Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

It's probably that unneeded 'format' option. It works fine without it. Try this, which is more robust than what you have:

baseFileName = 'equity_dataset_30_2.csv';

folder = 'C:/users/Apple/Desktop/MATLAB/Individual Coursework/Q1';

fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName)

if exist(fullFileName, 'file')

% File exists. Read it into a table.

t = readtable(fullFileName)


% File does not exist. Warn the user.

errorMessage = sprintf('Error: file not found:\n\n%s', fullFileName);




I get the following error while trying to access the nc file. If i get into the folder and try it directly ncread works, but I need to use it in a for loop for a number of similar folders. Any ideas why I get this error?

Error using internal.matlab.imagesci.nc/openToRead (line 1259)

Could not open /sw-test-1-1-141-r28/cpd.nc for reading.

Error in internal.matlab.imagesci.nc (line 121)


Error in ncread (line 53)

ncObj = internal.matlab.imagesci.nc(ncFile);

I'm trying to add a feature to my code in which the user can select a country and a numerical limit and matlab will search a data set of locations and dates (dailytotal.csv) for the first value for this country that exceeds the limit and display it.

datatab = readtable('/Users/laurenhough/laurenhough/Desktop/CSV/dailytotal.csv'); %set path to the file location

datareduced = table2array(datatab(:,2:7)); %change from table format

y = {'China', 'UK', 'Spain', 'Italy', 'South Korea', 'USA'};

u = input('Please select a country in quote marks - choices are: China, UK, Spain, Italy, South Korea, USA \n');

v = input('Please define a numerical limit \n') ;

j = strcmp(y,u); %determine which column to use

%throw an error if country typed in wrong

if sum(j) == 0

error('Wrong country typed in')


%assume its correctly filled in, find the country column

c = find(j == 1) ;

d = find(datareduced(:,c) >= v);

%display date to screen


I'm getting the error 'Unable to open file'.

how can i solve the error of reading permission during loading of number of images from a folder

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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this code is giving error

??? Error using ==> imread at 358 Can't open file "." for reading; you may not have read permission.

help me out to solve this error please

Accepted Answer

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Looks to me as if you're trying to open the directory itself ('./') as if it was an image. The return from dir called on a directory will contain both the directory ('.') and its parent directory ('..'). Either you have to check that what you're trying to open is an image, or list only the images.



Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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thank u..i extracted only the images.. my code is working now

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Hi. I have the same problem but I didn't understand your solution. I am new to matlab.So can you please explain in a little bit more details?

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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projectdir = 'd:\train2';

d([d.isdir]) = []; %remove all folders including . and ..

all_images = cell(num_files,1);

file_okay = false(num_files,1);

fname = fullfile(projectdir, d(K).name);

all_images{K} = fread(fname);

warning('file "%s" is not a readable image', fname);

all_images = all_images(file_okay);

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Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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thank u.. my code is working now..

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Hello I have the same issue can you share with me how you solved it ?

tu1=imread('C:\Users\Mostwanted\Desktop\Upgrade 03062016\Upgrade 03062016\Adaptive Exposure\AEx2\','*.jpg');

Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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projectdir = 'C:\Users\Mostwanted\Desktop\Upgrade 03062016\Upgrade 03062016\Adaptive Exposure\AEx2';

d = dir(fullfile(projectdir, '*.jpg'));

all_images = cell(num_files,1);

file_okay = false(num_files,1);

fname = fullfile(projectdir, d(K).name);

all_images{K} = fread(fname);

warning('file "%s" is not a readable image', fname);

all_images = all_images(file_okay);

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Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Unable to open file for reading MATLAB

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Running out of file slots should never result in the error message reported here. The problem here is that the user assumed that the first two names returned were . and .. but Windows with NTFS does not make any promises about the order of files, and in practice there are several valid filename characters that can sort before .

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