Share link to upload file


How long do we host your files?

We host your files on our cloud storage solution for 7 days. After the 7th day, your files are automatically deleted. If you want to store for longer and choose an expiration date, our paid plans have you covered.

Are there any download limits?

No, there are no download limits. Your shared files can be downloaded as many times as you want, by as many people as you want. YouÆll be notified when someone has downloaded the file. The only restriction is, the files are no longer available after 7 days.

Are there any file upload limits?

The limit we have on our free no-account required service is that you can upload any number of files, but they can't be more than 5 GB in total, per upload session. You can have 2 upload sessions in 24 hours. All our paid plans permit you unlimited upload sessions, and you can upload big files of any size.

What types of files can I upload?

We have no restrictions about the type of file, so you can upload any type. What we dont permit are any files that contravene our Terms Of Use.

How to upload faster?

Uploading via a browser is TCP-based, which can be slower than you would like. It only uses a fraction of your speed and is influenced by traffic conditions, and other users sharing the connection. If you want faster transfer speeds, we recommend you use our UDP based desktop solution. Its blistering fast.


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