles offer players the opportunity to earn the currency by winning the battles, events, and several in-game features.

There are several other ways as well, which are further discussed in the article, by which players can earn a decent amount of Robux in Roblox.

Some of the easiest methods to earn Robux in Roblox

1) Design a Game

The most popular way to earn Robux is by generating a game on Roblox for other users. That’s how all the games have been made on the platform and are loved by billions of gamers worldwide.

Developing a game for Roblox gamers requires a talent, knowledge about Lua (coding language), some skills, and great imagination power. Since these games are built by the gamers for other gamers, they might have an idea of what makes titles more attractive and interesting.

The developers are required to make the content engaging enough to attract as many people as possible to earn a handful of Robux.

Apart from gaining the game’s followers, developers are also required to have a certain number of Premium users following or playing the game regularly. This method of earning Robux does seem quite complex, but it's worth it. The developers just need some really cool ideas to attract gamers.

There are several sites that provide free Robux to the gamers who are in need of them. They are not free, players have to complete some very simple tasks as well. These include installing games and applications, visiting some sites, and completing some surveys and other easy tasks which can be done within minutes.

This method does not provide free Robux. In fact, the currency will be generated according to the time spent by the gamers while completing these easy tasks.

But the real question is: Do these Robux Generators work? Many sites are scams as they will ask for players’ usernames and passwords in return for nothing. Players should research the chosen sites thoroughly and only use them after they are satisfied with their credibility.

3) Microsoft Rewards

It is also one of the most famous and easiest methods of earning more Robux for free. Players will have to earn Microsoft points to redeem them for a Roblox Gift Card. Fortunately, earning Microsoft points is very easy.

To do so, players have to log in to their Microsoft account or sign up. After logging in or signing up, users will be directed to the Microsoft dashboard, and on the screen, they will see some activities.

By performing these easy activities, players can earn Microsoft points. Now, to see how much Robux can be earned for certain points, users will have to click on the “Redeem” option available in the top right corner of the dashboard.

By clicking on the “Redeem” option a search bar option will be displayed, type in “Roblox” and then click on the “Roblox Digital Code” card. Players can now see how many points are required to earn a certain amount of Robux.

For example: For 100 Robux players have to earn 1,500 points and for 1,000 Robux it requires them to earn 15,000 points.

Players will have to collect those points by performing the tasks like playing quizzes and doing some Google searches to maintain daily streaks and earn the desired amount of Robux for themselves.

[Countries not supporting Microsoft reward systems can use VPNs to earn Robux.]

2) Premium Membership

Buying a Premium Membership has its own benefits as players are provided with free Robux every 30-31 days. A fixed amount of Robux is received at specific rates which have been fixed by the creators of the platform.

For example, for paying $4.99 players will receive 40 Robux as a bonus for the memberships. Memberships can be purchased from the mobile app, official site, Microsoft Store app, or Console app.

The highest amount of bonuses that can be received by the gamers is 12,500 Robux for paying $199.99. Players can always cancel their subscriptions whenever they like.

Premium members get benefits in several games as they receive extra gems and coins.

1) Purchasing Robux

If users don’t have time to earn Robux in the above-mentioned ways, they always have the chance to purchase them. Buying Robux is the easiest way to earn them as players don’t have to depend on other players or websites or spend a lot of time on various activities.

Robux can be purchased from mobile apps, official sites, Microsoft apps, or console apps. Purchasing a Robux can be a one-time transaction or can be set to a monthly subscription depending upon the players.

The highest and the lowest amount of money for purchasing Robux are $199.99 which will bring 22,500 Robux and $0.49 which will net them 40 Robux. Players can select the amount of Robux required by them to enjoy and purchase accordingly.

Apart from this, there are several other ways like designing clothes, selling access to the game, creating items, etc. Players can try whichever method they like to earn Robux.

How Tos

Updated: 05/04/2022. Original Article by Mihail Katsoris, updated by Pocket Gamer Staff.

With millions of players worldwide aiming to develop some of the most exquisite experiences in Roblox, from engaging games and simulators to full-fledged role-playing games, looking cool is a must. The only way to do that is to change your appearance using Robux - but how can you get some free Robux in Roblox? Which Roblox games give you Robux?

In this article, we're going to answer that question, along with several others, and give you some solutions that might help you overcome the FOMO.

Let's start by stating the obvious - what games give you Robux?

The answer to this is really simple. At current, there is no way to earn free Robux by simply entering into experiences. There are ways to do it involving Roblox' Groups systems, but, there are no games that can give you Robux for simply logging on. If you're still having doubts, let me explain why that is simply impossible.

In order to obtain Robux, you need to either be granted them or to redeem/buy them. For the latter you need to access your account (so, you need to log in by using your username and password). No individual user can add Robux to your account other than you, because - for obvious reasons - access to your account requires sensitive information. You should NEVER share your Roblox account and password with anyone.

The games that promise you Robux simply for joining will often ask you for your account in order "to add the Robux to your account", so be wary; that's a scam!

Can you get Robux from third-party websites?

Most of the websites that promise to generate Robux codes are also fake. Sad, but true. There's also a high chance that they will also make your account prone to banning since that can trigger a "suspicious activity" flag on your account.
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Picture this - you never spend a dime, but your account suddenly has 70k Robux? Without even being an active product creator? Trust me, that screams 'shady'! Roblox are always actively trying to keep its platform as safe and secure as possible, and something like that might certainly raise some flags.

So, how can you get Robux in Roblox?

There are several ways to get Robux, some of which are actually (more or less) free!

1. First off, you can buy it. There's no need to explain that further because chances are you probably know about it. This option is clearly not free; you can buy as many Robux as you like.

2. You can get group funds by joining a group. This is, decidedly, not a scam and is the best - if not only - way to get Robux with minimal effort. Some experiences will reward players who join servers IF they are in the group, however if you're not in the group then they simply can't grant you those. As such, make sure you always read competition rules and join groups where required (if you haven't already done so just to stay up to date with updates).

3. You can create various products - VIP servers, game passes, faces, hairstyles, clothes, and so many more customizations - and put them on the Avatar Shop. If people like and purchase them, you will earn Robux from each sale.

How to avoid getting scammed?

If you really want to get some free Robux but still aren't sure what Roblox games give you Robux, then you can create an alt account and use that one. Just make sure you aren't using your main account.

In conclusion

Long story short, there are absolutely no experiences or games on Roblox that give free Robux. Groups, or sales, are currently the only way to earn them beyond buying them yourself. Outside of that, there are only empty promises and scams, so we strongly advise you to steer clear of them if you want to avoid losing your Roblox account.

Check out our list and find out which are the best experiences on the Roblox platform. 

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