Research topics for Civil Engineering students in the Philippines

May I ask for suggestions for a good undergraduate research topic related to Structural engineering?

I am a 4th year Civil Engineering student and am from Philippines. We have a problem with traffic and floods. Is there anything you can suggest to be a good undergraduate research topic related to Structural engineering?

Undergraduate Research

Research Topics

Civil Engineering



Research Papers/Topics in Civil Engineering

Influence of Polypropylene Fibers on Geotechnical Properties of Pond Ash

AbstractPond ash is an unwanted product from thermal power stations. Way of reducing the pollution of pond ash disposal determinations is recycled and reused in different engineering applications. The quality of pond ash can affect the quality and strength of engineering applications. This research paper using fiber reinforcement techniques to improve the geotechnical properties of pond ash. Polypropylene fiber is used to reinforce for stabilization of pond ash. In this research, some labo...

Vikash Kumar 7 PAGES (2324 WORDS) Civil Engineering Paper

Design and Construction of a Remote Controlled Tri–Band Frequency Jammer.

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYA mobile phone jammer or signal blocker is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals from base stations. The process of blocking the receiver to receive a transmitted signal is called Jamming of the signal. The jammer effectively disallows cellular phone signal when activated. These devices can be used in practically any location, but are found primarily in places where a pho...

Edu Frontiers 47 PAGES (6982 WORDS) Civil Engineering Seminar

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (Pofa) Blended – Granite - Gravel Concrete

TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION                                                                            &nb...

Edu Frontiers 76 PAGES (12051 WORDS) Civil Engineering Seminar

Investigation on the Characteristics of Cornstalk Ash Blended Cement

ABSTRACTAnalysis of investigation on the characteristics of cornstalk blended ash cement was carried out based on the interest of coming out with a good pozzolanic material with all required cement properties. Hence, the supposed competitive demand relationship between cement products in construction works has been majorly wined by cement and this makes people to depend mostly on it despite the increase in price and some with inadequate properties.      &nb...

Edu Frontiers 68 PAGES (10049 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Effect of Crushed Concrete as Coarse Aggregates in Production of Concrete

ABSTRACTIn the face of a possible scarcity of natural aggregates in the future in line with sustainable construction, this research investigates the feasibility of the use of recycled coarse  aggregates as an alternative to natural coarse aggregates in structural concrete. The recycled coarse aggregate used in the research was processed from waste concrete. The percentage of recycled coarse aggregates by weight of all in aggregates in the test mixes were 0%, 5% 10% 20% and 30 % res...

Edu Frontiers 45 PAGES (4931 WORDS) Civil Engineering Seminar

Analysis and Management of Road Accident A Case Study (Ilorin- Omu Aran Road Kwara State)

ABSTRACTThe major objective of this research is to examine the variation patterns of road traffic accident in Ilorin-Omu- Aran Road, Kwara State. The study used secondary data of Accident records and vehicular situation were obtained from the Nigeria police force (NPF) and Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC). Chapter one of the projects deals and focused majorly on the general introduction which consist of the definition and meaning of road accident the aim and objectives of why ...

Edu Frontiers 39 PAGES (7567 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Investigation Into the Operation of Different Transport Agency in Kwara State (Case Study of Different Transport Motor E.G Kasmag, Emirate, Young Legacy and Kwara Express)

ABSTRACTThis project is based on Investigation into the operation of different transport agency in  Kwara Express, Young Legacy, Kasmag and Emirate service Questionnaires and oral interview method of data collections were adopted, in which about 100 questions are distributed and oral interviews carried out in the study area. The results was analysed and fuel price is the major factor that is influencing vehicle operation costs. While cost maintenance of the vehicle is also contrib...

Edu Frontiers 46 PAGES (6331 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Final Year Project Proposal on Effect Of Reprocessed Pure Water Sachet (Pws) on the Properties Of Wood Wool (A Case Study of Omo Wood Alstonia Longensis)

CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.0      INTRODUCTIONRight from when man stated to build, he has been compelled to use the locally available materials around him. Building has now become major construction material allover the world has necessitated a critical study of its constituent materials. More so, the present economic crunch calls for cost saving measures on the part of engineers/researchers involved in the management of the country’s project. ...

Edu Frontiers 49 PAGES (4260 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Design and Production of Ceiling Board Using Plaster of Paris (P.O.P) Gypsum Material

CHAPTER ONE1.0     INTRODUCTION          This project deals with the design and production of ceiling board using Plaster of Paris [POP] gypsum materials. Plaster of Paris [POP] is a white powdery mixture of gypsum. It has been named such because the first deposit of gypsum was found is Paris. This powder when mixed with water solidifies, but without losing its volume. During manufacturing process, the gypsum is heated and...

Edu Frontiers 41 PAGES (5413 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

The Effect of Admixtures on Properties of Co`Ncrete: Case Studies of Sugar, Cow Bone Ash, Groudnut Shell Ash, and Lime Stone Powder

ABSTRACT          The project titled “The effect of admixtures on properties of concrete: case study of sugar, cow bone ash, groundnut shell ash, and lime stone powder” was carried out with the aim of knowing the effect the of the various types of admixtures used on the properties of concrete, in term of the workability of concrete, durability of concrete and the concrete strength. The material used are cow bone ash, groundnut shell ...

Edu Frontiers 81 PAGES (13457 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Investigation Into Level of Services (A Case Study of Egbejila Road)

ABSTRACTThis project was executed in order to investigate into the level of service of Egbejila Road Ilorin west Local Government Kwara State and improvement options. It was carried out to determine the rigidity quality, traffic characteristics and traffic volume study of the road, which was put into consideration in order to know what really cause the failure and how to determine the improvement option for such road. It was also discussed; some of the possible effect of contractio...

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (6513 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

A Projection Report on the Effect of Geometric Properties (Shape) on the Strength of Interlocking Paving Stone

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                               iCert...

Edu Frontiers 57 PAGES (6032 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Equipment Leasing Effect and Prospect (A Case Study Access Bank Ilorin, Nigeria)

TABLE OF CONTENTTITLE PAGE                                                                              &nb...

Edu Frontiers 17 PAGES (7753 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

Bamboo Leaf Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete

Table of contentsContents                                                                 PageTitle page            ...

Edu Frontiers 12 PAGES (1081 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

An Evaluation of Budgeting and Cost Control of a Building Construction Industry

 CHAPTER ONE1.0    INTRODUCTION1.01 (Background of the study)According to Luke chapter 14 verses 28-30 which says for which of you intending to build a tower siteth not down first and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it began to mock him. The above quotation from the Bible summarizes the problem of abandoned project after committing huge financ...

Edu Frontiers 42 PAGES (9300 WORDS) Civil Engineering Project

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1 - 15 Of 304 Results

Unique and Latest Civil Engineering Project Seminar, Thesis & Presentation Topics brings you series of uncommon and exclusive civil engineering project topics. Selecting the right project topic has a major impact on your career. If you talk to professionals, they will say that the first question that is going to be asked to you if you attend an interview as a fresher, will be about your civil project topic.

It is very important to select the apt civil engineering project topic because you are going to a lot of
research on the topic that you are going to select. If you are having trouble with your engineering
topic it is a good idea to get engineering assignment help, because it is important to succeed. You
might be selecting your field of study for higher studies based on this topic. Sometimes the project
topic decides your favorite civil engineering subject.

If you are confused about the topic that need to be selected, it is because you are unable to understand your expert topic. Select a topic in which you have a good base and catch. Also writers from topessaywriting reviews help you with the paper related to the selected topic.

Then select a specialized topic out of it, after discussing with your guide. You cannot learn a lot by doing the project if you don’t have a strong and motivating guide. Choosing civil engineering project topic can be tricky. If you don’t want to do much work and you are only after the degree, please excuse, these are not the right topics for you. You better google it. Otherwise you can search for project topics

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