Old Facebook videos disappeared

Social networking giant Facebook (FB) is the king among all other similar websites. With over one billion registered users it is undeniably the most popular virtual hang out for netizens. However, Facebook is notorious for making abrupt changes in the design of website and its functionality. There does not seem to be any versioning system in website development.

Why do Facebook Posts Disappear?

Facebook has inserted a new feature in its Timeline interface which shows only the most popular of the posts that you made in the past months. Therefore, while youll see all your recent posts on your Timeline only most popular posts from previous months find place on Timeline. Facebook hides not-so-popular posts from your Timeline.

This gives an illusion that some of your FB posts have either been deleted or disappeared!

NOTE: However, mind you, sometimes this may not be a matter of illusion. If you post anything that several people find offensive and if they mark it as spam Facebook will really remove your post.

But most of the time it is just the case of illusion. Your posts are not deleted but just filtered according to popularity.

Where to find FB posts that have disappeared?

The place to go to is the Activity Log. Go to your Timeline and on top of the cover image, youll find a button labeled as Activity Log. Click this button and voila! Youll get all your posts arranged chronologically.

Facebook Timeline Activity Log Button

You can choose to see the posts from a particular month by clicking on year and month list given on right hand side. On the left hand side, options for filtering various types of posts are given.

Facebook Activity Log

There doesnt seem to be an option available that can show the post back on your timeline. If readers know of such an option, please let us know also via comments!

I hope it was useful. Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.


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