Javascript get all elements with an attribute

  1. HowTo
  2. JavaScript Howtos
  3. Get Element by Attribute in JavaScript

Created: October-10, 2021

  1. Use the querySelectorAll() Function to Get an Element by Its Attribute in JavaScript
  2. Use the jQuery Library to Get an Element by Its Attribute in JavaScript

This tutorial will demonstrate how to get an element by its attribute in JavaScript.

Use the querySelectorAll() Function to Get an Element by Its Attribute in JavaScript

The Document.querySelectorAll(selector) method returns a list of the document elements that match the specified selectors. We can specify the attribute in the selectors.

Check the example below.


The above example has an attribute selector, where the attribute value is defined, myAttribute=value.

This function is supported with most modern browsers.

Use the jQuery Library to Get an Element by Its Attribute in JavaScript

jQuery is a fast, robust JavaScript library. We can select elements by their attribute using the jQuery element selector $.

For example,


This method is valid with obsolete browsers also that support the jQuery library.

Related Article - JavaScript Attribute

  • Set Multiple Attributes for an Element in JavaScript
  • Get Attributes of HTML Element Using JavaScript
  • Use of HTML Script Type Attribute
  • What I love so much about JavaScript is that the language is incredibly dynamic.  So dynamic that you can modify native objects if you so choose.  One dynamic property I've frequently been using lately is the attributes property of DOM elements.  This attributes property provides me the names and values of every attribute on a given element!

    The HTML

    Let's assume we're working with the following element:

    <div class="myClass" id="myId" title="Some text title">Some text</div>

    A simple DIV with a few frequently used attributes.  We can use getAttribute() to get attributes when we know they're there, but how do we simply get an object containing all attributes?

    The JavaScript

    DOM elements have an attributes property which contains all attribute names and values:

    var attrs = document.getElementById("myId").attributes; // returns NamedNodeMap {0: class, 1: id, 2: title, ...}

    Using, which is also helpful in converting NodeLists to Arrays, you can convert the result to a true array which you can iterate over:"myId").attributes).forEach(function(item) { console.log( + ': '+ item.value); }); // class: myClass // id: myId // title: Some text title

    The attributes property of an element is incredibly handy when you're looking to see what attributes are present without explicitly knowing which to look for; the attributes property provides an awesome level of dynamism.

    Until I found the need to grab every attribute from an element, I wasn't aware that such a list existed.  Now that I'm aware of the this property, however, I'm trying to think up ways to abuse the information provided to empower elements even more.  If you've ever found a useful use of the attributes property, please share it!

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    To get all of the attributes of a DOM element: Use the getAttributeNames() method to get an array of the element's attribute names. Use the reduce() method to iterate over the array. On each iteration, add a new key/value pair containing the name and value of the attribute.

    How do I query select a data attribute?

    Use the querySelector method to get an element by data attribute, e.g. document. querySelector('[data-id="box1"]') . The querySelector method returns the first element that matches the provided selector or null if no element matches the selector in the document.

    What does the querySelectorAll () method do?

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    What is getAttribute in JavaScript?

    getAttribute() The getAttribute() method of the Element interface returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string); see Non-existing attributes for details.

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