What are the steps in advertising campaign?

An advertising campaign is a specifically designed strategy that is carried out across different mediums in order to achieve desired results such as increased brand awareness, increased sales, and improved communication within a specific market. All of this is accomplished through advertising.

Many entrepreneurs think carrying out an advertising campaign means simply creating an ad. However, they are mistaken. For advertising to yield the best results, it’s crucial to be well organized right from the start.

If you’re considering launching an advertising campaign, we recommend you get in contact with a specialist in the medium you're interested in. An online advertising agency specifically geared towards digital marketing is your best bet and the best way to achieve your desired results.

Furthermore, you’ll be able to both optimize your budget and access metrics related to the evolution of actions.

7 Keys for Launching a Successful Advertising Campaign

1. Set a Campaign Goal

Typically, when we think about ‘goals’ most people tend to think of sales. But the truth is that there are many other advertising objectives to focus on. The most common goals include acquiring new clients, promoting current products, and launching new products. You can also create an advertising campaign designed to improve brand awareness or to help associate a certain brand with certain emotions. Whatever your goal may be, it’s important to identify it before proceeding.

2. Define a Target

Part of a campaign’s success is directly tied to your target audiences. If you have a well defined target market or audience, it is much easier to accomplish and measure your goals. Defining points like age, sex, social class, marital status, education level, likes, habits, and hobbies will help you understand who you’re trying to reach through your advertising campaign strategy. 

3. Segment Your Audiences

Once you have clearly defined your target audience, you should then segment the audience, dividing them into various groups based on the products or services you want to sell and their various demographics. Put yourself into the shoes of your potential customers and try to identify what would spark their interest. Is what you offer useful for them? How will you grab their attention? Are they aware of your brand or product? Do they have the purchasing power to buy your product/service at the set price?

4. Decide on Your Advertising Mediums

There are many helpful tools at your disposal that can get your campaign's message to your target segment. Let's review the different types of advertising options that exist.

  • Advertising on Social Media. As the name suggests, advertising on social media allows you to create ads on the social networks where your target audience is. This means opening up a line of communication which allows you to easily reach your audience. The different formats and platforms available offer personalized design strategies which yield a high success rate.

  • Email Marketing. Email marketing is another means of advertising which could be of use in your campaign. Although you can use it to acquire new leads (which could then result in potential clients), the use of its 'loyalty formula' generates incredible results. Did you know that getting a new buyer is 7 times more expensive than maintaining just one who is already active?
  • Content Marketing. Thanks to the popularity of branded content and video marketing, this is a great avenue for digital advertising campaigns. However, there is a bit confusion regarding what content marketing actually is. According to Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” Therefore, content cannot be exclusively promotional. You have to add value (such as entertainment, new information, promotions, etc.) to it as well. Keep in mind that there are four stages within the execution of content marketing: traffic generation, lead generation, lead nurturing, and client generation.
  • SEM. Search Engine Marketing refers to paid advertisements on search engines. They consist of ads that are paid for by a pay-per-click (PPC) model. SEM is a great way to boost your position on search engines and, like social ads, they can be highly targeted and segmented. 

5. Communication

The message of an advertising campaign is also fundamental. Even though each company and each strategy are different, the copy should always be natural sounding, well organized, clear, concise, fluid, and coherent. It may seem easy but if you add to the fact that the message should also be brief (as to not bore your audience) the pressure to get it right can really build up. We recommend leaving the task to experienced experts within the sector or copywriters.  

6. Pay Attention to Your Design

The design is just as important as the message. Utilize responsive design and UX friendly websites to win over your audience. Delight them first by sight, and then through everything else you have to tell them. 

7. Track Metrics and KPIs

Measuring is important in many different fields but in the world of advertising it’s absolutely crucial. If we don’t track our results, we won’t know what’s going well or what we could improve on. In an advertising campaign, the metrics should make up an integral part of the process. The only way to understand the campaign is to track and measure the metrics and data. Furthermore, we should note the difference between general metrics and KPIs. Even though the latter do not offer metrics, they deal with to how to measure your company’s set strategic goals.

4 Successful Advertising Campaign Examples

1. Open to All by Heineken 

One of the maxims of the online marketing world is to know your target well and focus on it as much as possible. Marketers spend their lives trying to segment and segment until they find the perfect niche. Maybe that's why we are so surprised and impressed by this video from Heineken in which a man tries to wink at...everyone.

Modern, old-fashioned, hipsters, athletes, and even an alien meet in this visually attractive video in which the brand promotes the launch of its new beer, alcohol-free and for all audiences.

2. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like by Old Spice  

Old Spice is perhaps one of the kings of entertaining advertising, thanks to their "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign. This witty ad was able to completely rebrand the classic deodorant brand for a younger audience and inspired a full blown advertising strategy with many similar style ads. This campaign proves that humor, entertainment, and continuity are great keys for successful advertising campaigns, even 10 years later. 

3. This Girl Can by Sport England   

Inspiring and motivating messages always work. Everyone wants to share a video that made them smile and made them want to take on the world and that's certainly the case with the "Phenomenal Women" spot.

This video shows women of all types, colors, ages and sizes, which in itself is already a welcome novelty compared to the uniform, perfect bodies in conventional advertising. A catchy song and a good setup is all it takes to make us want to put on our shoes and go for a run.

4. Narcos by Netflix

Finally, one of the most successful campaigns in recent times is one by Netflix for its series Narcos, as it managed to attract more than a million followers on its social networks. The key? Constantly uploading images and phrases related to the show and introducing us to the characters with short videos. This intriguing content leaves you wanting to know more.

How Can We Help You?

Cyberclick is an online advertising agency with extensive experience. We have planned and executed numerous advertising campaigns for large and small businesses alike. Our expertise lies within our multidisciplinary team, who we make a deliberate point to cultivate and take good care of. The people who make up Cyberclick are motivated and ready to take on any challenge. Moreover, we are always learning in order to offer the latest trends in communication and adapting to both our clients’ needs and those of their target audiences.

Our philosophy at Cyberclick is focused on our clients. For that reason, we want to invite you to check out our mission statement. So, what can we do for you if you hire us for an advertising campaign?

  • We like to exceed expectations. We try our very hardest to achieve your desired results and then some!
  • Analytic vision and ability to react. We like to measure everything because it’s the only way to know what we’re doing well and where there’s still room for improvement. Another way we distinguish ourselves is in our quick reaction times We work to evade any and every potential problem.
  • Always testing. In order for us to get the best possible results out of the campaigns and ads we launch, our company policy continually pushes us to be testing and experimenting. This allows us to constantly optimize your online marketing strategy.
  • Brand likeability. Every brand has its good, likeable side which the public adores. We look for yours and increase the number of users who are satisfied with your business and the experience they had with you.

If you feel our company's philosophy fits well with yours, don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help you improve your brand with a well-executed online advertising campaign!

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