Japanese squiggly line


12 Japanese IME Tips

If youre serious about learning Japanese, Im sure you will eventually either want to or need to be able to type in Japanese on your computer. Typing in Japanese is done with software called an IME (Input Method Editor), which allows you to type Japanese phonetically (romaji) and have the your typing automatically converted to Japanese characters.

You may have already set up your IME and have some experience using it (if not, please check out Greggman.coms excellent guide to installing/setting up your IME). However, its common for foreigners to overlook some of the finer points of its usage. This article aims to provide novice IME users with an introduction to some of the intermediate and advanced features literally waiting at their fingertips, providing a basis for improved typing efficiency, problem solving and expanded usage.

For this article Ill presume that:

  1. You have your IME installed, set up and ready to use
  2. You have a basic understanding of how to use it (how to make hiragana appear when you type, how to convert a word to kanji)
  3. You have a basic understanding of hiragana/katakana and Japanese phonetics
  4. You are a Windows user (sorry Mac and Linux folks)

Tip 1: Easy IME on/off toggle

English Keyboards: ALT + Tilde. (This is a tilde: ~. Its usually on the top left corner of your keyboard, right below the escape key.)
Japanese Keyboards: 半角/全角/漢字 (Top left key of the keyboard, below the escape key. ALT not needed.)

This is a very basic tip but one of the most important. Everyone needs to start here. Clicking around on your language bar to change the IME mode is just a waste of time; use this quick shortcut whenever you need to toggle your IME.

Tip 2: Reconverting

Reconverting (再変換 saihenkan). So youre proof-reading an email or something you wrote in Japanese and notice you accidentally entered the kanji 慎重 when you wanted 身長 (meanings are different but both are read: shinchou). Theres two ways to fix this; you could delete the incorrect characters and type it in again (a minimum of 12 keystrokes), or you could reconvert it.

Reconverting is essentially calling back the kanji selection list for a word that has already been entered. Sounds useful, eh? To do this, simply select the word you want to change, right click and choose Reconversion. Voila! Youve got your list back.

On Japanese computers this option does not appear on the right click menu so you must use the 変換 key (usually to the right of the space bar on Japanese keyboards) to initiate a reconvert.

NOTE 1: Reconverting via right-click isnt possible in all settings. If your IME is on but you dont get the reconvert option, try copying the text into a different application (eg. Wordpad).

NOTE 2: On a Japanese computer, you could alternatively use the space bar instead of the 変換 key to initiate a reconvert, but keep in mind that if youre in English input mode this method will simply replace your text with an empty space. (you should really be using the 変換 key anyway)

Reconverting is also useful for finding the reading to a word you dont know: copy and paste the unknown word into Notepad or another text editor and reconvert it (the hiragana/katakana will appear on the conversion list box as shown in the image above).

Poweruser tip: if you notice your mistake immediately after youve entered it (after you hit enter and the underline goes away), you can use CTRL + Backspace to do a quick reconvert.

Tip 3: Use special characters

This is a fun tip. Having an IME makes it much easier to use the special characters that are available on most computers nowadays. Im talking about things like arrows, stars, hearts, shapes and more. While these characters dont always display properly on every computer and in every software environment, they are becoming more usable all the time and are particularly well supported in Japan (because Japanese has so many characters, fonts are fewer and special character sets and more standardized).

To type a special character, you simply need to know the keyword that will call it up in your IME. Heres a table showing some of the major keywords and a sample of the characters they give you access to (this table is by no means exhaustive, there are many other keywords out there):

KeywordRomajiMeaningSymbols記号kigousymbolёゝ【】㍉¶㈱㎡㍻£ (and many more)数字suujinumber星hoshistar*矢印yajirushiarrow mark四角shikakusquare三角sankakutriangle丸marucircle〇。㊤㊧゜点tendot ・   ¨゛゜音楽ongakumusic雌mesufemale雄osumale郵便yuubinmail〒〠〶括弧kakkobrackets()<>『』【】〝〟{}顔kaoface 手tehand星座seizaastrological signチェスchesuchessトランプtoranpuplaying cards天気tenkiweather

Note: Characters in blue require the symbols dictionary to be activated, see Tip #4.

Tip 4: Use more special characters

Out of the box your IME has some symbols, but if you want to use any of the ones from the table above that Ive colored in blue, youll need the symbols dictionary activated. Heres how:

Tip 5: Mini hiragana characters

The hiragana characters あいうえおやゆよつ and corresponding katakana アイウエオヤユヨツ can all be sized down at will to meet your needs. Simply prefix the sound as you would type it normally with an L (for little). For example, L + U = ぅ. This only works with the vowel characters, ya/yu/yo and tsu ( in Japanese these are the only characters you should ever find opportunity to make small.)

Alternatively, you can downsize these characters by converting them (eg. u + spacebar), but prefixing the character is a much better option because it allows you to size as you type, which allows your IMEs parsing activity continue interrupted.

Tip 6: Zu and Zu, Ji and Ji

In Hepburn romanization, hiragana ず and づ (and katakana ズ and ヅ) are both zu. However, if you want to type 続く (tsuzuku) with your IME, typing t s u z u k u will not work. Why? Because according to your IME, zu is always ず, but the correct character in this case is づ. The keystrokes to bring up this character is du (since T-line sounds become D-sounds with the ゛ added). The same is true of the difference between じ and ぢ.

Tip 7: Save keystrokes with non-Hepburn typing

Your IME supports Hepburn (except as noted in tip #6). But since you need to get used to du and di instead of zu and ji, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity to ditch a couple more Hepburn habits. It seems like very petty keystroke savings but trust me, once you get used to it you will not want to go back.

  • TSU  TU (Hepburn Shortcut)
  • CHI  TI
  • SHI SI

I use the above shortcuts, but still prefer the Hepburn ji/ja/ju/jo for じ/じゃ/じゅ/じょ ( which would be zya/zyu/zyo otherwise), since in these cases the non-Hepburn method doesnt offer me any keystroke savings and the Z key is less convenient than the J key.

Tip 8: Force the N character

Say you want to type the word 勧誘, which in romaji is kanyuu. Hey, whats that apostrophe doing in the middle of the word? Its there to show that the word is read かん + ゆう and not か + にゅう. It may seem like a small difference to you but in Japanese this is actually a pretty big deal. In cases when you need to make this distinction as you type in Japanese, you can tell your IME that you want to use the ん character by hitting N twice consecutively. So to type 勧誘 your keystrokes would be k a n n y u u.

Tip 9: Register custom words

The IME has some built in functionality for detecting which conversions you use most and prioritizing them, and detecting non-standard conversions you use and automating them. However, there may be cases where it would be easier to just add a certain word to your IMEs dictionary. For example, if your boss or coworker has a name with a rare kanji reading, or if you and your friends use a certain niche word thats not in the dictionary. Do this:

  1. The reading for the word. Put the hiragana in here
  2. The kanji you want to come up.
  3. Part of speech (noun, adjective, verb, etc.)
  4. User comment (optional)

Tip 10: Shift the parsing range

A common source of IME headaches is when a word you want to type is for one reason or another not parsed (split into parts) correctly, preventing you from easily bringing up the particular kanji that you need. This can drive you crazy trying to fix it if you dont know what to do. Fortunately, the solution is pretty easy:

In cases such as this, you can adjust your IMEs parsing range manually by using Shift + Left/Right. This will move the right-hand delimiter of the currently selected parse range.

By the way typing ハート (type: h a t o) gives you the following symbols (if you have the symbols dictionary on [Tip #4]):

Tip 11: Force katakana input

As brought up in the previous tip, by default your IME tries to parse your input for starts and stops of words based on its dictionary. And its surprisingly good at it too. But if youre trying to type a romanized version of someones personal name or a company name (anything your dictionary doesnt know), this can lead to some pretty ugly results. For example, if youre trying to enlighten a Japanese person about the greatest comedy of all time:

Sure, you could go back part by part and change those kanji into katakana manually, but why not eradicate the problem at its root? To avoid awkward conversions like this, there is a katakana only input mode. Heres how to toggle it:

On English keyboards: CTRL + Caps Lock to begin Katakana mode. ALT + Caps Lock to return to hiragana.
On Japanese keyboards: use the 無変換 key (next to the space bar)

Just dont forget that you need to toggle it off again when youre done.

Tip 12: Temporary English mode

If youd like to mix an English word or sentence into your Japanese typing for whatever reason, you dont need to toggle your IME. Begin an inline, temporary English input mode by starting any word with a capital letter. Youll be able to type in English as usual except with your trusty IME underline. Use the Enter key to close out the inline English segment and return to normal Japanese input.

Important: On non-Japanese keyboards, you should convert your Japanese input before entering temporary English mode. This is because once in temporary English mode, you lose the ability to use your space bar to convert Japanese. On Japanese keyboards this isnt a problem because you can still use the designated Convert (変換) key.

NOTE 1: If you are in English input mode on a Japanese computer, selecting something and hitting space bar will just replace the selected text with a space character (undo = CTRL + Z). You must be in Japanese input mode to use the space bar this way. (but you should really be using the 変換 key anyway).

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Computers IME Internet Posted under Language & Study, Living & Enjoying Japan by Nihonshock.

81 Responses

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  1. Headline Japan » Blog Archive » Tips for Using IME to Write Japanese on your Computer says:
    April 1, 2010 at 8:44 pm

    [] Nihon Shock has an excellent article with tips for beginners on how to get the most out of your IME to type Japanese words most efficiently. Tags: IME, Japanese Category: Japanese |Comment (RSS) |Trackback []

  2. Get your Computer Ready for AP Japanese and AP Chinese Exams Voom, Inc. says:
    August 14, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    [] Tips on Windows Japanese IME shortcut keys []

  3. Online tools for a beginner Japanese translator | Xilexio's lair says:
    September 20, 2012 at 6:42 am

    [] //nihonshock.com/2010/04/12-japanese-ime-tips/ []

  4. Japanese IME Tips | Zao's Personal Blog says:
    November 12, 2014 at 4:33 am

    [] has a very in-depth article with 12 tips on how to better use Windows IME for typing in []

  5. 日本語を学びましょう! A 12 in Aichi says:
    March 31, 2017 at 6:03 pm

    [] Typing in Japanese 12 Japanese IME TipsNihonShock []


  • Thank You so much. This article is awesome. Really helped me out a lot!

    by: Muhammad Ali, Dec 26th at 2:20 am

  • Microsoft IME wont let me use LALT + TILDE to switch between languages. This is the one and only major issue Ive had with it so far. Google IME uses this combination by default and I think its the best combination to use since theres no other application that uses it. However, Google IME is a huge failure of an IME and a totally bloated program to boot; Im using MS IME in its stead and I refuse to switch back.

    The hotkey options for switching between languages in Microsoft IME are strictly CTRL+SHIFT LALT+SHIFT or the most idiotic hotkey ever: switching between languages by simply pressing the grave accent key (`). This effectively disables the use of this key; indefinitely overriding its normal use for switching languages instead. After choosing ` as a hotkey, the only way to get a grave accent or tilde is to hold the button down for a full second, spam the input field with a dozen characters, then erase all but one of them. That is unacceptably annoying. The tilde and grave accent character are still quite useful in the English language despite what anyone thinks, and the key itself is used to toggle the developer console in Source games, which, youve guessed it, is completely overridden if youve chosen to use it as an IME hotkey.

    Theres a thousand reasons not to use a single one of these hotkey combinations. Dozens of programs use the first two combinations for their own functions, and you cant have your IME being toggled on and off randomly.

    As usual, Microsoft has made a horrible decision that makes their entire application terrible and unusable. Ive looked all over for a solution to this issue, especially inside the keyboard options. I dont understand what they were thinking. Tilde is not a useless key. This is effectively the same as forcing me to choose between ALT+TAB, START+TAB or the 1 key.

    They should have just let us define our own hotkeys using any keys we wanted.

    by: anon, Dec 30th at 9:02 am

  • concerning tip 11: there is another way to force a katakana conversion. just type your katakana word, and while still in conversion mode, press f7. this makes for a less cumbersome solution than switching to katakana-only-input-mode before the actual input, and then remembering to switch back afterwards, and makes putting in monty python a breeze.

    by: Anonymous, Mar 14th at 10:14 pm

  • Im Japanese. This book was very valuable to me for studying English.

    by: Teppei, Mar 26th at 3:53 pm

  • how about the shortcut for windows 8? help please

    by: ria, May 21st at 10:28 am

  • This information is really authentic and useful for japanese learners . i really thank my sensei for suggesting this .

    by: Dr.Prasad gokhale, May 29th at 10:10 pm

  • Excellent tips!

    by: Dennis, Jun 7th at 11:33 am

  • My IME has been developing into crazy mode- giving other kana.

    by: Michael, Oct 5th at 12:25 am

  • how would i activate the symbols dictionary in windows 8 in english

    by: napzackz, Mar 7th at 12:45 pm

  • nevermind its activated by default

    by: napzackz, Mar 7th at 12:52 pm

  • You can get small katakana ka/ke too: ヵヶ

    The latter is used for counting months, not sure what the former is for.

    by: Anonymous, Mar 29th at 11:07 am

  • This helped me only a WHOLE LOT!

    by: Tiffany Fulton, Apr 3rd at 3:40 am

  • ха этож как в два пальца в жопу

    by: сенсей, Apr 4th at 3:10 am

  • The tsuzuku thing have been giving me headache since I know the kanji dont show up how manu I try itvery helpful.

    by: kaizar x, Apr 20th at 9:35 pm

  • Thank you for the tip on zu and zu, ji and ji. I was stuck on that for a little bit this morning and your article cleared that up!

    by: Mrs. Orlando, Apr 29th at 12:28 am

  • My Japanese Windows Vista PC suddenly stopped giving us the option to convert to kanji. Now the IME only gives hiragana and katakana. Anyone have any thoughts on how to get the kanji options to come back?

    by: Bzard, Sep 23rd at 8:19 pm

  • I fixed the problem of not getting kanji options by searching some Japanese help pages. Was easier than I thought. Just upgraded to a newer IME.

    by: Bzard, Sep 23rd at 8:44 pm

  • Amazing work, man! Thank you so much. It helped me a lot, even working with Windows 10 at 2015!

    by: Marco Aurélio, Nov 24th at 1:21 pm

  • Thank you so much!!!!!!!

    by: Thuy Linh, Jan 8th at 1:33 pm

  • When switching from English to Japanese keyboard, it is by default locked on alphabet (A), and I have to click on the IME (A) to switch to (あ) and type hiragana.

    Is there a way to change some default settings and have the Japanese keyboard always opening in hiragana (あ)

    by: Anonymous, Jan 20th at 10:32 pm

  • Hi
    My boss is using an ENGLISH Keyboard but the language of his OS is in JAPANESE.
    Can you help us to find the underscore symbol in keyboard?

    by: Caca :), May 14th at 5:06 pm

  • ねぇ!This was really helpful! Thank you so much. I did have one question about Katakana, though. I was told that in order to type in katakana you must hold down the shift bar as you type with IME on, but like you stated in this article, that types in English. Is there a way to change this? I never randomly type in English while in IME mode, anyways, so is there a setting to change it?

    by: けいりい Coco, Jun 19th at 1:24 am

  • Hi thank you so much ! I have a question though, can there be an english translation of words in the japanese dictionary that comes with IME? Also, can I customize the ALT+~ key combination? Thank you

    by: Volker, Dec 16th at 12:47 am

  • In Windows 10, select any word you previously converted and press Windows logo key + forward slash (/) to do a reconversion. ,)

    by: bloudek, Feb 10th at 6:21 am

  • Can you force only hiragana? My mother (in faraway Australia) is writing in romaji. Her teacher (Japanese person) does only what she asks for so Id like her to get experience with Hiragana without having learn to write.

    by: Michael, Jun 5th at 9:45 pm

  • Awesome tips you saved my day


    by: John Doe, Sep 7th at 1:16 am

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