Kapan kalian menggunakan expressing congratulation?

Ilustrasi bahagia. ©Shutterstock/solarseven

TRENDING | 20 April 2021 08:47 Reporter : Tantiya Nimas Nuraini

Merdeka.com - Ada berbagai contoh ucapan congratulation yang bisa dipelajari. Ucapan congratulation bisa digunakan dalam berbagai hal di kehidupan. Mulai dari memberikan ucapan selamat atas karier ataupun kelulusan seseorang.

Kini, banyak dari masyarakat yang memberikan ucapan selamat dengan bahasa Inggris. Tak heran jika contoh ucapan congratulation banyak dicari oleh publik. Contoh ucapan congratulation juga bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan belajar bahasa Inggris.

Melansir dari laman kampunginggris, Selasa (20/4), simak ulasan informasinya berikut ini.

2 dari 4 halaman

1. Congratulations, Bravo! - Selamat ya, keren!

2. Congratulation on your achievement - Selamat atas pencapaianmu.

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3. Warmest congratulations and best wishes on your achievement - Selamat dan doa terbaik untuk pencapaianmu.

4. Congratulation on your big success - Selamat atas kesuksesan besarmu.

3 dari 4 halaman

5. You have worked so hard for this achievement. Congrats babe! - Kamu sudah bekerja keras untuk mencapai hal ini, selamat ya sayang!6. Congrats to my best new home owner! It looks amazing with your touch! - Selamat buat pemilik rumah baru terbaikku! Keren banget pokoknya !7. Sincere congratulations on your hard-committed success - Ucapan selamat yang tulus atas kesuksesan yang penuh dengan komitmen yang kuat.8. Sending you a sincere congratulation today and wish all the best on your next project - Mengucapkan selamat yang tulus untukmu hari ini, dan semoga kamu berhasil pada proyek selanjutnya.

4 dari 4 halaman

9. "Selamat untuk temanku yang melaksanakan wisuda hari ini. Semoga ilmu yang telah didapatkan menjadi berkah dan manfaat bagi orang lain."10. "Sejarah tercipta. Sekarang saatnya untuk berjuang menggapai impian untuk sukses. Selamat wisuda."11. "Alhamdulillah, selamat wisuda, ya. Aku turut senang mendengarnya. Semoga pencapaian yang diraih saat ini akan semakin baik di masa depan. Ilmu yang didapat bisa bermanfaat dan berguna untuk nusa, bangsa, dan agama."12. "Selamat atas kelulusanmu dan semoga kamu beruntung untuk awal yang baru dalam hidup. Semoga kamu mencapai semua tujuanmu."

Foto: Liputan6 ©2021 Merdeka.com

13. "Semua jerih payah yang kamu rasakan selama proses kuliah kini sudah berakhir. Selamat wisuda, selamat datang di tantangan baru."14. "Happy graduation, atas apa yang kamu raih saat ini, aku sungguh merasa bahagia. Terucap doa tulus, semoga ilmumu bermanfaat dan berkah dunia akhirat. Semoga selulusnya kamu dari sini, tidak membuat langkah terhenti mengejar cita-cita yang hakiki."15. "Keraguanku selama ini telah kau buktikan hari ini. Kamu bisa menjalani wisuda dan lulus dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Selamat, kawan."16. "Perjuangan selama 4 tahun ini terbayar sudah saat kuncir toga yang kau kenakan sudah berpindah. Bahagia dan bangga tidak bisa kami sembunyikan saat itu. Semoga engkau sukses nak, dan teruskan perjuanganmu ke tahap berikutnya."17. "Selamat wisuda, sahabat. Semoga ini menjadi awal yang baik untuk meniti karier dan kesuksesanmu. Tetap semangat untuk meraih semua mimpi-mimpimu."18. "Tidak ada yang bisa menghentikanmu sekarang. Kamu memiliki tiket untuk mewujudkan impianmu. Selamat wisuda."


The samurai (the word means 'one who serves') were the elite warrior class of Japan for nearly seven hundred years. In the tenth century. the imperial … court in Kyoto tried and failed to organise a conscript army. If the court had succee ded in this, the wealthy landowners might not have decided to employ private soldiers and the samurai might never h ave existed. The original samurai were chivalrous warriors who went into battle on horseback, challenging opponent s to ritualised combat. Their customs would have seemed familiar to the medieval European knights if they had ever met each other. Later, as the armies became larger and the fighting more savage, most samurai trained for hand-to-ha nd combat. However, during a long period of peace in Japan things didn't go well for the samurai and eventually, in t he 1860s, they lost their position of power in Japanese society.Bushido is the warrior's code. It was first written dow n as a kind of self-help manual during the long period of peace when samurai fighting skills went into decline. The martial arts tradition continues in Japan to this day. Millions of Japanese children still practise the classic warrior ski lls of sword fighting (kendo), archery (kyudo) and hand-to-hand, unarmed combat (jujitsu) at school. But Bushido is also a code of ethics: honour, loyalty and sacrifice. As Terukuni Uki, a martial arts teacher, explains, 'Here we teach the spirit of winning, but it's not so much defeating an opponent as overcoming one's own self. These days it seems e veryone is looking for someone to blame rather than focusing on himself. Our message here is that if you try hard, at kendo or anything else, you will enjoy life. The sword of a samurai symbolises the authority and luxury of the warri or class. It was both a weapon and an art object. This double identity mirrored the samurai themselves. As well as be ing warriors, they used to socialise with painters, playwrights and intellectuals. Samurai generals practised calligraph y, did flower arranging and went to the theatre. But of all their cultural activities, the tea ceremony was the most imp ortant. The ceremony of making and drinking tea was another ritual, almost a meditation. It was carried out in a smal l room where swords were forbidden, even to samurai, and it must have been very inviting to battle weary warriors. The continuing appeal of the samurai is due to a simple fact he is one of the world's greatest action figures. He's the l one swordsman who kills dozens of enemies in the name of duty and individual glory. The samurai warrior is the co wboy, the knight, the gladiator, and the Star Wars Jedi all rolled into one. The samurai have inspired hundreds of fil ms, video games, comic books and TV dramas. In Japan, each spring, men put on samurai armour and re-enact famo us samurai battles. These 'weekend samurai' look fierce and realistic, but, with their plastic goggles and blunt swords , they wouldn't have been a threat to the real thing. One of the 'samurai is asked if he would like to go back in time. ' Hmm,' he replies, "I romanticise those times, but I also fear them. It was live or die.• According to the article, are these statements true (T) or false (F)?1. The early samurai were similar to medieval European knights.2. The samurai eventually died out following their defeat in battle.3. Samurai warriors had a wide range ofcultural interests.4. The military skills of the samurai havebeen lost.5. The legacy of the samurai has spread outside of Japan.• How much do you know about the samurai? Work in pairs. Try to answer the questions.1 Who were the samurai?2 Where were they from?3 When did they live? 4 What did they do?​

Rewrite the sentences to make present passive voice. 1. We keep glasses in the middle cupboard. 2. Tom waters the plants.​

11. Answer the following questions (25 points) a. Identify the underlined words in the following sentences, are those verbs or nowns. She always answe … rs the question from the lecturer. Fortunately, all her answers are always true. 1 a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. a b. a. b. a. b. a. b. There is a little change in their computer programs But they do not know how to change them again to the basic. The students want to make a surprise for their lecturer. All the students want to surprise their lecturer at the end of the semester. I dream become a famous programmer. I hope that my dream will come true someday. You should take a rest for a while. You can rest in the meeting room if you want to. L 11 . Answer the following questions ( 25 points ) a . Identify the underlined words in the following sentences , are those verbs or nowns . She always answers the question from the lecturer . Fortunately , all her answers are always true . 1 a . b . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . a b . a . b . a . b . a . b . There is a little change in their computer programs But they do not know how to change them again to the basic . The students want to make a surprise for their lecturer . All the students want to surprise their lecturer at the end of the semester . I dream become a famous programmer . I hope that my dream will come true someday . You should take a rest for a while . You can rest in the meeting room if you want to . L​

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