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Sample records for lateral perangkat elektronik

  1. Sistem Informasi Manajamen Perangkat Elektronik Berbasis Web

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    Budi Sunaryo


    Full Text Available Smarthome merupakan salah satu implementasi konsep Internet of Things (IoT yang memungkinkan untuk mengontrol dan memonitoring perangkat elektronik melalui jaringan internet. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah sistem smarthome yang mendukung sinkronisasi pengontrolan hidup dan matinya perangkat elektronik melalui switch, aplikasi web dan time scheduling dengan database. Untuk mendukung sistem tersebut digunakan beberapa tools pendukung seperti Apache, MySQL, dan PHP serta hardware berupa arduino dan raspberry pi.  Sementara itu, metode pemodelan agile dengan pendekatan scrum digunakan dalam perancangan sistem ini. Penelitian ini diimplementasikan dalam sebuah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perangkat Elektronik berbasis web yang bernama SIMPEL. Aplikasi SIMPEL memberikan kemudahan dalam mengendalikan perangkat elektronik yang ada di rumah.


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    I Wayan Sutaya


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan RTOS (Real Time Operating System pada perangkat elektronik berbasis mikrokontroler AVR 8 bit sehingga didapatkan peningkatan kinerja pada perangkat tersebut. RTOS yang digunakan adalah freeRTOS dimana RTOS ini mendukung mikrokontroler 8 bit, berukuran kecil, dan bersifat open source. Hasil penelitian ini berguna bagi praktisi-praktisi elektronika dalam hal menekan biaya produksi pembuatan perangkat elektronik berbasis mikrokontroler 8 bit karena resource yang digunakan bisa dikurangi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian pengembangan (Research and development dengan cara membuat studi kasus perangkat elektronik yang berbasis mikrokontroler. Perangkat elektronik yang dibuat adalah unit kendali elektronik pada sepeda motor. Selanjutnya mikrokontroler pada perangkat ini diprogram dengan menggunakan dua skenario. Skenario pertama adalah tanpa menggunakan RTOS dan skenario kedua dengan menggunakan RTOS. Dari dua skenario ini dilakukan pengujian dan analisis untuk mengetahui besar peningkatan kinerja yang didapat.


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    Siti Rochimah


    Full Text Available Digital signage adalah suatu alat untuk menampilkan konten multimedia kepada umum. Digital signage pada umumnya terdiri dari dua komponen penting, yaitu manager dan player. Digital Signage Manager (DSM adalah suatu perangkat lunak yang mempunyai fungsi mengelola perangkat lunak Digital Signage Player (DSP. Pengelolaan ini menyangkut pengaturan dan pengiriman konten, pengaturan DSP, dan pengaturan konten yang ada di DSP. Pada penelitian ini telah dibangun sebuah perangkat lunak DSM, yang merupakan bentuk pengembangan dari perangkat lunak yang sebelumnya telah ada yaitu BZNP-100, yang tidak lain adalah perangkat lunak untuk mengelola Sony Network Player NSP-100. DSM dibangun dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi kekurangan dan menambah beberapa fitur tambahan yang belum ada pada perangkat lunak sebelumnya, seperti: mendukung material Flash, mengirim Content Delivery Disc (CDD, menjadwalkan playlist, dan mendukung dua layar. BZNP-100 dan Sony Network Player NSP-100 merupakan digital signage yang dibuat oleh perusahaan elektronik Sony Corporation pada tahun 2003.Uji coba perangkat lunak DSM ini dilakukan dengan menjalankan skenario uji coba berdasarkan fungsionalitas masing-masing fitur. Uji coba dilakukan pada masing-masing fitur antara lain: login, konfigurasi, pembuatan material, manajemen DSP, manajemen playlist, memainkan material dan playlist, dan manajemen remote material dan playlist. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa perangkat lunak DSM telah berfungsi sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan.Kata kunci: Digital signage, Digital Signage Manager (DSM, Digital Signage Player (DSP, Content Delivery Disc (CDD, plasma TV,  LCD.


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    Sutarsi Suhaeb


    Full Text Available Abstract. Stick Design Electronics For Blind And Microcontroller-Based Sensor Ultrasonic Atmega8535. The purpose of this research is to create hardware and software detection of objects with the ultrasonic sensor using a microcontroller ATMEL ATMega 8535, do the testing tool that can detect objects in the blind about people with disabilities in order to function properly. This study uses its engineering product design or direct observations, ie observations on how the microcontroller as the application process with multiple input and output devices. Performance of this electronic stick, which the system uses a microcontroller ATMega8535 this tool as a main controller and ultrasonic sensors SRF04 as measuring the distance to the obstacle or object. As a Buzzer output is used as an indicator of the voice of the beeb and DC motor as vibrator stick. Source of data derived from the results of stress measurement and observation. From the test results it can be concluded that the design of the stick electronics designed from some parts of the circuit microcontroller, a series of minimum system, module ultrasonic sensors SRF04, Buzzer, DC motors, LCD modules, series regulator and battery lipo 3 cell to detect obstacles or objects that can reached by the ultrasonic sensor, which is an electronic wand indicators such as voice sounds beeb and shakes that will be active when the ultrasonic sensors detect obstacles or objects in a certain range. From the test results it can be concluded that the electronic blind cane is quite satisfactory, since the results of comparative testing the response of electronic wand to wand blind judged from the aspect of effectiveness, convenience, safety, and excellence.Abstrak. Desain Tongkat Elektronik Bagi Tunanetra Berbasis Sensor Ultrasonik dan Mikrokontroller Atmega8535. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat perangkat keras dan lunak pendeteksi benda dengan sensor ultrasonic menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMEL ATMega 8535, melakukan pengetesan alat yang dapat mendeteksi benda-benda di sekitar penderita cacat tunanetra agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rekayasa yang sifatnya rancang produk atau pengamatan secara langsung, yaitu pengamatan terhadap cara kerja mikrokontroler sebagai perangkat proses dengan aplikasi beberapa perangkat input dan output. Kinerja tongkat elektronik ini, dimana sistem alat ini menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega8535 sebagai pengendali utamanya dan sensor ultrasonik SRF04 sebagai pengukur jarak terhadap penghalang atau objek. Sebagai output digunakan sebuah Buzzer sebagai indikator bunyi suara beeb dan Motor DC sebagai penggetar tongkat. Sumber data berasal dari hasil pengukuran tegangan dan hasil pengamatan. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Desain tongkat elektronik dirancang dari beberapa bagian yaitu rangkaian mikrokontroller, rangkaian sistem minimum, modul sensor ultrasonik SRF04, buzzer, motor DC, modul LCD, rangkaian regulator dan baterai lipo 3 cell ini untuk mendeteksi penghalang atau objek yang dapat dijangkau oleh sensor ultrasonik, dimana indikator tongkat elektronik ini berupa suara bunyi beeb dan getar yang akan aktif ketika sensor ultrasonic mendeteksi penghalang atau objek pada jangkauan tertentu. Dari hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tongkat elektronik tunanetra ini cukup memuaskan, karena hasil respon pengujian perbandingan tongkat elektronik dengan tongkat tunanetra yang dinilai dari aspek keefektifan, kemudahan, keamanan, dan keunggulan.Kata Kunci: Tongkat Elektronik , Sensor Ultrasonik, Mirokontroller ATMega8535

  5. Digital Rights Management Sebagai Solusi Keamanan Dokumen Elektronik


    Kurniawan, Agus


    Perkembangan dokumen elektronik yang pesat dan mudah diakses berdampak semakin sulitnya dalam membatasi informasi ketika ingin membatasi akses terhadap informasi pada dokumen elektronik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan mekanisme untuk menjaga informasi pada dokumen elektronik hanya dapat diakses oleh yang berhak dan tersimpan dengan aman. Pendekatan solusi dapat menerapkan Digital Rights Management pada dokumen elektronik sehingga pemilik dokumen elektronik aka lebih aman menyimpannya ataupun mel...


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    Hermin Budiningarti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sejumlah perangkat pembelajaran yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh mahasiswa. Melalui perkuliahan Teaching Learning Process 3 (TLP 3 yang berisi pengkajian tentang model-model pembelajaran selama ini disajikan secara teoritis melalui tatap muka, pemodelan, workshop, dan praktek pembelajaran dalam forum, perangkat tersebut dioptimalkan. Standar kompetensi mata kuliah tersebut adalah mahasiswa terampil merancang dan mengelola proses pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran diskusi kelas (class discussion,  penemuan terbimbing (guided discovery, dan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah (problem based learning. Kompetensi ini akan lebih mudah tercapai bilamana mahasiswa sebelumnya dibekali dengan kemampuan menilai sebuah perangkat pembelajaran terkait kesesuaiannya dengan model pembelajaran yang diterapkan. Pada penelitian ini, perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah (PBI karya mahasiswa terdahulu dinilai oleh mahasiswa dan dosen dengan menggunakan instrumen yang sama (IPKG1 menghasilkan penilaian X1 dan X2. Setelah itu mahasiswa merancang perangkat pembelajaran model PBI dan dinilai oleh dosen menggunakan IPKG1 dan menghasilkan penilaian Y1. Perangkat pembelajaran PBI yang telah dihasilkan kemudian disimulasikan oleh mahasiswa dan dinilai oleh dosen dengan menggunakan IPKG2 menghasilkan penilaian Y2. Analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi dan analisis jalur (path analysis. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan beberapa temuan: 1 Tingkat kesesuaian penilaian perangkat PBI oleh mahasiswa dan dosen cukup tinggi dengan korelasi yang tinggi, 2 Keterampilan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah untuk skala 0-100 berada pada kisaran 77,94-97,06 dengan rata-rata 87,04 yang berarti baik. Penilaian contoh perangkat oleh mahasiswa dan dosen tidak berkorelasi dan tidak memberikan dampak atas keterampilan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran model PBL, 3 Keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan model PBL untuk skala 0-100 berada pada kisaran 78-90 dengan rata-rata 82,69 yang berarti baik. Hubungan antara keterampilan pengembangan perangkat yang telah dilakukan mahasiswa dan keterampilan melaksanakan pembelajaran menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan.

  7. Hasil Cetak Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik Sebagai Alat Bukti Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Melalui Media Daring

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    Aris Hardinanto


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dan perubahan dunia menjadi sangat cepat sebagai akibat dari kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama teknologi transportasi dan komunikasi telah membuat berbagai kemudahan terhadap mobilitas masyarakat. Arus perkembangan informasi antar negara tidak dapat lagi dikendalikan oleh pemerintah, sehingga peran dalam mengendalikan arus mobiltias penduduk melalui jejaring sosial. Pertumbuhan yang seperti ini mengakibatkan perubahan sosial di masyarakat seluruh dunia, lintas batas negara. Kejahatan jenis baru sebagai dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi informasi muncul seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Kejahatan menggunakan media teknologi informasi atau komputer dan internet disebut Computer Related Crime atau Cybercrime. Kedudukan alat bukti sebagai penegak hukum pidana materiil menjadi parameter hakim untuk memutus suatu perkara. Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik memberikan ruang terhadap hasil cetak alat bukti elektronik dalam cybercrime sebagai alat bukti yang sah. Hasil cetak alat bukti elektronik sah apabila alat bukti elektronik itu dapat dijamin keasliannya. Dengan demikian kedudukan alat bukti elektronik dalam cybercrime memiliki kriteria yang ketat dibanding alat bukti konvensional. Metode penelitian dalam jurnal ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach, pendekatan kasus (case approach serta pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach Kata kunci: alat bukti elektronik, cybercrime. 


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    Khakim Ghozali


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Sifat dasar dari perangkat lunak selalu berkembang sehingga sulit untuk memprediksikan secara akurat biaya pengembangan dari sebuah produk perangkat lunak yang sedang dikembangkan tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan proses untuk mengembangkan model yang dapat secara konstruktif menjelaskan siklus perkembangan perangkat lunak dan menyediakan sebuah dasar rekayasa untuk pertimbangan mengenai prediksi biaya untuk pengembangan sebuah produk perangkat lunak. Pada makalah ini dibuat aplikasi yang memprediksikan biaya pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan referensi model COCOMO II. Terdapat model yang memprediksi biaya pengembangan pada tahap awal proyek ketika sangat sedikit pengetahuan tentang ukuran dari produk yang sedang dikembangkan, karakter dari platform, karakter dari personal yang terlibat pada proyek, spesifikasi detail  dari proses yang digunakan (Early Design dan model yang lebih detail, yang digunakan ketika arsitektur life cycle perangkat lunak telah dikembangkan (Post Architecture. Pada model ini terdapat kemampuan yang merupakan rumpun penyesuai dari model pengukuran perangkat lunak, melibatkan poin fungsi (Function Point dan baris kode (Source Lines of Code. Terdapat juga model nonlinear untuk penggunaan kembali perangkat lunak, rekayasa ulang dan perubahan kebutuhan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk perangkat lunak adalah Waterfall dan MBASE. Prediksi biaya dan jadwal yang dihasilkan selain estimasi most likely juga pesimistik dan optimistik, sehingga kisaran yang diberikan lebih besar.   Kata Kunci : COCOMO II 2000, rekayasa, perangkat lunak, model.

  9. Pemanfaatan Jurnal Elektronik oleh Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin

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    Harisyah Harisyah


    Full Text Available Jurnal merupakan referensi yang paling sering digunakan sebagai dasar dalam melakukan penelitian di perguruan tinggi, karena materi-materi yang dipublikasikan merupakan materi terkini dan merupakan hasil temuan atau hasil penelitian. Pada saat sekarang ini, munculnya jurnal elektronik mengakibatkan perpustakaan lebih memilih untuk berlangganan jurnal elektronik dibanding dengan media cetak. Hal ini dikarenakan jurnal elektronik lebih mudah diakses dibandingkan dengan jurnal cetak. UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin merupakan salah satu perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yang melanggan jurnal elektronik. Akan tetapi, jurnal elektronik yang dilanggan oleh UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin belum dimanfaatkan secara merata oleh mahasiswa khususnya Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin. Mahasiswa tidak memanfaatkan jurnal elektronik tersebut bukan dikarenakan mereka tidak membutuhkan jurnal elektronik yang telah dilanggan. Akan tetapi, sebahagian besar dari mahasiswa  belum mengetahui adanya jurnal elektronik yang telah dilanggan oleh UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin. Abstract :  Journal is one of information forms. It is often used as a primary source to research, mostly in higher education. Journal, as many defined it, consists of contemporary thoughts and knowledge, and research findings as well. Nowadays, electronic journals are considered as the main option for many higher institutions to subscribe compared to its printed form. It is due to the easiness and accessable usage. UPT Perpustakaan Hasanuddin (Hasanuddin University Library is one of those academic libraries that has been subscribed electronic journals. Nevertheless, those electronic journals were lack of usage by degree medical students. The main reason was the lack of promotion or dissemination by the library.


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    Desmira Desmira


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan Energi listrik yang diperlukan untuk kehidupan manusia sehari-hari sangat meningkat. Penggunaan energi listrik dewasa ini tidak sesuai dengan penggunaan pada umumnya yang membiarkan peralatan elektronik atau penerangan pada sebuah rumah tetap menyala pada saat tidak dipergunakan. Dengan peristiwa tersebut, terpikirlah untuk menghasilkan Smarthome yang dapat mengontrol peralatan elektronik dari jauh menggunakan Mini PC Raspberry pi dan Smartphone android. Pemanfaatan Raspberry pi adalah untuk mengontrol dan memonitoring peralatan elektronik melalui web yang diperintahkan oleh Smartphone Android, kemudian dikomunikasikan kepada mikrokontroller AVR ATMega328 untuk menyalakan relay yang tersambung ke perangkat elektronik. Berdasarkan pembahasan dan pengujian, dapat ditemukan kelebihan dan kelemahan rancangan Smarthome menggunakan Raspberry berkomunikasi Wireless berbasis Microcontroller AVR ATMega328. Dalam sistem ini, user melakukan komunikasi dari aplikasi android menuju Raspberry yang kemudian dikirimkan oleh transiver dan diterima oleh reciver lalu dibaca oleh mikrokontroler yang membuat lampu atau alat elektronik menyala. Dengan demikian dapat memberikan solusi dalam mengontrol perangkat elektronik yang ada di dalam rumah dengan cara pengontrolan terpusat pada sebuah Smartphone android disertai media internet yang meringankan kerja manusia dan mengoptimalisasikan kenyamanan dan keamanaan dari sebuah rumah. Kata kunci: rumah pintar, mini pc, raspberry pi, android smartphone, mikrokontroler AVR ATmega328.

  11. Implementasi Sistem Bluetooth menggunakan Android dan Arduino untuk Kendali Peralatan Elektronik




    ABSTRAKDalam suatu ruangan yang dipenuhi peralatan elektronik, remote control sangatlah penting. Keterbatasan sebuah remote control untuk mengendalikan hanya satu peralatan elektronik tentu menjadi kendala tersendiri. Untuk mengurangi kendala tersebut direalisasikan remote control yang dapat mengendalikan seluruh peralatan elektronik menggunakan perantara Bluetooth yang terintegrasi pada Android dan Arduino. Android akan mengirimkan perintah pada Arduino melalui Bluetooth, Arduino menerjemahk...


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    Ummi Aisyah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran kompetensi sulit matematika SMA di Provinsi Riau yang berkualitas baik/layak yaitu valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran kompetensi sulit matematika SMA dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel yang telah dimodifikasi sehingga hanya memuat tahap pen-definisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran kompetensi sulit matematika SMA yang meliputi silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP, lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS, dan instrumen tes. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa silabus, RPP, LKS yang dikembangkan memiliki kategori sangat valid untuk masing-masing silabus, RPP, LKS, dan test instrument. Hasil uji coba lapangan menunjukkan bahwa perangkat yang dikembangkan praktis dan efektif. Kepraktisan mencapai hasil sangat baik ditinjau dari penilaian guru dan siswa. Keefektifan ditinjau dari ketuntasan belajar siswa dan hasil observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Secara klasikal ketuntasan belajar mencapai 84,38%. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah layak untuk digunakan. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, perangkat pembelajaran, kompetensi sulit matematika

  13. Penambangan Proses Yang Mendukung Penilaian Perangkat Lunak Dengan Cobit4.1


    Setiawan, Nanang Yudi; Sarwosri, Sarwosri


    Ide dasar di Balik software process improvement - SPI menjadi alasan bahwa proses perangkat lunak berkualitas baik merupakan prasyarat bagi produk perangkat lunak berkualitas baik. Oleh karenanya, proses dalam perangkat lunak perlu untuk terus dinilai dan ditingkatkan. COBIT merupakan salah satu kerangka SPI yang dapat menjadi acuan ketercapaian kualitas perangkat lunak. Untuk mendukung penilaian proses, penelitian ini mengusulkan penerapan teknik penambangan proses (process mining) dalam pen...

  14. Perancangan & Simlasi Security LAN Dengan Perangkat CISCO


    Asma, Nur


    Perancangan ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak CISCO paket tracer. Biasanya dalam satu gedung fakultas mahasiswa berada dalam satu LAN sedangkan komputer dosen berada pada LAN lain. Hal ini sepertinya sudah sewajarna terjadi mengingat keadaan jaringan yang terhubung secara fisik. Jadi tujuan perancangan ini adalah membangun sistem keamanan LAN dengan sistem VLAN dan dijalankan dengan perangkat CISCO dari paket tracer. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) merupakan salah satu tek...

  15. Perilaku Masyarakat Kabupaten Belitung Terhadap Layanan Isi Ulang Pulsa Telepon Seluler Elektronik

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    Kasmad Ariansyah


    Full Text Available Telepon seluler prabayar merupakan telepon seluler yang pembayaran pulsanya dilakukan diawal dengan membeli voucher pulsa dengan nominal tertentu. Pada awalnya pulsa telepon seluler prabayar hanya dijual dalam bentuk kartu berbahan kertas dengan kode-kode tertentu diatasnya.  Sekarang kita sudah menemui layanan isi ulang pulsa secara elektronik. Penggunaan voucher telepon berbentuk fisik yang berbahan kertas, tidak sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang sedang menggalakkan paperless. Terlebih Jumlah pelanggan seluler di Indonesia yang demikian besar, pada awal 2012 ATSI mencatat  sekitar 240 juta orang Indonesia menggunakan layanan seluler dan sebagian besarnya adalah pelanggan prabayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran perilaku dan konstruk-konstruk yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Kabupaten Belitung terhadap layanan isi ulang pulsa telepon seluler secara elektronik dan diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu masukan bagi penyusunan strategi meningkatkan adopsi layanan isi ulang secara elektronik. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah konstruk perceived of usefullness dan personal innovativeness secara positif dan signifikan mempengaruhi minat berperilaku dalam menggunakan voucher elektronik pada masyarakat di Kabupaten Belitung. Sedangkan dua konstruk lainnya yaitu social influence dan perceived cost pengaruhnya tidak signifikan.


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    Cahyo Budi Utomo


    Full Text Available The importance of metacognitive based history learning in the high school level as requested in the “curriculum 2013” is the main background of this research. The research is focused to find the model of development of metacognitive based learning through research and development (R&D type research. The results showed an essential component in achieving successful management of metacognitive based history learning in high school education which the curriculum as a core competency analysis and basic competencies, lesson plan development, and the development of assessment tools. Development model of metacognitive based learning at high school education have main characteristic of the inclusion of explicit metacognitive learning goals and assignments and devices equipped with a rubric and assessment questionnaire. Metacognitive based history learning instructional tools that are developed in senior high school level has been carried out as optimally as possible by involving history teachers in the process of development and testing through focus group discussions and questionnaire.Keywords: Model, Instructional tool, Metacognitive, senior high school levelPentingnya orientasi metakognitif dalam perangkat pembelajaran sejarah jenjang SMA sebagaimana yang dikehendaki dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 merupakan latar belakang utama penelitian ini. Penelitian difokuskan untuk menemukan model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi metakognitif melalui penelitian berjenis riset dan pengembangan (R&D. Metode penelitian R&D dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahap utama yaitu: tahap studi pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan, dan tahap uji publik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komponen esensial dalam mewujudkan keberhasilan penge-lolaan pembelajaran sejarah berorientasi metakognitif pada jenjang pendidikan SMA adalah kurikulum sebagai bahan analisis kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar, pengembangan RPP, dan pengembangan perangkat assesmen. Model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran sejarah berorientasi metakognitif pada jenjang pendi-dikan SMA yang dikembangkan memiliki ciri utama pada pencantuman tujuan pembelajaran metakognitif secara eksplisit dan dilengkapi dengan penugasan dan perangkat assesmen berupa rubrik dan angket. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran sejarah berorientasi metakognitif pada jenjang pendidikan SMA telah dilaksanakan seoptimal mungkin dengan melibatkan guru dalam proses pengembangan dan pengujian melalui FGD dan pengisian angket.Kata Kunci: Model, Perangkat Pembelajaran, Metakognitif, Jenjang SMA  

  17. Aplikasi Pemantau Perangkat Jaringan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Protokol SNMP dan Notifikasi SMS

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    Shofa Taftazanie


    Full Text Available Device monitoring tool on a computer network is required by the administrator to perform management of the device. This research produces web applications using PHP that is capable of monitoring and collecting device information on the network. This app uses SNMP and syslog protocols to perform monitoring on the device. Device information will be collected on the monitor server and displayed in web-based applications. This app using crontab to be able to monitor every minute. This application can also send a warning message in the form of SMS and email to the administrator when an error occurs on the device so that handling is expected to be faster done. This web application can make it easier for administrators to monitor devices anywhere. Pemantauan perangkat pada suatu jaringan komputer sangat diperlukan oleh administrator untuk melakukan manajemen perangkat tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi web menggunakan PHP yang mampu melakukan pemantauan dan pengumpulan informasi perangkat di jaringan. Aplikasi ini menggunakan protokol SNMP dan syslog untuk melakukan pemantauan pada perangkat. Informasi perangkat akan dikumpulkan pada server monitor dan ditampilkan pada aplikasi berbasis web. Aplikasi menggunakan crontab agar dapat melakukan pemantauan setiap menit. Aplikasi juga dapat mengirimkan pesan peringatan berupa SMS dan email kepada administrator saat terjadi kesalahan pada perangkat server sehingga penanganan diharapkan dapat lebih cepat dilakukan. Aplikasi web ini dapat mempermudah administrator dalam memantau perangkat dimana saja.

  18. Perancangan dan Simulasi Security LAN dengan Perangkat Cisco


    Asma, Nur


    Perancangan ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak CISCO paket tracer. Biasanya dalam satu gedung fakultas mahasiswa berada dalam satu LAN sedangkan komputer dosen berada pada LAN lain. Hal ini sepertinya sudah sewajarna terjadi mengingat keadaan jaringan yang terhubung secara fisik. Jadi tujuan perancangan ini adalah membangun sistem keamanan LAN dengan sistem VLAN dan dijalankan dengan perangkat CISCO dari paket tracer. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) merupakan salah satu tek...

  19. PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound

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    Muchamad Subali Noto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan  modifikasi model 4-D (menjadi 3D Thiagarajan yaitu sebagai berikut: (1 pendefinisian, (2 perancangan, dan (3 pengembangan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah (1 Silabus, (2 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP, (3 Modul. Data diperoleh melalui  lembar validasi, tes prestasi belajar. Data diolah dengan deskriptif, analisis uji banding sample t test. Proses pengembangan perangkat menghasilkan: 1. Perangkat pembelajaran adalah valid setelah melalui revisi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli dan teman sejawat. Hasil penilaian akhirnya diperoleh rata-rata nilai validitas Silabus 3.36, RPP 3.24, dan validitas Modul 3.23 (skor tertinggi 4 termasuk kriteria valid, 2. Implementasi perangkat pembelajaran menyatakan prestasi belajar siswa kelas uji coba perangkat dengan rata-rata 70.33 lebih baik dari pada prestasi belajar siswa pada kelas kontrol dengan rata-rata  60,60. Berdasarkan hasil perangkat valid dan pembelajaran efektif menunjukkan pengembangan perangkat tercapai. Kata Kunci    : perangkat pembelajaran, SMART     ABSTRACT Developing a teaching intruments using a modified model of 4-D (to 3D Thiagarajan is as follows: (1 Definition, (2 Design, and (3 Development. Teaching instruments was developed (1 Syllabus, (2 Lesson Plan, (3 Module. Data obtained through the sheet validation, test learning achievement. The data were processed with descriptive and comparative analysis sample t test. Development process instruments resulted in: 1. Teaching instruments is valid after revision based on the assessment of experts and peers. Assessment results finally obtained an average value Syllabus validity 3,36; Lesson Plan 3,24; and validity module is 3,23 (highest score 4 include a valid criterion, 2. Implementation of the stated learning class student achievement test instruments with an average of 70,33 better than the learning achievement of students in the control class with an average of 60.60. Based on the results of a valid and effective teaching instruments shows the development achieved. Keywords      :  Teaching Instruments, SMART

  20. Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-Government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Website Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang

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    Santy Nurina Aprilia


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang Penelitian ini adalah semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pemerintah dituntut untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan public khususnya pelayanan publik berupa layanan elektronik atau e-service, khususnya dalam hal ini adalah website, dimana website pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat menjadi media e-government sebagai sarana interaksi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat maupun mempermudah layanan elektronik. Penulisan Tesis dengan judul “Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang” merupakan sebuah studi dimana dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui seberapa efektif website pemerintah daerah sebagai media e-government. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor pendukung efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor penghambat efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang. Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa website Pemerintah Kabupaten Jombang telah efektif sebagai media pemberi informasi kepada masyarakat, namun belum efektif sebagai media dalam memberikan pelayanan publik secara elektronik (e-service seperti mendownload blangko, formulir, dll. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, E-government, E-service, Media, Teknologi Informasi, Website

  1. Teknis Perekaman Data dan Penyaluran Elektronik Kartu Tanda Penduduk di Lubuk Pakam

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    Suriadi Suriadi


    Full Text Available Administrasi kependudukan berupa kartu tanda penduduk (KTP sebagai media untuk dapat mengidentifikasi profil pribadi setiap warga negara, secara terus menerus dalam sistem adminisrasi pendataan kependudukan di Indonesia bergerak ke arah sistem yang lebih baik meski tidak mudah namun kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (E-KTP diaggap lebih baik. Penelitian yang dilakukan di kantor kecmatan Lubuk Pakam Kabupaten Deli Serdang, menjadi tempat perekaman, pendistribusian (E-KTP. Dalam perekaman pendistribusian ditemukan banyaknya kendala-kendala berupa tidak siapnya dan terbatasnya sumber daya manusia termasuksistem perekaman (E-KTP yang berbasis elektronik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat teknis perekaman data dan penyaluran elektronik kartu tanda penduduk di kecamatan lubuk pakam Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data bersumber pada studi pustaka dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan masih terdapat aparatur yang memiliki pengetahuan minim dalam teknis perekaman dan pendistribusian E-KTP

  2. The Electronic Book: Evolution or Revolution? / Elektronik Kitaplar: Evrim mi Devrim mi?

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    Daniela Živković


    Full Text Available [English abstract]The aim of the paper is to show the most important developments of the e-book in the last 10 years. Special emphasis is on the activities contributing to the creation of favorable condition for the production, distribution and reading electronic books. Successful information management with regard to e-books means defining the term e-book itself, developing identification systems, digital rights management and legal deposit as a part of digital libraries and cultural heritage.[Turkish abstract]Bu bildirinin amacı, elektronik kitaplarla ilgili son 10 yılın en önemli gelişmelerini incelemektir. Elektronik kitapların üretim, dağıtım ve okunması için gerekli koşulların yaratılmasına yardımcı olan etkinliklere özel önem verilmiştir. Elektronik kitaplarla ilgili başarılı bilgi yönetimi elektronik kitap teriminin tanımlanması, tanımlama sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi, sayısal hakların yönetimi ve sayısal kütüphaneler ve kültürel sistemin bir parçası olarak derleme yasasının geliştirilmesi anlamına gelmektedir.


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    Ririn Widiyasari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1 menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model PBI yang valid, (2 mendapatkan efektivitas pembelajaran matematika dengan model PBI dan (3 mengetahui apakah perangkat pembelajaranan matematika model PBI praktis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model Plomp yang dimodifikasi. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri dari silabus, Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP, modul pembelajaran, dan worksheet. Kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran ditentukan berdasarkan validasi tim ahli dan teman sejawat, hasil penilaian oleh lima validator diperoleh kriteria valid dengan klasifikasi baik dan sangat baik. Keefektivan pembelajaran didapatkan dengan lembar pengamatan keaktifan mahasiswa, diperoleh hasil keaktifan mahasiswa termasuk kategori aktif. Sedangkan uji kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran, dari uji lapangan diperoleh hasil pengamatan terhadap proses pembelajaran, angket respon pengajar dan mahasiswa terhadap pemakaian perangkat pembelajaran semuanya menunjukkan hasil yang baik.


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    Nanang Yudi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Pola hubungan antara individu dalam sebuah pekerjaan, dapat mempengaruhi tingkat ketercapaian pekerjaan dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Hipotesa tersebut menjadi latar belakang dalam penelitian ini untuk menyelediki pengaruh pola hubungan dalam interaksi antar pengembang terhadap evolusi sebuah perangkat lunak. Pemanfaatan rekam data dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak telah digunakan secara luas untuk mempelajari dan meningkatkan kualitas proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Pola hubungan antar pengembang dapat diekstraksi dari event log (catatan kejadian dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik process mining yang menggabungkan konsep manajemen proses bisnis dan analisa jejaring sosial (social network analysis, SNA. Pola hubungan pengembang sebagai individu dalam komunitas, diukur secara kuantitatif melalui pendekatan yang didasarkan pada metrik SNA yang meliputi pola: (1 aktivitas dalam hubungan sebabakibat (causality, (2 aktivitas dalam kasus yang berhubungan (joint cases, (3 aktivitas yang serupa (similar task, dan (4 aktivitas dalam kasus tertentu (special event. Sedangkan evolusi perangkat lunak diamati dari produk pengembang untuk jumlah fitur baru, jumlah bug yang ditangani, penyempurnaan fitur (enhancement, dan permintaan dukungan (support request yang berhasil diselesaikan. Dengan menggunakan metode Partial Least Sqeare (PLS,dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada studi kasus yang digunakan, pola hubungan sebab akibat memiliki tingkat signifikansi yang paling baik terhadap evolusi perangkat lunak dengan nilai p-value 9.022E-15


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    Leo Willyanto Santoso


    Full Text Available All sectors of society including softwere industry, have a big concern about quality, both of product quality and service quality. The need to manage risk, has a strong relation with quality and increases system complexity. Standarization in determining quality, ISO is a must for all software developer. If we study further, ISO 9001:2000 still has some weakness especially for implementation in software product. This paper presents a comparative analysis of quality approaches to risk management. This paper also provide a general overview of all the risks aspects treated in ISO 9001:2000 standards and CMMI model version 1.1. In this research, we obtain a strategy to implement ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI together when we make a planing to increase software process. Besides it produces analysis how to change position from ISO 9001:2000 to CMMI. In the implementation on software industry PT 'X', obtain get various benefits that has never been obtained before. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Semua hal dalam hidup ini selalu memperhatikan masalah kualitas, baik itu berupa kualitas produk ataupun kualitas layanan. Pada industri perangkat lunak, hal ini tidak dibedakan, kebutuhan untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas akan meningkatkan kekompleksan dari sebuah sistem. Standarisasi dalam penentuan kualitas, ISO sudah menjadi keharusan bagi para pengembang perangkat lunak. Apabila diteliti lebih lanjut, ISO 9001:2000 masih mempunyai banyak kekurangan, khususnya untuk diaplikasikan dalam produk perangkat lunak.Pada penelitian ini, akan dibahas analisis perbandingan dengan melakukan pendekatan kualitas untuk meningkatkan proses perangkat lunak dengan melakukan mapping antara ISO 9001:2000 dengan CMMI. Hal-hal yang dibahas berupa aspek-aspek dari standard ISO dan CMMI versi 1.1. Pada penelitian ini, dapat diperoleh strategi untuk menerapkan ISO 9001:2000 dan CMMI secara sinergi ketika merencanakan untuk melakukan peningkatan proses perangkat lunak. Selain itu, dihasilkan juga analisis bagaimana untuk beralih dari ISO 9001:2000 ke CMMI. Dalam penerapannya pada industri perangkat lunak, PT 'X', diperoleh berbagai keuntungan yang sebelumnya tidak didapatkan. Kata kunci: ISO, ISO 9001:2000, capability maturity model integrated.


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    I Gede Nurhayata


    Full Text Available Adanya perbedaan dalam penyampaian informasi objek museum secara lisan oleh beberapa pemandu wisata menunjukkan kurangnya standarisasi layanan informasi objek museum. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan prototipe perangkat elektronik mobile sebagai salah satu alternatif standarisasi sistem pelayanan informasi objek museum. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode pengembangan dengan dua sub sistem perangkat pelayanan informasi objek meliputi:1 sistem identifikasi objek museum berbasis Radio Frequency Identification (RFID dan 2 sistem penyampaian informasi audio berbasis MP3 Player. Sub sistem pertama bertujuan mengenali identitas objek museum melalui perangkat RFID reader.  Sedangkan sub sistem kedua, bertujuan mengakses dan memainkan file audio pada MP3 player sehingga didengar melalui headphone. Hasil penelitian pada tahun pertama ini berupa perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak dalam identifikasi Tag ID dan kode tombol remote kontrol MP3 player. Berdasarkan data kinerja perangkat lunak dapat disimpulkan bahwa mikrokontroler AT89S51 dalam identifikasi Tag ID dan kode tombol pada remote kontrol MP3 player telah bekerja sesuai rancangan yang diharapkan. Disamping itu telah berhasil mengakses nomor informasi file audio sesuai dengan nomor identitas objek.


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    Ahmad Haidar Mirza


    Full Text Available Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM merupakan suatu kegiatan usaha menghasilkan suatu produk komoditi yang berada pada level menengah kebawah, dimana sektor usaha ini lebih menyentuh langsung dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas yang pada umumnya adalah masyarakat menengah kebawah, sektor usaha UKM mampu memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan walaupun pertumbuhannya tidak cepat seperti sektor perekonomian yang lain. Rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang diharapkan mampu memberikan stimulus yang pesat terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya sektor UKM Kota Palembang serta membantu pihak – pihak yang terkait baik instansi yang membutuhkan, masyarakat luas dan para inventor, dimana dalam mengembangkan rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang meggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode Database Lifecylce untuk pengembangan Database sebagai media penyimpanan data melalui beberapa proses antara lain Design Database secara Konseptual, Design Database secara Logikal serta Design Database secara Fisikal dan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD untuk pengembangan User Interface sebagai rancangan tampilan terhadap rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang.


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    Muhammad Habibbulloh


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran model Guided Discovery berbasis lab virtual valid, praktis dan efektif untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa SMK topik efek fotolistrik. Ujicoba perangkat pembelajaran diberikan kepada siswa kelas XII SMK IKIP Surabaya (Indonesia program keahlian Multimedia tahun ajaran 2015/2016 menggunakan one group pre-test post-test design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, tes diagnostik, dan angket. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif, kuantitatif dengan metode tingkat kecocokan (Percentage of Agreement untuk validasi perangkat, reduksi miskonsepsi melalui tes diagnostik kategori miskonsepsi didukung dengan uji-t. Temuan hasil penelitian adalah: (1 perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid; (2 kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran dianalisis melalui keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berkategori baik dan kendala yang ditemui berhasil diberikan solusi; dan (3 keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran dianalisis melalui reduksi miskonsepsi tes diagnostik yaitu post-test dibandingkan dengan pre-test dan nilai kategori miskonsepsi tes diagnostik di uji-t menunjukkan reduksi miskonsepsi yang signifikan. Berdasarkan temuan disimpulkan bahwa perangkat yang dikembangkan memenuhi syarat kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektivan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa SMK topik efek fotolistrik.

  9. 76 FR 24883 - DNB Exports LLC, and AFI Elektromekanikanik Ve Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. v. Barsan Global... (United States)


    ... FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION [Docket No. 11-07] DNB Exports LLC, and AFI Elektromekanikanik Ve Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. v. Barsan Global Lojistiks Ve Gumruk Musavirligi A.S., Barsan International... AFI Elektromekanikanik Ve Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. (``AFI''), hereinafter ``Complainants...


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    Asih Sutanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana mengukur perangkat lunak yang dilihat dari sudut pandang produk, mengukur kualitas perangkat  lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel yang memerlukan  alat bantu untuk mempermudah melakukan pengukuran kualitas software tersebut berdasarkan ISO 9126 yang sesuai dengan enam karakteristik dari model kualitas software/perangkat lunak yaitu Functionability, Reliability, usability, efesiency, maintainability dan portability. Faktor kualitas umum yang paling penting diurutkan dan ditambahkan ke sub-faktor dari ISO 9126. Sehingga pihak manajemen dalam pengukurannya lebih akurat dalam memperoleh informasi untuk menentukan keputusan strategis. Melalui pemrosesan data dari masukan pengguna terhadap tingkat preferensi faktor dan sub-faktor kualitas akan diperoleh bobot faktor kualitas dan bobot relatif sub-faktor kualitas. Perkalian kedua nilai tersebut akan menghasilkan bobot absolut yang kemudian dikalikan dengan penilaian kriteria aplikasi hotel dari pengguna. Hasil akhirnya berupa nilai kualitas total dari aplikasi perangkat lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dengan enam karakteristik Standart ISO 9126, diperoleh nilai  Sistem Informasi Hotel 13.25 yang merupakan hasil pengukuran kualitas sehingga aplikasi ini tidak masuk kategori standar ISO 9126 karena ada Karakteristik Portability yait u unsur Adaptability, dan Installability tidak terpenuhi.


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    Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Repositori laporan bug perangkat lunak sebenarnya menyediakan informasi dan saran resolusi bug tertentu yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki bug yang terjadi pada tahap perbaikan perangkat lunak. Pengembang dapat mencari saran resolusi bug perangkat lunak tertentu dengan mengidentifikasi duplikasi bug pada repositori laporan bug perangkat lunak. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem identifikasi duplikasi laporan bug pada repositori laporan bug untuk menghasilkan saran resolusi bug perangkat lunak menggunakan teknik pendekatan temu kembali informasi. Pengembang dapat menemukan informasi alasan kegagalan perangkat lunak dan memperoleh saran resolusi untuk memperbaiki bug tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik pendekatan temu kembali informasi dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi duplikasi laporan bug pada repositori laporan bug untuk menghasilkan saran resolusi bug perangkat lunak.

  12. Sistem Pengendali Peralatan Elektronik dalam Rumah secara Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor PIR, Sensor LM35, dan Sensor LDR

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    Eka Desyantoro


    Full Text Available Listrik merupakan hal yang sangat penting di kehidupan kita. Setiap pekerjaan kita pasti dibantu dengan adanya listrik. Mulai dari penerangan hingga pengaturan suhu ruangan pun semuanya dibantu oleh listrik. Ketergantungan manusia terhadap listrik ini menimbulkan kebiasaan buruk. Banyak orang yang terkadang membiarkan suatu peralatan elektronik hidup pada saat tidak dibutuhkan. Terjadi suatu permasalahan untuk menciptakan suatu desain sistem embedded untuk mengendalikan peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis. Makalah ini membahas tentang perancangan sistem pengendali peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis. Sistem terdiri dari sensor PIR yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi objek bergerak (manusia, sensor LM35 yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi suhu, dan sensor LDR berfungsi sebagai sensor cahaya. Mikrokontroller ATMega16 sebagai pengendali jalannya sistem dari pembacaan sensor, menampilkan data sensor pada LCD dan mengatur kontak relay untuk menghidup dan mematikan listrik. Sistem pengendali peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis menunjukan sensor LDR dapat membedakan gelap dan terang, sensor suhu LM35 dapat mendeteksi suhu dalam ruangan dengan toleransi kesalahan pembacaan kurang lebih 2o Celcius, dan sensor PIR dapat mendeteksi pergerakan manusia sejauh 5 meter.


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    Nugraheni Rachmawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran tematik di SD kota Semarang belum optimal. Sebagian besar guru belum menyusun dan menggunakan perangkat pembelaja- ran IPS Terpadu berbasis outdoor learning. Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan, mengkaji keefektifan dan kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran. Penelitian ini meru- pakan penelitian pengembangan yang dimodifikasi dari penelitian Borg and Gall. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas 3 SD N Jatingaleh 01-02 Kota Semarang ta- hun pelajaran 2012/2013. Spesifikasi produk yang dikembangkan adalah perangkat pembelajaran IPS terpadu berbasis outdoor learning berupa silabus, RPP, media CD Interaktif, LKS dan alat evaluasi meliputi test kognitif, lembar observasi aktivi- tas serta angket respons siswa dan guru. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan Pretest- Posttest Control Group Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran tergolong valid. Keefektifan perangkat dilihat dari aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Aktivitas siswa tergolong sangat tinggi. Hasil belajar kog- nitif siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran IPS Terpadu berbasis Outdoor Learning mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan serta mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Rata- rata hasil belajar kognitif siswa secara signifikan lebih besar daripada kelompok siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran in door. Saran, hendaknya dapat dikembangkan lagi keefektifanya sehingga dapat lebih menggali kemampuan siswa, tidak hanya dalam segi kognitif dan afektif tetapi juga psikomotor. AbstractImplementation of thematic learning activities in elementary school of Semarang is not opti- mal. Most of the teachers do not prepare and use integrated social science learning tools based on outdoor learning. This research is aimed to develop the tools and to review the effectiveness and practicality of integrated social science learning based on outdoor learning. This is a research and development study modified from the research developed by Borg and Gall. The developed specifications are integrated social science learning tools based on outdoor learning  such as syllabus, interactive CD media, students work sheets and evaluation. The data is analyzed descriptively with pretest-posttest control group design. The result of the research reveals that the maximization of activities and students study result in integrated social science learning based on outdoor learning is valid. The effectiveness of the activities and views of student learning outcomes. Cognitive learning outcomes improved significantly and achiev mastery learning. Average cognitive achievement of students is significantly larger than the group of students who take lessons in door. Therefore, teachers should develop to maximize the activities and students study result in sales material and effective towards students’ activities in learning, improving their cognitive result while achieving study mastery.


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    Wenny Hulukati


    Abstrak: Perangkat Pengembangan Diri untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dan Pengembangan Kepribadian Siswa SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pengembangan diri untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA. Kegiatan penelitian ini diawali dengan studi pendahuluan yang berkaitan dengan kompentensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan kecenderungan kepribadian siswa SMA. Langkah berikutnya adalah mendesain dan mengembangkan draf, dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan uji keefektifan produk. Dari kegiatan penelitian pengembangan ini telah dihasilkan produk pengembangan yang valid dan handal yang meliputi panduan guru, panduan siswa, dan panduan penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil uji keefektifan terhadap produk pengembangan diperoleh informasi bahwa perangkat panduan pengembangan diri efektif diguna­kan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA.


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    Fembriani -


    Full Text Available Proses pembelajaran dalam KTSP memerlukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran. Observasi yang peneliti lakukan di kelas IV pada lima sekolah dasar, 80% guru tidak membuat perangkat pembelajaran sendiri, 60% SD masih menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran teacher center, dan 50% belum mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis yang sesuai dengan indikator. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, efektif, dan praktis. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan: (1 pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran learning cycle 7E menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid. Skor rata-rata validasi ahli terhadap silabus 3,6 (sangat baik, RPP 3,7 (sangat baik, bahan ajar 3,5 (sangat baik, LKS 3,6 (sangat baik, dan evaluasi  3,5 (sangat baik. (2 implementasi perangkat  pembelajaran yang valid terbukti efektif karena setelah diberi perlakuan menggunakan model learning cycle 7E terdapat perbedaan antara kelas kontrol dan ekperimen dengan nilai signifikansi 0,02 < 0,05 dan peningkatan hasil N-gain kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,62 yang menunjukan kriteria sedang. (3 Berdasarkan analisis kuisioner, perangkat pembelajaran yang  praktis dapat diterima oleh siswa dan guru sebesar 80% dan 80%. Simpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA model learning cycle 7E adalah valid, efektif, dan praktis.The learning process in school based curiculum requires the development of learning instrument. The observation that researcher done on fourth grade at five Elementary Schools, 80% of teachers do not make their own learning device, 60% of  school teachers still use the teacher learning center, and 50% have not yet developed learning tools to improve critical thinking skills in accordance with the indicators. This study use a model of development Plomp in order to obtain a valid learning device, effective, and practical. The result of research showed (1 the development of learning device learning cycle 7E a valid learning tool. The average score of expert learning on syllabus 3,6 (very good, RPP 3,7 (very good, learners book 3,5 (very good, the performance test sheet 3,6 (very good, and evaluation sheet 3,5 (very good. (2 Implementation of valid learning tool proven effective because after being treated using the model 7E learning cycle there is a difference between the control and experimental classes with significant value of 0.02 < 0.05 and increased yield of N-gain experimental class of 0.62 which indicates the medium criteria. (3 Based on the analysis of questionnaires the practical learning device, can be received by students and teachers  80% and 80%. The conclusions of this reserch is Developing Learning Instrument for scientific with learning cycle 7E are valid, effective, and practical.

  16. Pemanfaatan Sigil Untuk Pembuatan E-Book (Electronic Book dengan Format EPub

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    Rahmat Hidayat


    Full Text Available Memiliki koleksi buku yang berusia jutaan tahun akan membutuhkan biaya yang besar untuk merawatnya selain itu semakin banyaknya penulis menerbitkan buku-bukunya semakin banyak juga ruangan yang disediakan untuk menyimpan buku-buku tersebut. Dengan berkembangnya dunia teknologi, sekarang sudah ada buku digital atau lebih dikenal dengan elektronik book (e-book. E-book dapat dibaca dengan perangkat komputer, laptop bahkan perangkat seluler. Berbagai macam format e-book yang telah digunakan namun yang dapat menampilkan e-book sesuai dengan perangkat seluler dengan ukuran layar yang bervariasi adalah format electronic publication (epub. Jadi epub adalah standar format e-boook yang diperkenalkan oleh Intenational Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF pada oktober 2011 dengan aplikasi editornya sigil. Sigil adalah sebuah editor Open Source yang mudah didapatkan oleh semua penulis maupun pembaca.


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    Ali Muntaha


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1 Mengetahui proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dengan model PBL berbantuan CD Pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa, (2 Menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan model PBL berbantuan CD Pembelajaran yang valid, (3 Menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan model PBL berbantuan CD Pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Pengembangan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi Silabus, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP,  Buku Siswa, Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS,    dan Tes Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui  observasi dan tes kemampuan kognitif. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji ketuntasan (KKM hasil belajar dengan uji One sample t test, uji beda menggunakan independen sample t test, uji normalitas dan uji peningkatan kemampuan menggunakan N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 Proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan melalui empat tahapan yaitu define (pendefinisian /penetapan, design (perancangan, develop (pengembangan, dan disseminate (penyebaran, (2 Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini valid, (3 Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. This study aims to: (1 Knowing the software development process model of PBL assisted learning with Learning CD to enhance students’ creative thinking skills, (2 Generate the model of learning with Learning CD-assisted PBL valid, (3 Generate the model of learning with PBL CD-assisted learning effective. This research is a research development. Development conducted in this study include syllabus, lesson plan (RPP, Student Book, Student Activity Sheet (LKS, and Student Creative Thinking Ability Test. Data were obtained through observation and tests of cognitive ability. Statistical analysis using the mastery test (KKM learning outcomes to test One sample t test, using a different test of independent sample t test, normality test and test upgrades using N-gain. The results showed: (1 the development of the learning process is done through four stages define (definition/determination, design (design, develop (development, and disseminate (spread, (2 the development of learning results in the study valid, (3 the results of the development of effective learning in this study to enhance the students’ ability to think creatively

  18. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Budaya Lombok

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    Juz'an Afandi


    Full Text Available [Bahasa]: Budaya merupakan hal yang dekat dengan kehidupan manusia termasuk siswa. Budaya merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat dijadikan media untuk dapat belajar oleh siswa, sekaligus mempelajari budaya itu sendiri. Seseorang akan belajar dengan baik jika hal yang dipelajari adalah hal yang dekat dengan lingkungannya salah satunya adalah budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan mendeskripsikan karakateristik perangkat pembelajaran matematika SMP dengan pendekatan kontekstual budaya Lombok berorientasikan prestasi belajar matematika dan apresiasi nilai budaya bangsa yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid ditunjukkan dengan hasil penilaian RPP  dan LKS berada pada kategori “baik”. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis ditunjukkan dengan hasil penilaian guru, penilaian siswa, dan observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berada pada kategori “baik”. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan efektif ditinjau dari prestasi dan apresiasi nilai budaya bangsa. Perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang dikembangkan memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: (a kegiatan pembelajaran memuat langkah-langkah pendekatan kontekstual budaya Lombok yang terdiri dari relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, dan transferring, (b memuat konteks budaya Lombok, dan  (c menggunakan instrumen untuk mengukur apresiasi nilai budaya bangsa. Kata kunci:   Perangkat Pembelajaran; Pendekatan Kontekstual;  Budaya Lombok; Prestasi Belajar; Apresiasi Nilai Budaya [English]: Culture is the thing close to a human life including students. Culture is one of the things that can be used as a media to be studied by students while learning about the culture itself. The students will learn best when they have something familiar with their environment, one of them is culture. The aim of this research is to develop and describe the characteristics of mathematics instructional kits for junior high school with contextual approach of Lombok culture oriented to the learning achievement and appreciation of the cultural values which is valid, practical, and effective. This study is developmental research that uses ADDIE’s model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The research shows that the developed instructional kits are valid. It is shown by validation result of lesson plan and student’s worksheet is in good category. The instructional kits that have been developed are practical shown by result of teacher’s assessment, student’s assessment, and implementation of learning in good category. They are also effective based on student’s mathematics achievement and appreciation of cultural values. The mathematics instructional kits have the following characteristics: (a Learning activities contains steps based on the contextual approach of Lombok culture which consist of relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring; (b It contains Lombok cultural context; and (c  It uses instruments to measure the appreciation of the cultural values. Keywords: Instructional Kits; Lombok Culture; Contextual Approach; Learning Achievement; The Appreciation of Cultural Values


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    Nanang Yudi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Ide dasar di balik software process improvement - SPI menjadi alasan bahwa proses perangkat lunak berkualitas baik merupakan prasyarat bagi produk perangkat lunak berkualitas baik. Oleh karenanya, proses dalam perangkat lunak perlu untuk terus dinilai dan ditingkatkan. COBIT merupakan salah satu kerangka SPI yang dapat menjadi acuan ketercapaian kualitas perangkat lunak. Untuk mendukung penilaian proses, penelitian ini mengusulkan penerapan teknik penambangan proses (process mining dalam penilaian perangka t lunak untuk menilai ketercapaian indikator kematangan proses sesuai panduan COBIT -PAM (COBIT Process Assessment Model. Hasil evaluasi dengan validitas dan reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa teknik penambangan proses dapat diterapkan dengan menyesuaikan tujuan dan produk kerja dari setiap atribut penilaian proses dalam COBIT.

  20. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama dengan Sistem Character Based Integrated Learning

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    Dian Kurniati


    Full Text Available AbstrakFokus dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suatu perangkat pembelajaran matematika SMP dengan menerapkan sistem Character Based Integrated Learning yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Perangkat pembelajaran tersebut meliputi RPP, LKS, Buku Siswa dan Instru-men Penilaian. Pada sistem Character Based Integrated Learning, kegiatan belajar meng-ajar mengacu pada 9 pilar karakter anak. Prosedur pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tahap pendefinisian (define, perancangan (de-sign, dan pengembangan (develop dengan mengacu pada kriteria kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. RPP, LKS, dan Buku Siswa yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini memenuhi kriteria kevalidan dengan skor validasi berturut-turut adalah 3.73, 4, dan 4 dengan skala 1-4. Selain itu, perangkat pembelajaran tersebut juga memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan karena  85% siswa dan guru menyatakan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran praktis digunakan ketika uji keterbacaan. Serta memenuhi kriteria keefektifan karena terdapat 90% siswa tuntas terhadap hasil belajar dan 80% siswa berkarakter baik. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika, Sistem Character Based Integrated Learning  AbstractThe focus of this research is to develop a set of mathematical learning SMP system by implementing Character -Based Integrated Learning valid, practical, and effective. The learning device includes lesson plans, worksheets, Student Book and Instrument. In Character Based Integrated Learning systems, learning activities refer to the 9 pillars of character kids. Learning software development procedures used in this study is the definition phase (define, design (design, and development (develop with reference to the criteria of validity, practicality and effectiveness. Lesson plans, worksheets, and books produced by students in this study meets the criteria for the validity of the validation scores are respectively 3.73, 4, and 4. In addition, the learning device also meets the criteria of practicality because 85 % of students and teachers stated that the practical learning is used when the test readability. And meet the criteria of effectiveness because there are 90 % of students completed the study and 80 % student’s result of good character. Keywords: Teaching Material Development; Character Based Integrated Learning System.

  1. Implementasi Sistem Bluetooth menggunakan Android dan Arduino untuk Kendali Peralatan Elektronik

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    Full Text Available Abstrak Dalam suatu ruangan yang dipenuhi peralatan elektronik, remote control sangatlah penting. Keterbatasan sebuah remote control untuk mengendalikan hanya satu peralatan elektronik tentu menjadi kendala tersendiri. Untuk mengurangi kendala tersebut direalisasikan remote control yang dapat mengendalikan seluruh peralatan elektronik menggunakan perantara Bluetooth yang terintegrasi pada Android dan Arduino. Android akan mengirimkan perintah pada Arduino melalui Bluetooth, Arduino menerjemahkan perintah menjadi kode ke infra merah yang selanjutnya diterima oleh receiver peralatan elektronik. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap sistem remote control sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa sistem remote control tersebut dapat berfungsi pada tiga versi Android berbeda, persentasi keberhasilan dari alat kendali 94,8% menggunakan tombol dan 92,8% menggunakan perintah suara, waktu akses rata-rata  0,17385 detik untuk perintah menggunakan tombol dan 0,20995 detik untuk perintah menggunakan perintah suara, dan jarak optimal pengirim infra merah (Tx terhadap penerima infra merah (Rx adalah 320 cm dengan lebar 180,8 cm. Kata Kunci : Alat kendali, Bluetooth, Arduino, Android Abstract In a room full of electronic equipment, control device are very important. The limitations of a remote control to control only one electronic device become obstacles that it needs a lot of control devices To reduce these constraints are realized remote control that can control the entire electronic devices using integrated Bluetooth intermediaries on Android and Arduino. Android will send commands to the Arduino via Bluetooth, Arduino code to translate the commands into infrared subsequently accepted by the receiver electronics. The first test installs Android application on three different versions. The second experiment tests all the tool buttons control for each electronic equipment. The third test is to examine the percentage of success of the control apparatus , producing 94.8 % success using the control buttons and 92.8 % control success using voice commands. The four test calculate the access time when sending a command until the electronic device executes the corresponding command. This test result in an average access time of 0.17385 seconds for commands using the buttons and 0.20995 seconds for command using voice control. The fifth testing is to test the coverage area of infrared , infrared sender optimal distance ( Tx to the infrared receiver ( Rx is 320 cm by 180.8 cm width Keywords: remote control, Bluetooth, Arduino, Android

  2. Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Kota Kudus Menggunakan Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android

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    Yusuf Hasyim Maghfuri


    Full Text Available Interesting tourist sites is the reason for people to visit. Traveled as an option for people to fill holiday time to gather with familiy and friends. Because of lack information about tourist sites in Kudus city known by the public, assistance is needed to facilitate to search for the location. Travel guide Kudus city-Based applications Android Locator is the ultimate solution in search of tourist sites in the Kudus city. The purpose of making this application is to develop a search guidance system location based android that features a tourist guide. Kudus City Travel Guide-Based applications Android Locator is a client server based applications created using the Java programming language and the Eclipse software using MySQL database. Stages of development software used is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle by using the method waterfall, as modeling software used is UML (Unified Modelling Language. Steps in this research is software requirement analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Functional testing using a method of black box. The result of this research that the Kudus City Application Tourist Sites Guide Using Android-Based Mobile Devices used for guidance in traveling in the Kudus city. Function menus and buttons is going according to their respective functions. Kudus city travel guide app can now be used as a medium for guidance in finding tourist sites.   Objek wisata yang menarik adalah salah satu alasan orang untuk berkunjung. Berwisata menjadi pilihan untuk masyarakat mengisi waktu liburan dengan berkumpul bersama keluarga maupun teman. Karena sedikitnya informasi lokasi objek wisata kota Kudus yang diketahui oleh masyarakat, diperlukan bantuan untuk mempermudah dalam pencarian lokasi tersebut. Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Kota Kudus Menggunakan Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android adalah solusi utama dalam pencarian lokasi objek wisata di kota Kudus. Tujuan pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah mengembangkan suatu sistem pemandu pencarian lokasi objek wisata berbasis android yang memiliki fitur penunjuk jalan. Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Kota Kudus Menggunakan Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android merupakan aplikasi berbasis client server yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman java dengan software eclipse dan menggunakan basis data MySql. Tahapan pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle dengan menggunakan metode waterfall serta pemodelan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah UML (Unified Modeling Language. Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, desain, pengkodean, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Pengujian fungsional dilakukan menggunakan metode black box. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Kota Kudus Menggunakan Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android yang digunakan untuk panduan dalam berwisata di kota Kudus. Fungsi menu dan tombol-tombol sudah berjalan sesuai dengan fungsionalitasnya masing-masing. Aplikasi panduan wisata kota Kudus ini sudah bisa digunakan sebagai media panduan dalam menemukan lokasi wisata.


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    Khakim Ghozali


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Pada makalah ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana mengelola resiko yang akan terjadi pada pengembangan perangkat lunak jika pengembangan tidak dapat berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. Pembahasan akan meliputi beberapa hal mulai dari bagaimana kita bisa mengidentifikasi resiko-resiko yang akan terjadi pada sebuah pengembangan perangkat lunak. Setelah kita mengetahui berbagai jenis resiko yang akan dihadapi maka berikutnya adalah membuat kategori dan prioritas tindakan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan resiko. Berikutnya adalah dilakukan perhitungan pengaruh resiko terhadap jadwal pengembangan. Kata kunci : rekayasa resiko


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    Dwi Nur Heni


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran pembelajaran tematik bervisi SETS berkarakter peduli lingkungan yang valid, efektif, dan praktis. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D. Hasil Pengembangan berupa 1 Silabus, 2 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, 4 Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik, 5 Bahan ajar, dan 6 Alat evaluasi. Hasil validasi dari pakar menunjukkan bahwa perangkat yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria efektif. Hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen berdasarkan pengujian one sample t-test diperoleh thitung 5,96 > t table 1,729 , yakni rata-rata skor tes peserta didik kelas eksperimen mencapai 82 yang masih lebih dari skor tes peserta didik kelas kontrol sebesar 65. Perhitungan N- menunjukkan nilai 0,48.dengan kriteria sedang. Guru memberikan respons positif 14 dari 16 indikator pertanyaan  dan  jumlah respons peserta didik sebesar 329 kategori sangat baik. Dapat disimpulkan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid, efektif dan praktis.The aim of this research is to develop thematic learning tools that feature visionary SETS, to obtain valid, effective, and practical learning tools. The type of this research is research and development. Development product in form of 1 syllabus, 2 lesson plan, 3 student activity sheet, 4 teaching materials, and 6 evaluation sheet. Validation result showed that developed learning tools is feasible for use. The developed learning tools had met the effective criteria.  Shown that student activities in the good and very good categories, student learning result in experimental group is better than in the control group, based on one sample t-test it was obtained  t count 5,96 > t table 1,729, the average of student scores is 82 that was better than average of student scores in the control class which 65. N calculation showed 0,48 with a moderate criteria. Teacher give positive responses toward 14 of 16 and  students responses score is 329 included in very good categories. Therefore  it can be considered that the learning tool have qualified valid, effective, and practicable criteria.

  5. Perancangan Serial Ttl to Usb Hid Converter


    Gunardi, Yudhi; Munandar, Aris


    Seiring berjalannya waktu, perkembangan teknologi komputer sangat cepat, sehingga memunculkan berbagai software baru dan bermacam operating system. Sementara aktivitas manusia dalam sehari – hari tidak pernah lepas dari komputer sebagai penunjang kerja dengan operating system yang berbeda - beda. Perangkat elektronik untuk komunikasi data yang menunjang kerja manusia mayoritas tidak dapat bekerja secara langsung pada semua operating system.Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah inovasi agar semua perang...

  6. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Concept Attainment Model (CAM untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMP

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    Eka Jihadah Syaspasbandah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis Concept Attainment Model (CAM yang valid, praktis, dan efektif terhadap hasil belajar dan aktivitas peserta didik SMP kelas VIII. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan mengikuti prosedur pengembangan Model Plomp yang terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu tahap analisis pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan atau pembuatan prototipe, dan tahap penilaian. Uji validitas perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan oleh lima orang ahli dari bidang matematika, teknologi pendidikan, dan bahasa Indonesia. Pengujian kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran diukur dari tiga hal yaitu: keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran, respon peserta didik, dan respon guru. Untuk menilai efektifitas perangkat pembelajaran, dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui pengamatan terhadap aktivitas belajar matematika peserta didik selama kegiatan pembelajaran dan nilai tes hasil belajar matematika peserta didik. Hasil pegujian tersebut mengidentifikasi bahwa perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis CAM yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid menurut para ahli, praktis berdasarkan guru dan peserta didik sebagai pengguna, dan efektif terlihat dari aktivitas peserta didik selama proses pembelajaran yang mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: penelitian pengembangan, Concept Attainment Model, hasil belajar, aktivitas belajar, Model Plomp   ABSTRACT This research is development research aims to produces mathematics learning equipment based on valid, practical, and effective CAM for learning outcome and students activity of VIII grade junior high school. The developed learning equipment uses the procedure of Plomp Model that consists of 3 stages, they are preliminary research, development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Validity test of learning equipment is done by 5 experts from mathematics, eduaction technology, and indonesian language. Practical learning equipment test is measured by 3 points, they are the continuity of learning equipment, response of students, and response of teachers. To assess the effectiveness of learning equipment, we use to collect data from student activity observation during learning process and mathematics test results. Those tests identifies that mathematics learning equipment through CAM-based is valid according to the experts, practical based on the teacher and student as the user, and effective based on the increasing of student activity during learning process. Keywords: Development Research, Concept Attainment Model, Learning Result, Learning Activity, Plomp Model


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    erma lisnawati


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a state of law that upholds of human rights. In the state of law, there is a human rights protection by the state including the privacy of rights. It is referred judicial review of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, of Article 5 Paragraph (2. To protect the privacy of recording and wiretapping conducted illegally. The Constitutional Court has been issued a ruling of the Constitutional Court No.20/PUU-XVI/2016 which imposes limits on how electronic evidence retrieval and also who is allowed to submit as an evidence in court. The court ruling was appropriate given the absence of norms regulating the procedures for the acquisition and delivery of electronic evidence. In a special lex such as criminal acts Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorism Crime and Crime and Electronic Information only governs the kinds of electronic evidence alone, as well as the Code of Criminal Law. Indonesia adalah Negara hukum yang menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia. dalam Negara hukum, ada perlindungan hak asasi manusia oleh Negara, termasuk hak pribadi. Undang-undang Nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektrokni, Pasal 5 Ayat (2 telah diajukan judisial review pada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Mahkamah Konstitusi telah mengeluarkan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 20/PUU-XVI/2016, yang memberikan batasan tentang cara pengambilan alat bukti elektronik yang diperkenankan untuk diajukan dalam proses persidangan. Hal ini, sudah tepat mengingat tidak adanya norma yang mengatur tentang cara perolehan alat bukti elektronik dan siapa yang berhak mengajukan alat bukti elektronik tersebut ke pengadilan. Dalam beberapa undang-undang khusus pedoman tentang alat bukti elektronik hanya mengatur mengenai tindak pidana khusus saja seperti pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, Tindak Pidana Terorisme dan Tindak Pidana Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik.

  8. Perangkat Lunak Untuk Analisis Gaya Gelombang Di Laboratorium Lingkungan Dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Ftk-Its

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    Fendi Hidayat


    Full Text Available Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK-ITS sering digunakan untuk pengujian. Salah satunya menguji gaya mooring pada floating breakwater. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu alasan untuk membuat suatu perangkat lunak dalam membantu dalam proses analisis gaya mooring tersebut. Perangkat lunak yang dibuat berfungsi untuk membantu proses kalibrasi sensor load cell LUB-B 5 to 50 KB dan melakukan analisis gaya gelombang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan regresi linier, korelasi linier, perhitungan varian, standar deviasi, dan hukum Newton yang kemudian disusun dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Penyusunan perangkat lunak yang bernama FORYS ini memiliki tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah dalam pemakaian. Perangkat lunak yang telah dibuat juga bersifat portable sehingga bisa digunakan di berbagai komputer atau laptop. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan bahwa semakin besar gaya gelombang yang terjadi, maka semakin besar pula tegangan yang terjadi pada tali.  


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    Layin Fauziyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang menun-jang pendidikan karakter siswa kelas V sekolah dasar yang layak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel yang telah dimodifikasi sehingga memuat tahapan define, design, dan develop. Produk yang dikembangkan adalah perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri dari RPP, LKS, bahan ajar/buku siswa dan tes hasil belajar. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dimulai dari tahap analisis awal-akhir, analisis peserta didik, analisis materi, analisis tugas, spesifikasi tujuan pembel-ajaran, pemilihan media, pemilihan format, validasi ahli, uji coba terbatas, uji coba lapangan, dan revisi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar validasi, lembar observasi karakter siswa, dan lembar observasi kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan RPP yang menunjang pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang menunjang pendidikan karakter pada materi pecahan. Hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan dengan kategori cukup valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat yang dikembangkan dapat membentuk karakter jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang telah dilakukan, perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang dikembangkan pada uji coba terbatas dan uji coba lapangan menunjukkan peningkatan karakter siswa di setiap pertemuan. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPING MATHEMATIC TEACHING KITS THAT SUPPORT THE CHARACTER EDUCATION OF THE STUDENTS IN CLASS V OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ABSTRACT This research aims to develop appropriate mathematic teaching kits that support the character education of the students in class V of elementary school. This research is a research and development study using a model of the development of the 4-D developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel which has been modified so that it consists of the defining, designing, and developing phases. The product developed is a teaching kit that consists of lesson plans, worksheets, instructional materials/students books, and a learning outcome test. The development is started from the initial stage-end analysis, analysis of learners, content analysis, task analysis, specification of learning objectives, media selection, format selection, test validation by experts, limited testing, field trials and revision. The instruments used in this study consisted of a validation sheet, students’ character observation sheets, and observation sheets of teachers’ capabilities in teaching management to determine the feasibility of the RPP that supports character education. The research produces a teaching kit that supports character education on the material about fractions. The results of the validation of the developed kit show that the teaching kit is feasible to use and it is valid, practical, and effective. The teaching using the developed kit can form honesty, discipline, and responsibility. Based on the observations that have been done, the ​​developed mathematic teaching kit, according to the limited testing and field trials, shows the increase in the character of students in each meeting. Keywords: development, learning kit, character education

  10. Surat Elektronik sebagai Media Komunikasi Data pada Sistem Pemantauan Bahan Bakar pada Sistem Catu Daya BTS

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    Falconi Falconi


    Full Text Available Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan seperangkat radio komunikasi tetap yang digunakan dalam jaringan selular. Untuk mempertahankan kinerja perangkat BTS agar tetap dapat bekerja walaupun suplai catu daya dari PLN terhenti, pada beberapa lokasi BTS ditempatkan pembangkit listrik tenaga solar. Sehingga pada saat PLN mati, maka kebutuhan listrik BTS akan disuplai oleh pembangkit listrik tersebut. Karena lokasi BTS menyebar, diperlukan petugas yang banyak atau waktu yang lama untuk dapat melakukan pengecekan kondisi solar secara keseluruhan. Sehingga sewaktu-waktu pembangkit listrik tidak dapat bekerja saat  dibutuhkan  dikarenakan  solar  habis.  Sistem  pemantau kondisi solar pada sistem catu daya Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan sebuah sistem pemantau yang berfungsi melakukan pencatatan ketinggian level solar pada tangki secara periodik dan terus menerus. Ketinggian level solar dikonversi kedalam status normal, minor, mayor dan kritis. Status inilah yang akan disimpan ke dalam basis data yang ada pada computer server. Dengan adanya sistem pemantau ini, maka untuk mengetahui kondisi solar pada tangki sebuah stasiun BTS, seorang petugas pemeliharaana dapat melakukannya tanpa perlu lagi mendatangi lokasi BTS, tetapi cukup memantaunya dari aplikasi pada komputer klien. Sistem yang dibangun terdiri dari sensor ultrasonik PING yang bertugas mendeteksi level solar dan mengumpankan hasilnya ke mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535. Mikrokontroler bertugas untuk mengkonversi sinyal analog yang dihasilkan sensor kedalam bentuk sinyal digital untuk kemudian dikirim ke komputer server melalui komunikasi serial. Aplikasi yang ada pada komputer server akan menerima data tersebut dan menyimpannya pada basis data. Data-data tersebut sewaktu-waktu akan dipanggil kembali apabila ada permintaan dari komputer klien untuk kemudian di kirim melaui surat elektronik. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada tangki solar yang dimiliki oleh PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa, diperoleh hasil bahwa keseluruhan sistem dapat berfungsi dengan baik sesuai rancangan.


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    Febriliyan Samopa


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Keamanan jaringan merupakan tantangan yang besar dalam pengembangan layanan Internet yang dewasa ini tumbuh demikian cepat. Salah satu bentuk masalah keamanan yang paling menonjol adalah intrusi dari cracker yang memanfaatkan celah-celah keamanan yang ada sebagai kompensasi dari layanan yang diberikan oleh sebuah server. Cracker akan berusaha mengakses ports yang sedang digunakan oleh layanan suatu server dan berusaha mengekspoitasi kelemahan port tersebut untuk melakukan Denial of Service (DoS, defacing situs internet, maupun Information Retrieval terhadap data-data sensitif. Tugas akhir ini berusaha menyajikan sebuah perangkat lunak yang dapat mencari celah-celah keamanan yang mungkin timbul pada sebuah komputer yang terhubung ke jaringan. Celah keamanan yang dapat dideteksi oleh perangkat lunak ini antara lain ARP Poisoning, Open Ports, NetBIOS Null Session, DCOM RPC dan IIS Unicode. Sebagai tambahan, perangkat lunak ini juga dapat memberikan estimasi mengenai sistem operasi apa yang dimiliki oleh komputer tersebut. Dari hasil uji coba, perangkat lunak ini dapat menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya dengan baik. Namun demikian, terdapat sedikit kekurangan-kekurangan antara lain antisipasi terhadap firewall yang belum cukup baik dan penggunaan CPU time yang cukup tinggi. Kata Kunci : Jaringan, Keamanan, ARP Poisoning, IIS Unicode, DCOM RPC, Null Session, Fingerprinting, Port Scanning


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    Lisna Handayani


    Full Text Available Tujuan  penelitian adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPS dengan Pendekatan Inquiry. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan langkah-langkah Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama yaitu pendahuluan, pengembangan dan validasi. Data yang diperoleh adalah hasil belajar, aktivitas diskusi dan respon peserta didik. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan uji t. Penggunaan pendekatan inquiry sebagai salah satau strategi pembelajaran IPS dapat dilakukan dengan mempersiapkan terlebih dahulu perangkat pembelajarannya. Hasil pengembangan divalidasi oleh pakar, diujicobakan pada kelas terbatas dan selanjutnya dilakukan ujicoba pada kelas eksperimen yang dibandingkan hasilnya dengan kelas kontrol. Perangkat pembelajaran tergolong efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik di kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Jepara, terbukti dari adanya peningkatan yang nyata terbukti dari hasil uji paired sampel t-test dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 <0,05, dan terjadi peningkatan yang tinggi (gain > 0,7, serta hasil belajar yang dicapai berbeda secara signifikan dengan kelompok kontrol. Di samping hasil belajar, pembelajaran yang dilakukan juga berdampak pada proses belajar yang membawa tingginya aktivitas peserta didik dalam memberikan gagasan, kerjasama, inisiatif, keaktifan dan kedisiplinan. The purpose of this research is creating Social Lesson Material with Inquiry Approach.This developing of the research is used of  the steps of Borg and Gall. They are Introducing, developing and evaluating. Learning materials are developed and validity by expert. Datas are gooten by study result, discussion activity and students, respone. Analizing datas are used descriptive analize and t- try out. The use of inquiry approach as one of learning strategy on Social Lesson Material can be done by preparing those. The result of  developing are being validity by expert,  try out on limited group and experiment group ad compare with control group. Learning materials are effective for developing the result of learning students process on the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Jepara, It is proved on the real developing of the result of t-test dengan nilai significant grade  0,000 <0,05, and there is a higher developing (gain > 0,7


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    Mochammad Yasir


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to develop and implement biology learning materials based on metacognitive strategy. The learning material was developed by using 4-D model, including the Definition, Design, Develop phase, whereas the Disseminate phase was not conducted because this research is classified as the development research. This research was conducted in one of the senior high schools in East Java. Validating, observing, and giving questionnaire were implemented to collect various information during implementation of the learning materials. The findings from this research showed that the learning materials are valid, practical, and effective in empowering students both in terms of attention and learning outcomes. There were several obstacles occurred during the implementation of the learning materials, i.e. students were confused of new task and learning strategy and were not accostumed in correcting and acknowledged their own mistakes. Alternative solutions were given by providing guidance and information to students about learning using metacognitive strategy, so that students were expected to follow the learning with ease, as well as to train their reflective thinking skill and using an analogy which easier to understand. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan mengimplementasikan perangkat pembelajaran Biologi berbasis metakognitif. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model 4-D, meliputi tahap pendefinisian (Definition, perancangan (Design, dan pengembangan (Develop, sedangkan tahap penyebaran (Disseminate tidak dilakukan karena penelitian ini tergolong penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian dilakukan di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA Negeri di Jawa Timur. Observasi, angket, dan tes digunakan untuk mengumpulkan variasi informasi selama implementasi perangkat pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran ini valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir reflektif. Terdapat hambatan yang ditemui selama implementasi perangkat pembelajaran. Beberapa siswa bingung akan tugas dan strategi belajar baru, dan belum terbiasa mengoreksi dan mengakui kesalahan diri sendiri. Alternatif solusi yang diberikan dengan memberikan pengarahan dan informasi kepada siswa tentang pembelajaran menggunakan strategi metakognitif dengan harapan siswa lebih mudah dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, memberikan bimbingan untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir reflektif, dan membuat analogi yang mudah dipahami siswa.

  14. Analisis Kriteria Pengembangan Penganggaran Elektronik Menggunakan Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD dari Sudut Pandang Pengguna

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    Rahmi Kartika Jati


    Full Text Available Pesatnya perkembangan sistem informasi menjadi pemicu dalam pengembangan aplikasi pendukung operasional organisasi. Tak terkecuali pemerintah Indonesia. Sebagai organisasi yang besar, pemerintah Indonesia memandang perlu adanya perbaikan layanan kepada masyarakat. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan menetapkan penerapan e-government. E-government merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan dalam perbaikan birokrasi dan tata kelola pemerintahan. Pusat Penelitian X sebagai lembaga pemerintahan melakukan perbaikan terus menerus untuk meningkatkan tata kelola organisasi. Dari beberapa area yang akan menjadi objek pengembangan e-government, pihak manajemen Pusat Penelitian X memutuskan untuk memprioritaskan perbaikan pada proses keuangan, khususnya proses penganggaran. Dalam rangka perbaikan proses anggaran tersebut, perlu kajian terkait pengembangan penganggaran elektronik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan penganggaran elektronik di Pusat Penelitian X. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD yang merupakan pengembangan Quality Function Deployment (QFD tradisional yang umum digunakan pada pengembangan produk manufaktur. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa dalam pengembangan penganggaran elektronik di Pusat Penelitian X, programmer perlu memperhatikan delapan kriteria prioritas yang menurut pengguna perlu ada di dalam penganggaran elektronik. Dimana delapan kriteria prioritas tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengetesan sistem untuk finalisasi pengembangan penganggaran elektronik.*****The rapid development of information system is the trigger for the developing of organization operational support applications. This is also the case of Indonesian government. As a big organization, Indonesian government sees the need of improving public services. Those can be conducted by implementing e-government, as a tool to improve the bureaucracy and governance effectively and efficiently. X Research Center as a government institution continues to improve the organization arrangement system. From many areas that will be the objects of e-government developing, the management of X Research Center decided to prioritize the improvement of financial process, especially budgeting process. On the improving of the budgeting process, the study of e-budgeting development is implemented. This study used Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD which is a development of Quality Function Deployment (QFD commonly used in the traditional manufacturing product development. From this paper, we can conclude that in the development of e-budgeting in X Research Center, programmers need to pay attention to the eight priority criteria according to user requirement. Eight priority criteria can be used as a basic for system testing to finalize the development of electronics budgeting.

  15. Pembuatan Perangkat Audit Berbasis Risiko Berdasarkan COBIT 5 dan Service Desk Standard pada Service Desk

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    Sarah Putri Ramadhani


    Full Text Available SubDirektorat Layanan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi pada Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI sebagai penyedia layanan TI di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS tidak sedikit mengalami gangguan atau insiden yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Oleh karena itu terdapat unit service desk yang bertugas menangani berbagai macam keluhan insiden dan memenuhi permintaan layanan TI. Namun DPTSI belum pernah mengadakan pengendalian internal terhadap prosesnya. Untuk memastikan pengelolaan telah diterapkan dalam kontrolnya maka perlu sebuah metode yaitu audit internal. Salah satu hal yang perlu disiapkan dalam melaksanakan audit adalah perangkat audit karena menyediakan serangkaian instruksi dari proses yang harus dilakukan service desk sehingga membantu seorang auditor dalam menjalankan audit sesuai dengan tujuan dan memastikan seluruh proses telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat audit pada service desk DPTSI yang dibuat berdasarkan control objective pada Service Desk Standard yang dipetakan dengan proses pada best practice COBIT 5 domain DSS02. Ruang lingkup perangkat audit juga ditetapkan melalui control objective yang dipetakan dengan risiko TI pada service desk yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan best practice COBIT 5 for Risk APO12 Manage Risk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah dokumen perangkat audit beserta panduan penggunaannya, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu DPTSI untuk melakukan audit pada service desk..


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    Lina Wijayanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran pada materi pecahan tema 3 berbasis teori Bruner ditinjau dari kualitas produk secara umum (kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dan dalam peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan prestasi belajar peserta didik di kelas IV SD Labschool Unesa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian dan pengembangan yang menggunakan model yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall. Subjek penelitian dalam uji coba terbatas berjumlah 4 siswa, sedangkan dalam uji coba lapangan berjumlah 8 siswa. Subjek uji coba produk operasional pada kelas eksperimen sebanyak 17 siswa dan kelas kontrol sebanyak 18 siswa. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lembar penilaian produk perangkat pembelajaran, lembar observasi guru, lembar observasi peserta didik, tes hasil belajar, angket respon guru, dan agket respon peserta didik. Analisis data menggunakan independent sample t-test dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran hasil pengembangan dinyatakan valid dengan kategori sebagai berikut: silabus berkategori baik, RPP berkategori sangat baik, tes hasil belajar berkategori baik, dan media berkategori sangat baik, sehingga rerata hasil semua perangkat pembelajaran adalah berkategori baik. Penerapan perangkat pembelajaran secara umum dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada ketercapaian hasil belajar sehingga perangkat pembelajaran dikatakan efektif, sedangkan untuk kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan prestasi belajar siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis teori Bruner hasil pengembangan mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci: perangkat pembelajaran, teori Bruner, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, prestasi belajar DEVELOPING TEACHING KIT BASED ON THE THEORY OF BRUNER IN GRADE FOUR STUDENTS OF SD LABSCHOOL UNESA Abstract This study aims to develop a teaching kit on fractions of theme 3 based on the theory of Bruner in terms of product quality in general (validity, practicallity, and effectiveness and in improving the problem solving ability and learning achievement of grade four students of SD Labschool Unesa. This research is research and development using the model developed by Borg & Gall. The research subjects in the preliminary field testing were 4 students, while in main field testing 8 students. The operational field testing subjects in the experimental group were 17 students and in the control group 18 students. The data collection used the product evaluation sheets of teaching, teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets, achievement test, teacher and student questionaires. The data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test with the significance level of 0.05. The results show that the teaching kit is valid in the following categories the syllabus is good, RPP is very good, achievement test is good, and learning media is very good. So that the average result of all teaching kit is categorized as good. The implementation of the teaching kit can generally be done well. Based on the test results of the experimental group and control group, there are significant differences in the learning achievement so that the teaching kit is effective, and at the same time, the problem solving ability and learning achievement of the students who take the lesson using the teaching kit based on theory of Bruner has increased. Keywords: teaching kit, theory of Bruner, problem solving ability, academic achievement


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    Noor Fitria A.


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Traceability merupakan hal penting pada proyek perangkat lunak, terutama pada proyek skala besar. Traceability berfungsi untuk mengetahui ketelusuran antar artefak dalam fase-fase yang berbeda (analisis kebutuhan, analisis desain, dan analisis implementasi maupun antara artefak dan pihak pengembang yang terlibat. Sistem traceability otomatis diperlukan untuk membangun ketelusuran antar artefak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi sejumlah literatur pendekatan terbaru yang digunakan untuk membangun traceability link. Eksplorasi literatur mengacu pada taksonomi berbasis evolusi perangkat lunak terhadap sejumlah mekanisme karakterisasi perubahan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi mekanisme. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana pendekatan tersebut dapat mendukung evolusi perangkat lunak serta memberikan garis besar dari kriteria yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun metode traceability yang lebih baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah variasi faktor suatu pendekatan tidak berbeda jauh dengan pendekatan lainnya kecuali jika terdapat perbedaan pada faktor temporal.

  18. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Geometri Ruang dengan Model Proving Theorem

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    Bambang Eko Susilo


    Full Text Available Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif mahasiswa masih lemah. Hal ini ditemukan pada mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Geometri Ruang yaitu dalam membuktikan soal-soal pembuktian (problem to proof. Mahasiswa masih menyelesaikan secara algoritmik atau prosedural sehingga diperlukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran Geometri Ruang berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi dengan model Proving Theorem. Dalam penelitian ini perangkat perkuliahan yang dikembangkan yaitu Silabus, Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP, Kontrak Perkuliahan, Media Pembelajaran, Bahan Ajar, Tes UTS dan UAS serta Angket Karakter Konservasi telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dengan kriteria (1 validasi perangkat pembelajaran mata kuliah Geometri ruang berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi dengan model proving theorem berkategori baik dan layak digunakan dan (2 keterlaksanaan RPP pada pembelajaran yang dikembangkan secara keseluruhan berkategori baik.Critical and creative thinking abilities of students still weak. It is found in students who take Space Geometry subjects that is in solving problems to to prove. Students still finish in algorithmic or procedural so that the required the development of Space Geometry learning tools based on competency and conservation with Proving Theorem models. This is a research development which refers to the 4-D models that have been modified for the Space Geometry learning tools, second semester academic year 2014/2015. Instruments used include validation sheet, learning tools and character assessment questionnaire. In this research, the learning tools are developed, namely Syllabus, Lesson Plan, Lecture Contract, Learning Media, Teaching Material, Tests, and Character Conservation Questionnaire had been properly implemented with the criteria (1 validation of Space Geometry learning tools based on competency and conservation with Proving Theorem models categorized good and feasible to use, and (2 the implementation of Lesson Plan on learning categorized good overall. 

  19. Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Cooperative Scripts Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep dan Mengeliminasi Miskonsepsi IPA pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Dian Eka Indriani


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar model Cooperative Scripts dengan 4D modifikasi yang bertujuan untuk mengeliminasi Miskonsepsi pemahaman konsep IPA pada pokok bahasan materi sistem pernapasan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran valid, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran baik (3.97, kegiatan berpusat pada murid aktif. Hasil tes pemahaman konsep siswa dianalisis dengan N-gain menunjukkan pemahaman konsep IPA siswa meningkat (0.65 begitu pula dengan eliminasi Miskonsepsi siswa, sejalan dengan hasil penilaian afektif siswa menunjukkan hasil yang baik (3.9. Simpulan penelitian ini, bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA model Cooperative Scripts layak, dapat meningkatkan dan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap eliminasi Miskonsepsi pemahaman konsep IPA siswa di Sekolah Dasar. 

  20. Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Unit Kontrol Alat Ukur Sudu Cross Flow Water Turbine Berbasis Pengolahan Citra

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    Eka Marliana


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, alat ukur mengalami perkembangan yang cukup signifikan. Salah satu bentuk perkembangannya adalah dengan dibuatnya alat ukur sudu cross flow water turbine berbasis pengolahan citra oleh Rusweki dan Pradnyana pada tahun 2013. Namun, alat ukur ini masih dioperasikan secara manual. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan terhadap alat tersebut, khususnya dibidang rancang bangun perangkat lunak untuk unit kontrolnya. Metodologi yang diterapkan dalam tugas akhir ini yang pertama adalah mempelajari hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan topik bahasan dari berbagai literatur. Langkah kedua adalah menetukan perumusan masalah dan menentukan metode pembuatan perangkat lunak. Ketiga, pembuatan perangkat lunak dan verifikasi. Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil dirancang perangkat lunak untuk unit kontrol alat ukur sudu CFWT berbasis pengolahan citra. Berdasarkan hasil kalibrasi sensor inframerah Sharp GP2Y0A21 didapatkan bahwa nilai jarak adalah sama dengan 178924.57 dibagi dengan nilai output ADC desimal pangkat 1.08. Selisih maksimal antara jarak input dan jarak tempuh motor adalah 0.5mm, dan jarak kontrol antara 130-400mm. Dengn demikian, metode pengukuran menggunakan alat ini akan lebih mudah dan cermat, karena selain dapat mengukur benda dengan bentuk yang kompleks mngurangi resiko keausan benda an lebih teliti, juga bisa diakukan dengan mudah serta cepat karena adanya sistem kontrol

  1. Perancangan Aplikasi Panduan Pariwisata Kota Tasikmalaya pada Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android

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    Danial Ahmad Muslih


    Pariwisata merupakan aspek yang berharga bagi suatu daerah, dengan adanya daerah pariwisata maka dapat memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar. Tasikmalaya memiliki objek wisata yang banyak namun informasi mengenai letak tempat wisata di Tasikmalaya masih kurang dan hal ini menjadi kendala bagi para wisatawan yang akan pergi berwisata. Aplikasi panduan pariwisata edisi Tasikmalaya merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan perangkat lunak Eclipse IDE, dimana bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah Java, serta menggunakanbahasa pemrograman PHP, dan basis data MySQL. Tahap perancangan dilakukan dengan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle dengan paduan pemodelan UML. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perancangan aplikasi ini adalah terwujudnya sebuah aplikasi panduan pariwisata yang berjalan pada perangkat bergerak berbasis android. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini berjalan baik pada sistem operasi android Ice Cream Sandwich. Tombol dan fungsi yang ada dalam aplikasi ini telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan fungsionalitasnya masing-masing.


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    Slamet Haryanto


    Full Text Available abstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan realistik bermuatan pendidikan karakter. Mengembangkan berarti  membuat perangkat pembelajaran   yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan   dengan   menggunakan   model   Plomp.   Validasi   perangkat   dilakukan dengan meminta pertimbangan para ahli (validator, pengujian kepraktisan perangkat dilakukan dengan menganalisis data respon siswa dan data kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran,  sedangkan  pengujian  keefektifan  dilakukan  dengan  uji  perbedaan  rata- rata  literasi  matematika  dan  uji  ketuntasan  serta  uji  pengaruh  motivasi  dan  aktivitas siswa terhadap literasi matematika.  Teknik pengumpulan  data dengan tes, dokumentasi, observasi, dan angket. Hasil penelitian ini rata-rata nilai validator untuk silabus, Rencana Program Pembelajaran  (RPP, buku siswa, Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS dan Tes Literasi Matematika  berturut-turut  adalah  3,48;  3,37; 3,30; 3,35, dan 3,42; sehingga  perangkat pembelajaran tergolong valid. Rata-rata skor respon siswa dan kegiatan guru berturut-turut adalah  3,38 dan 3,5 yang mengindikasikan  bahwa  perangkat  pembelajaran  ini praktis. Rata-rata  literasi  matematika  siswa  yang  belajar  menggunakan     pendekatan  realistik 76,30 lebih baik daripada rata-rata literasi matematika  siswa yang belajar menggunakan metode konvensional  66,70, Keaktifan  dan motivasi siswa secara bersama  memberikan pengaruh sebesar 96,5% terhadap literasi matematika siswa. Dengan demikian perangkat pembelajaran  dengan pendekatan  realistik bermuatan  pendidikan  karakter adalah valid, praktis, dan efektif.AbstractThis research aims to develop a realistic approach to learning devices charged.This research is development by using models Plomp. Validation of the device is done by appealing to the exper, testing the practicality of the device is done by analyzing the response data of students and teachers the ability to manage the learning of  data, while testing the effectiveness of  a test performed using the average difference and regression testing to determine the effect of  students’ motivation towards literacy and math activities. The results of this study showed that the average value of the validator to the syllabus , Learning Programme Plan, student books, Student Worksheet, and the Literacy Test Mathematic row is 3,48, 3,37, 3,30, 3,35, and 3,42, thus classified as a valid, seen from the average of the students’ responses and teachers activity, respectively, 3.38 and 3.5 which indicates that the device is a practical learning.  Average  mathematics  literacy  students  are learning  to use a realistic  approach  charged 76.30 better than average mathematical literacy of  students who learn using conventional  methods 66.70, Motivation and motivated students with an impact of 96.5 % of the mathematical literacy of students. the realistic approach to learning with educational is valid, practical, and effective.


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    Pertiwi Andarani


    Full Text Available Limbah elektronik adalah masalah yang muncul di Indonesia karena mengandung bahan yang berpotensi berbahaya. Dalam rangka menciptakan manajemen yang ramah lingkungan dari limbah elektronik, fasilitas yang memadai diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih lokasi yang optimal untuk mengembangkan fasilitas pengolahan limbah elektronik (FLPE. Pemilihan lokasi yang optimal dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode model ELECTRE III. ELECTRE adalah keluarga metode analisis keputusan multi-kriteria yang berasal di Eropa. Kriteria yang dipilih untuk analisis ini adalah penduduk setempat, penduduk yang dilayani, persentase belanja bulanan, harga rata-rata rumah tangga per unit, populasi pengangguran, status finansial dari penduduk lokal, jarak dari fasilitas yang telah ada, dan jarak dari pelabuhan terdekat. ELECTRE III membutuhkan penentuan tiga ambang batas, yaitu ambang kelalaian (q, ambang batas preferensi (p, dan ambang veto (v dalam upaya untuk lebih beradaptasi dengan ketidakpastian. Bobot masing-masing kriteria yang ditentukan sesuai dengan kepentingan relatif terhadap kriteria lain. Lokasi optimal untuk FPLE adalah Provinsi Banten berdasarkan model ELECTRE III.   Kata Kunci: limbah elektronik, fasilitas, optimasi, ELECTRE Abstract E-waste is an emerging issue in Indonesia due to its potentially hazardous content and some precious metal. In order to create an environmentally sound management of e-waste, a facility is necessary. The objectives of this study are to to select the optimal location of e-waste dismantling and sorting facility (DSF/FLPE.  The optimal location selection was conducted using the method of ELECTRE III model. ELECTRE is a family of multi-criteria decision analysis methods that originated in Europe. The criteria chosen for this analysis are local population, population served, the percentage of monthly expenditure, average household price per unit, unemployed population, financial status of the local population, distance from existing facilities, and distance from the nearest port. ELECTRE III requires the determination of three thresholds, namely threshold of negligence (q, threshold of preference (p, and the veto threshold (v in the effort to better adapt to uncertainties. The weight of each criterion was determined according to its importance relative to other criteria. The optimal location for e-waste DSF is Banten Province based on ELECTRE III model. Keywords: e-waste, facility, optimization, ELECTRE


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    Dwi Hidayanti


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP dan LKS berbasis pemecahan masalah yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan ini adalah model pengembangan Plomp. Model pengembangan Plomp ini terdiri atas tiga tahapan, yaitu penelitian awal, tahap pembuatan prototip, dan tahap asesmen. Berdasarkan analisis data uji kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan, perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif dengan skor kevalidan 3,86 yang berarti valid tanpa revisi, skor kepraktisan 3,32 yang berarti tingkat kepraktisannya tinggi, dan dapat meningkatkan rata-rata nilai tes kemampuan berpikir kritis sebesar 74%.


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    Selim BÖREKCİ


    Full Text Available Elektronik balastlar manyetik balastlara kıyasla, daha yüksek etkinlik faktörüne, daha iyi ısık kalitesine, daha uzun lamba ömrüne ve daha küçük hacme sahiptir. Bu çalısmada, lamba gücü, balast empedansını ve rezonans frekansını degistiren manyetik kontrollü bobin tarafından yapılmaktadır ve bu yöntem kendinden tetiklemeli akim beslemeli push pull tipi elektronik balastlarda gerçeklestirilmistir. Burada sunulan güç kontrolü yönteminde, sıfır voltaj anahtarlaması gerçeklestirilmistir. Elde edilen sonuçları karsılastırmak için, sunulan yöntemin aynı zamanda simulasyonuda yapılmıstır. Deneysel ve simulayon sonuçları uyum göstermektedir.


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    A Sony


    Full Text Available Mendeteksi kasus pencurian listrik di Indonesia memerlukan usaha dan biaya yang besar. PLN saat ini masih menggunakan metode lama dalam mendeteksi kasus pencurian yaitu dengan memeriksa pola tagihan listrik yang didapatkan dari pencatatan secara manual oleh petugas. Penelitian ini mengajukan suatu metode deteksi pencurian listrik dengan memanfaatkan perangkat WSN yang dipasangkan dimeteran pelanggan untuk memonitor jumlah pemakaian listrik. Logika pendeteksian adalah dengan membandingkan data konsumsi pada pelanggan dengan data jumlah listrik yang disalurkan oleh gardu penyalur pada suatu cakupan wilayah. Hasil penelitian berupa simulasi dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Excel, hasil simulasi menunjukkan keefektifan penggunaan metode yang diajukan dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi.Detecting theft electricity in Indonesia require enormous amount of efforts and money. PLN until these days still using the old school method to detect this case by checking the pattren of customers electricity bills manualy by the PLN employee. Purposed method in this research is to detect leak of electricity by spreading WSN devices inside each customers meteran to monitor total power consumtion. Logic of the method is compare sum of power consumtion in a testing area with amount of electricity flow in that area by monitor the gardu penyalur conductor. Result of this research is excel simulation, simulation outcome shows that using the purposed to decided system status is effective in the system operational with high accuracy with the actual condition.        

  7. Penjadwalan Perencanaan Produksi Produk Mixed Model Pada Refrigerator Business Unit Di Perusahaan Elektronik Jakarta


    Rinaldi, Dendi


    Perusahaan elektronik di Jakarta merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki enam business unit yaitu Refrigerator, Audio, Electric Fan, Air Conditioner, Water Pump, dan Loundry System. Dalam menjalankan produksi khususnya pada Refrigerator Business Unit, perusahaan mengalami permasalahan pada penjadwalan produksinya karena terdapat 30 model yang diproduksi sesuai permintaan menyebabkan perusahaan sulit untuk melakukan penjadwalan. Salah satu penjadwalan yang dipakai dalam sistem produks...


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    Diah Sunarsih


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA dengan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe inside outside circle untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kognitif dan menumbuhkan kemampuan komunikasi ilmiah siswa yang valid materi peristiwa alam. Uji coba skala terbatas dilakukan di SDN 02 Ambowetan. Uji coba skala luas kelas eksperimen SDN 01 Ambowetan VA, sedangkan kelas kontrol SDN 01 Ambowetan VB. Desain uji coba penelitian ini nonequivalent control group design. Prosedur pengembangan dan penelitian dikembangkan mengacu model pengembangan Dick dan Carry terdiri 4 tahap yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menerapkan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe inside outside circle berupa silabus, RPP, bahan ajar, lembar tes formatif, lembar observasi kemampuan komunikasi ilmiah, dan angket respon siswa valid, efektif, dan praktis diterapkan dalam pembelajaran IPA kelas V sekolah dasar materi peristiwa alam. Perangkat pembelajaran valid dengan nilai skor validitas akhir 3,43. Perangkat pembelajaran efektif terlihat peningkatan hasil uji N-gain menunjukkan hasil 0,50 pada klasifikasi tingkat sedang dan prosentase kemampuan ilmiah kelas eksperimen hasil sebesar 82%. Kriteria praktis dari nilai angket menunjukkan respon siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol (73% > 67 %.Purpose of this study is produce device the learning cooperative learning type inside outside circle to improve cognitive ability students and foster communication skills scientific a valid on material natural events. Trials limited scale in the SDN 02 Ambowetan. Trials wide scale for experimental class in the SDN 01 Ambowetan 5A, while the control class SDN 01 Ambowetan 5B. Design wide scale nonequivalent control group design. Procedures the development and developed research Dick and Carry consisting of 4 stage define, design, develop, and disseminate. Research result obtained device development applying the learning model cooperative learning type inside outside circle in the form of the syllabus, RPP, teaching materials, test sheet formative, the rubric ability of scientific communication, and questionnare response students valid, effectively,and practically applied in learning five grade material natural events. Learning device valid demonstrated the validity with a score of 3,43. Learning effectively seen increase the test N-gain show results 0f 0,47 on the classification of moderate and persentage the rubric of the ability of scientific communication results of 82%. Learning device practically shown of the value of a questionnaire showed that respons students the learning experimental calss higher than the control class (73% > 67 %.


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    Hilman Hilman


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan metode inkuiri pada persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel, dengan kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif ditinjau dari prestasi dan kepercayaan diri siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Reiser & Dempsey. Pengembangan terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri dari silabus, RPP, LAS, dan tes ulangan harian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Kevalidan produk pengembangan ditentukan oleh validasi ahli, kepraktisan produk pengem-bangan ditentukan oleh penilaian guru, dan siswa, sedangkan keefektifan produk pengembangan ditinjau dari prestasi dan kepercayaan diri siswa. Prestasi yang dicapai siswa mencapai rata-rata 76,94 melampaui KKM yakni 70, sedangkan kepercayaan diri siswa dari 55,88% menjadi 82,35% pada kategori minimal baik. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, perangkat pembelajaran, inkuiri   DEVELOPING LEARNING MATERIALS MATHEMATICS WITH INQUIRY METHOD FOR EQUATIONS LINEAR AND INEQUALITY OF ONE VARIABLE Abstract The aim of this study produces mathematics instructional materials, on linear equations and inequalities one variable with inquiry methods that valid, practical, and effective criteria in terms of student achievement and self-confidence. This study is developmental research. It is adapted from Reiser & Dempsey models. The research through several phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instructional materials is consists of syllabi, lesson plans, student sheet activity, and daily tests. The results showed that is the valid criteria valid, practical, and effective. Validity of development product is determined by the expert validation, the practicality is determined by the assessment of teachers, and students, while the effectiveness in terms of student achievement and self-confidence. Achievements of students achieving an average of 76.9412 beyond the KKM 70, while the confidence of students from 55.88% to 82.35% on minimal good category. Keywords: development, learning instructional materials, inquiry

  10. The Usage Analysis of Databases at Ankara University Digital Library Ankara Üniversitesi Elektronik Kütüphanesi Veri Tabanlarının Kullanım Analizi

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    Sacit Arslantekin


    Full Text Available The development in information and communication technologies has changed and improved resources and services diversity in libraries. These changes continue to develop rapidly throughout the world. As for our country,remarkable developments, especially in university and special libraries, in this field are worth consideration. In order to take benefit of the existing and forthcoming developments in the field of electronic libraries the databases used by clients should be well-demonstrated and followed closely. The providing wide use of electronic databases leads to increasing the productivity of scientific and social information that that is the ultimate goal. The article points out electronic resources management and the effect of consortia developments in the field first, and then evaluates the results of the survey on the use of electronic libraries assessment questionnaires by faculty members at Ankara University. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler bilgi kaynakları ile birlikte bilgi merkezlerinin hizmetlerini de çok yönlü olarak değiştirmiş ve geliştirmiştir. Bu gelişmeler dünyada hızlı bir gelişim izlemektedir. Ülkemizde ise başta üniversite ve araştırma kütüphaneleri olmak üzere elektronik kütüphaneler konusunda dikkate değer gelişmeler izlenmektedir. Bu gelişim süreci içinde yerini almaya çalışan elektronik kütüphanelerden istenilen düzeyde yarar sağlayabilmek için kullanılan elektronik bilgi içeren veri tabanlarının iyi tanıtılması ve kullanımının izlenmesi gerekmektedir. İstenilen düzeyde yararlanılan elektronik veri tabanları sonucu üretilen bilimsel bilginin artması da ulaşılmak istenen hedeftir. Bu makalede elektronik kaynak yönetimi ve konsorsiyumların etkisine kısaca değindikten sonra Ankara Üniversitesi öğretim elemanlarına elektronik kütüphane kullanımı konusunda yapılan anket değerlendirilecektir.

  11. Elektronik Ağızdan Ağıza İletişimin Pazarlama Literatüründeki Önemi


    ÖZBÜK, Meltem Yetkin; AKSOY, Şafak


    Bu çalışmanın amacı, elektronik ağızdan ağızailetişim (E-AAİLT) konusunun pazarlama alanındaki önemini açıklamaktır. Buamaçla, öncelikle, ağızdan ağıza iletişim (AAİLT) ve elektronik ağızdan ağızailetişim (E-AAİLT) süreçleri anlatılmış ve bu süreçler arasındaki farklılıklarortaya koyulmuştur. Sonrasında, yapılan sistematik bir literatür araştırmasıile H indeksine göre belirlenmiş en iyi pazarlama dergilerinde E-AAİLT konusuile ilgili yayınlanmış makaleler incelenmiştir. Bunun sonucunda, E-AAİ...


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    R. Ariesta


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan bentuk perangkat perkuliahan kegiatan Laboratorium Fisika Dasar II berbasis inkuiriterbimbing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kerja ilmiah mahasiswa. Pengembangan perangkat perkuliahan ini mengikuti modelPlomp meliputi fase investigasi awal, fase desain, fase realisasi/konstruksi, fase tes, evaluasi, revisi dan fase implementasi.Analisis data meliputi analisis hasil validasi perangkat secara deskriptif kualitatif, hasil penyekoran lembar observasi dianalisissecara deskriptif kualitatif, analisis hasil tes dengan N-Gain, analisis hasil uji coba soal tes (uji validitas, reliabilitas, tingkatkesukaran, dan daya beda soal. Hasil penelitian ini ditunjukkan oleh perolehan persentase kerja ilmiah mahasiswa secara klasikalsebesar 91,67% dengan kriteria sangat baik, sikap ilmiah dengan persentase 87,50% dengan kriteria sangat baik, penyusunanlaporan oleh mahasiswa dengan persentase 76,88% dengan kriteria baik, serta peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar (rata-rata gainpertemuan pertama 0,58(sedang, pertemuan kedua 0,56 (sedang, pertemuan ketiga 0,7 (sedang, dan pertemuan keempat 0,93(tinggi. Hasil uji coba pengembangan bentuk perangkat perkuliahan kegiatan Laboratorium Fisika Dasar II berbasis inkuiriterbimbing dapat meningkatkan kerja ilmiah mahasiswa. The research is aimed to develop teaching material of Fundamental Physics 2 Laboratory based on guided inquiry model and toincrease the students' scientific performance. The development of the teaching material is based on Plomp model, consist ofpreliminary investigation phase, design phase, construction phase, test phase, evaluation and revision phase and implementationphase. The instrument validity and scoring from observation sheets were analyzed qualitative-descriptively; the test result wasanalyzed using N-Gain; and try-out test results were analyzed using validity, reliability, item difficulty, and item discriminant test. Theanalysis results show that the classical percentage of students' scientific performance is 91.67% with very good critera; theclassical percentage of students' scientific manner 87.50% with very good critera; the students' report in written reach 76.88% withgood criteria; and the students' achievement was increase significantly. It can be concluded that the students' scientificperformance can be improved using guided inquiry model.Keywords: scientific performance; fundamental physics 2 laboratory; guided inquiry

  13. Pengenalan dan Analisis Ucapan pada Sistem Kontrol Perangkat Listrik Menggunakan Arduino Uno

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    Dania Eridani


    Full Text Available This study aims to develop an electrical device control system using speech recognition and perform the analysis factors that affect the accuracy of speech recognition. The system used the Arduino Uno as the main control board of the system, an Elechouse's voice recognition module as speech processing device and several output devices such as relays, LEDs and an LCD. This research resulted in 92,7% accuracy of speech recognition at the ideal condition and 66,85% at the noise condition. This study shows that the frequency, amplitude, slow tempo and timbre of command speech greatly affect the success of speech recognition. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pengendali perangkat listrik menggunakan pengenalan ucapan dan melakukan analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi akurasi dari pengenalan ucapan. Sistem menggunakan papan Arduino Uno sebagai pusat kendali sistem, modul pengenal ucapan dari Elechouse dan beberapa perangkat keluaran seperti relay, LED dan LCD. Penelitian ini menghasilkan akurasi pengenalan ucapan sebesar 92,7% pada kondisi ideal dan 66,85% pada kondisi berderau. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi, amplitudo, tempo yang lambat dan timbre ucapan perintah sangat mempengaruhi pengenalan ucapan.


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    Indras Kurnia Setiawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis Science, Environment, Technology, and Society (SETS dan mengetahui (1 kelayakan produk, (2 keefektifan produk untuk meningkatkan scientific literacy, serta (3 keefektifan produk untuk meningkatkan foundational knowledge peserta didik kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Wedi Klaten. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan 3 tahap prosedur pengembangan yaitu need assesment, development dan reasearch dengan desain nonequivalent control group. Perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis SETS terdiri atas silabus, RPP, Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD, dan instrumen penilaian otentik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelayakan produk dinyatakan sangat baik dengan rerata skor 4,59 dari rentang 0-5. Semua peserta didik di kelas eksperimen mengalami peningkatan nilai scientific literacy dan foundational knowledge dengan kategori peningkatan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Implementasi produk berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan scientific literacy dan foundational knowledge yang menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol dengan kemampuan awal yang sama. Dengan demikian, perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis SETS terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan scientific literacy dan foundational knowledge peserta didik kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Wedi Klaten. Kata kunci: perangkat pembelajaran IPA, SETS, scientific literacy, foundational knowledge   DEVELOPING A SETS-BASED SCIENCE TEACHING KIT TO IMPROVE SCIENTIFIC LITERACY AND FOUNDATIONAL KNOWLEDGE Abstract This study aims to produce products such as a Science, Environment, Tecnology, and Society-based science teaching kit and to determine (1 the feasibility of the product, (2 the effectiveness of the product to improve scientific literacy, and (3 the effectiveness of the product to improve foundational knowledge for 7th grade students in SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Wedi Klaten.. This study is a Research and Development (R & D with three phases procedure. They are need assesment, development dan reasearch with noneequivalent control using the control group. A SETS-based science teaching kit covering the syllabus, lesson plans, students worksheet, and authentic assessment instruments. The results showed the feasibility of the products avowed excellent with a mean score of 4,59 out of range 0-5. All students in the experimental class have increased the value of scientific literacy and foundational knowledge with increase category of high, medium, and low. Products implementation have a positive effect on the ability of scientific literacy and foundational knowledge which showed a significant difference between the experimental and control classes with the same initial ability. Thus, SETS-based science teaching kit is proven effective to increase scientific literacy and foundational knowledge for 7th grade students in SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Wedi Klaten. Keywords: science teaching kit, SETS, scientific literacy, foundational knowledge

  15. Perangkat Bantu Pendeteksi Kerusakan Smartphone Android Jaringan 3G menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Lisa Kurnia


    Full Text Available Telepon genggam (Handphone yang dahulu hanya berfungsi untuk menelepon dan mengirimkan pesan sekarang berkembang menjadi telepon pintar (Smartphone. Dalam perkembangannya sekarang smartphone bukan hanya sebagai alat komunikasi namun juga berfungsi sebagai alat yang memudahkan untuk mengakses internet ataupun mempermudah dalam transaksi online kebutuhan pengguna. Namun dalam penggunaannya jika terjadi kerusakan pada Smartphone umumnya pengguna tidak bisa mengetahui secara langsung jenis kerusakannya dan lebih memilih menyerahkannya pada teknisi atau tempat reparasi telepon. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, maka pembuatan penelitian ini, penulis membangun sebuah perangkat bantu untuk mendeteksi kerusakan pada smartphone menggunakan metode forward chaining. Desain perancangan sistem pakar  menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Language untuk visualisasi, merancang dan mendokumentasikan sistem perangkat lunak. Yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat Use Case Diagram dengan menjelaskan yang dilakukan oleh sistem yang dibangun dan siapa yang berinteraksi dengan sistem. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan Class Diagram, diagram ini menggambarkan struktur statis dari sebuah sistem yang akan dibangun dan menjelaskan hubungan dari class-class yang ada secara logika.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi berbasis website dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah dan membantu pengguna atau teknisi smartphone untuk mendiagosa kerusakan smartphone dalam waktu yang relatif singkat.


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    I. Akhlis


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang mampu berperan serta dalam memberikan solusi terhadap salah satu isu global yaitu cultural deviance melalui penumbuhkembangan kembali nilai ideologi pancasila pada peserta didik. Hasil validasi diperoleh hasil bahwa perangkat sudah layak digunakan meskipun ada perbaikan namun bukan mencangkup konsep. Pada kegiatan simulasi RPP, seluruh rencana kegiatan terlaksana dengan baik. Hasil uji keterbacaan dan validasi instrumen tes menunjukan ada beberapa kata yang perlu direvisi dan dari 8 soal yang direncanakan hanya 5 soal yang teruji valid. Perangkat pembelajaran science berorientasi cultural deviation solution  berbasis inkuiri menggunakan ICT untuk mengembangkan karakter peserta didik memberikan peluang yang besar untuk menumbuh kembangkan nilai tersebut. The purpose of this study is to produce a device capable of learning to participate in finding solutions to one global issue that is cultural deviance through return values of Pancasila ideology on the learner. Results obtained results validate that the device is suitable to be used even though there is improvement but instead covers the concept. In the simulation activity lesson plans, all plans come to fruition activities. Readability test results and instrument validation tests show there are some words that need to be revised and planned from 8 questions only about 5 proven valid. Device-oriented science teaching inquiry-based cultural deviation solution using ICT to develop the character of students presents a great opportunity to cultivate these values.

  17. Analisis Efektivitas Perangkat pada Program Desa Broadband Terpadu [Analysis of Device Effectiveness in Integrated Broadband Village Program

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    Hilarion Hamjen


    Full Text Available Pemerintah berkomitmen mendukung pertumbuhan e-commerce dan ekonomi digital di Indonesia untuk mencapai visi Indonesia 2020 sebagai negara ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Secara fundamental diperlukan dukungan konektivitas nasional dari tingkat pusat sampai ke tingkat lokal, salah satunya melalui program KPU/USO yaitu program DBT (Desa Broadband Terpadu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas perangkat pada program DBT phase 1 dan keterkaitannya dengan konektivitas, dengan menggunakan metode analisis kepentingan kinerja dan uji statistik Chi square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa efektivitas perangkat meliputi variabel kondisi, fungsi, pemeliharaan dan pemanfaatan rata-rata adalah 84,5 persen. Dengan nilai efektivitas tersebut diketahui bahwa keseluruhan variabel kondisi perangkat, fungsi dan pemanfaatannya tidak mempengaruhi konektivitas.  *****The Indonesian government has a strong commitment in supporting the growth of e-commerce and Digital Economy in Indonesia to attain Indonesia’s vision by 2020 as the largest digital economy nation in Southeast Asia. Fundamentally, the national connectivity supports from central level to local level are needed, where one of them comes from Integrated Broadband Village program. This research determines the effectiveness of devices in the DBT program and its correlation to the connectivity, by using importance-performance analysis method and Chi-square statistical test. It is known from the result that the effectiveness of devices, including condition, function, maintenance, and utilization variables, achieves 84.5 percent on average. The value shows that all mentioned variables have insignificant correlations to the connectivity.

  18. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Ekosistem Dan Pencemaran Lingkungan Berbasis Inkuiri Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, Pemahaman Konsep, Dan Sikap Siswa Kelas X SMA

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    Dody Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Abstract: The objectives of this research are to design a valid inquiry-based learning material about ecosystem and environmental pollution for grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang and to discover its effect towards critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attitude of grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang students. This research was conducted in two phases. The first phase is making the learning material including syllable, course outline, handout, student worksheet, and scoring instrument. The second phase is a quasi-experiment. Two sample groups are given different treatment to see the effect for critical thinking skills, conceptual comprehension, and student attitude. The results of the study showed that the learning material based on inquiry learning is valid and could be used for grade X students of Senior High School 3 Malang and there is a significant effect of the learning material towards the students critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attitude. Key Words: developing learning material, ecosystem and enviromental pollution, inquiry, critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehensension, attitude Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri pada materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan untuk siswa kelas X SMAN 3 Malang dan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis, pemahaman konsep, dan sikap siswa kelas X SMAN 3 Malang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah perancangan perangkat pembelajaran seperti silabus, RPP, handout, LKS, dan instrumen penilaian. Tahap kedua adalah eksperimen quasi. Pada tahap ini, dua sampel kelompok diberikan perlakuan yang berbeda untuk melihat pengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis, pemahaman konsep, dan sikap siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri valid dan dapat digunakan pada siswa kelas X SMAN 3 Malang dan terdapat pengaruh signifikan perangkat pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis, pemahaman konsep, dan sikap siswa. Kata kunci: pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan, inkuiri, kemampuan berpikir kritis, pemahaman konsep, sikap

  19. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Filsafat Matematika melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD dengan Strategi Berbasis Kompetensi dan Konservasi

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    Hardi Suyitno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Filsafat Matematika melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan strategi berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi. Perangkat dikembangkan menggunakan model 4-D yang dicetuskan oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel, & Semmel. Dari segi validitas, silabus yang dikembangkan memperoleh skor kevalidan 86.11, SAP yang dikembangkan memperoleh skor kevalidan 89.58, kontrak perkuliahan yang dikembangkan memperoleh skor kevalidan 86.81, lembar kerja mahasiswa yang dikembangkan memperoleh skor kevalidan 86.81. Sementara dari segi kepraktisan, hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mendapatkan skor 91.00, serta respon positif mahasiswa terhadap semua aspek berada di atas 50%. Dari segi keefektifan, diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil tes pertama dan kedua meningkat dari 84.43 menjadi 94.49. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran Filsafat Matematika yang dikembangkan bersifat valid, praktis, dan efektif.This research aims to develop a learning tools of Philosophy of Mathematics through STAD cooperative learning with the competency-based and conservation-based strategies. We develop the learning tools using 4-D models developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel, & Semmel. In terms of validity, the syllabus obtain a score of validity 86.11, lesson plan obtain a score of validity 89.58, lectures contract obtain a score of validity 86.81, and student worksheets obtain a score of validity 86.81. In terms of practicality, observation of feasibility study get a score of 91.00, and we get more then 50% of positive response for all aspects in a questionnaire filled out by students. In terms of effectiveness, the average value of the first and the second test results increase of 84.43 into 94.49. These results suggest that the learning tools developed are valid, practical, and effective.


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    Novan Satya Prathama


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI telah mengalami kemajuan yang begitu pesat sekarang ini. Dengan adanya kemajuan di bidang TI ini maka setiap orang dapat mengakses data atau informasi dengan mudah dan cepat. Sudah banyak perusahaan yang menjadikan TI sebagai salah satu aset penting di dalamnya. Namun aspek TI sendiri tidak akan selamanya berwujud sama dari waktu ke waktu. Perubahan diperlukan guna memenuhi kebutuhan yang diperlukan seiring berjalannya waktu atau berdasarkan faktor penyebab lain. Pengembangan strategi bisnis selalu dikaitkan dengan pengembangan strategi TI. Namun terkadang dalam pelaksanaannya tidak sesuai dengan sumber daya TI yang digunakan. COBIT (Control Obejctive for Information and Related Technology adalah standar control SI yang sifatnya umum serta dapat diterima dan diterapkan oleh organisasi. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan framework COBIT 4.1 untuk menyusun dan menerapkan audit sistem informasi dengan tujuan untuk memberi masukan dan rekomendasi bagi pihak manajemen perusahaan untuk perbaikan sistem nantinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi pustaka dan analisa terhadap framework COBIT 4.1 dengan evolusi perangkat lunak. Sehingga diperoleh sub domain yang tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengev aluasi suatu evolusi terhadap perangkat lunak. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan survey yang dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa keterkaitan antara framework COBIT dengan evolusi perangkat lunak berada pada tingkatan medium.


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    Faizah -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran, peningkatan soft skill dan pemahaman konsep, serta respon siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada materi hidrolisis garam yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria valid dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 3,57, adanya peningkatan soft skill siswa dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,46 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 72,72% siswa mencapai ketuntasan soft skill dengan kriteria tinggi atau sangat tinggi, pemahaman konsep siswa juga meningkat dengan perolehan N-Gain sebesar 0,69 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 84,85% siswa mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan KKM ≥ 76, serta siswa memberikan respon positif. This study aimed to analyze learning tools validity, soft skills improvement, concept understanding and students’ responses. The metode of this research is Research and Development (R & D. The results show that problem-based learning tools categorized valid with an average score of 3,57, the improvement of students’ soft skills was available with N-Gain of 0.46, the number of 72, 72% students whom achieving mastery of soft skills with a high or very high criteria, the concept understanding of students also increased by providing N-Gain of 0.69, the number of 84.85% students whom achieving score completeness KKM ≥ 76, this study also obtained student positive responses.


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    Melly Maulin Purnawingwulan, dkk


    Abstrak. Electronic Desa (e-Desa merupakan sistem yang dapat didasarkan pada teknologi cloud computing. Dengan e-Desa maka pemerintah desa tidak perlu direpotkan dengan penyediaan infrastruktur sistem seperti server, aplikasi dan perawatan sistem. Harapan dengan adanya sistem e-Desa ini adalah pemerintah desa dapat mandiri dalam pengelolaan informasi dan administrasi yang dilakukan. Pembangunan e-Desa ini ditujukan khusus untuk mendapatkan model pengelolaan informasi dan administrasi yang dilakukan pemerintahan desa guna meningkatkan pelayanan sesuai dengan visi dan misi Kabupaten Bandung dalam semangat otonomi daerah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi mendasar pada Ilmu Pemerintahan khususnya tentang konsep baru tentang e-Government. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan purposive (pengambilan informan berdasarkan tujuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka dan studi lapangan serta validitas data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan model kebijakan pembangunan e-Desa dapat berhasil bilamana ditunjang oleh kualifikasi pendidikan teknologi perangkat desa yang memadai. Kenyatannya, hal ini masih kurang di kalangan perangkat desa di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung. Kata Kunci : Kebijakan, E-desa, E goverment


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    A. Widiyatmoko


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu yang dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara menyeluruh sehingga memiliki daya saing yang unggul, mampu mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK, dan memiliki karakter yang bersumber pada nilai-nilai pancasila. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter menggunakan pendekatan humanistik berbantu alat peraga murah di sekolah menengah berupa silabus, RPP, alat peraga, LKS, dan modul yang dihasilkan melalui alur Four-D model, yaitu definition (pendefinisian, design (perancangan, development (pengembangan dan disseminate (penyebaran yang telah melalui tahap validasi dan revisi. The purpose of the research is to produce an integrated science learning tools that can facilitate learners to develop the capabilities of the whole so that it has a superior competitive, able to follow the development of science and technology, and has a character which is based on the values of Pancasila. From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development of the integrated science learning character humanistic approach berbantu cheap props in the form of school syllabi, lesson plans, visual aids, worksheets, and the modules produced by Four-D flow model, the definition (defining, design (design, development (development and disseminate (spread that have gone through the validation and revision.


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    Amelia Sri Kusuma Dewi


    Full Text Available Abstract This research aims to analyze existing norms conflict between Article 16 Paragraph (1 c of Act No. 2 of 2014 on the Amendment Act No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary which provides that the Notary required to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed, and Article 77 of Act No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company which provides that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS through media teleconference, videoconference, or other means of electronic media. It also examines the juridical implications of the Notary and Acts of the AGMS through electronic media if the Notary does not fulfill the obligation to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed. To answer the above norm conflict, the type of research conducted by researchers is a normative juridical research using the statute approach and conceptual approach. The results of this research, that there is a conflict of norms in the form of obscurity norm, disharmony and emptiness norm in the relevant legislation. Regarding the juridical implications of the notary when not fulfilling the obligation to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed, then the notary may be subject to sanctions pursuant to Article 16, paragraph (11 of Act No. 2 of 2014 on the Amendment of Act No. 30 of 2004 on the Notary. As against the deed of the AGMS, fingerprint embedding function within minutes of notarial deed is not a legal action to determine the validity or authenticity of the certificate, but only serves to ensure the correctness identity of the facing parties. Key words: general meeting of shareholders, electronic media, fingerprints, minuta deed Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa konflik norma yang ada antara Pasal 16 Ayat (1 huruf c Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris yang mengatur bahwa Notaris wajib untuk melekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada Minuta Akta, demikian dengan Pasal 77 Undang-undang Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT yang mengatur bahwa penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS melalui media telekonferensi, video konferensi, atau sarana media elektronik lainnya. Selain itu juga mengkaji implikasi yuridis terhadap Notaris dan akta RUPS melalui media elektronik apabila Notaris tidak memenuhi kewajiban untuk melekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada minuta akta. Untuk menjawab konflik norma tersebut di atas, jenis penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan statute approach (pendekatan perUndang-undangan dan conceptual approach (pendekatan konsep. Hasil penelitian, bahwa terjadi konflik norma berupa kekaburan norma, disharmonisasi maupun kekosongan norma di dalam peraturan perUndang-undangan terkait. Mengenai implikasi yuridis terhadap Notaris apabila tidak memenuhi kewajiban untuk melekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada minuta akta, maka Notaris dapat dikenai sanksi sesuai pasal 16 ayat (11 Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris. Sedangkan terhadap akta RUPS, fungsi melekatkan sidik jari dalam minuta akta Notaris bukan suatu tindakan hukum dalam menentukan keabsahan atau otentisitas dari akta tersebut melainkan hanya berfungsi untuk menjamin kebenaran identitas penghadap. Kata kunci: rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS, media elektronik, sidik jari, minuta akta

  5. Studi Perancangan Degaussing System untuk Melindungi Kapal Perang Tipe OPV 90m dari Medan Magnet

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    Emil Faridhan Primaseta


    Full Text Available Degaussing system adalah suatu sistem yang digunakan pada bagian logam atau perangkat elektronik yang beresiko medan magnetik. Pada kapal militer sistem ini digunakan untuk menghindari ranjau magnetik maupun torpedo yang menggunakan medan magnet sebagai sensor pendeteksi logam ketika kapal sedang berpatroli maupun sedang berperang. Dari studi literatur yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui bagaimana cara instalasi degaussing system pada kapal dan perlengkapan apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk sistem tersebut. Degaussing system yang didesain pada skripsi ini mempunyai kekuatan medan magnet sebesar 27,5 Tesla dengan daya sebesar 12 kW. Desain koil diletakkan pada lambung kapal tepat dibawah garis air untuk mendapatkan daya hantar magnet yang baik. Berat dari instalasi untuk degaussing system ini adalah 1040 kg.


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    A. Rosita


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran problem based learning berorientasi green chemistry pada materi hidrolisis garam untuk mengembangkan soft skill konservasi siswa SMA. Metode penelitian ini adalah research and development (R&D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan LKS yang dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran kimia. Perangkat pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa materi hidrolisis garam dengan N-gain sebesar 0,63 (sedang. Peningkatan soft skill konservasi siswa yang berkriteria tinggi sebanyak 35,48 % sedangkan yang berkriteria sedang 64,52 %. This research has aim to developt teaching and learning instrument application on problem based learning which oriented on green chemistry on salt hydrolisys for developing conservation soft skill for student. The method of this research is research and development (R&D. The results showed a very worthy worksheets developed for use in teaching chemistry. Teaching instrument can improve the understanding of student concept of salt hydrolysis matery can get N-gain 0,63 (medium. The improving soft skill of student conservation has high criteria 35,48%. For medium has 64,52%.

  7. Selection and Evaluation of Electronic Resources Elektronik Kaynakların Seçimi ve Değerlendirilmesi

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    Doğan Atılgan


    Full Text Available Publication boom and issues related to controlling and accession of printed sources have created some problems after World War II. Consequently, publishing industry has encountered the problem of finding possible solution for emerged situation. Industry of electronic publishing has started to improve with the rapid increase of the price of printed sources as well as the problem of publication boom. The first effects of electronic publishing were appeared on the academic and scholarly publications then electronic publishing became a crucial part of all types of publications. As a result of these developments, collection developments and service policies of information centers were also significantly changed. In this article, after a general introduction about selection and evaluation processes of electronic publications, the subscribed databases by a state and a privately owned university in Turkey and their usage were examined. İkinci dünya savaşından sonra görülen yayın patlaması, basılı kaynakların denetim ve erişiminde sorunlar yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu da yayıncılık sektöründe yeni arayışlara yol açmıştır. 1980’li yıllardan sonra basılı yayın fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış da bu etmenlere eklenince elektronik yayıncılık sektörü gelişmeye başlamıştır. Öncelikle bilimsel ve akademik yayınlarla başlayan elektronik yayın günümüzde tüm yayın türlerini kapsamaktadır. Yayıncılıktaki bu gelişim bilgi merkezlerinin derme geliştirme ve hizmet politikalarını da önemli ölçüde değiştirmiştir. Bu çalışmada elektronik yayınların seçim, değerlendirme ve sağlama konularında genel bir girişten sonra bir devlet üniversitesinin bir de özel üniversitenin abone olduğu veritabanları ve bu veri tabanlarının kullanımının değerlendirilmesi yapılmaktadır.

  8. Electronic Signature and Electronic Government Applications in Turkey: An Evaluative Essay from the Viewpoint of Electronic Records Management2 Türkiye’de Elektronik İmza ve Elektronik Devlet Uygulamaları: Elektronik Belge Yönetimi Açısından Bir Değerlendirme Denemesi

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    Esin Altın


    Full Text Available The most important component that enables electronic government (e-government applications function is that of electronic record (e-record management. In accordance with the e-record management strategies, all information and records produced by the state are opened to public access. By means of electronic record management systems (ERMS, record supervision becomes easy and processing time becomes shorter. E-record applications bring along the absolute necessity of accomplishing total record security, integrity and so on. That’s where electronic signature (e-signature technologies come on scene. E-signature holds an important place in terms of implementing ERMS and, in a more general sense, electronic archive (e-archive applications securely, and in terms of legal validity. Taking this fact as a starting point, this paper is an attempt to create consciousness on the necessity of the e-record management by emphasizing its importance in the process of e-transformation. This study provides introductory information on e-government, e-signature and the relationship between the e-record management and e-government, and erecord managemnt and e-signature applications. Using the survey method, proceedings and governmental publications issued by the USA, England and Turkey between 1999 and 2006 were reviewed. It was concluded that the importance of the e-record management for e-government has not been fully appreciated in Turkey. More qualifi ed humanpower is needed during the e-transformation process to carry out the e-record management applications Elektronik devlet (e-devlet uygulamalarının işlerliğini sağlayan en önemli unsur elektronik belge (e-belge yönetimidir. E-belge yönetim stratejileri doğrultusunda devletin ürettiği her türlü bilgi ve belge kamu erişimine açılır. Bu stratejiler izlenerek oluşturulan e-belge yönetim sistemleri (EBYS sayesinde belgelerin denetimi kolaylaşır ve iş süreçleri hızlanır. EBYS ile e-belgelerin bütünlük, güvenlik gibi gereklilikleri yerine getirilir. Elektronik imza (e-imza teknolojileri de bu noktada devreye girer. E-imza, e-belge ve daha genel olarak e-arşiv uygulamalarının güvenli olarak yürütülmesinde, yasal geçerlilik kazanmasında oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu bildiri ile e-belge yönetiminin e-dönüşüm sürecindeki önemine değinilerek gerekliliği konusunda farkındalık yaratmak amaçlanmıştır. İnceleme e-devlet ve e-imza hakkında genel bilgiler, e-imza ve e-devletin e-belge yönetimi ile olan ilişkileri olmak üzere iki aşamalı yürütülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında betimsel yöntemle 1999–2006 yılları arasında İngiltere, ABD, Türk hükûmetlerinin yayımladığı resmi kurum yayınları incelenmiş, toplantı bildirilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak ülkemizde e-belge yönetiminin e-devlet için öneminin henüz tam anlamıyla kavranamamış olduğu ve e-dönüşüm sürecinde e-belge yönetimi uygulamalarında yer alacak nitelikli insan gücüne ihtiyaç olduğu saptanmıştır.

  9. Desain Sistem Kontrol Penyalaan Lampu dan Perangkat Elektronik untuk Meniru Keberadaan Penghuni Rumah

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    Full Text Available This paper proposes a system for controlling bulbs and electrical appliances in order to imitate the availability of the owner in a house. The designed system is able to turn on and turn off the equipments randomly for treating the availability of the owners in their houses. The system generates a number randomly every 15 minutes. Each number associated with bulb or electrical device in the controlling list. The electrical devices will be ON or OFF based on specific duration times. The system is realized using an Arduino board, an RTC, power supply unit, and interface circuit of Arduino and electrical devices. The designed system has been tested for 5 consecutive days normalized to 2 hour normal time on the control device and house miniature. The miniature is used to mimic condition the real house. Electric consumption estimated about 0.42 kWh per day


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    I. Yusuf


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan media dan perangkat pembelajaran Fisika berbasis laboratorium virtual. Prosedur pengembangannya mengikuti model four-D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1 media laboratorium virtual model presentasi dan tutorial pada materi radiasi benda hitam, efek fotolistrik, dan efek Compton diperoleh hasil valid dan reliabel; (2 perangkat pembelajaran berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP, Buku Bacaan Peserta Didik (BBPD, dan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD, selain dibuat dalam bentuk hardcopy, juga softcopy autorun CD yang dilengkapi link ke beberapa website; (3 aktivitas peserta didik di atas 80%, menunjukkan pembelajaran yang dilakukan mampu mengaktifkan peserta didik. A research has been conducted to develop media and physicslearning device based on virtual laboratory. The development procedure followed the four-D models. Results showed (1 virtual lab models media presentations and tutorial son the matter of black body radiation, the photo electric effect and Compton effect were valid and reliable; (2 learning tools in the form of Lesson Plan, Students Textbook, and Students Worksheet, as well as hardcopy, softcopy and autorun CD which links to several websites; (3 activity learners above 80%, indicating that learning was able to activate the learners.


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    Aa Juhanda


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE Biologi SMA. Subjek penelitian adalah 1.650 soal yang terdapat pada BSE Edisi 2009. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis dokumen yang di dalamnya memuat informasi seperti kode soal, soal, dan jenis tingkatan kognitif taksonomi Bloom Revisi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata persentase kemunculan cukup tinggi diperoleh pada soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah (Lower-Order Thinking Skills yaitu soal C1 (mengingat sebesar 46,60% dan C2 (memahami sebesar 47,99%, meskipun untuk C3 (menerapkan persentasenya masih rendah (0,28%. Rerata persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan tingkat tinggi (Higher-Order Thinking Skills mulai dari soal C4 (menganalisis sampai dengan C6 (mencipta memiliki rerata persentase yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada BSE khususnya yang mengembangkan Higher-Order Thinking Skills masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan.

  12. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Peserta Didik Kelas VIII

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    Rizza Yustianingsih


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pendahuluan pada kelas VIII SMP di lapangan, masih ditemukan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa dalam masalah nyata yang belum optimal dan aktivitas siswa tidak mendukung proses belajar mereka. Salah satu faktornya adalah tidak cocoknya perangkat pembelajaran yang dapat memudahkan pembelajar untuk memperbaiki pemecahan kemampuan matematika dan kemampuan belajar siswa. Dari situ, untuk mendasari melakukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika, ada rencana rencana pembelajaran (RPP dan lembar kerja siswa (LKPD berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL, yang dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar untuk belajar pemecahan masalah dan dapat memberikan efek potensial yang baik pada aktivitas siswa selama proses belajar. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, kuesioner, wawancara, dan uji kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP N 3 Sawahlunto. Pengembangan penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah mode Plomp yang terdiri dari tahap awal penelitian, tahap prototipe, dan tahap penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, terlihat bahwa alat pembelajaran berdasarkan PBL telah memenuhi kriteria yang valid dalam hal isi dan konstruksi. Peralatan pelajaran telah dianggap praktis dalam hal pelaksanaan dan efisiensi penggunaan waktu oleh guru dan siswa. Alat pelajaran juga efektif dalam hal proses penguasaan presentasi siswa belajar setelah menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis perangkat berbasis pembelajaran lebih besar dari atau sama dengan 75% sedangkan dalam hal hasil rata-rata siswa telah aktif dalam belajar. Kata kunci: Perangkat Pelajaran Matematika, Pemecahan Masalah, PBL.   Abstract. Based on the results of preliminary studies at grade VIII SMP in the field, it is still  found a mathematical problem solving ability of students in real problem who have not optimally and students activities do not support their learning process. One of the  factor is unsuitable of learning tools that can be facilitate learners to improve solving of mathematical problems ability and student’s activities to learn. From that case, to be underlying to do development learning tools of mathematics, there are plan lesson plan (RPP and student’s worksheet (LKPD on Problem Based Learning (PBL, which can provide a learning experience to learn problem solving and can provide a good potential effects on student’s activities during the learning proccess. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and test problem solving abilities. The subjects of this research are students grade VIII SMP N 3 Sawahlunto. This research development is used Plomp mode consists of phase preliminary research, prototype phase, and assessment phase. Based on the data analysis result, it was showed that the learning equipment based on  PBL has fulfilled valid criteria in term of content and construct. The lesson equipment has been considered as practical in terms of implementation and the efficiency of time use by teachers and students. The lesson equipment has also been effective in terms of process  the presentation mastery learning students after using the device based learning problem-based learning is greater than or equal to 75% while in terms of results the average student has been active in the learning. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL which was conducted to student's of class VIII was valid, practical, and effective. Keyword. Mathematics Lesson Equipment, Problem Solving, PBL.


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    Ahmad Mustofa


    Full Text Available Damar Komputer  adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan komputer  dan alat elektronik lainnya.  Sangat perlu adanya kemudahan pelayanan untuk memudahkan pelanggan yang jauh dari jangkauan. Guna memfasilitasi itu semua dapat direalisasikan dengan toko online (E-Commerce. Aplikasi toko online yang dibangun ini bertujuan untuk membantu Damar Komputer  dalam hal pemasaran dan penjualan produk. Proses pembuatan program ini dimulai dengan menganalisa sistem yang telah ada di Damar Komputer Pringsewu, kemudian dibuat DFD, ERD  yang diperlukan. Dilanjutkan dengan mendesain interface dan membuat programnya. Aplikasi toko online ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, MySQL sebagai database, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 sebagai editor HTML dan Photo shop Cs 3 sebagai image editor. Aplikasi ini memiliki tiga fungsi utama. Pertama yaitu untuk user umum, setiap pengunjung website bisa melihat katalog produk, menggunakan layanan website, tetapi tidak bisa melakukan pemesanan produk. Kedua adalah anggota yang bisa melakukan pemesanan produk. Terakhir yaitu administrator yang bisa melakukan pengelolaan data produk, mengelola pesanan dan memperoleh laporan.

  14. Elektronik ticaretin KOBİ lerde kullanımı : Aydın merkez örneği


    Sucuoğlu, Servet


    Dünya ticaret örgütünün tanımına göre, mal ve hizmetlerin, üretim, reklâm, satış ve dağıtımlarının telekomünikasyon ağları üzerinden gerçekleştirilmesi anlamına gelen elektronik ticaret, istihdama ve üretime katkıları açısından önemli bir yere sahip olan KOBİ'ler açısından önemlidir (Özbay ve Devrim, 2000: 30). KOBİ'ler, e-ticaret uygulamaları sayesinde internet aracılığıyla sınırları ortadan kaldırarak iç ve dış pazarlara kolayca ulaşarak rekabet şanslarını artırmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada, el...


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    Amidi Amidi


    Full Text Available Peningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan memperbaiki sikap belajar mahasiswa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran konstruktivis berbasis nilai-nilai karakter konservasi berbantuan E-learningi adalah fokus dalam penelitian ini, sebab pembelajaran E-learning dapat menyentuh aspek aktivitas dan kreativitas mahasiswa. Pengembangan yang dipilih adalah pengembangan dengan model 4D yang diadaptasi menjadi 4P, yaitu pendefinisian (analisis awal-akhir, analisis peserta didik, analisis materi, analisis tugas, dan merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran khusus, perancangan (penyusunan kriteria tes, pemilihan media, pemilihan format, dan desain awal, pengembangan (validasi ahli dan uji coba, dan penyebaran. Adapun perangkat yang dikembangkan adalah Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS dan Rancangan Tatap Muka (RTM, yang dilengkapi dengan Lembar Diskusi dan E-learning. Adapun rata-rata prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen adalah 89,38 yang melebihi batas minimal nilai B, sehingga ratarata prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol yang rata-rata prestasi belajarnya adalah 80,50. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran efektif.

  16. Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Anleitung für die Aufstellung von Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr von elektrotechnischen Erzeugnissen; 1-2: Anleitung für Bauelemente der Elektronik; Identisch mit IEC 60695-1-2, Ausgabe 1982

    CERN Document Server

    Deutsches Institut für Normung. Berlin


    Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Anleitung für die Aufstellung von Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr von elektrotechnischen Erzeugnissen; 1-2: Anleitung für Bauelemente der Elektronik; Identisch mit IEC 60695-1-2, Ausgabe 1982

  17. Sistem Peresapan Elektronik pada Keselamatan Pengobatan Pasien

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    Al Asyary


    Full Text Available Dalam banyak penerapannya, penggunaan sistem peresepan elektronik (computerized physician order entry, CPOE dalam penulisan resep terbukti mampu menurunkan angka kesalahan peresepan obat (adverse drug event, ADE. Kesalahan pengobatan seperti kekeliruan penulisan nama obat, penentuan dosis, dan penggunaan jenis obat yang tepat untuk pasien dengan kondisi kesehatan tertentu di pelayanan kesehatan dapat ditekan. Namun, CPOE masih memiliki kelemahan seperti tambahan waktu untuk mengentri data pasien oleh para dokter ke dalam sistem. Untuk meng- evaluasi dampak persepsi pengguna tentang penerapan CPOE terhadap keselamatan pengobatan pasien, suatu penelitian kualitatif telah dilakukan di Gadjah Mada Medical Health Center yang telah mengadopsi sistem ini selama sepuluh tahun. Data dan informasi dikumpukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap sembilan dokter (tujuh dokter umum dan dua dokter spesialis sebagai informen pengguna CPOE menggunakan pedoman wawancara, alat perekam suara, buku catat, dan daftar centang observasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sepuluh tahun CPOE telah mampu meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pelayanan kesehatan, tetapi poten- si ADE masih terjadi akibat gangguan komunikasi pasien-dokter karena perlunya waktu tambahan untuk entri data. Disimpulkan bahwa sistem CPOE belum mampu mendukung pengambilan keputusan untuk mencegah ADE dalam pengobatan pasien. In most of its applications, Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE has been improved patient safety by reducing medication errors and subse- quent adverse drug events (ADEs. Medication error such as elixir in writing, determination of dose, and correct drug type used for patient with certain health condition in health services can be reduced. But, the CPOE still has some weknesses such as additional time to entry the patient information by physician to the sistem. To evaluate the impact of end-user perception using CPOE sistem on patient safety medication, a qualitative research has been conducted at Gadjah Mada Medical Health Center which has adopted this sistem for ten years. Data and informations were collected by in-depth interviewing nine physicians (seven general docters and two specialists as end-user informen using interview guide, tape recorder, note-book, and checklist observation tools. The results show that ten year CPOE implemention has improved the effectiveness and efficiency of medical health care, but potential adverse drug event (ADE such as drug prescription errors still occur as a result of patient-physician communication distraction due to additional time for data entry. It is concluded that CPOE sistem has not been able to support decision to prevent the ADEs in patient medication.

  18. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Angkutan Trans Sarbagita Provinsi Bali Berbasis Perangkat Bergerak

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    I Made Aditya Pradnyadipa Mustika


    Full Text Available Trans Sarbagita merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah Bali dalam menyediakan fasilitas angkutan umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan. Trans Sarbagita adalah sebuah fasilitas BRT (Bus Rapid Transit yang memiliki angkutan pengumpan tersendiri untuk mengangkut penumpang ke halte-halte bus terdekat. Trans Sarbagita sendiri sudah memiliki rencana rute untuk armada bus dan pengumpan mereka. Dari sebagian rute yang sudah beroperasi, informasi seputar rute, dan halte yang sudah beroperasi dirasa belum terpublikasi dengan baik sehingga dapat menjadi masalah bukan hanya untuk masyarakat Bali, tapi juga untuk para wisatawan yang ingin menggunakan fasilitas tersebut. Salah satu cara mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membangun sebuah aplikasi yang berisikan informasi mengenai halte dan rute-rute yang dapat ditempuh untuk mencapai tujuan yang dapat diakses melalui perangkat bergerak. Aplikasi Trans Sarbagita dapat memberikan rute terpendek yang dapat dilalui trayek pengumpan berdasarkan lokasi awal dan tujuan pengguna yang dikalkulasikan dengan algoritma Dijkstra. Selain menampilkan rute terpendek, aplikasi ini juga dapat menampilkan rute trayek serta lokasi halte Trans Sarbagita yang sudah beroperasi. Hasil uji coba sistem sudah menunjukkan berjalannya sistem dengan baik sesuai dengan perancangan awal. Meskipun demikian pengembangan lebih lanjut masih dibutuhkan untuk mengimbangi berkembangnya teknologi, serta berubahnya kebutuhan pengguna yang dapat diaplikasikan pada aplikasi ini.

  19. TS 13298 Çerçevesinde Kurumsal Bilgi Sistemleri ve Elektronik Belge Yönetimi Standartlarının Değerlendirilmesi: İçişleri Bakanlığı Örneği=The Evaluation of Enterprise Information Systems and Electronic Records Management Standards within the scope of TS 13298: A Case of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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    Şahika Eroğlu


    Full Text Available Bilişim teknolojileri birçok alanda olduğu gibi kamu hizmetlerinin yapılandırılmasında ve vatandaş devlet ilişkilerinde de çeşitli değişimlere yol açmıştır. Bu kapsamda kurum hizmetlerinde kullanılan kurumsal bilgi sistemleri temel olarak elektronik belge yönetimi uygulamalarına dayanmaktadır. Çalışmada; belge yönetimi, kurumsal bilgi sistemleri ve elektronik belge yönetimi kapsamında ulusal mevzuat ve standartlar analiz edilerek- TS 13298 Elektronik Belge Yönetimi standardına dayanılarak geliştirilen bir değerlendirme aracıyla kurumların elektronik belge yönetimi programları için sistem gereksinimlerinin neler olduğu ve standarda uygunluk durumları belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu noktadan hareketle TS 13298 standardı kapsamında geliştirilen ve 40 maddeden oluşan değerlendirme aracı, örnek bir uygulama olarak elektronik belge yönetimi uygulamalarının yoğunlukla gerçekleştirildiği İçişleri Bakanlığında uygulanmış ve söz konusu Bakanlığın elektronik belge yönetimi programının iyileştirilmesi gereken noktaları ve standarda uygunluk durumu analiz edilmiştir.\\As in many areas IT Technologies has led to various changes for the implementation of public services and relationships between the citizen and governments In this context, enterprise information systems used in enterprise services is mainly based on electronic document management applications. Document management, enterprise information systems, electronic document management and standards are analyzed under the national legislations in this study. In this respect, main aim of the study is to determining system requirements for electronic document management program in institutions and their suitability for TS13298 standard via an assessment tool developed in accordance to TS13298 Electronic Document Management Standard. From this point the assessment tool developed within the standart of TS13298 and consists of 40 items, applied at the Ministry of Interior Affairs that was carried out an intensity application example of the implementation of electronic document management. In the end of the study, required improvements of the electronic document management systems implemented in the organization and its compliance level are reported


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    Hairul Anwar


    Kata kunci: perangkat pembelajaran IPA, model 5E, penelitian pengembangan THE DEVELOPMENT OF 5E MODEL OF SCIENCE TEACHING KITS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop the 5E model science teaching kits in Junior High School 2 Kopang. This was a research and development study referring to Dick and Carey model. The formative evaluation stage wasdone by: (1 the validation of the kitsby 3 experts and 1 teacher as users, (2 the limited trial on the teaching kits (syllabus, lesson plan, and students’ worksheets held in grade VII, and (3 the validation of the assessment instrument (Science Process Skills/SPS test, Cognitive Achievement/CA test and Affective Achievement/AA questionnaires held in VIII. The average score of the validation result showed that all teaching kits were suitable to be used in the limited trial. The use of the teaching kits (syllabus and lesson plan in the limited trial obtainedpositive responses from the teacher of grade VII as the observer with an average score of 4.20 and “strongly-agree” responses from students with an average score 4.12. The students also showed strong agreement on the worksheets with an average score of 4.14. The result of the validity and reliability test on the instrument showed that all the items of the SPS test, those of the CA test, and those of the AA questionnaires were valid. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was > 0.423. Keywords: science teachingkits, the 5E model, research and development

  1. Electromotor actuators with integrated electronics for control of modern internal combustion engines; Elektromotorische Steller mit integrierter Elektronik zur Regelung moderner Verbrennungsmotoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krome, J.; Dorissen, H.T.; Duerkopp, K. [Hella KG Hueck and Co., Lippstadt (Germany)


    Combustion and emission specifications make increasing demands on motor car control systems, and pneumatic control elements are getting replaced by specialized electromotor systems. The contribution describes an electromotor actuator with integrated electronics which is suited for the extreme conditions inside motor engines and is already produced in series in turbo-supercharger engines with variable turbine geometries. [German] Durch die gestiegenen Anforderungen an Verbrauch und Emissionen werden auch immer hoehere Ansprueche an Stell- und Regelsysteme im Kraftfahrzeug gestellt. Dies fuehrt unter anderem dazu, dass die heute eingesetzten pneumatischen Stellsysteme zunehmend durch spezialisierte elektromotorische Systeme ersetzt werden. In diesem Beitrag wird ein elektromotorischer Aktuator mit integrierter Elektronik vorgestellt. Der Steller ist fuer die extremen Umgebungsbedingungen von Motoranbauteilen qualifiziert und wird bereits in Serie zur Verstellung von Turboladern mit variabler Turbinengeometrie eingesetzt. (orig.)

  2. Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumberdaya Manusia, Perangkat Pendukung dan Peran Auditor Internal terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Freddie Lasmara


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the competence of human resources, support tools and the role of the internal auditor of the quality of local government financial statements Kerinci. The method used is quantitative, criteria respondents in this study those concerned and involved technically in financial management, evaluating financial, and preparation of financial reporting in local government agencies Kerinci of 27 SKPD each SKPD researchers took four respondents consist of Subsection Head of Finance, Kasubbag Program, Evaluation and Reporting, Spending Treasurer and Treasurer Storage of Goods. Data processed by using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study demonstrate that the competence of human resources, support tools and the role of internal auditors jointly positive effect on the quality of financial reports of local government Kerinci district, the dominant factor is the competence of human resources this caused that for the preparation of financial statements required human resources who understand the financial management procedures. Keywords: Human Resources, Financial Management, Role of Internal Auditor   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi sumber daya manusia, perangkat pendukung dan peran auditor internal terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kerinci. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif, Kriteria responden dalam penelitian ini mereka yang berkaitan dan terlibat langsung secara teknis dengan pengelolaan keuangan, pengevaluasian keuangan, dan penyusunan pelaporan keuangan di instansi pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kerinci dari 27 SKPD masing-masing SKPD peneliti mengambil 4 orang responden terdiri dari Kasubbag Keuangan, Kasubbag Program, Evaluasi dan Pelaporan, Bendahara Pengeluaran, dan Bendahara Penyimpan Barang. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kompetensi sumber daya manusia, perangkat pendukung dan peran auditor internal secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif terhadap terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kerinci, faktor yang paling dominan yaitu kompetensi sumber daya manusia hal ini di sebabkan bahwa untuk penyusunan laporan keuangan dibutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang mengerti tata cara pengelolaan keuangan. Kata Kunci : Sumberdaya Manusia, Manajemen Keuangan, Peran Auditor Internal

  3. Development of Asset Management Control Application for Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika

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    Richard Richard


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to identify problems, analyze needs, and develop management information system especially the process internal control of asset management on Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI - government communication and informatics organization. This system development used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC method which refers to 4 phases. Those were initiation and business feasibility, requirements definitions, functional design, and verification. The analysis used to support the research methods was Enterprise Architecture (EA and SWOT. The analysis was conducted on business process that was running at the moment. The results show that the management information system in the form of web-based applications can help the process based on activity logging assets, assets allocation, complaints, and user guide in accordance with the needs of the Direktorat Jendral SDPPI. The design of this application can also help the existing asset management process to become more efficient and effective.

  4. Pengembangan LMS (Learning Management System Berbasis Web untuk Mengukur Pemahaman Konsep dan Karakter Siswa

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    Agung Tri Wibowo


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah berkembang pesat dalam bidang pendidikan dengan lahirnya e-learning. E-learning dapat membantu guru dalam memantau keaktifan siswa dengan penugasan, forum diskusi maupun aktivitas lain, sehingga karakter dapat dideskripsikan melalui e-learning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Software Learning Management System (LMS. LMS adalah aplikasi perangkat lunak untuk kegiatan online, program pembelajaran elektronik (e-learning program dan isi pelatihan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menyelidiki respon dari siswa terhadap LMS dan menguji keefektifannya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep serta mengembangkan karakter siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pengembangan. Uji produk menggunakan Pre Experimental Design dengan jenis Pretest and Posttest One Group Design. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket uji ahli, angket tanggapan, tes tertulis dan lembar observasi karakter. Teknik analisis data uji kefektifan menggunakan uji gain. Hasil tanggapan siswa untuk keseluruhan aspek mendapatkan prosentase diatas 82,5% kategori sangat baik. Hasil uji gain pemahaman konsep sebesar 0,56 dengan kategori sedang, artinya LMS efektif meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa. Sedangkan uji gain karakter 0,16 kategori rendah, artinya belum efektif mengembangkan karakter siswa.


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    Liliana Liliana


    Full Text Available Today computer graphics is used in many aspects, especially to make animation, advertisement and game. We hope this technology can produce realistic pictures which same quality with photo. Metode to get the realistic 3D image is ray tracing. In this journal, make a software which can produce realistic 3D image, especially for reflective and transparent object. Reflective object will modeled can reflect another object surrounding it. And transparent object will modeled can produce caustic effect, that's rays which refract in one area. So that area will appear brighter than area surround it. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dewasa ini grafika komputer semakin banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang terutama untuk pembuatan film animasi, iklan dan pembuatan game. Diharapkan teknologi grafika komputer mampu menghasilkan gambar-gambar realistik yang kualitasnya sama dengan kualitas foto. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan gambar 3D yang realistik tersebut adalah metode ray tracing. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat perangkat lunak yang mampu menghasilkan gambar-gambar 3D yang realistik terutama untuk benda-benda yang mengkilap dan benda-benda transparan. Benda mengkilap yang dimodelkan bisa memantulkan bayangan benda lain yang berada di sekitarnya. Benda transparan yang dimodelkan adalah benda transparan yang menghasilkan efek kaustik, yaitu pembiasan sinar dari sumber cahaya yang mengumpul di suatu daerah sehingga pada daerah tersebut akan tampak lebih terang daripada daerah sekitarnya. Kata kunci: efek kaustik, ray tracing.

  6. Kişisel Motivasyon Faktörlerinin Olumsuz Elektronik Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim Yapma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi


    ÇELİK, Zübeyir; ÖZKARA, Behçet Yalın


    Pazarlama literatürü incelendiğinde, tüketicileriürünlere ilişkin olarak elektronik ağızdan ağıza iletişime yönelten farklımotivasyon kaynakları olduğu görülmektedir. Konuya ilişkin yapılmış çalışmalarilgili motivasyon kaynaklarının ekonomik teşvikler, tavsiye arama, kendinigeliştirme, firmaya yardım etme, olumlu duyguları ifade etme, güç uygulamaolduğuna ilişkin sonuçlara ulaşmışlardır. Ancak literatürde özellikle kişiyeözel motivasyon unsurlarının etkilerinin göz ardı edilmiş olduğu görülme...


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    Fajar Baskoro


    Full Text Available Perancangan perangkat lunak merupakan tahapan yang penting di dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak. Pemilihan perangkat perancangan yang dapat membantu memodelkan perangkat lunak menentukan kemudahan spesifikasi, implementasi, visualisasi, pengujian, dan dokumentasi perangkat lunak. UML, Unified Modelling Language sebagai Bahasa Pemodelan Terpadu mempunyai perangkat untuk memodelkan perangkat lunak memvisualisasikan use case, statis, dan perilaku perangkat lunak di dalam sistem. Penggunaan UML di dalam perancangan sistem informasi berbeda dengan penggunaan UML di dalam perangkat Lunak Waktu Nyata (Realtime. Pendekatan Unified adalah salah satu panduan yang digunakan untuk perancangan perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan UML. Kata kunci: UML, pendekatan unified, reservasi hotel.

  8. Tatalaksana Teknologi Informasi Metode Cobit


    Hamzah, Ardi


    Metode COBIT perlu diterapkan dalam pengelolaan perusahaan agar penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI) sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan menghasilkan kinerja yang efisien dan efektif serta mencegah atau meminimalisir adanya risiko terhadap penggunaan TI. Penggunaan dan pengelolaan TI juga mempertimbangkan integrasi dimana perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan perangkat manusia membangun intergrasi.Kata kunci: metode COBIT, teknologi informasi, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan perangkat m...

  9. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi Android untuk Pengolahan Data Transaksi pada Perusahaan Telekomunikasi "X" dengan menggunakan Pentaho

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    Fanji Hastomo


    Full Text Available Perusahaan telekomunikasi “X” adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia, salah satu layanan utamanya adalah Call dan SMS (Short Message Service. Sistem secara otomatis mencatat pada database transaksinya jika terjadi transaksi Call maupun SMS. Kebutuhan akan informasi mengenai jumlah transaksi Call dan SMS berdasarkan lokasi dan waktu tertentu menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Sistem yang ada sebelumnya belum dapat digunakan  untuk mendapatkan informasi secara cepat dan mudah. Pada artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pembuatan suatu aplikasi bergerak berbasis Android untuk menampilkan informasi di atas. Data transaksi yang kompleks terlebih dahulu dilakukan proses ETL (Extract, Transform, dan Load dengan menggunakan Kettle Pentaho untuk mengubah database sumber menjadi data mart. Grafik pada  Android dibuat dengan memanfaatkan pustaka AChartEngine.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat menampilkan informasi mengenai jumlah transaksi Call dan SMS dalam bentuk grafik melalui perangkat bergerak berbasis Android. Kemudian untuk pengujian dengan pengisian kuisioner,  hasilnya menunjukkan 67,00% menilai baik, 33,67% menilai cukup, dan 0,33% memilih kurang. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden menilai aplikasi secara umum memiliki nilai yang baik.

  10. Minat masyarakat terhadap layanan Near Field Communication (NFC komersial di Indonesia

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    Kasmad Ariansyah


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah membawa perubahan diberbagai aspek, tak terkecuali dalam metode pembayaran, yaitu dengan munculnya sistem pembayaran uang elektronik. Keberadaan uang elektronik ini sejalan dengan program kerja Bank Indonesia untuk menciptakan Less Cash Society (LCS. Untuk mewujudkan LCS, Bank Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Kementerian komunikasi dan informatika. yang memiliki peran dan kewajiban untuk menetapkan standar TIK yang digunakan dalam penggunaan uang elektronik, mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan pengembangan transaksi dengan menggunakan elektronik serta melakukan monitoring, sosialisasi, pembinaan dan evaluasi penggunaan uang elektronik. Layanan NFC komersial hadir sebagai alternatif bagi penyelenggaraan sistem uang elektronik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai minat masyarakat dan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi minat terhadap layanan NFC komersial tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 90% responden berminat terhadap layanan ini. Inovativeness dan relative advantage memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap minat, sedangkan variabel image dan compatibility memiliki korelasi positif terhadap minat, tetapi pengaruhnya tidak signifikan.

  11. Effects of carrying a backpack in an asymmetrical manner on the asymmetries of the trunk and parameters defining lateral flexion of the spine. (United States)

    Drzał-Grabiec, Justyna; Snela, Sławomir; Rachwał, Maciej; Podgórska, Justyna; Rykała, Justyna


    The aim of this study was to examine changes in the body posture parameters defining asymmetry of the trunk and lateral flexion of the spine in children while carrying a backpack weighing 10% of a child's weight. Carrying a backpack may negatively affect the posture of schoolchildren and contribute to spinal pain. The study involved 162 primary school students ages 11 to 13 years. The parameters describing body posture were assessed with a backpack carried on the right or left shoulder as well as without a load. To assess the predefined parameters, we used the CQ Elektronik System, employing the photogrammetric method. Trunk inclination shifted significantly in the opposite direction to the shoulder the backpack was carried on, and an increase in shoulder asymmetry was also found. We also observed a more pronounced right-side lateral flexion of the spine when the backpack was carried on the right shoulder and an analogous relationship for the left side. The results of this study show that carrying a backpack in an asymmetrical manner negatively affects spine, even if the backpack weight constitutes 10% of the child's weight, which has been previously recommended as a safe load for a child's shoulders. We suggest that the issue of safe backpack weight be reassessed and that students be taught basic ergonomic principles on how to carry loads. Changes to the management pattern of carrying textbooks to and from school also should be considered. © 2014, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

  12. Studi kesiapan penyelenggaraan layanan Near Field Communication (NFC komersial di Indonesia

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    Kasmad Ariansyah


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah membawa perubahan diberbagai aspek, tak terkecuali dalam metode pembayaran, yaitu dengan munculnya sistem pembayaran uang elektronik. Keberadaan uang elektronik ini sejalan dengan program kerja Bank Indonesia untuk menciptakan Less Cash Society (LCS. Untuk mewujudkan LCS, Bank Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Kementerian komunikasi dan informatika. yang memiliki peran dan kewajiban untuk menetapkan standar TIK yang digunakan dalam penggunaan uang elektronik, mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan pengembangan transaksi dengan menggunakan elektronik serta melakukan monitoring, sosialisasi, pembinaan dan evaluasi penggunaan uang elektronik. Layanan NFC komersial hadir sebagai alternatif bagi penyelenggaraan sistem uang elektronik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kesiapan calon penyelenggara layanan NFC komersial di Indonesia dilihat dari empat aspek, yaitu human resources, technology and strategy, partnership dan Infrastructure and device. Penelitian difokuskan pada kesiapan operator telekomunikasi sebagai salah satu entitas dalam ekosistem penyelenggaraan layanan NFC komersial. Responden terdiri dari PT PT. B, PT. A dan PT PT. C. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan media kuesioner dan wawancara dengan PIC yang ditunjuk ketiga perusahaan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. A memiliki tingkat kesiapan diatas kedua responden lainnya terkecuali dalam hal penguasaan teknologi;Persiapan-persiapan yang dilakukan belum menjamin interoperabilitas antar penyelenggara, sehingga kurang menguntungkan bagi masyarakat selaku pengguna; Kendala utama dalam penyelenggaraan layanan ini adalah belum adanya standar teknis dan kemanan NFC. besarnya biaya investasi, kurangnya edukasi masyarakat dan belum terbentuknya ekosistem penyelenggaraan layanan NFC komersial.

  13. Aplikasi Magnet Berpengikat (Bonded NdFeB untuk S-band Circulator pada Rentang Frekuensi 2,00-4,00 GHz

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    Tony Kristiantoro


    Full Text Available Circulator merupakan perangkat elektronik yang memiliki fungsi penting pada suatu sistem pemancar dan penerima gelombang frekuensi radio (RF, di mana magnet permanen dapat berfungsi sebagai pengarah gelombang (waveguide. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggantikan magnet permanen barium ferit (BaFe12O19 yang umumnya digunakan pada circulator dengan magnet permanen berpengikat (bonded neodymium besi boron (NdFeB. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah serbuk NdFeB crashed ribbon dengan menggunakan metode pengepresan green-compact yang divariasikan pada tekanan 25, 50, 75, dan 100 dan dilanjutkan proses pemanasan pada temperatur 200 C selama 60 menit. Karakterisasi sifat magnet dilakukan dengan Permagraph, diperoleh nilai intrinsik optimum dari sampel 100 , induksi remanen (Br = 5,37 kG, koersifitas (HcJ = 4,74 kOe, produk energi maksimum (BHmax = 2,39 MGOe, dan densitas (ρ = 4,89 . Hasil pengukuran kuat medan permukaan (B dengan Gauss-meter menunjukkan nilai 800 G. Magnet dengan karakteristik optimum diterapkan pada circulator kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan Vector Network Analyzer dan menghasilkan voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR = 1,354, isolasi = -17,165 dB dan kerugian penyisipan = -0,200 dB pada titik kerja 3,00 GHz, sehingga magnet berpengikat (bonded NdFeB ini dapat diterapkan pada S-band circulator yang bekerja pada rentang frekuensi 2,00-4,00 GHz.


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    D. H. Rif’ati


    Full Text Available In the advanced and modern era, technological sophistication led to learning which initially runs, in which teachers and students meet each other and communicate in the classroom, can be implemented through of information technology. Along with the development of information, where books and teachers who initially as a primary source of learning, are now beginning to experience growth from the internet. Mobile learning defined as mobile devices that are used in the learning process. The wave course is one of subject that must be taken by students of physics education in the third semester. This course emphasizes the concepts of wave were reviewed mathematically and the phenomenon that occurs in everyday life. Mobile learning developed in this study in the form of electronic teaching materials on subjects of waves. The aim of this study was to develop electronic teaching material in the form of mobile learning. The sample of this study is 80 students in the third semester students who are taking waves courses. The results show that mobile learning that has been developed has score 3.8 and included valid criteria. Pada era yang serba maju dan modern, kecanggihan teknologi menyebabkan pembelajaran yang awalnya berjalan satu arah, dimana guru dan siswa saling bertemu dan berkomunikasi di dalam kelas, dapat dilaksanakan melalui bantuan teknologi.informasi. Seiring dengan perkembangan informasi, buku dan guru yang awalnya sebagai sumber belajar utama, saat ini sudah mulai mengalami perkembangan dimana sumber belajar yang berasal dari internet sudah mulai sering dimanfaatkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Mobile larning didefinisikan sebagai perangkat mobile yang dipergunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Mata kuliah gelombang sendiri merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika semester 3. Mata kuliah ini menekankan pada konsep gelombang yang ditinjau secara matematis dan fenomenanya yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam bentuk bahan ajar elektronik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar elektronik dalam bentuk mobile learning. Adapun sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 80 mahasiswa semester 3 yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah gelombang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mobile learning yang sudah dikembangkan memiliki score validasi 3.8 dan termasuk dalam kriteria valid


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    Achmad Arwan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Dalam evolusi perangkat lunak terdapat rangkaian aktivitas proses perubahan yang kemudian oleh Nachiapan diformulasikan menjadi metrik-metrik yang mampu memprediksi bug secara presisi. Akan tetapi secara spesifik belum ditemukan seberapa besar pengaruh masing-masing metrik tersebut terhadap hasil prediksi sebuah bug. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pengukuran jumlah kemunculan metrik dengan kemunculan bug pada proyek eclipse. Sehingga dengan penelitian ini dapat diketahui metrik -metrik mana yang penting dalam prediksi kemunculan bug. Aturan asosiasi dalam penggalian data telah dipergunakan secara luas untuk menggali variabel-variabel saling terkait dalam sampel data. Metrik-metrik dalam proyek eclipse kemudian digali dengan aturan asosiasi untuk mendapatkan metrik yang muncul bersama bug. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metrik Numberofchangeslate rata-rata kemunculannya sebesar 46,9%, sedangkan metrik Peopletotal muncul bersama bug rata-rata sebesar 43,57% dan metrik Numberofchangesearly memiliki kemunculan rata-rata 14% sehingga ketiga metrik tersebut merupakan metrik yang penting dalam memprediksi bug.


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    Nono Supriatna


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research is intended to know the influence. This research is conducted because it is still related to the fraud and inefficiency of government apparatus performance in Bandung. This study uses a sample of Organization of Local Government of Bandung City Government in the form of agency and agency. This research uses descriptive verification method with hypothesis test using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that in Bandung City has done very well. In addition, the performance performance of Bandung City Government apparatus has also been in accordance with the principle of good governance. The results also show a positive influence. H0 rejected and Ha accepted.   Keywords: Internal Control System, Performance, Good Governance.   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena masih adanya indikasi terkait dengan kecurangan dan inefisiensi kinerja aparatur pemerintah di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan sample Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Bandung yang berbentuk dinas dan badan sejumlah 23 sample. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan sistem pengendalian internal di pemerintah Kota Bandung telah terlaksana dengan sangat baik. Selain itu, pelaksanaan kinerja aparatur Pemerintah Kota Bandung juga telah sesuai dengan prinsip good governance. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Sehingga H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima   Kata Kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Kinerja, Good Governance


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    Cahyo Handoko


    Full Text Available Pada dasarnya setiap undang-undang yang dibuat oleh pembuat undang-undang merupakan jawaban hukum terhadap persoalan masyarakat pada waktu dibentuknya undang-undang tersebut. Perkembangan hukum seharusnya seiring dengan perkembangan masyarakat, sehingga ketika masyarakatnya berubah atau berkembang maka hukum harus berubah untuk menata semua perkembangan yang terjadi dengan tertib di tengah pertumbuhan masyarakat modern,, karena globalisasi telah menjadi pendorong lahirnya era teknologi informasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan profil alat bukti digital pada perkara cyber crime, mengetahui kedudukan alat bukti digital pada perkara cyber crime. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan teori hukum progresif dengan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dengan menggunakan analisis data secara kualitatif, jenis penelitian nya merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, Sistem pembuktian dan alat-alat bukti berdasarkan Pasal 184 KUHAP mampu menjangkau pembuktian untuk kejahatan cybercrime yang tergolong tindak pidana baru. Penelusuran terhadap alat-alat bukti konvensional seperti keterangan saksi dan saksi ahli, juga pergeseran surat dan petunjuk dari konvensional menuju elektronik akan mampu menjerat pelaku cyber crime. Undang-Undang No. 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik pada Pasal 5 telah secara jelas menyebutkan bahwa Informasi Elektronik merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah berupa informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya.

  18. Perancangan Aplikasi Toko Online "XO-Licious" Berbasis Mobile Web pada Sistem Operasi Android

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    Alifvia Arviningrum


    Full Text Available XO-Licious merupakan sebuah toko online  yang  bergerak dalam bidang penjualan original CD, official  maupun unofficial goods para penyanyi di Asia. Sasaran penjualan dari toko online ini adalah kalangan muda. Agar tidak kalah bersaing dengan banyaknya toko online yang sekarang ada, maka XO-Licious membutuhkan suatu terobosan yang dapat mempermudah pembeli untuk melakukan transaksi maupun hanya untuk mendapatkan update terbaru. Mobile commerce atau seringkali disebut dengan m-commerce adalah pengembangan  sistem perdagangan elektronik (e-commerce dengan menggunakan peralatan portabel/mobile seperti telepon genggam, Smart Phone, PDA, atau Notebook.  Aplikasi mobile commerce yang dibangun adalah aplikasi mobile yang dapat berjalan pada sistem operasi android. Karena saat ini android telah menguasai pasar smartphone dan merupakan sistem operasi open source yang mudah untuk dikembangkan. Framework yang digunakan dalam pembuatan m-commerce ini adalah jQuery Mobile dan PhoneGap. Framework – framework tersebut tersebut dipilih karena memiliki banyak fitur yang menarik seperti, tampilan jQuery mobile dapat menyesuaikan layar dari perangkat bergerak. Sedangkan PhoneGap merupakan sebuah framework opensource yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi cross-platform mobile hanya dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML , JavaScript dan CSS Mobile commerce yang berbasis mobile web akan sangat cocok untuk XO-Liciou. Aplikasi mobile commerce ini dapat mempermudah pelanggan/pembeli untuk memesan barang dari XO-Licious dimanapun dan kapanpun melalui smartphone atau  tablet yang telah menjadi gaya hidup remaja saat ini.


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    Syarif Hidayatulloh


    Full Text Available Abstract - software project management is the art and science of planning and supervision in software projects. On project management software many emerging constraints that could result in his development and software development. One of the key points in a project the software repository is the time it takes to comment on, add and merge source code. Rapid feedback to make the members of a software project team was pleased to contribute in a software project. Problems on Github repository is when the notification was delivered via the web and email are not directly addressed because the members of the project management software rarely check emails. The methods used in this study is a literature study and experiments of different cases in the article, book or paper that discusses how to implement project management software quality so the software project goals can be achieved. Conclusion the results of the research that has been done is to apply the SMS notification on Github is expected to further speed up the interaction and communication between members in a software project and makes it easier for an IT manager in conducting management on Github project. Keywords: Software project management, GitHub, notification, SMS Abstrak - Manajemen proyek Perangkat lunak adalah seni dan ilmu perencanaan dan pembimbingan dalam proyek perangkat lunak. Pada manajemen proyek perangkat lunak banyak muncul kendala-kendala yang dapat mengakibatkan lamanya pembangunan dan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah repositori proyek perangkat lunak adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengomentari, menambahkan dan menggabungkan source code. Feedback yang cepat membuat anggota-anggota tim proyek perangkat lunak merasa senang untuk berkontribusi dalam sebuah proyek perangkat lunak. Permasalahan pada repositori Github adalah ketika notifikasi yang disampaikan lewat web dan email tidak langsung ditanggapi karena anggota-anggota proyek manajemen perangkat lunak jarang memeriksa email. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dan studi pustaka dari berbagai kasus dalam artikel, buku atau paper yang membahas bagaimana melaksanakan manajemen proyek perangkat lunak yang berkualitas sehingga tujuan proyek perangkat lunak dapat dicapai. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan notifikasi SMS pada Github diharapkan dapat lebih mempercepat interaksi dan komunikasi antar anggota dalam sebuah proyek perangkat lunak serta mempermudah seorang IT manager dalam melakukan manajemen pada Github project. Keywords: Software project management, GitHub, notifikasi, SMS

  20. Aplikasi Antivirus Avigen Pada Sistem Windows


    Aprilliati, Arrum


    Pada penulisan Tugas Akhir ini, penulis membuat perangkat lunak antivirus. Antivirus merupakan sebuah jenis perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan menghapus virus komputer dari sistem komputer. Disebut juga dengan Virus Protection Software. Metode dan rancangan aplikasi antivirus avigen ini dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Visual Basic 6.0 sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya, editor skrip program, dan juga digunakan untuk mendesain sebuah antivirus. Cara kerja dari antivirus yang...

  1. Perancangan Software Antivirus Dengan Visual Basic 6.0


    S., Ribka Agustina


    Pada penulisan tugas akhir ini, penulis membuat perangkat lunak antivirus. Antivirus merupakan sebuah jenis perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan menghapus virus komputer dari sistem komputer. Metode dan rancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan perangkat lunak Visual basic 6.0 sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya, editor skrip program, dan juga digunakan untuk mendesain sebuah program. Cara kerja antivirus yang dibuat adalah menampung virus ke listbox. Hasil rancangan dari aplikasi antivirus...

  2. Function Lateralization via Measuring Coherence Laterality (United States)

    Wang, Ze; Mechanic-Hamilton, Dawn; Pluta, John; Glynn, Simon; Detre, John A.


    A data-driven approach for lateralization of brain function based on the spatial coherence difference of functional MRI (fMRI) data in homologous regions-of-interest (ROI) in each hemisphere is proposed. The utility of using coherence laterality (CL) to determine function laterality was assessed first by examining motor laterality using normal subjects’ data acquired both at rest and with a simple unilateral motor task and subsequently by examining mesial temporal lobe memory laterality in normal subjects and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The motor task was used to demonstrate that CL within motor ROI correctly lateralized functional stimulation. In patients with unilateral epilepsy studied during a scene-encoding task, CL in a hippocampus-parahippocampus-fusiform (HPF) ROI was concordant with lateralization based on task activation, and the CL index (CLI) significantly differentiated the right side group to the left side group. By contrast, normal controls showed a symmetric HPF CLI distribution. Additionally, similar memory laterality prediction results were still observed using CL in epilepsy patients with unilateral seizures after the memory encoding effect was removed from the data, suggesting the potential for lateralization of pathological brain function based on resting fMRI data. A better lateralization was further achieved via a combination of the proposed approach and the standard activation based approach, demonstrating that assessment of spatial coherence changes provides a complementary approach to quantifying task-correlated activity for lateralizing brain function. PMID:19345736


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    Abu Amar Fauzi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan utama. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk menguraikan dimensi kualitas layanan elektronik pada aplikasi mobile layanan transportasi online yaitu Go-Jek, Grab, dan Uber di Indonesia. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menguji hubungan kualitas layanan elektronik dengan kepuasan konsumen dan niat membeli kembali. Pengumpulan data dari kuesioner online sebanyak 149 responden digunakan untuk meneliti model penelitian. Data responden tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan (PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi kualitas layanan elektronik yaitu kualitas informasi, desain aplikasi, metode pembayaran, dan keamanan dan privasi secara positif mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Sementara itu, kepuasan pelanggan secara signifikan berpengaruh langsung pada niat beli kembali. Selanjutnya, bagian terakhir akan mendiskusikan implikasi praktis dari hasil penelitian.

  4. Aplikasi Penerjemah Bahasa Inggris – Indonesia dengan Optical Character Recognition Berbasis Android

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    Anisa Eka Utami


    Full Text Available Perangkat lunak untuk pengenalan karakter yang terdapat dalam ponsel pintar khususnya berbasis Android dikembangkan dengan penekanan pada mobilitas, portabilitas, ruang penyimpanan, perangkat keras, dan keterbatasan jangkauan dapat dipecahkan. Akan tetapi, kinerja sebuah ponsel pintar berbasis Android dan komputer berbeda maka kecepatan pengenalan karakter juga akan berpengaruh. Masalah ini tampaknya akan menunjukkan suatu solusi, yaitu dengan salah satu inovasi yang diterapkankan ke dalam perangkat Android dengan teknologi OCR (Optical Character Recognition. Perencanaan sistem menggunakan pengembangan perangkat lunak berorientasi pemakaian ulang karena menggunakan komponen yang dapat dipakai ulang dalam pengembangannya. Sistem ini dibuat dengan memanfaatkan engine Tesseract OCR yang dikembangkan oleh Google bersifat open source. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk merancang layout dan implementasi sistem, yaitu menggunakan lingkungan pengembang Android Studio yang ditulis dengan bahasa pemrograman Java dan XML. Pengujian aplikasi penerjemah dengan OCR ini menggunakan metode white box dan menghitung akurasi pendeteksian karakter. Hasil perhitungan presentase akurasi deteksi karakter yang diberikan aplikasi terhadap keseluruhan sampel yang diuji mencapai 97,5%.

  5. Analisis Kinerja Local Area Network Menggunakan Router.


    Hutahaean, Yosua


    Perangkat internetworking menawarkan komunikasi di antara segmen Local Area Network (LAN). Ada empat tipe utama perangkat internetworking ini: repeater, bridge, router, dan gateway. Perangkat ini dibedakan atas dasar system lapisan Open System Interconnection (OSI) yang digunakan, berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi dari LAN ke LAN. Pada Tugas Akhir ini penulis tertarik untuk membahas analisis kinerja Local Area Network (LAN) menggunakan Router yang menggunakan sistem antrian M/M/1 dimana j...

  6. Analisis Perilaku Penerimaan EDMODO pada Perkuliahan Dengan Model UTAUT

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    Kurniabudi .


    Full Text Available Penggunan perangkat e-learning di STIKOMDB diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penerimaan perangkat e-learning pada pembelajaran menggunakan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ( UTAUT . Responden penelitian adalah mahasiswa STIKOMDB yang menggunakan perangkat e-learning pada pembelajaran. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode survey. Data dianalisa menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa that Expectancy Performance , Price Value dan Habit memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Behavioral Intention. Sedangkan Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Condition, Social Influence dan Hedonic Motivation tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention. Model penelitian menghasilkan nilai R2 sebesar 0.639 yang memiliki arti bahwa model cukup subtansial untuk memprediksi penerimaan perangkat e-Learning pada pembelajaran


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    Rizal Arifin Hidayat


    Full Text Available E-Comerce merupakan extension dari commerce dengan mengeksploitasi media elektronik. Meskipun penggunaan media elektronik ini belum dimengerti, akan tetapi desakan bisnis menyebabkan para pelaku bisnis mau tidak mau harus menggunakan media elektronik ini. Banayak perusahaan yang telah berpindah ke e-comerce denagn berbagai alasan. Dengan menggunakan internet untuk menjual dan memasarkan produkproduknya, sehingga dapat menjangkau banyak pelanggan di berbagai wilayah manapun. Tripio Komputer sebagai salah satau perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa penjualan dan pembelian khususnya penjualan dan pembelian yang berkaitan dengan komputer. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode Prototype. Aplikasi yang dirancang terdiri dari desain tabel, desain halaman website, desain halaman panel admin, pembuatan berita hasil transaksi baik yang berupa harian maupaun priode tertentu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini dapat membantu Pihak Tripio Komputer dalam mengembangkan usahanaya di bidang jasa penjualan dan pembelian

  8. The Effects of Electronic Publishing on Co-operative Collection Development and Library Consortia and the Applications in Turkey Elektronik Yayıncılığın Ortak Koleksiyon Geliştirme ve Kütüphane Konsorsiyumlarına Etkileri ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamalar

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    Mehmet Toplu


    Full Text Available Consortiums have been one of the basic concepts in the field of libraries since the second half of 20th century. Information centers have failed to meet the user demands as the number of international publications increased, and this in turn, has forced them to share documents and develop common collections, while it also paved the way for consortiums. Interlibrary loans, document delivery, establishment of union catalogs were also among the main activities of consortiums in the same time period in which printed publications were dominating. Electronic publications have dominated the information services since the second half of 1990’s. As a result, consortiums have quickly become widespread internationally, and concentrated their activities mainly on buying the same databases together with the others. In this paper, how the consortiums have developed internationally, and how electronic publishing affected this process are investigated first. Then, the effects of the agreements of ANKOS, UNAK-OCLC consortiums and TÜBİTAK EKUAL (National Academic License for Electronic Resources on the collection development and information services are evaluated in Turkey. Finally, problematic areas are determined, and solutions are proposed. Konsorsiyum oluşumları, 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren, kütüphanecilik alanındaki temel kavramlardan biri olmuştur. Uluslararası düzeyde meydana gelen yayın artışı karşısında, enformasyon merkezlerinin kullanıcı taleplerini tek başlarına karşılayamamaları, kaynak paylaşımı ve ortak koleksiyon gelişimi gibi uygulamaları zorunlu kılarken, konsorsiyum oluşumlarının da zeminini hazırlamıştır. Basılı yayıncılığın etkin olduğu bu dönemde, kütüphanelerarası ödünç verme, belge sağlama, toplu katalogların oluşturulması gibi konular da, konsorsiyumların faaliyetleri arasında yer almaktadır. 1990’lı yılların ikinci yarısından itibaren, elektronik yayıncılığın enformasyon hizmetlerinde tümüyle etkin hale gelmesi ile birlikte, konsorsiyum oluşumları uluslararası düzeyde hızla yaygınlaşmış ve faaliyetlerini de daha çok aynı veritabanlarını ortak satın alma üzerine odaklandırmışlardır. Çalışmada ilk olarak, konsorsiyum oluşumlarının uluslararası düzeyde nasıl bir gelişim gösterdiği ve elektronik yayıncılığın bu süreci nasıl etkilediği araştırılacaktır. İkinci olarak da ANKOS, UNAK-OCLC konsorsiyumları ile TÜBİTAK EKUAL (Elektronik Kaynaklar Ulusal Akademik Lisans Anlaşmaları’nın Türkiye’deki enformasyon merkezlerinin koleksiyon gelişimlerine ve hizmetlerine etkileri ele alınacak ve sorunlu alanlar tanımlanarak, bunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri dile getirilecektir.

  9. Ion-batterier - "The Next Generation"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Martin; Becker, Jacob; Shen, Yanbin


    Lithium-ion batterier er strømkilden, der har revolutioneret vores transportable elektronik. Familien af ion-batterier er imidlertid større end som så og har meget, meget mere at byde på.......Lithium-ion batterier er strømkilden, der har revolutioneret vores transportable elektronik. Familien af ion-batterier er imidlertid større end som så og har meget, meget mere at byde på....


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    I Nyoman Sukarma


    Full Text Available Pada kantor atau instansi pelayanan publik, banyak masyarakat yang berkunjung dan menunggu giliran melakukan pembayaran atau transaksi lainnya. Petugas pada instansi tersebut memerlukan sistem pemanggil antrian elektronik untuk menjaga agar antrian berlangsung tertib dan aman. Untuk keperluan ini, peneliti melakukan perancangan dan pembuatan sistem pemanggil antrian  elektronik dimana petugas dapat memanggil nomor urut antrian dengan hanya menekan tombol. Sistem pemanggil antrian ini dilengkapi dengan display LED dan speaker. Pada display LED akan muncul angka sesuai dengan hitungan nomor saat itu dan pada speaker akan terdengar nomor antrian. Sistem antrian elektronik ini dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler ATmega328 yang dilengkapi mp3 decoder dengan fungsi untuk membaca format file mp3 serta speaker guna memanggil para pengantri sesuai dengan nomor urut pada display LED. Dari hasil pengujian, sistem pemanggil antrian ini dapat bekerja dengan baik hingga nomor antrian 999.


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    Gregorius Satia Budhi


    Full Text Available Taking attendance from employees always becomes a problem for Human Resource Department (HRD in many companies lately. Although there is an automatic check-lock machine, it still has a weakness. This machine can't detect some frauds like the employee swipes double identity card, his card and the others card. Reseachers want to solve this problem by using data mining method, especially market basket analysis.This software will transform the attendance data to compact transaction format by using MaxDiff Histogram method. And it will be processed into frequent itemset with Pincer Search Algoritm. At the final process the employee's association rule will got from frequent itemset. This output will be served to user that is the HRD of a firm.Testing result shows that Data Mining Market Basket Analysis can be used to get pattern of employee's check-lock from a company. And this pattern can help user to detect fraud that is done by employee. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Absensi pegawai selama ini selalu menjadi permasalahan yang pelik bagi bagian HRD di perusahaan - perusahaan yang ada. Walaupun telah ada peralatan absensi otomatis, alat ini masih memiliki kelemahan yaitu, tidak dapat mendeteksi kecurangan pegawai untuk menitipkan kartu absensinya pada karyawan lain untuk diabsenkan. Peneliti berkeinginan untuk mengatasi permasalahan absensi tersebut dengan memanfaatkan metode data mining, khususnya metode market basket analysis, untuk mendeteksi kecurangan ini.Perangkat lunak yang dibuat ini akan mentranformasikan data absensi pegawai menggunakan metode MaxDiff Histogram menjadi format compact transaction yang selanjutnya akan diproses menggunakan Algoritma Pincer Search menjadi frequent itemset. Pada akhirnya dari data frequent itemset ini didapat association rule pegawai untuk disajikan kepada pengguna, yaitu bagian HRD perusahaan.Dari hasil pengujian dapat diketahui bahwa metode Data Mining Market Basket Analysis dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menggali pattern kebiasaan absensi (check-lock pegawai sebuah perusahaan. Dari sini kemungkinan terjadinya kecurangan saat melakukan absensi masuk / pulang dapat dideteksi. Kata kunci: absensi/check-lock, data mining, MaxDiff histogram, market basket analysis, pincer search

  12. Pemberdayaan Pembelajaran Materi Ajar Identifikasi Sifat-Sifat Bangun Datar Bagi Pengembangan Nilai Karakter Berpikir Kritis dan Logis

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    Afia Rahmadini


    Full Text Available Kesuksesan seseorang tidak ditentukan semata-mata oleh pengetahuan dan kemampuan teknis (hard skill saja, tetapi lebih oleh kemampuan mengelola diri dan orang lain (soft skill.Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dikeluarkannya Permendiknas no. 41 tahun 2007 tentang standar proses dan UU No 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional pada Pasal 3. Pertanyaan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah: bagaimanakah hasil pengembangan dan ketercapaian pelaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis pemanfaatan lingkungan dan alat peraga manipulatif pada materi pokok mengidentifikasi sifat-sifat bangun datar di SDN Sekaran 01? Bagaimanakah kualitas proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat yang dikembangkan? Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian Research and Development dengan menggunakan Model 4 D yang meliputi tahap pendefinisian (define, tahap perancangan (design, tahap pengembangan (develop. Sementara tahap penyebaran (disseminate tidak dilakukan mengingat terbatasnya waktu dan biaya.  Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah (1perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP dengan lampiran- lampirannya yang berupa LAS, LTS, prototype APM, dan setting lingkungan yang valid; (2 perangkat dapat diterapkan dengan kategori keterlaksanaan adalah terlaksana dengan baik, KBM berjalan lancar dan pembelajaran mampu memacu semua siswa untuk aktif sehingga secara empiris perangkat yang dikembangkan efektif untuk diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran; (3 kualitas proses pembelajaran cukup tinggi hal ini ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa dengan ketuntasan kelas 88,37%, motivasi belajar  25,58% siswa tinggi dan 74,42% siswa memiliki motivasi sangat tinggi, respon siswa positif sebanyak 97,67% dan kesan guru terhadap penerapan perangkat yang dikembangkan positif  sebanyak 100%. 

  13. CBTs Budget for 1997 og Arbejdsplaner for 1996 - 1999

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Palle


    For Center for Bredbånds Telekommunikation beskrives budget for 1997 samt forskningsplaner for 1996-1999 for områderne optiske netværk, gigabit elektronik, optiske bølgeledere og bredbåndsswitching samt for højhastighedssystemer.......For Center for Bredbånds Telekommunikation beskrives budget for 1997 samt forskningsplaner for 1996-1999 for områderne optiske netværk, gigabit elektronik, optiske bølgeledere og bredbåndsswitching samt for højhastighedssystemer....

  14. Perancangan Sistem Pintu Gerbang dengan Sensor Radio Frequency Identification (RFID menggunakan Metode Waterfall

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    Heru Adi Prasetyo


    Full Text Available Sistem monitoring pada pintu gerbang merupakan bagian yang penting dalam meningkatkan sistem keamanan. Teknologi yang cocok untuk diaplikasikan dipintu gerbang adalah teknologi RFID (Radio Frequency Identification, karena komunikasi antar tag  dengan RFID reader tidak memerlukan kontak langsung, sehingga cocok digunakan pada sistem yang berjalan secara otomatis. Tag RFID dipasang di kendaraan penghuni sebagai kendaraan yang terdaftar di sistem monitoring, sedangkan kendaraan tamu tidak memiliki tag. Model pengembangan perangkat lunak yang dipakai adalah model waterfall, yang terdiri atas analisis kebutuhan sistem, spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak, desain perangkat lunak (use case, diagram activity, class diagram, danentity relationship diagram, implementasi perangkat lunak (berupa penulisan kode dan implementasi client server, dan pengujian (pengujian alat, pengujian client server, pengujian user requirement, dan pengujian aplikasi. Hasil akhir penelitian ini adalah sistem pintu gerbang yang menggunakan RFID sebagai sensor kendaraan untuk memonitor kendaraan yang keluar masuk. Data kendaraan yang keluar masuk dikelola secara client server dengan antarmuka pengguna berupa aplikasi client server berbasis JAVA


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    Anny Yuniarti


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Kebutuhan umat Islam akan fasilitas penunjang belajar bahasa Arab di Indonesia masih belum terpenuhi dengan optimal. Kamus bahasa Arab yang beredar di pasaran sulit dipahami karena minimnya pengetahuan tentang ilmu tata bahasa Arab di kalangan umat Islam. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah perangkat lunak yang berfungsi menerjemahkan kata berbahasa Arab dengan metode parsing sehingga dapat mencakup kata-kata yang telah mengalami perubahan bentuk dari bentuk dasarnya. Karena kata bahasa Arab memiliki turunan kata yang jumlahnya cukup besar, dan supaya kamus efisien, maka tidak semua turunan kata disimpan dalam basisdata. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu cara untuk mengenali pola kata, dan cara mengetahui bentuk dasar suatu kata. Keseluruhan perangkat lunak ini diimplementasikan berbasis web sehingga memudahkan pengaksesan pengguna. Dan pengguna tidak memerlukan proses instalasi perangkat lunak atau sistem operasi tertentu. Pembuatan perangkat lunak ini didahului dengan perancangan proses dan perancangan interface. Kemudian rancangan tersebut diimplementasikan menjadi sebuah perangkat lunak yang siap untuk dipakai. Perangkat lunak yang sudah jadi tersebut telah diuji coba sesuai dengan spesifikasi kebutuhan dan kemampuan yang dimiliki yaitu melakukan manajemen pada basisdata rules dan basisdata kamus. Dengan demikian perangkat lunak ini dapat dipakai sebagai kamus bahasa Arab digital. Kata kunci : Parser, Bahasa Arab, Unicode.

  16. Internet, Electronic Libraries, and Information Retrieval Internet, Elektronik Kütüphaneler ve Bilgi Erişim

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    Yaşar Tonta


    Full Text Available The number of information systems that are accessible through the Internet is constantly increasing. Information systems on those systems are getting varied and occupy more space, too. Up until a few years ago, only textual information sources were accessible via computer networks, whereas today multimedia information sources containing graphics, sound, pictures, and animation are also accessible over the Internet. Geographic information systems, electronic libraries, film and TV archives can he given as examples of multimedia information sources, We point out that information retrieval should he seen as an integral component of the computer networks, and technological, economic, and legal problems in this field should he solved. We end up with what should he done to improve the library and information services that arc accessible through the Internet in Turkey. Günümüzde Internet aracılığıyla erişilebilen bilgi sistemlerinin sayısı hızla artmaktadır. Bu sistemler üzerindeki bilgi kaynakları da giderek çeşitlenmekte ve daha fazla yer kaplamaktadır. Yakın zamana dek bilgisayar ağları aracılığıyla çoğunlukla metin (text türü bilgilere erişim sağlanabilirken, günümüzde grafik, ses, görüntü, canlandırma ve diğer görsel-işitsel veriler içeren çokluortam (multimedia türü bilgiler de Internet üzerinde hizmete sunulabilmektedir. Coğrafik bilgi sistemleri, elektronik kütüphaneler, film ve TV arşivleri bu tür bilgilere örnek olarak gösterilebilir. Bu makalede Internet aracılığıyla bilgi erişim ve bilgi keşfetmede karşılaşılan sorunlar incelenmekte ve sayıca giderek artan ve çeşitlenen bilgi kaynaklarına erişimi kolaylaştırmak için yapılması gerekenler kısaca özetlenmektedir. Sonuç olarak bilgi erişimin, büyük paralar ve entellektüel çabalar harcanarak kurulan bilgisayar ağlarının bir parçası olarak görülmesi gerektiğine işaret edilerek bu alandaki teknolojik', ekonomik ve yasal sorunları çözmek için çaba harcanması gerektiği savunulmakta ve Türkiye'de Internet aracılığıyla sağlanan kütüphanecilik ve bilgi hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi için yapılması gerekenler sıralanmaktadır.

  17. Cosmetic Lateral Canthoplasty: Preserving the Lateral Canthal Angle

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    Yeon-Jun Kim


    Full Text Available Cosmetic lateral canthoplasty, in which the size of the eye is increased by extending the palpebral fissure and decreasing the degree of the eye slant, has become a prevalent procedure for East Asians. However, it is not uncommon for there to be complications or unfavorable results after the surgery. With this in mind, the authors have designed a surgical method to reduce complications in cosmetic lateral canthoplasty by preserving the lateral canthal angle. We discuss here the anatomy required for surgery, the surgical methods, and methods for reducing complications during cosmetic lateral canthoplasty.

  18. Lateral Concepts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Christopher; Bruun Jensen, casper


    This essay discusses the complex relation between the knowledges and practices of the researcher and his/her informants in terms of lateral concepts. The starting point is that it is not the prerogative of the (STS) scholar to conceptualize the world; all our “informants” do it too. This creates...... the possibility of enriching our own conceptual repertoires by letting them be inflected by the concepts of those we study. In a broad sense, the lateral means that there is a many-to-many relation between domains of knowledge and practice. However, each specific case of the lateral is necessarily immanent...... to a particular empirical setting and form of inquiry. In this sense lateral concepts are radically empirical since it locates concepts within the field. To clarify the meaning and stakes of lateral concepts, we first make a contrast between lateral anthropology and Latour’s notion of infra-reflexivity. We end...


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    Dyah Afiat Mardikaningtyas


    Matakuliah Dasar-dasar Ilmu Lingkungan mengkaji tentang lingkungan dan permasalahannya satunya pencemaran lingkungan. Mahasiswa memerlukan kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis penelitian langsung untuk mengaplikasikan teknik pengelolaan lingkungan salah satunya fitoremediasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran pencemaran lingkungan berbasis penelitian fitoremediasi untuk menunjang keterampilan ilmiah, motivasi dan sikap peduli lingkungan. Metode pengembangan digunakan model Borg dan Gall. Metode pengambilan data melalui uji validasi dan uji kepraktisan produk. Hasil pengembangan berupa perangkat pembelajaran yang telah tervalidasi dengan hasil valid 90,88%, praktis 87,47% dan efektif 81,85% keterampilan ilmiah, 83,52% motivasi, 80,13% sikap peduli lingkungan. Perangkat pembelajaran ini layak diaplikasikan untuk mahasiswa matakuliah dasar-dasar ilmu lingkungan.


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    Moh. Hasbi Assidiqi


    Full Text Available Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik.


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    Setia Budi Sasongko


    Full Text Available Perangkat lunak merupakan salah satu komponen yang mutlak diperlukan dalam simulasi komputer. Permasalahan harga menjadi salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan sistem tersebut. Akan tetapi problema tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan Scilab sebagai “Open Source Software”. Scilab merupakan perangkat lunak berbasis matrik dalam menyelesaian permasalahan matematis dan visualisasi hasilnya.Penyusunan program didasarkan pada model matematis untuk bioreaktor. Validasi hasil dari Scilab dilakukan melalui komparasi hasil visualisasi dengan perangkat lunak Polymath 5 versi pendidikan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari Scilab tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dengan hasil yang diperoleh dengan Polymath 5. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut simulasi komputasi dengan menggunakan Scilab.

  2. Penerapan Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata terhadap Jual Beli secara Online (E-Commerce

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    Herniwati ,


    Full Text Available Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata mengatur tentang syarat-syarat sah perjanjian. Ketentuan Pasal 1320 ini berlaku terhadap perjanjian jual beli secara konvensional dan perjanjian jual beli melalui online (internet Dewasa ini Perjanjian jual beli melalui online sangat diminati oleh kaum muda dan kaum ibu rumah tangga.Transaksi jual beli secara online atau disebut dengan e-commerce yang dilakukan melalui  media elektronik sudah sangat populer. Para pembeli yang akan membeli barang-barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan oleh penjual (pedagang. Dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi ini akan berdampak terhadap perkembangan aturan-aturan hukum yang ada. Atauran hukum yang diatur dalam KUHPerdata mengatur tentang  syarat-syarat perjanjian. Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata mengatur tentang syarat-syarat sah perjanjian. Ketentuan ini juga berlaku terhadap transaksi jual beli secara online. Ketentuan dalam KUHPerdata ini diperkuat  dengan adanya  Undang-Undang Nomor  11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi  Elektronik yang mengatur tentang transaksi elektronik.Kata Kunci:  Jual Beli, e-commerce

  3. Pengembangan Mobile Collaborative Learning System Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Zachman dan DICE

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    M Husni Syahbani


    Full Text Available Mobile Learning adalah proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel, Ada banyak media yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat proses belajar lebih mudah dan menyenangkan, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan perangkat mobile seperti telepon seluler, tablet dan komputer desktop, dengan Teknologi ini setiap materi pembelajaran dapat hadir dalam banyak format seperti yang video, suara dll. Kombinasi antara teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel dapat memecahkan masalah dalam proses belajar, banyak pelajar merasa sulit untuk mengelola materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka dan bagaimana belajar dengan efektif dan efisien. Jadi penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengembangkan sistem yang berupa kombinasi antara teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel yang disebut Mobile Collaboration Learning System (MCLs. Dalam pengembangan MCLs menggunakan kerangka pendekatan Zachman untuk mengidentifikasi kegiatan dan proses dalam pembelajaran yang dapat membantu studi pelajar dengan mudah dan interaktif dan berkolaborasi. Dengan kerangka pendekatan Zachman membuat MCLs menyelaraskan dengan kebutuhan peserta didik dan dosen di sekolah. Pendekatan ini menghasilkan sistem persyaratan yang dianalisis menggunakan kerangka DICE untuk mengetahui bagaimana risiko pengembangan sistem ini untuk direalisasikan.

  4. Sistem Monitoring Proses Produksi pada Mesin Bardi di PT. Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua Sukabumi Berbasis Web

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    Heri Haryanto


    Full Text Available Proses produksi pengisian air Aqua galon menggunakan mesin Bardi di PT. Tirta Investama Aqua Danone Sukabumi memiliki parameter-parameter proses yang harus selalu dipantau, sehingga jika terjadi nilai parameter yang melebihi atau kurang dari batas toleransi yang diberikan dapat segera dilakukan tidakan intervensi untuk menghindari terjadi kerusakan atau hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Sistem monitoring parameter proses produksi berbasis web dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memantau parameter-parameter pada mesin Bardi. Sistem ini terdiri atas perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras terdiri atas sensor-sensor yang dipasang pada mesin Bardi yang menghasilkan sinyal analog yang kemudian oleh PLC Allen Bradley data akan dikonversi menjadi data digital. Data akan dikirimkan secara real-time dan disimpan pada database server komputer dan disinkronisasikan dengan web server. Perangkat lunak pada pemograman website menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 sebagai kontrol visual dan tampilan data menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL. Sistem monitoring proses produksi dapat memantau parameter-parameter mesin Bardi serta mentransmisikan data perubahan parameter proses produksi yang ditampilkan melalui aplikasi web.

  5. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Perepresentasian Data Perilaku Pengemudi Mobil Berbasis Android Menggunakan Sensor Accelerometer dan Orientation

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    Muhammad Dery Rahma


    Full Text Available Semakin meningkatnya popularitas smartphone dari tahun ke tahun, semakin meningkat pula jumlah aplikasi perangkat bergerak yang berkaitan dengan keamanan dalam berkemudi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan aplikasi perangkat bergerak lain yang dapat mendeteksi pergerakan mobil yang normal dan berbahaya menggunakan sensor accelerometer dan orientation yang berasal dari smartphone serta tanpa memerlukan sensor hardware tambahan. Arsitektur aplikasi perangkat bergerak ini berbasis client-server, dimana web service melayani permintaan dari aplikasi client berbasis Android. Aplikasi ini juga menggabungkan beberapa teknologi lain seperti Geolocation API, Geocoding API, dan Android Sensor API. Teknologi-teknologi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kecepatan mobil, lokasi terkini dari pengemudi, dan merekam pola gerakan mobil melalui representasi nilai-nilai sensor accelerometer dan orientation.Tujuan dari dikembangkannya aplikasi perangkat bergerak untuk tugas akhir ini adalah untuk membantu pihak kepolisian lalu lintas dalam mendapatkan data pergerakan mobil berupa raw data 2-axis yang direkam oleh sensor accelerometer dan orientation pada smartphone Android ketika pengemudi mengendarai mobil. Data-data tersebut nantinya digunakan untuk membantu mendeteksi riwayat pola berkendara seorang pengemudi.

  6. Pembuatan Kakas Bantu untuk Mendeteksi Ketidaksesuaian Diagram Urutan (Sequence Diagram dengan Diagram Kasus Penggunaan (Use Case Diagram

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    Andrias Meisyal Yuwantoko


    Full Text Available Sebuah diagram urutan dibuat  berdasarkan alur yang ada pada deskripsi kasus penggunaan. Alur tersebut dire- presentasikan dalam  bentuk  interaksi antara aktor  dan  sistem. Pemeriksaan rancangan diagram urutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketidaksesuaian urutan alur  kasus penggunaan dengan urutan pesan yang dikirimkan oleh objek-objek pada diagram urutan. Rancangan diagram yang sesuai merupakan kunci ketepatan (correctness implementasi  perangkat lunak. Namun, pemeriksaan ketidaksesuaian masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal ini menjadi masalah apabila sebuah proyek perangkat lunak memiliki banyak  rancangan diagram dan sumber daya manusia tidak  mencukupi. Pemeriksaan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan memiliki dampak pada waktu pengembangan perangkat lunak. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pembuatan kakas bantu  untuk mendeteksi ketidaksesuaian diagram urutan dengan diagram kasus penggunaan. Ketidaksesuaian dilihat dari kemiripan semantik kalimat antara alur pada deskripsi kasus penggunaan dan triplet. Dari hasil pembuatan kakas bantu, kakas bantu yang dibuat dapat mendeteksi ketidaksesuaian diagram urutan dengan diagram kasus penggunaan. Kakas  bantu ini diharapkan tidak hanya membantu pemeriksaan rancangan diagram akan tetapi mempercepat waktu pengembangan perangkat lunak.

  7. Modstandssvejsning, Forskning og udvikling på Institut for Produktion og Ledelse, DTU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Niels


    Modstandssvejsning finder udbredt anvendelse i industriel produktion af automobiler, fly, elektronik, radiatorer, containere, pumper m.m. til sammenføjning af ens og forskellige metaller (f.eks. C-stål, højstyrkestål, kobber, sølv, nikkel, aluminium og titan legeringer).......Modstandssvejsning finder udbredt anvendelse i industriel produktion af automobiler, fly, elektronik, radiatorer, containere, pumper m.m. til sammenføjning af ens og forskellige metaller (f.eks. C-stål, højstyrkestål, kobber, sølv, nikkel, aluminium og titan legeringer)....

  8. Inductive charging. Preparations for serial production; Induktives Laden. Vorbereitungen fuer den Serieneinsatz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoettle, Markus


    Inductive charging is still an exotic technology and is viewed only as a long-term alternative to cable charging if any, but this may be sooner than expected. First serial applications may be ready for launching by 2015. Until then, standards must be developed that take account of all relevant safety aspects. Draft standards describe so-called rules of application defined by potential manufacturers and customers under the leadership of association of the electrotechnical, electronic and information industry (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.) ATZ elektronik presents an excerpt. (orig.)

  9. Motor laterality as an indicator of speech laterality. (United States)

    Flowers, Kenneth A; Hudson, John M


    The determination of speech laterality, especially where it is anomalous, is both a theoretical issue and a practical problem for brain surgery. Handedness is commonly thought to be related to speech representation, but exactly how is not clearly understood. This investigation analyzed handedness by preference rating and performance on a reliable task of motor laterality in 34 patients undergoing a Wada test, to see if they could provide an indicator of speech laterality. Hand usage preference ratings divided patients into left, right, and mixed in preference. Between-hand differences in movement time on a pegboard task determined motor laterality. Results were correlated (χ2) with speech representation as determined by a standard Wada test. It was found that patients whose between-hand difference in speed on the motor task was small or inconsistent were the ones whose Wada test speech representation was likely to be ambiguous or anomalous, whereas all those with a consistently large between-hand difference showed clear unilateral speech representation in the hemisphere controlling the better hand (χ2 = 10.45, df = 1, p laterality are related where they both involve a central control of motor output sequencing and that a measure of that aspect of the former will indicate the likely representation of the latter. A between-hand measure of motor laterality based on such a measure may indicate the possibility of anomalous speech representation. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  10. Suplemen Panduan Guru dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Tematik Kompetensi Dasar Matematika Kelas IV


    Isti Hidayah; Sugiarto Sugiarto; Heri Sutarto


    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar (SD) dengan penguatan tahapan enaktif-ikonik-simbolik berbantuan serang-kaian pertanyaan produktif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa Panduan Guru sebagai suple-men dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran tematik kompetensi dasar (KD) Ma-tematika kelas IV semester gasal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Panduan Guru dengan perangkatnya, yaitu alat peraga sebagai representasi enaktif; media ...



    Setia Budi Sasongko


    Perangkat lunak merupakan salah satu komponen yang mutlak diperlukan dalam simulasi komputer. Permasalahan harga menjadi salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan sistem tersebut. Akan tetapi problema tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan Scilab sebagai “Open Source Software”. Scilab merupakan perangkat lunak berbasis matrik dalam menyelesaian permasalahan matematis dan visualisasi hasilnya.Penyusunan program didasarkan pada model matematis untuk bioreaktor. Validasi hasil dari Sc...

  12. Integrated vehicle's lateral safety: the LATERAL SAFE experience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amditis, A.; Floudas, N.; Kaiser-Dieckhoff, U.; Hackbarth, T.; Broek, S.P. van den; Miglietta, M.; Danielson, L.; Gemou, M.; Bekiaris, E.


    The applications developed and the evaluation results of the EU funded automotive safety PReVENT IP subproject LATERAL SAFE are described. The data synthesis algorithms that aim at achieving a reliable representation of the objects and their kinematics, in the lateral and rear fields of the host


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    Dedi Irawan


    Full Text Available Dilansir dari halaman Support Apple, malware adalah perangkat lunak berbahaya, yang berisi virus, worm, trojan horse, dan program lainnya yang dapat membahayakan Mac atau privasi Anda. Malware dapat diinstal saat Anda mengunduh item dari email, pesan, dan situs web. Sumber: // Program ini dapat mengubah, merusak, mencari celah, dan mencuri data pribadi seseorang yang tentu sangat merugikan. Malware dapat menghasilkan saat mengunduh data melalui email, pesan, dan situs web. Salah satu perangkat yang paling banyak digunakaan saat ini adalah smartphone sebagai perangkat untuk mengakses situs web. Meskipun semua komputer sudah terinstal antivirus, harus ditambahkan lapisan perlindungan lain ke jaringan komputer, dalam hal ini HAVP bekerja dengan sangat baik.

  14. Response format, magnitude of laterality effects, and sex differences in laterality. (United States)

    Voyer, Daniel; Doyle, Randi A


    The present study examined the evidence for the claim that response format might affect the magnitude of laterality effects by means of a meta-analysis. The analysis included the 396 effect sizes drawn from 266 studies retrieved by Voyer (1996) and relevant to the main effect of laterality and sex differences in laterality for verbal and non-verbal tasks in the auditory, tactile, and visual sensory modality. The response format used in specific studies was the only moderator variable of interest in the present analysis, resulting in four broad response categories (oral, written, computer, and pointing). A meta-analysis analogue to ANOVA showed no significant influence of response format on either the main effect of laterality or sex differences in laterality when all sensory modalities were combined. However, when modalities were considered separately, response format affected the main effect of laterality in the visual modality, with a clear advantage for written responses. Further pointed analyses revealed some specific differences among response formats. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for the measurement of laterality.

  15. Kajian Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Dalam Penggunaan Open Source Software Database Management System

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    Michael Sonny


    Full Text Available Perkembangan perangkat lunak computer dewasa ini terjadi sedemikian pesatnya, perkembangan tidak hanya terjadi pada perangkat lunak yang memiliki lisensi tertentu, perangkat open source pun demikian. Perkembangan itu tentu saja sangat menggembirakan bagi pengguna computer khususnya di kalangan pendidikan maupun di kalangan mahasiswa, karena pengguna mempunyai beberapa pilihan untuk menggunakan aplikasi. Perangkat lunak open source juga menawarkan produk yang umumnya gratis, diberikan kode programnya, kebebasan untuk modifikasi dan mengembangkan. Meneliti aplikasi berbasis open source tentu saja sangat beragam seperti aplikasi untuk pemrograman (PHP, Gambas, Database Management System (MySql, SQLite, browsing (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera. Pada penelitian ini di kaji penerimaan aplikasi DBMS (Database Management System seperti MySql dan SQLite dengan menggunakan sebuah model yang dikembangkan oleh Venkantes(2003 yaitu UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Faktor – faktor tertentu juga mempengaruhi dalam melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran aplikasi open source ini, salah satu faktor atau yang disebut dengan moderating yang bisa mempengaruhi efektifitas dan efisiensi. Dengan demikian akan mendapatkan hasil yang bisa membuat kelancaran dalam pembelajaran aplikasi berbasis open source ini.   Kata kunci— open source, Database Management System (DBMS, Modereting


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    Adi Nugroho


    Full Text Available Interoperabilitas, dalam arti cara bagaimana suatu sistem yang memiliki platform perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak tertentu dapat berkomunikasi dengan sistem-sistem yang memiliki platform yang berbeda, mungkin merupakan bagian dari ‘masa lalu’. Di masa-masa yang akan datang, interoperabilitas yang selama ini ditangani secara manual oleh organisasi-organisasi/perusahaan-perusahaan akan ditangani langsung oleh vendor-vendor penyedia komputasi awan (cloud computing yang memang memiliki sumberdaya-sumberdaya manusia (analis sistem, pemrogram, pakar jaringan, perangkat keras (komputer-komputer server yang berjumlah sangat banyak dan berkemampuan raksasa, serta perangkat lunak (sistem operasi, server aplikasi, server Web yang memang memenuhi syarat untuk itu. Di masa yang akan datang, untuk mendapatkan layanan-layanan  (service dan tempat penyimpanan tertentu, organisasi-organisasi/ perusahaan-perusahaan tidak perlu berinvestasi terlalu tinggi untuk menyediakannya sendiri; mereka bisa saja menyewanya dari vendor-vendor komputasi awan yang saat ini mulai bermunculan. Google dan Amazon adalah para pendahulu dari teknologi komputasi awan (cloud computing ini. Melalui tulisan ini, kita tidak akan membahas struktur internal keduanya secara rinci, melainkan kita akan mencoba membahas kelebihan serta kekurangan kedua vendor komputasi awan ini dari sudutpandang para manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang akan melakukan investasi yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi/perusahaannya.


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    Adi Nugroho


    Full Text Available Interoperabilitas, dalam arti cara bagaimana suatu sistem yang memiliki platform perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak tertentu dapat berkomunikasi dengan sistem-sistem yang memiliki platform yang berbeda, mungkin merupakan bagian dari masa lalu. Di masa-masa yang akan datang, interoperabilitas yang selama ini ditangani secara manual oleh organisasi-organisasi/perusahaan-perusahaan akan ditangani langsung oleh vendor-vendor penyedia komputasi awan (cloud computing yang memang memiliki sumberdaya-sumberdaya manusia (analis sistem, pemrogram, pakar jaringan, perangkat keras (komputer-komputer server yang berjumlah sangat banyak dan berkemampuan raksasa, serta perangkat lunak (sistem operasi, server aplikasi, server Web yang memang memenuhi syarat untuk itu. Di masa yang akan datang, untuk mendapatkan layanan-layanan (service dan tempat penyimpanan tertentu, organisasi-organisasi/ perusahaan-perusahaan tidak perlu berinvestasi terlalu tinggi untuk menyediakannya sendiri; mereka bisa saja menyewanya dari vendor-vendor komputasi awan yang saat ini mulai bermunculan. Google dan Amazon adalah para pendahulu dari teknologi komputasi awan (cloud computing ini. Melalui tulisan ini, kita tidak akan membahas struktur internal keduanya secara rinci, melainkan kita akan mencoba membahas kelebihan serta kekurangan kedua vendor komputasi awan ini dari sudutpandang para manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang akan melakukan investasi yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi/perusahaannya.

  18. Mengembangkan Penalaran Ilmiah (Scientific Reasoning) Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajran 5e Pada Siswa Kelas X Sman 15 Surabaya


    Shofiyah, N; Supardi, Z. A. I; Jatmiko, B


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model 5E untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penalaran ilmiah siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dengan model 5E valid untuk diterapkan di dalam kelas, BAS memiliki keterbacaan yang bagus, keterlaksanaan RPP dikategorikan baik, model pembelajaran 5E secara efektif dapat mening-katkan keterampilan penalaran ilmiah siswa dan siswa memberikan respon yang p...

  19. Mind Map Kolaboratif Memanfaatkan Groupware Berbasis Cloud Storage


    Yuniarti, Wenty Dwi


    Groupware adalah aplikasi atau perangkat lunak komputer yang dirancang untuk mendukung kolaborasi dari beberapa pengguna (Alan Dix dkk, 2004: 663). Saat ini groupware berkembang, bukan sekedar sebagai perangkat lunak multi user yang dapat mengakses data sama, berbagi dokumen atau rich-media, namun dengan teknologi cloud storage, groupware mendukung penyimpanan dokumen secara online sebagai artifak atau hasil kerja kolaboratif. Dalam pembelajaran, kolaborasi diwujudkan dengan kelompok atau...



    Ratih Ayu Indraswari; Hari Ginardi


    Periklanan atau advertising sangat erat hubungannya dengan bisnis atau usaha. Dari sisi konsumen tentu sangat membutuhkan informasi mengenai sebuah produk atau jasa agar kebutuhan dapat terpenuhi dengan efektif. Disamping itu, teknologi perangkat bergerak berkembang cukup pesat dan sudah semakin menyatu dengan kehidupan personal manusia, sehingga secara langsung maupun tidak langsung perangkat bergerak yang dibawa oleh seseorang dapat menjadi sebuah pemancar yang memberikan informasi keberada...

  1. Elektronik Sağlık Kayıtlarının WCF Web Servisleri Kullanılarak Aktarılması ve Depolanması

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    Ramazan Özgür DOĞAN


    Full Text Available Elektronik Sağlık Kayıtları(Electronic Health Record-EHR kronik hastaların takibinde ve uzaktan tedavisinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. EHR kronik hastaların biyolojik işaretlerinden ve fizyolojik parametrelerinden oluşmaktadır. EHR doktorlara kronik hastaların uzun süreli sağlık işaretlerini inceleyebilme ve bu işaretlerden daha somut çıkarımlarda bulunma yeteneği kazandırmaktadır. EHR’ler oldukça büyük boyutlu verilerdir ve bu veriler üzerinde işlem yapabilmek için verilerin belirli standartlara göre saklanması gerekmektedir. Gelişen teknoloji ile kronik hastalar evlerinden ayrılmadan internet aracılığı ile toplanan EHR bilgileri sayesinde sağlık hizmetlerinden faydalanabilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada EHR’lerin iletim ve saklanma koşullarını iyileştirmek için HL7 standardına uygun WCF teknolojisi kullanılan bir teletıp uygulaması geliştirilmiştir. Windows İletişim Vakfı( Windows Communication Foundation - WCF teknolojisinin kronik hastaların EHR bilgilerinin evlerinden ayrılmadan toplanabilmesi için getirdiği kolaylıklar üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca WCF teknolojisi sayesinde programlama dilinden bağımsız XML tabanlı EHR kayıtlarına hızlıca anlık erişim yapılabilmiş ve bu veriler üzerinde hasta mahremiyeti korunarak kolayca işlem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ek olarak gerçekleştirilen çalışmada WCF teknolojisi kullanıldığından kurulan teletıp sisteminin PC, tablet ve PDA gibi farklı platformlar üzerinden de kullanılabilmesi sağlanmıştır.


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    L. Yuliati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas bahan ajar IPA terpadu untuk SMP, khususnya tema Air Limbah Rumah Tangga. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi-eksperimen dengan Pretest-Postest Control Group Design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 20 Malang kelas VII. Sampel ditetapkan dengan purposive sampling. Perlakuan pada kelompok eksperimen adalah pembelajaran yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA terpadu, sedangkan kelompok kontrol  menggunakan buku  sekolah elektronik (BSE. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah butir soal tes, lembar observasi pembelajaran, dan perangkat  pembelajaran. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Anava AB untuk uji perbedaan rerata dan uji scheffe untuk uji efektivitas bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada siswa SMP yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA Terpadu dengan siswa SMP yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA yang terpisah bidang kajiannya, dan bahan ajar IPA terpadu efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. This study aims totest the effectiveness of an integrated science teaching materials for students of junior high school, particularly in themeof Domestic Wastewater. The study designused a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with control group design. The experiment was conductedin Junior High School of Malang. Samples were determined by purposive sampling. Treatmentin the experimental group was learning to integrated science teaching materials, whereas in the control group with the teaching materials available in schools. The instrument used were a matter oftestitems, observation sheets of learning, and learningtools. Data analysis was performed with AnovaAB totestmean difference and Scheffetesttotestthe effectiveness ofinstructional materials. The results showed that 1there aredifferences inhigher-order thinkingskillsinjunior high school students using teaching materials in integrated science withjunior high school students who useda separate instructional materials science field studies, and 2an integrated science teaching materialsis effective to be applied toenhance higher order thinking skills of students.

  3. Integrated vehicle’s lateral safety: the LATERAL SAFE experience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amditis, A.; Floudas, N.; Kaiser-Dieckhoff, U.; Hackbarth, T.; Broek, S.P. van den; Miglietta, M.; Danielson, L.; Gemou, M.; Bekiaris, E.


    The applications developed and the evaluation results of the EU funded automotive safety PReVENT IP subproject LATERAL SAFE are described. The data synthesis algorithms that aim at achieving a reliable representation of the objects and their kinematics, in the lateral and rear fields of the host

  4. Implementasi Sinkronisasi Waktu dengan Network Time Protocol untuk Pemantauan Keamanan Aktivitas Jaringan Telekomunikasi

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    Ahmad Budi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak           Penyelenggara Jaringan adalah menyediakan dan atau memberikan pelayanan jaringan yang memungkinkan terselenggaranya transaksi elektronik. Setiap penyelenggara jaringan diwajibkan untuk menyelaraskan waktu dalam transaksi elektronik. Tujuan dilakukannya penyelarasan waktu adalah untuk menyediakan waktu yang standar dan menyediakan acuan waktu untuk segala bentuk transaksi elektronik dengan prinsip keakuratan dan ketertelusuran. Sistem Penyelarasan Waktu Indonesia menggunakan prinsip ketertelusuran dan prinsip keakuratan. Protokol yang digunakan dalam penyelarasan waktu server di Indonesia berbasis Network Time Protocol. Kajian ini membahas mengenai implementasi sinkronisasi waktu dengan network time protocol sebagai salah satu bentuk pemantauan keamanan jaringan telekomunikasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah naratif deskriptif mengenai implementasi sinkronisasi waktu.Hasil kajian ini adalah masukan untuk kebijakan dalam keamanan transaksi elektronik melalui sinkronisasi waktu.    Abstract Network providers are providing services or networks that enable the implementation of electronic transactions. Each network operator is required to align the time in electronic transactions. The purpose is to provide time alignment of the time standard and provide a time frame for all forms of electronic transactions with the principles of accuracy and traceability. Indonesian Time Alignment System uses the principle of traceability and accuracy principles. The protocols used in the alignment of the time server in Indonesia-based Network Time Protocol. This study discusses the implementation of time synchronization with a network time protocol as a form of telecommunications network security monitoring. The method used in this study is a descriptive narrative on the implementation of time synchronization. Results of this study are input to the policy in the security of electronic transactions through time synchronization

  5. Rancang Bangun Prototipe Monitoring Suhu Tubuh Manusia Berbasis O.S Android Menggunakan Koneksi Bluetooth

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    Moh Fajar Rajasa Fikri


    Full Text Available Tanda-tanda vital kesehatan manusia dapat diketahui dari suhu tubuh, pernapasan, tekanan darah, dan denyut nadi. Dalam tugas akhir ini, dirancang sebuah prototipe monitoring suhu tubuh manusia berbasis android menggunakan koneksi bluetooth dengan performansi dalam bentuk jaket yang terdiri dari tiga buah titik pengukuran. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk merancang sistem pengukuran suhu tubuh adalah dengan mendesain sistem perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Sensor yang digunakan adalah IC-LM35 yang tersebar di tiga titik pengukuran. Sensor ini sebagai pendeteksi perubahan suhu tubuh, kemudian hasil perubahan suhu akan dibaca dan diproses pada mikrokontroler ATMega8a-pu. Setelah data terproses, selanjutnya data akan dikirimkan ke perangkat android melalui koneksi bluetooth. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis data, dapat diketahui bahwa alat ini memiliki respon dinamis settling time sebesar 5 menit. Jarak maksimum koneksi perangkat adalah 35 meter, dan kemampuan baterai sebesar 9 volt selama 90 menit. Alat ini memiliki nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.29150C, eror presisi sebesar 0.8°C untuk sensor A (mulut, dan nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.4149°C, eror presisi sebesar 0.2974°C untuk sensor B (ketiak kanan, dan nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.3846°C, eror presisi sebesar 0.5956°C untuk sensor C (ketiak kiri

  6. [Brain lateralization and seizure semiology: ictal clinical lateralizing signs]. (United States)

    Horváth, Réka; Kalmár, Zsuzsanna; Fehér, Nóra; Fogarasi, András; Gyimesi, Csilla; Janszky, József


    Clinical lateralizing signs are the phenomena which can unequivocally refer to the hemispheric onset of epileptic seizures. They can improve the localization of epileptogenic zone during presurgical evaluation, moreover, their presence can predict a success of surgical treatment. Primary sensory phenomena such as visual aura in one half of the field of vision or unilateral ictal somatosensory sensation always appear on the contralateral to the focus. Periictal unilateral headache, although it is an infrequent symptom, is usually an ipsilateral sign. Primary motor phenomena like epileptic clonic, tonic movements, the version of head ubiquitously appear contralateral to the epileptogenic zone. Very useful lateralization sign is the ictal hand-dystonia which lateralizes to the contralateral hemisphere in nearly 100%. The last clonus of the secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizure lateralizes to the ipsilateral hemisphere in 85%. The fast component of ictal nystagmus appears in nearly 100% on the contralateral side of the epileptic focus. Vegetative symptoms during seizures arising from temporal lobe such as spitting, nausea, vomiting, urinary urge are typical for seizures originating from non-dominant (right) hemisphere. Ictal pallor and cold shivers are dominant hemispheric lateralization signs. Postictal unilateral nose wiping refers to the ipsilateral hemispheric focus compared to the wiping hand. Ictal or postictal aphasia refers to seizure arising from dominant hemisphere. Intelligable speech during complex partial seizures appears in non-dominant seizures. Automatism with preserved consciousness refers to the seizures of non-dominant temporal lobe.

  7. Laterality and Lateralization in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Using a Standardized Neuro-Psychomotor Assessment. (United States)

    Paquet, A; Golse, B; Girard, M; Olliac, B; Vaivre-Douret, L


    A detailed assessment of laterality in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was realized, including handedness and other measures (muscle tone, manual performance, dominant eye), using a standardized battery for the developmental assessment of neuro-psychomotor functions. The results of the laterality tests relating to cerebral hemisphere organization (spontaneous gestural laterality and tonic laterality) were different in ASD children, and indicate that the cerebral organization could be disrupted. These assessments, added to the observations of usual laterality most often reported in the literature, provide better understanding of the developmental organization from the pathophysiological point of view in children with ASD.


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    Moira Yip


    Full Text Available When laterals are the targets of phonological processes, laterality may or may not survive. In a fixed feature geometry, [lateral] should be lost if its superordinate node is eliminated by either the spreading of a neighbouring node, or by coda neutralization. So if [lateral] is under Coronal (Blevins 1994, it should be lost under Place assimilation, and if [lateral] is under Sonorant Voicing (Rice & Avery 1991 it should be lost by rules that spread voicing. Yet in some languages lateral survives such spreading intact. Facts like these argue against a universal attachment of [lateral] under either Coronal or Sonorant Voicing, and in favour of an account in terms of markedness constraints on feature-co-occurrence (Padgett 2000. The core of an OT account is that IFIDENTLAT is ranked above whatever causes neutralization, such as SHARE-F or *CODAF. laterality will survive. If these rankings are reversed, we derive languages in which laterality is lost. The other significant factor is markedness. High-ranked feature co-occurrence constraints like *LATDORSAL can block spreading from affecting laterals at all.

  9. Denervation of the lateral humeral epicondyle for treatment of chronic lateral epicondylitis. (United States)

    Rose, Nicholas E; Forman, Scott K; Dellon, A Lee


    Chronic lateral epicondylitis remains a treatment challenge. Traditional surgical treatments for lateral epicondylitis involve variations of the classic Nirschl lateral release. Anatomic studies reveal that the posterior branch or branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm consistently innervate the lateral humeral epicondyle. We undertook the present study to determine the effectiveness of denervation of the lateral humeral epicondyle in treating chronic lateral epicondylitis. An institutional review board-approved prospective study included 30 elbows in 26 patients. Inclusion criteria included failure to respond to nonoperative treatment for more than 6 months and improvement in grip strength and in visual analog pain scale after diagnostic nerve block of the posterior branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm proximal to the lateral humeral epicondyle. We excluded patients who had undergone previous surgery for lateral epicondylitis. Outcome measures included visual analog pain scale and grip strength testing. Denervation surgery involved identification and transection of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm branches with implantation into the triceps. The presence of radial tunnel syndrome was noted but did not affect inclusion criteria; if it was present, we did not correct it surgically. We used no postoperative splinting and permitted immediate return to activities of daily living. At a mean of 28 months of follow-up, the average visual analog scale score decreased from 7.9 to 1.9. Average grip strength with the elbow extended improved from 13 to 24 kg. A total of 80% of patients had good or excellent results, as defined by an improvement of 5 or more points on the visual analog scale for pain. Denervation of the lateral epicondyle was effective in relieving pain in 80% of patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis who had a positive response to a local anesthetic block of the posterior branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm. Radial nerve compression syndromes must be evaluated as a confounding source of symptoms and may require additional treatment in patients who fail to improve with denervation alone. Therapeutic IV. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Usefulness of a Lateral Thoracodorsal Flap after Breast Conserving Surgery in Laterally Located Breast Cancer

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    Jung Dug Yang


    Full Text Available BackgroundBreast-conserving surgery is widely accepted as an appropriate method in breast cancer, and the lateral thoracodorsal flap provides a simple, reliable technique, especially when a mass is located in the lateral breast. This study describes the usefulness of a lateral thoracodorsal flap after breast conserving surgery in laterally located breast cancer.MethodsFrom September 2008 to February 2013, a lateral thoracodorsal flap was used in 20 patients with laterally located breast cancer treated at our institution. The technique involves a local medially based, wedge shaped, fasciocutaneous transposition flap from the lateral region of the thoracic area. Overall satisfaction and aesthetic satisfaction surveys were conducted with the patients during a 6-month postoperative follow-up period. Aesthetic results in terms of breast shape and symmetry were evaluated by plastic surgeons.ResultsThe average specimen weight was 76.8 g. The locations of the masses were the upper lateral quadrant (n=15, the lower lateral quadrant (n=2, and the central lateral area (n=3. Complications developed in four of the cases, partial flap necrosis in one, wound dehiscence in one, and fat necrosis in two. The majority of the patients were satisfied with their cosmetic outcomes.ConclusionsPartial breast reconstruction using a lateral thoracodorsal flap is well matched with breast color and texture, and the surgery is less aggressive than other techniques with few complications. Therefore, the lateral thoracodorsal flap can be a useful, reliable technique in correcting breast deformity after breast conserving surgery, especially in laterally located breast cancer.

  11. Usefulness of a Lateral Thoracodorsal Flap after Breast Conserving Surgery in Laterally Located Breast Cancer

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    Ho Yong Park


    Full Text Available Background Breast-conserving surgery is widely accepted as an appropriate method in breast cancer, and the lateral thoracodorsal flap provides a simple, reliable technique, especially when a mass is located in the lateral breast. This study describes the usefulness of a lateral thoracodorsal flap after breast conserving surgery in laterally located breast cancer.Methods From September 2008 to February 2013, a lateral thoracodorsal flap was used in 20 patients with laterally located breast cancer treated at our institution. The technique involves a local medially based, wedge shaped, fasciocutaneous transposition flap from the lateral region of the thoracic area. Overall satisfaction and aesthetic satisfaction surveys were conducted with the patients during a 6-month postoperative follow-up period. Aesthetic results in terms of breast shape and symmetry were evaluated by plastic surgeons.Results The average specimen weight was 76.8 g. The locations of the masses were the upper lateral quadrant (n=15, the lower lateral quadrant (n=2, and the central lateral area (n=3. Complications developed in four of the cases, partial flap necrosis in one, wound dehiscence in one, and fat necrosis in two. The majority of the patients were satisfied with their cosmetic outcomes.Conclusions Partial breast reconstruction using a lateral thoracodorsal flap is well matched with breast color and texture, and the surgery is less aggressive than other techniques with few complications. Therefore, the lateral thoracodorsal flap can be a useful, reliable technique in correcting breast deformity after breast conserving surgery, especially in laterally located breast cancer.


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    Maman Abdurohman


    Full Text Available Pemodelan adalah salah satu proses awal dalam pengembangan suatu aplikasi atau produk. Tahap ini dilakukan untuk meminimalkan kesalahan pada produk akhir. Salah satu metode pemodelan berorientasi objek yang banyak digunakan adalah pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language. Dalam UML suatu sistem dipandang sebagai kumpulan objek yang memiliki atribut dan method. SystemC adalah bahasa perancangan perangkat keras yang berbasis C++. SystemC merupakan sebuah library yang mendefinisikan tipe-tipe komponen perangkat keras. Dalam pemodelan bersama perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, UML dan SystemC memiliki kemampuan yang sama. Pada paper ini dilakukan analisis proses transformasi dari pemodelan berorientasi objek dengan UML dan implementasi dengan menggunakan SystemC. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses transformasi UML-SystemC dapat dilakukan karena keduanya memiliki nature yang sama sebagai lingkungan yang dapat merancang bersama hardware dan software. Perangkat yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah Rational Rose dan SystemC. Modeling is one of the first process in the development of an application or product. This phase is done to minimize errors in the final product. One method in object-oriented modeling that is widely used is UML (Unified Modeling Language. In UML a system is seen as a collection of objects that have attributes and methods. SystemC is a hardware design language based on C++. SystemC is a library that defines the types of hardware components. In a joint modeling of hardware and software, UML and SystemC have similar capabilities. In this paper, researchers analyzed the transformation of object-oriented modeling with UML and the implementation by using SystemC. The results shows that the transformation process of UML-SystemC can be done because both have the same nature as the environment that can design both hardware and software. The device used for this study is the Rational Rose and SystemC.

  13. Lateral root development in the maize (Zea mays) lateral rootless1 mutant. (United States)

    Husakova, Eva; Hochholdinger, Frank; Soukup, Ales


    The maize lrt1 (lateral rootless1) mutant is impaired in its development of lateral roots during early post-embryonic development. The aim of this study was to characterize, in detail, the influences that the mutation exerts on lateral root initiation and the subsequent developments, as well as to describe the behaviour of the entire plant under variable environmental conditions. Mutant lrt1 plants were cultivated under different conditions of hydroponics, and in between sheets of moist paper. Cleared whole mounts and anatomical sections were used in combination with both selected staining procedures and histochemical tests to follow root development. Root surface permeability tests and the biochemical quantification of lignin were performed to complement the structural data. The data presented suggest a redefinition of lrt1 function in lateral roots as a promoter of later development; however, neither the complete absence of lateral roots nor the frequency of their initiation is linked to lrt1 function. The developmental effects of lrt1 are under strong environmental influences. Mutant primordia are affected in structure, growth and emergence; and the majority of primordia terminate their growth during this last step, or shortly thereafter. The lateral roots are impaired in the maintenance of the root apical meristem. The primary root shows disturbances in the organization of both epidermal and subepidermal layers. The lrt1-related cell-wall modifications include: lignification in peripheral layers, the deposition of polyphenolic substances and a higher activity of peroxidase. The present study provides novel insights into the function of the lrt1 gene in root system development. The lrt1 gene participates in the spatial distribution of initiation, but not in its frequency. Later, the development of lateral roots is strongly affected. The effect of the lrt1 mutation is not as obvious in the primary root, with no influences observed on the root apical meristem structure and maintenance; however, development of the epidermis and cortex are impaired.

  14. Lateral root development in the maize (Zea mays) lateral rootless1 mutant (United States)

    Husakova, Eva; Hochholdinger, Frank; Soukup, Ales


    Background and Aims The maize lrt1 (lateral rootless1) mutant is impaired in its development of lateral roots during early post-embryonic development. The aim of this study was to characterize, in detail, the influences that the mutation exerts on lateral root initiation and the subsequent developments, as well as to describe the behaviour of the entire plant under variable environmental conditions. Methods Mutant lrt1 plants were cultivated under different conditions of hydroponics, and in between sheets of moist paper. Cleared whole mounts and anatomical sections were used in combination with both selected staining procedures and histochemical tests to follow root development. Root surface permeability tests and the biochemical quantification of lignin were performed to complement the structural data. Key Results The data presented suggest a redefinition of lrt1 function in lateral roots as a promoter of later development; however, neither the complete absence of lateral roots nor the frequency of their initiation is linked to lrt1 function. The developmental effects of lrt1 are under strong environmental influences. Mutant primordia are affected in structure, growth and emergence; and the majority of primordia terminate their growth during this last step, or shortly thereafter. The lateral roots are impaired in the maintenance of the root apical meristem. The primary root shows disturbances in the organization of both epidermal and subepidermal layers. The lrt1-related cell-wall modifications include: lignification in peripheral layers, the deposition of polyphenolic substances and a higher activity of peroxidase. Conclusions The present study provides novel insights into the function of the lrt1 gene in root system development. The lrt1 gene participates in the spatial distribution of initiation, but not in its frequency. Later, the development of lateral roots is strongly affected. The effect of the lrt1 mutation is not as obvious in the primary root, with no influences observed on the root apical meristem structure and maintenance; however, development of the epidermis and cortex are impaired. PMID:23456690

  15. Lateral epicondylitis and beyond: imaging of lateral elbow pain with clinical-radiologic correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotnis, Nikhil A.; Chiavaras, Mary M.; Harish, Srinivasan


    The diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis is often straightforward and can be made on the basis of clinical findings. However, radiological assessment is valuable where the clinical picture is less clear or where symptoms are refractory to treatment. Demographics, aspects of clinical history, or certain physical signs may suggest an alternate diagnosis. Knowledge of the typical clinical presentation and imaging findings of lateral epicondylitis, in addition to other potential causes of lateral elbow pain, is necessary. These include entrapment of the posterior interosseous and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves, posterolateral rotatory instability, posterolateral plica syndrome, Panner's disease, osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum, radiocapitellar overload syndrome, occult fractures and chondral-osseous impaction injuries, and radiocapitellar arthritis. Knowledge of these potential masquerades of lateral epicondylitis and their characteristic clinical and imaging features is essential for accurate diagnosis. The goal of this review is to provide an approach to the imaging of lateral elbow pain, discussing the relevant anatomy, various causes, and discriminating factors, which will allow for an accurate diagnosis. (orig.)


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    Wantoro Wantoro


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tapis merupakan kain khas asal Lampung yang terbuat dari tenunan benang kapas berwarna emas dan perak. Sebagai produk budaya, tapis memiliki visualisasi yang khas. Berdasarkan observasi, pemanfaatan tapis yang memiliki representasi nilai dan nilai estetika tinggi masih terbatas pada media dan waktu tertentu. Hal ini tentu saja menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang pelestarian dan pengembangan tapis karena keterbatasan pemanfaatannya. Contoh pemanfaatan tapis yang dapat dilakukan adalah upaya eksplorasi visual kedalam bentuk produk budaya lain yang lekat dengan keseharian masyarakat. Salah satu produk budaya yang dapat dirancang adalah huruf. Huruf merupakan media komunikasi tulisan yang sebenarnya telah lama ada dan berkembang. Di Indonesia, komunikasi tulisan mayoritas  menggunakan huruf latin. Penggunaan huruf latin di Indonesia dapat dilihat mulai dari cara manual hingga sudah dilakukan secara digital. Huruf digital atau disebut dengan font saat ini banyak digunakan pada perangkat-perangkat digital/elektronik. Perkembangan desain font juga terus berkembang karena kebutuhan akan penyampaian pesan maupun kesan estetis pada suatu karya juga berkembang. Hal inilah yang kemudian menginspirasi lahirnya kemungkinan-kemungkinan bentuk visual baru font khususnya yang berbasis huruf Latin. Tapis, dengan kekayaan estetik pada visualnya dapat dijadikan sebagai inspirasi dalam menciptakan kemungkinan bentuk baru dari sebuah font yang berbasis pada bentuk huruf latin. Perpaduan visual antara tapis dan karakter huruf latin dapat menghasilkan karakteristik yang khas. Kata Kunci: Adaptasi, Font, Perancangan, Tapis, Visual Abstract Tapis from Lampung is a unique fabric made from cotton yarn woven gold and silver. As cultural products, Tapis have a typical visualization. Based on observations, the use of Tapis which has a value of representation and a high aesthetic value is still limited to the media and a certain time. This raises concerns about the preservation and development of the Tapis due to the limited utilization. Examples of the use of Tapis that can be done is a visual exploration efforts into other forms of cultural products attached to everyday people. A cultural product that can be designed is the letter. Letter is a medium of communication that has long been there and growing. In Indonesia, the majority of written communications using Latin letters. The use of the Latin alphabet in Indonesia can be seen from how the user until it is done digitally. Digital letter or called by the current font is widely used in digital devices / electronic. Font design development is also growing because of the need for the delivery of messages as well as the growth of aesthetic impression. This inspired the birth of the possibilities of new visual font forms especially based Latin letters. Tapis, with the wealth of the visual aesthetic can be used as inspiration in creating the possibility of a new font form based. Visual fusion between Tapi and the Latin alphabet characters can produce distinct characteristics. Keywords: Adaptation, Fonts, Design, Tapis, Visual


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    Bhavana Dattaram Desai


    Full Text Available Background: Medial to lateral tapping and exercise programme has been found to be effective in Lateral epicondylitis. The purpose to find the combined effect of Medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme for subjects with lateral epicondylitis on pain intensity and functional ability. Method: An experimental study design, selected 40 subjects with Lateral epicondylitis randomized 20 subjects each into Study and Control group. Control group received only exercise programme while study group received combined medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme thrice a week for 4 weeks. Pain intensity was measured using Visual analogue scale and functional ability was measured using Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation questionnaire before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results: When the post-intervention means were compared between Study and Control group after 4 weeks of treatment found statistically significant difference in the improvement in outcomes measures in means of VAS and PRTEE before and after intervention within the groups. Conclusion: It is concluded that the Medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme is more effective than the exercise programme in reduction of pain and improve functional abilities for subjects with Lateral epicondylitis.

  18. Analisis Implementasi Infrastructure as A Service Menggunakan Ubuntu Cloud Infrastruktur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Fitra Puspa Rahma


    Full Text Available Semakin canggih dan berkembangnya teknologi informasi di berbagai aspek kehidupan, meniscayakan perguruan tinggi sebagai institusi pengembang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK untuk merespon positif. Hal ini akan berdampak juga dalam perkembangan perangkar keras yang secara tidak langsung harus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi yang ada sehingga akan dilakukan penambahan perangkat yang akan menyebabkan penambahan biaya untuk membeli perangkat yang baru. Hal tersebut dapat dipenuhi dengan menggunakan teknologi cloud computing. Cloud computing merupakan model komputasi, dimana sumber daya seperti daya komputasi, penyimpanan, jaringan dan perangkat lunak disediakan sebagai laayanan di internet. Sumber daya komputasi tersebut dapat dipenuhi oleh layanan layanan cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS.Infrastructure as a Service tersebut dibangun dengan menngunakan Infrastruktur Cloud Ubuntu. Sistem Operasi yang digunakan adalah Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS dan serta perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membangun infrastruktur adalah OpenStack versi essex. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini adalah terciptanya mesin virtual berdasarkan spesifikasi CPU, memory, dan disk yang dipilih melalui flavor yaitu m1.tiny dengan spesifikasi memori 512 MB, disk 0 GB, ephemeral 0 GB, vCPU 1. Image yang digunakan pada instance adalahsServer Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. Kecepatan CPU yang didapat pada mesin virtual tersebut adalah 3000,106 MHz. Penggunaan CPU pada instance dengan nama “webserver” meliputi 0,3% dengan sisa 0,97%, Memori 422764k dari total keseluruhan 503496.

  19. Lateral epicondylitis and beyond: imaging of lateral elbow pain with clinical-radiologic correlation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kotnis, Nikhil A. [McMaster University, Departments of Radiology, Hamilton, ON (Canada); Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Department of Medical Physics and Medical Imaging, Sheffield (United Kingdom); Chiavaras, Mary M. [McMaster University, Departments of Radiology, Hamilton, ON (Canada); Harish, Srinivasan [McMaster University, Departments of Radiology, Hamilton, ON (Canada); St. Joseph' s Healthcare, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hamilton, ON (Canada)


    The diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis is often straightforward and can be made on the basis of clinical findings. However, radiological assessment is valuable where the clinical picture is less clear or where symptoms are refractory to treatment. Demographics, aspects of clinical history, or certain physical signs may suggest an alternate diagnosis. Knowledge of the typical clinical presentation and imaging findings of lateral epicondylitis, in addition to other potential causes of lateral elbow pain, is necessary. These include entrapment of the posterior interosseous and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves, posterolateral rotatory instability, posterolateral plica syndrome, Panner's disease, osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum, radiocapitellar overload syndrome, occult fractures and chondral-osseous impaction injuries, and radiocapitellar arthritis. Knowledge of these potential masquerades of lateral epicondylitis and their characteristic clinical and imaging features is essential for accurate diagnosis. The goal of this review is to provide an approach to the imaging of lateral elbow pain, discussing the relevant anatomy, various causes, and discriminating factors, which will allow for an accurate diagnosis. (orig.)

  20. Penggunaan Data Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pembuatan Prototipe Perangkat Lunak Simulasi Penyebaran Kebakaran Hutan

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    Agung Mulyo Widodo


    Full Text Available Telah didesain dan disusun prototipe perangkat lunak model interaktif kebakaran hutan, yang dapat memberikan skenario terjadinya kebakaran hutan dengan masukan berupa lokasi titik api (hotspot dan keluaran berupa informasi lokasi penyebaran kebakaran, luas kebakaran, waktu simulasi yang diperlukan untuk mencapai luas kebakaran serta kecepatan penyebaran kebakaran. Prototipe model interaktif ini dibangun dengan mendefinisikan suatu satuan perluasan eskalasi kebakaran (FirePixel yang mewakili granularitas data riil lapangan sebesar 400X400 m, letak (posisi geografis dan luasan pengamatan simulasi kebakaran yang dapat dikustomisasi (disetting oleh pengguna secara interaktif dengan asumsi kondisi pada sebuah satuan perluasan eskalasi kebakaran atau Fire Pixel diasumsikan homogen dengan parameter konfigurasi vegetasi, kelerengan, sebaran gambut, sebaran batubara sebagai faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yaitu faktor tetangga terdekat, kecepatan dan arah angin, temperatur rata-rata, kelembaban rata-rata dari simulasi dapat dikustomisasi secara interaktif pada saat simulasi. Dalam perhitungan proses kebakaran dan proses pemadaman kebakaran hutan didefinisikan faktor percepatan proses kebakaran yang merupakan akumulasi dari faktor internal dan eksternal yang secara langsung mempengaruhi kecepatan terjadinya proses kebakaran dan pemadaman kebakaran hutan. Perubahan fase kebakaran diperoleh melalui pemodelan matematik dari faktor internal dan eskternal mulai dari fase mulai terbakar sampai kebakaran padam. Hasil validasi prototipe diperoleh kebenaran yang dapat diterima dalam perhitungan statistik menggunakan Uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dua Sampel. Hasil skenario 1 menghasilkan nilai KD hitung (=1,5722 < KD tabel (-1,9176 dan skenario 2 menghasilkan nilai KD hitung (=1,36 < nilai KD tabel (=1,5722.   It has been designed and structured software prototype interactive model of forest fires, which can provide forest fire scenario, input is the location of hotspots and the output of the location information spread of fire, extensive fires, the simulation time required to reach the area of the fires and speed of fire deployment.The prototype interactive model is built by defining an expansion unit escalation fire (FirePixel that represent real data granularity field of 400x400 m, position (geographical and the extent of the fire simulation observations that can be customized (be set by the user interactively by assuming the conditions in a expansion unit escalation of fire or fire pixel assumed homogeneous with the parameters : configuration of vegetation, slope, the distribution of peat, coal distribution as internal factors and external factors that factor nearest neighbors, wind speed and direction, average temperature, average humidity of the simulation can be customized interactively during the simulation. In the calculation of the fire and the fire fighting forest, fires the acceleration factor is defined as an accumulation of internal and external factors that directly affect the speed of the process of extinguishing fires and forest fires. Fire phase change obtained through mathematical modeling of internal and external factors ranging from phase start to burn until the fire goes out. Prototype validation results obtained acceptable truth in statistical calculations using the Kolmogorov Smirnov Two Sample. Results 1 scenario produces KDcount value (= 1.5722

  1. Laterally loaded masonry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raun Gottfredsen, F.

    In this thesis results from experiments on mortar joints and masonry as well as methods of calculation of strength and deformation of laterally loaded masonry are presented. The strength and deformation capacity of mortar joints have been determined from experiments involving a constant compressive...... stress and increasing shear. The results show a transition to pure friction as the cohesion is gradually destroyed. An interface model of a mortar joint that can take into account this aspect has been developed. Laterally loaded masonry panels have also been tested and it is found to be characteristic...... that laterally loaded masonry exhibits a non-linear load-displacement behaviour with some ductility....

  2. Lateral loadings on snubber assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raphael, L.S.


    This paper examines the installation of snubber assemblies in power plants with respect to transverse or lateral loads as well as axial loads. Evaluation of the effects of low level, lateral loads was performed by analytical means. At higher loadings, the snubber assembly could no longer be treated as a column; therefore, the effects of lateral loadings was determined by test. The test consisted of applying both lateral and axial loads simultaneously. Results of both the analysis and the test showed that the application of lateral loads had a considerable effect on the snubber assemblies

  3. Recalcitrant Lateral Premalleolar Bursitis of the Ankle Associated with Lateral Ankle Instability

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    Masashi Naito


    Full Text Available Lateral premalleolar bursitis of the ankle is a rarely reported disorder in the English literature although it is not uncommon in Asian countries where people commonly sit on their feet. Here, we present the case of a 66-year-old woman with recalcitrant lateral premalleolar bursitis associated with lateral ankle instability which was successfully treated with surgical resection of the bursa and repair of the anterior talofibular ligament. Operative findings revealed a communication between the bursa and articular cavity of the ankle joint via the sheath of the extensor digitorum longus tendon, which was considered to act as a check valve leading to a large and recalcitrant bursitis. This report provides a novel concept about the etiology of recalcitrant lateral premalleolar bursitis of the ankle.

  4. Segmental sensory disturbance in brain stem infarctions of the lateral lower pons and lateral medulla

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Sadayuki; Yamasaki, Masahiro; Maya, Kiyomi; Imai, Terukuni; Okuda, Bungo.


    We reported on seven cases of brainstem infarctions of the lateral lower pons and lateral medulla, the sensory deficit manifested over the trunk or the leg namely segmental sensory disturbances. All patients showed dissociated sensory disturbance of pain and temperature with retained deep sensations except two cases in which touch was also slightly impaired. The sensory distribution was classified into two types. The first ''crossed type'', ipsilatral face and contralateral trunk and leg below the level was involved in 4 cases, and the second ''unilateral type'' contralateral face and trunk above the level in 3 cases. Clinico-anatomical evaluation was executed by MRI. Lesions were detected in the lateral lower pons in two cases and in the lateral medulla in one case. The location of lesions by MRI revealed more lateral lesions showed ''crossed type'' of segmental sensory disturbance and more medial lesions ''unilateral type''. It was shown that the segmental sensory disturbance could be explained by the partial involvement of the lateral spinothalamic tract, which is arranged with the fibers from the sacral segments most lateral. We considered it very important to differentiate the segmental sensory disturbance by brainstem lesion in practical clinical diagnosis. We also emphasize the type of segmental sensory disturbance could be a localizing sign in the lateral brainstem as such, ''crossed type'' indicating the lesion of the lateral portion and ''unilateral type'' the medial portion of the lateral lower brainstem. (author)

  5. Percutaneous lateral ligament reconstruction with allograft for chronic lateral ankle instability. (United States)

    Youn, Hyunkook; Kim, Yong Sang; Lee, Jongseok; Choi, Woo Jin; Lee, Jin Woo


    The majority of lateral ankle instability can be treated successfully with conservative method. However, if such treatments fail, surgical treatment should be considered. A wide variety of procedures have been introduced to treat chronic lateral ankle instability. The percutaneous method avoids dissection which is associated with open surgery and can lead to excessive morbidity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of percutaneous lateral ligament reconstruction with an allograft in the treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability. Between October 2006 and April 2009, percutaneous lateral ligament reconstruction using an allograft was performed on 15 ankles in 13 patients for chronic lateral ankle instability. The patients included in this study satisfied at least one of the following criteria: a previously failed reconstruction of the ligament, severe ankle instability (more than 15 degrees of talar tilt, more than 10 mm of anterior drawer), general laxity of ligaments, body mass index (BMI) higher than 25. The mean followup period was 18.1 (range, 12 to 40) months. The grafted tendon was secured by double tenodeses at both the talus and calcaneus or triple tenodeses which included a fibular tenodesis. The clinical outcomes were evaluated with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain, Karlsson-Peterson ankle score, and patients' subjective satisfaction. The radiological results were evaluated using the varus tilting angle and the anterior displacement distance. The VAS improved from preoperative 3.7 ±2.2 to 1.6 ±1.3 at the last followup (p = 0.002). The Karlsson-Peterson ankle score increased from 54.2 ±8.8 to 80.9 ±7.2 (p = 0.001). Patients were satisfied in 13 cases (86.7%) with excellent or good results. Radiologically, the mean varus tilting angle was 15.5 ±4.4 degrees preoperatively and 7.3 ±3.6 at the last followup (p = 0.001). The anterior drawer distance was 10.1 ±3.3 mm preoperatively and 7.2 ±2.7 mm at last followup (p = 0.001). We believe percutaneous lateral ligament reconstruction with allograft to be a useful method as a salvage procedure for the treatment of severe and complicated types of chronic lateral ankle instability. Furthermore, the minimal invasiveness of this technique provides a good cosmetic outcome and we found it to be a technically easy and fast procedure.

  6. [Lateral epicondylitis: conservative - operative]. (United States)

    Altintas, Burak; Greiner, Stefan


    Lateral epicondylitis is a common disease of the common extensor origin at the lateral humerus. Despite its common self-limitation it can lead to chronic therapy-resistant pain with remarkable functional disability of the affected arm. Different conservative and operative treatment options of lateral epicondylitis are described and compared regarding benefits and risks. Additionally, recent surgical techniques and their complications are mentioned. Based on the current literature, it is shown which treatment option can be recommended. This review was based on the literature analysis in PubMed regarding "conservative and operative therapy of lateral epicondylitis" as well as the clinical experience of the authors. Conservative treatment is the primary choice for the treatment of lateral epicondylitis if concomitant pathologies such as instability among others can be excluded. It should include strengthening against resistance with eccentric stretching of the extensor group. In persistent cases, operative treatment is warranted. Resection of the pathologic tissue at the extensor origin with debridement and refixation of the healthy tendinous tissue yields good results. Most patients with lateral epicondylitis can be treated conservatively with success. Radiological evaluation should be performed in therapy-resistant cases. In the case of partial or complete rupture of the extensor origin, operative therapy is indicated.

  7. Sistem Receiver Satelit NOAA pada Frekuensi 137,9 MHz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuhung Suleman


    Full Text Available Radio cuaca yang diusulkan terdiri atas rangkaian radio penerima, perangkat lunak untuk translasi data cuaca dari satelit menjadi data cuaca yang mudah dibaca oleh pengguna (nelayan disimpan dalam EPROM yang dapat diintegrasikan pada radio cuaca. Radio cuaca yang diusulkan juga memiliki sistem deteksi penerimaan data satelit cuaca NOAA melalui program aplikasi pewaktu (timer yang dapat mengaktifkan radio cuaca sekitar 5 menit sebelum waktu satelit NOAA melintasi Indonesia. Karena perangkat lunak/aplikasi disimpan dalam EPROM maka tidak diperlukan komputer untuk mengoperasikan radio cuaca.

  8. Motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) arising from longstanding primary lateral sclerosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruyn, R. P.; Koelman, J. H.; Troost, D.; de Jong, J. M.


    Three men were initially diagnosed as having primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), but eventually developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) after 7.5, 9, and at least 27 years. Non-familial ALS and PLS might be different manifestations of a single disease or constitute completely distinct entities.

  9. Lateralization of the Huggins pitch (United States)

    Zhang, Peter Xinya; Hartmann, William M.


    The lateralization of the Huggins pitch (HP) was measured using a direct estimation method. The background noise was initially N0 or Nπ, and then the laterality of the entire stimulus was varied with a frequency-independent interaural delay, ranging from -1 to +1 ms. Two versions of the HP boundary region were used, stepped phase and linear phase. When presented in isolation, without the broadband background, the stepped boundary can be lateralized on its own but the linear boundary cannot. Nevertheless, the lateralizations of both forms of HP were found to be almost identical functions both of the interaural delay and of the boundary frequency over a two-octave range. In a third experiment, the same listeners lateralized sine tones in quiet as a function of interaural delay. Good agreement was found between lateralizations of the HP and of the corresponding sine tones. The lateralization judgments depended on the boundary frequency according to the expected hyperbolic law except when the frequency-independent delay was zero. For the latter case, the dependence on boundary frequency was much slower than hyperbolic. [Work supported by the NIDCD grant DC 00181.

  10. Lateral collateral ligament (image) (United States)

    The lateral collateral ligament connects the end of the femur (thigh) to the top of the fibula (the thin bone that runs next to the shin bone). The lateral collateral ligament provides stability against varus stress. Varus stress ...

  11. Modeling multi-lateral wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, H. J.; Fong, W. S. [Chevron Petroleum Technology Company (United States)


    A method for modeling multi-lateral wells by using a computational scheme embedded in a general-purpose, finite difference simulator was described. The calculation of wellbore pressure profile for each lateral included the frictional pressure drop along the wellbore and proper fluid mixing at lateral connection points. To obtain a good production profile the Beggs and Brill correlation, a homogenous flow model, and the model proposed by Ouyang et al, which includes an acceleration term and accounts for the lubrication effect due to radial influx, were implemented. Well performance prediction results were compared using the three models. The impact of different tubing sizes on the well performance and the prediction contribution from each lateral were also studied. Results of the study in the hypothetical example and under normal field operating conditions were reviewed. 7 refs., 10 tabs., 3 figs.

  12. Political Unrest and Educational Electronic Resource Usage in a Conflict Zone, Kashmir (Indian Administered Kashmir: Log Analysis as Politico Analytical Tool=Hindistan Tarafından Yönetilen Keşmir Anlaşmazlık Bölgesi’nde Siyasi Karışıklık ve Eğitimle İlgili Elektronik Kaynakların Kullanımı: Siyasi Analiz Aracı Olarak Log Analizleri

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    Sumeer Gul


    Full Text Available Electronic resource usage has proved as one of the best decision making tools in the library setups. Electronic resource usage in relation to the political disturbance can act as one of the tools to highlight the impact of political disturbance on educational setups in general and the electronic resource usage in particular. The study takes a serious look in the electronic resource usage in Kashmir and the impact of unrest on it. The paper highlights a relational platform between education and conflict studies. How conflict affects the electronic resource usage in a conflict zone has been highlighted in the study. Transaction logs in the form of COUNTER Report deliberating the usage of Project Muse journal titles at University of Kashmir were analyzed to know the extent of usage of e-resources by the academia of Kashmir during the time of conflict from a time period of January 2008- December 2010. Peace has a great role to play in the development of any community from every aspect. Political disturbance hampers the educational sector to a greater extent. The usage logs helped to reveal the actual picture of academic behaviour of Kashmiris in the time of conflict. The study clearly reflects that political disturbance has a negative effect on the educational sphere in general and electronic resource usage in particular. The study was confined to the analysis of the transactions logs generated from Project Muse at University of Kashmir. The study can lay a base for the policy makers associated with education to take some immediate and curative steps that can control the devastating effects on the academia caused because of frequent disturbances in the valley of Kashmir. The study is an eye opener for the academicians and the policy makers in Kashmir. The study will be helpful in visualizing the utility of log analysis in reflecting the ill effects of political disturbance on academic circles. The paper is first of its kind trying to link education and conflict studies of a politically simmering area, Kashmir. The research can further be extended to analyze the impact of political normalcy on the academia of Kashmir.How normalcy acts as an indicator of enhanced e-resource usage can be studied./Elektronik kaynak kullanım analizi, kütüphane hizmetlerine yönelik olarak yapılan planlamalarda en iyi karar verme araçlarından biridir. Elektronik kaynak kullanım düzeyinin belirlenmesi, ülkelerdeki siyasi karışıklıklardan etkilenen eğitim planlamalarının yapılmasında önemli bir araç olarak nitelendirilebilir. Bu çalışma, Hindistan Keşmir Anlaşmazlık Bölgesi’ndeki elektronik kaynak kullanımını ve siyasi karışıklıkların bu kullanım üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir.Ocak 2008 - Aralık 2010 tarihleri arasındaki anlaşmazlık döneminde Keşmir Üniversitesinde Proje Muse dergisinin makalelerinin kullanımı loglar aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Barış süreci,toplumların gelişiminde her yönden büyük bir role sahiptir. Siyasi anlaşmazlık ise eğitim alanında yaşanacak gelişimin sağlanmasında büyük ölçüde engel teşkil etmektedir. Araştırmada,anlaşmazlık sürecinde Keşmirlilerin akademik davranışlarının gerçek durumu, loglar aracılığıyla ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırma, siyasi anlaşmazlığın genel olarak eğitim alanında, özel olarak elektronik kaynak kullanımında olumsuz etkiler yarattığı gerçeğini yansıtmıştır. Bu araştırma,Keşmir Anlaşmazlık Bölgesi’nde yaşanan ve eğitim alanında olumsuz etkiler yaratan siyasi anlaşmazlığın etkilerinin azaltılmasında eğitimle ilgili politikacılara fikir vermesi bakımından önemlidir. Ayrıca bu araştırma log analizlerinin, siyasi anlaşmazlığın akademik çevrelere yönelik ortaya koyduğu olumsuz etkilerin saptanmasında yardımcı olacağını vurgulamaktadır. Araştırma, Keşmir’de siyasi anlaşmazlık ve eğitim arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koyan ilk çalışmalardan biridir.

  13. All-inside, anatomical lateral ankle stabilization for revision and complex primary lateral ankle stabilization: a technique guide. (United States)

    Prissel, Mark A; Roukis, Thomas S


    Lateral ankle instability is a common mechanical problem that often requires surgical management when conservative efforts fail. Historically, myriad open surgical approaches have been proposed. Recently, consideration for arthroscopic management of lateral ankle instability has become popular, with promising results. Unfortunately, recurrent inversion ankle injury following lateral ankle stabilization can occur and require revision surgery. To date, arthroscopic management for revision lateral ankle stabilization has not been described. We present a novel arthroscopic technique combining an arthroscopic lateral ankle stabilization kit with a suture anchor ligament augmentation system for revision as well as complex primary lateral ankle stabilization. © 2014 The Author(s).

  14. A Pascalian lateral drift sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jansen, H.


    A novel concept of a layer-wise produced semiconductor sensor for precise particle tracking is proposed herein. In contrast to common semiconductor sensors, local regions with increased doping concentration deep in the bulk termed charge guides increase the lateral drift of free charges on their way to the read-out electrode. This lateral drift enables charge sharing independent of the incident position of the traversing particle. With a regular grid of charge guides the lateral charge distribution resembles a normalised Pascal's triangle for particles that are stopped in depths lower than the depth of the first layer of the charge guides. For minimum ionising particles a sum of binomial distributions describes the lateral charge distribution. This concept decouples the achievable sensor resolution from the pitch size as the characteristic length is replaced by the lateral distance of the charge guides.

  15. A Pascalian lateral drift sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jansen, H., E-mail:


    A novel concept of a layer-wise produced semiconductor sensor for precise particle tracking is proposed herein. In contrast to common semiconductor sensors, local regions with increased doping concentration deep in the bulk termed charge guides increase the lateral drift of free charges on their way to the read-out electrode. This lateral drift enables charge sharing independent of the incident position of the traversing particle. With a regular grid of charge guides the lateral charge distribution resembles a normalised Pascal's triangle for particles that are stopped in depths lower than the depth of the first layer of the charge guides. For minimum ionising particles a sum of binomial distributions describes the lateral charge distribution. This concept decouples the achievable sensor resolution from the pitch size as the characteristic length is replaced by the lateral distance of the charge guides.

  16. Laterality and mental disorders in the postgenomic age--A closer look at schizophrenia and language lateralization. (United States)

    Ocklenburg, Sebastian; Güntürkün, Onur; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Hirnstein, Marco


    Most people are right-handed and show left-hemispheric language lateralization, but a minority exhibits left-handedness and right-hemispheric language lateralization. This atypical laterality pattern is observed significantly more often in schizophrenia patients than in the general population, which led several authors to conclude that there is a genetic link between laterality and schizophrenia. It has even been suggested that a failure in the lateralization process, orchestrated by genes, could be the primary cause of schizophrenia. However, the molecular genetic evidence for a link between laterality and schizophrenia is weak. Recent genetic evidence indicates that schizophrenia is not a single disorder but a group of heritable disorders caused by different genotypic networks leading to distinct clinical symptoms. To uncover the link between schizophrenia and laterality we therefore suggest a paradigm shift where genetics are not mapped on schizophrenia as a whole but on discrete schizophrenia symptoms. In addition, we provide a critical evaluation of current theories on the genetic link between schizophrenia and brain asymmetry. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Pollard, Henry; Sim, Patrick; McHardy, Andrew


    Background: Injury to the ankle joint is the most common peripheral joint injury. The sports that most commonly produce high ankle injury rates in their participating athletes include: basketball, netball, and the various codes of football. Objective: To provide an up to date understanding of manual therapy relevant to lateral ligament injury of the ankle. A discussion of the types of ligament injury and common complicating factors that present with lateral ankle pain is presented along with ...

  18. Analisis Jangkauan Dan Baud Rate Transmisi Data Pada Sistem Telemetri Temperatur Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Full Text Available Pengujian jangkauan dan boud rate transmisi data pada sistem telemetri temperatur dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruhnya terhadap data yang ditransmisikan.. Alat-alat yang digunakan untuk menganalisisnya adalah sensor temperatur LM35, perangkat transmitter, perangkat receiver dan PC. Adapun metode yang dilakukan untuk pengujian jangkauan transmisi data adalah dengan cara mentransmisikan data pada jangkauan 1 meter sampai dengan 10 meter. Sedangkan untuk melakukan pengujian pengaruh boud rate terhadap data yang ditransmisikan dilakukan dengan cara memvariasikan boud rate perangkat receiver pada setiap transmisi data. Testing of the extent and baud rate of data transmission on temperature telemetry system was conducted to analyze its effect to the transmitted data. The tools that was used to analyze it was LM35 temperature sensor, transmitter devices, receiver devices and PC. The method that was carried out to test the extent of the data transmission was by transmiting data on a range of 1 meter to 10 meters. As for testing the effect of baud rate against data that was transmitted was done by varying the baud rate on receiver device at any transmission of data.

  19. Pengembangan Game Edukatif G30S/PKI Berbasis Android

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    Annisa Hedlina Hendraputri


    Full Text Available Gaya hidup masyarakat zaman sekarang tak pernah lepas dari kemajuan teknologi. Masyarakat menengah keatas, baik dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa, hampir tidak ada yang tidak meggunakan perangkat mobile seperti handphone atau tablet. Namun sayangnya masyarakat zaman sekarang cenderung apatis dengan kondisi sekitarnya, bahkan tidak mengenal sejarah negaranya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendekatkan kembali anak-anak dengan sejarah terutama peristiwa G30S/PKI melalui game perangkat seluler berbasis Android. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan tahap pengembangan MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle mulai dari tahap penentuan konsep sampai dengan sidtribusi. Sebagai sumber yang relevan, cerita sejarah diambil langsung dari Monumen Pancasila Sakti di Lubang Buaya, Jakarta Timur, sebagai salah satu tempat bersejarah yang erat kaitannya dengan peristiwa G30S/PKI. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa suatu aplikasi permainan yang menceritakan peristiwa sejarah G30S/PKI yang dikemas menjadi aplikasi perangkat seluler dengan sistem operasi Android. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menarik minat anak-anak khususnya usia 9 sampai dengan 12 tahun untuk mempelajari dan mencintai sejarah Indonesia.

  20. Dashboard Monitoring System Berbasis Web Sebagai Pemantau Layanan liteBIG Instant Messenger

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    Gigih Forda Nama


    Full Text Available Saat ini hampir semua pengguna ponsel pintar menggunakan layanan perpesanan instan sebagai media komunikasi dikarenakan layanan perpesanan instan lebih hemat biaya dengan hanya menggunakan jaringan internet dibandingkan layanan pesan singkat (SMS. Layanan yang diberikan harus dapat melayani pengguna dengan baik agar pesan yang dikirim oleh pengirim dapat diterima oleh penerima dengan cepat dan akurat. Layanan ini juga harus dijaga keandalannya untuk menjamin kualitas pelayanan dan untuk menghindari ketidaknyamanan pengguna. Sehingga, diperlukan adanya sistem pemantauan berupa perangkat lunak untuk pengawasan status layanan setiap saat dapat diakses dari manapun dan kapanpun. PT.Sandika Cahaya Mandiri memiliki produk layanan perpesanan instan dengan brand name liteBIG Messenger. Perusahaan ini memerlukan perangkat lunak untuk pemantauan layanan liteBIG Messenger. Dengan adanya perangkat lunak pemantauan layanan, petugas pemantauan dapat melihat secara realtime status layanan utama pada setiap komputer server, pemakaian sumber daya (cpu, memory, dan harddisk, dan statistik pengguna baru liteBIG Messenger  melalui antarmuka web. Petugas pemantauan juga akan mendapat pemberitahuan ketika terjadi masalah pada layanan sehingga masalah dapat lebih dini diketahui dan downtime dapat dikurangi.

  1. Veri Transferi Ve İşlem Güvenliğinin Sağlanmasında Kullanılan Şifreleme Yöntemleri Ve Sayısal İmza


    ANBAR, Adem


    İnternetin ve e-ticaretin gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşması, güvenlik problemlerinin çözümüyle yakından ilişkilidir. Güvenlik sorununu; yetkilendirme, www (world wide web) güvenliği ve veri-işlem güvenliği olmak üzere üç açıdan inceleyebiliriz. Bu çalışmada, yetkilendirme ve www güvenliğine kısaca değinildikten sonra, veri-işlem güvenliği üzerinde ayrıntılı olarak durularak, veri işlem güvenliğinde kullanılan, kriptografi, onay kurumu, elektronik noter, elektronik ve sayısal imza gibi yeni güvenlik ...

  2. -MoS2 Lateral Heterojunctions

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Ming-yang


    2D layered heterostructures have attracted intensive interests due to their unique optical, transport, and interfacial properties. The laterally stitched heterojunction based on dissimilar 2D transition metal dichalcogenides forms an intrinsic p–n junction without the necessity of applying an external voltage. However, no scalable processes are reported to construct the devices with such lateral heterostructures. Here, a scalable strategy, two-step and location-selective chemical vapor deposition, is reported to synthesize self-aligned WSe2–MoS2 monolayer lateral heterojunction arrays and demonstrates their light-emitting devices. The proposed fabrication process enables the growth of high-quality interfaces and the first successful observation of electroluminescence at the WSe2–MoS2 lateral heterojunction. The electroluminescence study has confirmed the type-I alignment at the interface rather than commonly believed type-II alignment. This self-aligned growth process paves the way for constructing various 2D lateral heterostructures in a scalable manner, practically important for integrated 2D circuit applications.

  3. Lagrangian Studies of Lateral Mixing (United States)


    Final Technical 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 01/01/2009 – 12/31/2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Lagrangian Studies of Lateral Mixing 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER...public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The Lateral Mixing Experiment (LATMIX) focused on mixing and...anomalies. LATMIX2 targeted the wintertime Gulf Stream, where deep mixed layers, strong lateral density gradients (Gulf Stream north wall) and the

  4. Mendengarkan Warnamu (Sebuah Eksperimen Mengenai Hubungan Pirsawan Dengan Ruang Seni

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    Aulia Ibrahim Yeru


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Karya penulis dalam proyek ini banyak mengambil inspirasi dari proses produksi konsumsi yang terjadi pada ruang. Konteks ruang pada karya penulis kali ini ialah format “white cube” yang menjadi standar bagi ruang seni. Dengan warna putih pada dinding, ruang seni menjadi bersih dan netral tanpa terbebani konteks ruang dan sosial sekitarnya. Format ini mengandaikan ruang seni sebagai ruang yang netral-dimana secara fisik dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan untuk menjadikan karya seni sebagai fokus utama di dalam ruang tersebut. Namun “whiteness” ini tidak bekerja semata karena cat putih sebagai perangkat satu-satunya yang berpengaruh terhadap persepsi sang pencerap, namun pula terdapat bagian pirsawan sebagai pencerap warna putih itu sendiri. Karya penulis menitikberatkan pada intervensi proses dalam mencerap warna putih tersebut. Intervensi tersebut dilakukan dengan cara menyasar unsur penting yang mempengaruhi kondisi ruang, yakni cahaya. Kemudian penulis menaruh peran pirsawan secara harfiah sebagai penentu penting dalam bagaimana kondisi ruang tersebut terbentuk. Caranya ialah membuat perilaku pirsawan di dalam ruang mempengaruhi cahaya yang ada di dalam ruang tersebut. Peran perantara tersebut dimungkinkan oleh perangkat elektronik yang dirancang oleh penulis dan tim. Perangkat ini akan menangkap reaksi suara pirsawan di dalam ruang untuk kemudian dijelmakan menjadi warna yang mempengaruhi persepsi pirsawan atas ruang yang didiaminya. Dengan cara ini penulis menempatkan karya penulis sebagai upaya untuk meremediasi persepsi pirsawan dengan ruang seni. Melalui eksplorasi hubungan presentasi karya seni di dalam ruang pamer, dalam hal ini menghadirkan kontras antara yang dicerap dengan bagaimana karya tersebut dibuat secara teknis, pirsawan menjadi subjek aktif, sebagai orang yang menghasilkan dan mengalami karya itu sendiri. Kata kunci: partisipatori; pirsawan; ruang; warna; suara. Listen to Your Color (Experiments of Viewers and Art Space RelationsAbstract. The author’s work in this project takes a lot of inspiration from the consumption of production processes that occurs in space. The context of space in this author’s work is that of the "white cube" which has become the standard format for art exhibits. With white colored walls, art exhibits are imagined to be clean and neutral, detached from the surrounding space and social context. This format assumes the art exhibit as a neutral space that can physically accommodate a work of art as the main focus in the room. However, the "whiteness" does not work simply because the white paint is the only medium affecting the perception of the perceiver; there are also viewers who are perceivers of the white color itself. The process of perceiving is an active process, where the viewer’s body plays an important role in what is perceived. The author’s work focuses on the intervention process of perceiving the white color. This was done by intervening the light setting, which is crucial in the perception of white. Then the author placed viewers as important determinants in shaping the condition of space. The trick is to make the behavior of viewers in the room affect the light in the room. The role of intermediaries is made possible by electronic devices designed by the author and the team. The device will capture the viewers’ sounds in the room, which is then converted into a color that affects the perception of the viewers of the space they live in. By doing so, the author places his work as an attempt to remediate the viewers’ perception of art space. Through exploration of the relation with the presentation of works of art in art exhibits, this work presents a contrast between what is perceived with how the work was created, then viewers become active subjects, as people who produce and experiencing the work itself.Keywords: participatory; viewers; space; color; sound.

  5. Lateral Preoptic Control of the Lateral Habenula through Convergent Glutamate and GABA Transmission

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    David J. Barker


    Full Text Available Summary: The lateral habenula (LHb is a brain structure that participates in cognitive and emotional processing and has been implicated in several mental disorders. Although one of the largest inputs to the LHb originates in the lateral preoptic area (LPO, little is known about how the LPO participates in the regulation of LHb function. Here, we provide evidence that the LPO exerts bivalent control over the LHb through the convergent transmission of LPO glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA onto single LHb neurons. In vivo, both LPO-glutamatergic and LPO-GABAergic inputs to the LHb are activated by aversive stimuli, and their predictive cues yet produce opposing behaviors when stimulated independently. These results support a model wherein the balanced response of converging LPO-glutamate and LPO-GABA are necessary for a normal response to noxious stimuli, and an imbalance in LPO→LHb glutamate or GABA results in the type of aberrant processing that may underlie mental disorders. : Barker et al. show that distinct populations of lateral preoptic area glutamate and GABA neurons synapse together on single lateral habenula neurons and find that this “convergent neurotransmission” allows preoptic area neurons to exert bivalent control over single lateral habenula neurons and drive opposing motivational states. Keywords: preoptic, habenula, reward, aversion, synapse, glutamate, GABA, stress, calcium imaging, optogenetics, electron microscopy

  6. Simplified analysis of laterally loaded pile groups

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    F.M. Abdrabbo


    Full Text Available The response of laterally loaded pile groups is a complicated soil–structure interaction problem. Although fairly reliable methods are developed to predicate the lateral behavior of single piles, the lateral response of pile groups has attracted less attention due to the required high cost and complication implication. This study presents a simplified method to analyze laterally loaded pile groups. The proposed method implements p-multiplier factors in combination with the horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction. Shadowing effects in closely spaced piles in a group were taken into consideration. It is proven that laterally loaded piles embedded in sand can be analyzed within the working load range assuming a linear relationship between lateral load and lateral displacement. The proposed method estimates the distribution of lateral loads among piles in a pile group and predicts the safe design lateral load of a pile group. The benefit of the proposed method is in its simplicity for the preliminary design stage with a little computational effort.

  7. Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak

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    Furry Arifin


    Full Text Available This article contains several things to be controlled by a Project Manager in order to be able to develop a software engineering project plan. The development methodology begins with survey, analysis and engineering in software planning. Establishing a good project team structure is as important as selecting team members who are also experts in their field. Perceiving that the construction and implementation of information technology-based systems are executed using a project management approach, the project manager is then the most responsible officer for the team performance. The project Manager will lead his team to planning and developing information technology projects in accordance with their intended target. There are three fields that must be considered in an information system project, namely: information systems, information technology, and information management. 


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    Tri Puas Restiadi


    Full Text Available AbstrakPembelajaran IPA di SD Negeri Glempangpasir 01 masih menggunakan metode ceramah dan hafalan serta kurang menekankan keterkaitan antara sains, lingkungan, teknologi dan masyarakat atau science, environment, technology, society (SETS dalam menumbuhkan sikap tanggap bencana tsunami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pemb- elajaran bervisi SETS IPA yang valid, efektif, dan praktis. Perangkat yang dikembangkan:  silabus, RPP, buku ajar, LKS, dan tes hasil belajar. Penelitian pengembangan (R & D ini terdiri atas 4 tahap yaitu tahap pengembangan, validasi, uji coba skala terbatas, dan uji coba skala luas. Data validitas dan kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran dianalisis dengan deskriptif persentase. Perbedaan hasil belajar dianalisis dengan uji t-test berpasangan, sedangkan ke- tuntasan hasil belajar siswa dihitung dengan uji - z.. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis SETS IPA valid dengan rerata nilai 3,69 pada kategori sangat baik. Penerapan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis SETS IPA praktis ditinjau dari rerata ket- erlaksanaan RPP 3,79 dalam kategori sangat baik, respons siswa dan respons guru mecapai kategori sangat baik. Penerapan  perangkat  pembelajaran berbasis SETS IPA efektif dalam mencapai ketuntasan hasil belajar klasikal ≥ 75% dan ketuntasan individu (KKM ≥ 70, rerata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih besar dari rerata hasil belajar kelas kontrol, dan berbeda secara signifikan karena t hitung > t tabel. AbstractScience learning in elementary school Glempangpasir 01 still use the lecture method and rote and less stressed linkages between science, environment, technology and society or SETS in growing tsunami disas- ter responsiveness. This study aims to develop a vision of learning tools SETS IPA valid, effective, and practical. Device developed: syllabi, lesson plans, textbooks, worksheets, and achievement test. Research & development (R & D is composed of 4 phases: development, validation, testing a limited scale, and large- scale trials. Data validity and practicality of learning devices were analyzed with descriptive percentages. Differences in learning outcomes were analyzed by paired t-test, whereas mastery of student learning outcomes calculated by the test-z .The results show that the learning-based SETS valid IPA with a mean value of 3.69 in the excellent category. The application of science-based learning SETS practical feasibi- lity in terms of the mean RPP 3.79 in the excellent category, student and teacher responses mecapai very good category. The application of science-based learning SETS effective in achieving learning outcomes classical completeness ≥ 75% and completeness of the individual (KKM ≥ 70, the mean experimental class learning outcomes greater than the mean control classroom learning outcomes, and significantly different because t count> t table.

  9. Later abortions and mental health: psychological experiences of women having later abortions--a critical review of research. (United States)

    Steinberg, Julia R


    Some abortion policies in the U.S. are based on the notion that abortion harms women's mental health. The American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Abortion and Mental Health concluded that first-trimester abortions do not harm women's mental health. However, the APA task force does not make conclusions regarding later abortions (second trimester or beyond) and mental health. This paper critically evaluates studies on later abortion and mental health in order to inform both policy and practice. Using guidelines outlined by Steinberg and Russo (2009), post 1989 quantitative studies on later abortion and mental health were evaluated on the following qualities: 1) composition of comparison groups, 2) how prior mental health was assessed, and 3) whether common risk factors were controlled for in analyses if a significant relationship between abortion and mental health was found. Studies were evaluated with respect to the claim that later abortions harm women's mental health. Eleven quantitative studies that compared the mental health of women having later abortions (for reasons of fetal anomaly) with other groups were evaluated. Findings differed depending on the comparison group. No studies considered the role of prepregnancy mental health, and one study considered whether factors common among women having later abortions and mental health problems drove the association between later abortion and mental health. Policies based on the notion that later abortions (because of fetal anomaly) harm women's mental health are unwarranted. Because research suggests that most women who have later abortions do so for reasons other than fetal anomaly, future investigations should examine women's psychological experiences around later abortions. Copyright © 2011 Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Prolonged lateral steep position impairs respiratory mechanics during continuous lateral rotation therapy in respiratory failure. (United States)

    Schellongowski, Peter; Losert, Heidrun; Locker, Gottfried J; Laczika, Klaus; Frass, Michael; Holzinger, Ulrike; Bojic, Andja; Staudinger, Thomas


    To establish whether prolonged lateral steep position during continuous rotation therapy leads to improvement on pulmonary gas exchange, respiratory mechanics and hemodynamics. Prospective observational study. Intensive care unit of a university hospital. Twelve consecutive patients suffering from acute lung injury or adult respiratory distress syndrome undergoing continuous rotation therapy. Blood gas analysis, static lung compliance, blood pressure, cardiac index and pulmonary shunt fraction were measured in supine as well as in left and right lateral steep position at 62 degrees during continuous rotation therapy (phase I). Rotation was then stopped for 30 min with the patients in supine position, left and right lateral steep position, and the same measurements were performed every 10 min (phase II). Phase I and II revealed no significant changes in PaO(2)/FiO(2) ratio, mean arterial blood pressure, pulmonary shunt fraction, or cardiac index. Significantly lower static compliance was observed in lateral steep position than in supine position (pposition than in left and right lateral steep position (ppositioning impairs the compliance of the respiratory system. Prolonged lateral steep position does not lead to benefits with respect to oxygenation or hemodynamics. Individual response to the different positions is unpredictable. The pauses in "extreme" positions should be as short as possible.

  11. Arcuate fasciculus laterality by diffusion tensor imaging correlates with language laterality by functional MRI in preadolescent children. (United States)

    Sreedharan, Ruma Madhu; Menon, Amitha C; James, Jija S; Kesavadas, Chandrasekharan; Thomas, Sanjeev V


    Language lateralization is unique to humans. Functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) enable the study of language areas and white matter fibers involved in language, respectively. The objective of this study was to correlate arcuate fasciculus (AF) laterality by diffusion tensor imaging with that by fMRI in preadolescent children which has not yet been reported. Ten children between 8 and 12 years were subjected to fMRI and DTI imaging using Siemens 1.5 T MRI. Two language fMRI paradigms--visual verb generation and word pair task--were used. Analysis was done using SPM8 software. In DTI, the fiber volume of the arcuate fasciculus (AFV) and fractional anisotropy (FA) was measured. The fMRI Laterality Index (fMRI-LI) and DTI Laterality Index (DTI-LI) were calculated and their correlation assessed using the Pearson Correlation Index. Of ten children, mean age 10.6 years, eight showed left lateralization while bilateral language lateralization was seen in two. AFV by DTI was more on the left side in seven of the eight children who had left lateralization by fMRI. DTI could not trace the AF in one child. Of the two with bilateral language lateralization on fMRI, one showed larger AFV on the right side while the other did not show any asymmetry. There was a significant correlation (p laterality in children with a high degree of correlation between the two imaging modalities.

  12. Relação entre o ligamento patelofemoral lateral e a largura da faceta patelar lateral Relationship between the lateral patellofemoral ligament and the width of the lateral patellar facet

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    Marcelo Schmidt Navarro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre o comprimento e largura do ligamento patelofemoral lateral (LPFL e a largura da faceta articular patelar lateral (FAPL em cadáveres. A instabilidade patelofemoral está intimamente relacionada com a morfologia patelar e com a tensão das estruturas retinaculares laterais. Estudos evidenciam que quanto mais larga a faceta patelar lateral e quanto mais tenso o retináculo lateral, maior a propensão do desenvolvimento de uma enfermidade na articulação patelofemoral. MÉTODOS: Foram dissecados 20 joelhos em 20 cadáveres. Identificamos as peças quanto ao gênero, idade, lado dissecado, comprimento e largura do LPFL e a largura da FAPL. Foi utilizado o nível de significância estatística de 5% (0,050 e a aplicação da análise de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: O LPFL apresentou em média 16,05 milímetros de largura (desvio-padrão 2,48 e 42,10 milímetros de comprimento (desvio-padrão 8,84. A largura da FAPL variou de 23 a 37 milímetros (média 28,1. A relação entre a largura da FAPL e a largura do LPFL é estatisticamente não-significante (p=0,271, enquanto que a relação entre a largura FAPL e o comprimento do LPFL é estatisticamente significante (p=0,009. CONCLUSÃO: O comprimento do LPFL e a largura FAPL apresentam valores inversamente proporcionais.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study, with cadavers, is to evaluate the relationship between the width and length of the lateral patellofemoral ligament (LPFL and the size of the lateral patellar articulate facet (LPAF. Patellofemoral instability is closely related to patellar morphology and the lateral retinacular layers. Studies evidence that the wider the lateral patellar facet and the more strained the lateral retinacule, the greater the tendency for development of pathology in the patellofemoral joint. METHODS: 20 knees were dissected in 20 cadavers. The parts were identified according to gender, age, dissected side, length and width of LPFL and width of LPAF. In order to carry out the statistical analysis we adopted the significance level of 5% (0.050 and also used Spearman's Coefficient of Rank Correlation. RESULTS: The LPFL presented a mean width of 16.05 millimeters (standard deviation 2.48 and 42.10 millimeters of length (standard deviation 8.84. The width of the LPAF varied from 23 to 37 millimeters (mean 28.1. It was observed that the relationship between the LPAF and LPFL widths is not statistically significant (p=0.271, whereas the relationship between the LPAF width and the LPFL length is statistically significant (p=0.009. CONCLUSION: The shorter the LPFL the greater the width of the LPAF.

  13. Hemispheric Laterality in Music and Math (United States)

    Szirony, Gary Michael; Burgin, John S.; Pearson, L. Carolyn


    Hemispheric laterality may be a useful concept in teaching, learning, training, and in understanding more about human development. To address this issue, a measure of hemispheric laterality was compared to musical and mathematical ability. The Human Information Processing Survey (HIPS) instrument, designed to measure hemispheric laterality, was…

  14. Diagnosis of laterality in the school environment


    Šnajdrová, Veronika


    This bachelor thesis contains theoretical principals of expressions of the dominance of the brain hemispheres - laterality. It solves the development of laterality, its genotype and phenotype, levels, laterality types and species, refers to the educational consequences of the improper educational influence on genotype laterality and subsequent corrections. It also deals with the diagnosis of laterality, especially from a position of a teacher. The basic idea of this work is to support the nat...


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    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Sebagian besar retail elektronik melakukan pengambilan keputusan dalam hal pengontrolan inventori berdasarkan intuisi tanpa dukungan database elektronik yang valid. Hal tersebut sering mengakibatkan terjadinya lost sales, karena tidak ada barang di gudang ketika ada permintaan.  Guna mengatasi permasalahan sistem inventori tersebut, peneliti mencoba mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Inventori yang dapat membantu perusahaan. Sistem informasi yang bersifat web-based membuat staff di masing-masing bagian dapat melihat tingkat stok yang akurat di tiap gudang. Manfaat yang dirasakan terutama bagi pemilik/owner yaitu mendapat perkiraan demand di masa mendatang melalui peramalan serta memperoleh usulan bagaimana mengontrol persediaan melalui tingkat safety stock, reorder point, quantity, dan frekuensi pesan yang disarankan. Kata kunci :  inventori,  peramalan, web-based, sistem informasi, retail elektronik   Abstract Most electronics retailers make decisions in terms of inventory control based on intuition without a valid electronic database support. This often resulted in lost sales, as no goods in the warehouse when there is demand. To overcome the problems of inventory system, researchers are trying to develop Inventory Information System that can help the company. Information systems that are web-based to make staff in each section can see accurate stock levels at each warehouse. Perceived benefits, especially for owners / owner that gets the estimated future demand through forecasting and obtaining suggestions how to control inventory through level safety stock, reorder point, quantity, and frequency of the message suggested. Keywords: inventory, forecasting, web-based, information systems, electronic retail

  16. Pedestrian-induced lateral forces on footbridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingolfsson, Einar Thor; Georgakis, Christos T.; Jönsson, Jeppe


    of the underlying pavement. An extensive experimental analysis has been carried out to determine the lateral forces generated by pedestrians when walking on a laterally moving treadmill. Two different conditions are investigated; initially the treadmill is fixed and then it is laterally driven in a sinusoidal...... motion at varying combinations of frequencies (0.33-1.07 Hz) and amplitudes (4.5-48 mm). The component of the pedestrian-induced force which is caused by the laterally moving surface is herewith quantified through equivalent velocity and acceleration proportional coefficients. It is shown that large...

  17. Pedestrian-induced lateral forces on footbridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingólfsson, Einar Thór; Georgakis, Christos T.; Jönsson, Jeppe


    of the underlying pavement. An extensive experimental analysis has been carried out to determine the lateral forces generated by pedestrians when walking on a laterally moving treadmill. Two different conditions are investigated; initially the treadmill is fixed and then it is laterally driven in a sinusoidal...... motion at varying combinations of frequencies (0.33-1.07 Hz) and amplitudes (4.5-48 mm). The component of the pedestrian-induced force which is caused by the laterally moving surface is herewith quantified through equivalent velocity and acceleration proportional coefficients. It is shown that large...

  18. Audiometric asymmetry and tinnitus laterality. (United States)

    Tsai, Betty S; Sweetow, Robert W; Cheung, Steven W


    To identify an optimal audiometric asymmetry index for predicting tinnitus laterality. Retrospective medical record review. Data from adult tinnitus patients (80 men and 44 women) were extracted for demographic, audiometric, tinnitus laterality, and related information. The main measures were sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Three audiometric asymmetry indices were constructed using one, two, or three frequency elements to compute the average interaural threshold difference (aITD). Tinnitus laterality predictive performance of a particular index was assessed by increasing the cutoff or minimum magnitude of the aITD from 10 to 35 dB in 5-dB steps to determine its ROC curve. Single frequency index performance was inferior to the other two (P .05). Two adjoining frequency elements with aITD ≥ 15 dB performed optimally for predicting tinnitus laterality (sensitivity = 0.59, specificity = 0.71, and PPV = 0.76). Absolute and relative magnitudes of hearing loss in the poorer ear were uncorrelated with tinnitus distress. An optimal audiometric asymmetry index to predict tinnitus laterality is one whereby 15 dB is the minimum aITD of two adjoining frequencies, inclusive of the maximal ITD. Tinnitus laterality dependency on magnitude of interaural asymmetry may inform design and interpretation of neuroimaging studies. Monaural acoustic tinnitus therapy may be an initial consideration for asymmetric hearing loss meeting the criterion of aITD ≥ 15 dB. Copyright © 2012 The American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society, Inc.


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    Acep Rohendi


    No 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE. Kedua undang-undang tersebut telah mampu memberikan perlindungan hukum yang memadai bagi konsumen dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli barang bergerak melalui ecommerce, perlindungan hukum tersebut terlihat dalam ketentuan-ketentuan UUPK dan UU ITE. Kedua undang-undang tersebut telah mengatur mengenai penggunaan data pribadi konsumen, syarat sahnya suatu transaksi e-commerce, penggunaan CA (Certification Authority, permasalahan klausula baku dan mengatur mengenai perbuatan yang dilarang bagi pelaku usaha dalam memasarkan dan memproduksi barang dan jasa yang dapat dijadikan acuan bagi obyek dalam transaksi e-commerce. Walaupun UUPK memiliki kelemahan yaitu hanya menjangkau pelaku usaha yang berkedudukan di Indonesia saja, namun kelemahan ini sudah ditutupi oleh UU ITE dan berbagai ketentuan internasional seperti UNCITRAL Model Law. Meskipun ketentuan yang dibuat PBB ini belum lengkap. Kata kunci : e-commerce, perlindungan konsumen, transaksi elektronik.

  20. Laterality patterns of brain functional connectivity: gender effects. (United States)

    Tomasi, Dardo; Volkow, Nora D


    Lateralization of brain connectivity may be essential for normal brain function and may be sexually dimorphic. Here, we study the laterality patterns of short-range (implicated in functional specialization) and long-range (implicated in functional integration) connectivity and the gender effects on these laterality patterns. Parallel computing was used to quantify short- and long-range functional connectivity densities in 913 healthy subjects. Short-range connectivity was rightward lateralized and most asymmetrical in areas around the lateral sulcus, whereas long-range connectivity was rightward lateralized in lateral sulcus and leftward lateralizated in inferior prefrontal cortex and angular gyrus. The posterior inferior occipital cortex was leftward lateralized (short- and long-range connectivity). Males had greater rightward lateralization of brain connectivity in superior temporal (short- and long-range), inferior frontal, and inferior occipital cortices (short-range), whereas females had greater leftward lateralization of long-range connectivity in the inferior frontal cortex. The greater lateralization of the male's brain (rightward and predominantly short-range) may underlie their greater vulnerability to disorders with disrupted brain asymmetries (schizophrenia, autism).

  1. Arcuate fasciculus laterality by diffusion tensor imaging correlates with language laterality by functional MRI in preadolescent children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sreedharan, Ruma Madhu; Menon, Amitha C.; Thomas, Sanjeev V.; James, Jija S.; Kesavadas, Chandrasekharan


    Language lateralization is unique to humans. Functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) enable the study of language areas and white matter fibers involved in language, respectively. The objective of this study was to correlate arcuate fasciculus (AF) laterality by diffusion tensor imaging with that by fMRI in preadolescent children which has not yet been reported. Ten children between 8 and 12 years were subjected to fMRI and DTI imaging using Siemens 1.5 T MRI. Two language fMRI paradigms - visual verb generation and word pair task - were used. Analysis was done using SPM8 software. In DTI, the fiber volume of the arcuate fasciculus (AFV) and fractional anisotropy (FA) was measured. The fMRI Laterality Index (fMRI-LI) and DTI Laterality Index (DTI-LI) were calculated and their correlation assessed using the Pearson Correlation Index. Of ten children, mean age 10.6 years, eight showed left lateralization while bilateral language lateralization was seen in two. AFV by DTI was more on the left side in seven of the eight children who had left lateralization by fMRI. DTI could not trace the AF in one child. Of the two with bilateral language lateralization on fMRI, one showed larger AFV on the right side while the other did not show any asymmetry. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.02) between fMRI-LI and DTI-LI. Group mean of AFV by DTI was higher on the left side (2659.89 ± 654.75 mm 3 ) as compared to the right (1824.11 ± 582.81 mm 3 ) (p < 0.01). Like fMRI, DTI also reveals language laterality in children with a high degree of correlation between the two imaging modalities. (orig.)

  2. Arcuate fasciculus laterality by diffusion tensor imaging correlates with language laterality by functional MRI in preadolescent children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sreedharan, Ruma Madhu [Government Medical College Hospital, Department of Radiology, Trivandrum, Kerala (India); Menon, Amitha C.; Thomas, Sanjeev V. [Sree Chitra, Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Department of Neurology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India); James, Jija S.; Kesavadas, Chandrasekharan [SCTIMST, Department of Imaging Science and Interventional Radiology, Trivandrum, Kerala (India)


    Language lateralization is unique to humans. Functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) enable the study of language areas and white matter fibers involved in language, respectively. The objective of this study was to correlate arcuate fasciculus (AF) laterality by diffusion tensor imaging with that by fMRI in preadolescent children which has not yet been reported. Ten children between 8 and 12 years were subjected to fMRI and DTI imaging using Siemens 1.5 T MRI. Two language fMRI paradigms - visual verb generation and word pair task - were used. Analysis was done using SPM8 software. In DTI, the fiber volume of the arcuate fasciculus (AFV) and fractional anisotropy (FA) was measured. The fMRI Laterality Index (fMRI-LI) and DTI Laterality Index (DTI-LI) were calculated and their correlation assessed using the Pearson Correlation Index. Of ten children, mean age 10.6 years, eight showed left lateralization while bilateral language lateralization was seen in two. AFV by DTI was more on the left side in seven of the eight children who had left lateralization by fMRI. DTI could not trace the AF in one child. Of the two with bilateral language lateralization on fMRI, one showed larger AFV on the right side while the other did not show any asymmetry. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.02) between fMRI-LI and DTI-LI. Group mean of AFV by DTI was higher on the left side (2659.89 ± 654.75 mm{sup 3}) as compared to the right (1824.11 ± 582.81 mm{sup 3}) (p < 0.01). Like fMRI, DTI also reveals language laterality in children with a high degree of correlation between the two imaging modalities. (orig.)

  3. Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Mobile Learning Universitas Diponegoro Berbasis Android

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yohanes Jati Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan pengajar dan mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro akan kemudahan pertukaran informasi untuk menunjang kegiatan perkuliahan saat ini menjadi hal yang penting. Dengan adanya kemudahan bertukar informasi dalam proses perkuliahan maka juga akan meningkarkan mutu pendidikan pada sebuah Perguruan Tinggi. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan proses perkuliahan adalah dengan pemanfaatan aplikasi pada perangkat bergerak untuk menunjang kebutuhan pengajar dan mahasiswa. Aplikasi mobile learning merupakan aplikasi berbasis perangkat bergerak yang bertujuan untuk menunjang proses belajar mengajar. Dengan adanya mobile learning maka pengajar dan siswa dapat melakukan kegiatan belajar diamanapun dan kapanpun. Aplikasi Undip M-Learning merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang bersifat client-server yang berjalan pada perangkat bergerak yang menggunakan sistem operasi android. Pada sisi server aplikasi dikembangkan dengan platform java enterprise dan database MySQL. Pada sisi client aplikasi dikembangkan untuk platform android yang berkomunikasi dengan aplikasi server dengan menggunakan JSON untuk melakukan pertukaran data. Aplikasi mobile learning memiliki berbagai fungsi antara lain untuk mengelola materi kuliah, tugas, kuis, dan nilai yang dapat di akses baik oleh mahasiswa maupoun dosen. Aplikasi dapat berjalan pada platform android mulai dari versi 2.3 hingga 4.4.


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    Rikaro Ramadi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi yang semakin cepat menuntut manusia untuk bertindak semakin cepat dengan memperhatikan efisiensi dan efektifitas. PT. Astrido Jaya Mobilindo sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang otomotif kususnya penjualan dan sevices mobil. Tujuan yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem informasi Knowledge Management System yang di gunakan untuk menyimpan dan memanfaatkan knowledge yang dimiliki karyawan sehingga mempermudah karyawan untuk menemukan solusi dari masalah yang di hadapi. Untuk metode pengumpulan data peneliti melakukan dengan cara observasi langsung, studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Knowledge management dilakukan dengan penciptaan pengetahuan, berbagi pengetahuan dan penerapan pengetahuan. Penciptaan pengetahuan dilakukan dengan model SECI (sosialization, externalization, combination dan internalization. Metode pengembangan system dengan Rapid Application Development (RAD dan dimodelkan dengan menggunakan sistem analisis menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML. Pengujian validasi menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD. Kualitas perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan di uji berdasarkan empat karakteristik kualitas perangkat lunak model ISO 9126, yaitu: functionality, reliability, usability, dan efficiency dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner. Teknik pengujian perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan software Acunetix dan Blackbox Testing. Hasil dari penilitian ini adalah menujukan bahwa penerapan knowledge management system adalah solusi dari permasalahan yang ada. Kata kunci: knowledge management system, SECI, RAD, UML, FGD, ISO 9126.

  5. Implementasi Cloud Computing Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Sistem Agile

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    Much Aziz Muslim


    Full Text Available Cloud computing merupakan sebuah teknologi yang menyediakan layanan terhadap sumber daya komputasi melalui sebuah jaringan. Sumber daya yang di sediakan di dalam cloud computing meliputi mesin, media penyimpanan data, sistem operasi dan program aplikasi. Fitur dari cloud computing dipercaya akan jauh lebih hemat dan memuaskan. Masalah yang muncul adalah bagaimana mengimplementasi Cloud Computing dengan menggunakan Windows Azure Pack dan bagaimana provisioning Windows Azure Pack SQL Database. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah pada proses deploying dan provisioning SQL Database Server. Pengimplementasian cloud computing menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem agile dengan langkah-langkah meliputi perencanaan, implementasi, pengujian (test, dokumentasi, deployment dan pemeliharaan. Untuk menjalankan proses tersebut kebutuhan perangkat yang dipersiapkan meliputi perangkat keras seperti PC Server Cisco UCS C240 M3S2, Hardisk 8753 GB, 256 GB RAM, bandwith minimal 1 Mbps dan kebutuhan perangkat lunak meliputi Windows Server 2012 R2, VMM, Windows Azure Pack, IIS, SQL Server 2012 dan Web Patform Installer. Hasil dari implementasi cloud computing menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem agile adalah terbentuknya sebuah sistem cloud hosting provider dengan menggunakan Windows Azure Pack dan SQL Server 2012 sebagai sistem utama dan pengelolaan database menggunakan Microsoft SQL Server Management 

  6. Laboratory evaluation of the Coasys® Plus C coagulation analyzer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Bie, Prim; Schornagel, Willem J.; van den Dool, Erik-Jan; Bakker, Bianca; van Dam, Willem; Heckman, Marion; Ağar, Cetin; Sturk, Auguste; Stroobants, An K.


    The Coasys® Plus C (Behnk Elektronik, distributed by Roche Diagnostics) is a coagulation analyzer for small to midsize clinical chemistry laboratories. We performed a laboratory evaluation. After a familiarization period the dead volume, carry-over, capacity, within-assay reproducibility and

  7. Studi atas Pemanfaatan Blockchain bagi Internet of Things (IoT

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    Lathifah Arief


    Full Text Available Ekosistem Internet of Things (IoT berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan diperkirakan akan menghubungkan 5-20 miliar perangkat pada tahun 2020. Data yang dihimpun dari perangkat ini akan mencapai jumlah yang sangat besar. Saat ini, ekosistem IoT pada umumnya menggunakan model sistem terpusat. Model tersebut memiliki beberapa kelemahan, seperti biaya pemeliharaan yang relatif tinggi, Sistem terdistribusi dapat menjadi alternatif solusi. Blockchain, teknologi ledger terditribusi, memungkinkan transaksi peer-to-peer tanpa perlu adanya perantara pihak ketiga yang terpercaya. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi pengintegrasian Blockchain ke dalam ekosistem IoT. Hasil penelitian berupa model dan use-case pemanfaatan Blockchain dalam IoT.

  8. Laterality of radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee. (United States)

    Komatsu, Daigo; Ikeuchi, Kazuma; Kojima, Toshihisa; Takegami, Yasuhiko; Amano, Takafumi; Tsuboi, Masaki; Ishiguro, Naoki; Hasegawa, Yukiharu


    There are few reports of the laterality in radiological knee osteoarthritis (ROA). This study aimed to evaluate laterality in terms of the minimum joint space width (mJSW) and osteophyte areas (OFs) in a cross-sectorial general population screen and elucidate the association between laterality and risk of osteoarthritis. We enrolled 330 participants (mean age 64.6 years) and examined the presence of ROA (Kellgren-Lawrence grade ≧ 2) laterality in terms of the mJSW and OF on the medial tibia using auto-measuring software. Moreover, we examined the association between laterality and leg dominance. The right and left medial mJSWs were 4.02 ± 0.98 mm and 4.05 ± 1.01 mm, respectively, showing no laterality; the laterals were also similar. The participants who had osteophytes ≥1 mm 2 in the right, left, and bilateral knees were 15, 37, and 57 respectively, with osteophytes being significantly more common in the left knee. The OF was significantly larger in the left knee. Conversely, the medial and lateral mJSWs and OF did not differ according to leg dominance. The prevalence of ROA was higher and the OF was more pronounced in the left knee. However, the mJSW showed no laterality. Additionally, the mJSW and OF showed no differences according to leg dominance.

  9. Associations between schizotypy and cerebral laterality. (United States)

    Park, Haeme R P; Waldie, Karen E


    Atypical lateralization for language has been found in schizophrenia, suggesting that language and thought disorders on the schizophrenia spectrum may be due to left hemispheric dysfunction. However, research with those with non-clinical schizotypy has been inconsistent, with some studies finding reduced or reversed language laterality (particularly with positive schizotypal traits), and others finding typical left hemispheric specialization. The aim of the current study was to use both a behavioural (dual reading-finger tapping) task and an functional magnetic resonance imaging lexical decision task to investigate language laterality in a university sample of high- and low-schizotypal adults. Findings revealed no evidence for atypical lateralization in our sample for both overall schizotypy (measured by the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences) and positive schizotypy (measured by the Unusual Experiences subscale) groups. Our findings provide further evidence that non-clinical schizotypy is not associated with atypical language laterality.

  10. Self-caring in later life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fristrup, Tine; Grut, Sara


    . The phenomenon of gerontopedagogicalisation is a process of becoming a juvenile and entrepreneurial self in later life, conceptualised as performAGE (Fristrup, 2012a). PerformAGE is an approach to understanding the different ways of performing age in later life which favours the performing of this juvenile...

  11. Right away: A late, right-lateralized category effect complements an early, left-lateralized category effect in visual search. (United States)

    Constable, Merryn D; Becker, Stefanie I


    According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, learned semantic categories can influence early perceptual processes. A central finding in support of this view is the lateralized category effect-namely, the finding that categorically different colors (e.g., blue and green hues) can be discriminated faster than colors within the same color category (e.g., different hues of green), especially when they are presented in the right visual field. Because the right visual field projects to the left hemisphere, this finding has been popularly couched in terms of the left-lateralization of language. However, other studies have reported bilateral category effects, which has led some researchers to question the linguistic origins of the effect. Here we examined the time course of lateralized and bilateral category effects in the classical visual search paradigm by means of eyetracking and RT distribution analyses. Our results show a bilateral category effect in the manual responses, which is combined of an early, left-lateralized category effect and a later, right-lateralized category effect. The newly discovered late, right-lateralized category effect occurred only when observers had difficulty locating the target, indicating a specialization of the right hemisphere to find categorically different targets after an initial error. The finding that early and late stages of visual search show different lateralized category effects can explain a wide range of previously discrepant findings.

  12. Brain and behavioral lateralization in invertebrates. (United States)

    Frasnelli, Elisa


    Traditionally, only humans were thought to exhibit brain and behavioral asymmetries, but several studies have revealed that most vertebrates are also lateralized. Recently, evidence of left-right asymmetries in invertebrates has begun to emerge, suggesting that lateralization of the nervous system may be a feature of simpler brains as well as more complex ones. Here I present some examples in invertebrates of sensory and motor asymmetries, as well as asymmetries in the nervous system. I illustrate two cases where an asymmetric brain is crucial for the development of some cognitive abilities. The first case is the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which has asymmetric odor sensory neurons and taste perception neurons. In this worm left/right asymmetries are responsible for the sensing of a substantial number of salt ions, and lateralized responses to salt allow the worm to discriminate between distinct salt ions. The second case is the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, where the presence of asymmetry in a particular structure of the brain is important in the formation or retrieval of long-term memory. Moreover, I distinguish two distinct patterns of lateralization that occur in both vertebrates and invertebrates: individual-level and population-level lateralization. Theoretical models on the evolution of lateralization suggest that the alignment of lateralization at the population level may have evolved as an evolutionary stable strategy in which individually asymmetrical organisms must coordinate their behavior with that of other asymmetrical organisms. This implies that lateralization at the population-level is more likely to have evolved in social rather than in solitary species. I evaluate this new hypothesis with a specific focus on insects showing different level of sociality. In particular, I present a series of studies on antennal asymmetries in honeybees and other related species of bees, showing how insects may be extremely useful to test the evolutionary hypothesis.

  13. Brain and behavioural lateralization in invertebrates.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisa eFrasnelli


    Full Text Available Traditionally, only humans were thought to exhibit brain and behavioural asymmetries, but several studies have revealed that most vertebrates are also lateralized. Recently, evidence of left-right asymmetries in invertebrates has begun to emerge, suggesting that lateralization of the nervous system may be a feature of simpler brains as well as more complex ones. Here I present some examples in invertebrates of sensory and motor asymmetries, as well as asymmetries in the nervous system. I illustrate two cases where an asymmetric brain is crucial for the development of some cognitive abilities. The first case is the nematode C. elegans, which has asymmetric odour sensory neurons and taste perception neurons. In this worm left/right asymmetries are responsible for the sensing of a substantial number of salt ions, and lateralized responses to salt allow the worm to discriminate between distinct salt ions. The second case is the fruit fly D. melanogaster, where the presence of asymmetry in a particular structure of the brain is important in the formation or retrieval of long-term memory. Moreover, I distinguish two distinct patterns of lateralization that occur in both vertebrates and invertebrates: individual-level and population-level lateralization. Theoretical models on the evolution of lateralization suggest that the alignment of lateralization at the population level may have evolved as an evolutionary stable strategy in which individually-asymmetrical organisms must coordinate their behaviour with that of other asymmetrical organisms. This implies that lateralization at the population-level is more likely to have evolved in social rather than in solitary species. I evaluate this new hypothesis with specific focus on insects showing different level of sociality. In particular, I present a series of studies on antennal asymmetries in honeybees and other related species of bees, showing how insects may be extremely useful to test evolutionary hypothesis.

  14. Left-handedness and language lateralization in children. (United States)

    Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Rajagopal, Akila; Altaye, Mekibib; Byars, Anna W; Jacola, Lisa; Schmithorst, Vincent J; Schapiro, Mark B; Plante, Elena; Holland, Scott K


    This fMRI study investigated the development of language lateralization in left- and righthanded children between 5 and 18 years of age. Twenty-seven left-handed children (17 boys, 10 girls) and 54 age- and gender-matched right-handed children were included. We used functional MRI at 3T and a verb generation task to measure hemispheric language dominance based on either frontal or temporo-parietal regions of interest (ROIs) defined for the entire group and applied on an individual basis. Based on the frontal ROI, in the left-handed group, 23 participants (85%) demonstrated left-hemispheric language lateralization, 3 (11%) demonstrated symmetric activation, and 1 (4%) demonstrated right-hemispheric lateralization. In contrast, 50 (93%) of the right-handed children showed left-hemispheric lateralization and 3 (6%) demonstrated a symmetric activation pattern, while one (2%) demonstrated a right-hemispheric lateralization. The corresponding values for the temporo-parietal ROI for the left-handed children were 18 (67%) left-dominant, 6 (22%) symmetric, 3 (11%) right-dominant and for the right-handed children 49 (91%), 4 (7%), 1 (2%), respectively. Left-hemispheric language lateralization increased with age in both groups but somewhat different lateralization trajectories were observed in girls when compared to boys. The incidence of atypical language lateralization in left-handed children in this study was similar to that reported in adults. We also found similar rates of increase in left-hemispheric language lateralization with age between groups (i.e., independent of handedness) indicating the presence of similar mechanisms for language lateralization in left- and right-handed children. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Herniographic appearance of the lateral inguinal fossa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekberg, O.; Kesek, P.


    Herniography frequently reveals clinically undetected groin hernia. Thereby herniography contributes to the clinical work-up in patients with obscure groin pain. However, the distinction between clinically important and unimportant abnormalities within the lateral inguinal fossa can be difficult. This study was therefore designed in order to elucidate the herniographic appearance of the lateral inguinal fossa in patients with obscure groin pain. Herniographic findings were compared with laterality of the patients' symptoms. The lateral umbilical fold was visible in only 47% of the groins. A triangular shaped outpouching from the lateral inguinal fossa and a patent processus vaginalis were found with equal frequency on the left and right side. They were five times as frequent in men as in women. Their presence did not correlate with laterality of the patients' symptoms. Indirect hernias were almost twice as common on the symptomatic side as compared with the asymptomatic side. On the left side they were found twice as often in men as in women while there was no significant sex difference on the right side. Our results show that neither a patent processus vaginalis nor a triangular outpouching from the lateral inguinal fossa correlate with the laterality of the patients' symptoms while true indirect hernias do. (orig.)

  16. Lateralization of visual learning in the honeybee


    Letzkus, Pinar; Boeddeker, Norbert; Wood, Jeff T; Zhang, Shao-Wu; Srinivasan, Mandyam V


    Lateralization is a well-described phenomenon in humans and other vertebrates and there are interesting parallels across a variety of different vertebrate species. However, there are only a few studies of lateralization in invertebrates. In a recent report, we showed lateralization of olfactory learning in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Here, we investigate lateralization of another sensory modality, vision. By training honeybees on a modified version of a visual proboscis extension reflex ta...

  17. Lateral topological crystalline insulator heterostructure (United States)

    Sun, Qilong; Dai, Ying; Niu, Chengwang; Ma, Yandong; Wei, Wei; Yu, Lin; Huang, Baibiao


    The emergence of lateral heterostructures fabricated by two-dimensional building blocks brings many exciting realms in material science and device physics. Enriching available nanomaterials for creating such heterostructures and enabling the underlying new physics is highly coveted for the integration of next-generation devices. Here, we report a breakthrough in lateral heterostructure based on the monolayer square transition-metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M = W, X = S/Se) modules. Our results reveal that the MX2 lateral heterostructure (1S-MX2 LHS) can possess excellent thermal and dynamical stability. Remarkably, the highly desired two-dimensional topological crystalline insulator phase is confirmed by the calculated mirror Chern number {{n}\\text{M}}=-1 . A nontrivial band gap of 65 meV is obtained with SOC, indicating the potential for room-temperature observation and applications. The topologically protected edge states emerge at the edges of two different nanoribbons between the bulk band gap, which is consistent with the mirror Chern number. In addition, a strain-induced topological phase transition in 1S-MX2 LHS is also revealed, endowing the potential utilities in electronics and spintronics. Our predictions not only introduce new member and vitality into the studies of lateral heterostructures, but also highlight the promise of lateral heterostructure as appealing topological crystalline insulator platforms with excellent stability for future devices.

  18. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Anak Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Konstruktivistik Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Sains Anak Usia Dini

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    Hardiyanti Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan perangkat CTL di kelas IV sekolah dasar, mendeskripsikan hasil validasi dan hasil belajar dari implementasi perangkat pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang direduksi menjadi 3-D, yaitu define, design, dan develop. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliput rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP, lembar kerja siswa (LKS, dan tes hasil belajar (THB yang diujicobakan pada kelas IV B sebagai eksperimen terdiri atas 30 siswa, dan kelas IV A sebagai kelas control terdiri atas 30 siswa di SD GMIT Ende. Uji coba perangkat pada penelitian ini menggunakan pre-tes dan post tes dengan teknik analisis statistik. Instrument penelitian terdiri atas lembar pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar aktifitas siswa, lembar angket respon siswa, dan lembar tes hasil belajar siswa serta lembar kendala-kendala. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, tes, dan angket. Analisis hasil penelitian diperoleh fakta bahwa penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa 43,33% (pada pre-tes sementara pada post tes menjadi 100%. Hasil belajar siswa tergolong sangat baik dengan rata-rata jawaban benar 87,66 untuk tes hasil belajar. Kata kunci: Perangkat Pembelajaran, Stretegi CTL, Hasil belajar   This study aims to describe the development of CTL in the fourth grade of primary school, describe the results of the validation and implementation of the learning material through 4-D model of development which is reduced to 3-D, namely define, design, and develop. The materials covers the lesson plan (RPP, students’ worksheet (LKS, and the test results (THB taken from the fourth grade (Class IV B as the experiment consisted of 30 students, and class IV A as the control class consists of 30 students in  SD GMIT Ende. Testing device in this study uses pre-test and post-test with statistical analysis techniques. Moreover, research instrument consists of a sheet of observation for teaching and learning process, students’ questionnaire sheets, student’ achievement test sheet, and constraints. The data were collected by observation techniques, test, and questionnaire. The results indicated that the use of learning materials with CTL approach can improve student learning outcomes 43.33% (the pre-test while the post-test to 100%. Student learning outcomes as very good with an average of 87.66 correct answers in test outcomes. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that the CTL in the fourth graders of elementary school is valid and is able to improve their learning outcomes. It is expected that this research will be useful for teachers in developing such instructional design oriented towards the development of CTL strategy to learning with other study materials. Keywords: Learning Device, Strategy CTL, learning outcomes

  19. The Halloween Lateral Canthotomy Model

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    Nur-Ain Nadir


    Full Text Available Audience: The Halloween Lateral Canthotomy Model” is designed to instruct Emergency Medicine residents PGY 1-4, as well as Emergency Medicine-bound students. Introduction: Although uncommon, retrobulbar hemorrhage associated with facial trauma is a potential cause of permanent vision loss due to orbital compartment syndrome. To prevent vision loss, treatment with lateral canthotomy is time-sensitive and to perform this procedure in an emergent setting requires properly trained practitioners. Objectives: The purpose of the model is to teach residents and students how to perform lateral canthotomy and to achieve competency in their skills. Method: Lateral canthotomy is an important skill to be proficient in for any Emergency Medicine Physician, as it is an uncommon, sight-saving procedure. It is indicated in scenarios of facial trauma that cause a retrobulbar hemorrhage. Patients are at risk for permanent vision loss due to acute orbital compartment syndrome if the procedure is not done expeditiously.1 A less likely cause of retrobulbar hemorrhage is spontaneous hemorrhage due to a bleeding disorder or anticoagulant use.2 The features of retrobulbar hemorrhage include acute loss of visual acuity, relative afferent pupillary defect, proptosis with resistance to retropulsion, increased intraocular pressure, and limited extra ocular movement.3 While the diagnosis is clinical, it can be confirmed by computed tomography (CT and measurement of intraocular pressure.2 When the diagnosis is established, lateral canthotomy and cantholysis should be performed emergently. Cantholysis is contraindicated when a globe rupture is suspected or with an orbital blowout fracture. Potential complications of this procedure include iatrogenic injury to the globe or lateral rectus muscle, damage to the elevator aponeurosis resulting in ptosis, injury to the lacrimal gland and lacrimal artery, bleeding and infection.3 This task trainer uses affordable materials to let learners practice this rare, vision saving procedure.

  20. Lateral control strategy for a hypersonic cruise missile

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    Yonghua Fan


    Full Text Available Hypersonic cruise missile always adopts the configuration of waverider body with the restraint of scramjet. As a result, the lateral motion exhibits serious coupling, and the controller design of the lateral lateral system cannot be conducted separately for yaw channel and roll channel. A multiple input and multiple output optimal control method with integrators is presented to design the lateral combined control system for hypersonic cruise missile. A hypersonic cruise missile lateral model is linearized as a multiple input and multiple output plant, which is coupled by kinematics and fin deflection between yaw and roll. In lateral combined controller, the integrators are augmented, respectively, into the loop of roll angle and lateral overload to ensure that the commands are tracked with zero steady-state error. Through simulation, the proposed controller demonstrates good performance in tracking the command of roll angle and lateral overload.

  1. Preventing Errors in Laterality


    Landau, Elliot; Hirschorn, David; Koutras, Iakovos; Malek, Alexander; Demissie, Seleshie


    An error in laterality is the reporting of a finding that is present on the right side as on the left or vice versa. While different medical and surgical specialties have implemented protocols to help prevent such errors, very few studies have been published that describe these errors in radiology reports and ways to prevent them. We devised a system that allows the radiologist to view reports in a separate window, displayed in a simple font and with all terms of laterality highlighted in sep...

  2. Lateral Attitude Change. (United States)

    Glaser, Tina; Dickel, Nina; Liersch, Benjamin; Rees, Jonas; Süssenbach, Philipp; Bohner, Gerd


    The authors propose a framework distinguishing two types of lateral attitude change (LAC): (a) generalization effects, where attitude change toward a focal object transfers to related objects, and (b) displacement effects, where only related attitudes change but the focal attitude does not change. They bring together examples of LAC from various domains of research, outline the conditions and underlying processes of each type of LAC, and develop a theoretical framework that enables researchers to study LAC more systematically in the future. Compared with established theories of attitude change, the LAC framework focuses on lateral instead of focal attitude change and encompasses both generalization and displacement. Novel predictions and designs for studying LAC are presented. © 2014 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

  3. Lateral force calibration in atomic force microscopy: A new lateral force calibration method and general guidelines for optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cannara, Rachel J.; Eglin, Michael; Carpick, Robert W.


    Proper force calibration is a critical step in atomic and lateral force microscopies (AFM/LFM). The recently published torsional Sader method [C. P. Green et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 1988 (2004)] facilitates the calculation of torsional spring constants of rectangular AFM cantilevers by eliminating the need to obtain information or make assumptions regarding the cantilever's material properties and thickness, both of which are difficult to measure. Complete force calibration of the lateral signal in LFM requires measurement of the lateral signal deflection sensitivity as well. In this article, we introduce a complete lateral force calibration procedure that employs the torsional Sader method and does not require making contact between the tip and any sample. In this method, a colloidal sphere is attached to a 'test' cantilever of the same width, but different length and material as the 'target' cantilever of interest. The lateral signal sensitivity is calibrated by loading the colloidal sphere laterally against a vertical sidewall. The signal sensitivity for the target cantilever is then corrected for the tip length, total signal strength, and in-plane bending of the cantilevers. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in comparison with the other established lateral force calibration techniques, and make a direct comparison with the 'wedge' calibration method. The methods agree to within 5%. The propagation of errors is explicitly considered for both methods and the sources of disagreement discussed. Finally, we show that the lateral signal sensitivity is substantially reduced when the laser spot is not centered on the detector

  4. Lateralization of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in the auditory pathway of patients with lateralized tinnitus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smits, Marion [Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Radiology, Hs 224, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Kovacs, Silvia; Peeters, Ronald R; Hecke, Paul van; Sunaert, Stefan [University Hospitals of the Catholic University Leuven, Department of Radiology, Leuven (Belgium); Ridder, Dirk de [University of Antwerp, Department of Neurosurgery, Edegem (Belgium)


    Tinnitus is hypothesized to be an auditory phantom phenomenon resulting from spontaneous neuronal activity somewhere along the auditory pathway. We performed fMRI of the entire auditory pathway, including the inferior colliculus (IC), the medial geniculate body (MGB) and the auditory cortex (AC), in 42 patients with tinnitus and 10 healthy volunteers to assess lateralization of fMRI activation. Subjects were scanned on a 3T MRI scanner. A T2*-weighted EPI silent gap sequence was used during the stimulation paradigm, which consisted of a blocked design of 12 epochs in which music presented binaurally through headphones, which was switched on and off for periods of 50 s. Using SPM2 software, single subject and group statistical parametric maps were calculated. Lateralization of activation was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. Tinnitus was lateralized in 35 patients (83%, 13 right-sided and 22 left-sided). Significant signal change (P{sub corrected} < 0.05) was found bilaterally in the primary and secondary AC, the IC and the MGB. Signal change was symmetrical in patients with bilateral tinnitus. In patients with lateralized tinnitus, fMRI activation was lateralized towards the side of perceived tinnitus in the primary AC and IC in patients with right-sided tinnitus, and in the MGB in patients with left-sided tinnitus. In healthy volunteers, activation in the primary AC was left-lateralized. Our paradigm adequately visualized the auditory pathways in tinnitus patients. In lateralized tinnitus fMRI activation was also lateralized, supporting the hypothesis that tinnitus is an auditory phantom phenomenon. (orig.)

  5. Lateralization of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in the auditory pathway of patients with lateralized tinnitus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smits, Marion; Kovacs, Silvia; Peeters, Ronald R.; Hecke, Paul van; Sunaert, Stefan; Ridder, Dirk de


    Tinnitus is hypothesized to be an auditory phantom phenomenon resulting from spontaneous neuronal activity somewhere along the auditory pathway. We performed fMRI of the entire auditory pathway, including the inferior colliculus (IC), the medial geniculate body (MGB) and the auditory cortex (AC), in 42 patients with tinnitus and 10 healthy volunteers to assess lateralization of fMRI activation. Subjects were scanned on a 3T MRI scanner. A T2*-weighted EPI silent gap sequence was used during the stimulation paradigm, which consisted of a blocked design of 12 epochs in which music presented binaurally through headphones, which was switched on and off for periods of 50 s. Using SPM2 software, single subject and group statistical parametric maps were calculated. Lateralization of activation was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. Tinnitus was lateralized in 35 patients (83%, 13 right-sided and 22 left-sided). Significant signal change (P corrected < 0.05) was found bilaterally in the primary and secondary AC, the IC and the MGB. Signal change was symmetrical in patients with bilateral tinnitus. In patients with lateralized tinnitus, fMRI activation was lateralized towards the side of perceived tinnitus in the primary AC and IC in patients with right-sided tinnitus, and in the MGB in patients with left-sided tinnitus. In healthy volunteers, activation in the primary AC was left-lateralized. Our paradigm adequately visualized the auditory pathways in tinnitus patients. In lateralized tinnitus fMRI activation was also lateralized, supporting the hypothesis that tinnitus is an auditory phantom phenomenon. (orig.)

  6. Lateral restraint assembly for reactor core (United States)

    Gorholt, Wilhelm; Luci, Raymond K.


    A restraint assembly for use in restraining lateral movement of a reactor core relative to a reactor vessel wherein a plurality of restraint assemblies are interposed between the reactor core and the reactor vessel in circumferentially spaced relation about the core. Each lateral restraint assembly includes a face plate urged against the outer periphery of the core by a plurality of compression springs which enable radial preloading of outer reflector blocks about the core and resist low-level lateral motion of the core. A fixed radial key member cooperates with each face plate in a manner enabling vertical movement of the face plate relative to the key member but restraining movement of the face plate transverse to the key member in a plane transverse to the center axis of the core. In this manner, the key members which have their axes transverse to or subtending acute angles with the direction of a high energy force tending to move the core laterally relative to the reactor vessel restrain such lateral movement.

  7. CT recognition of lateral lumbar disk herniation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, A.L.; Haughton, V.M.; Daniels, D.L.; Thornton, R.S.


    Although computed tomography (CT) has been shown to be useful in diagnosing posterolateral and central lumbar disk herniations, its effectiveness in demonstrating lateral herniated disks has not been emphasized. The myelographic recognition of those herniations may be difficult because root sheaths or dural sacs may not be deformed. A total of 274 CT scans interpreted as showing lumbar disk herniation was reviewed. Fourteen (5%) showed a lateral disk herniation. The CT features of a lateral herniated disk included: (1) focal protrusion of the disk margin within or lateral to the intervertebral foramen: (2) displacement of epidural fat within the intervertebral foramen; (3) absence of dural sac deformity; and (4) soft-tissue mass within or lateral to the intervertebral foramen. Because it can image the disk margin and free disk fragments irrespective of dural sac or root sheath deformity, CT may be more effective than myelography for demonstrating the presence and extent of lateral disk herniation

  8. Effects of Lateral Heel Wedges and Lateral Forefoot Wedge on the Knee Adduction Moment in Healthy Male Students

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    Fatemeh Shamsi


    Full Text Available Objective: Lateral wedged insoles have been designed to decrease the force applied on the medial knee compartment. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of laterally wedged insoles regarding to the placement of the wedge under the sole (under the heel or under the forefoot on the knee adduction moment and the ground reaction forces. Material & Methods: In this pretest-posttest study, three-dimensional gait analysis was performed on 20 healthy men between 18-30 years old. Knee adduction moment and ground reaction forces were compared among following three types of insoles: a flat insole, a 6˚ laterally inclined heel wedged insole and a 6˚ laterally- inclined forefoot wedged insole. Results: there was no difference between three conditions (flat insole (9.72±1.501, lateral heel wedge (9.866±2.141 and lateral forefoot wedge (9.952±1.986 in peak knee adduction moment (P>0.05. Ground reaction forces and spatiotemporal parameters of gait were not affected by any types of these insoles (P>0.05. Conclusion: Based on the current finding, placement of the lateral wedge under the sole, that is, under the heel or under the forefoot has no effect on the efficacy of these insoles on the adduction moment of the knee and ground reaction forces.

  9. Large-area, laterally-grown epitaxial semiconductor layers (United States)

    Han, Jung; Song, Jie; Chen, Danti


    Structures and methods for confined lateral-guided growth of a large-area semiconductor layer on an insulating layer are described. The semiconductor layer may be formed by heteroepitaxial growth from a selective growth area in a vertically-confined, lateral-growth guiding structure. Lateral-growth guiding structures may be formed in arrays over a region of a substrate, so as to cover a majority of the substrate region with laterally-grown epitaxial semiconductor tiles. Quality regions of low-defect, stress-free GaN may be grown on silicon.

  10. Lateralization of visual learning in the honeybee. (United States)

    Letzkus, Pinar; Boeddeker, Norbert; Wood, Jeff T; Zhang, Shao-Wu; Srinivasan, Mandyam V


    Lateralization is a well-described phenomenon in humans and other vertebrates and there are interesting parallels across a variety of different vertebrate species. However, there are only a few studies of lateralization in invertebrates. In a recent report, we showed lateralization of olfactory learning in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Here, we investigate lateralization of another sensory modality, vision. By training honeybees on a modified version of a visual proboscis extension reflex task, we find that bees learn a colour stimulus better with their right eye.

  11. Unjuk Kerja IP PBX Asterisk dan FreeSWITCH pada Topologi Bertingkat di Jaringan Kampus

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    Iwan Setiawan


    Full Text Available Internet Protocol-based Private Branch Exchange (IP PBX diperlukan untuk menghubungkan panggilan antar perangkat komunikasi Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP di sebuah jaringan lokal (LAN. Dengan adanya IP PBX, layanan VoIP dapat disediakan di atas jaringan data/IP yang sudah tergelar. Penelitian ini kami lakukan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja VoIP pada dua IP PBX yang menggunakan perangkat lunak server Asterisk dan FreeSWITCH. Kami merancang sebuah arsitektur jaringan eksperimen yang diadaptasi dari topologi bertingkat pada jaringan kampus (CAN di lokasi penelitian dengan hierarki perangkat yang terdiri dari core switch, distribution switch, dan access switch. Kedua IP PBX ditempatkan pada hierarki yang berbeda pada topologi jaringan tersebut agar dapat diketahui pengaruhnya terhadap unjuk kerja VoIP. Konsep eksperimen ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu dasar untuk mendesain arsitektur IP PBX secara terpusat dan tersebar pada jaringan kampus. Unjuk kerja VoIP kami ukur dengan parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS dan Quality of Experience (QoE. Selain itu, kami juga mengukur konsumsi prosesor dan memori yang dipakai oleh perangkat lunak server VoIP pada saat komunikasi terjadi. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan skenario phone-to-phone pada jaringan eksperimen yang terhubung ke jaringan kampus aktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penempatan IP PBX di hierarki yang berbeda pada topologi jaringan berpengaruh terhadap unjuk kerja VoIP khususnya pada IP PBX Asterisk. Ketika dibandingkan, unjuk kerja IP PBX FreeSWITCH dalam hal QoS dan QoE sedikit lebih baik daripada Asterisk pada rerata latensi/delay, jitter, Mean Opinion Score (MOS, dan konsumsi memori yaitu 41,012 ms, 0,060 ms, 5, dan 1 % untuk IP PBX 1 serta 41,016 ms, 0,066 ms, 5, dan 0,5 % untuk IP PBX 2

  12. Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow. (United States)

    Tosti, Rick; Jennings, John; Sewards, J Milo


    Lateral epicondylitis, or "tennis elbow," is a common musculotendinous degenerative disorder of the extensor origin at the lateral humeral epicondyle. Repetitive occupational or athletic activities involving wrist extension and supination are thought to be causative. The typical symptoms include lateral elbow pain, pain with wrist extension, and weakened grip strength. The diagnosis is made clinically through history and physical examination; however, a thorough understanding of the differential diagnosis is imperative to prevent unnecessary testing and therapies. Most patients improve with nonoperative measures, such as activity modification, physical therapy, and injections. A small percentage of patients will require surgical release of the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon. Common methods of release may be performed via percutaneous, arthroscopic, or open approaches. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Inferior hilar window on lateral chest radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, C.K.; Webb, W.R.; Klein, J.S.


    This paper determines the accuracy of lateral chest radiography in the detection of masses in the inferior hilar window, a normally avascular hilar region anterior to the lower lobe bronchi. Fifty patients with normal thoracic CT scans and 25 with hilar masses/adenopathy were selected retrospectively. The 75 corresponding lateral chest radiographs were blindly evaluated for visibility of the anterior walls of the lower lobe bronchi and the presence and laterality of abnormal soft tissue (>1 cm) in the inferior hilar window. Only a 7 x 7-cm square of the lateral radiograph was viewed

  14. Bucket foundations under lateral cyclic loading

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foglia, Aligi

    failure envelopes. A jacked installation test is successfully compared with existing models. Tests of bucket foundations under lateral loading applied at different loading rates are analysed. As expected, the bearing capacity of bucket foundations under transient lateral loading increases dramatically...... documents on bearing capacity and installation of bucket foundations are reviewed and the results from the models found in literature are compared to the experimental results obtained in the current study. Monotonic tests of bucket foundations under lateral loading until failure are compared with existing...


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    Bambang Setiarso


    Full Text Available Masalah Y2K temyata membuat pusing manusia yang menggunakan komputer untuk memasuki milenium ketiga mendatang, pasalnya adalah adanya suatu bahaya yang mengancam seluruh sistem yang operasionalnya menggunakan teknologi informasi (komputer. Ancamanini adalah masalah pemrogaman komputer hanya 2 karakter (digit dalam mempresentasikan tahun, dikenal dengan ancaman "millennium bug" atau masalah Y2K (problem tahun 2000. Masalah ini menyebabkan sistem komputer, bisa perangkat keras, perangkat lunaknya yang menyimpan tahun dengan format dua angka, tidak dapat membedakan tahun 2000 dengan tahun 1900 karena keduanya sama-sama direpresentasikan oleh sistem komputer menjadi angka 00.Sekarang kita lihat dulu pengertian teknologi informasi yang lebih holistikyaitu: teknologi informasi mencakup komponen teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengolah, menyimpan, dan menyampaikan informasi.


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    Cindy Novianty


    Full Text Available Responsive web design merupakan sebuah desain website yang dapat menyesuaikan tiap ukuran pada tiap device. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa responden menyatakan 62% responden setuju jika beberapa website yang belum mampu menyesuaikan ukuran tampilan web, 54% responden setuju bahwa desain yang responsive mempengaruhi faktor kenyamanan responden, 60% responden setuju bahwa konten utama dan fungsionalitas dari website yang sulit diakses melalui perangkat mobile, 56% responden setuju bahwa tampilan website yang kurang responsive berpengaruh buruk terhadap faktor kenyamanan responden, 52% responden setuju bahwa website yang belum mampu menyesuaikan ukuran pada tiap perangkat mobile. Dari hasil review tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa website yang tidak responsive mempengaruhi ketidak nyamanan para pengguna untuk mengakses informasi melalui website online.


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    Wilis Kaswidjanti


    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan atas kebutuhan akan adanya alat bantu bagi petani dalam menentukan hama/penyakit pada tanaman sayuran/palawija serta bagaimana mengendalikannya agar tidak keliru dalam memakai peptisida. Alat bantu tersebut merupakan sistem pakar yang selain untuk mendiagnosis, sistem ini diharapkan mampu memberikan saran-saran pengendalian. Pada dasarnya perangkat lunak ini terdiri atas 2 bagian utama, yaitu bagian input basis pengetahuan, dan bagian konsultasi. Keputusan yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode aturan. Metode inferensi yang digunakan adalah metode inferensi fuzzy dengan defuzzifikasi menggunakan metode max-min dan center average. Keluaran dari perangkat lunak ini adalah jenis hama/penyakit yang menyerang tanaman dan saran pengendaliannya sesuai dengan besar kerusakan yang dialami oleh tanaman tersebut.

  18. Analisis Redaman Pada Jaringan FTTH (Fiber To The Home Dengan Teknologi GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network Di PT MNC Kabel Mediacom

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    Minal Abral


    Full Text Available iber optic merupakan teknologi yang menyediakan kapasitas bandwith besar dengan kecepatan tinggi, tidak dipengaruhi interferensi gelombang elektromagnetik, Sejalan dengan berkembang secara pesatnya penggunaan serat optik sebagai medium penghantar, ada kemungkinan terjadinya hilang informasi akibat kerugian dari pemanjangan kabel fiber optic ataupun penyambungan kabel fiber optic, kerugian tersebut yaitu redaman. Dalam penerapan metode link power budget, perhitungan redaman dilakukan dengan data yang diperoleh berdasarkan standarisasi dan pengukuran menggunakan perangkat optical power meter. Hasil analisa perhitungan, sistem mampu dalam keadaan normal menggunakan layanan gigabit passive optical network dapat diterima oleh perangkat akhir jaringan fiber to the home pada pelanggan perusahaan PT MNC Kabel Mediacom yang berada di Kelurahan Jati RW 02 Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur.

  19. Analisis Penggunaan Uang Elektronik Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang (Studi Kasus: Uang Elektronik Brizzi

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    Didin Elok Parastiti


    Full Text Available This research aimed to describe the interest of students on the use of BRIZZI electronic money. This research is qualitative descriptive by using case study method or approach. The results showed that integrated KTM (Student Identity Card does not increase the use of BRIZZI electronic money among students. Interest of students on the use of BRIZZI electronic money as a means of payment is still very low.

  20. MRI of discoid lateral meniscus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Yutaka; Ootani, Masatoshi; Furukawa, Tomoaki; Yamamoto, Tadatsuka; Tomoda, Kaname; Tsukaguchi, Isao; Mitomo, Masanori.


    We retrospectively reviewed the MR examinations of 10 patients (17 knees) with surgically documented discoid lateral meniscus of the knee joint. As MRI of the knee is being used more often, the criteria for diagnosis of this entity with MRI need to be established. We tried to define MRI criteria for the detection of discoid menisci by performing numerical measurements of MR images on a display screen. The transverse diameter of the midbody of a discoid lateral meniscus averaged 21.9 mm (normal control: 8.6 mm), and its proportion to the transverse width of the tibia averaged 29.4% (normal control: 12.0%). The measurable difference in height between the discoid and the medial meniscus was negligible. The number of sagittal sections on which the anterior and posterior horns connected varied from two to five in cases of discoid lateral meniscus, and from zero to two in normal controls. Among these parameters, the transverse diameter and its proportion of the transverse width of the tibia proved to be the most reliable. We concluded that a discoid meniscus is indicated if a transverse diameter of a lateral meniscus exceeds 15 mm (proportion to the tibia: 20%). (author)

  1. Radiographic and Clinical Analysis of Lateral Epicondylitis. (United States)

    Shillito, Matthew; Soong, Maximillian; Martin, Nicholas


    The literature suggests that radiographs may be unnecessary in the initial evaluation of lateral epicondylitis because treatment is rarely altered as a result of the radiographic findings. The most commonly reported radiographic finding is calcification at the lateral epicondyle. Our goal was to perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of this finding to determine its importance and possible relationship with various clinical factors and patient-reported measures. All patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis by a single surgeon during a 5-year period were retrospectively reviewed. Age, sex, laterality, hand dominance, pain visual analog scale, duration of symptoms, Quick-Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire score, and history of steroid injection were recorded. Calcifications on standard elbow radiographs, acquired digitally and viewed at 200% magnification on a 24-inch monitor, were characterized by size and relationship with the lateral epicondyle. We reviewed 245 patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis. A total of 115 elbows (47%) demonstrated lateral epicondyle calcifications. Patients with and without calcifications were similar with regard to clinical factors, as were patients with larger or smaller lesions. Eighty-five elbows (35%) had additional radiographic findings. Treatment was not altered by the radiographic findings in any case. Lateral epicondyle calcifications are much more common in lateral epicondylitis than previously reported, possibly owing to modern digital radiography and magnification, although they do not appear to be related to clinical factors including patient-reported measures. Thus, patients and surgeons should be careful to avoid overinterpretation of such findings. Although radiographs may be helpful in ruling out additional pathology, we did not find other clinically important contributions to the initial evaluation and management of this condition, and thus we do not recommend their routine use. Diagnostic IV. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Pedestrian-induced lateral vibrations of footbridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingólfsson, Einar Thór

    by pedestrians during walking on a laterally moving treadmill. Two different conditions are investigated; initially the treadmill is fixed and then it is laterally driven in a sinusoidal motion at varying combinations of frequencies (0.33 – 1.07 Hz) and amplitudes (4.5 – 48mm). The experimental campaign involved...... is triggered. This disproportionate increase in the lateral vibration response is caused by a dynamic interaction between the pedestrian and the laterally moving structure, although the governing mechanism which generates the load is still disputed. In this thesis, a comprehensive literature review...... 71 test subjects who covered approximately 55 km of walking distributed on almost 5000 individual tests. An in-depth analysis of the movement of the pedestrians that participated in the experimental campaign reveal that synchronisation is not a pre-condition for the ix development of large amplitude...

  3. Stamina in later life. (United States)

    Colerick, E J


    Patterns of aging raise a number of important questions concerning the paths to successful adaptation. What gives some older individuals their staying power in the face of misfortune? What causes others to function less effectively when stressed, to resist change? Clearly, the margin of safety, the degree of elasticity and resilience varies across individuals in the later years. This study focuses on event histories and current behavior of 62 elderly men and women (Phase I) and reports by their confidants (N = 62; Phase II). A central proposition, that stamina in later life depends, in part, on the appraisal of previous events involving loss is investigated using a model that incorporates aspects of earlier life, cognitive appraisal and clinically judged dimensions of stamina in old age. Multivariate (particularly path analytic) techniques are used to test the links between variable foci. Results suggest that antecedents of stamina involve the interaction of social resources and cognitive orientations. Specifically, stamina in later life is contingent, for the most part, on a triumphant, positive outlook during periods of adversity. Elderly so oriented are also those with robust health histories and marked educational accomplishments. Conversely, persons who view situations involving loss as threatening, overwhelming and potentially defeating experience no such outcome; low levels of stamina mark their later years. Interestingly, quality childhood ties matter for stamina in old age only by increasing the likelihood of perceptions of a supportive environment during hard times. The findings corroborate the general pattern of research documenting the importance of cognitive orientations in adaptive processes.

  4. Lateral cervical puncture for cervical myelography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seol, Hae Young; Cha, Sang Hoon; Kim, Yoon Hwan; Suh, Won Hyuck


    Eleven cervical myelograms were performed by lateral cervical puncture using Metrizamide. So, following results were obtained: 1. Site of lateral cervical puncture; Posterior one third of bony cervical canal at C 1-2 level. 2. Advantages as compared with lumbar puncture for cervical myelograms; 1) Small amount of contrast media 2) Excellent image 3) Less position charge 4) Short time 5) Well visualization of superior margin of obstructive lesion in spinal canal 3. Cessation of lateral cervical puncture, when; 1) Pain during injection of contrast media 2) Localized collection of contrast media

  5. Lateral cervical puncture for cervical myelography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seol, Hae Young; Cha, Sang Hoon; Kim, Yoon Hwan; Suh, Won Hyuck [Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Eleven cervical myelograms were performed by lateral cervical puncture using Metrizamide. So, following results were obtained: 1. Site of lateral cervical puncture; Posterior one third of bony cervical canal at C 1-2 level. 2. Advantages as compared with lumbar puncture for cervical myelograms; 1) Small amount of contrast media 2) Excellent image 3) Less position charge 4) Short time 5) Well visualization of superior margin of obstructive lesion in spinal canal 3. Cessation of lateral cervical puncture, when; 1) Pain during injection of contrast media 2) Localized collection of contrast media.

  6. Computerized lateral-shear interferometer (United States)

    Hasegan, Sorin A.; Jianu, Angela; Vlad, Valentin I.


    A lateral-shear interferometer, coupled with a computer for laser wavefront analysis, is described. A CCD camera is used to transfer the fringe images through a frame-grabber into a PC. 3D phase maps are obtained by fringe pattern processing using a new algorithm for direct spatial reconstruction of the optical phase. The program describes phase maps by Zernike polynomials yielding an analytical description of the wavefront aberration. A compact lateral-shear interferometer has been built using a laser diode as light source, a CCD camera and a rechargeable battery supply, which allows measurements in-situ, if necessary.

  7. Vertical and lateral heterogeneous integration (United States)

    Geske, Jon; Okuno, Yae L.; Bowers, John E.; Jayaraman, Vijay


    A technique for achieving large-scale monolithic integration of lattice-mismatched materials in the vertical direction and the lateral integration of dissimilar lattice-matched structures has been developed. The technique uses a single nonplanar direct-wafer-bond step to transform vertically integrated epitaxial structures into lateral epitaxial variation across the surface of a wafer. Nonplanar wafer bonding is demonstrated by integrating four different unstrained multi-quantum-well active regions lattice matched to InP on a GaAs wafer surface. Microscopy is used to verify the quality of the bonded interface, and photoluminescence is used to verify that the bonding process does not degrade the optical quality of the laterally integrated wells. The authors propose this technique as a means to achieve greater levels of wafer-scale integration in optical, electrical, and micromechanical devices.

  8. Lateral shifting in one dimensional chiral photonic crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    You Yuan, E-mail: [School of Physics and Electronics, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002 Jiangsu (China); Chen Changyuan [School of Physics and Electronics, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002 Jiangsu (China)


    We report the lateral shifts of the transmitted waves in a one dimensional chiral photonic crystal by using the stationary-phase approach. It is revealed that two kinds of lateral shifts are observed due to the existence of cross coupling in chiral materials, which is different from what has been observed in previous non-chiral photonic crystals. Unlike the chiral slab, the positions of lateral shift peaks are closely related to the band edges of band gap characteristics of periodic structure and lateral shifts can be positive as well as negative. Besides, the lateral shifts show a strong dependence on the chiral factor, which varies the lateral shift peaks in both magnitudes and positions. These features are desirable for future device applications.

  9. Lateral shifting in one dimensional chiral photonic crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You Yuan; Chen Changyuan


    We report the lateral shifts of the transmitted waves in a one dimensional chiral photonic crystal by using the stationary-phase approach. It is revealed that two kinds of lateral shifts are observed due to the existence of cross coupling in chiral materials, which is different from what has been observed in previous non-chiral photonic crystals. Unlike the chiral slab, the positions of lateral shift peaks are closely related to the band edges of band gap characteristics of periodic structure and lateral shifts can be positive as well as negative. Besides, the lateral shifts show a strong dependence on the chiral factor, which varies the lateral shift peaks in both magnitudes and positions. These features are desirable for future device applications.

  10. Value and pitfalls of the lateral lung scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sy, W.M.; Krol, G.; Faunce, H.; Bay, R.


    Two hundred eighty-one of 443 lung scans composed of anterior, posterior, and lateral projections (done in our hospital) demonstrated defects. In 3.9 percent of them (11 cases), the defects were delineated in the lateral views only, while in 29.2 percent (82 cases), the lateral views either outlined additional defects not appreciated on the straight views, or showed more extensive lung involvement. In the majority of instances, 56.6 percent (159 cases), the lateral views showed comparable findings and also tended to segmentally localize the defects better. However, in 10.3 percent (29 cases), defects present on the straight projections were not detected on the lateral views. Various causes that could give rise to artefactual abnormalities in the lateral lung scan and therefore inhibit its proper interpretation are reviewed and discussed. Despite these problems, the lateral may be the only view to demonstrate abnormalities and, in fact, frequently provides additional useful information

  11. Sheep laterality. (United States)

    Anderson, Dean M; Murray, Leigh W


    Turning preferences among 309 white-faced ewes were individually evaluated in an enclosed, artificially lit T-maze, followed by each ewe choosing either a right or left return alley to return to peers. Data recorded included time in the start box, time in the T-maze, exit arm chosen to leave the T-maze, and return alley. Right and left arms of the T-maze were chosen 65.7% and 34.3% of the time, respectively, while right and left return alleys were chosen 32.4% and 67.6%, respectively. Exit arm and return alley were not independently chosen (p laterality was not related (α =.05) to time of day the test was administered, ewe's age or genetics, most recent liveweight, or most recent shorn fleece weight. The mean time spent in the start box (21 s) was not related to exit arm (p =.947) or return alley (p =.779). Mean time (15 s) spent in the T-maze was not related to exit arm (p =.086) or return alley (p =.952). More research will be required to understand sheep turning laterality and how it can impact working facilities and research equipment.


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    Indrati Rahayu


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini  adalah  untuk memperoleh hasil perangkat pembelajaran matematika model DLPS dengan pendekatan PMRI yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliputi Silabus, RPP, Buku Peserta didik, LKPD dan test kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Subyek uji coba dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X semester genap SMAN 4 Semarang. Variabel penelitian meliputi keaktivan (X1 dan sikap peserta didik (X2 dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah (Y. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran   mengacu pada model Plomp, yaitu: (1 investigasi awal (prelimenary investigation, (2 perancangan (design; (3 realisasi/ kontruksi (realization/construction, (4 pengujian, evaluasi dan revisi (test, evaluation and revision, dan (5 implementasi (implementation. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan: (1 perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah dinyatakan valid dan (2 uji coba perangkat menghasilkan (a secara signifikan prestasi belajar peserta didik melebihi KKM = 70 dan lebih dari 80% peserta didik mencapai KKM yaitu 93,75%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model DLPS dengan Pendekatan PMRI bermuatan karakter untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah materi trigonometri kelas X merupakan model pembelajaran yang valid dan efektif, dan praktis.AbstractThe purpose of this study is to obtain the results of mathematical learning DLPS models with PMRI approachment charged   character that is valid, pratical and effective. The learning instruments which are developed include syllabus, lesson plan, student book, student work sheets, and problem solving abilities test. The subject of this study are the students of Senior High School 4 Semarang. The variable of this research include the activity as (X1 and the student’s attitudes as (X2. while the dependent variable is the problem solving abilities as (Y. The learning development refers to a model of Plomp i.e : (1 prelimenary investigation, (2 design, (3 realization/construction, (4 test, evaluation and revision, and (5 implementation. The result of the study shows: (1 The learning instruments that is developed is valid, (2 the result of  experimental instrument  shows : (a the individual problem solving abilities exceed the KKM value = 70  and 93,75 % of the students can achieve above the standard  of  80%. The conclusions of  this study is the  model of  Double Loop Problem Solving Learning with PMRI to enhance the Problem Solving Abilities is a Learning Model that is valid, practical and effective.

  13. Experimental and biological variation of three-dimensional transcranial Doppler measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, L L; Iversen, Helle Klingenberg


    A new transcranial Doppler system (3-D Transscan, Eden Medizinische Elektronik) was evaluated in relation to sex, age, intersubject, interobserver, side-to-side, and day-to-day variation. Fifty-eight healthy volunteers participated (aged 18-80 yr). Mean velocity was higher in females than in male...

  14. Lateral collateral ligament of the elbow joint

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Bo Sanderhoff; Vaesel, M T; Søjbjerg, Jens Ole


    The structure and kinematics of the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow joint were investigated in 10 cadaveric specimens. The lateral collateral ligament was observed to be a distinct part of the lateral collateral ligament complex. It contains posterior fibers that pass through the annular....... Division of the posterolateral capsule caused no further laxity. Cutting the lateral collateral ligament induced a maximum laxity of 11.8 degrees at 110 degrees of flexion in forced varus and a maximum laxity of 20.6 degrees at 110 degrees of flexion in forced external rotation. The corresponding maximal...... posterior radial head translation was observed at 80 degrees to 100 degrees of flexion and was 5.7 mm in forced varus and 8.1 mm in forced external rotation. This study suggests the lateral collateral ligament to be an important stabilizer of the humeroulnar joint and the radial head in forced varus...

  15. Vehicle lateral dynamics stabilization using active suspension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Drobný V.


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the investigation of active nonlinear suspension control in order to stabilize the lateral vehicle motion in similar way as systems like ESP do. The lateral stabilization of vehicle based on braking forces can be alternatively provided by the different setting of suspension forces. The basis of this control is the nonlinear property of the tyres. The vehicle has at least four wheels and it gives one or more redundant vertical forces that can be used for the different distribution of vertical suspension forces in such a way that resulting lateral and/or longitudinal forces create the required correction moment for lateral dynamic vehicle stabilization.

  16. IFLA- Ülkelerin En İyi On Resimli Çocuk Kitapları Listesi Projesi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhittin Gürbüz


    Full Text Available IFLA Çocuklar ve Genç Yetişkinler Bölümü, her ülkenin kütüphanecileri tarafından belirlenen en iyi on resimli kitap, The World Through Picture Books1 projesini 2011 yılında başlatmış bulunmaktadır. Şimdiye kadar 36 ülkenin yer aldığı projeye, Türkiye 37. ülke olarak katılmıştır. Proje çerçevesinde, Türkiye’deki tüm kütüphaneciler tarafından, elektronik oylama yöntemiyle en iyi on resimli çocuk kitabı seçilmiştir. Bu makalede, projenin yayınlanan elektronik kataloğundan yararlanılarak, proje hakkında bilgi verilmekte ve Türkiye için hazırlanan en iyi on resimli kitap projesi tanıtılmaktadır.

  17. Lateral displacement in small angle multiple scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bichsel, H.; Hanson, K.M.; Schillaci, K.M. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA))


    Values have been calculated for the average lateral displacement in small angle multiple scattering of protons with energies of several hundred MeV. The calculations incorporate the Moliere distribution which does not make the gaussian approximations of the distribution in projected angle and lateral deflections. Compared to other published data, such approximations can lead to errors in the lateral displacement of up to 10% in water.

  18. Functional cerebral lateralization and dual-task efficiency-testing the function of human brain lateralization using fTCD

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lust, J. M.; Geuze, R. H.; Groothuis, A. G. G.; Bouma, A.; Bouma, J.M.


    It has been hypothesized that functional cerebral lateralization enhances cognitive performance. Evidence was found in birds and fish. Our study aimed to test this hypothesis by analyzing the relationship between cerebral lateralization and both single-task performance and dual-task efficiency in

  19. Advantages of later motherhood. (United States)

    Myrskylä, M; Barclay, K; Goisis, A


    In high-income countries childbearing has been increasingly postponed since the 1970s and it is crucial to understand the consequences of this demographic shift. The literature has tended to characterize later motherhood as a significant health threat for children and parents. We contribute to this debate by reviewing recent evidence suggesting that an older maternal age can also have positive effects. Literature linking the age at parenthood with the sociodemographic characteristics of the parents, with macrolevel interactions, and with subjective well-being. Comprehensive review of the existing literature. Recent studies show that there can also be advantages associated with later motherhood. First, whilst in past older mothers had low levels of education and large families, currently older mothers tend to have higher education and smaller families than their younger peers. Consequently, children born to older mothers in the past tended to have worse outcomes than children born to younger mothers, whilst the opposite is true in recent cohorts. Second, postponement of childbearing means that the child is born at a later date and in a later birth cohort, and may benefit from secular changes in the macroenvironment. Evidence shows that when the positive trends in the macroenvironment are strong they overweigh the negative effects of reproductive ageing. Third, existing studies show that happiness increases around and after childbirth among older mothers, whereas for younger mothers the effect does not exist or is short-lived. There are important sociodemographic pathways associated with postponement of childbearing which might compensate or even more than compensate for the biological disadvantages associated with reproductive ageing.

  20. Lateral Transpsoas Fusion: Indications and Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vishal C. Patel


    Full Text Available Spinal fusion historically has been used extensively, and, recently, the lateral transpsoas approach to the thoracic and lumbar spine has become an increasingly common method to achieve fusion. Recent literature on this approach has elucidated its advantage over more traditional anterior and posterior approaches, which include a smaller tissue dissection, potentially lower blood loss, no need for an access surgeon, and a shorter hospital stay. Indications for the procedure have now expanded to include degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, degenerative scoliosis, nonunion, trauma, infection, and low-grade spondylolisthesis. Lateral interbody fusion has a similar if not lower rate of complications compared to traditional anterior and posterior approaches to interbody fusion. However, lateral interbody fusion has unique complications that include transient neurologic symptoms, motor deficits, and neural injuries that range from 1 to 60% in the literature. Additional studies are required to further evaluate and monitor the short- and long-term safety, efficacy, outcomes, and complications of lateral transpsoas procedures.

  1. Septum formation of the lateral ventricles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celik, Hakan H.; Aldur, Mustafa M.; Tatar, I.; Tascioglu, A.B.


    In an MRI study examining anomalies of the septum pellucidum in 505 cases, we detected bilateral septum formation of the lateral ventricles in a 17-months-old-baby. In this study, we evaluate 505 (242 males and 263 females) patients referred to the Emaray Imaging Center, Ankara, Turkey with various prediagnoses. We specially selected all the cases from a non-psychotic population. We obtained MRI scans on a 1-Tesla imager (Picker International, Highland Heights, Ohio, USA), with slices of 5 and 6 mm thickness. In the axial and coronal sections, we observed septum formation laterally between the anterior horn and the ventricular body of the lateral ventricles. Radio opaque septum formations started from the caudate nucleus and stretched to the genu of the corpus callosum. There was a second septum formation between the posterior horn and the ventricular body of the right lateral ventricle. It started from the caudate nucleus and stretched to the cavum vergae. (author)

  2. Language Lateralization Shifts with Learning by Adults (United States)

    Plante, Elena; Almryde, Kyle; Patterson, Dianne K.; Vance, Christopher J.; Asbjørnsen, Arve E.


    For the majority of the population, language is a left hemisphere lateralized function. During childhood, a pattern of increasing left lateralization for language has been described in brain imaging studies, suggesting this trait develops. This development could reflect change due to brain maturation or change due to skill acquisition, given that children acquire and refine language skills as they mature. We test the possibility that skill acquisition, independent of age-associated maturation can result in shifts in language lateralization in classic language cortex. We imaged adults exposed to unfamiliar language during three successive fMRI scans. Participants were then asked to identify specific words embedded in Norwegian sentences. Exposure to these sentences, relative to complex tones, resulted in consistent activation in the left and right superior temporal gyrus. Activation in this region became increasingly left lateralized with repeated exposure to the unfamiliar language. These results demonstrate that shifts in lateralization can be produced in the short-term within a learning context, independent of maturation. PMID:25285756

  3. Absence of lateral palpebral raphe in Caucasians

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucy Goold


    Full Text Available Lucy Goold1, Hirohiko Kakizaki1,2,3, Raman Malhotra3, Dinesh Selva11South Australian Institute of Ophthalmology and Discipline of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Aichi Medical University, Nagakute, Aichi, Japan; 3Corneoplastic Unit and Eye Bank, Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust, East Grinstead, West Sussex, United KingdomAbstract: Classical anatomical teaching reports the presence of the lateral palpebral raphe formed at the union in the preseptal and orbital parts of the orbicularis oculi muscle, or by the tendon adhering these to the underlying zygomatic bone. The lateral palpebral raphe has been shown to be absent in Asian cadavers. The current study uses both evidence from the anatomical dissection of five eyelids from three Caucasian cadavers, and histological assessment of the lateral canthus of 13 eyelids from seven Caucasian cadavers to illustrate the absence of the lateral palpebral raphe in Caucasian population.Keywords: lateral palpebral raphe, orbicularis oculi muscle, Caucasian, cadavers

  4. Lateral Pharyngeal Diverticulum presenting with Dysphagia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lateral pharyngeal diverticulum (Pharyngocele) is the protrusion of pharyngeal mucosa through the pharyngeal wall, usually through either of two weak areas in the pharyngeal wall as an acquired or congenital case. Lateral diverticula are very rare and not to be mistaken for the rather more frequent and abundantly ...

  5. Analisis Tekuk Lateral Pipa Gas Bawah Laut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitrotul Laeli Hidayaturrohmah


    Full Text Available To prevent solidification on the pipeline, hydrocarbon is transferred in high temperature and high pressure. High presure and temperature lead to axial tension appearence along the pipeline. Interaction between soil and the surface of pipeline trigering frictional resistance which holding axial force on the pipeline and could cause the occurence of global buckling. According to DNV RP F110, global buckling may occur in several directions which one of them is in the lateral direction. Lateral buckling usually occurs only in the exposed pipe which occurs when the compressive force on the pipe imperfection released at one point so that the excess force in the slip zone turn into buckling. According to DNV RP F 110, there are three methods of analysis that can be used to perform the analysis of lateral buckling the pipe. Those are methods of Hobbs, Van GAF, and Spinazle. In this paper, lateral buckling analysis performed on a 7.67 km subsea gas pipeline by using Hobbs method which concluded that the pipeline has the potential to lateral buckling. Analysis by using software ABAQUS was also carried out to determine the location of the lateral buckling which is the location where overstressed occur.

  6. Start Later, Sleep Later: School Start Times and Adolescent Sleep in Homeschool vs. Public/Private School Students (United States)

    Meltzer, Lisa J.; Shaheed, Keisha; Ambler, Devon


    Homeschool students provide a naturalistic comparison group for later/flexible school start times. This study compared sleep patterns and sleep hygiene for homeschool students and public/private school students (grades 6-12). Public/private school students (n=245) and homeschool students (n=162) completed a survey about sleep patterns and sleep hygiene. Significant school group differences were found for weekday bedtime, wake time, and total sleep time, with homeschool students waking later and obtaining more sleep. Homeschool students had later school start times, waking at the same time that public/private school students were starting school. Public/private school students had poorer sleep hygiene practices, reporting more homework and use of technology in the hour before bed. Regardless of school type, technology in the bedroom was associated with shorter sleep duration. Later school start times may be a potential countermeasure for insufficient sleep in adolescents. Future studies should further examine the relationship between school start times and daytime outcomes, including academic performance, mood, and health. PMID:25315902

  7. Differential bilingual laterality: mythical monster found in Wales. (United States)

    Evans, Judith; Workman, Lance; Mayer, Peter; Crowley, Kevin


    Paradis (1992) likens studies of bilingual laterality to reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster, in that although some studies claim differential laterality much conflicting research evidence does not-and like the mythical Scottish monster, what reason have we to suspect that any such phenomenon might exist? This study reexamines differential bilingual laterality using four groups of English-Welsh bilinguals which differ in their age of acquisition and in their environment of acquisition. Using a split visual field paradigm we present evidence which, supports the notion of greater right hemisphere processing in a later learned language. Our findings also suggest the pattern of lateralization in bilinguals is strongly affected by the specific language environment during development such that the shift toward greater right hemisphere involvement for the later learned language will be more pronounced in individuals which are brought up in areas where that language is not regularly heard.

  8. Eye-hand laterality and right thoracic idiopathic scoliosis. (United States)

    Catanzariti, Jean-François; Guyot, Marc-Alexandre; Agnani, Olivier; Demaille, Samantha; Kolanowski, Elisabeth; Donze, Cécile


    The adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) pathogenesis remains unknown. Certain studies have shown that there is a correlation between manual laterality and scoliotic deviation. A full study of manual laterality needs to be paired with one for visual dominance. With the aim of physiopathological research, we have evaluated the manual and visual laterality in AIS. A retrospective study from prospective data collection is used to evaluate the distribution of eye-hand laterality (homogeneous or crossed) of 65 right thoracic AIS (mean age 14.8 ± 1.8 years; mean Cobb angle: 32.8°) and a control group of 65 sex and age-matched (mean age 14.6 ± 1.8 years). The manual laterality was defined by the modified Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. The evaluation of the visual laterality is done using three tests (kaleidoscope test, hole-in-the-card test, distance-hole-in-the-card test). The group of right thoracic AIS presents a significantly higher frequency of crossed eye-hand laterality (63 %) than the control group (63 vs. 29.2 %; p laterality is "right hand dominant-left eye dominant" (82.9 %). There is no relationship with the Cobb angle. Those with right thoracic AIS show a higher occurrence of crossed eye-hand laterality. This could point physiopathological research of AIS towards functional abnormality of the optic chiasma through underuse of cross visual pathways, and in particular accessory optic pathways. It would be useful to explore this by carrying out research on AISs through neuroimaging and neurofunctional exploration.

  9. Orbitotomía lateral mediante abordaje temporal Lateral orbitotomy using a temporal approach

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    H. Herencia Nieto


    Full Text Available La orbitotomía lateral sigue siendo en el momento actual la técnica quirúrgica de elección para la biopsia o extirpación de lesiones intraorbitarias laterales al nervio óptico, la biopsia del propio nervio óptico y la extirpación de la glándula lacrimal. Se han descrito múltiples incisiones cutáneas para llevar a cabo esta intervención; la más frecuentemente empleada por el momento es la incisión palpebral, que discurre a nivel de alguna arruga del párpado superior. Aunque los resultados obtenidos con esta incisión suelen ser aceptables, no está exenta de complicaciones, ni estéticas ni funcionales. Por esto, en los últimos años han ido apareciendo nuevas incisiones que intentan evitar estas complicaciones. Entre estas nuevas vías de abordaje a la pared lateral de la órbita se encuentra la incisión temporal. En los últimos 3 años, se ha intervenido en nuestro servicio a cuatro pacientes para llevar a cabo biopsia o extirpación de masas intraorbitarias mediante orbitotomía lateral, siempre a través de una incisión temporal. En todos los casos esta incisión permitió una amplia exposición del campo quirúrgico y la cómoda realización de la intervención, obteniéndose resultados estéticos y funcionales excelentes, y sin ninguna secuela ni complicación permanente. La complicación específica más frecuente de esta incisión es la paresia de la rama frontal del nervio facial. Una técnica de disección cuidadosa suele ser suficiente para evitarla. Todo esto hace que esta incisión, tal y como la describimos aquí, sea de elección para llevar a cabo la orbitotomía lateral, constituyendo en nuestro criterio una alternativa perfectamente válida y a tener en cuenta frente a las incisiones «clásicas», a las que llega a superar en muchos aspectos.The lateral orbitotomy it still the surgical technique of choice for biopsies or the removal of intraorbital lesions that are lateral to the optic nerve, for biopsies of the optic nerve itself and for removing the lacrimal gland. Many skin incisions have been described for carrying out this surgical procedure, the most common at this moment being the upper eyelid crease incision. Although the results obtained with this incision tend to be acceptable, they are not exempt of complications, either aesthetic or functional. Over the last years new incisions have appeared that try to avoid these complications. Among the new approach routes to the lateral wall of the orbit is the temporal incision. Over the last three years four patients have undergone surgical procedures in order to carry out biopsies or for the removal of intraorbital masses by means of an incision into the temple. In all cases the incision permitted ample exposure of the surgical field and performing the procedure with ease. Excellent aesthetic and functional results were obtained with no sequelae or permanent complications. The most common complication that is specific to this incision is paresthesia of the frontal branch of the facial nerve. A careful dissection technique tends to be sufficient for avoiding this. In our view this incision, as we describe it, is the incision of choice for carrying out a lateral orbitotomy and we conclude that in our view it is a perfectly valid technique and one that should be considered with regard to the «classical» incisions, as in many aspects it surpasses these.

  10. Laterality of basic auditory perception. (United States)

    Sininger, Yvonne S; Bhatara, Anjali


    Laterality (left-right ear differences) of auditory processing was assessed using basic auditory skills: (1) gap detection, (2) frequency discrimination, and (3) intensity discrimination. Stimuli included tones (500, 1000, and 4000 Hz) and wide-band noise presented monaurally to each ear of typical adult listeners. The hypothesis tested was that processing of tonal stimuli would be enhanced by left ear (LE) stimulation and noise by right ear (RE) presentations. To investigate the limits of laterality by (1) spectral width, a narrow-band noise (NBN) of 450-Hz bandwidth was evaluated using intensity discrimination, and (2) stimulus duration, 200, 500, and 1000 ms duration tones were evaluated using frequency discrimination. A left ear advantage (LEA) was demonstrated with tonal stimuli in all experiments, but an expected REA for noise stimuli was not found. The NBN stimulus demonstrated no LEA and was characterised as a noise. No change in laterality was found with changes in stimulus durations. The LEA for tonal stimuli is felt to be due to more direct connections between the left ear and the right auditory cortex, which has been shown to be primary for spectral analysis and tonal processing. The lack of a REA for noise stimuli is unexplained. Sex differences in laterality for noise stimuli were noted but were not statistically significant. This study did establish a subtle but clear pattern of LEA for processing of tonal stimuli.


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    Rachmadi Usman


    Full Text Available Payment transactions with electronic money were conducted by transferring the fund electronically to merchant terminal, which would directly subtract the value of electronic money on electronic device managed by the owner. The characteristic of electronic money are as follows: to be deposited in advance to the issuer; the sum of money is electronically deposited in a particular medium, it can be card or other communication instrument; its function is as a non cash payment instrument to merchant not to the issuer of electronic money; and the sum of electronic money does not constitute saving product because it does not include in those guaranteed by Deposit Guarantor and it is not given any interest or reward. Electronic money is essentially cashless money, whose monetary value comes from the value of money deposited in advance to the publisher, then stored electronically in an electronic media such as server (hard drive or chip card, which functions as a Non-cash payment instrument to the non-electronic issuer concerned. The monetary value of the electronic money is in electronic form (electronic value obtained by redeeming a sum of cash or debiting his account in the bank and then stored electronically in electronic media in the form of a stored value card.

  12. Comparison of reliability of lateral cephalogram and computed ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    of malocclusion and airway space using lateral cephalogram and computed tomography (CT) and to compare its reliability. To obtain important information on the morphology of the soft palate on lateral cephalogram and to determine its etiopathogenesis in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Materials and Methods: Lateral ...

  13. Carrier illumination measurement of dopant lateral diffusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budiarto, E.; Segovia, M.; Borden, P.; Felch, S.


    This paper describes the application of the carrier illumination technique to non-destructively measure the lateral diffusion of implanted dopants after annealing. Experiments to validate the feasibility of this method employed test structures with a constant line width of 300 nm and varying undoped spaces of 100-5000 nm. The test patterns were implanted with a p-type dopant and annealed in a 3 x 3 matrix. For each implant condition, the measured lateral diffusion was found to increase with annealing temperature, as expected. More interestingly, the lateral diffusion was not observed to relate to the vertical diffusion by a fixed proportionality factor, as is usually assumed. The ratio of lateral to vertical diffusion varies with annealing temperature, with a trend that depends on the implant condition

  14. Laterality influences schooling position in rainbowfish, Melanotaenia spp. (United States)

    Bibost, Anne-Laurence; Brown, Culum


    Cerebral lateralization is a widespread trait among animals, is often manifested as side biases in behaviour (laterality) and has been suggested to provide fitness benefits. Here we examined the influence of laterality on the organisation of fish schools using rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp) as model species. The pattern and strength of laterality for each individual was determined by examining eye preferences whilst examining their reflection in a mirror. Schools of four fish of known laterality were then created and the preferred position for each fish within the school was repeatedly observed in a flume. Fish which showed right eye preferences in the mirror test preferentially adopted a position on the left side of the school. Conversely, fish that showed left eye preferences in the mirror test or where non-lateralised preferentially adopted a position slightly to the right side of the school. However, this general pattern varied depending on the species and sex of the school. Our results strongly implicate individual laterality in the geometry of school formation.

  15. Association between the Brain Laterality, Gender and Birth Season

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Baghdasarians


    Full Text Available Objective: in recent years different hypotheses with respect to the formation of cerebral laterality were proposed. Some of the researchers claim that cerebral dominance and laterality are determined by genetic factors, just as the case with eye color and blood type. However, another group states that in addition to genetic factors, environmental factors, too, have a remarkable role in hemispheric dominance and lateral dominance. Hence, the present research was designed to study the relationship between 1- lateral dominance and birth season 2- lateral dominance and gender. "n "nMethod:1355(girls and boys fifth graders from the 19 educational regions of Tehran were selected using multi stage cluster sampling in the 2003-2004 school year. Coren lateral preference and personal information questionnaire were applied. "nResults:The following results were obtained at the level of ل=0.05 and probability of 95%. There were significant association between lateral dominance and birth season, between lateral dominance and gender, between ambidexterity and birth season, between non-genetic sinistrality and birth season, between dexterality and gender, between ambidexterity and gender, between genetic sinistrality and gender. There were no significant associations between dexterality and birth season, genetic sinistrality and birth season, between non-genetic sinistrality and gender. "nConclusion: The gestational environmental factors can have significant effect on the formation of lateral dominance and cerebral laterality.

  16. Lateral step initiation behavior in older adults


    Sparto, Patrick J; Jennings, J Richard; Furman, Joseph M; Redfern, Mark S


    Older adults have varied postural responses during induced and voluntary lateral stepping. The purpose of the research was to quantify the occurrence of different stepping strategies during lateral step initiation in older adults and to relate the stepping responses to retrospective history of falls. Seventy community-ambulating older adults (mean age 76 y, range 70–94 y) performed voluntary lateral steps as quickly as possible to the right or left in response to a visual cue, in a blocked de...

  17. Comparative investigation of methods for determining the lateral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this study, the lateral stiffness of coupled RC shear walls is studied using the continuum method, equivalent frame and finite element methods. For this purpose, asix-story coupled shear walls with typical dimensions are considered and the lateral displacements of system are calculated under a variety of lateral loads such ...

  18. One-dimensional breakdown voltage model of SOI RESURF lateral power device based on lateral linearly graded approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jun; Guo Yu-Feng; Xu Yue; Lin Hong; Yang Hui; Hong Yang; Yao Jia-Fei


    A novel one-dimensional (1D) analytical model is proposed for quantifying the breakdown voltage of a reduced surface field (RESURF) lateral power device fabricated on silicon on an insulator (SOI) substrate. We assume that the charges in the depletion region contribute to the lateral PN junctions along the diagonal of the area shared by the lateral and vertical depletion regions. Based on the assumption, the lateral PN junction behaves as a linearly graded junction, thus resulting in a reduced surface electric field and high breakdown voltage. Using the proposed model, the breakdown voltage as a function of device parameters is investigated and compared with the numerical simulation by the TCAD tools. The analytical results are shown to be in fair agreement with the numerical results. Finally, a new RESURF criterion is derived which offers a useful scheme to optimize the structure parameters. This simple 1D model provides a clear physical insight into the RESURF effect and a new explanation on the improvement in breakdown voltage in an SOI RESURF device. (paper)

  19. Mechatronic Carlab - Eine System-Entwicklungsumgebung mit realen und virtuellen mechatronischen Fahrzeug-Komponenten


    Bünte, Tilman


    Bei der Entwicklung mechatronischer Komponenten sind verschiedene Ingenieurdisziplinen beteiligt: Das Fachwissen auf dem Gebiet Mechanik, Elektronik und Informatik ist gefragt, wenn auf kleinem Raum die unterschiedlichsten Funktionen zu einem Produkt integriert werden. Beim DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen hat diese Technologie schon Tradition - ein großes Anwendungsfeld ist inzwischen die Fahrzeugtechnik

  20. Lateral shift in one-dimensional quasiperiodic chiral photonic crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Da, Jian, E-mail: [Department of Information Engineering, Huaian Senior Vocational and Technical School, Feiyao road, Huaian 223005, Jiangsu Province (China); Mo, Qi, E-mail: [School of Software, Yunnan University, Cuihu Bai Road, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650091 (China); Cheng, Yaokun [Department of Information Engineering, Huaian Senior Vocational and Technical School, Feiyao road, Huaian 223005, Jiangsu Province (China); Liu, Taixiang [Taishan Vocational College of Nursing, Shandong Province 271000 (China)


    We investigate the lateral shift of a one-dimensional quasiperiodic photonic crystal consisting of chiral and conventional dielectric materials. The effect of structural irregularity on lateral shift is evaluated by stationary-phase approach. Our results show that the lateral shift can be modulated by varying the structural irregularity in quasiperiodic structure. Besides, the position of peak in lateral shift spectrum stays sensitive to the chiral factor of chiral materials. In comparison with that of periodic structure, quasiperiodic structure provides an extra degree of freedom to manipulate the lateral shift.

  1. Lateral positioning for critically ill adult patients. (United States)

    Hewitt, Nicky; Bucknall, Tracey; Faraone, Nardene M


    Critically ill patients require regular body position changes to minimize the adverse effects of bed rest, inactivity and immobilization. However, uncertainty surrounds the effectiveness of lateral positioning for improving pulmonary gas exchange, aiding drainage of tracheobronchial secretions and preventing morbidity. In addition, it is unclear whether the perceived risk levied by respiratory and haemodynamic instability upon turning critically ill patients outweighs the respiratory benefits of side-to-side rotation. Thus, lack of certainty may contribute to variation in positioning practice and equivocal patient outcomes. To evaluate effects of the lateral position compared with other body positions on patient outcomes (mortality, morbidity and clinical adverse events) in critically ill adult patients. (Clinical adverse events include hypoxaemia, hypotension, low oxygen delivery and global indicators of impaired tissue oxygenation.) We examined single use of the lateral position (i.e. on the right or left side) and repeat use of the lateral position (i.e. lateral positioning) within a positioning schedule. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2015, Issue 5), MEDLINE (1950 to 23 May 2015), the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (1937 to 23 May 2015), the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED) (1984 to 23 May 2015), Latin American Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) (1901 to 23 May 2015), Web of Science (1945 to 23 May 2015), Index to Theses in Great Britain and Ireland (1950 to 23 May 2015), Trove (2009 to 23 May 2015; previously Australasian Digital Theses Program (1997 to December 2008)) and Proquest Dissertations and Theses (2009 to 23 May 2015; previously Proquest Digital Dissertations (1980 to 23 May 2015)). We handsearched the reference lists of potentially relevant reports and two nursing journals. We included randomized and quasi-randomized trials examining effects of lateral positioning in critically ill adults. We included manual or automated turns but limited eligibility to studies that included duration of body position of 10 minutes or longer. We examined each lateral position versus at least one comparator (opposite lateral position and/or another body position) for single therapy effects, and the lateral positioning schedule (repeated lateral turning) versus other positioning schedules for repetitive therapy effects. We pre-specified methods to be used for data collection, risk of bias assessment and analysis. Two independent review authors carried out each stage of selection and data extraction and settled differences in opinion by consensus, or by third party adjudication when disagreements remained unresolved. We planned analysis of pair-wise comparisons under composite time intervals with the aim of considering recommendations based on meta-analyses of studies with low risk of bias. We included 24 studies of critically ill adults. No study reported mortality as an outcome of interest. Two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examined lateral positioning for pulmonary morbidity outcomes but provided insufficient information for meta-analysis. A total of 22 randomized trials examined effects of lateral positioning (four parallel-group and 18 cross-over designs) by measuring various continuous data outcomes commonly used to detect adverse cardiopulmonary events within critical care areas. However, parallel-group studies were not comparable, and cross-over studies provided limited data as the result of unit of analysis errors. Eight studies provided some data; most of these were single studies with small effects that were imprecise. We pooled partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) as a measure to detect hypoxaemia from two small studies of participants with unilateral lung disease (n = 19). The mean difference (MD) between lateral positions (bad lung down versus good lung down) was approximately 50 mmHg (MD -49.26 mmHg, 95% confidence interval (CI) -67.33 to -31.18; P value patients. Research gaps include the effectiveness of lateral positioning compared with semi recumbent positioning for mechanically ventilated patients, lateral positioning compared with prone positioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and less frequent changes in body position. We recommend that future research be undertaken to address whether the routine practice of repositioning patients on their side benefits all, some or few critically ill patients.

  2. Anatomical predisposition of the ankle joint for lateral sprain or lateral malleolar fracture evaluated by radiographic measurements. (United States)

    Lee, Kyoung Min; Chung, Chin Youb; Sung, Ki Hyuk; Lee, SeungYeol; Kim, Tae Gyun; Choi, Young; Jung, Ki Jin; Kim, Yeon Ho; Koo, Seung Bum; Park, Moon Seok


    Injury mechanism and the amount of force are important factors determining whether a fracture or sprain occurs at the time of an ankle inversion injury. However, the anatomical differences between the ankle fracture and sprain have not been investigated sufficiently. This study was performed to investigate whether an anatomical predisposition of the ankle joint results in a lateral malleolar fracture or lateral ankle sprain. Two groups of consecutive patients, one with lateral malleolar fracture (274 patients, mean age 49.0 years) and the other with lateral ankle sprain (400 patients, mean age 38.4 years), were evaluated. Ankle radiographs were examined for 7 measures: distal tibial articular surface (DTAS) angle, bimalleolar tilt (BT), medial malleolar relative length (MMRL), lateral malleolar relative length (LMRL), medial malleolar slip angle (MMSA), anterior inclination of tibia (AI), and fibular position (FP). After an interobserver reliability test, the radiographic measurements were compared between the 2 groups. Linear regression analysis was performed to correct for age and sex effects between the groups. The fracture group and the sprain group showed significant differences in BT (P = .001), MMSA (P sprain groups showed a significant difference in BT (P = .001), MMRL (P ankle sprain group. Further 3-dimensional assessment of the bony structure and subsequent biomechanical studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of injury according to the various types of ankle fractures and ankle sprain. Level III, retrospective comparative study. © The Author(s) 2014.

  3. Lateral flow assays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Posthuma-Trumpie, G.A.; Amerongen, van A.


    A simple version of immunochemical-based methods is the Lateral Flow Assay (LFA). It is a dry chemistry technique (reagents are included); the fluid from the sample runs through a porous membrane (often nitrocellulose) by capillary force. Typically the membrane is cut as a strip of 0.5*5 cm. In most

  4. Ultrasonographic findings of lateral epicondylitis of humerus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Joon Hyuk; Ha, Doo Heo [Pundang CHA Univ., Seongnam (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the ultrasonographic findings of lateral epicondylitis and their relationship with clinical outcome. The findings of ultrasonographic examinations of eighteen elbow joints in 15 patients (M:F=5:10; age:38-65(mean, 47.6) years) with lateral epicondylitis were reviewed. Two patients underwent surgery, two were not treated, and the remaining 11 were treated conservatively. Symptomatic improvement was noted 1 week after conservative treatment in two cases, at 2 weeks in five cases, at 3 weeks in three cases, and at 5 weeks in one case. With patients in the 90 degree flexed elbow position and in a supinated wrist, weexamined the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon around the lateral epicondyle using ultrasound equipment with a 7-11 MHz linear transducer. The findings were assessed in terms of swelling of the tendon, changes in its echotexture, the presence of calcification of cystic degeneration, loss of the hypoechoic band between the tendon and bony cortex of the lateral epicondyle, cortical irregularity of the lateral epicondyle, and fluid collection around the tendon. Any relationships between each ultrasonographic finding and the treatment interval after which symptomatic improvement was noted were evaluated. In the 18 joints, change was heterogeneous hypoechogenicity in 13, and heterogeneous mixed echogenicity in three. Other ultrasonographic findings were swelling of the tendon in ten cases, loss of the hypoechoic band in 14, cortical irregularity in five, calcification in four, cystic degeneration in nine, and fluid collection around the tendon in four. In patients treated conservatively, there was no statistically significant difference between each ultrasonographic finding and the treatment interval after which symptomatic improvement was noted. Ultrasonography can be used to assess changes in the ECRB tendon and lateral epicondyle occurring in lateral epicondylitis, but fails to provide information on the rapidity of symptomatic improvement.

  5. Ultrasonographic findings of lateral epicondylitis of humerus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Joon Hyuk; Ha, Doo Heo


    To evaluate the ultrasonographic findings of lateral epicondylitis and their relationship with clinical outcome. The findings of ultrasonographic examinations of eighteen elbow joints in 15 patients (M:F=5:10; age:38-65(mean, 47.6) years) with lateral epicondylitis were reviewed. Two patients underwent surgery, two were not treated, and the remaining 11 were treated conservatively. Symptomatic improvement was noted 1 week after conservative treatment in two cases, at 2 weeks in five cases, at 3 weeks in three cases, and at 5 weeks in one case. With patients in the 90 degree flexed elbow position and in a supinated wrist, weexamined the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon around the lateral epicondyle using ultrasound equipment with a 7-11 MHz linear transducer. The findings were assessed in terms of swelling of the tendon, changes in its echotexture, the presence of calcification of cystic degeneration, loss of the hypoechoic band between the tendon and bony cortex of the lateral epicondyle, cortical irregularity of the lateral epicondyle, and fluid collection around the tendon. Any relationships between each ultrasonographic finding and the treatment interval after which symptomatic improvement was noted were evaluated. In the 18 joints, change was heterogeneous hypoechogenicity in 13, and heterogeneous mixed echogenicity in three. Other ultrasonographic findings were swelling of the tendon in ten cases, loss of the hypoechoic band in 14, cortical irregularity in five, calcification in four, cystic degeneration in nine, and fluid collection around the tendon in four. In patients treated conservatively, there was no statistically significant difference between each ultrasonographic finding and the treatment interval after which symptomatic improvement was noted. Ultrasonography can be used to assess changes in the ECRB tendon and lateral epicondyle occurring in lateral epicondylitis, but fails to provide information on the rapidity of symptomatic improvement

  6. Possible evolutionary origins of cognitive brain lateralization. (United States)

    Vallortigara, G; Rogers, L J; Bisazza, A


    Despite the substantial literature on the functional architecture of the asymmetries of the human brain, which has been accumulating for more than 130 years since Dax and Broca's early reports, the biological foundations of cerebral asymmetries are still poorly understood. Recent advances in comparative cognitive neurosciences have made available new animal models that have started to provide unexpected insights into the evolutionary origins and neuronal mechanisms of cerebral asymmetries. Animal model-systems, particularly those provided by the avian brain, highlight the interrelations of genetic, hormonal and environmental events to produce neural and behavioural asymmetries. Novel evidences showing that functional and structural lateralization of the brain is widespread among vertebrates (including fish, reptiles and amphibians) have accumulated rapidly. Perceptual asymmetries, in particular, seem to be ubiquitous in everyday behaviour of most species of animals with laterally placed eyes; in organisms with wider binocular overlap (e.g., amphibians), they appear to be retained for initial detection of stimuli in the extreme lateral fields. We speculate that adjustment of head position and eye movements may play a similar role in mammals with frontal vision as does the choice for right or left lateral visual fields in animals with laterally placed eyes. A first attempt to trace back the origins of brain asymmetry to early vertebrates is presented, based on the hypothesis that functional incompatibility between the logical demands associated with very basic cognitive functions is central to the phenomenon of cerebral lateralization.

  7. Management of chronic lateral instability due to lateral collateral ligament deficiency after total knee arthroplasty: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petersilge William J


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Lateral instability following total knee arthroplasty (TKA is a rare condition with limited report of treatment options. The objective of this case presentation is to demonstrate the outcomes of different surgical procedures performed in a single patient with lateral collateral ligament (LCL deficiency. Case presentation We present a case of chronic lateral instability due to LCL deficiency after primary TKA in a 47-year-old Caucasian woman with an obesity problem. Multiple treatment options have been performed in order to manage this problem, including the following: ligament reconstruction; combined ligament reconstruction and constrained implant; and rotating-hinge knee prosthesis that was the most recent surgery. All ligament reconstruction procedures failed within one year. The varus-valgus constrained prosthesis provided stability for six years. Conclusions Ligament reconstruction alone cannot provide enough stability for the treatment of chronic lateral instability in patients with obesity problems and LCL deficiency. When the reconstruction fails, a salvage procedure with rotating-hinge knee is still available.

  8. Later zaaien kost opbrengst

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alblas, J.


    Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het uitstellen van het zaaitijdstip op de gewasproductie en op opbrengstderving, bijvoorbeeld doordat de grond later bewerkt kan worden door een hogere grondwaterstand als gevolg van peilverhoging

  9. Contributions to lateral balance control in ambulatory older adults. (United States)

    Sparto, Patrick J; Newman, A B; Simonsick, E M; Caserotti, P; Strotmeyer, E S; Kritchevsky, S B; Yaffe, K; Rosano, C


    In older adults, impaired control of standing balance in the lateral direction is associated with the increased risk of falling. Assessing the factors that contribute to impaired standing balance control may identify areas to address to reduce falls risk. To investigate the contributions of physiological factors to standing lateral balance control. Two hundred twenty-two participants from the Pittsburgh site of the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study had lateral balance control assessed using a clinical sensory integration balance test (standing on level and foam surface with eyes open and closed) and a lateral center of pressure tracking test using visual feedback. The center of pressure was recorded from a force platform. Multiple linear regression models examined contributors of lateral control of balance performance, including concurrently measured tests of lower extremity sensation, knee extensor strength, executive function, and clinical balance tests. Models were adjusted for age, body mass index, and sex. Larger lateral sway during the sensory integration test performed on foam was associated with longer repeated chair stands time. During the lateral center of pressure tracking task, the error in tracking increased at higher frequencies; greater error was associated with worse executive function. The relationship between sway performance and physical and cognitive function differed between women and men. Contributors to control of lateral balance were task-dependent. Lateral standing performance on an unstable surface may be more dependent upon general lower extremity strength, whereas visual tracking performance may be more dependent upon cognitive factors. Lateral balance control in ambulatory older adults is associated with deficits in strength and executive function.

  10. Development of prenatal lateralization: evidence from fetal mouth movements. (United States)

    Reissland, N; Francis, B; Aydin, E; Mason, J; Exley, K


    Human lateralized behaviors relate to the asymmetric development of the brain. Research of the prenatal origins of laterality is equivocal with some studies suggesting that fetuses exhibit lateralized behavior and other not finding such laterality. Given that by around 22weeks of gestation the left cerebral hemisphere compared to the right is significantly larger in both male and female fetuses we expected that the right side of the fetal face would show more movement with increased gestation. This longitudinal study investigated whether fetuses from 24 to 36weeks of gestation showed increasing lateralized behaviors during mouth opening and whether lateralized mouth movements are related to fetal age, gender and maternal self-reported prenatal stress. Following ethical approval, fifteen healthy fetuses (8 girls) of primagravid mothers were scanned four times from 24 to 36-gestation. Two types of mouth opening movements - upper lip raiser and mouth stretch - were coded in 60 scans for 10min. We modeled the proportion of right mouth opening for each fetal scan using a generalized linear mixed model, which takes account of the repeated measures design. There was a significant increase in the proportion of lateralized mouth openings over the period increasing by 11% for each week of gestational age (LRT change in deviance=10.92, 1df; pgender differences were found nor was there any effect of maternally reported stress on fetal lateralized mouth movements. There was also evidence of left lateralization preference in mouth movement, although no evidence of changes in lateralization bias over time. This longitudinal study provides important new insights into the development of lateralized mouth movements from 24 to 36 weeks of gestation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Prenatal and pubertal testosterone affect brain lateralization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beking, T; Geuze, R H; van Faassen, M; Kema, I P; Kreukels, B P C; Groothuis, T G G

    After decades of research, the influence of prenatal testosterone on brain lateralization is still elusive, whereas the influence of pubertal testosterone on functional brain lateralization has not been investigated, although there is increasing evidence that testosterone affects the brain in

  12. Lateral human-structure interaction on footbridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingólfsson, Einar Thór; Georgakis, Christos; Ricciardelli, Francesco


    generated by pedestrians during walking on an instrumented moving treadmill. The treadmill was driven sinusoidally in a lateral motion at various vibration frequencies and amplitudes. Visual observations made during the experiments and testimonies from the walkers, as well as subsequent analysis of video...... recordings, suggested that synchronisation is not as pronounced as generally believed. To confirm this, further analyses were undertaken on the walking patterns of 10 test subjects that were instrumented with waist-mounted tri-axial accelerometers. In this paper, the results from these tests are presented....... The tests reveal that synchronisation is not a pre-condition for the development of large amplitude lateral vibrations on footbridges, as walking frequencies and phase angles remain largely unaffected by lateral motion at most frequencies and amplitudes. Instead, large amplitude vibrations are the result...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Rahmawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian berfokus pada implementasi pembelajaran model outdoor mathematics dalam group investigation bermuatan karakter untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid kemudian diperoleh pembelajaran yang praktis dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model four-D. Perangkat yang dikembangkan meliputi: Silabus, RPP, Buku Ajar Siswa (BAS, Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS, dan Tes Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah (TKPM. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas X SMA Kesatrian 2 Semarang. Klasifikasi perangkat yang dikembangkan tergolong valid. Respon positif siswa berminat mengikuti pembelajaran 94,74% dan guru memberi komentar sangat baik, sehingga perangkat pembelajaran praktis untuk digunakan. Hal ini berakibat keterampilan kooperatif dan sikap belajar siswa lebih baik, karena kedua variabel tersebut secara bersama memberikan pengaruh sebesar 73,2% terhadap TKPM siswa. Proporsi siswa yang mencapai KKM lebih dari 75 sehingga tuntas secara klasikal serta hasil KPM siswa pada pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis pemecahan masalah lebih baik dibanding KPM siswa pada pembelajaran konvensional. Dengan demikian pembelajaran efektif.The study focuses on the implementation of model outdoor math in group investigation includes characteristic to improve the skill of problem solving. The purpose of this study was obtain a valid learning device then practical and effective learning was gained. This research is the development of the four-D models. The developed instrumen includes: Syllabus, Lesson Plan, Student Test Book, Worksheet, and Problem Solving Skill Test. The experiment is undertaken to the X graders students of Kesatrian 2 Senior High School Semarang. Classification of devices developed quite valid. The positive response of students interested in learning to follow and 94.74% and the teacher give the good comment so the  instrumen was practical to use. This resulted in cooperative skills and attitudes students learn better, because these two variables together influence TKPM 73,2% of the students. The proportion of students who achieve more than 75 KKM so thoroughly in the classical and the results KPM students in cooperative learning problem-solving based KPM better than students in conventional learning. Thus, effective learning.


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    E. D. Hastuti


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan perangkat pembelajaran terpadu modelintegrated bermuatan pendidikan karakter untuk meningkatkan kemampuanpemecahan masalah siswa yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pengembangan perangkatpembelajaran pada penelitian ini menggunakan modofikasi model Thiagarajan.Data TKPM diolah menggunakan t test, uji proporsi z, regresi sederhana, danuji Gain. Pengembangan perangkat menghasilkan: (1 Perangkat valid diperolehskor rata-rata silabus 3,80; RPP 3,87; buku siswa 3,64; LKS 3,58; dan TKPM 3,39dan keseluruhannya dalam kategori “valid”. (2 Perangkat praktis yang dilihatdari pengamatan pengelolaan pembelajaran 3,83 (baik, dan respon siswa 86,21%(sangat positif, (3 pembelajaran efektif  (a TKPM 76,94 melampaui KKM 70dan mencapai ketuntasan klasikal lebih dari 80%, (b Rata-rata hasil TKPMmodel integrated lebih dari rata-rata hasil TKPM dengan metode konvensional, (cAktivitas peserta didik berpengaruh positif  terhadap TKPM sebesar 89,8%, dan (dAda peningkatan yang cukup signifikan pretest 42,18 dan posttest 76,94.AbstractThe purpose of  this study to obtain the integrated learning model of  integrated chargedcharacter education to enhance students’ problem solving abilities are valid, practical, andeffective. The development of  learning tools in this study using a modification of  the modelThiagarajan. TKPM data processed using t-test, z test of  proportion, simple regression, andtest Gain. Software development produces: (1 a valid device obtained an average score of  3.80syllabus; RPP 3.87; BSS 3.64; LKS 3.58, and 3.39 and its overall TKPM in the categoryof  “valid”. (2 practical tools in the observation of  the learning management 3.83 (good,and 86.21% student response (very positive, (3 effective learning (a 76.94 TKPM exceed70 KKM and achieve mastery over classical of  80%, (b Average results TKPM integratedmodel more than the average TKPM results with conventional methods, (c Activities learnerspositive effect on TKPM by 89.8.8%, and (d There is a significant increase pretest 42.18 andposttest 76.94.


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    Purtiana Septi Alfurofika


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model Jigsaw strategi Metakognitif untuk meningkatkan self-efficacy terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah dengan materi segi empat kelas VII valid, praktis dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan modifikasi Plomp. Jenis perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah silabus, RPP, bahan ajar, LKS, media pembelajaran, Tes Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan lembar validasi, lembar pengamatan self-efficacy dan aktifitas, Lembar angket, dan Tes Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 perangkat yang dikembangkan valid; (2 pembelajaran praktis ditandai dengan respon positif siswa dan kemampuan guru baik; (3 Efektifitas ditandai dengan (a kemampuan pemecahan masalah mencapai KKM yaitu 83,4 dan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 90,3%; (b self-efficacy dan aktifitas siswa secara bersama – sama berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah sebesar 71,9%; dan (c self-efficacy dan aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan tujuan pengembangan perangkat tercapai. The aim of this research to produce mathematics’ learning device the Jigsaw model with Metacognitive strategies for increasing self-efficacy towards problem solving ability to quadrilateral of class VII valid, practical and effective. This research is development of modifications Plomp. Kinds of learning devices are developed syllabi, lesson plans, teaching materials, worksheets, instructional media, and problem solving ability test. Technique of data collection by using validation sheet, observation sheet student’s self-efficacy and activity, questionnaire, and problem solving ability test. The results showed: (1 device developed valid; (2 practical learning is characterized by the positive response of students and good teachers ability; (3 effectiveness characterized by (a the ability of problem solving is reached KKM by 83.4 and classical completeness by 90,3%, (b self-efficacy and student activities have positive influence on the problem solving ability by 71,9%, and (d self-efficacy and student activities has increased. Based on the results of this research concluded the development goals achieved.

  16. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Multimedia Mata Kuliah Dasar Listrik

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    Imam Mustholiq


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain (1 Mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia mata kuliah Dasar Listrik yang dalam kegiatannya mencakup analisis kebutuhan, desain, penerjemahan modul hasil desain ke dalam bentuk aplikasi, pengujian terhadap perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan, pengaplikasian produk kepada pengguna dan  perbaikan serta (2 Mendapatkan unjuk kerja hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia pada mata kuliah Dasar Listrik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembanagn untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia pada mata kuliah Dasar Listrik. Prosedur penelitian yang digunakan meliputi analisis kebutuhan, desain, penerjemahan modul hasil desain ke dalam bentuk aplikasi, pengujian terhadap perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan, pengaplikasian produk kepada pengguna dan  perbaikan. Pengujian terhadap unjuk kerja hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia mata kuliah Dasar Listrik dilakukan dengan memintakan penilaian unjuk kerja media pembelajaran tersebut kepada ahli materi, ahli media dan mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain komputer multimedia dengan perangkat pendukung antara lain kamera video, kamera digital, scanner, printer dan CD writer, perangklat lunak yang digunakan antara lain system operasi Microsoft Windows XP, pengolah gambar Adobe Photoshop 6.0, pengolah animasi Macromedia Flash 5.0, Freehand, pengolah suarat Cool Edit 2000, pengolah video Ulead Vidio Studio 7.0 daN pembuat program intearaktif Authoware. Disamping itu untuk memberikan penilaian terhadapunjuk kerja hasil media pembelajaran digunakan angket. Analisi data dilakukan secara deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukan:  (a telah diperoleh hasil pengembanagn media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia pada mata kuliah dasar listrik , dengan prosedur pengembangan mencakup analisis kebutuhan, desain, penerjemahan modul hasil desain ke dalam bentuk aplikasi, pengujian terhadap perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan, pengaplikasian produk kepada pengguna dan  perbaikan. (b Hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis multimedia pada mata kulian dasar listrik mempunyai unjuk kerja yang baik, yang ditunjukan skor rata-rata penilaian yang diberikan oleh ahli media, ahli materi dan mahasiswa terhadap unjuk kerja hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif tersebut adalah 3,18 atau secara persentase sebesar 79,71%

  17. Game Bola Tangkis Berbasis Android Menggunakan App Inventor

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    Mhd Arief Hasan


    Full Text Available AbstrakBerkembangnya teknologi yang berbasis mobile sekarang ini sudah sangat maju dan sering dipakai untuk dunia Information Technology (IT, bisnis, pendidikan dan media pembelajaran. Teknologi handphone yang saat ini berkembang pesat salah satunya adalah sistem operasi Android mobile (Android OS. Android adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux yang dirancang untuk perangkat mobile layar sentuh yang memungkinkan perangkat lunak bebas dimodifikasi dan didistribusikan oleh pembuat perangkat, operator nirkabel dan pengembang aplikasi. Salah satu editor dalam pemrograman android adalah APP Inventor .App Inventor merupakan aplikasi web sumber terbuka yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh Google, dan saat ini dikelola oleh Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT. App Inventor memungkinkan pengguna baru untuk memprogram komputer untuk menciptakan aplikasi perangkat lunak bagi sistem operasi Android.  Dengan adanya kemudahan dalam pembuatan program yang disediakan oleh App Inventor yang tidak diharuskan lagi untuk menuliskan koding. Semua fasilitas itu bisa digunakan dengan menggunakan klik drag menggunakan blog diagram. Maka peneliti mengambil kasus game bola tangkis dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci : Game Bola Tangkis, Android, App Inventor AbstractThe development of mobile-based technology is now very advanced and often used for the world of Information Technology (IT, business, education and learning media. Mobile technology is currently growing rapidly one of them is the Android mobile operating system (Android OS. Android is a Linux-based operating system designed for touch-screen mobile devices that allows free software to be modified and distributed by device makers, wireless carriers and app developers. One of the editors in android programming is APP Inventor. Appper Inventor is an open source web application originally developed by Google, and is currently managed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT. App Inventor allows new users to program computers to create software applications for the Android operating system. With the ease of making the program provided by App Inventor that no longer required to write coding. All facilities that can be used by using click drag using blog diagram. So researchers took the case of badminton games in this study. Keywords : Badminton Games, Android, App Inventor.

  18. Laterality of suckling behaviour in three zebra species. (United States)

    Pluháček, Jan; Olléová, Michaela; Bartošová, Jitka; Pluháčková, Jana; Bartoš, Luděk


    Although side preference while suckling is an easily characterised lateralised behaviour, few studies have been conducted. We observed laterality in suckling behaviour in three captive zebra species to test two hypotheses: laterality affected by the foal (motor laterality) and laterality affected by the mother. In total we observed 35 foals of Grevy's, plains, and mountain zebra in two zoos and recorded 5128 successful suckling bouts and 9095 unsuccessful suckling attempts. At the population level the only factor affecting side preference of suckling bouts and attempts was the identity of the individual foal. Ten foals showed individual preferences: seven foals preferred suckling from the left side of the mother, three preferred suckling from the right side of the mother. The individual preferences increased with increasing age of the foal. Only one foal was refused more often from the opposite side than the preferred side used for suckling whereas three other foals were refused from the preferred side. Foals that preferred suckling either from left or right side were refused by the mare more often than foals which showed non-preference. Thus lateral preferences in suckling behaviour of zebra foals seem to be in line with the motor laterality hypotheses.

  19. Morphology of the dorsal and lateral calcaneocuboid ligaments. (United States)

    Dorn-Lange, Nadja V; Nauck, Tanja; Lohrer, Heinz; Arentz, Sabine; Konerding, Moritz A


    The dorsolateral calcaneocuboid ligaments have different configurations. In the literature they are only described as either the dorsal or lateral calcaneocuboid ligament. However, recent reconstructive surgical techniques may benefit from a better understanding of the anatomy. The aims of this study were to classify the morphology and attachments of the dorso-lateral calcaneocuboid ligaments and to determine their dimensions. The dorso-lateral aspects of the calcaneocuboid joint of 30 cadaver feet were dissected to expose the associated ligaments. Further, we evaluated possible bony landmarks of the calcaneus that could imply which shape or course the ligament would have in a specific individual. Our findings showed a wide variety of configurations in shape, number, and attachment sites. A constant dorsal ligament and an additional narrower lateral ligament was detectable in half of the cases. The majority of the dorso-lateral calcaneocuboid ligament-complex had an upward course and fanning out from proximal to distal. No bony predictor for the ligaments' shape or course was found. The dorso-lateral ligament-complex of the calcaneocuboid joint revealed a wide variety of configurations. Better understanding of the anatomy of these ligaments may aid in the anatomic reconstruction of these ligaments.

  20. Introduction to Single Piles under Lateral Loading

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Augustesen, Anders; Ibsen, Lars Bo

    .2). The description is based on results of laboratory tests, full-scale field tests as well as numerical investigations presented in literature. Second, general methods that attempt to model lateral pile response are discussed in section 1.4. Third, focus is paid to a widely used method for prediction of the response......The purpose of this chapter is to give a short introduction to single piles subjected to lateral loading. First, the observed behaviour of laterally loaded piles is described, i.e. the effects of loading conditions, installation procedure, pile type etc. on pile behaviour are presented (section 1...... of a lateral loaded pile, namely the Winkler approach in which the pile is modelled as an elastic beam on an elastic foundation (section 1.5). The soil response and thereby the elastic foundation is represented by springs with nonlinear behaviour (p-y curves). In section 1.6 different types and formulations...

  1. Age-Dependent Mesial Temporal Lobe Lateralization in Language FMRI (United States)

    Sepeta, Leigh N.; Berl, Madison M.; Wilke, Marko; You, Xiaozhen; Mehta, Meera; Xu, Benjamin; Inati, Sara; Dustin, Irene; Khan, Omar; Austermuehle, Alison; Theodore, William H.; Gaillard, William D.


    Objective FMRI activation of the mesial temporal lobe (MTL) may be important for epilepsy surgical planning. We examined MTL activation and lateralization during language fMRI in children and adults with focal epilepsy. Methods 142 controls and patients with left hemisphere focal epilepsy (Pediatric: epilepsy, n = 17, mean age = 9.9 ± 2.0; controls, n = 48; mean age = 9.1 ± 2.6; Adult: epilepsy, n = 20, mean age = 26.7 ± 5.8; controls, n = 57, mean age = 26.2 ± 7.5) underwent 3T fMRI using a language task (auditory description decision task). Image processing and analyses were conducted in SPM8; ROIs included MTL, Broca’s area, and Wernicke’s area. We assessed group and individual MTL activation, and examined degree of lateralization. Results Patients and controls (pediatric and adult) demonstrated group and individual MTL activation during language fMRI. MTL activation was left lateralized for adults but less so in children (p’s < 0.005). Patients did not differ from controls in either age group. Stronger left-lateralized MTL activation was related to older age (p = 0.02). Language lateralization (Broca’s and Wernicke’s) predicted 19% of the variance in MTL lateralization for adults (p = 0.001), but not children. Significance Language fMRI may be used to elicit group and individual MTL activation. The developmental difference in MTL lateralization and its association with language lateralization suggests a developmental shift in lateralization of MTL function, with increased left lateralization across the age span. This shift may help explain why children have better memory outcomes following resection compared to adults. PMID:26696589

  2. Oblique and lateral impact response of the PMHS thorax. (United States)

    Shaw, Joshua M; Herriott, Rodney G; McFadden, Joseph D; Donnelly, Bruce R; Bolte, John H


    This study characterizes the PMHS thoracic response to blunt impact in oblique and lateral directions. A significant amount of data has been collected from lateral impacts conducted on human cadavers. Substantially less data has been collected from impacts that are anterior of lateral in an oblique direction. In the past, data collected from the handful of oblique impact studies were considered to be similar enough to the data from purely lateral impacts such that the oblique data were combined with data from lateral impacts. Defining the biomechanical response of the PMHS thorax to oblique impact is of great importance in side impact vehicle crashes where the loading is often anterior-oblique in direction. Data in this study was obtained from a chestband placed on the thorax at the level of impact to measure thoracic deflection. Two low energy impacts were conducted on each of seven subjects at 2.5 m/s, with one lateral impact and one oblique impact to opposite sides of each PMHS. Data was normalized using the Mertz-Viano method for a two mass system to allow for inter-subject comparisons. Force versus deflection response corridors were generated for the two impact types using an objective mathematical approach and compared to one another. Results were also compared to existing data for oblique and lateral thoracic impacts. The oblique thoracic response in low speed pendulum impacts was found to be different than the lateral thoracic response, in terms of force and deflection. Specifically, the lateral force was greater than the oblique force, and oblique deflection greater than lateral deflection for equal energy impacts.

  3. Relationship between creativity and laterality in Early Childhood Education

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    Full Text Available In primary education is essential to know and develop methodologies using the development of creativity and laterality in the process of teaching and learning in our student. It is an ideal place to study the relationship between these variables period. As we understand creativity as an integral part of all the languages in which student in early childhood education (verbal and written language, plastic body… are expressed, for all languages represent a creative process, a way to communicate with others, either verbal or written form, plastic. All these forms of communication is also related to another concept as laterality. It is essential to identify and examine the importance of laterality and dominations in kindergarten because all these processes are required before accessing other languages such as literacy. The objective of this study is to describe the relationship between creativity and laterality in Early Childhood Education. This has been evaluated 60 children in the second cycle of Infant Education and creativity variables defined and undefined laterality. In the development of this research test Torrance Creative Thinking (1974 of figurative expression and the test of laterality of the neuropsychological test (2011 it was applied. The results show that most of the student have defined laterality with 75%. These student earn higher average scores on each component of creativity, the group with undefined laterality and more creativity than the group with undefined laterality.

  4. Measurement of the lateral recess angle as a possible alternative for evaluation of the lateral recess stenosis on a CT scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strojnik, T.


    Stenosis of the lateral recess in the lumbar spinal canal is a clinical problem, especially in terms of surgical management. Criteria for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of lateral recess stenosis (LRS) are not clearly defined. Several authors have suggested measurement of the lateral recess height (LRH) on computed tomography (CT) scans as a helpful tool for making decisions in regard of management. The present study is based an the assumption that measurement of the lateral recess angle (LRA) may be useful in the clinical management of lateral recess stenosis. The reliability and significance of the results have been analyzed. In 35 patients, the stenosis was confirmed by intraoperative measurement of the lateral recess height. Fifty-three affected lateral recesses were analyzed. Before surgery, the heights on CT scans were measured. The mean value was 3.3 mm (SD = 0.9 mm), while 41 of them were 3.6 mm or less. Furthermore, the angles on CT scans were evaluated. The mean value was 25.9 degrees (SD = 4.9 degrees), 48 of them were 30 degrees or less and only 5 of them achieved more than 30 degrees. Results reveal that the best quantitative determination of a lateral recess stenosis is a CT scan angle measurement with a critical value of 30 degrees. A CT scan height of 3.6 mm or less is also indicative of stenosis. Statistical evaluation of the data by multiple regression analysis revealed agreement between intraoperative findings and measured heights (p = 0.02), while even better results were noted for angles (p < 0.01). Interfacet distance (IF) was found to be least predictive (p = 0.04). (author)


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    Yuris Setyoadi


    Full Text Available Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM adalah sebuah teknologi aplikasi yang menggunakan perangkat lunak komputer dan mesin untuk memfasilitasi dan mengotomatisasi proses manufaktur. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM adalah penerus dari Computer Aided Engineering (CAE dan sering digunakan bersama dengan Computer-Aided Design (CAD. Bidang manufaktur, perangkat komputer telah dipergunakan untuk mengontrol mesin-mesin produksi otomatis dengan ketepatan tinggi, misalnya mesin CNC. ?é?áArtikel ini membahas tentang penggunaan software CAD-CAM (SOLIDWorks dan CAMWorks yang terintegrasi kemudian diaplikasikan ke mesin bubut CNC yang menggunakan software Mach3, Mach3 adalah software yang bisa mengubah komputer dekstop menjadi sebuah piranti kontroller mesin CNC. Software SOLIDWorks, CAMWorks dan Mach3 diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem operasi mesin bubut CNC sehingga proses koreksi dan modifikasi format perintah gerakan dalam G/M code dapat dilakukan dalam software tersebut.

  6. Rancang Bangun Penerima Sinyal Berbasis Komunikasi Nirkabel Untuk Monitoring Kualitas Air

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    Rahadian Sri Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Sebagian besar pengusaha tambak udang atau ikan di Indonesia tidak mengetahui bagaimana keadaan tambaknya. Hal ini karena kurangnya informasi yang tersedia dari kondisi tambak mereka masing-masing. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penyedia informasi keadaan tambak secara detail untuk memaksimalkan potensi dari tambak tersebut. Informasi tersebut dapat berupa parameter kualitas air seperti pH, konduktifitas, oksigen terlarut (Disolved Oxigen, DO, dan temperatur. Dalam kegiatan ini telah dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan sistem monitoring kualitas air. Sistem yang dibuat terdiri atas sensor, sistem elektronik, komunikasi nirkabel, dan data logger. Dengan teknologi komunikasi nirkabel menggunakan XBEE PRO tentu akan jauh mempermudah pemantauan kondisi tambak. Sinyal yang dikirim dari pengirim sinyal diterima dalam bentuk paket data pada penerima sinyal. Langsung diolah menjadi data sesuai parameter. Dengan bantuan modem GSM/GPRS SIM908 yang dipasang pada perangkat keras menjadikan alat tersebut memiliki kemampuan untuk mengirimkan data yang telah diolah ke server agar ditampilkan di aplikasi android, web, maupun via SMS (Short Message Service. Most entrepreneur of shrimp or fish ponds in Indonesia do not know the condition of the pond. This is due to the lack of information available on the condition of their respective ponds. Thus they need information providers of the ponds in detail to maximize the potential of these ponds. Such information may include water quality parameters such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO, and temperature. These activities was be carried out in the design and manufacture of water quality monitoring system. The system created consists of sensors, electronic systems, wireless communications, and data logger. With wireless communication technology using XBee PRO would be much easier to spot the condition of the pond. A signal is sent from the sender's signal was received in the form of data packets on the receiving signal. Directly processed into data corresponding parameter. With the help of a modem GSM / GPRS SIM908 installed on hardware to make these tools have the ability to transmit data that has been processed to the server to be displayed on the android app, web, or via SMS (Short Message Service.

  7. Perancangan dan Realisasi Web-Based Data Logging System menggunakan ATmega16 melalui Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP

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    Full Text Available Abstrak Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP merupakan protokol jaringan pada lapisan aplikasi TCP/IP yang menjadi dasar komunikasi pada World Wide Web (WWW. Penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan web-based data logging system yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan aturan HTTP, sehingga perangkat elektronik dapat berkomunikasi dengan website secara langsung. Sistem dirancang dengan dua sub sistem utama yaitu website data logger dan website. Data logger direalisasikan menggunakan ATMega16 yang diintegrasikan dengan sumber data analog dan digital, RTC serta modem GSM. Data logger berfungsi sebagai pengirim data, sedangkan website berfungsi sebagai pengatur, penerima, pengolah dan penyaji data. Sistem ini telah berhasil melakukan komunikasi antara data logger dengan website melalui HTTP, artinya protokol ini dapat diimplementasikan pada data logger yang menggunakan ATmega16. Perubahan data analog dan status logika 0 dan 1 dari data digital yang terjadi pada data logger dapat dilihat pada tampilan di website. Kata kunci:  basis data, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP, website, protokol jaringan. Abstract Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP is an application layer network protocols in TCP/IP is the basis of communication on the World Wide Web (WWW. This research was to design and realize a web-based data logging system that aims to introduce the rules of HTTP, so that electronic devices could communicate with the website directly. The system was designed with two main sub-system, namely data logger and website. The data logger was realized using ATmega16 are integrated with analog and digital data sources, RTC and a GSM modem. Data logger function as the sender of data, while the website functions as regulator, receiver, processing and presenter data. This system had been successfully perform communication between the data logger to a website via HTTP, meaning that this protocol could be implemented on a data logger that uses ATmega16. Website could receive and process the data transmitted by the data logger and organize system entities. Changes in analog data and status logic 0 and 1 of digital data could be seen on display at the website. Keywords: database, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP, network protocol, website.

  8. Counterforce Orthosis In The Management Of Lateral Epicondylitis. (United States)

    Vellilappilly, Daison Varghese; Rai, Heroor Ravindranath; Varghese, Jaison; Renjith, Vishnu


    Lateral Epicondylitis (LE), is a condition characterized by the pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. LE is commonly seen among people who are involved in sports such as tennis and golf. Any activity that repeatedly overstrains the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon can lead to LE. The management of lateral epicondylitis generally involves the use of counterforce orthosis. The aim of this review is to summarize the evidence regarding the effectiveness of counterforce orthoses on the clinical outcomes of patients with lateral epicondylitis. The PubMed, Ovid, and ProQuest databases were searched for potential studies which explored the use of counterforce orthosis in the management of lateral epicondylitis. To have a better understanding of the effectiveness of various types of orthoses, the review is organized into four sections. The first section explores the use of a single orthotic device, the second section focuses on the combined use of orthotic devices, the third section explore studies that compared the effect of local steroid injection along with orthosis and the last section narrate the studies that compared various types of orthotic devices. The studies support the use of orthotic devices as a treatment modality for lateral epicondylitis. There is rising evidence which supports the use of a comprehensive approach, (by combining routine physiotherapy with orthotic devices) in the management of LE. Orthosis alone or in combination with routine physical therapy can be considered as an evidence-based treatment strategy for patients with lateral epicondylitis. However, on the basis of the literature review conducted, the authors recommend that further high-quality clinical trials regarding the management of lateral epicondylitis are necessary to strengthen the evidence-based physiotherapy practice.

  9. Diageotropica and lateral rooting, the rest of the story (United States)

    The nature of the control of lateral root initiation has been controversial for 80+ years. A mutant tomato (diageotropica), incapable of producing lateral roots, was first classified as ethylene requiring since exceptionally low concentrations of ethylene, applied to the shoot, stimulated lateral r...

  10. Conserved gene regulatory module specifies lateral neural borders across bilaterians. (United States)

    Li, Yongbin; Zhao, Di; Horie, Takeo; Chen, Geng; Bao, Hongcun; Chen, Siyu; Liu, Weihong; Horie, Ryoko; Liang, Tao; Dong, Biyu; Feng, Qianqian; Tao, Qinghua; Liu, Xiao


    The lateral neural plate border (NPB), the neural part of the vertebrate neural border, is composed of central nervous system (CNS) progenitors and peripheral nervous system (PNS) progenitors. In invertebrates, PNS progenitors are also juxtaposed to the lateral boundary of the CNS. Whether there are conserved molecular mechanisms determining vertebrate and invertebrate lateral neural borders remains unclear. Using single-cell-resolution gene-expression profiling and genetic analysis, we present evidence that orthologs of the NPB specification module specify the invertebrate lateral neural border, which is composed of CNS and PNS progenitors. First, like in vertebrates, the conserved neuroectoderm lateral border specifier Msx/vab-15 specifies lateral neuroblasts in Caenorhabditis elegans Second, orthologs of the vertebrate NPB specification module ( Msx/vab-15 , Pax3/7/pax-3 , and Zic/ref-2 ) are significantly enriched in worm lateral neuroblasts. In addition, like in other bilaterians, the expression domain of Msx/vab-15 is more lateral than those of Pax3/7/pax-3 and Zic/ref- 2 in C. elegans Third, we show that Msx/vab-15 regulates the development of mechanosensory neurons derived from lateral neural progenitors in multiple invertebrate species, including C. elegans , Drosophila melanogaster , and Ciona intestinalis We also identify a novel lateral neural border specifier, ZNF703/tlp-1 , which functions synergistically with Msx/vab- 15 in both C. elegans and Xenopus laevis These data suggest a common origin of the molecular mechanism specifying lateral neural borders across bilaterians.

  11. Should the lateral chest radiograph be routinely performed?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osman, Fatuma; Williams, Imelda


    Background: The chest x-ray is one of the most common plain film radiographic examinations performed. Inclusion of the lateral chest radiograph varies internationally and nationally across radiology departments and states in Australia. Search strategy: A search strategy of the databases Cochrane Library, Ovid Medline/Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Science Direct was conducted. The results were restricted to those published between 1985 and 2013 and those published in English. The following search terms were used: ‘lateral chest’, ‘radiograph’, ‘digital radiography’, ‘chest x-ray’, ‘plain film radiography’, ‘ionising radiation’. The results were restricted to publications with these terms in the title, abstract and/or keywords. Main findings: There are few national or international guidelines pertaining to the inclusion of the lateral chest x-ray as routine. Primary concerns are the increased radiation dose associated with the additional chest view and reduction of medical imaging services cost. Modern digital imaging systems result in a lower radiation dose. The diagnostic yield of the lateral chest x-ray is highly dependent on the clinical indications of the patient. Further research into the routine inclusion of the lateral chest x-ray is recommended. Conclusion: Review of the literature suggests that the lateral chest radiograph should not be performed routinely unless clinically indicated

  12. Is performance better when brain functions are typically lateralized?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geuze, Reint; Zickert, Nele; Beking, Tess; Groothuis, Antonius


    Lateralization refers to the dominant involvement of one homologous region of the brain over the other in functional task performance. Direction and strength of lateralization depend on the functional task. It is well known that language is lateralized to the left hemisphere, even in most

  13. Lateral step initiation behavior in older adults. (United States)

    Sparto, Patrick J; Jennings, J Richard; Furman, Joseph M; Redfern, Mark S


    Older adults have varied postural responses during induced and voluntary lateral stepping. The purpose of the research was to quantify the occurrence of different stepping strategies during lateral step initiation in older adults and to relate the stepping responses to retrospective history of falls. Seventy community-ambulating older adults (mean age 76 y, range 70-94 y) performed voluntary lateral steps as quickly as possible to the right or left in response to a visual cue, in a blocked design. Vertical ground reaction forces were measured using a forceplate, and the number and latency of postural adjustments were quantified. Subjects were assigned to groups based on their stepping strategy. The frequency of trials with one or two postural adjustments was compared with data from 20 younger adults (mean age 38 y, range 21-58 y). Logistic regression was used to relate presence of a fall in the previous year with the number and latency of postural adjustments. In comparison with younger adults, who almost always demonstrated one postural adjustment when stepping laterally, older adults constituted a continuous distribution in the percentage of step trials made with one postural adjustment (from 0% to 100% of trials). Latencies of the initial postural adjustment and foot liftoff varied depending on the number of postural adjustments made. A history of falls was associated a larger percentage of two postural adjustments, and a longer latency of foot liftoff. In conclusion, the number and latency of postural adjustments made during voluntary lateral stepping provides additional evidence that lateral control of posture may be a critical indicator of aging. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Manual lateralization in macaques: handedness, target laterality and task complexity. (United States)

    Regaiolli, Barbara; Spiezio, Caterina; Vallortigara, Giorgio


    Non-human primates represent models to understand the evolution of handedness in humans. Despite several researches have been investigating non-human primates handedness, few studies examined the relationship between target position, hand preference and task complexity. This study aimed at investigating macaque handedness in relation to target laterality and tastiness, as well as task complexity. Seven pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were involved in three different "two alternative choice" tests: one low-level task and two high-level tasks (HLTs). During the first and the third tests macaques could select a preferred food and a non-preferred food, whereas by modifying the design of the second test, macaques were presented with no-difference alternative per trial. Furthermore, a simple-reaching test was administered to assess hand preference in a social context. Macaques showed hand preference at individual level both in simple and complex tasks, but not in the simple-reaching test. Moreover, target position seemed to affect hand preference in retrieving an object in the low-level task, but not in the HLT. Additionally, individual hand preference seemed to be affected from the tastiness of the item to be retrieved. The results suggest that both target laterality and individual motivation might influence hand preference of macaques, especially in simple tasks.

  15. Lateralization of Resting State Networks and Relationship to Age and Gender (United States)

    Agcaoglu, O.; Miller, R.; Mayer, A.R.; Hugdahl, K.; Calhoun, V.D.


    Brain lateralization is a widely studied topic, however there has been little work focused on lateralization of intrinsic networks (regions showing similar patterns of covariation among voxels) in the resting brain. In this study, we evaluate resting state network lateralization in an age and gender-balanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) dataset comprising over 600 healthy subjects ranging in age from 12 to 71. After establishing sample-wide network lateralization properties, we continue with an investigation of age and gender effects on network lateralization. All data was gathered on the same scanner and preprocessed using an automated pipeline (Scott et al., 2011). Networks were extracted via group independent component analysis (gICA) (Calhoun, Adali, Pearlson, & Pekar, 2001). Twenty-eight resting state networks discussed in previous (Allen et al., 2011) work were re-analyzed with a focus on lateralization. We calculated homotopic voxelwise measures of laterality in addition to a global lateralization measure, called the laterality cofactor, for each network. As expected, many of the intrinsic brain networks were lateralized. For example, the visual network was strongly right lateralized, auditory network and default mode networks were mostly left lateralized. Attentional and frontal networks included nodes that were left lateralized and other nodes that were right lateralized. Age was strongly related to lateralization in multiple regions including sensorimotor network regions precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus and supramarginal gyrus; and visual network regions lingual gyrus; attentional network regions inferior parietal lobule, superior parietal lobule and middle temporal gyrus; and frontal network regions including the inferior frontal gyrus. Gender showed significant effects mainly in two regions, including visual and frontal networks. For example, the inferior frontal gyrus was more right lateralized in males. Significant effects of age were found in sensorimotor and visual networks on the global measure. In summary, we report a large-sample of lateralization study that finds intrinsic functional brain networks to be highly lateralized, with regions that are strongly related to gender and age locally, and with age a strong factor in lateralization, and gender exhibiting a trend-level effect on global measures of laterality. PMID:25241084

  16. Lateralization of resting state networks and relationship to age and gender. (United States)

    Agcaoglu, O; Miller, R; Mayer, A R; Hugdahl, K; Calhoun, V D


    Brain lateralization is a widely studied topic, however there has been little work focused on lateralization of intrinsic networks (regions showing similar patterns of covariation among voxels) in the resting brain. In this study, we evaluate resting state network lateralization in an age and gender-balanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) dataset comprising over 600 healthy subjects ranging in age from 12 to 71. After establishing sample-wide network lateralization properties, we continue with an investigation of age and gender effects on network lateralization. All data was gathered on the same scanner and preprocessed using an automated pipeline (Scott et al., 2011). Networks were extracted via group independent component analysis (gICA) (Calhoun et al., 2001). Twenty-eight resting state networks discussed in previous (Allen et al., 2011) work were re-analyzed with a focus on lateralization. We calculated homotopic voxelwise measures of laterality in addition to a global lateralization measure, called the laterality cofactor, for each network. As expected, many of the intrinsic brain networks were lateralized. For example, the visual network was strongly right lateralized, auditory network and default mode networks were mostly left lateralized. Attentional and frontal networks included nodes that were left lateralized and other nodes that were right lateralized. Age was strongly related to lateralization in multiple regions including sensorimotor network regions precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus and supramarginal gyrus; and visual network regions lingual gyrus; attentional network regions inferior parietal lobule, superior parietal lobule and middle temporal gyrus; and frontal network regions including the inferior frontal gyrus. Gender showed significant effects mainly in two regions, including visual and frontal networks. For example, the inferior frontal gyrus was more right lateralized in males. Significant effects of age were found in sensorimotor and visual networks on the global measure. In summary, we report a large-sample of lateralization study that finds intrinsic functional brain networks to be highly lateralized, with regions that are strongly related to gender and age locally, and with age a strong factor in lateralization, and gender exhibiting a trend-level effect on global measures of laterality. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Dalam Transaksi Jual-beli Melalui E-commerce


    Putra, Setia


    E-commerce merupakan bentukperdagangan yang mempunyaikarakteristik tersendiri yaituperdagangan yang melintasi batasnegara, tidak bertemunya penjual danpembeli, dengan menggunakan mediainternet. Lahirnya Undang-undangNomor 11 tahun 2008 tentangInformasi dan Transaksi Elektronik(UU ITE) sepertinya menjadi solusiuntuk memberikan perlindungan bagikonsumen. Dalam UU ITE telahmengatur mengenai syarat sahnyasuatu transaksi e-commerce,mengatur mengenai hak dankewajiban, perbuatan yangdilarang,tanggun...

  18. Initiation and elongation of lateral roots in Lactuca sativa (United States)

    Zhang, N.; Hasenstein, K. H.


    Lactuca sativa cv. Baijianye seedlings do not normally produce lateral roots, but removal of the root tip or application of auxin, especially indole-butyric acid, triggered the formation of lateral roots. Primordia initiated within 9 h and were fully developed after 24 h by activating the pericycle cells opposite the xylem pole. The pericycle cells divided asymmetrically into short and long cells. The short cells divided further to form primordia. The effect of root tip removal and auxin application was reversed by 6-benzylaminopurine at concentrations >10(-8) M. The cytokinin oxidase inhibitor N1-(2chloro4pyridyl)-N2-phenylurea also suppressed auxin-induced lateral rooting. The elongation of primary roots was promoted by L-alpha-(2-aminoethoxyvinyl) glycine and silver ions, but only the latter enhanced elongation of lateral roots. The data indicate that the induction of lateral roots is controlled by basipetally moving cytokinin and acropetally moving auxin. Lateral roots appear to not produce ethylene.

  19. Diagnosing Dyslexia: The Screening of Auditory Laterality. (United States)

    Johansen, Kjeld

    A study investigated whether a correlation exists between the degree and nature of left-brain laterality and specific reading and spelling difficulties. Subjects, 50 normal readers and 50 reading disabled persons native to the island of Bornholm, had their auditory laterality screened using pure-tone audiometry and dichotic listening. Results…

  20. Pengaruh Sistem Pengapian Terhadap Produk Gas Buang yang Dihasilkan oleh Motor Toyota Type 5K

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paryono Paryono


    Full Text Available Salah platina dan elektronik pada satu faktor yang menyebabkan polusi udara di sekitar kita adalah gas buang hasil pembakaran bahan bakar dan udara yang ditimbulkan oleh banyaknya kendaraan di jalan raya. Selain itu dalam rangka era globalisasi semua produsen kendaraan bermotor dituntut untuk bersaing lebih ketat dalam memproduksi kendaraan yang praktis, ekonomis, dan selalu memperhatikan aspek lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan produk emisi gas buang yang teridiri dari carbon hidrogen, carbon monoksida, dan oksigen yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotor Toyota 5K yang menggunakan sistem pengapian saat putaran rendah, menengah, dan tinggi. Sebagai objek penelitian digunakan motor Toyota 5K. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa putaran motor dan sistem pengapian ada iteraksi yang signifikan dengan F rasio = 96,966 pada p < 0,05 terhadap emisi gas buang HC dan F rasio = 12, 801 pada p < 0,05 terhadap emisi gas buang CO. Hal ini berarti bahwa pada berbagai putaran motor, produk emisi gas buang paa sistem pengapian elektronik lebih rendah daripada sistem pengapian konvensional.

  1. Inversion of a lateral log using neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, G.; Whitman, W.W.


    In this paper a technique using neural networks is demonstrated for the inversion of a lateral log. The lateral log is simulated by a finite difference method which in turn is used as an input to a backpropagation neural network. An initial guess earth model is generated from the neural network, which is then input to a Marquardt inversion. The neural network reacts to gross and subtle data features in actual logs and produces a response inferred from the knowledge stored in the network during a training process. The neural network inversion of lateral logs is tested on synthetic and field data. Tests using field data resulted in a final earth model whose simulated lateral is in good agreement with the actual log data

  2. MRI of injuries of the lateral ankle ligaments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breitenseher, Martin


    The most frequent sport injury of the ankle is located in the lateral ankle ligaments. The diagnosis of lateral collateral ankle ligament trauma is based on patient history, clinical examination, and stress radiography, allowing a fair diagnosis for the daily routine. For the direct visualization and precise diagnosis of the lateral ankle ligaments MRI provides the best answer. MRI is used with controlled positioning of the foot, correct angulation of sequenzes, and distinct analysis of MR findings. Sinus tarsi ligaments and ligaments of the distal syndesmosis should be included to the report. In selected patients MRI allows the best evaluation of the extent of the lateral ankle ligaments. MRI is the method of choice for combined osteochondral injuries and soft tissue lesions too. (orig.)

  3. Brain and behavioural lateralization in invertebrates.


    Elisa eFrasnelli


    Traditionally, only humans were thought to exhibit brain and behavioural asymmetries, but several studies have revealed that most vertebrates are also lateralized. Recently, evidence of left-right asymmetries in invertebrates has begun to emerge, suggesting that lateralization of the nervous system may be a feature of simpler brains as well as more complex ones. Here I present some examples in invertebrates of sensory and motor asymmetries, as well as asymmetries in the nervous system. I illu...

  4. Brain and behavioral lateralization in invertebrates


    Frasnelli, Elisa


    Traditionally, only humans were thought to exhibit brain and behavioral asymmetries, but several studies have revealed that most vertebrates are also lateralized. Recently, evidence of left–right asymmetries in invertebrates has begun to emerge, suggesting that lateralization of the nervous system may be a feature of simpler brains as well as more complex ones. Here I present some examples in invertebrates of sensory and motor asymmetries, as well as asymmetries in the nervous system. I illus...

  5. Laterality, spatial abilities, and accident proneness. (United States)

    Voyer, Susan D; Voyer, Daniel


    Although handedness as a measure of cerebral specialization has been linked to accident proneness, more direct measures of laterality are rarely considered. The present study aimed to fill that gap in the existing research. In addition, individual difference factors in accident proneness were further examined with the inclusion of mental rotation and navigation abilities measures. One hundred and forty participants were asked to complete the Mental Rotations Test, the Santa Barbara Sense of Direction scale, the Greyscales task, the Fused Dichotic Word Test, the Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire, and a grip strength task before answering questions related to number of accidents in five areas. Results indicated that handedness scores, absolute visual laterality score, absolute response time on the auditory laterality index, and navigation ability were significant predictors of the total number of accidents. Results are discussed with respect to cerebral hemispheric specialization and risk-taking attitudes and behavior.

  6. Does bipedality predict the group-level manual laterality in mammals? (United States)

    Giljov, Andrey; Karenina, Karina; Malashichev, Yegor


    Factors determining patterns of laterality manifestation in mammals remain unclear. In primates, the upright posture favours the expression of manual laterality across species, but may have little influence within a species. Whether the bipedalism acts the same in non-primate mammals is unknown. Our recent findings in bipedal and quadrupedal marsupials suggested that differences in laterality pattern, as well as emergence of manual specialization in evolution might depend on species-specific body posture. Here, we evaluated the hypothesis that the postural characteristics are the key variable shaping the manual laterality expression across mammalian species. We studied forelimb preferences in a most bipedal marsupial, brush-tailed bettong, Bettongia penicillata in four different types of unimanual behavior. The significant left-forelimb preference at the group level was found in all behaviours studied. In unimanual feeding on non-living food, catching live prey and nest-material collecting, all or most subjects were lateralized, and among lateralized bettongs a significant majority displayed left-forelimb bias. Only in unimanual supporting of the body in the tripedal stance the distribution of lateralized and non-lateralized individuals did not differ from chance. Individual preferences were consistent across all types of behaviour. The direction or the strength of forelimb preferences were not affected by the animals' sex. Our findings support the hypothesis that the expression of manual laterality depends on the species-typical postural habit. The interspecies comparison illustrates that in marsupials the increase of bipedality corresponds with the increase of the degree of group-level forelimb preference in a species. Thus, bipedalism can predict pronounced manual laterality at both intra- and interspecific levels in mammals. We also conclude that quadrupedal position in biped species can slightly hinder the expression of manual laterality, but the evoked biped position in quadrupedal species does not necessarily lead to the enhanced manifestation of manual laterality.

  7. Unusual Clinicoradiographic Presentation of a Lateral Periodontal Cyst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. T. Kumuda Arvind Rao


    Full Text Available The lateral periodontal cyst is an uncommon, but well-recognized type of developmental odontogenic cyst. Lateral periodontal cysts are defined as non-keratinized and non-inflammatory developmental cysts located adjacent or lateral to the root of a vital tooth. It is a relatively uncommon lesion found mostly in adults (5th to 7th decades and it is rare in young people under 30 years of age. A common site of occurrence is the mandibular premolar region. It does not have a predilection for any race or sex. Histopathologically, the lateral periodontal cyst lining is characterized by a thin cuboidal to stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium, ranging from one to five cell layers and presence of one or more epithelial thickenings or plaques.The purpose of this article is to report a case of interradicular radiolucent cystic lesion in a thirteen-year-old girl, located in a rare site of the maxillary premolar area, mimicking clinical and radiographical features of a residual cyst, but histopathologically proven to be a lateral periodontal cyst.

  8. Artificial lateral line with biomimetic neuromasts to emulate fish sensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yingchen; Chen Nannan; Tucker, Craig; Hu Huan; Liu Chang; Nguyen, Nam; Lockwood, Michael; Jones, Douglas L; Bleckmann, Horst


    Hydrodynamic imaging using the lateral line plays a critical role in fish behavior. To engineer such a biologically inspired sensing system, we developed an artificial lateral line using MEMS (microelectromechanical system) technology and explored its localization capability. Arrays of biomimetic neuromasts constituted an artificial lateral line wrapped around a cylinder. A beamforming algorithm further enabled the artificial lateral line to image real-world hydrodynamic events in a 3D domain. We demonstrate that the artificial lateral line system can accurately localize an artificial dipole source and a natural tail-flicking crayfish under various conditions. The artificial lateral line provides a new sense to man-made underwater vehicles and marine robots so that they can sense like fish.

  9. Centrifuge modelling of lateral displacement of buried pipelines; Modelagem fisica centrifuga de flambagem lateral de dutos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Jose Renato Moreira da Silva de; Almeida, Marcio de Souza Soares de; Marques, Maria Esther Soares; Almeida, Maria Cascao Ferreira de [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE); Costa, Alvaro Maia da [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES)


    This work discusses soil-structure interaction applied to the buckling phenomena of buried pipelines subjected to heated oil flow. A set of physical modelling tests on lateral buckling of pipelines buried on soft clay is presented using COPPE/UFRJ geotechnical centrifuge. A 1:30 pipeline model was moved side ward through a soft clay layer during centrifuge flight, varying the burial depth, in order to simulate the lateral buckling in plane strain condition. The results show different behaviour concerning horizontal and vertical forces measured at pipeline level due to soil reaction. (author)

  10. Sex-differences, Handedness, and Lateralization in the Iowa Gambling Task

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Varsha eSingh


    Full Text Available In a widely used decision-making task, the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT, male performance is observed to be superior to that of females, and is attributed to right lateralization (i.e., right hemispheric dominance. It is as yet unknown whether sex-differences in affect and motor lateralization have implications for sex-specific lateralization in the IGT, and specifically, whether sex-difference in performance in the IGT changes with right-handedness or with affect lateralization (decision valence, and valence-directed motivation. The present study (N = 320; 160 males examined the effects of right-handedness (right-handedness vs. non-right-handedness as a measure of motor lateralization, decision valence (reward vs. punishment IGT, and valence-directedness of task motivation (valence-directed vs. non-directed instructions, as measures of affective lateralization on IGT decision making. Analyses of variance revealed that both male and female participants showed valence-induced inconsistencies in advantageous decision-making; however, right-handed females made more disadvantageous decisions in a reward IGT. These results suggest that IGT decision-making may be largely right-lateralized in right-handed males, and show that sex and lateralized differences (motor and affect have implications for sex-differences in IGT decision-making. Implications of the results are discussed with reference to lateralization and sex-differences in cognition.

  11. Physiological Laterality of Superficial Cerebral Veins on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging. (United States)

    Matsushima, Satoshi; Shimizu, Tetsuya; Gomi, Taku; Fukuda, Kunihiko

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether laterality of the superficial cerebral veins can be seen on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) in patients with no intracranial lesions that affect venous visualization. We retrospectively evaluated 386 patients who underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging including SWI in our institute. Patients with a lesion with the potential to affect venous visualization on SWI were excluded. Two neuroradiologists visually evaluated the findings and scored the visualization of the superficial cerebral veins. Of the 386 patients, 315 (81.6%) showed no obvious laterality on venous visualization, 64 (16.6%) showed left-side dominant laterality, and 7 (1.8%) showed right-side dominant laterality. Left-side dominant physiological laterality exists in the visualization of the superficial cerebral veins on SWI. Therefore, when recognizing left-side dominant laterality of the superficial cerebral veins on SWI, the radiologist must also consider the possibility of physiological laterality.

  12. Lateral root organogenesis - from cell to organ. (United States)

    Benková, Eva; Bielach, Agnieszka


    Unlike locomotive organisms capable of actively approaching essential resources, sessile plants must efficiently exploit their habitat for water and nutrients. This involves root-mediated underground interactions allowing plants to adapt to soils of diverse qualities. The root system of plants is a dynamic structure that modulates primary root growth and root branching by continuous integration of environmental inputs, such as nutrition availability, soil aeration, humidity, or salinity. Root branching is an extremely flexible means to rapidly adjust the overall surface of the root system and plants have evolved efficient control mechanisms, including, firstly initiation, when and where to start lateral root formation; secondly lateral root primordia organogenesis, during which the development of primordia can be arrested for a certain time; and thirdly lateral root emergence. Our review will focus on the most recent advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of lateral root initiation and organogenesis with the main focus on root system of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. One hand clapping: lateralization of motor control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quentin eWelniarz


    Full Text Available Lateralization of motor control refers to the ability to produce pure unilateral or asymmetric movements. It is required for a variety of coordinated activities, including skilled bimanual tasks and locomotion. Here we discuss the neuroanatomical substrates and pathophysiological underpinnings of lateralized motor outputs. Significant breakthroughs have been made in the past few years by studying the two known conditions characterized by the inability to properly produce unilateral or asymmetric movements, namely human patients with congenital mirror movements and model rodents with a hopping gait. Whereas mirror movements are associated with altered interhemispheric connectivity and abnormal corticospinal projections, abnormal spinal cord interneurons trajectory is responsible for the hopping gait. Proper commissural axon guidance is a critical requirement for these mechanisms. Interestingly, the analysis of these two conditions reveals that the production of asymmetric movements involves similar anatomical and functional requirements but in two different structures: i lateralized activation of the brain or spinal cord through contralateral silencing by cross-midline inhibition; and ii unilateral transmission of this activation, resulting in lateralized motor output.

  14. Fault Tolerant Autonomous Lateral Control for Heavy Vehicles


    Talbot, Craig Matthew; Papadimitriou, Iakovos; Tomizuka, Masayoshi


    This report summarizes the research results of TO4233, "Fault Tolerant Autonomous Lateral Control for Heavy Vehicles". This project represents a continuing effort of PATH's research on Automated Highway Systems (AHS) and more specifically in the area of heavy vehicles. Research on the lateral control of heavy vehicles for AHS has been going on at PATH since 1993. MOU129, "Steering and Braking Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles" was the first project and it was followed by MOU242, "Lateral Control...

  15. Evaluation of postoperative patient satisfaction after covering the nasal dorsum with upper lateral cartilage: "upper lateral closing". (United States)

    Çağıcı, Can Alper


    Following nasal hump removal during septorhinoplasty, the middle vault should be reconstructed to avoid functional and esthetic problems. Middle vault reconstruction, however, may result in widening of the middle vault and may need a camouflage graft to cover dorsal irregularities. To present the results of reconstructing the middle vault with a technique that covers the nasal dorsum with upper lateral cartilage, from the viewpoint of patient satisfaction. Retrospective study of patients who underwent septorhinoplasty that included nasal dorsum closure with upper lateral cartilage from December 1, 2014 to January 31, 2016. Those with postoperative follow-up of less than 3 months were excluded. The final study group included 39 patients. The same surgeon performed all septorhinoplasties. The dorsum was closed using an "upper lateral closing" technique that approximated upper lateral cartilages to each other over the septum. Postoperative patient satisfaction was determined using a visual analog scale and the rhinoplasty outcomes evaluation questionnaire. The questionnaire evaluates patient esthetic and functional satisfaction with the operated nose. High scores indicate improved esthetic results. No dorsal irregularities were seen at postoperative follow-up evaluation of the patients. For esthetic nasal appearance, the median visual analogue scale scores was 86%, and the mean for the questionnaire was 77.03%. The natural dome-shaped anatomy of the nasal dorsum was achieved by approximating the upper lateral cartilages to each other. Closing the dorsum with this technique also covers any dorsal irregularities and results in a smooth dorsum. Patients expressed satisfaction with the esthetic and functional aspects of the smooth, attractive nasal dorsum. Copyright © 2017 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  16. Alveolar and Velarized Laterals in Albanian and in the Viennese Dialect. (United States)

    Moosmüller, Sylvia; Schmid, Carolin; Kasess, Christian H


    A comparison of alveolar and velarized lateral realizations in two language varieties, Albanian and the Viennese dialect, has been performed. Albanian distinguishes the two laterals phonemically, whereas in the Viennese dialect, the velarized lateral was introduced by language contact with Czech immigrants. A categorical distinction between the two lateral phonemes is fully maintained in Albanian. Results are not as straightforward in the Viennese dialect. Most prominently, female speakers, if at all, realize the velarized lateral in word-final position, thus indicating the application of a phonetically motivated process. The realization of the velarized lateral by male speakers, on the other hand, indicates that the velarized lateral replaced the former alveolar lateral phoneme. Alveolar laterals are either realized in perceptually salient positions, thus governed by an input-switch rule, or in front vowel contexts, thus subject to coarticulatory influences. Our results illustrate the subtle interplay of phonology, phonetics and sociolinguistics.

  17. Visual laterality of calf-mother interactions in wild whales.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Karenina

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Behavioral laterality is known for a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Laterality in social interactions has been described for a wide range of species including humans. Although evidence and theoretical predictions indicate that in social species the degree of population level laterality is greater than in solitary ones, the origin of these unilateral biases is not fully understood. It is especially poorly studied in the wild animals. Little is known about the role, which laterality in social interactions plays in natural populations. A number of brain characteristics make cetaceans most suitable for investigation of lateralization in social contacts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Observations were made on wild beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas in the greatest breeding aggregation in the White Sea. Here we show that young calves (in 29 individually identified and in over a hundred of individually not recognized mother-calf pairs swim and rest significantly longer on a mother's right side. Further observations along with the data from other cetaceans indicate that found laterality is a result of the calves' preference to observe their mothers with the left eye, i.e., to analyze the information on a socially significant object in the right brain hemisphere. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Data from our and previous work on cetacean laterality suggest that basic brain lateralizations are expressed in the same way in cetaceans and other vertebrates. While the information on social partners and novel objects is analyzed in the right brain hemisphere, the control of feeding behavior is performed by the left brain hemisphere. Continuous unilateral visual contacts of calves to mothers with the left eye may influence social development of the young by activation of the contralateral (right brain hemisphere, indicating a possible mechanism on how behavioral lateralization may influence species life and welfare. This hypothesis is supported by evidence from other vertebrates.

  18. Childhood laterality and adult schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a prospective investigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiffman, Jason; Pestle, Sarah; Mednick, Sara


    Left or mixed-handedness, footedness, and eye dominance are thought to indicate abnormalities in lateralization related to schizophrenia. Increased left or mixed-dominance in schizophrenia suggests possible hemispheric abnormalities associated with the disorder. A related body of research suggests...... that some indications of lateralization abnormalities may be evident prior to the onset of schizophrenia, suggesting that disruptions in lateralization are inherent to the developmental course of the disorder. We attempted to replicate and extend upon findings indicating differences in lateralization...... between children who later developed a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (n = 26) and those who did not develop a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (n = 216), among a high-risk and control, longitudinal sample. The rate of left or mixed-footedness, eye dominance, and any anomalous lateralization...

  19. Hydrocode analysis of lateral stress gauges in shocked tantalum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, E. J.; Winter, R. E.


    Experiments published by other workers, on the resistance change of manganin stress gauges embedded in a lateral orientation in tantalum targets shocked to a range of stresses, have been analysed using an adaptive mesh refinement hydrocode. It was found that for all of the four experiments the shape of the time profile of the computed lateral stress in the mounting layer closely matched the shape of the experimental lateral stress profiles. However, the calculated lateral stresses at the gauge location in the mounting layer are significantly less than the lateral stresses that would have been produced in the target if no gauge had been present. The perturbation caused by the gauge increased as the strength of the applied shock increased. When the perturbations are taken into account values of flow stress that are significantly smaller than those reported in the original research paper are derived. The work shows that the lateral gauge technique can give valuable information on strength provided high resolution simulation is used to compensate for the perturbations caused by the gauges

  20. Theoretical predictions of the lateral spreading of implanted ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashworth, D.G.; Oven, R.


    The theoretical model and computer program (AAMPITS-3D) of Ashworth and co-workers for the calculation of three-dimensional distributions of implanted ions in multi-element amorphous targets are extended to show that the lateral rest distribution is gaussian in a form with a lateral standard deviation (lateral-spread function) which is a function of depth beneath the target surface. A method is given whereby this function may be accurately determined from a knowledge of the projected range and chord range rest distribution functions. Examples of the lateral-spread function are given for boron, phosphorus and arsenic ions implanted into silicon and a detailed description is given of how the lateral-spread function may be used in conjunction with the projected range rest distribution function to provide a fully three-dimensional rest distribution of ions implanted into amorphous targets. Examples of normalised single ion isodensity contours computed from AMPITS-3D are compared with those obtained using the previous assumption of a lateral standard deviation which was independent of distance beneath the target surface. (author)

  1. Pemanfaatan Biometric Fingerprint sebagai Media Pembayaran Transjakarta Berbasis Electronic Money


    Muhajir, Ahmad; Ristiyanti, Lia; Harsono, Shabrina Utami


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan lain dari sidik jari sebagaialternative media pembayaran berbasis uang elektronik pada Transjakarta. Penggunaan sidik jaridipilih karena sidik jari merupakan identitas manusia yang tidak dapat diganti atau dirubah. Padapenelitian ini menggunakan Deskriptif Studies karena bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaransecara sistematis dan akurat mengenai Pemanfaatan Biometric Fingerprint sebagai mediapemabayaran Transjakarta berbasis E-Money. Dalam me...

  2. Supine vs decubitus lateral patient positioning in vertebral fracture assessment. (United States)

    Paggiosi, Margaret Anne; Finigan, Judith; Peel, Nicola; Eastell, Richard; Ferrar, Lynne


    In vertebral fracture assessment (VFA), lateral scans are obtained with the patient positioned supine (C-arm densitometers) or lateral decubitus (fixed-arm densitometers). We aimed to determine the impact of positioning on image quality and fracture definition. We performed supine and decubitus lateral VFA in 50 postmenopausal women and used the algorithm-based qualitative method to identify vertebral fractures. We compared the 2 techniques for the identification of fractures (kappa analysis) and compared the numbers of unreadable vertebrae (indiscernible endplates) and vertebrae that were projected obliquely (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test). The kappa score for agreement between the VFA techniques (to identify women with vertebral fractures) was 0.84 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.68-0.99), and for agreement with fracture assessments made from radiographs, kappa was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.57-0.94) for both supine and decubitus lateral VFA. There were more unreadable vertebrae with supine lateral (48 vertebrae in supine lateral compared with 14 in decubitus lateral; p=0.001), but oblique projection was less common (93 vertebrae compared with 145 in decubitus lateral; p=0.002). We conclude that there were significantly different projection effects with supine and decubitus lateral VFA, but these differences did not influence the identification of vertebral fractures in our study sample. Copyright © 2012 The International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Beki Subeki


    Full Text Available Abstract – In the production and trade of food products in the era of globalization, people are consuming, especially Muslims need to be given the knowledge, information and access to adequate in order to obtain the correct information about the halal status of products bought. The use of barcode scanners halal product information using the mobile platform is effective and useful for the public to find out information on a product. Barcode scanners can be read by optical scanners called barcode readers or scanned from an image by special software. In Indonesia, most mobile phones have the scanning software for 2D codes, and similar devices available via smartphone.   Keywords : Barcode Scanner, Mobile Platform, Halal Products, Smartphone     Abstrak - Dalam kegiatan produksi dan perdagangan produk pangan di era globalisasi ini, masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi, khususnya umat islam perlu diberikan pengetahuan tentang kehalalan produk, informasi dan akses yang memadai agar memperoleh informasi yang benar tentang status kehalalan produk yang dibelinya. Penggunaan barcode scanner informasi produk halal dengan menggunakan mobile platform dinilai cukup efektif dan berguna bagi masyarakat luas untuk mengetahui informasi sebuah produk. Barcode scanner dapat dibaca oleh pemindai optik yang disebut pembaca kode batang atau dipindai dari sebuah gambar oleh perangkat lunak khusus. Di Indonesia, kebanyakan telepon genggam memiliki perangkat lunak pemindai untuk kode 2D, dan perangkat sejenis tersedia melalui smartphone.   Kata Kunci: Barcode Scanner, Mobile Platform, Produk Halal, Smartphone

  4. Eksperimen Seleksi Fitur Pada Parameter Proyek Untuk Software Effort Estimation dengan K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Fachruddin Fachruddin


    Full Text Available Software Effort Estimation adalah proses estimasi biaya perangkat lunak sebagai suatu proses penting dalam melakukan proyek perangkat lunak. Berbagai penelitian terdahulu telah melakukan estimasi usaha perangkat lunak dengan berbagai metode, baik metode machine learning  maupun non machine learning. Penelitian ini mengadakan set eksperimen seleksi atribut pada parameter proyek menggunakan teknik k-nearest neighbours sebagai estimasinya dengan melakukan seleksi atribut menggunakan information gain dan mutual information serta bagaimana menemukan  parameter proyek yang paling representif pada software effort estimation. Dataset software estimation effort yang digunakan pada eksperimen adalah  yakni albrecht, china, kemerer dan mizayaki94 yang dapat diperoleh dari repositori data khusus Software Effort Estimation melalui url // Selanjutnya peneliti melakukan pembangunan aplikasi seleksi atribut untuk menyeleksi parameter proyek. Sistem ini menghasilkan dataset arff yang telah diseleksi. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan bahasa java menggunakan IDE Netbean. Kemudian dataset yang telah di-generate merupakan parameter hasil seleksi yang akan dibandingkan pada saat melakukan Software Effort Estimation menggunakan tool WEKA . Seleksi Fitur berhasil menurunkan nilai error estimasi (yang diwakilkan oleh nilai RAE dan RMSE. Artinya bahwa semakin rendah nilai error (RAE dan RMSE maka semakin akurat nilai estimasi yang dihasilkan. Estimasi semakin baik setelah di lakukan seleksi fitur baik menggunakan information gain maupun mutual information. Dari nilai error yang dihasilkan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dataset yang dihasilkan seleksi fitur dengan metode information gain lebih baik dibanding mutual information namun, perbedaan keduanya tidak terlalu signifikan.

  5. The MR diagnosis of discoid lateral meniscus of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Yutaka; Ishida, Tsuyoshi; Ohtani, Masatoshi; Yamamoto, Hironori; Yamamoto, Tadasi; Tsukaguchi, Isao; Nakamura, Hitonobu.


    To establish the criteria for the diagnosis of discoid lateral meniscus, we introduced a discriminant analysis to our statistical study. Materials included surgically proved 38 discoid lateral menisci and 36 normal menisci imaged by means of MR. Numerical measurements were performed interactively on the MR monitor with eight possible parameters of these parameters, a discriminant analysis revealed that the transverse width of the lateral meniscus on the coronal image was the best parameter. Our study showed that discoid lateral meniscus should be present if the transverse width of the lateral meniscus exceeded 14.3 mm. (author)

  6. Corticosteroid injections for lateral epicondylitis: a systematic review.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smidt, Nynke; Assendelft, Willem J J; van der Windt, Danielle A W M; Hay, Elaine M; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Bouter, Lex M

    Patients with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) are frequently treated with corticosteroid injections, in order to relieve pain and diminish disability. The objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of corticosteroid injections for lateral epicondylitis. Randomised controlled


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    Andik Setyono


    Full Text Available Perangkat mobile mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat dan signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan semakin banyaknya smart phone atau telephone pintar yang membanjiri pasar dengan fitur yang sangat canggih. Banyaknya perusahaan yang memproduksi perangkat mobile dan berkembangnya teknologi mobile membuka peluang yang sangat lebar untuk penelitian tentang mobile computing. Dalam paper ini, kami mengeksplore tentang konsep mobile computing dan implementasinya untuk mendukung komunikasi data. Pembahasan dilakukan secara detail mulai dari konsep mobile computing sampai dengan implementasi dan pengembangannya di masa yang akan datang. Kami memberikan sebuah contoh implementasi mobile computing dengan mengembangkan aplikasi Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS gateway untuk melakukan komunikasi multimedia. Kami berharap, paper ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada para pembaca tentang konsep mobile computing yang diimplementasikan untuk mendukung proses komunikasi data beserta pengembangannya untuk membantu aktifitas manusia. Kata Kunci: Mobile computing, komunikasi data, multimedia, MMS


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    H Teman Koesmono


    Full Text Available Adanya perkembangan teknologi informasi yang terjadi saat ini, memaksa semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses produksi baik barang maupun jasa, untuk menghadapinya selain itu harus belajar lebih banyak tentang perangkat lunak maupun perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk mengelola informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan. Khususnya tentang sistem informasi Sumber Daya Manusia, tidak kalah pentingnya dengan sistem informai yang lainnya misalnya Information Marketing System, Production Information System dan Financial Information System. Untuk itulah pengelolaan SISDM harus dilaksanakan secara profesional artinya dilaksanakan secara totalitas sehingga informai yang didapatkan cukup akurat, relevan, aktual dan cepat didapat apabila dibutuhkan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Berbagai aspek informasi sumber daya manusia mulai dari perencanaan sampai pemisahan tenaga kerja membutuhkan pengelolaan yang tepat. Keberadaan Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia di dalam perusahaan, sangat berperan mendukung kegiatan operasional Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia yang lebih efektif dan efisien.

  9. Pengembangan Sistem Otomatisasi AC dan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy dan Raspberry Pi

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    Rudy Ariyanto


    Full Text Available Otomatisasi AC dan lampu dilakukan untuk menghemat energi yang digunakan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu perlu menerapkan sebuah perangkat yang memiliki fungsi maksimal dengan harga yang minimal. Raspberry Pi merupakan perangkat atau modul dengan harga rendah yang mampu melakukan komunikasi wireless tanpa bantuan modul lain. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu juga diperlukan sebuah metode yang mampu melakukan kontrol terhadap nyala AC dan lampu. Penerapan metode fuzzy dapat dilakukan untuk menghimpun informasi keadaan ruang yang didapat dari sensor untuk menentukan nyala AC dan lampu secara otomatis. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi dan Fuzzy. Otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi yang menerapkan metode Fuzzy dapat menghemat energi hingga 59,87% dalam hal lama waktu nyala AC dan 57,47% untuk lumenasi lampu

  10. A stochastic load model for pedestrian-induced lateral forces on footbridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingólfsson, Einar Thór; Georgakis, Christos


    to support their applicability. Recently, an extensive experimental campaign was carried out, in which the lateral forces generated by pedestrians during walking on a laterally moving treadmill were determined for various combinations of lateral frequencies (0.33–1.07 Hz) and amplitudes (4.5–48 mm...... between limited and excessive lateral vibrations occurs for a small increase in the number of people occupying the bridge. This disproportionate increase in the lateral vibration amplitude is caused by a dynamic interaction between the pedestrian and the laterally moving structure, although the governing...

  11. Eye laterality: a comprehensive analysis in refractive surgery candidates. (United States)

    Linke, Stephan J; Druchkiv, Vasyl; Steinberg, Johannes; Richard, Gisbert; Katz, Toam


    To explore eye laterality (higher refractive error in one eye) and its association with refractive state, spherical/astigmatic anisometropia, age and sex in refractive surgery candidates. Medical records of 12 493 consecutive refractive surgery candidates were filtered. Refractive error (subjective and cycloplegic) was measured in each subject and correlated with eye laterality. Only subjects with corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) of >20/22 in each eye were enrolled to exclude amblyopia. Associations between eye laterality and refractive state were analysed by means of t-test, chi-squared test, Spearman's correlation and multivariate logistic regression analysis, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in spherical equivalent between right (-3.47 ± 2.76 D) and left eyes (-3.47 ± 2.76 D, p = 0.510; Pearson's r = 0.948, p laterality for anisometropia >2.5 D in myopic (-5.64 ± 2.5 D versus -4.92 ± 2.6 D; p = 0.001) and in hyperopic (4.44 ± 1.69 D versus 3.04 ± 1.79 D; p = 0.025) subjects, (II) a tendency for left eye cylindrical laterality in myopic subjects, and (III) myopic male subjects had a higher prevalence of left eye laterality. (IV) Age did not show any significant impact on laterality. Over the full refractive spectrum, this study confirmed previously described strong interocular refractive correlation but revealed a statistically significant higher rate of right eye laterality for anisometropia >2.5 D. In general, our results support the use of data from one eye only in studies of ocular refraction. © 2013 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2013 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  12. Spatial MEG laterality maps for language: clinical applications in epilepsy. (United States)

    D'Arcy, Ryan C N; Bardouille, Timothy; Newman, Aaron J; McWhinney, Sean R; Debay, Drew; Sadler, R Mark; Clarke, David B; Esser, Michael J


    Functional imaging is increasingly being used to provide a noninvasive alternative to intracarotid sodium amobarbitol testing (i.e., the Wada test). Although magnetoencephalography (MEG) has shown significant potential in this regard, the resultant output is often reduced to a simplified estimate of laterality. Such estimates belie the richness of functional imaging data and consequently limit the potential value. We present a novel approach that utilizes MEG data to compute "complex laterality vectors" and consequently "laterality maps" for a given function. Language function was examined in healthy controls and in people with epilepsy. When compared with traditional laterality index (LI) approaches, the resultant maps provided critical information about the magnitude and spatial characteristics of lateralized function. Specifically, it was possible to more clearly define low LI scores resulting from strong bilateral activation, high LI scores resulting from weak unilateral activation, and most importantly, the spatial distribution of lateralized activation. We argue that the laterality concept is better presented with the inherent spatial sensitivity of activation maps, rather than being collapsed into a one-dimensional index. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Muscle sparing lateral thoracotomy: the standard incision for thoracic procedures

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    Mihai Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available Lateral thoracotomy is a versatile approach with many variations and is currently the most widely used incision in thoracic surgery. In the current article we are presenting the muscle-sparing lateral thoracotomy in the lateral decubitus position which we consider to be the “standard” for lateral thoracotomies. Indications, surgical technique and pitfalls are described alongside our experience with thoracic drainage. Although there is no consensus regarding the name of this incision, some authors call it “axillary thoracotomy” while others call it a “modified lateral thoracotomy”, they all agree on one aspect – the importance of muscle sparing – which makes it the go-to thoracotomy for both small and large procedures involving the lung. Lateral muscle sparing thoracotomy allows for good exposure of the pulmonary hilum, fissures, apex and diaphragm. The approach is easy and quick to perform while at the same time ensuring faster postoperative recovery by sparing the latissimus dorsi muscle, better cosmetics and lower postoperative pain score when compared to the posterolateral or classical lateral thoracotomies.

  14. Lateral convection and diffusion of sediment in straight rivers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Henrik Bo; Fredsøe, Jørgen


    and a higher level of turbulence at the channel centre, than in the near bank zones, which means that the ability to support suspended sediment will decrease from the channel centre. The two turbulence models give different estimates for the lateral transport, which mainly are caused by turbulence generated......The lateral transport of suspended sediment in a straight river cross section with a parabolic shaped bed is studied be use of a k-e and a full Reynolds stress turbulence model. Due to depth variations a lateral transport of suspended sediment is generated. This is mainly caused by the slopping bed...... secondary flow cells in the Reynolds stress model. The flow cells make zones with alternately high and low sediment concentration, and thereby much higher local gradients in the lateral direction. Both models found a net inward lateral transport. The transport by convection was found more dominant than...

  15. Colgajo lateral de brazo en reconstrucción de la cavidad oral Lateral arm flap in oral cavity reconstruction

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    A. Dean Ferrer


    Full Text Available Introducción. La posibilidad de emplear una piel fácilmente plegable ha permitido reconstruir defectos de la cavidad oral consiguiendo una gran funcionalidad. Aunque el colgajo radial es el colgajo que se utiliza con más frecuencia para reconstruir defectos de superficie de la cavidad oral, el colgajo lateral de brazo puede ser de elección en algunas situaciones. Objetivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las ventajas e inconvenientes y nuestras indicaciones y resultados del colgajo lateral de brazo en reconstrucción de defectos de la cavidad oral. Material y método. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo sobre la utilización del colgajo lateral de brazo en la reconstrucción de defectos de la cavidad oral tras cirugía ablativa. Se ha valorado: la viabilidad del colgajo, la morbilidad del lecho donante, la longitud del pedículo, la selección de vasos receptores, las complicaciones y los resultados funcionales de la zona reconstruida. Resultados. Hemos utilizado el colgajo lateral de brazo en 10 pacientes en reconstrucciones primarias tras cirugía ablativa por carcinoma epidermoide de la cavidad oral. Hubo un caso de necrosis por trombosis venosa. El defecto donante se cerró en 8 casos de modo directo y en 2 con un injerto libre de espesor parcial. La longitud media del pedículo ha sido de 8,75 cm. En 9 casos el resultado funcional de los pacientes ha sido satisfactorio. Conclusiones. El colgajo fasciocutáneo lateral de brazo permite la reconstrucción de la cavidad oral consiguiendo buenos resultados funcionales. Además la morbilidad de la zona donante es mínima y puede realizarse cierre directo del defecto cutáneo del brazo en la mayoría de los casos.Introduction. The availability of easily pliable skin has allowed the functional reconstruction of oral cavity defects. Although the radial forearm free flap is the most frequently used flap for the reconstruction of surface defects of the oral cavity, the lateral arm free flap may be preferable in some situations. Objectives. The aim of the present paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages and our indications and results for the lateral arm flap in intraoral reconstruction. Material and methods. This is a prospective work on the use of the lateral arm free flap for the reconstruction of oral cavity defects after ablative surgery. The parameters that have been evaluated are: flap viability, morbidity in the donor site, length of the pedicle, selection of recipient vessels, complications and functional results in the reconstructed area. Results. The lateral arm flap has been used in primary reconstruction after ablative surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity in ten patients. One flap was lost because of venous thrombosis. The donor site was repaired by direct closure in 8 cases and a split thickness skin graft had to be used in 2 cases. Mean pedicle length was 8.75 cm. In 9 cases a favorable functional result was achieved. Conclusions. Fasciocutaneous lateral arm flap allows the reconstruction of oral cavity defects achieving good functional results. Morbidity in the donor site is minimal and, in most cases, direct closure permits the repair of the donor site.

  16. Value of the lateral view in diagnosing pleural plaques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hillerdal, G.


    To assess the value of the lateral view in the diagnosis of pleural plaques, 2018 chest roentgenograms from the general population were scrutinized for such plaques. The lateral and posterior-anterior (PA) views were read separately and without knowledge of the occupational history or other clinical data. Of the males, 4.8% had pleural plaques in the PA view and 2% had dorsal pleural plaques in the lateral view. A total of 54% of the positive cases in the PA view also showed typical plaques in the PA view. Thus, there remained a number of cases which were diagnosed only in the lateral view; in all, these constituted 18.8%

  17. The question of symptom lateralization in conversion disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelofs, K.; Näring, G.W.B.; Moene, F.C.; Hoogduin, C.A.L.


    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not conversion symptoms are lateralized. Studies have shown a predominant left-oriented manifestation of symptoms for most somatoform disorders. The reports in the literature on the lateralization of conversion symptoms, however, are

  18. Sieve-based lateral displacement technology for suspension separation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkshoorn, J.P.; Wagterveld, R.M.; Boom, R.M.; Schutyser, M.A.I.


    Sparse lateral displacement arrays are easier to scale up than full deterministic lateral displacement arrays or deterministic ratchets, because they require lower pressure drop and simplify the construction of the device. However, the asymmetry of sparse arrays leads to a non-homogeneous pressure

  19. The equine flexed lateral fetlock radiographic view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dyer, L.L.


    Recommendations for obtaining the flexed lateral radiographic view of the equine fetlock are provided. By tilting the X-ray tube in a 10-degrees dorsal direction, the angle of the flexed lateral fetlock joint is matched. While this view will not be effective on all horses, utilizing the flexed view aids in evaluating those horses that present an abnormal conformation when the fetlock joint is flexed

  20. The laterality of the gallop gait in Thoroughbred racehorses.

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    Paulette Cully

    Full Text Available Laterality can be observed as side biases in locomotory behaviour which, in the horse, manifest inter alia as forelimb preferences, most notably in the gallop. The current study investigated possible leading-leg preferences at the population and individual level in Thoroughbred racehorses (n = 2095 making halt-to-gallop transitions. Videos of flat races in the UK (n = 350 were studied to record, for each horse, the lead-leg preference of the initial stride into gallop from the starting stalls. Races from clockwise (C and anti-clockwise (AC tracks were chosen alternately at random to ensure equal representation. Course direction, horse age and sex, position relative to the inside rail and finishing position were also noted. On C courses, the left/right ratio was 1.15, which represents a significant bias to the left (z = -2.29, p = 0.022, while on AC courses it was 0.92 (z = 0.51, p = 0.610. In both course directions, there was no significant difference between winning horses that led with the left leading leg versus the right (C courses, z = -1.32, p = 0.19 and AC courses, z = -0.74, p = 0.46. Of the 2,095 horses studied 51.26% led with their L fore and 48.74% with their R, with no statistically significant difference (z = -1.16, p = 0.25. Therefore, there was no evidence of a population level motor laterality. Additionally, 22 male and 22 female horses were randomly chosen for repeated measures of leading leg preference. A laterality index was calculated for each of the 44 horses studied using the repeated measures: 22 exhibited right laterality (of which two were statistically significant and 21 exhibited left laterality (eight being statistically significant; one horse was ambilateral. Using these data, left lateralized horses were more strongly lateralized on an individual level than the right lateralized horses (t = 2.28, p = 0.03, DF = 34 and mares were more left lateralized than males (t = 2.4, p = 0.03, DF = 19.

  1. The laterality of the gallop gait in Thoroughbred racehorses (United States)

    Cully, Paulette; Lancaster, Bryony


    Laterality can be observed as side biases in locomotory behaviour which, in the horse, manifest inter alia as forelimb preferences, most notably in the gallop. The current study investigated possible leading-leg preferences at the population and individual level in Thoroughbred racehorses (n = 2095) making halt-to-gallop transitions. Videos of flat races in the UK (n = 350) were studied to record, for each horse, the lead-leg preference of the initial stride into gallop from the starting stalls. Races from clockwise (C) and anti-clockwise (AC) tracks were chosen alternately at random to ensure equal representation. Course direction, horse age and sex, position relative to the inside rail and finishing position were also noted. On C courses, the left/right ratio was 1.15, which represents a significant bias to the left (z = –2.29, p = 0.022), while on AC courses it was 0.92 (z = 0.51, p = 0.610). In both course directions, there was no significant difference between winning horses that led with the left leading leg versus the right (C courses, z = –1.32, p = 0.19 and AC courses, z = –0.74, p = 0.46). Of the 2,095 horses studied 51.26% led with their L fore and 48.74% with their R, with no statistically significant difference (z = -1.16, p = 0.25). Therefore, there was no evidence of a population level motor laterality. Additionally, 22 male and 22 female horses were randomly chosen for repeated measures of leading leg preference. A laterality index was calculated for each of the 44 horses studied using the repeated measures: 22 exhibited right laterality (of which two were statistically significant) and 21 exhibited left laterality (eight being statistically significant); one horse was ambilateral. Using these data, left lateralized horses were more strongly lateralized on an individual level than the right lateralized horses (t = 2.28, p = 0.03, DF = 34) and mares were more left lateralized than males (t = 2.4, p = 0.03, DF = 19). PMID:29883459

  2. Laterally Loaded Nail-Plates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jacob; Rathkjen, Arne

    Load-displacement curves from about 200 short-term and laterally loaded nail-plate joints are analysed. The nail-plates are from Gang-Nail Systems, type GNA 20 S. The test specimens and the measuring systems are described. The tests are divided into 32 different series. The influence of the number...

  3. Anatomy of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve in relation to the lateral epicondyle and cephalic vein. (United States)

    Wongkerdsook, Wachara; Agthong, Sithiporn; Amarase, Chavarin; Yotnuengnit, Pattarapol; Huanmanop, Thanasil; Chentanez, Vilai


    The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LACN) is the terminal sensory branch of the musculocutaneous nerve supplying the lateral aspect of forearm. Because of its close proximity to the biceps brachii tendon (BBT), the lateral epicondyle (LE), and the cephalic vein (CV), surgery and venipuncture in the cubital fossa can injure the LACN. Measurement data regarding the relative anatomy of LACN are scarce. We, therefore, dissected 96 upper extremities from 26 males and 22 females to expose the LACN in the cubital fossa and forearm. The LACN consistently emerged from the lateral margin of BBT. It then pierced the deep fascia distal to the interepicondylar line (IEL) in 84.4% with mean distances of 1.8 ± 1.1 and 1.2 ± 0.9 cm (male and female, respectively). At the level of IEL, the LACN in all cases was medial to the LE (5.9 ± 1.1 cm male and 5.2 ± 0.9 cm female). Two types of branching were observed: single trunk (78.1%) and bifurcation (21.9%). Asymmetry in the branching pattern was observed in 6 males and 1 female. Concerning the relationship to the CV, the LACN ran medially within 1 cm at the level of IEL in 78.7%. Moreover, in 10 specimens, the LACN was directly beneath the CV. In the forearm, the LACN tends to course medial to the CV. Significant differences in the measurement data between genders but not sides were found in some parameters. These data are important for avoiding LACN injury and locating the LACN during relevant medical procedures. Copyright © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  4. Lateral position detection and control for friction stir systems (United States)

    Fleming, Paul; Lammlein, David; Cook, George E.; Wilkes, Don Mitchell; Strauss, Alvin M.; Delapp, David; Hartman, Daniel A.


    A friction stir system for processing at least a first workpiece includes a spindle actuator coupled to a rotary tool comprising a rotating member for contacting and processing the first workpiece. A detection system is provided for obtaining information related to a lateral alignment of the rotating member. The detection system comprises at least one sensor for measuring a force experienced by the rotary tool or a parameter related to the force experienced by the rotary tool during processing, wherein the sensor provides sensor signals. A signal processing system is coupled to receive and analyze the sensor signals and determine a lateral alignment of the rotating member relative to a selected lateral position, a selected path, or a direction to decrease a lateral distance relative to the selected lateral position or selected path. In one embodiment, the friction stir system can be embodied as a closed loop tracking system, such as a robot-based tracked friction stir welding (FSW) or friction stir processing (FSP) system.

  5. The forgotten view: Chest X-ray - Lateral view

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    Abraham M. Ittyachen


    Full Text Available With CT (computed tomography chest gaining more importance as a diagnostic tool, chest X-ray especially the lateral view is taken less commonly nowadays. Besides CT chest is also proven to be superior to chest X-ray in patients with major blunt trauma. We are presenting a 68-year old male who was partially treated from outside for a left sided pneumonia. He came to our hospital because of persisting chest pain. Chest X-ray, frontal view (postero-anterior was almost normal except for a mild opacity in the left lower zone. CT scan of the chest revealed a fluid collection posteriorly enclosed within enhancing pleura. Chest X-ray, left lateral view showed a corresponding posterior pleural based opacity. We are presenting this case to highlight the importance of the lateral view of the chest X-ray. In selected cases there is still a role for the lateral view. With the three dimensional visualization provided by the CT, the lateral view of the chest may be easier to understand. Consequent to the initial diagnosis by CT further follow up can be done with the chest X-ray. In a limited way this mitigates unnecessary expenditure and more importantly prevents the patient from exposure to harmful radiation in the form of repeated CT.

  6. Prediction of lateral lymph node metastasis by magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatano, Satoshi; Kumamoto, Kensuke; Ishibashi, Keiichiro


    Considering the advantages and disadvantages of lateral lymph node dissection in patients with advanced lower rectal cancer, it would be ideal to select candidates for lateral lymph node dissection by preoperative imaging study including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We have reported that the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node could be set at 6 mm for indication of lateral lymph node dissection. In the present study, we evaluated whether it would be appropriate to apply the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node in MRI. Forty-four patients with advanced lower rectal cancer underwent a curative surgery with lateral lymph node dissection or sampling from 1997 to 2009 in our institute. Among them, 25 patients received MRI preoperatively and analyzed. The images were obtained by a sagittal method that was diagonal along sacro-iliac joint with 5 mm thick sections. Lateral lymph node metastasis was detected in 5 cases, one side in 4 cases and both sides in 1 case. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predict value, and accuracy for predicting metastasis was 50%, 90%, 42.9% and 84.8% respectively, when the cut-off value of the minimal diameter was set at 6 mm in MRI. Our results indicated that a 6 mm set as the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node was suitable for the prediction of lateral lymph node metastasis since the accuracy was relatively high (84.8%), though it was hardly to detect metastatic lymph node less than 6 mm. (author)

  7. [Prediction of lateral lymph node metastasis by magnetic resonance imaging]. (United States)

    Hatano, Satoshi; Kumamoto, Kensuke; Ishibashi, Keiichiro; Ishiguro, Toru; Ohsawa, Tomonori; Okada, Norimichi; Nakata, Hiroshi; Yokoyama, Masaru; Haga, Norihiro; Ishida, Hideyuki


    Considering the advantages and disadvantages of lateral lymph node dissection in patients with advanced lower rectal cancer, it would be ideal to select candidates for lateral lymph node dissection by preoperative imaging study including magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). We have reported that the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node could be set at 6 mm for indication of lateral lymph node dissection. In the present study, we evaluated whether it would be appropriate to apply the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node in MRI. Forty-four patients with advanced lower rectal cancer underwent a curative surgery with lateral lymph node dissection or sampling from 1997 to 2009 in our institute. Among them, 25 patients received MRI preoperatively and analyzed. The images were obtained by a sagittal method that was diagonal along sacro-iliac joint with 5 mm thick sections. Lateral lymph node metastasis was detected in 5 cases, one side in 4 cases and both sides in 1 case. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predict value, and accuracy for predicting metastasis was 50%, 90%, 42.9% and 84.8% respectively, when the cut-off value of the minimal diameter was set at 6 mm in MRI. Our results indicated that a 6 mm set as the cut-off value of minimal diameter of lateral lymph node was suitable for the prediction of lateral lymph node metastasis since the accuracy was relatively high (84.8%), though it was hardly to detect metastatic lymph node less than 6 mm.

  8. Lateral blasts at Mount St. Helens and hazard zonation (United States)

    Crandell, D.R.; Hoblitt, R.P.


    Lateral blasts at andesitic and dacitic volcanoes can produce a variety of direct hazards, including ballistic projectiles which can be thrown to distances of at least 10 km and pyroclastic density flows which can travel at high speed to distances of more than 30 km. Indirect effect that may accompany such explosions include wind-borne ash, pyroclastic flows formed by the remobilization of rock debris thrown onto sloping ground, and lahars. Two lateral blasts occurred at a lava dome on the north flank of Mount St. Helens about 1200 years ago; the more energetic of these threw rock debris northeastward across a sector of about 30?? to a distance of at least 10 km. The ballistic debris fell onto an area estimated to be 50 km2, and wind-transported ash and lapilli derived from the lateral-blast cloud fell on an additional lobate area of at least 200 km2. In contrast, the vastly larger lateral blast of May 18, 1980, created a devastating pyroclastic density flow that covered a sector of as much as 180??, reached a maximum distance of 28 km, and within a few minutes directly affected an area of about 550 km2. The May 18 lateral blast resulted from the sudden, landslide-induced depressurization of a dacite cryptodome and the hydrothermal system that surrounded it within the volcano. We propose that lateral-blast hazard assessments for lava domes include an adjoining hazard zone with a radius of at least 10 km. Although a lateral blast can occur on any side of a dome, the sector directly affected by any one blast probably will be less than 180??. Nevertheless, a circular hazard zone centered on the dome is suggested because of the difficulty of predicting the direction of a lateral blast. For the purpose of long-term land-use planning, a hazard assessment for lateral blasts caused by explosions of magma bodies or pressurized hydrothermal systems within a symmetrical volcano could designate a circular potential hazard area with a radius of 35 km centered on the volcano. For short-term hazard assessments, if seismicity and deformation indicate that magma is moving toward the flank of a volcano, it should be recognized that a landslide could lead to the sudden unloading of a magmatic or hydrothermal system and thereby cause a catastrophic lateral blast. A hazard assessment should assume that a lateral blast could directly affect an area at least 180?? wide to a distance of 35 km from the site of the explosion, irrespective of topography. ?? 1986 Springer-Verlag.

  9. Laterally situated sinus pericranii

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koshu, K.; Takahashi, S.


    Sinus pericranii has been reported to be situated usually along the midline. Two cases of laterally situated sinus pericranii are presented. Venous blood was obtained by puncturing the tumors directly. Injection of contrast medium into the tumors demonstrated a communication between the tumors and the intracranial venous sinuses through marked diploic veins. (orig.)

  10. -MoS2 Lateral Heterojunctions

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Ming-yang; Pu, Jiang; Huang, Jing-Kai; Miyauchi, Yuhei; Matsuda, Kazunari; Takenobu, Taishi; Li, Lain-Jong


    2D layered heterostructures have attracted intensive interests due to their unique optical, transport, and interfacial properties. The laterally stitched heterojunction based on dissimilar 2D transition metal dichalcogenides forms an intrinsic p

  11. The three-portal technique in arthroscopic lateral epicondylitis release

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashok Gowda


    Full Text Available Lateral epicondylitis, commonly referred to as tennis elbow, is a syndrome characterized by pain over the origin of the common extensor muscles of the fingers, hand and wrist at the lateral epicondyle. Reports of 70-90% response to conservative treatment at one year have been documented in the literature though refractory cases often require surgical management. Arthroscopic treatment of lateral epicondylitis allows for intra-articular visualization for concomitant pathology and localization of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis tendon. Additionally, compared to the open technique, the arthroscopic technique has a lower morbidity and an earlier return to work and activity. Here we describe a three portal technique for improved visualization in arthroscopic lateral epicondylitis release.

  12. The Three-Portal Technique in Arthroscopic Lateral Epicondylitis Release. (United States)

    Gowda, Ashok; Kennedy, Gannon; Gallacher, Stacey; Garver, Jennie; Blaine, Theodore


    Lateral epicondylitis, commonly referred to as tennis elbow, is a syndrome characterized by pain over the origin of the common extensor muscles of the fingers, hand and wrist at the lateral epicondyle. Reports of 70-90% response to conservative treatment at one year have been documented in the literature though refractory cases often require surgical management. Arthroscopic treatment of lateral epicondylitis allows for intra-articular visualization for concomitant pathology and localization of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis tendon. Additionally, compared to the open technique, the arthroscopic technique has a lower morbidity and an earlier return to work and activity. Here we describe a three portal technique for improved visualization in arthroscopic lateral epicondylitis release.

  13. Arthroscopic treatment for chronic lateral epicondylitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Barcellos Terra


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: To report the clinical and functional results from arthroscopic release of the short radial extensor of the carpus (SREC in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis that was refractory to conservative treatment. METHODS: Over the period from January 2012 to November 2013, 15 patients underwent arthroscopic treatment. The surgical technique used was the one described by Romeo and Cohen, based on anatomical studies on cadavers. The inclusion criteria were that the patients needed to present lateral epicondylitis and that conservative treatment (analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, corticoid infiltration or physiotherapy had failed over a period of more than six months. The patients were evaluated based on the elbow functional score of the Mayo Clinic, Nirschl's staging system and a visual analog scale (VAS for pain. RESULTS: A total of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women were included. The mean Mayo elbow functional score after the operation was 95 (ranging from 90 to 100. The pain VAS improved from a mean of 9.2 before the operation to 0.64 after the operation. On Nirschl's scale, the patients presented an improvement from a mean of 6.5 before the operation to approximately one. There were significant differences from before to after the surgery for the three functional scores used ( p 0.05. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopic treatment for lateral epicondylitis was shown to be a safe and effective therapeutic option when appropriately indicated and performed, in refractory cases of chronic lateral epicondylitis. It also allowed excellent viewing of the joint space for diagnosing and treating associated pathological conditions, with a minimally invasive procedure.

  14. Arthroscopic treatment for chronic lateral epicondylitis. (United States)

    Terra, Bernardo Barcellos; Rodrigues, Leandro Marano; Filho, Anis Nahssen; de Almeida, Gustavo Dalla Bernardina; Cavatte, José Maria; De Nadai, Anderson


    To report the clinical and functional results from arthroscopic release of the short radial extensor of the carpus (SREC) in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis that was refractory to conservative treatment. Over the period from January 2012 to November 2013, 15 patients underwent arthroscopic treatment. The surgical technique used was the one described by Romeo and Cohen, based on anatomical studies on cadavers. The inclusion criteria were that the patients needed to present lateral epicondylitis and that conservative treatment (analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, corticoid infiltration or physiotherapy) had failed over a period of more than six months. The patients were evaluated based on the elbow functional score of the Mayo Clinic, Nirschl's staging system and a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain. A total of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women) were included. The mean Mayo elbow functional score after the operation was 95 (ranging from 90 to 100). The pain VAS improved from a mean of 9.2 before the operation to 0.64 after the operation. On Nirschl's scale, the patients presented an improvement from a mean of 6.5 before the operation to approximately one. There were significant differences from before to after the surgery for the three functional scores used (p  0.05). Arthroscopic treatment for lateral epicondylitis was shown to be a safe and effective therapeutic option when appropriately indicated and performed, in refractory cases of chronic lateral epicondylitis. It also allowed excellent viewing of the joint space for diagnosing and treating associated pathological conditions, with a minimally invasive procedure.

  15. The Evolution of Lateralization in Group Hunting Sailfish

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kurvers, Ralf H J M; Krause, Stefan; Viblanc, Paul E


    Lateralization is widespread throughout the animal kingdom [1–7] and can increase task efficiency via shortening reaction times and saving on neural tissue [8–16]. However, lateralization might be costly because it increases predictability [17–21]. In predator-prey interactions, for example...

  16. Lateral ring metal elastic wheel absorbs shock loading (United States)

    Galan, L.


    Lateral ring metal elastic wheel absorbs practically all shock loading when operated over extremely rough terrain and delivers only a negligible shock residue to associated suspension components. The wheel consists of a rigid aluminum assembly to which lateral titanium ring flexible elements with treads are attached.

  17. Talar anchor placement for modified Brostrom lateral ankle stabilization procedure. (United States)

    Angirasa, Arush K; Barrett, Michael J


    The modified Brostrom procedure has been a proven procedure with excellent utility in the treatment of lateral ankle instability within limitation. Multiple variations of the original technique have been described in the literature to date. Included in these variations are differences in anchor placement, suture technique, or both. In this research study, we propose placing a bone screw anchor into the lateral shoulder of the talus rather than the typical placement at the lateral malleolus for anatomic reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments.

  18. Spinal Cord Gray Matter Atrophy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. (United States)

    Paquin, M-Ê; El Mendili, M M; Gros, C; Dupont, S M; Cohen-Adad, J; Pradat, P-F


    There is an emerging need for biomarkers to better categorize clinical phenotypes and predict progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This study aimed to quantify cervical spinal gray matter atrophy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and investigate its association with clinical disability at baseline and after 1 year. Twenty-nine patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and 22 healthy controls were scanned with 3T MR imaging. Standard functional scale was recorded at the time of MR imaging and after 1 year. MR imaging data were processed automatically to measure the spinal cord, gray matter, and white matter cross-sectional areas. A statistical analysis assessed the difference in cross-sectional areas between patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and controls, correlations between spinal cord and gray matter atrophy to clinical disability at baseline and at 1 year, and prediction of clinical disability at 1 year. Gray matter atrophy was more sensitive to discriminate patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from controls ( P = .004) compared with spinal cord atrophy ( P = .02). Gray matter and spinal cord cross-sectional areas showed good correlations with clinical scores at baseline ( R = 0.56 for gray matter and R = 0.55 for spinal cord; P amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. © 2018 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  19. Behavioural laterality as a factor in emotional regulation. (United States)

    Rempala, Daniel M


    Individuals who perform a variety of tasks using one side of their bodies (i.e., high-dominance people) are thought to differ from individuals who perform a variety of tasks with both sides of their body (i.e., low-dominance people) in several neurological and cognitive characteristics. We examined whether behavioural laterality predicted the efficacy of different emotional regulation strategies. Specifically, we thought that behavioural laterality would influence verbal strategies (associated with left hemisphere activation) when regulating anxiety (associated with right hemisphere activation). In three studies participants presented in front of small audiences. Behavioural laterality (as measured by a modified handedness inventory) positively correlated with presentation anxiety, such that "low-dominance" participants reported less anxiety than "high-dominance" participants, but only when using cognitive reappraisal (a verbal strategy), not attention deployment or response modulation (behavioural strategies). These results provide preliminary evidence that individual differences in behavioural laterality mediate the efficacy of certain emotional regulation strategies.

  20. Parachute and lateral propping reactions in preterm children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ohlweiler Lygia


    Full Text Available A non-controlled, prognostic cohort study was performed with the aim of establishing markers of neurological development and defining a clinical and epidemiological profile of preterm newborns at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of gestation-corrected age in terms of parachute and lateral propping reactions. Newborns with gestational age of up to 36 weeks and 6 days, weighing 2,000 g or less at birth, were included in the study At 6 months of age, parachute and lateral propping reactions were present in 8.1% of the patients. At 9 months, the parachute reaction was present in 87.5%, and the lateral propping reaction was present in 90% of the children. It was possible to assess parachute and lateral propping reactions in preterm children in the first year of life. Alterations in trunk-limb coordination may be evidenced in the 1st year of life through postural reactions, which are maintained as prematurity markers until school age.

  1. Epidemiology of lateral and medial epicondylitis in a military population. (United States)

    Wolf, Jennifer Moriatis; Mountcastle, Sally; Burks, Robert; Sturdivant, Rodney X; Owens, Brett D


    To determine the epidemiology of lateral and medial epicondylitis in the U.S. military. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database was queried for ICD-9 codes 726.32 (lateral epicondylitis) and 726.33 (medial epicondylitis) for the years 1998-2006. Multivariate Poisson regression was used to calculate incidence rates (IR) and rate ratios (RR) among demographic groups. The IRs for lateral and medial epicondylitis were 2.98 and 0.81 per 1000 person-years. For lateral epicondylitis, women had a higher incidence (RR = 1.22, 95% CI 1.19-1.26). In both groups, analysis by age showed higher incidence in the > or = 40-year-old group. White compared with black race was a risk factor for both lateral (RR = 1.68, 95% CI, 1.63-1.74) and medial epicondylitis (RR = 1.11, 95% CI 1.05-1.17). Female gender was a risk factor for lateral but not medial epicondylitis. Age greater than 40 and white race were significant risk factors for both conditions.

  2. Laparoscopic Puestow: lateral pancreaticojejunostomy. (United States)

    Biteman, Benjamin R; Harr, Jeffrey N; Brody, Fred


    Chronic pancreatitis is a painful inflammatory disease that leads to progressive and irreversible destruction of pancreatic parenchyma [1]. A lateral pancreaticojejunostomy, also known as the Puestow procedure, is performed for symptomatic chronic pancreatitis associated with a dilated pancreatic duct secondary to calcifications or strictures [4]. An open approach is used traditionally due to the complexity of the case, and there have only been a handful of laparoscopic case reports [2]. This video depicts a laparoscopic lateral pancreaticojejunostomy for chronic pancreatitis. A 45-year-old gentleman with a 20-year history of chronic alcohol abuse presented with diffuse abdominal pain. His pain was worse postprandially and associated with loose stools. A computed tomography scan revealed multiple calcified deposits within the body and tail of the pancreas, and a dilated pancreatic duct measuring 1.4 cm with a proximal obstructing calcified stone. A 5-port foregut technique was used, and a 15-cm pancreatic ductotomy was performed with an ultrasonic scalpel. Calcified stones were cleared from the duct, and a roux-en-y pancreaticojejunostomy was performed using a hand-sewn technique. The patient had a relatively uncomplicated hospital course with return of bowel function on postoperative day 4. His patient-controlled analgesic device was discontinued on post operative day 3. He was ambulating, tolerating a regular diet and discharged home on postoperative day 5. At 12- and 26-month follow-up, he remains off narcotics, but still requires 1-2 tabs of pancreatic enzyme replacement per meal. Most importantly, he has not had any alcohol for over 2 years. The two primary goals in treating chronic pancreatitis include long-term pain relief and improvements in quality of life [3]. For patients with chronic pancreatitis and a dilated pancreatic duct, a laparoscopic lateral pancreaticojejunostomy may be an effective approach to decrease pain and improve quality of life.

  3. Reduction of lateral loads in abutments using ground anchors


    Laefer, Debra F.; Truong-Hong, Linh; Le, Khanh Ba


    In bridge design, economically addressing large, lateral earth pressures on bridge abutments is a major challenge. Traditional approaches employ enlargement of the abutment components to resist these pressures. This approach results in higher construction costs. As an alternative, a formal approach using ground anchors to resist lateral soil pressure on bridge abutments is proposed herein. The ground anchors are designed to minimise lateral forces at the pile cap base. Design examples for hig...

  4. Kinesio taping in patients with lateral epicondylitis. (United States)

    Dilek, Banu; Batmaz, Ibrahim; Sarıyıldız, Mustafa Akif; Sahin, Ebru; Ilter, Leman; Gulbahar, Selmin; Cevik, Remzi; Nas, Kemal


    Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is a painful condition that affects the tendinous tissue of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and leads to loss of function of the affected limb. Therefore it can have a major impact on the patient's social and personal life. Many treatments are recommended for lateral epicondylitis; unfortunately the evidence is limited. The aim of study was to investigate the effect of kinesio taping (KT) on pain, grip strength and function in patients LE. Thirty-one (23 females, 8 males) patients with LE were included. KT was applied twice a week for 2 weeks. Pain at rest, activity of daily living (ADL), night and palpation on lateral epicondyle was evaluated with the visual analog scale (VAS 0-10 cm), and the grip strength was measured with a hand held dynamometer. The stage of the disease was evaluated by the Nirschl score and the functional status was assessed with Patient-Rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire (PRTEQ) score. These parameters were evaluated before, at 2 weeks and 6 weeks after treatment. Patients' satisfaction was also recorded on a Likert scale after treatment at 2 weeks and 6 weeks. The average age of the patients was 43.58 ± 9.02. The dominant limb was affected in 64.5% (20) of the patients. After the application of KT on lateral epicondyle, there was a significant improvement in all parameters in terms of pain, Nirschl score, hand grip strength, patient satisfaction, and PRTEQ scores at 2 and 6 weeks. Kinesio taping can be an effective treatment method in LE. This application improves pain, grip strength and functional status of the patients with LE.

  5. Lateralization of the human mirror neuron system. (United States)

    Aziz-Zadeh, Lisa; Koski, Lisa; Zaidel, Eran; Mazziotta, John; Iacoboni, Marco


    A cortical network consisting of the inferior frontal, rostral inferior parietal, and posterior superior temporal cortices has been implicated in representing actions in the primate brain and is critical to imitation in humans. This neural circuitry may be an evolutionary precursor of neural systems associated with language. However, language is predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere, whereas the degree of lateralization of the imitation circuitry in humans is unclear. We conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of imitation of finger movements with lateralized stimuli and responses. During imitation, activity in the inferior frontal and rostral inferior parietal cortex, although fairly bilateral, was stronger in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the visual stimulus and response hand. This ipsilateral pattern is at variance with the typical contralateral activity of primary visual and motor areas. Reliably increased signal in the right superior temporal sulcus (STS) was observed for both left-sided and right-sided imitation tasks, although subthreshold activity was also observed in the left STS. Overall, the data indicate that visual and motor components of the human mirror system are not left-lateralized. The left hemisphere superiority for language, then, must be have been favored by other types of language precursors, perhaps auditory or multimodal action representations.

  6. Sex Differences in Cerebral Laterality of Language and Visuospatial Processing (United States)

    Clements, A. M.; Rimrodt, S. L.; Abel, J. R.; Blankner, J. G.; Mostofsky, S. H.; Pekar, J. J.; Denckla, M. B.; Cutting, L. E.


    Sex differences on language and visuospatial tasks are of great interest, with differences in hemispheric laterality hypothesized to exist between males and females. Some functional imaging studies examining sex differences have shown that males are more left lateralized on language tasks and females are more right lateralized on visuospatial…

  7. Patterns of prokaryotic lateral gene transfers affecting parasitic microbial eukaryotes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alsmark, Cecilia; Foster, Peter G; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas


    BACKGROUND: The influence of lateral gene transfer on gene origins and biology in eukaryotes is poorly understood compared with those of prokaryotes. A number of independent investigations focusing on specific genes, individual genomes, or specific functional categories from various eukaryotes have...... approach to systematically investigate lateral gene transfer affecting the proteomes of thirteen, mainly parasitic, microbial eukaryotes, representing four of the six eukaryotic super-groups. All of the genomes investigated have been significantly affected by prokaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfers...... indicated that lateral gene transfer does indeed affect eukaryotic genomes. However, the lack of common methodology and criteria in these studies makes it difficult to assess the general importance and influence of lateral gene transfer on eukaryotic genome evolution. RESULTS: We used a phylogenomic...

  8. JPRS Report Science and Technology: Europe. (United States)


    Duesseldorf VDI NACHRICHTEN , 3 May 91] 16 Italian Firm Reports Cuban, Ferrocene Improve Engine Performance [Frankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG...Rose; Duesseldorf VDI NACHRICHTEN , 17 May 91] 23 Hyperstone’s El RISC Processor Described [Berlin RADIO FERNSEHEN ELEKTRONIK, Mar-Apr 91] 24...30 May 91] 30 Germany: Increased Process Heat Network Efficiency in Sight 31 Surfactants Reduce Friction [Bonn TECHNOLGIE- NACHRICHTEN

  9. Sydkorea: Teknologiske tigerspring med globale udfordringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin


    Sydkorea har gennemgået en utrolig udvikling fra u-land til førende i-land i løbet af få årtier. Helt centralt står den teknologiske eksport af elektronik, biler og skibsbyggeri i verdenseliten. Men på trods af de mange succeser er der også udfordringer. Denne analyse viser – med aktuelle eksempl...

  10. The system of high-voltage power PMT for experiments at the JINR Nuclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piyadin, S.M.; Ladygin, V.P.; Pilyar, A.V.; Reznikov, S.G.; Janek, M.


    An 8-channel high-voltage power system based on the use of the module «Wenzel Elektronik N1130» is described. Specifications of control modules 8DAC-12 and 8ADC-14 designed for the high-voltage systems in CAMAC standard are presented. This system is designed to provide the power for the detectors used in physics experiments at the JINR Nuclotron.

  11. Perbandingan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Informasi Oleh Pengguna Digital Native dan Digital Immigrants pada Perpustakaan Universitas Sumatera Utara


    Ramadani, Hidayatullah


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbandingan pemanfaatan sumber daya informasi bagi pengguna digital native dan digital immigrants, dan bagaimana pemanfaatan sumber daya informasi elektronik dan tercetak oleh kedua pengguna tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yang bersifat komparatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan daftar pernyataan yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian kepada pengguna ruang Layanan Dig...

  12. Rapport: IEEE 1997 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 18.-22. august 1997, Austin, Texas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baltsen, Knud A.; Mandrup, Lars


    EMC -gruppen er en del af TUR Netværket Elektronik og Informationstekno¬logi. EMC-gruppen har som formål at iværksætte et fagligt udviklingsarbejde inden for EMC-området med henblik på at styrke og forny undervisningen i EMC på de enkelte diplomingeniøruddan¬nelsesinstitutioner. Ud fra en erkende...

  13. Keberhasilan Implementasi Elektronik Government Berdasarkan Persepsi Pengguna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuni Rimawati


    Full Text Available This research verifies the success of e-Government that is implemented by directorate general of taxes as state institution based on user satisfaction. Seven variables investigated in this research are the usability of e-Government, information quality of e-Government, service quality of e-Government, trust of the government institution, trust of the internet, and Intention to Use Frequently e-Government. The measurement of independent variables that used in this research is based on Barnes and Vidgen (2006 and Bélangerdan Carter (2008. The measurement of dependent variable (user satisfaction based on Xiao dan Dasgupta (2002 which modified with Verdegem and Verleye (2009.

  14. Electronics and braking systems; Elektronik in Bremssystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaupp, W. [Rheinisch-Westfaelischer Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein e.V., Essen (Germany). Inst. fuer Fahrzeugtechnik


    In addition to the anti-lock braking system ABS, which is now fitted to almost every new passenger car, an increasing number of other control systems which intervene in the vehicle's driving dynamics, such as ASR, DSC or ESP, are being introduced. This article gives an overview of such systems, from their beginnings up to the present-day, and describes future developments. (orig.) [German] Neben das Antiblockiersystem ABS, mit dem heute fast jeder neue Pkw ausgestattet ist, treten zunehmend weitere Regelsysteme, die in die Fahrdynamik des Fahrzeugs eingreifen, wie zum Beispiel ASR, DSC oder ESP. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Ueberblick von den Anfaengen dieser Systeme bis hin zu zukuenftigen Entwicklungen. (orig.)

  15. Medial vs lateral unicompartmental knee arthrroplasty: clinical results. (United States)

    Fiocchi, Andrea; Condello, Vincenzo; Madonna, Vincenzo; Bonomo, M; Zorzi, Claudio


    Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty (UKA) is a common procedure for the management of isolated osteoarthritis. UKA is considered less invasive compared to total knee arthroplasty, associated with less operative time, blood loss and faster recovery. Isolated lateral osteoarthritis is a relatively uncommon clinical problem, with an incidence about ten times lower than the medial compartment. In fact, lateral UKA are about 5-10% of the total amount of the UKAs. In addition, it's historically considered more challenging and with poorer results. The aim of this paper was to compare current indications, modes of failure, survivorship and clinical results of medial and lateral UKA by a narrative review of the latest literature.

  16. Genotyping of presenilin-1 polymorphism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)

    Panas, M; Karadima, G; Kalfakis, N; Psarrou, O; Floroskoufi, P; Kladi, A; Petersen, M B; Vassilopoulos, D


    The mechanisms underlying motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are not fully understood. Recent studies suggest that apoptosis is involved in the abnormal neural death that occurs in this devastating disease. Presenilin-1, a transmembrane protein, seems to be implicated in apoptosis. To determine whether presenilin-1 intron 8 polymorphism has an influence in the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we examined this polymorphism genotypes in a large group of patients (n = 72) with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and in a random sample of 213 healthy individuals. The results showed a significant difference in genotype (P < 0.04) and allele (P < 0.03) distribution between patients controls. These results suggest a possible intervention of presenilin-1 in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

  17. 45 CFR 602.51 - Later disallowances and adjustments. (United States)


    ... FOUNDATION UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS TO STATE AND LOCAL... later audit or other review; (b) The grantee's obligation to return any funds due as a result of later... management requirements in §§ 602.31 and 602.32; and (e) Audit requirements in § 602.26. ...


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    Sofuroh -


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matema-tika yang valid, praktis dan pembelajaran yang efektif. Model pengembangan pemb-elajaran mengacu pada model Plomp. Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaransebagaiberikut: (1perangkat pembelajaranyangdikembangkan valid;silabusadalah4,32 (sangatbaik; RPPadalah 4,42 (sangatbaik; LKSadalah4,28 (sangatbaik;bukusiswaadalah 4,32 (sangatbaik; danTKBKadalah4,40 (sangatbaik;(2perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakanpraktis,yaitu:akemampuangurumengelolakelas rata-ratanya4,10 (baik;danbresponsiswapositif denganrata-rata85,5%; (3 pembelajaran matematika dinyatakan efektif  yaitu: a KBK siswa secaraindividu minimal mencapai kriteria 75, serta  proporsi siswa mendapatkan nilaiminimal KBKsama dengan 75 melebihi 75%; b adanya pengaruh positif  disposisimatematis dan keterampilan berpikir kritis terhadap KBKsebesar 95,5%; c berdasarkanuji banding KBK kelas LearningCycle5E dengan pendekatan Scientificlebihbaikdari pada kelas ekspositori;dan d adanyapeningkatan disposisimatematissebesar0,47,keterampilanberpikirkritissebesar0,35dankemampuan berpikirkritissebesar 0,47. Hasilpenelitianperangkat pembelajaran dengan LearningCycle5Edengan pendekatan Scientifictelah valid dan terbukti praktis dan efektif.AbstractThe purpose of  this study was to produce a valid mathematics learning equipment, practical,and to determine the effectiveness of  learning. The research that used is instructional developmentmodelwhichrefersto a Plomp’smodel. Theresultof learning equipment development asfollows: (1 learning equipment developed is valid: syllabus 4,32 (very good; RPP4,42 (verygood; LKS4, 28(very good; student books 4,32(very good; and TKBK 4,40 (very good;(2 learning tool use specified practice: a ability to manage classroom teacheris an average4,10 (verygood, b the positive student response to learning has an average 85,5%;(3 learningmathematicseffective:a the proportionof students who learn a minimum value criticalthinking  abilities  equal by 75 by 75%; b the existence of  a positive influence of  dispositionmathematics  and skill softhe critical thinking ability as large as 95,5%; c class that learn use5E Learning Cycle Model with a Scientific Approach better than expository; and d an increasinginthedisposition mathematics as 0,47,theskills of the critical thinking as 0,35 and theKBK formation proccess of  experimental class as 0,604. The results have a valid and provenpractical and effective. 


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    Adi Purnomo


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran model problem posing pendekatan saintifik yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model Thiagarajan. Pengolahan data penelitian untuk uji kevalidan dan kepraktisan dilakukan dengan menghitung rata-rata skor, sedangkan uji keefektifan dilakukan dengan uji t, uji proporsi, uji regresi, uji t berpasangan, dan uji normalitas gain. Hasil pengembangan diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan valid dengan rata-rata skor validasi silabus 4,3, RPP 4,31, buku peserta didik 4,24, LKPD 4,16, TKPM 4,19, dari skor maksimal 5,00. Perangkat pembelajaran praktis berdasarkan hasil pengamatan kemampuan guru 4,5 (sangat baik dan respon peserta didik 3,8 (baik. Implementasi perangkat pembelajaran efektif yang ditunjukkan dengan: (1 ketuntasan klasikal TKKM melampaui 75%, rata-rata kelas melampaui KKM; (2 kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model problrm posing pendekatan saintifik lebih baik dari pada peserta didik dengan pembelajaran konvensional; (3 keterampilan proses saintifik dan karakter kemandirian berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah; dan (4 adanya peningkatan pemecahan masalah dan mendiskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah berdasarkan Taksonomi SOLO.The purpose of this research to development lesson plan through problem posing model with scientific approach which are valid, practical, and effective. The development research using Thiagarajan model. Processing data for validation and practice can be done calculating the score average, while effectivity by use of t-test, proportion test, regression test, paired t-test, n-gain. The lesson plan is valid based on the average of validation scores syllabus 4,3, RPP 4,31, student book 4,24, LKPD 4,16, TKPM 4,19.  The lesson plan is practical based on the result of observation teacher ability 4,53 and student response 4,23. The lesson plan is effective: (1 completeness clasical is over 75%, class average is over KKM; (2 the ability of students’ problem solving that the learning use problem posing with secientific approach better than students in conventional learning; (3 scientific skill hardwork and character independencet positively to the ability of problem solving; (4 there is improvement ability of students’ problem solving and improvement in problem solving skills based on those solo taxonomy.


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    Pande Ketut Sudiarta


    Full Text Available Jaringan intranet Universitas Udayana telah menghubungkan ketiga lokasi kampus, yaitu Kampus Bukit, Kampus Sudirman, dan Kampus Nias.  Lokasi kampus yang terpisah-pisah dan kampus Bukit yang memiliki area yang cukup luas memerlukan prasarana teleponi yang memadai.  Selama ini, komunikasi teleponi masih memanfaatkan provider seperti PT Telkom, walaupun komunikasi telepon hanya untuk komunikasi antar fakultas atau antar fakultas dengan rektorat di area kampus bukit.  Demikian juga untuk komunikasi telepon antar lokasi kampus yang berbeda. Walaupun beberapa fakultas dan juga gedung Rektorat memiliki perangkat PABX namun keberadaan kebanyakan hanya melayani komunikasi dalam satu gedung saja.  Pemanfaatan intranet kampus UNUD baru dimanfaatkan untuk akses Internet, akses Sistem Informasi dan untuk videoconference. Dengan beban trafik yang ada, jaringan intranet masih memungkinkan untuk dibebani dengan trafik yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan bandwith,  diupayakan dengan mengembangakan sistem teleponi berbasis VoIP yang memanfaatkan infrastruktur yang ada. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menyediakan fasilitas telepon internal kampus yang tidak berbayar. Melalui teknologi VoIP ini,  komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara baik menggunakan telepon analog maupun softphone yang dapat diinstall di masing-masing PC atau laptop. Hal ini nanti tentu akan memberikan efisiensi waktu bagi civitas karena mudah dihubungi dan secara langsung akan berdampak pada efisiensi biaya telekomunikasi di kampus. Infrastruktur yang dikembangkan menggunakan protokol SIP memanfaatkan Free Software Linux Fedora sebagai Operating System, Asterisk dan Ondo sebagai aplikasi server.  Di sisi pemakai, perangkat telepon dapat menggunakan dua model, pertama menggunakan softphone  yang ditujukan untuk personal dengan memanfaatkan nomor induk pegawai (NIP atau nomor induk mahasiswa (NIM sebagai nomor telepon. Model telepon ini aksesnya dapat melalui laptop atau PC.  Sedangkan, model yang kedua menggunakan Hardware FXS ditujukan untuk pesawat fix telepon di masing-masing fakultas dan jurusan. Sebagai operator menggunakan perangkat IP-phone.Hasil yang dicapai dan perbandingan secara teori penggunaan codec jenis G711 memiliki nilai MOS yang terbaik dan kompatibe diaplikasikan untuk berbagai layanan seperti FAX dan integrasi PBX namun memiliki bitrate yang lebih tinggi. Selama pemenelitian belum dapat ditunjukkan perubahan trafik yang ada mengingat perlu waktu untuk adaptasi pemanfaatan teknologi walaupun telah diusahakan menggunakan sosialisasi penggunaan perangkat VoIP ini kepada pegawai internal UNUD.

  1. Cerebral Laterality and Verbal Processes (United States)

    Sherman, Jay L.; And Others


    Research suggests that we process information by way of two distinct and functionally separate coding systems. Their location, somewhat dependent on cerebral laterality, varies in right- and left-handed persons. Tests this dual coding model. (Editor/RK)

  2. Luxação lateral bilateral isolada do cotovelo Elbow bilateral lateral dislocation

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    Leandro José Reckers


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam um caso de luxação lateral bilateral isolada de cotovelo em uma paciente do sexo feminino de 48 anos. Optou-se pelo tratamento conservador através de redução fechada sob anestesia geral. Ambos os cotovelos foram imobilizados com gesso axilo-palmar e mantidos a 90º de flexão por três semanas, quando se iniciou a reabilitação. No seguimento de dezoito meses observou-se boa estabilidade e recuperação do arco de movimento de ambos os cotovelos.The authors present an isolated case of bilateral lateral dislocation of the elbow joint in a 48-year old female patient. The conservative treatment was chosen, through closed reduction under general anesthesia. Both elbows were placed in an axillopalmar splint cast and held at a 90 degree angle of flexion for three weeks when rehabilitation began. In the eighteen-month follow-up period, good stability as well as the recovery of the range of motion was observed in both elbows

  3. Genetic factors and breast cancer laterality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amer, Magid H


    Women are more likely to develop cancer in the left breast than the right. Such laterality may influence subsequent management, especially in elderly patients with heart disease who may require radiation therapy. The purpose of this study was to explore possible factors for such cancer laterality. In this work, clinical data for consecutive patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer were reviewed, with emphasis on clinical presentation and family history. Between 2005 and 2012, 687 patients with breast cancer were seen. Two women with incomplete data and eleven men were excluded. In total, 343 (50.9%) patients presented with left breast cancer, 311 (46.1%) with right breast cancer, and 20 (3.0%) with simultaneous bilateral malignancy. There were no significant differences between the three groups, especially in regards to clinical presentation and tumor characteristics. A total of 622 (92.3%) patients had unilateral primary, 20 (3.0%) had simultaneous bilateral, and 32 (4.7%) had metachronous primary breast cancer with subsequent contralateral breast cancer after 7.5–236 months. The worst 10-year survival was for bilateral simultaneous (18%) compared with unilateral (28%) and metachronous primaries (90%). There were no differences in survival in relation to breast cancer laterality, handedness, and presence or absence of a family history of cancer. There were significant similarities between patients and first-degree relatives in regards to breast cancer laterality, namely same breast (30/66, 45.5%), opposite breast (9/66, 13.6%), and bilateral cancer (27/66, 40.9, P=0.01163). This was more evident among patients and their sisters (17/32, 53.1%) or mothers (11/27, 40.7%, P=0.0689). There were also close similarities in relation to age at initial diagnosis of cancer for patients and their first-degree relatives for age differences of ≤5 years (48/166, 28.9%), 6–10 years (34/166, 20.5%), and >11 years (84/166, 50.6%, P=0.12065). High similarities between patients and their first-degree relatives in regards to cancer laterality and possibly age at initial diagnosis of cancer may suggest an underlying inherited genetic predisposition

  4. The anatomical location and laterality of orbital cavernous haemangiomas. (United States)

    McNab, Alan A; Selva, Dinesh; Hardy, Thomas G; O'Donnell, Brett


    To determine the anatomical location and laterality of orbital cavernous haemangiomas (OCH). Retrospective case series. The records of 104 patients with OCH were analyzed. The anatomical location of each OCH defined by the location of a point at the centre of the lesion, and its laterality. There were 104 patients included in the study. No patient had more than one lesion. Sixteen (15.4%) were located in the anterior third of the orbit, 74 (71.2%) were in the middle third, and 14 (13.5%) in the posterior third. In the middle third, 10 of 74 (13.5%) were extraconal and 64 intraconal (86.5%), with 30 of 64 (46.9%) middle third intraconal lesions lying lateral to the optic nerve. Of 104 lesions, 56 (53.8%) were left sided, showing a trend towards a predilection for the left side (p = 0.065). If data from other published series which included data on laterality is added to our own data and analysed, 270 of 468 (57.7%) OCH occurred in the left orbit (p lateral to the optic nerve. This may reflect an origin of these lesions from the arterial side of the circulation, as there are more small arteries in the intraconal space lateral to the optic nerve than in other locations. A predilection for the left orbit remains unexplained.

  5. SPATACSIN mutations cause autosomal recessive juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)

    Orlacchio, Antonio; Babalini, Carla; Borreca, Antonella; Patrono, Clarice; Massa, Roberto; Basaran, Sarenur; Munhoz, Renato P; Rogaeva, Ekaterina A; St George-Hyslop, Peter H; Bernardi, Giorgio; Kawarai, Toshitaka


    The mutation of the spatacsin gene is the single most common cause of autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum. Common clinical, pathological and genetic features between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and hereditary spastic paraplegia motivated us to investigate 25 families with autosomal recessive juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and long-term survival for mutations in the spatascin gene. The inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of clinically definite amyotrophic lateral sclerosis according to the revised El Escorial criteria. The exclusion criterion was a diagnosis of hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum in line with an established protocol. Additional pathological and genetic evaluations were also performed. Surprisingly, 12 sequence alterations in the spatacsin gene (one of which is novel, IVS30 + 1 G > A) were identified in 10 unrelated pedigrees with autosomal recessive juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and long-term survival. The countries of origin of these families were Italy, Brazil, Canada, Japan and Turkey. The variants seemed to be pathogenic since they co-segregated with the disease in all pedigrees, were absent in controls and were associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis neuropathology in one member of one of these families for whom central nervous system tissue was available. Our study indicates that mutations in the spatascin gene could cause a much wider spectrum of clinical features than previously recognized, including autosomal recessive juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

  6. A neural network model of lateralization during letter identification. (United States)

    Shevtsova, N; Reggia, J A


    The causes of cerebral lateralization of cognitive and other functions are currently not well understood. To investigate one aspect of function lateralization, a bihemispheric neural network model for a simple visual identification task was developed that has two parallel interacting paths of information processing. The model is based on commonly accepted concepts concerning neural connectivity, activity dynamics, and synaptic plasticity. A combination of both unsupervised (Hebbian) and supervised (Widrow-Hoff) learning rules is used to train the model to identify a small set of letters presented as input stimuli in the left visual hemifield, in the central position, and in the right visual hemifield. Each visual hemifield projects onto the contralateral hemisphere, and the two hemispheres interact via a simulated corpus callosum. The contribution of each individual hemisphere to the process of input stimuli identification was studied for a variety of underlying asymmetries. The results indicate that multiple asymmetries may cause lateralization. Lateralization occurred toward the side having larger size, higher excitability, or higher learning rate parameters. It appeared more intensively with strong inhibitory callosal connections, supporting the hypothesis that the corpus callosum plays a functionally inhibitory role. The model demonstrates clearly the dependence of lateralization on different hemisphere parameters and suggests that computational models can be useful in better understanding the mechanisms underlying emergence of lateralization.

  7. Arthroscopic treatment for chronic lateral epicondylitis☆ (United States)

    Terra, Bernardo Barcellos; Rodrigues, Leandro Marano; Filho, Anis Nahssen; de Almeida, Gustavo Dalla Bernardina; Cavatte, José Maria; De Nadai, Anderson


    Objective To report the clinical and functional results from arthroscopic release of the short radial extensor of the carpus (SREC) in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis that was refractory to conservative treatment. Methods Over the period from January 2012 to November 2013, 15 patients underwent arthroscopic treatment. The surgical technique used was the one described by Romeo and Cohen, based on anatomical studies on cadavers. The inclusion criteria were that the patients needed to present lateral epicondylitis and that conservative treatment (analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, corticoid infiltration or physiotherapy) had failed over a period of more than six months. The patients were evaluated based on the elbow functional score of the Mayo Clinic, Nirschl's staging system and a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain. Results A total of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women) were included. The mean Mayo elbow functional score after the operation was 95 (ranging from 90 to 100). The pain VAS improved from a mean of 9.2 before the operation to 0.64 after the operation. On Nirschl's scale, the patients presented an improvement from a mean of 6.5 before the operation to approximately one. There were significant differences from before to after the surgery for the three functional scores used (p  0.05). Conclusion Arthroscopic treatment for lateral epicondylitis was shown to be a safe and effective therapeutic option when appropriately indicated and performed, in refractory cases of chronic lateral epicondylitis. It also allowed excellent viewing of the joint space for diagnosing and treating associated pathological conditions, with a minimally invasive procedure. PMID:26401498

  8. Epicondilite lateral do cotovelo Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow

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    Marcio Cohen


    Full Text Available A epicondilite lateral, também conhecida como cotovelo do tenista, é uma condição comum que acomete de 1 a 3% da população. O termo epicondilite sugere inflamação, embora a análise histológica tecidual não demonstre um processo inflamatório. A estrutura acometida com mais frequência é a origem do tendão extensor radial curto do carpo e o mecanismo de lesão está associado à sua sobrecarga. O tratamento incruento é o de escolha e inclui: repouso, fisioterapia, infiltração com cortisona ou plasma rico em plaquetas e a utilização de imobilização específica. O tratamento cirúrgico é recomendado quando persistem impotência funcional e dor. Tanto a técnica cirúrgica aberta quanto a artroscópica com ressecção da área tendinosa degenerada apresenta bons resultados na literatura.Lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow, is a common condition that is estimated to affect 1% to 3% of the population. The word epicondylitis suggests inflammation, although histological analysis on the tissue fails to show any inflammatory process. The structure most commonly affected is the origin of the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the mechanism of injury is associated with overloading. Nonsurgical treatment is the preferred method, and this includes rest, physiotherapy, cortisone infiltration, platelet-rich plasma injections and use of specific immobilization. Surgical treatment is recommended when functional disability and pain persist. Both the open and the arthroscopic surgical technique with resection of the degenerated tendon tissue present good results in the literature.

  9. Battery operated preconcentration-assisted lateral flow assay. (United States)

    Kim, Cheonjung; Yoo, Yong Kyoung; Han, Sung Il; Lee, Junwoo; Lee, Dohwan; Lee, Kyungjae; Hwang, Kyo Seon; Lee, Kyu Hyoung; Chung, Seok; Lee, Jeong Hoon


    Paper-based analytical devices (e.g. lateral flow assays) are highly advantageous as portable diagnostic systems owing to their low costs and ease of use. Because of their low sensitivity and detection limits for biomolecules, these devices have several limitations in applications for real-field diagnosis. Here, we demonstrate a paper-based preconcentration enhanced lateral flow assay using a commercial β-hCG-based test. Utilizing a simple 9 V battery operation with a low power consumption of approximately 81 μW, we acquire a 25-fold preconcentration factor, demonstrating a clear sensitivity enhancement in the colorimetric lateral flow assay; consequently, clear colors are observed in a rapid kit test line, which cannot be monitored without preconcentration. This device can also facilitate a semi-quantitative platform using the saturation value and/or color intensity in both paper-based colorimetric assays and smartphone-based diagnostics.

  10. Recovery of Dysphagia in Lateral Medullary Stroke

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    Hitesh Gupta


    Full Text Available Lateral medullary stroke is typically associated with increased likelihood of occurrence of dysphagia and exhibits the most severe and persistent form. Worldwide little research exists on dysphagia in brainstem stroke. An estimated 15% of all patients admitted to stroke rehabilitation units experience a brainstem stroke out of which about 47% suffer from dysphagia. In India, a study showed that 22.3% of posterior circulation stroke patients develop dysphagia. Dearth of literature on dysphagia and its outcome in brainstem stroke particularly lateral medullary stroke motivated the author to present an actual case study of a patient who had dysphagia following a lateral medullary infarct. This paper documents the severity and management approach of dysphagia in brainstem stroke, with traditional dysphagia therapy and VitalStim therapy. Despite being diagnosed with a severe form of dysphagia followed by late treatment intervention, the patient had complete recovery of the swallowing function.

  11. Recovery of Dysphagia in lateral medullary stroke. (United States)

    Gupta, Hitesh; Banerjee, Alakananda


    Lateral medullary stroke is typically associated with increased likelihood of occurrence of dysphagia and exhibits the most severe and persistent form. Worldwide little research exists on dysphagia in brainstem stroke. An estimated 15% of all patients admitted to stroke rehabilitation units experience a brainstem stroke out of which about 47% suffer from dysphagia. In India, a study showed that 22.3% of posterior circulation stroke patients develop dysphagia. Dearth of literature on dysphagia and its outcome in brainstem stroke particularly lateral medullary stroke motivated the author to present an actual case study of a patient who had dysphagia following a lateral medullary infarct. This paper documents the severity and management approach of dysphagia in brainstem stroke, with traditional dysphagia therapy and VitalStim therapy. Despite being diagnosed with a severe form of dysphagia followed by late treatment intervention, the patient had complete recovery of the swallowing function.

  12. Recovery of Dysphagia in Lateral Medullary Stroke (United States)

    Gupta, Hitesh; Banerjee, Alakananda


    Lateral medullary stroke is typically associated with increased likelihood of occurrence of dysphagia and exhibits the most severe and persistent form. Worldwide little research exists on dysphagia in brainstem stroke. An estimated 15% of all patients admitted to stroke rehabilitation units experience a brainstem stroke out of which about 47% suffer from dysphagia. In India, a study showed that 22.3% of posterior circulation stroke patients develop dysphagia. Dearth of literature on dysphagia and its outcome in brainstem stroke particularly lateral medullary stroke motivated the author to present an actual case study of a patient who had dysphagia following a lateral medullary infarct. This paper documents the severity and management approach of dysphagia in brainstem stroke, with traditional dysphagia therapy and VitalStim therapy. Despite being diagnosed with a severe form of dysphagia followed by late treatment intervention, the patient had complete recovery of the swallowing function. PMID:25045555


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    N. Shofiyah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model 5E untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penalaran ilmiah siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dengan model 5E valid untuk diterapkan di dalam kelas, BAS memiliki keterbacaan yang bagus, keterlaksanaan RPP dikategorikan baik, model pembelajaran 5E secara efektif dapat mening-katkan keterampilan penalaran ilmiah siswa dan siswa memberikan respon yang positif terhadap pembelajaran. The purpose of this research is to develop the 5E model of learning to improve students’ scientific reasoning skills. The results of this study show that the developed learning model 5E valid to be applied in the classroom, BAS has good readability, keterlaksanaan RPP well categorized, 5E learning model can effectively improve students’ scientific reasoning skills and the students responded positively to the learning.

  14. Lateral topography for reducing effective dose in low-dose chest CT. (United States)

    Bang, Dong-Ho; Lim, Daekeon; Hwang, Wi-Sub; Park, Seong-Hoon; Jeong, Ok-man; Kang, Kyung Wook; Kang, Hohyung


    The purposes of this study were to assess radiation exposure during low-dose chest CT by using lateral topography and to compare the lateral topographic findings with findings obtained with anteroposterior topography alone and anteroposterior and lateral topography combined. From November 2011 to February 2012, 210 male subjects were enrolled in the study. Age, weight, and height of the men were recorded. All subjects were placed into one of three subgroups based on the type of topographic image obtained: anteroposterior topography, lateral topography, and both anteroposterior and lateral topography. Imaging was performed with a 128-MDCT scanner. CT, except for topography, was the same for all subjects. A radiologist analyzed each image, recorded scan length, checked for any insufficiencies in the FOV, and calculated the effective radiation dose. One-way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons were used to compare the effective radiation exposure and scan length between groups. The mean scan length in the anteroposterior topography group was significantly greater than that of the lateral topography group and the combined anteroposterior and lateral topography group (p topography group (0.735 ± 0.033 mSv) was significantly lower than that for the anteroposterior topography group (0.763 ± 0.038 mSv) and the combined anteroposterior and lateral topography group (0.773 ± 0.038) (p < 0.001). Lateral topographic low-dose CT was associated with a lower effective radiation dose and scan length than either anteroposterior topographic low-dose chest CT or low-dose chest CT with both anteroposterior and lateral topograms.

  15. Epitaxial lateral overgrowth - a tool for dislocation blockade in multilayer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zytkiewicz, Z.R.


    Results on epitaxial lateral overgrowth of GaAs layers are reported. The methods of controlling the growth anisotropy, the effect of substrate defects filtration in epitaxial lateral overgrowth procedure and influence of the mask on properties of epitaxial lateral overgrowth layers will be discussed. The case od GaAs epitaxial lateral overgrowth layers grown by liquid phase epitaxy on heavily dislocated GaAs substrates was chosen as an example to illustrate the processes discussed. The similarities between our results and those reported recently for GaN layers grown laterally by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy will be underlined. (author)

  16. The lateral angle revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morgan, Jeannie; Lynnerup, Niels; Hoppa, R.D.


    measurements taken from computed tomography (CT) scans. Previous reports have observed that the lateral angle size in females is significantly larger than in males. The method was applied to an independent series of 77 postmortem CT scans (42 males, 35 females) to validate its accuracy and reliability...... method appears to be of minimal practical use in forensic anthropology and archeology....

  17. Lateralized Feeding Behavior is Associated with Asymmetrical Neuroanatomy and Lateralized Gene Expressions in the Brain in Scale-Eating Cichlid Fish (United States)

    Lee, Hyuk Je; Schneider, Ralf F; Manousaki, Tereza; Kang, Ji Hyoun; Lein, Etienne; Franchini, Paolo


    Abstract Lateralized behavior (“handedness”) is unusual, but consistently found across diverse animal lineages, including humans. It is thought to reflect brain anatomical and/or functional asymmetries, but its neuro-molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Lake Tanganyika scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis show pronounced asymmetry in their jaw morphology as well as handedness in feeding behavior—biting scales preferentially only from one or the other side of their victims. This makes them an ideal model in which to investigate potential laterality in neuroanatomy and transcription in the brain in relation to behavioral handedness. After determining behavioral handedness in P. microlepis (preferred attack side), we estimated the volume of the hemispheres of brain regions and captured their gene expression profiles. Our analyses revealed that the degree of behavioral handedness is mirrored at the level of neuroanatomical asymmetry, particularly in the tectum opticum. Transcriptome analyses showed that different brain regions (tectum opticum, telencephalon, hypothalamus, and cerebellum) display distinct expression patterns, potentially reflecting their developmental interrelationships. For numerous genes in each brain region, their extent of expression differences between hemispheres was found to be correlated with the degree of behavioral lateralization. Interestingly, the tectum opticum and telencephalon showed divergent biases on the direction of up- or down-regulation of the laterality candidate genes (e.g., grm2) in the hemispheres, highlighting the connection of handedness with gene expression profiles and the different roles of these brain regions. Hence, handedness in predation behavior may be caused by asymmetric size of brain hemispheres and also by lateralized gene expressions in the brain. PMID:29069363


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    Miesje Karmiati Purwanegara


    Full Text Available The influenced of respiration to dentocraniofacial growth and development is still controversial. The accurate radiologic examination is important factor for proper diagnosis. Deviation of upper airway (i.e. nasopharynx, oropharymx and nasal cavity could be evaluated by lateral and anteroposterior cephalometric projection technique. This paper explains several methods to evaluate upper respiratory tract by lateral radiograph.

  19. Comparative effectiveness of injection therapies in lateral epicondylitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Thøger Persson; Bartels, Else Marie; Ellingsen, Torkell Juulsgaad


    Injection therapy with glucocorticoids has been used since the 1950s as a treatment strategy for lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). Lately, several novel injection therapies have become available.......Injection therapy with glucocorticoids has been used since the 1950s as a treatment strategy for lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). Lately, several novel injection therapies have become available....

  20. Two distinct forms of functional lateralization in the human brain (United States)

    Gotts, Stephen J.; Jo, Hang Joon; Wallace, Gregory L.; Saad, Ziad S.; Cox, Robert W.; Martin, Alex


    The hemispheric lateralization of certain faculties in the human brain has long been held to be beneficial for functioning. However, quantitative relationships between the degree of lateralization in particular brain regions and the level of functioning have yet to be established. Here we demonstrate that two distinct forms of functional lateralization are present in the left vs. the right cerebral hemisphere, with the left hemisphere showing a preference to interact more exclusively with itself, particularly for cortical regions involved in language and fine motor coordination. In contrast, right-hemisphere cortical regions involved in visuospatial and attentional processing interact in a more integrative fashion with both hemispheres. The degree of lateralization present in these distinct systems selectively predicted behavioral measures of verbal and visuospatial ability, providing direct evidence that lateralization is associated with enhanced cognitive ability. PMID:23959883

  1. Cyber Child Sexual Exploitation dalam Perspektif Perlindungan atas Kejahatan Siber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Go Lisanawati


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi, yang diwujudkan dengan adanya inovasi berupa Internet, yang semakin pesat menempatkan semua pihak berada pada sebuah posisi yang rentan. Kerentanan tersebut dapat berupa tereksploitasinya orang menjadi korban maupun pelaku kejahatan. Teknologi menjadi pedang bermata dua dengan segala kelebihan dan eksplorasi serta eksploitasi atas kelemahan atas pemanfaatan teknologi tersebut oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Pada posisi yang sama, anak menjadi korban yang sangat potensial atas penyalahgunaan teknologi, khususnya atas eksploitasi seksual yang dapat meliputi pornografi anak, perdagangan anak, dan child sex tourism. Indonesia memang telah memiliki berbagai perangkat aturan hukum yang dipergunakan untuk memberikan perlindungan kepada anak, termasuk juga di dalamnya adalah perangkat hukum di bidang telematika. Namun demikian belum semua perangkat hukum tersebut dapat dipergunakan secara maksimal untuk mewujudkan perlindungan hukum bagi anak. The rapid development of technology through Internet nowadays has been put all parties in the vulnerable position. The vulnerable form which may appear is the possibility of the exploited parties to be victims and/or the offender of crime. Technology itself brings not only advancement but also the weaknesses which may be explored and exploited by the irresponsible people by doing such a crime. In the same position, children are potentially to be the very vulnerable victims of the misuse of the technology, especially sexual exploitation which including child pornography, child trafficking, and also child sex tourism. Indonesia is already having such kind of law to give protection to children, including also the law related to telematics matter. But not each law could maximize yet implemented to give the law protection for child.


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    Hendra Rosada Nasution


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Lahan gambut adalah jenis tanah yang terbentuk dari sisa-sisa tumbuhan yang terpendam dalam jangka  waktu yang sangat lama. Lahan gambut memiliki  karakteristik mudah terbakar  pada kondisi panas tertentu yang membentuk bara api di bawah permukaan dan menjalar ke atas permukaan hingga menyebabkan terbakarnya semak belukar atau hutan yang berada di atasnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan monitoring temperatur dan kelembaban permukaan dan bawah lahan gambut. Prototipe yang dibuat terdiri dari dua perangkat transmitter yang dilengkapi dengan sensor sebagai pengukur parameter dan satu perangkat receiver sebagai penerima data kedua transmitter. Pengukuran temperatur tanah di bawah permukaan digunakan sensor LM35 berbentuk probe, kemudian pengukuran temperatur dan kelembaban udara di permukaan digunakan sensor SHT11. pengiriman data dilakukan secara nirkabel menggunakan nRF24L01 dengan jarak maksimal 450 meter dengan jarak yang baik 200 meter. Perangkat receiver dilengkapi sistem interface PC berbasis database pada server  localhost/phpmyadmin. Hasil karakterisasi sensor LM35 dalam bentuk probe menunjukan linieritasnya adalah 0,9994 dan 0,9996; deviasi error 0,380C dan 0,400C; sensitivitas 0,960C dan 0,810C. Hasil lima kali pengukuran pada dua titik pengujian setiap transmitter menunjukkan temperatur tanah memiliki nilai 30,200C - 38,100C dan 24,800C - 38,600C, temperatur udara 25,000C - 38,860C dan 24,850C - 40,150C, kelembaban udara 51,65% - 96,51% dan 43,03% - 96,17%.   Kata kunci : Prototipe, Database, Lahan Gambut, LM35, nRF24L01, SHT11

  3. Analisa Forensik Whatsapp dan LINE Messenger Pada Smartphone Android Sebagai Rujukan Dalam Menyediakan Barang Bukti yang Kuat dan Valid di Indonesia

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    Syukur Ikhsani


    Full Text Available Aplikasi pengolah pesan yang populer di Indonesia adalah WhatsApp dan LINE Messenger. Peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan tingkat kejahatan yang menggunakan aplikasi pengolah pesan itu. Tidak jarang, aplikasi pengolah pesan digunakan untuk bertukar informasi yang ilegal ataupun tindakan pemerasan. Hal ini membutuhkan penanganan khusus dan peran forensika digital untuk menyelesaikan kasus yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan skenario percakapan dan eksperimen modifikasi terhadap kondisi aplikasi, diantaranya penggunaan normal, penghapusan percakapan dan aplikasi. Data setiap eksperimen akan diambil dengan menggunakan metode yang menyesuaikan dengan kondisi perangkat. Data yang berhasil diambil akan dianalisa menggunakan FTK Imager dan SQLite Browser untuk mencari data-data yang penting terkait pengungkapan kasus. Setelah data penting berhasil diketahui, maka dilakukan analisa lanjutan untuk membuktikan data tersebut dapat dipakai dalam pengungkapan sebuah kasus. Setelah data dapat dibuktikan maka dilanjutkan dengan analisa perbandingan data digital terkait eksperimen, perangkat, dan aplikasi pengolah pesan. Langkah terakhir adalah melakukan analisa keamanan dari setiap aplikasi untuk memberikan rekomendasi terkait aplikasi pengolah pesan yang terbaik pada bidang forensika digital. Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa bukti data digital telah berhasil didapat dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu secara manual dan menggunakan aplikasi tambahan. Data yang berhasil didapatkan adalah data utama seperti data kontak dan percakapan serta data pendukung seperti media dan database cadangan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan mendapatkan bukti digital adalah aktivitas modifikasi pada kondisi aplikasi dan perangkat yang digunakan. Dan pada akhirnya WhatsApp merupakan aplikasi yang menjadi rujukan dalam forensika digital sedangkan LINE Messenger merupakan aplikasi yang lebih aman karena lebih sulit untuk dilakukan analisa forensika digital.

  4. Aplikasi Augmented Reality Denah SMP Negeri 36 Purworejo Menggunakan Mobile Android

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    Ni Luh Made Dewi Asih Astita


    Full Text Available Teknologi augmented reality pada masa kini sedang menjadi tren dalam pembuatan aplikasi mobile, baik untuk aplikasi hiburan maupun aplikasi pembelajaran. Salah satu jenis augmented reality yang sedang digemari adalah location based service augmented reality. Jenis AR ini berguna untuk menentukan dan mengidentifikasi lokasi suatu tempat, seperti pada aplikasi tugas akhir ini yang merupakan denah ruangan yang terdapat di SMPN 36 Purworejo. Selain dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mencari ruangan di sekolah hanya dengan menggunakan ponsel Android, aplikasi ini juga menyajikan tampilan denah sekolah yang modern kepada pengguna. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi ini yaitu Platform Junaio yang menyediakan pengalaman augmmented reality berdasarkan teknologi XML. Tahap perancangan dimulai dengan merancang konsep aplikasi, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan data, dan survei lokasi. Tahap implementasi dilakukan dengan membangun dan mengembangkan aplikasi sesuai dengan rancangan yang sudah dibuat. Tahap ini meliputi implementasi sistem pada perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Tahap pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black box serta dilakukan pengujian Beta secara langsung kepada 15 responden. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada sistem operasi Android versi Jelly Bean. Fungsi- fungsi pada aplikasi juga dapat bekerja dengan baik dan sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing. Berdasarkan penilaian yang diberikan oleh 15 responden, aplikasi AR denah sekolah ini dinilai menarik, mudah dipahami dan digunakan, serta mampu membantu masyarakat dalam mencari lokasi ruangan di sekolah. Hal ini terlihat pada semua aspek penilaian, yang mendapatkan persentase rata-rata 90%. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan sebagai suatu inovasi teknologi untuk denah sekolah berteknologi LBS AR dan berbasis Android.

  5. Directional preference in dogs: Laterality and "pull of the north". (United States)

    Adámková, Jana; Svoboda, Jan; Benediktová, Kateřina; Martini, Sabine; Nováková, Petra; Tůma, David; Kučerová, Michaela; Divišová, Michaela; Begall, Sabine; Hart, Vlastimil; Burda, Hynek


    Laterality is a well described phenomenon in domestic dogs. It was shown that dogs, under calm Earth's magnetic field conditions, when marking their home ranges, tend to head about north- or southwards and display thus magnetic alignment. The question arises whether magnetic alignment might be affected or even compromised by laterality and vice versa. We tested the preference of dogs to choose between two dishes with snacks that were placed left and right, in different compass directions (north and east, east and south, south and west or west and north) in front of them. Some dogs were right-lateral, some left-lateral but most of them were ambilateral. There was a preference for the dish placed north compared to the one placed east of the dog ("pull of the north"). This effect was highly significant in small and medium-sized breeds but not in larger breeds, highly significant in females, in older dogs, in lateralized dogs but less significant or not significant in males, younger dogs, or ambilateral dogs. Laterality and "pull of the north" are phenomena which should be considered in diverse tasks and behavioral tests with which dogs or other animals might be confronted. The interaction and possible conflict between lateralization and "pull of the north" might be also considered as a reason for shifted magnetic alignment observed in different animal species in different contexts.

  6. [Significance of lateral release in the therapy of patellar chondromalacia]. (United States)

    Krüger, T; Göbel, F; Huschenbett, A; Hein, W


    A retrospective study was performed in 26 patients who underwent an operation for femoro-patellar pain due to a patellar chondromalacia with or without minor patellar dislocation/lateral pressure syndrome. The average age of the patients was 28.5 (15-39) years. 22 of the 26 patients revealed minor chondral damages of the stages 1 and 2 according to Outerbridge. In 12 patients ("lavage" group), an arthroscopic joint debridement only was carried out, while an additional open, lateral retinaculum release was made in 14 patients ("lateral release" group). The patella's distance of dislocation according to Hepp was reduced on an average of 3.0 (0-7) mm (p = 0.0019). The results of Bentley's score obtained during the follow-up interval on an average of 30.1 (9 to 60) months were almost identical for both groups. "Good" and "very good" results were achieved in the "lavage" group (83.3 %) and "lateral release" group (78.6 % of the patients). Lateral release should be used in cases of patellar decentration between 5 and 10 mm and adequate pain symptoms. The post-operative distance of dislocation should be less than 5 mm. Under such conditions and with minor chondral damage, a combined approach by using an arthroscopic joint debridement and open lateral release is promising to treat a patellar dislocation/lateral pressure syndrome.

  7. Directional preference in dogs: Laterality and "pull of the north" (United States)

    Adámková, Jana; Svoboda, Jan; Benediktová, Kateřina; Martini, Sabine; Nováková, Petra; Tůma, David; Kučerová, Michaela; Divišová, Michaela; Begall, Sabine; Hart, Vlastimil


    Laterality is a well described phenomenon in domestic dogs. It was shown that dogs, under calm Earth's magnetic field conditions, when marking their home ranges, tend to head about north- or southwards and display thus magnetic alignment. The question arises whether magnetic alignment might be affected or even compromised by laterality and vice versa. We tested the preference of dogs to choose between two dishes with snacks that were placed left and right, in different compass directions (north and east, east and south, south and west or west and north) in front of them. Some dogs were right-lateral, some left-lateral but most of them were ambilateral. There was a preference for the dish placed north compared to the one placed east of the dog ("pull of the north"). This effect was highly significant in small and medium-sized breeds but not in larger breeds, highly significant in females, in older dogs, in lateralized dogs but less significant or not significant in males, younger dogs, or ambilateral dogs. Laterality and “pull of the north” are phenomena which should be considered in diverse tasks and behavioral tests with which dogs or other animals might be confronted. The interaction and possible conflict between lateralization and "pull of the north" might be also considered as a reason for shifted magnetic alignment observed in different animal species in different contexts. PMID:28945773

  8. Two types of lateral extension in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: diagnostic and therapeutic management. (United States)

    Szymańska, Anna; Szymański, Marcin; Czekajska-Chehab, Elżbieta; Szczerbo-Trojanowska, Małgorzata


    Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a benign, locally aggressive nasopharyngeal tumor. Apart from anterior lateral extension to the pterygopalatine fossa, it may spread laterally posterior to the pterygoid process, showing posterior lateral growth pattern, which is less common and more difficult to identify during surgery. We analyzed the routes of lateral spread, modalities useful in its diagnosis, the incidence of lateral extension and its influence on outcomes of surgical treatment. The records of 37 patients with laterally extending JNA treated at our institution between 1987 and 2011 were retrospectively evaluated. Computed tomography was performed in all patients and magnetic resonance imaging in 17 (46 %) patients. CT and MRI were evaluated to determine routes and extension of JNA lateral spread. Anterior lateral extension to the pterygopalatine fossa occurred in 36 (97 %) patients and further to the infratemporal fossa in 20 (54 %) patients. In 16 (43 %) cases posterior lateral spread was observed: posterior to the pterygoid process and/or between its plates. The recurrence rate was 29.7 % (11/37). The majority of residual lesions was located behind the pterygoid process (7/11). Recurrent disease occurred in 3/21 patients with anterior lateral extension, in 7/15 patients with both types of lateral extensions and in 1 patient with posterior lateral extension. JNA posterior lateral extension may spread behind the pterygoid process or between its plates. The recurrence rate in patients with anterior and/or posterior lateral extension is significantly higher than in patients with anterior lateral extension only. Both CT and MRI allow identification of the anterior and posterior lateral extensions.

  9. Plane development of lateral surfaces for inspection systems (United States)

    Francini, F.; Fontani, D.; Jafrancesco, D.; Mercatelli, L.; Sansoni, P.


    The problem of developing the lateral surfaces of a 3D object can arise in item inspection using automated imaging systems. In an industrial environment, these control systems typically work at high rate and they have to assure a reliable inspection of the single item. For compactness requirements it is not convenient to utilise three or four CCD cameras to control all the lateral surfaces of an object. Moreover it is impossible to mount optical components near the object if it is placed on a conveyor belt. The paper presents a system that integrates on a single CCD picture the images of both the frontal surface and the lateral surface of an object. It consists of a freeform lens mounted in front of a CCD camera with a commercial lens. The aim is to have a good magnification of the lateral surface, maintaining a low aberration level for exploiting the pictures in an image processing software. The freeform lens, made in plastics, redirects the light coming from the object to the camera lens. The final result is to obtain on the CCD: - the frontal and lateral surface images, with a selected magnification (even with two different values for the two images); - a gap between these two images, so an automatic method to analyse the images can be easily applied. A simple method to design the freeform lens is illustrated. The procedure also allows to obtain the imaging system modifying a current inspection system reducing the cost.

  10. Fundamentals of mechatronics. 2. ed.; Grundlagen der Mechatronik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernstein, H.


    Mechatronics combines the disciplines of electrotechnics, electronics, computer science, mechanical engineering, design, pneumatics, hydraulics and process engineering, and the book addresses students and experts in all these fields. It comprises a CD which runs on PC under Windows and illustrates the theory of mechatronics and presents examples. (GL) [German] Die Mechatronik (Kunstwort aus Mechanik und Elektronik) stellt die technische Verbindung zwischen den Fachdisziplinen Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informatik, Maschinenbau, Antriebstechnik, Konstruktion, Pneumatik, Hydraulik und Verfahrenstechnik dar, und dementsprechend ist dieses Buch auf das Studium bzw. das Berufbild der einzelnen Aufgabenfelder abgestimmt. Durch die Bauelemente der analogen bzw. digitalen Schaltungstechnik und der Leistungselektronik wurden die Voraussetzungen fuer die Mechatronik in der Automatisierungstechnik geschaffen, die in der Industrie nicht nur zu einer Produktionssteigerung fuehrten, sondern auch die Herstellungsgenauigkeit der Fabrikate wesentlich erhoehten. Durch die Programme auf den beiden dem Buch beiliegenden CD-ROM laesst sich die Theorie der mechatronischen Teilgebiete direkt am PC unter Windows simulieren. Anhand kurzer, aussagekraeftiger Simulationsbeispiele werden die grundlegenden bzw. weiterentwickelten Elemente der Mechatronik gezeigt. Ob in der Antriebstechnik oder in der elektrischen Schaltungstechnik, alle Versuche lassen sich komplett und einfach simulieren und veraendern, so dass jeder Lernschritt nachvollziehbar ist. (orig.)

  11. Mechatronics - a discipline with a future in automotive development; Die Mechatronik als Zukunftsdisziplin der Automobilentwicklung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Runge, W. [ZF Friedrichshafen AG (Germany)


    Modern motor vehicles are increasingly determined by electrical and electronic systems. Experts have estimated that, in future, 90% of all innovations in automotive engineering would not be possible without the use of electronic components and the corresponding software. But, when it comes to integrating all of these new electric components and drives, the developers come up against a natural boundary - the space available in the vehicle itself. Future developments in automotive engineering will therefore be largely determined by the spatial integration of electrical and electronic systems in the vehicle. This - besides other factors - is the main reason for the major importance of mechatronics in automotive engineering. (orig.) [German] Moderne Kraftfahrzeuge werden immer mehr von der Elektrik und Elektronik gepraegt. Nach Einschaetzung von Experten werden kuenftig 90% aller fahrzeugtechnischen Innovationen durch die Verwendung elektronischer Komponenten und entsprechender Software erst moeglich werden. Bei der Integration aller neuen elektrischen Komponenten und Antriebe stossen die Entwickler aber auf eine natuerliche Grenze - den im Automobil vorhandenen Bauraum. Die kuenftige Entwicklung im Automobil wird daher massgeblich durch die raeumliche Integration der Elektrik und Elektronik im Kfz bestimmt. Dies ist - neben anderen Faktoren - der wesentliche Treiber fuer die zunehmende Bedeutung der Mechatronik im Automobilbau. (orig.)

  12. Fundamentals of mechatronics; Grundlagen der Mechatronik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernstein, H.


    Mechatronics combines the disciplines of electrotechnics, electronics, computer science, mechanical engineering, design, pneumatics, hydraulics and process engineering, and the book addresses students and experts in all these fields. It comprises a CD which runs on PC under Windows and illustrates the theory of mechatronics and presents examples. [German] Die Mechatronik (Kunstwort aus Mechanik und Elektronik) stellt die technische Verbindung zwischen den Fachdisziplinen Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informatik, Maschinenbau, Antriebstechnik, Konstruktion, Pneumatik, Hydraulik und Verfahrenstechnik dar, und dementsprechend ist dieses Buch auf das Studium bzw. das Berufbild der einzelnen Aufgabenfelder abgestimmt. Durch die Bauelemente der analogen bzw. digitalen Schaltungstechnik und der Leistungselektronik wurden die Voraussetzungen fuer die Mechatronik in der Automatisierungstechnik geschaffen, die in der Industrie nicht nur zu einer Produktionssteigerung fuehrten, sondern auch die Herstellungsgenauigkeit der Fabrikate wesentlich erhoehten. Durch die Programme auf den beiden dem Buch beiliegenden CD-ROM laesst sich die Theorie der mechatronischen Teilgebiete direkt am PC unter Windows simulieren. Anhand kurzer, aussagekraeftiger Simulationsbeispiele werden die grundlegenden bzw. weiterentwickelten Elemente der Mechatronik gezeigt. Ob in der Antriebstechnik oder in der elektrischen Schaltungstechnik, alle Versuche lassen sich komplett und einfach simulieren und veraendern, so dass jeder Lernschritt nachvollziehbar ist. (orig.)

  13. Agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors and associated dental anomalies. (United States)

    Garib, Daniela Gamba; Alencar, Bárbara Maria; Lauris, José Roberto Pereira; Baccetti, Tiziano


    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors and to compare the findings with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. A sample of 126 patients, aged 7 to 35 years, with agenesis of at least 1 maxillary lateral incisor was selected. Panoramic and periapical radiographs and dental casts were used to analyze other associated dental anomalies, including agenesis of other permanent teeth, ectopia of unerupted permanent teeth, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and supernumerary teeth. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with prevalence data previously reported for the general population. Statistical testing was performed with the chi-square test (P <0.05) and the odds ratio. Patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis had a significantly increased prevalence rate of permanent tooth agenesis (18.2%), excluding the third molars. The occurrence of third-molar agenesis in a subgroup aged 14 years or older (n = 76) was 35.5%. The frequencies of maxillary second premolar agenesis (10.3%), mandibular second premolar agenesis (7.9%), microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (38.8%), and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars (3.9%) were significantly increased in our sample compared with the general population. In a subgroup of patients aged 10 years or older (n = 115), the prevalence of palatally displaced canines was elevated (5.2%). The prevalences of mesioangulation of mandibular second molars and supernumerary teeth were not higher in the sample. Permanent tooth agenesis, maxillary lateral incisor microdontia, palatally displaced canines, and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars are frequently associated with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis, providing additional evidence of a genetic interrelationship in the causes of these dental anomalies. 2010 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Epigenesis of behavioural lateralization in humans and other animals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaafsma, S. M.; Riedstra, B. J.; Pfannkuche, K. A.; Bouma, A.; Groothuis, T. G. G.


    Despite several decades of research, the epigenesis of behavioural and brain lateralization is still elusive, although its knowledge is important in understanding developmental plasticity, function and evolution of lateralization, and its relationship with developmental disorders. Over the last

  15. Childhood and later life stressors and psychosis

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    Leslie J. Roper


    Full Text Available The etiology of psychosis consists of a complex integration of several risk factors including genetic vulnerability, adverse life events and trauma, and substance use. This review discusses the current theories of the genesis of psychosis, with an emphasis on the importance of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs and later life events. ACEs in particular have a profound impact on an individual’s health later in life; and specifically, those who have experienced ACEs are at an increased risk for psychosis. In addition, stressful life events later in life may be relevant for onset and relapse of psychotic episodes. Associations between types of life adversity and specific symptomatology of a psychotic episode have also been suggested. A multi-factorial approach is suggested for linking genetic and environmental contributors to the onset of psychosis. This approach may have an advantage over a purely bio-medical model by focusing less on disability and more on underlying contributors that may be responsive to intervention.

  16. Post-seismic relaxation theory on laterally heterogeneous viscoelastic model (United States)

    Pollitz, F.F.


    Investigation was carried out into the problem of relaxation of a laterally heterogeneous viscoelastic Earth following an impulsive moment release event. The formal solution utilizes a semi-analytic solution for post-seismic deformation on a laterally homogeneous Earth constructed from viscoelastic normal modes, followed by application of mode coupling theory to derive the response on the aspherical Earth. The solution is constructed in the Laplace transform domain using the correspondence principle and is valid for any linear constitutive relationship between stress and strain. The specific implementation described in this paper is a semi-analytic discretization method which assumes isotropic elastic structure and a Maxwell constitutive relation. It accounts for viscoelastic-gravitational coupling under lateral variations in elastic parameters and viscosity. For a given viscoelastic structure and minimum wavelength scale, the computational effort involved with the numerical algorithm is proportional to the volume of the laterally heterogeneous region. Examples are presented of the calculation of post-seismic relaxation with a shallow, laterally heterogeneous volume following synthetic impulsive seismic events, and they illustrate the potentially large effect of regional 3-D heterogeneities on regional deformation patterns.

  17. Early development and gravitropic response of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Guyomarc'h, S; Léran, S; Auzon-Cape, M; Perrine-Walker, F; Lucas, M; Laplaze, L


    Root system architecture plays an important role in determining nutrient and water acquisition and is modulated by endogenous and environmental factors, resulting in considerable developmental plasticity. The orientation of primary root growth in response to gravity (gravitropism) has been studied extensively, but little is known about the behaviour of lateral roots in response to this signal. Here, we analysed the response of lateral roots to gravity and, consistently with previous observations, we showed that gravitropism was acquired slowly after emergence. Using a lateral root induction system, we studied the kinetics for the appearance of statoliths, phloem connections and auxin transporter gene expression patterns. We found that statoliths could not be detected until 1 day after emergence, whereas the gravitropic curvature of the lateral root started earlier. Auxin transporters modulate auxin distribution in primary root gravitropism. We found differences regarding PIN3 and AUX1 expression patterns between the lateral root and the primary root apices. Especially PIN3, which is involved in primary root gravitropism, was not expressed in the lateral root columella. Our work revealed new developmental transitions occurring in lateral roots after emergence, and auxin transporter expression patterns that might explain the specific response of lateral roots to gravity.

  18. Evolutionary and mechanistic drivers of laterality: A review and new synthesis. (United States)

    Wiper, Mallory L


    Laterality, best understood as asymmetries of bilateral structures or biases in behaviour, has been demonstrated in species from all major vertebrate classes, and in many invertebrates, showing a large degree of evolutionary conservation across vertebrate groups. Despite the establishment of this phenomenon in so many species, however, the evolutionary and mechanistic study of laterality is uneven with numerous areas in this field requiring greater attention. Here, I present a partial review of how far the study of laterality has come, outlining previous pioneering work, I discuss the hypothesized costs and benefits of a lateralized brain and the suggested path of the evolution of laterality for populations and individuals. I propose an expansion of laterality research into areas that have been touched upon in the past but require stronger evidence from which the field will greatly benefit. Namely, I suggest a continuation of the phylogenetic approach to investigating laterality to better understand its evolutionary path; and a further focus on mechanistic drivers, with special attention to genetic and environmental effects. Putting together the puzzle of laterality using as many pieces as possible will provide a stronger understanding of this field, allowing us to continue to expand the field in novel ways.

  19. Spontaneous lateral temporal encephalocele. (United States)

    Tuncbilek, Gokhan; Calis, Mert; Akalan, Nejat


    A spontaneous encephalocele is one that develops either because of embryological maldevelopment or from a poorly understood postnatal process that permits brain herniation to occur. We here report a rare case of lateral temporal encephalocele extending to the infratemporal fossa under the zygomatic arch. At birth, the infant was noted to have a large cystic mass in the right side of the face. After being operated on initially in another center in the newborn period, the patient was referred to our clinic with a diagnosis of temporal encephalocele. He was 6 months old at the time of admission. Computerized tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging studies revealed a 8 × 9 cm fluid-filled, multiloculated cystic mass at the right infratemporal fossa. No intracranial pathology or connection is seen. The patient was operated on to reduce the distortion effect of the growing mass. The histopathological examination of the sac revealed well-differentiated mature glial tissue stained with glial fibrillary acid protein. This rare clinical presentation of encephaloceles should be taken into consideration during the evaluation of the lateral facial masses in the infancy period, and possible intracranial connection should be ruled out before surgery to avoid complications.

  20. Fuzzy Sliding Mode Lateral Control of Intelligent Vehicle Based on Vision

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linhui Li


    Full Text Available The lateral control of intelligent vehicle is studied in this paper, with the intelligent vehicle DLUIV-1 based on visual navigation as the object of research. Firstly, the lateral control model based on visual preview is established. The kinematics model based on visual preview, including speed and other factors, is used to calculate the lateral error and direction error. Secondly, according to the characteristics of lateral control, an efficient strategy of intelligent vehicle lateral mode is proposed. The integration of the vehicle current lateral error and direction error is chosen as the parameter of the sliding mode switching function to design the sliding surface. The control variables are adjusted according to the fuzzy control rules to ensure that they meet the existence and reaching condition. The sliding mode switching function is regarded as the control objective, to ensure the stability of the steering wheel rotation. Simulation results show that the lateral controller can guarantee high path-tracking accuracy and strong robustness for the change of model parameters.

  1. Laterality strength is linked to stress reactivity in Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni). (United States)

    Byrnes, Evan E; Vila Pouca, Catarina; Brown, Culum


    Cerebral lateralization is an evolutionarily deep-rooted trait, ubiquitous among the vertebrates and present even in some invertebrates. Despite the advantages of cerebral lateralization in enhancing cognition and facilitating greater social cohesion, large within population laterality variation exists in many animal species. It is proposed that this variation is maintained due links with inter-individual personality trait differences. Here we explored for lateralization in Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) using T-maze turn and rotational swimming tasks. Additionally, we explored for a link between personality traits, boldness and stress reactivity, and cerebral lateralization. Sharks demonstrated large individual and sex biased laterality variation, with females demonstrating greater lateralization than males overall. Stress reactivity, but not boldness, was found to significantly correlate with lateralization strength. Stronger lateralized individuals were more reactive to stress. Demonstrating laterality in elasmobranchs for the first time indicates ancient evolutionary roots of vertebrate lateralization approximately 240 million years old. Greater lateralization in female elasmobranchs may be related enhancing females' ability to process multiple stimuli during mating, which could increase survivability and facilitate insemination. Despite contrasting evidence in teleost fishes, the results of this study suggest that stress reactivity, and other personality traits, may be linked to variation in lateralization. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Lateralization for dynamic facial expressions in human superior temporal sulcus. (United States)

    De Winter, François-Laurent; Zhu, Qi; Van den Stock, Jan; Nelissen, Koen; Peeters, Ronald; de Gelder, Beatrice; Vanduffel, Wim; Vandenbulcke, Mathieu


    Most face processing studies in humans show stronger activation in the right compared to the left hemisphere. Evidence is largely based on studies with static stimuli focusing on the fusiform face area (FFA). Hence, the pattern of lateralization for dynamic faces is less clear. Furthermore, it is unclear whether this property is common to human and non-human primates due to predisposing processing strategies in the right hemisphere or that alternatively left sided specialization for language in humans could be the driving force behind this phenomenon. We aimed to address both issues by studying lateralization for dynamic facial expressions in monkeys and humans. Therefore, we conducted an event-related fMRI experiment in three macaques and twenty right handed humans. We presented human and monkey dynamic facial expressions (chewing and fear) as well as scrambled versions to both species. We studied lateralization in independently defined face-responsive and face-selective regions by calculating a weighted lateralization index (LIwm) using a bootstrapping method. In order to examine if lateralization in humans is related to language, we performed a separate fMRI experiment in ten human volunteers including a 'speech' expression (one syllable non-word) and its scrambled version. Both within face-responsive and selective regions, we found consistent lateralization for dynamic faces (chewing and fear) versus scrambled versions in the right human posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), but not in FFA nor in ventral temporal cortex. Conversely, in monkeys no consistent pattern of lateralization for dynamic facial expressions was observed. Finally, LIwms based on the contrast between different types of dynamic facial expressions (relative to scrambled versions) revealed left-sided lateralization in human pSTS for speech-related expressions compared to chewing and emotional expressions. To conclude, we found consistent laterality effects in human posterior STS but not in visual cortex of monkeys. Based on our results, it is tempting to speculate that lateralization for dynamic face processing in humans may be driven by left-hemispheric language specialization which may not have been present yet in the common ancestor of human and macaque monkeys. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow. (United States)

    Vaquero-Picado, Alfonso; Barco, Raul; Antuña, Samuel A


    Lateral epicondylitis, also known as 'tennis elbow', is a very common condition affecting mainly middle-aged patients.The pathogenesis remains unknown but there appears to be a combination of local tendon pathology, alteration in pain perception and motor impairment.The diagnosis is usually clinical but some patients may benefit from additional imaging for a specific differential diagnosis.The disease has a self-limiting course of between 12 and 18 months, but in some patients, symptoms can be persistent and refractory to treatment.Most patients are well-managed with non-operative treatment and activity modification. Many surgical techniques have been proposed for patients with refractory symptoms.New non-operative treatment alternatives with promising results have been developed in recent years. Cite this article: Vaquero-Picado A, Barco R, Antuña SA. Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow. EFORT Open Rev 2016;1:391-397. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.1.000049.

  4. Retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy mapped by lymphoscintigraphy for rectal adenocarcinoma staging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quadros, C.A.; Araujo, I.; Lopes, A.


    The good prognosis of retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy has raised the question of whether total mesorectal excision is suitable for adequate staging of rectal adenocarcinoma patients. The aims of this study were to determine the accuracy of dye and probe detection of metastatic retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes and to define the upstaging impact of retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy in rectal adenocarcinoma patients. Ninety-seven rectal adenocarcinoma patients were submitted to total mesorectal excision and retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. Lymphoscintigraphy using technetium-99 m-phytate and patent blue was performed to detect blue and/or radioactive retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes which were examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically with a step-sectioning technique. Mesorectal mean node count was 11.5 and retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic node was 11.7. Retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy identified metastases in 17.5%, upstaging 8.2%. Variables related to metastatic retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes were the following: Stage III in total mesorectal excision specimens (P<0.04), pT3/pT4 tumors (P=0.047), high levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (P=0.014) and large tumors (P=0.03). Marker migration to retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes occurred in 37.1%, upstaging 11.1%. The markers' accuracy in the detection of metastatic retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes was 100%. Retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy detected an important rate of metastatic retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes (RLPN), resulting in upstaging. When markers migrated, they were able to detect RLPN metastases. The use of markers should be improved in the identification of RLPN metastases for selective indication of retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. (author)

  5. Ultimate Lateral Capacity of Rigid Pile in c- φ Soil (United States)

    Zhang, Wei-min


    To date no analytical solution of the pile ultimate lateral capacity for the general c- φ soil has been obtained. In the present study, a new dimensionless embedded ratio was proposed and the analytical solutions of ultimate lateral capacity and rotation center of rigid pile in c- φ soils were obtained. The results showed that both the dimensionless ultimate lateral capacity and dimensionless rotation center were the univariate functions of the embedded ratio. Also, the ultimate lateral capacity in the c- φ soil was the combination of the ultimate lateral capacity ( f c ) in the clay, and the ultimate lateral capacity ( f φ ) in the sand. Therefore, the Broms chart for clay, solution for clay ( φ=0) put forward by Poulos and Davis, solution for sand ( c=0) obtained by Petrasovits and Awad, and Kondner's ultimate bending moment were all proven to be the special cases of the general solution in the present study. A comparison of the field and laboratory tests in 93 cases showed that the average ratios of the theoretical values to the experimental value ranged from 0.85 to 1.15. Also, the theoretical values displayed a good agreement with the test values.

  6. Physical Modelling of Cyclic Laterally Loaded Pile in Cohesionless Soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Mette; Wolf, Torben K.; Rasmussen, Kristian L.

    Offshore wind turbines are normally founded with large diameter monopiles and placed in rough environments subjected to variable lateral loads from wind and waves. A long-term lateral loading may create rotation (tilt) of the pile by change in the pile-soil system which is critical in the service......Offshore wind turbines are normally founded with large diameter monopiles and placed in rough environments subjected to variable lateral loads from wind and waves. A long-term lateral loading may create rotation (tilt) of the pile by change in the pile-soil system which is critical...... in the serviceability limit state. In this paper small-scale testing of a pile subjected to cyclic, lateral loading is treated in order to investigate the effect of cyclic loading. The test setup, which is an improvement of a previous setup, is described and the first results of testing are compared with previous...

  7. Laboratory Testing of Cyclic Laterally Loaded Pile in Cohesionless Soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesen, Hanne Ravn; Ibsen, Lars Bo; Hansen, Mette


    Offshore wind turbines are normally founded with large diameter monopiles and placed in rough environments subjected to variable lateral loads from wind and waves. A long-term lateral loading may create rotation (tilt) of the pile by change in the pile-soil system which is critical in the service......Offshore wind turbines are normally founded with large diameter monopiles and placed in rough environments subjected to variable lateral loads from wind and waves. A long-term lateral loading may create rotation (tilt) of the pile by change in the pile-soil system which is critical...... in the serviceability limit state. In this paper small-scale testing of a pile subjected to cyclic, lateral loading is treated in order to investigate the effect of cyclic loading. The test setup, which is an improvement of a previous setup, is described and the first results of testing are compared with previous...

  8. Effect of Acupotomy Therapy on Lateral Epicondylitis Diagnosed by Ultrasonography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lim Nara


    Full Text Available Purpose: This observation was to report the clinical effects of acupotomy in treating lateral epicondylitis. Methods: Three patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis were treated with acupotomy. Two were male and one was female. The improvement of symptom were evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS and self-consciousness symptoms of Cozen test. Results: After one treatments, patient's chief complaint and the pain near the lateral epicondyle while cozen test were notably improved. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that oriental medical treatment with acuputomy therapy has significant effect in improving symptoms of lateral epicondylitis. As though we had not wide experienced in this treatment, more research is needed.

  9. Use of Sugammadex in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (United States)

    Kelsaka, Ebru; Karakaya, Deniz; Zengin, Eyüp Cağatayn


    Objective To report on general anesthesia management in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Case Presentation and Intervention A 47-year-old man presented with fracture of the humerus. The patient was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. General anesthesia was induced with propofol, rocuronium and remifentanil. After uneventful surgical repair, TOF (train-of-four) ratio reached >0.90 at the end of operation. However, muscle strength and tidal volume were inadequate. After sugammadex 2 mg kg−1 i.v. was given, the patient was extubated 120 s later. Conclusion This case highlights that rocuronium and sugammadex can be used safely in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis undergoing surgery with general anesthesia. PMID:23075763

  10. Evaluations of the criterion for lateral expansion of steels for nuclear components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susukida, H.; Satoh, M.; Fukuhara, A.


    The Charpy V notch impact tests were performed on Japanese made ferritic steels for nuclear components and their lateral expansions were investigated. The correlations of lateral expansion and absorbed energy with yield strength, and the correlation between lateral expansion and fracture toughness were also studied. The correlation at each lateral expansion level between absorbed energy and yield strength almost agreed with that published by the US PVRC. It was confirmed that lateral expansion could be used as a criterion for the toughness of the steels corresponding to changes in their yield strength, and that the lateral expansion criterion adopted in the ASME Code Section III was appropriate. Further, the correlation between fracture toughness and lateral expansion and that between fracture toughness and absorbed energy, were evaluated, and respective equations of correlation were proposed. (author)

  11. Lateral rigidity of cracked concrete structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castellani, A.; Chesi, C.


    Numerical results are discussed on the lateral rigidity of reinforced concrete structures with a given crack distribution. They have been favourably checked with experimental results for cylindrical shells under the effect of a thermal gradient producing vertical cracking or vertical plus horizontal cracking. The main effects characterizing the concrete behaviour are: (1) The shear transfer across a crack; (2) The shear transfer degradation after cyclic loading; (3) The tension stiffening provided by the concrete between crack and crack, in the normal stress transfer; (4) The temperature effect on the elastic moduli of concrete, when cracks are of thermal origin. Only the 1st effect is discussed on an experimental basis. Two broad cathegories of reinforced concrete structures have been investigated in this respect: shear walls of buildings and cylindrical containment structures. The main conclusions so far reached are: (1) Vertical cracks are unlikely to decrease the lateral rigidity to less than 80% of the original one, and to less than 90% when they do not involve the entire thickness of the wall; (2) The appearence of horizontal cracks can reduce the lateral rigidity by some 30% or more; (3) A noticeable but not yet evaluated influence is shown by cyclic loading. (orig.)

  12. Lateralized Feeding Behavior is Associated with Asymmetrical Neuroanatomy and Lateralized Gene Expressions in the Brain in Scale-Eating Cichlid Fish. (United States)

    Lee, Hyuk Je; Schneider, Ralf F; Manousaki, Tereza; Kang, Ji Hyoun; Lein, Etienne; Franchini, Paolo; Meyer, Axel


    Lateralized behavior ("handedness") is unusual, but consistently found across diverse animal lineages, including humans. It is thought to reflect brain anatomical and/or functional asymmetries, but its neuro-molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Lake Tanganyika scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis show pronounced asymmetry in their jaw morphology as well as handedness in feeding behavior-biting scales preferentially only from one or the other side of their victims. This makes them an ideal model in which to investigate potential laterality in neuroanatomy and transcription in the brain in relation to behavioral handedness. After determining behavioral handedness in P. microlepis (preferred attack side), we estimated the volume of the hemispheres of brain regions and captured their gene expression profiles. Our analyses revealed that the degree of behavioral handedness is mirrored at the level of neuroanatomical asymmetry, particularly in the tectum opticum. Transcriptome analyses showed that different brain regions (tectum opticum, telencephalon, hypothalamus, and cerebellum) display distinct expression patterns, potentially reflecting their developmental interrelationships. For numerous genes in each brain region, their extent of expression differences between hemispheres was found to be correlated with the degree of behavioral lateralization. Interestingly, the tectum opticum and telencephalon showed divergent biases on the direction of up- or down-regulation of the laterality candidate genes (e.g., grm2) in the hemispheres, highlighting the connection of handedness with gene expression profiles and the different roles of these brain regions. Hence, handedness in predation behavior may be caused by asymmetric size of brain hemispheres and also by lateralized gene expressions in the brain. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  13. Cortical Asymmetries during Hand Laterality Task Vary with Hand Laterality: A fMRI Study in 295 Participants (United States)

    Mellet, Emmanuel; Mazoyer, Bernard; Leroux, Gaelle; Joliot, Marc; Tzourio-Mazoyer, Nathalie


    The aim of this study was to characterize, using fMRI, the functional asymmetries of hand laterality task (HLT) in a sample of 295 participants balanced for handedness. During HLT, participants have to decide whether the displayed picture of a hand represent a right or a left hand. Pictures of hands’ back view were presented for 150 ms in the right or left hemifield. At the whole hemisphere level, we evidenced that the laterality of the hand and of the hemifield in which the picture was displayed combined their effects on the hemispheric asymmetry in an additive way. We then identified a set of 17 functional homotopic regions of interest (hROIs) including premotor, motor, somatosensory and parietal regions, whose activity and asymmetry varied with the laterality of the presented hands. When the laterality of a right hand had to be evaluated, these areas showed stronger leftward asymmetry, the hROI located in the primary motor area showing a significant larger effect than all other hROIs. In addition a subset of six parietal regions involved in visuo-motor integration together with two postcentral areas showed a variation in asymmetry with hemifield of presentation. Finally, while handedness had no effect at the hemispheric level, two regions located in the parietal operculum and intraparietal sulcus exhibited larger leftward asymmetry with right handedness independently of the hand of presentation. The present results extend those of previous works in showing a shift of asymmetries during HLT according to the hand presented in sensorimotor areas including primary motor cortex. This shift was not affected by manual preference. They also demonstrate that the coordination of visual information and handedness identification of hands relied on the coexistence of contralateral motor and visual representations in the superior parietal lobe and the postcentral gyrus. PMID:27999536

  14. Arthroscopic repair of chronic lateral ankle instability. (United States)

    Corte-Real, Nuno M; Moreira, Rodrigo M


    The current "gold standard'' for treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability is the Broström-Gould procedure. Most authors recommend this type of operation even after an arthroscopic inspection of the joint. We review our results with an arthroscopic method of lateral ankle ligament repair. A method of arthroscopic lateral ligament repair with an anchor placed in the fibula is described. We used this technique on 31 consecutive patients (28 were available for followup). Twenty-one patients had work or traffic accidents, four suffered casual falls. and three had sport-related lesions. The patients were evaluated after 24.5 month average followup. The average postoperative AOFAS score was 85.3 (82.3 in the workers-compensation group and 94.4 in the others) and average satisfaction was 3.8 (3.5 to workers-compensation and 4.6 for the others). Complications occurred in nine patients (29%), but only three cases had ongoing problems. We had two recurrences (another sprain without instability on the stress radiograph). Three patients had some wound healing problems and three had injuries of the superficial peroneal nerve, one of which is persistent. One patient developed a deep venous thrombosis postoperatively. With this method, we achieved good clinical results. We had several complications but most of them were minor. It was a simple procedure with less morbidity to most patients. We believe it produced an anatomical repair of the lateral ligament with clinical and functional results similar to other techniques.

  15. Experimental and numerical study of radial lateral fracturing for coalbed methane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Xuan; Li, Gensheng; Huang, Zhongwei; Liang, Yuesong; Xu, Zhengming; Jin, Xiao


    Drilling ultra-short radius horizontal laterals in a vertical well and then operating hydraulic fracturing (radial lateral fracturing, abbreviated as RLF) is proposed as a prospective novel method to increase the single-well productivity for coalbed methane (CBM) development. The objective of this article is to find the best fracture network profile RLF can generate and what kind of formation is suitable for this fracturing technique. Experiments using a true tri-axial fracturing simulation system are designed to analyse the influence of different lateral length, count and azimuth on the fracturing initiation and propagation. A numerical simulation is also carried out to study the sensitivity of the coal integrity and in situ stress state on the fracture initiation type. Our work shows that: the best effect of RLF is achieved when it initiates from the bedding plane where the laterals lie and forms a fracture network with one main horizontal fracture connecting multiple vertical fractures; the breakdown and injection pressure will be decreased by increasing the lateral length and count; increasing the lateral length can enlarge the horizontal fracture area; the optimal lateral design for horizontal initiation is four laterals with the phase of 90° and each lateral is at 45° from the horizontal stress; RLF is suitable for the intact coal seams in which cracks or cleats are not well developed and the overburden stress should be close to or less than the maximum horizontal stress. This paper will provide the experimental support and theoretical bases for CBM RLF design. (paper)

  16. Gender-related differences in lateralization of hippocampal activation and cognitive strategy. (United States)

    Frings, Lars; Wagner, Kathrin; Unterrainer, Josef; Spreer, Joachim; Halsband, Ulrike; Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas


    Gender-related differences in brain activation patterns and their lateralization associated with cognitive functions have been reported in the field of language, emotion, and working memory. Differences have been hypothesized to be due to different cognitive strategies. The aim of the present study was to test whether lateralization of brain activation in the hippocampi during memory processing differs between the sexes. We acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging data from healthy female and male study participants performing a spatial memory task and quantitatively assessed the lateralization of hippocampal activation in each participant. Hippocampal activation was significantly more left lateralized in women, and more right lateralized in men. Correspondingly, women rated their strategy as being more verbal than men did.

  17. Biopotensial Elektroda di Bidang Medis


    Zairul Arifin


    Dalam hal mengukur dan mencatat potensial dan arus listrik dalam tubuh, perlu ada penghubung antara tubuh dengan peralatan pengukur elektronik. Fungsi penghubung ini dilakukan oleh biopotensial elektroda. Biopotensial elektroda ada pada berbagai jenis sistem peralatan medis seperti yang dipergunakan untuk pengukuran ECG, EEG, EMG dan potensial intraseluler. Selama bertahun-tahun telah dikembangkan banyak jenis elektroda yang berbeda untuk mencatat berbagai potensial di dalam tubuh, misalny...

  18. Implementasi Algoritma Pengenalan Wajah Untuk Mendeteksi Visual Hacking


    Alexander, Luisan William; Sentinuwo, Steven; sambul, alwin


    Visual Hacking merupakan sebuah isu keamanan dan privasi data yang perlu diperhatikan saat ini, dimana visual hacking berfokus pada pencurian informasi yang terpampang pada tampilan elektronik, seperti layar monitor komputer. Isu ini dapat terjadi ketika pengguna membiarkan informasi terpampang pada layar komputer sehingga dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja. Pada penelitian ini, dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi berbasis computer vision dengan tujuan mengimplementasikan algoritma pengenalan wajah eigenfac...

  19. Telematika Dakwah Di Dunia Broadcasting


    Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin


    Peran teknologi informasi dan teledakwah dalam aktifitas dakwah menjadi tren baru pada era teknologi informasi untuk memvisualisasikan dakwah dalam bentuk media cetak dan elektronik. Teknologi informasi dan teledakwah merupakan sarana penunjang dakwah yang mutakhir jika kita ingin menyebarkan dakwah keseluruh pelosok desa di Indonesia, yang dapat dijangkau oleh infrastruktur media Televisi lain sebagainya. Seorang Da'i perlu memahami penggunaaan serta pemilihan media teknologi informasi dan t...

  20. Pengaruh Brand Image terhadap Kesetiaan Pengguna Smartphone Iphone


    Saputri, Marheni Eka; Pranata, Tutut Ratna


    Persaingan industri elektronik khususnya smartphone saat ini mengalami perkembangan cukup pesat. Perusahaan menggunakan berbagai strategi untuk merebut dan mempertahankan konsumen. Salah satunya dengan membuat brand image yang kuat sehingga menjadi top of mind di hati pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand image terhadap loyalitas pengguna smartphone iPhone di Universtas Telkom Fakultas Bisnis dan Adminitrasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian desk...

  1. Tingkat Kesadaran dan Kepedulian Konsumen terhadap Environmental Values yang Menentukan Efektivitas Green Marketing


    Saragih, Rintan


    Kesadaran dunia terhadap lingkungan mulai bergema dan menjadi pusat perhatian seiring adanya Perubahan iklim akibat pemanasan global yang membuat cuaca tidak menentu dan banyaknya bencana alam. Salah satu biang utama masalah lingkungan adalah household product yang menyebabkan penumpukan sampah, pembuangan limbah kimia, pemborosan energi listrik dan gas buangan alat elektronik seperti AC dan kulkas turut andil dalam menipiskan lapisan ozon. “Green Marketing” kemudian menjadi alternatif strate...



    Roikan, Roikan


    Penggunaan internet di Indonesia berdasarkan pengamatan saya mulai marak pada era akhir tahun 90-an dengan munculnya jasa warung internet (warnet). Berbagai kemudahan ditawarkan dari internet, dari mesin pencarian, surat elektronik (email), berita, jejaring sosial sampai forum. Forum dalam internet menjadi media penyampaian berita, diskusi sampai penyajian informasi dalam lingkup bidang khusus yang didominasi oleh interaksi yang intensif di antara anggotanya. Artikel ini mendiskusikan peranan...

  3. Studi dan Uji Coba Teknologi Bluetooth sebagai Alternatif Komunikasi Data Nirkabel


    Yulia, Yulia; Santoso, Leo Willyanto


    In Bahasa Indonesia : Bluetooth adalah suatu teknologi baru yang mulai dikenal dan digunakan. Teknologi ini memberikan Perubahan yang signifikan terhadap peralatan elektronik yang kita gunakan. Jika kita melihat sekeliling kita dimana keyboard dihubungkan pada komputer. Demikian juga halnya dengan printer, mouse, monitor dan lain sebagainya. Semua peralatan itu dihubungkan dengan menggunakan kabel. Akibatnya terjadi masalah banyak kabel yang dibutuhkan di kantor, rumah atau tempat-tempat...

  4. Perancangan alat Pendeteksi Intensitas Cahaya Menggunakan LDR Berbasis Arduino uno




    132411080 Telah dirancang dan dibuat alat ukur intensitas cahaya menggunakan LDR berbasis arduino uno. Alat ukur intensitas cahaya ini menggunakan LDR sebagai sensor intensitas cahaya,mikrokontroller,arduino uno berfungsi sebagai pengolah sinyal elektronik dari LDR dan sebagai pengolah data,sedangkan hasil pengolahan data akan ditampilkan pada LCD Dari hasil pengujian alat ini dihasilkan persentase kesalahan relatif rata-rata sekitar % Kata kunci :Arduino Uno,Lcd,LDR.

  5. Perancangan E-Learning Berbasis Web Di Departemen Matematika FMIPA USU


    Sitorus, Sahat Tumpal Putra


    142406175 E-learning adalah elektronik yang memperoleh bahan belajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. E-learning merupakan suatu jenis belajar mengajar yang memungkinkan tersampaikannya bahan ajar ke siswa dengan menggunakan media internet, intranet atau media jaringan komputer yang lainnya. Berbasis web adalah sebuah sistem yang dapat diakses melalui internet atau intranet, dan pada sekarang ini ternyata lebih banyak dan lebih luas pemakaiannya. Banyak dari perusahaan-pe...

  6. Pembelajaran Musik Di Taman Kanak-Kanak (Music Learning in Child School)


    Utomo, Udi


    Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran musik di taman kanak-kanak pemanfaatan media musik menjadi bagian penting dalam membantu pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Dari hasil penelitian di TK Hjh. Isriari dan TK Negeri Pembina Semarang diperoleh informasi bahwa di kalangan guru sudah memanfaatkan berbagai bentuk media musik dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajarannya. Di TK Hjh. Isriari pemanfaatan media musik oleh guru kelas berbentuk komposisi musik dan perlengkapan elektronik, sedangkan alat musik baru...

  7. Sex-specific effects of postnatal testosterone on lateralization in cichlid fish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaafsma, Sara M.; Groothuis, Ton G. G.

    Lateralization is a fundamental principle in the organization of brain and behaviour in humans and nonhuman animals. To what extent lateralization is, in addition to genetic factors, under the influence of testosterone, which would also explain sex differences in laterality, is the topic of a

  8. Gender and religious differences associated with volunteering in later life. (United States)

    Manning, Lydia K


    The purpose of this study is to use a nationally representative sample of older adults in the United States to investigate the effect gender and religiosity has on volunteer behavior in later life. This study looks specifically at the gender and religious differences associated with volunteering in later life. Accounting for gender and religious differences, more specifically, this study examines the assumption that older women are more likely to volunteer in later life as opposed to men, and that gender is a better predictor than being religious for the likelihood of occupying a volunteer role in later life. This study poses questions about the differences in gender and religiosity associated with volunteering in later life; the results indicate there is more work to be done as we conduct research that is clearer about how volunteerism and religiosity are measured in relation to gender, and the overall impact these differences have for older women and their respective communities.

  9. Later Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Stig Børsen


    This article sets out by distinguishing Wittgenstein’s own views in the philosophy of religion from a school of thought in the philosophy of religion that relies on later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language. After a survey of distinguishing features of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy, the third...... section explores Wittgenstein’s treatment of Frazer’s account of magic among primitive peoples. The following section offers an account of Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion, including the use of the notions of a language game and superstition. I conclude by criticizing a very influential argument...

  10. Alterations in the hypothalamic melanocortin pathway in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)

    Vercruysse, Pauline; Sinniger, Jérôme; El Oussini, Hajer; Scekic-Zahirovic, Jelena; Dieterlé, Stéphane; Dengler, Reinhard; Meyer, Thomas; Zierz, Stephan; Kassubek, Jan; Fischer, Wilhelm; Dreyhaupt, Jens; Grehl, Torsten; Hermann, Andreas; Grosskreutz, Julian; Witting, Anke; Van Den Bosch, Ludo; Spreux-Varoquaux, Odile; Ludolph, Albert C; Dupuis, Luc


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the most common adult-onset motor neuron disease, leads to death within 3 to 5 years after onset. Beyond progressive motor impairment, patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis suffer from major defects in energy metabolism, such as weight loss, which are well correlated with survival. Indeed, nutritional intervention targeting weight loss might improve survival of patients. However, the neural mechanisms underlying metabolic impairment in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis remain elusive, in particular due to the lack of longitudinal studies. Here we took advantage of samples collected during the clinical trial of pioglitazone (GERP-ALS), and characterized longitudinally energy metabolism of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in response to pioglitazone, a drug with well-characterized metabolic effects. As expected, pioglitazone decreased glycaemia, decreased liver enzymes and increased circulating adiponectin in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, showing its efficacy in the periphery. However, pioglitazone did not increase body weight of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis independently of bulbar involvement. As pioglitazone increases body weight through a direct inhibition of the hypothalamic melanocortin system, we studied hypothalamic neurons producing proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and the endogenous melanocortin inhibitor agouti-related peptide (AGRP), in mice expressing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-linked mutant SOD1(G86R). We observed lower Pomc but higher Agrp mRNA levels in the hypothalamus of presymptomatic SOD1(G86R) mice. Consistently, numbers of POMC-positive neurons were decreased, whereas AGRP fibre density was elevated in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of SOD1(G86R) mice. Consistent with a defect in the hypothalamic melanocortin system, food intake after short term fasting was increased in SOD1(G86R) mice. Importantly, these findings were replicated in two other amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mouse models based on TDP-43 (Tardbp) and FUS mutations. Finally, we demonstrate that the melanocortin defect is primarily caused by serotonin loss in mutant SOD1(G86R) mice. Altogether, the current study combined clinical evidence and experimental studies in rodents to provide a mechanistic explanation for abnormalities in food intake and weight control observed in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Importantly, these results also show that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression impairs responsiveness to classical drugs leading to weight gain. This has important implications for pharmacological management of weight loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. © The Author (2016). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: .

  11. The impact of lateral carbon fluxes on the European carbon balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciais, P.; Hauglustaine, D.; Borges, A.V.; Abril, G.; Meybeck, M.; Folberth, G.; Janssens, I.A.


    To date, little is known about the impact of processes which cause lateral carbon fluxes over continents, and from continents to oceans on the CO 2 - and carbon budgets at local, regional and continental scales. Lateral carbon fluxes contribute to regional carbon budgets as follows: Ecosystem CO 2 sink=Ecosystem carbon accumulation + Lateral carbon fluxes. We estimated the contribution of wood and food product trade, of emission and oxidation of reduced carbon species, and of river erosion and transport as lateral carbon fluxes to the carbon balance of Europe (EU-25). The analysis is completed by new estimates of the carbon fluxes of coastal seas. We estimated that lateral transport (all processes combined) is a flux of 165 Tg C yr -1 at the scale of EU-25. The magnitude of lateral transport is thus comparable to current estimates of carbon accumulation in European forests. The main process contributing to the total lateral flux out of Europe is the flux of reduced carbon compounds, corresponding to the sum of non-CO 2 gaseous species (CH 4 , CO, hydrocarbons,... ) emitted by ecosystems and exported out of the European boundary layer by the large scale atmospheric circulation. (authors)

  12. Efficacy Of A Single-Injection Sodium Hyaluronate Treatment In Lateral Epicondylitis. (United States)

    Khan, Inam Ullah; Awan, Abdus Saboor; Khan, Aimal Sattar; Marwat, Imran; Meraj, Muhammad


    Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is a disease of tendons arising from common extensor origin at the lateral epicondyle of elbow and is commonly characterized by pain on supination of forearms as well as extension of fingers and wrists. This descriptive case series aims to determine the efficacy of a single-injection sodium hyaluronate treatment for lateral epicondylitis. The study was conducted at the Department of Orthopaedics. Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad. From February 1 to August 31, 2014. Patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis were administered 1 cc of 1% Sodium hyaluronate 1 cm from the lateral epicondyle into the soft tissue. Hyaluronic acid is more effective in patients with moderate pain of lateral epicondylitis (VAS score ≤7 than in patients with severe pain (VAS score >7). Paired sample t-test was used to compared the means of the pre- and post-procedure VAS score and the difference was found to be statistically very significant (p=0.00) with a mean±SD change in VAS of 2.31±1.35 at 4 weeks. A single injection of sodium hyaluronate is effective in management of moderate, but not severe pain of lateral epicondylitis.

  13. Lateral resistance of piles near vertical MSE abutment walls. (United States)


    Full scale lateral load tests were performed on eight piles located at various distances behind MSE walls. The objective of the testing was to determine the effect of spacing from the wall on the lateral resistance of the piles and on the force induc...

  14. 38 CFR 3.318 - Presumptive service connection for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)


    ... connection for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 3.318 Section 3.318 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief... sclerosis. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the development of amyotrophic lateral... under this section: (1) If there is affirmative evidence that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was not...

  15. Opposite brain laterality in analogous auditory and visual tests. (United States)

    Oltedal, Leif; Hugdahl, Kenneth


    Laterality for language processing can be assessed by auditory and visual tasks. Typically, a right ear/right visual half-field (VHF) advantage is observed, reflecting left-hemispheric lateralization for language. Historically, auditory tasks have shown more consistent and reliable results when compared to VHF tasks. While few studies have compared analogous tasks applied to both sensory modalities for the same participants, one such study by Voyer and Boudreau [(2003). Cross-modal correlation of auditory and visual language laterality tasks: a serendipitous finding. Brain Cogn, 53(2), 393-397] found opposite laterality for visual and auditory language tasks. We adapted an experimental paradigm based on a dichotic listening and VHF approach, and applied the combined language paradigm in two separate experiments, including fMRI in the second experiment to measure brain activation in addition to behavioural data. The first experiment showed a right-ear advantage for the auditory task, but a left half-field advantage for the visual task. The second experiment, confirmed the findings, with opposite laterality effects for the visual and auditory tasks. In conclusion, we replicate the finding by Voyer and Boudreau (2003) and support their interpretation that these visual and auditory language tasks measure different cognitive processes.

  16. Experimental study on lateral strength of wall-slab joint subjected to lateral cyclic load (United States)

    Masrom, Mohd Asha'ari; Mohamad, Mohd Elfie; Hamid, Nor Hayati Abdul; Yusuff, Amer


    Tunnel form building has been utilised in building construction since 1960 in Malaysia. This method of construction has been applied extensively in the construction of high rise residential house (multistory building) such as condominium and apartment. Most of the tunnel form buildings have been designed according to British standard (BS) whereby there is no provision for seismic loading. The high-rise tunnel form buildings are vulnerable to seismic loading. The connections between slab and shear walls in the tunnel-form building constitute an essential link in the lateral load resisting mechanism. Malaysia is undergoing a shifting process from BS code to Eurocode (EC) for building construction since the country has realised the safety threats of earthquake. Hence, this study is intended to compare the performance of the interior wall slab joint for a tunnel form structure designed based on Euro and British codes. The experiment included a full scale test of the wall slab joint sub-assemblages under reversible lateral cyclic loading. Two sub-assemblage specimens of the wall slab joint were designed and constructed based on both codes. Each specimen was tested using lateral displacement control (drift control). The specimen designed by using Eurocode was found could survive up to 3.0% drift while BS specimen could last to 1.5% drift. The analysis results indicated that the BS specimen was governed by brittle failure modes with Ductility Class Low (DCL) while the EC specimen behaved in a ductile manner with Ductility Class Medium (DCM). The low ductility recorded in BS specimen was resulted from insufficient reinforcement provided in the BS code specimen. Consequently, the BS specimen could not absorb energy efficiently (low energy dissipation) and further sustain under inelastic deformation.

  17. Organizations Utilize Lateral Relationships


    Jacqueline C.


    The structures that subscribe to different organization play a major role and determine how information flows throughout an organization as well as the reporting structure within the organization. In some organization, decision making rely with the top management, and in other organizations, decision making responsibilities may be distributed within the organization. The latter part is what mainly constitutes a lateral structural arrangement where various departments work hand in hand in achi...

  18. Patellar tendon-lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome: MR imaging in 42 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, C.B.; Skaf, A.; Campos, J.; Stump, X.; Resnick, D.; Roger, B.


    Objective: To demonstrate the MR imaging findings that occur between the posterior inferolateral patellar tendon and the lateral femoral condyle in patients with chronic anterior and or lateral knee pain. Patients and design: A retrospective review of the MR images in 42 patients who presented with chronic anterior or lateral knee pain was performed by two musculoskeletal radiologists. In 15 patients, post-contrast images were available. Results: Sagittal and axial imaging planes best demonstrated the patellar tendon and its relationship with the lateral femoral condyle. In 40 patients, there was obliteration of the fat planes and abnormal signal intensity in the lateral soft tissues of the inferior patellofemoral joint. Enhancement after administration of gadolinium was noted in all cases in which contrast was administered. Eighteen patients showed cystic changes in the soft tissues adjacent to the lateral femoral condyle in addition to fat plane obliteration. In two patients, only cystic changes were noted in the lateral soft tissues. Abnormal patellar alignment was noted in 37 patients. Patellar tendon pathology was seen in nine patients. Conclusion: In evaluating anterior knee symptoms, MR imaging allows identification of changes that may be related to patellar tendon-lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome and that should be distinguished from other causes of anterior or lateral knee pain. (orig.)

  19. Patellar tendon-lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome: MR imaging in 42 patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, C.B.; Skaf, A.; Campos, J.; Stump, X.; Resnick, D. [Dept. of Radiology, University of California, San Diego (United States); Roger, B. [Service de Radiologie Polyvalente, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris (France)


    Objective: To demonstrate the MR imaging findings that occur between the posterior inferolateral patellar tendon and the lateral femoral condyle in patients with chronic anterior and or lateral knee pain. Patients and design: A retrospective review of the MR images in 42 patients who presented with chronic anterior or lateral knee pain was performed by two musculoskeletal radiologists. In 15 patients, post-contrast images were available. Results: Sagittal and axial imaging planes best demonstrated the patellar tendon and its relationship with the lateral femoral condyle. In 40 patients, there was obliteration of the fat planes and abnormal signal intensity in the lateral soft tissues of the inferior patellofemoral joint. Enhancement after administration of gadolinium was noted in all cases in which contrast was administered. Eighteen patients showed cystic changes in the soft tissues adjacent to the lateral femoral condyle in addition to fat plane obliteration. In two patients, only cystic changes were noted in the lateral soft tissues. Abnormal patellar alignment was noted in 37 patients. Patellar tendon pathology was seen in nine patients. Conclusion: In evaluating anterior knee symptoms, MR imaging allows identification of changes that may be related to patellar tendon-lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome and that should be distinguished from other causes of anterior or lateral knee pain. (orig.)

  20. Insight into the lateral response of offshore shallow foundations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barari, Amin; Ibsen, Lars Bo


    Highlights •Suction caissons are often subjected to cyclic lateral loads caused by the action of wind or waves. •Excessive lateral deformations may be induced during a caisson’s service life. •Results of performance measure parameters for caissons harmonically oscillating on homogeneous soil are ...

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