React JS Google trends

Just pretend that you are scrolling through a Facebook newsfeed or another application on your device. To make your journey exciting and hassle-free, these industry giants use handy-dandy open-source JavaScript frameworks known as Angular and React.js.

These two are the most popular frameworks up-to-date. Lets discuss the advantages of each framework. Although it is worth noting that the languages are very different, it is impossible to say unequivocally which option is better React or Angular. They are different, used to solve different problems.

At the same time, as evidenced by the Google Trends application, React and Angular were the most popular in development during previous years. Moreover, analysts promise them a resounding success in 2020-22.

Table of Contents

  • What Is the Main Difference between Angular and React?
  • Comparing React.js and Angular
  • React.js & Angular Performance: Why Does React Perform Faster?
  • Verdict: Angular vs React 2021

What Is the Main Difference between Angular and React?

The main difference between React and Angular is that the former uses a virtual Document Object Model (DOM). React is the winner when it comes to this factor.

DOM is not the only thing that makes Angular different from React. Consider other factors below.

Comparing React.js and Angular

Are you wondering why React is better than Angular (or vice versa)? First of all, it is worth noting that React was developed several years prior to Angular and has undergone many changes. As a result, it has become a convenient framework that many developers prefer to use.

In addition, React has a vast number of codes in its database (about 100 thousand), as well as ready-made solutions (300 of them). The program is essentially an open-source library. The main difference between Angular and React is that the former has a wireframe structure. In its database, Angular has 1,800 ready-made solutions. However, this framework is rather large in size.

Both frameworks work with native and web applications.

  • Native applications are developed with React Native
  • Cross-platform (Android, iOS) is developed with React Native Renderer


  • Native apps are developed with NativeScript
  • Hybrid application development takes place with the Ionic Framework

At the same time, each of the frameworks has its benefits and drawbacks. Lets dwell on this in more detail.

Companies that use Angular

  • PayPal
  • Upwork
  • The Guardian
  • Nike
  • Google
  • HBO
  • Sony
  • General Motors

Companies that use React.js

  • Airbnb
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Alipay
  • Netflix
  • Reddit

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of React?

React.js is a JavaScript library for user interface (UI) development introduced in May 2013. Facebook manages this framework. Also, it has a widespread, open-source community of developers.

  • This framework is based on simple programming languages
  • The extreme flexibility of the application
  • Usage of the DOM
  • The framework can withstand heavy loads
  • React and SEO get along well. It is easier for search bots to browse websites and improve user interaction with your resource
  • Ensures that parental data remains unchanged
  • Has an open-data library
  • Low database weight
  • Provides a seamless migration between versions

As for the disadvantages, there are fewer of them:

  • Irregularity of documentation
  • A large selection of tools
  • It takes a long time to master all the nuances
  • Now, lets move on to the features of Angular

Advantages and Disadvantages of Angular

It is another open-sourced JavaScript framework for web & mobile software development known since September 2016. Googles Angular Team manages Angular. The native community is growing at a pretty impressive pace. Six versions of this framework were already released.

Angular has the following advantages:

  • A large number of various features
  • Functions are interdependent
  • Information can be obtained directly, with no third parties involved
  • It is possible to work in one section of the program using the available data
  • Minimal risk of errors

At the same time, Angular has such drawbacks, as:

  • It is based on a complex programming language
  • Possible errors during migration between versions

Angular under the Loop

Now, we have briefly listed the main pros and cons of Angular. It is time to dig deeper into this topic and explain when Angular might suit your project. Is it better than React? When it comes to mobile software development, Angular has an extra framework for it, just like React. Still, a great share of work is done by Ionic. No matter whether a developer plans to create web applications of small, middle, or large size, Angular will do.

No extra modules are usually needed to create software with its help. The angular package alone is enough to implement such functions as data binding and dependency injection.
Google provides the ongoing support of Angular, which adds credibility to this framework. Still, the updates are so frequent that the documentation falls behind.

  • Web Components Support

Angular Web Components are based on the new Web Components standard, unlike the closed AngularJS modularization system. In practice, this means that AngularJS allows you to directly use any component written as a Web Component without resorting to layout code.

  • Using Typescript

The biggest commercial advantage of TypeScript is its toolkit. This language provides modern autocomplete, navigation, and refactoring. Such tools become almost indispensable when working on large-scale projects.

  • Angular CLI

The command line input (CLI) of the Angular framework makes it easy to create an application that works by default. This is in line with the best modern trends.

  • Excellent Performance

Angular doesnt conduct a deep comparative analysis of objects. If you add an element to the data array, no path change will be detected. This also applies to the properties of the object, as long as they are not directly related to the View.

Angulars Functionality

  1. Feature 1: Two-way binding, which allows developers to change data in one or more interface element(s).
  2. Feature 2: Reactive applications. Developers can quickly create the necessary products. They function without the need for a reboot and instantly appear when a user is moving to a new page. Work with users is carried out asynchronously. Moreover, the background interface improves the work and ensures convenient usage.
  3. Feature 3: Directives. With their help, the developer can describe the elements and enlarge the HTML code. Angular websites contain only basic directives. Directives can be extended, and self-created directives can be applied to other apps.
  4. Feature 4: Delayed loading. This feature provides the application with what it really needs for a given page.
  5. Feature 5: Fast rendering. Thanks to the use of shadow DOM technology, rendering is four times faster than in the previous version.
  6. Feature 6: Material design. Angular Material UI has a great look and is easy to use.

As for the pitfalls, here are some details that you should consider:

  • The variety of structures (Injectables, Components, Pipes, Modules, etc.) makes the learning process rather complicated compared to React and Vue.js that only have a Component.
  • Relatively slow performance, given the various metrics. On the other hand, this can be easily solved using the so-called ChangeDetectionStrategy, which helps control the process of rendering components manually.

React.js under the Loop

Above, we have briefly listed the main pros and cons of React.js. It is time to dig deeper into this topic and explain when React might suit your project. Is it better than Angular? React cannot cope with the development process on its own. A developer should be ready that they may have to install additional modules and libraries. For example, this framework has to be incorporated with Cordova. Also, theres an extra component known as React Native. With the help of this framework, its possible to come up with website apps of different sizes, from small one-page solutions to multiple-page applications.

When using React.js, the software requires extra libraries to be used. Its necessary to optimize various processes. Plus, functions like project generation and form validation demand extra modules.

React is regularly updated. Thus, the one who chooses React.js to design and build software must be a patient, continuous learner. Also, the developers risk missing some important updates even though the native community does its best to provide developers with the most recent docs and materials. Community support on relevant forums can come in handy when solving various issues.

  • Separation of Data from Its Presentation
    Although React components have the concept of state, they are more suitable for short-term storage.
  • Easy to Start Writing
    Writing code in React is very similar to working in HTML, making it easy to start writing code without missing the syntax.
  • Binding to the DOM Doesnt Matter
    Say, if in the last five years a developer has already written some front-end components with or without a framework, they should understand all the complexities of the DOM elements functionality.

React.js & Angular Performance: Why Does React Perform Faster?

React is quicker than Angular, and here is why. This library has a zipped file size of 34.8KB, allowing you to:

  • Use a virtual DOM for max efficiency by simply re-rendering nodes;
  • Support server-side rendering for enhanced social activities and improved SEO;
  • Support bundling to reduce the end users resource load.

It is an open-source library. What does it mean? Basically, anyone can access and master React. This framework provides a declarative method for defining UI components. React DOM is an associated library that provides rendering and DOM diffing. Redux is a library that provides data storage, and React-Redux connects React and Redux.

React features are simpler than anyone may think. A developer does not need to create a class, as well as use extends and a constructor. The main problem is that many people misuse classes. With pure features, its harder to write bad code. In any case, expert developers from Intellisoft guarantee that all classes will be used properly, and the final product will be mistake-free, thanks to their expertise.

As for the pitfalls, here are some details that you should consider:

Build tools are required, and the only problem with using them in JavaScript is that there are no standard reusable solutions for your projects. This can significantly increase the time you spend translating ideas into code.

React is not a framework, so working with it can be frustrating. You know, when you have a burning deadline for projects and the first page of your React directory no longer works, you can get out of your temper.

Finally, the React community is not yet formed. Thus, it is not that easy to solve all of the possible issues fast.

Testing in Angular & React.js

Because of the upgrades, the codebases expand exponentially. Manual unit is a rather time-consuming process, so its better to automate them. Here are some ideas:

Angular Karma & Jasmine

The first one is the default option for the native apps. This test runner suits diversified requirements to match the workflow. The idea is to examine the piece of software on multiple devices in different browsers and ensure smooth code functioning.

The second one, it is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for conducting software testing. It does not require a DOM. Jasmine is independent of any JavaScript framework.

React Enzyme and Jest

The first option is suitable for React only. It allows for swift examination and interaction with components. Enzyme adds extra features to the testing process.

The second option is compatible with any JavaScript app like Angular. Facebook applies Jest to examine its services and React apps.

Both tools integrate well with each other.

Angular & React.js Use Cases

Case #1: React is easier to apply for software with a complex user interface (UI). Its learning curve is way shorter than for many other languages.

Case #2: Angular is a full package as it possesses multiple built-in features. Its not professional to compare these features with a JavaScript library such as React.

Verdict: Angular vs React 2021

Angular has been on the market since 2010, unlike React, which came out in 2013, so it can be unequivocally stated that the Angular community is much larger.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution choose what best suits your requirements in the long run.

AboutKosta Mitrofanskiy
A technology expert and entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in the web & software development business. Kosta used to occupy various positions, from technical to managerial & executive roles. Worked in both corporate and start-up environments. Currently runs Intellisoft Company as its CEO.


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