Replace http with https javascript


Replace Microsoft:

let text = "Visit Microsoft!";
let result = text.replace("Microsoft", "W3Schools");

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A global replacement:

let text = "Mr Blue has a blue house and a blue car";
let result = text.replace(/blue/g, "red");

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More examples below.

Definition and Usage

The replace() method searches a string for a value or a regular expression.

The replace() method returns a new string with the value(s) replaced.

The replace() method does not change the original string.


If you replace a value, only the first instance will be replaced. To replace all instances, use a regular expression with the g modifier set.

Read more about regular expressions in our:

  • RegExp Tutorial
  • RegExp Reference


string.replace(searchValue, newValue)


Parameter Description
searchValue Required.
The value, or regular expression, to search for.
newValue Required.
The new value (to replace with).

Return Value

Type Description
A string A new string where the specified value(s) has been replaced.

More Examples

A global, case-insensitive replacement:

let text = "Mr Blue has a blue house and a blue car";
let result = text.replace(/blue/gi, "red");

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A function to return the replacement text:

let text = "Mr Blue has a blue house and a blue car";
let result = text.replace(/blue|house|car/gi, function (x) {
  return x.toUpperCase();

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Browser Support

replace() is an ECMAScript1 (ES1) feature.

ES1 (JavaScript 1997) is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome IE Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

I have the following rss object on my page...[i].link

and it produces the following URL...


I would like the URL instead to start out with...


What would be the easiest way to modify this?

Thanks for any advice

There are many reasons why using HTTPS is preferred, but it’s primarily for data security. HTTPS is a secured extension of HTTP; watch this video to learn more about how it works:

If you’re still lost on how to change your HTTP website to HTTPS and get the most of it, you can read some useful tips in this guide.

Ultimately, you’d want to use a secure protocol in all linkings to avoid further confusion and errors when they redirect. Sometimes, even if you use and load secured links, some of the resources in those webpages are loaded over an insecure HTTP connection that will cause problems if left unattended.

What Does “HTTPS Links To HTTP JavaScript” Mean?

HTTPS linking to an HTTP JS means that the initial HTML or URL is loaded over a secure connection. Simply put, URLs using the secure (HTTPS) protocol will link to JavaScript over an insecure HTTP connection. However, some of the resources are loaded on a different connection, in HTTP instead of HTTPS. This is called mixed content and goes with the initial request over HTTPS, where both contents are loaded to display the same page.

What Triggers This Issue?

This issue is an instance of mixed content that occurs when HTML pages load over a secure HTTPS connection but link to resources (images, CSS, or JS) over an insecure HTTP connection. Mixed content degrades the security and user experience of your HTTPS site.

The main cause is using resources on the webpage without supporting and encrypting them over a secure connection.

How To Check the Issue

Check by either crawling the website or setting up a tool that automatically detects the issue. Crawling a website is especially useful if your content is primarily managed in a CMS:

  1. Install Composer since the mixed-content-scan command line requires PHP.
  2. Use the command line with your domain. For example, mixed-content-scan //
  3. Scan and wait for the list of results. Look for any “Warning” messages; mixed content will be listed in that category upon discovery.

If you want the issue to be automatically detected, you can use the Content Security Policy header. It will instruct your browser to notify a given URL with information about any observed mixed content warnings.

Detect whether HTTPS page links to HTTP JavaScript and go ahead to analyse the other issues on it!

Check not only the issue but make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO.

Why Is This Important?

This is because some browsers block insecure resource requests by default. If your page depends on these insecure resources, your page might not work properly when they get blocked. Consequently, requesting subresources over HTTP weakens your site’s security since it’s vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. This is when the attackers eavesdrop over a network connection and make unnecessary modifications to the communication.

How To Fix the Issue

You need to focus on your site and resources to resolve the issue. For your own domain, serve all content as HTTPS and fix your links. Often, the HTTPS version of the content already exists, and it just requires adding an “s” to links — // to //.

For JS files hosted on other domains, use the site’s HTTPS version if available. If HTTPS is not available, you can try contacting the domain and asking them if they can make the content available via HTTPS.

Iryna Krutko

SEO specialist

Iryna is SEO expert at Sitechecker. She is responsible for Web hosting categories and reviews. Obsessed with creating valuable content and analytics.

Can I replace http with https?

On the surface, changing from http to https is pretty straightforward: Purchase an SSL certificate, Install your SSL certificate on your website's hosting account, Make sure that any website links are changed from http to https so they are not broken after you flip the https switch, and.

How to replace http in javascript?

To remove // or // from a url, call the replace() method with the following regular expression - /^https?:\/\// and an empty string as parameters. The replace method will return a new string, where the // part is removed. Copied!

How do I replace https?

In the "Replace with:" field, enter the text that you want to replace. Let's say you want to replace all site URLs to https, you would enter your domain (eg. "//") in the "Search for:" field and enter the https domain (eg. "//") in the "Replace with:" field.

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