Python convert timezone aware datetime to utc

In this article, we will discuss how to create a timezone-aware datetime object in Python. It means the tzinfo attribute in the datetime object should not be empty and contain the specified timezone info.

In Python’s datetime module, the datetime class has an attribute tzinfo, which contains the timezone information. If you create a naive datetime object i.e. a datetime object without timezone information, then the tzinfo in the datetime object will be null. There are two techniques to create a datetime object with timezone information i.e.

  1. By passing the tzinfo i.e. timezone information in the datetime contsructor while creating datetime object.
  2. By creating a naive datetime i.e. without timezone information and then assigning the timezone later.

Let’s see examples of both the techniques one by one.

Create timezone aware datetime object by passing tzinfo in the constructor

Create datetime object with UTC timezone

To create a datetime object with UTC timezone, pass the pytz.UTC as tzinfo argument in the datetime constructor. For example,

from datetime import datetime import pytz # Create datetime object with UTC timezone dt_obj = datetime( 2021, # Year 10, # Month 4, # Day 9, # Hours 10, # Minutes 34, # Seconds 300030, # Microseconds tzinfo=pytz.UTC ) print(dt_obj) print(dt_obj.tzinfo)



2021-10-04 09:10:34.300030+00:00 UTC

It created a datetime object with UTC timezone. We confirmed it by checking that tzinfo attribute of the datetime object is not null.

Create datetime object with US/Alaska timezone

To create a datetime object with US/Alaska timezone, call the localize() function on pytz.timezone(‘US/Alaska’) and pass the datetime object as argument. For example,

from datetime import datetime import pytz # Create datetime object with US/Eastern timezone dt_obj = datetime( 2021, # Year 10, # Month 4, # Day 9, # Hours 10, # Minutes 34, # Seconds 300030, # Microseconds ) dt_obj = pytz.timezone('US/Alaska').localize(dt_obj) print(dt_obj) print(dt_obj.tzinfo)


2021-10-04 09:10:34.300030-08:00 US/Alaska

It created a datetime object with ‘US/Alaska‘ timezone. We confirmed it by checking that tzinfo attribute of datetime object is not null.

Create datetime object with current time in local timezone

To create a datetime object with the current time in the local timezone, we need first to fetch the local timezone and then pass it to function. It will return the current time in the local timezone. For example,

from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz import pytz # Get local timezone local_zone = tz.tzlocal() # Create datetime object with current time in local timezone dt_obj = = local_zone) print(dt_obj) print(dt_obj.tzinfo)


2021-10-17 12:09:14.172141+05:30 tzlocal()

It created a datetime object containing the current time in the local timezone. We confirmed it by checking that tzinfo attribute of the datetime object is not null.

Create datetime object with current time in a specific timezone

To create a datetime object with current time in a specific timezone, we can call the function with timezone information as the argument. For example,

from datetime import datetime import pytz dt_obj = = pytz.timezone('US/Alaska')) print(dt_obj) print(dt_obj.tzinfo)


2021-10-16 22:46:56.794783-08:00 US/Alaska

It created a datetime object containing the current time in a specified timezone. We confirmed it by checking that tzinfo attribute of the datetime object is not null.

Create a naive datetime and add timezone information to it

You can also create a naive datetime object first. It will not contain any timezone information. It means tzinfo attribute of the datetime object will be null. Then you can assign the timezone to this naive datetime object later, to make it timezone aware datetime object. For example,

from datetime import datetime import pytz # Create datetime object with current time without timezone dt_obj = print(dt_obj) # tzinfo of datetime object is null print('tzinfo of datetime object : ', dt_obj.tzinfo) # Assign the timezone to naive datetime object dt_obj = pytz.timezone('US/Alaska').localize(dt_obj) print(dt_obj) # tzinfo of datetime object is not null print('tzinfo of datetime object : ', dt_obj.tzinfo)


2021-10-17 12:26:31.670354 tzinfo of datetime object : None 2021-10-17 12:26:31.670354-08:00 tzinfo of datetime object : US/Alaska

tzinfo attribute of the datetime object was initially null. After we assigned a timezone to it using the localize() function, the tzinfo contained the timezone information.


Today, we learned how to create timezone-aware datetime objects in Python or attach a timezone to the naïve datetime objects.

How do you convert timezone to UTC in Python?

How to convert local datetime to UTC in Python.
local_time = pytz. timezone("America/New_York").
naive_datetime = datetime. datetime. ... .
local_datetime = local_time. localize(naive_datetime, is_dst=None) ... .
utc_datetime = local_datetime. astimezone(pytz. ... .
print(utc_datetime) Output..

How do you convert datetime to UTC?

The ToUniversalTime method converts a DateTime value from local time to UTC. To convert the time in a non-local time zone to UTC, use the TimeZoneInfo. ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime, TimeZoneInfo) method. To convert a time whose offset from UTC is known, use the ToUniversalTime method.

Is Python datetime timezone aware?

Timezone-aware objects are Python DateTime or time objects that include timezone information. An aware object represents a specific moment in time that is not open to interpretation.

How do I convert a date from one time zone to another in Python?

how to convert time from one timezone to another in python.
from datetime import datetime..
from pytz import timezone..
format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z".
# Current time in UTC..
now_utc = datetime. now(timezone('UTC')).
print(now_utc. strftime(format)).
# Convert to Asia/Kolkata time zone..
now_asia = now_utc..

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