What are the best foods to eat to gain weight

Nowadays everyone is behind weight loss programs. But at the same time, there are many people struggling with weight gain. Gaining weight is not strenuous and can be achieved simply by reversing some essential dieting principles. Certain basic calculations and lifestyle changes can garner impressive results. 

How to Gain Weight at Home in 7 Days

Here we create a list of tips that can help you to gain within a week naturally without creating health issues. Try to follow these weight gain diet tips and the result will start showing within 7 days:

1. Eat a lot of proteins: Protein forms the building blocks of your muscles. Eating sufficient protein is required to gain muscle weight instead of just fat. If you're trying to gain weight, aim for 0.7-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.5 - 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram). High protein foods include meats, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, nuts, and others. Protein supplements like whey protein can also be useful if you struggle to get enough protein in your diet.

2. Eat Repeat Eat:  Eat at least 3 meals per day and make sure to eat plenty of fat and carb.

3. Energy Dense Food for weight gain: Eat a lot of energy-dense food. Add a lot of spices, condiments, and sauces so that the food becomes tasty and you can take more of it. Energy-dense foods are

  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, etc.
  • Dried fruit: Raisins, dates, prunes, and others.
  • High-fat dairy: Whole milk, full-fat yogurt, cheese, cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil.
  • Grains: Whole grains like oats and brown rice.
  • Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc. Choose fattier cuts.
  • Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams.
  • Dark chocolate, avocados, peanut butter, coconut milk, granola, trail mixes.

4. Weight Lifting Exercise: Lift heavy weights and improve your strength. This will help you gain muscle mass instead of just fat.

5. Eating Snack Before Bed: Squeeze in an additional meal or snack whenever you can, such as before bed.

6.  Large Bowl: Use large plates if you are trying to get in more calories, this will increase the intake of good nutrients helps the body to increase weight gain faster.

7. Good sleep: Sleep is very important for muscle growth.

8. Mix Food Items:  If you have a mix of foods on your plate, eat the calorie-dense and protein-rich foods first. Eat the vegetables last.

9. Don't smoke: Smokers usually experience weight loss. Quitting smoking can lead to weight gain.

10. Milk: Drink milk and weight gainer shakes that are rich in proteins, carbs, and calories, this will help in increasing muscle and weight gain while sitting at home.

11. Don't drink water before meals or along with meals as it can reduce food consumption.

12. Supplement for Weight Gain: You can also try supplements like Creatine Monohydrate to gain weight naturally. Simply consume 3–5 grams per day. However, it may take three to four weeks to maximize muscle stores. Better to consult a Naturopathic physician before starting any supplements for weight gain.

Updates From Lybrate: We hope this information was helpful to you. Moreover, you can also check out these weight gainer supplements from Lybrate to support your weight gain journey.

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For healthy weight gain, you must find a way to curb your sweet tooth, avoid unnecessary fat, and limit your overeating habits. However, the nuances of healthy weight gain can be even more difficult to navigate. The majority of healthy eating advice suggests you focus on including healthy foods in your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. While there is a lot of information on breakfast and lunch meals for weight gain, there is very little information on foods for weight gain to eat at night. That’s why we’re here to help!

Many people find it difficult to gain weight. However, in order to do so, it’s not wise to eat whatever you want. You’ve probably seen your favourite celebrities gain weight for specific roles. But they concentrate on a nutritionist-recommended diet and healthy weight gain foods. It’s now your turn to incorporate some healthy foods into your diet, just like they do.

Health Shots spoke to Hari Lakshmi, Consultant-Dietitian/Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospitals, Chennai, about the best foods that can be eaten in dinner in order to gain weight.

Being underweight also comes with its set of health issues. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

She says, “When you are underweight, it means your body is burning more calories than it is taking in. Therefore, you need a nutritious, high-calorie and high-protein diet to fix this. While what you consume is important, the timing is also crucial. A pre-sleep meal can help you gain the necessary weight to stay healthy.”

Here are 5 foods to consume at night to gain weight:

1. Meat and fish

It’s a common notion that eating meat, such as chicken or fish, will cause you to gain weight. Guess what? That is true! According to Lakshmi, foods high in protein and fat, such as red meat, have been shown to help build muscle mass and promote weight gain. Seafood, on the other hand, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, calories, protein, and other essential nutrients, making them a good choice for those looking to gain weight.

2. Rice

We Indians can’t get enough of rice. Those looking to lose weight, on the other hand, avoid eating them. However, rice can be a friend someone looking to gain weight. According to Lakshmi, “A calorie-dense option, rice, is a convenient and easy option to put on those extra kilos. You can choose brown rice as the healthier option.” A single serving of rice contains a lot of carbohydrates and calories. This is especially beneficial for people who have a poor appetite or get full quickly.

Red rice tastes a lot better, and comes with higher nutritional values. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Nuts and nut butters

Nothing beats nuts when it comes to healthy fats for weight gain! A handful of nuts such as almonds or peanuts, can be an excellent choice for a snack before bed to help you gain weight. Not only are nuts high in healthy fats, but they are also high in calories, making them ideal for healthy weight gain. “Nut butters can be added to smoothies to prepare a tasty high-calorie drink,” says Lakshmi.

4. Potatoes and starches

Potatoes and other starch-rich foods can help you get the right calorie count. Starch digests quickly and easily and leave you hungry shortly afterwards. You’ll eat more as a result, and weight gain is possible. Apart fom potatoes, you can also opt for quinoa, corn, and oats.

5. Whole grain bread

These are good sources of carbohydrates and can help you maintain a well-balanced, high-calorie meal. You can combine whole grain bread with good protein sources like eggs, meat, and cheese, suggests Lakshmi.

Enjoy these foods and weight gain! Image courtesy: Shutterstockl

Apart from the ones above, you can opt for ragi (finger millet), which not only helps in weight gain but also is a rich source of iron and calcium. You can also have protein bars as a nutritious snack, and they are simple and ready to eat.


People usually focus on being overweight as a health issue, but many forget that being underweight is also unhealthy. If you want to gain weight, Lakshmi recommends eating foods high in protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Aim to gain weight slowly and steadily. Do not consume junk foods like chips and sodas. They may make you gain weight, but they will also make you unhealthy and pose additional health risks. Instead, concentrate on eating well.

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On the internet, and you will find many diet plans for weight loss. But you won’t find much for weight gain! In fact, you will hardly get any plans for weight gain. However, there are a significant number of people who struggle with their bony fame, failing to add the needed mass. 

Being underweight or skinny may have an underlying issue. Eating too few calories for a prolonged period makes you underweight that leads to different medical illnesses. Conversely, eating too many calories causes a person to become overweight, which is also a not good sign. 

The weight gain equation is pretty much simple as you consume more calories than you burn. If your metabolism is high or you do vigorous exercise, you need to consume more calories to meet your body requirements. Simply overeating can’t be a solution to gain weight. However, eating five to six times a day, eating more protein and fat, adding high-calorie snacks are among the ways to gain weight naturally. 

People consume various supplements and unhealthy food to gain weight quickly without proper research. These may land them into some medical problems, thus think twice before eating anything. Instead, eat healthy foods that build muscle and increase your strength. If you are trying to gain some weight, here are a few options for healthy foods that you should eat.

How to Gain Weight In A Healthy Manner?

As mentioned earlier, the main concept is to consume more calories than you use during your day. A rough estimate you can aim for is to take in 300 – 500 more calories than you need. Another general idea is to eat more meals each day, rather than increasing the size of your existing meals. Increasing the amounts of fats and protein in your diet is also almost a necessity when you’re trying to gain weight. One thing you should not do is consume unhealthy fats and junk foods in an effort to put on weight. These kinds of foods will result in weight only on your tummy and can cause serious long term issues down the road like diabetes, obesity and heart issues. It is also a good idea to incorporate regular (but not intensive) exercise into your daily routine, this can help build up your muscle mass.

1: Milk

Milk is a complete food because it is rich in all nutrients that are essential for our body. It is high in proteins, calcium, carbs, fats, minerals, and vitamins. It is an excellent protein source that provides both casein and whey proteins. It can help you add muscle mass to your body. Try drinking two glasses of milk per day with a meal or before or after a workout. 

2: Rice 

Rice is one of the convenient and cheap sources of carbohydrates that is essential to gain weight. Rice is also a calorie-dense food that means you can obtain carbs and calories from a single serving. One cup of rice provides about 200 calories that contribute to gain weight. 

You can have rice with different curries and veggies that are high in proteins. It is the easiest way to add taste, calories, and a protein boost.

3: Dried fruits

Consuming dried fruits can be beneficial for weight gain. This super-food contains various antioxidants, proteins, calories, and micronutrients. All types of dried fruit have a naturally high sugar content that makes them great for gaining weight. You can eat them raw or roasted as well as can add them in yoghurt, smoothie. A daily handful of dried fruits such as almonds, walnuts, and cashew are best for weight gain. 

4: Homemade protein smoothies 

Homemade smoothies are much healthier than ready-made protein supplements. A shake is most effective at helping to build muscle if drunk shortly after a workout. They are also rich in flavour and taste. Here are some examples of homemade smoothies that can help gain weight quickly, such as chocolate banana nut shake, vanilla berry shake, chocolate hazelnut shake, and super green shake.

5: Red meat 

Red meat is a rich source of protein that helps to build your muscles and increase your weight. It contains leucine and creatine, nutrients that play a significant role in boosting muscle mass. Steak and other red meats contain both protein and fat, which promote weight gain. Both fatty and lean muscles provide proteins that can help you to gain weight. One of the best sources is fat beef dishes – brisket.

6: Fatty and oily fish 

Fatty fish such as salmon is rich in essential fatty acids and proteins. They help to gain weight and also boost your immunity. Omega-3 present in these fishes is the best source that is significant for weight gain. You can prepare different dishes from salmon like steamed fish, fried fish, and smoked salmon. 

7: Potatoes and starch 

Starch foods such as potatoes and corn are a famous, tasty option for quick weight gain. It is a cost-effective option that provides extra calories for your body. This food contains carbs and calories that increase muscle glycogen stores. Many of these starchy foods have carb sources that also provide essential nutrients and fibre, as well as resistant starch, which can help nourish your gut bacteria.

8: Whole grain bread 

The simple whole grain bread is a good source of carbs that will increase your weight. They can be a well-balanced meal when prepared with protein sources like eggs, meat, and cheese. The live, good bacteria in sourdough feed bacteria in the gut that can strengthen your immune system.

9: Avocados

Avocados are an excellent source of fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and fibres. You can eat avocado in your main meal, sandwiches, and other dishes that are essential for weight gain.

10: Whole eggs 

Whole eggs are the best option for your dietician for weight gain as they are full of proteins, calcium, and healthy fats. They are muscle building food that is available easily. It is necessary to eat the whole egg, its egg yolk is very beneficial. 

There are many foods and supplements available that help you to gain weight. But, instead of trying to gorge yourself with masses of sweet or fatty foods, choose high-calorie foods that provide energy and build muscle mass without all of the unhealthy fats that can cause you harm.

11: Healthy fats and oils 

Healthy oils are extremely calorie dense and do not come with the downsides of other unhealthy oils. You can add these oils to salad dressing, as a seasoning base or for cooking. Avocado oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil and Coconut oil are three healthy oils that can help increase your calorie intake. Another method to incorporate healthy oil into your diet is to add one of these oils with a small amount of butter to your morning coffee. It’s trendy, yummy and healthy! 

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Suggested diet plan for weight gain

The possibility of gaining weight overnight is one of the biggest hoaxes and myths. A healthy, consistent diet, strength training and a set of different weight gain exercises all play their part in helping you gain weight. Out of this, diet and food have an important role. The following can be maintained for your weight gain diet:

Breakfast: Include food items like whole-grain bread slices with peanut butter and honey; a glass of milkshake; a medium-sized seasonal fruit; milk with chia seeds and oats; poached eggs; avocado toast. Avoid caffeine products like tea or strong coffee.

LUNCH: You can add food items like chicken pasta made with leafy green vegetables, feta cheese, olive oil, tomato and avocado; egg, cheese and salad wraps; lentil, vegetable and barley soup; chicken and noodle stir fry; a bowl of rice with vegetables and fish; chicken rice with corn; chapati, chicken curry and a bowl of yoghurt.

DINNER: You can add your choice of rice/chapati as preferred and have it with fish, chicken, vegetables. A bowl of chicken soup with corn may also be added. SNACKS: Dried fruits have a great potential in helping gain weight. A handful of almonds, cashews or walnuts every day may be a healthy snacking option. Seeds like sunflower seeds can be enjoyed as well. Whole-grain crackers with hummus dip serve as a great snack option.


There are many foods and supplements available that help you to gain weight. But, instead of trying to gorge yourself with masses of sweet or fatty foods, choose high-calorie foods that provide energy and build muscle mass without all of the unhealthy fats that can cause you harm. Regular, age-appropriate exercise along with a healthy and calorie-rich diet is the best way to put on weight in a healthy manner. Avoid snacking between meals, ensure that you’re always hydrated and stick to your healthy, nutritious diet only. You’ll need a little perseverance but gaining weight is not a sprint, it takes patience and the results will be worth the wait. 

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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