Is it possible to learn Japanese on your own?

Can I Learn Japanese by Myself? The TRUTH.

  • By: Abuchan
  • Date: September 16, 2021

Japanese can be difficult to learn due to some of the following characteristics:

1. Three Writing Systems Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji

2. pronunciation many foreigners butcher Japanese pronunciation. Its kinda funny because I get it its quite difficult.

3. No verb conjugation In English, we conjugate verbs as well as adjective post-modifiers, but in Japanese, this is not true for all verbs.

Learning Japanese can be very difficult, as there are many aspects to learn. These three things in particular make it challenging for someone who is learning on their own!

Kanji is Hard Seriously. Oh yea plus Hiragana and Katakana

kanji is notoriously difficult to learn so you really have to study a lot, but if you see it as a challenge instead of a problem then it will be easier for you.

Its not only Kanji you have to worry about but while reading in Japanese you have to use 3 alphabet systems.

Youll need to learn and memorize about 2000- 3000 kanji to be able to read a newspaper.

There are also many dialects and accents in Japan so decide which one you want.

A major challenge for English speakers learning Japanese by themselves, other than writing the alphabet correctly, is the pronunciation of the sounds.

The Japanese Pronunciation System

Japanese pronunciation has a plethora of sounds and syllables that only exist in this language. If you want to be understood, then its important that you learn how to properly pronounce words and phrases.

Japanese Can be hard for English speakers because we dont have many of the sounds that they do!.

The difference in intonation between Japanese and English is something that can be tricky to master if you are not a native speaker. For example, they might misunderstand what you were trying to say because of an error with your pronunciation.

Another hard thing about learning Japanese is the particles and verb conjugation used in sentences. Sentences function differently in English and Japanese so there can be some confusion about how to use particles correctly.

For example:

Atarashii enpitsu desu ne? ( Is that a new pencil? )

Atarashii desu ne. ( It is new. )

The first sentence is a question and the second one is a statement. This is probably quite hard to understand for English speakers. Just make sure you try and clarify things using the resources you have before you learn something wrong!

Other than that studying Japanese by yourself should be relatively easy as long as you dedicate enough time and effort.

Is There Any Other Way to Learn Japanese?

Yes, if you live in Japan then just immerse yourself in the language. talk to people, watch movies, and so on.

Immersion is the most ideal way to learn Japanese and thats the goal of self-study. If you cant immerse yourself in japan Immerse yourself at home.

Find local language exchanges where you can talk to Japanese natives and improve your skills and using what you have learned.

Or even find other like-minded people online with who you can practice your Japanese.

Lets Sum it Up

At the end of it all, some of you may be able to handle more than others and some might even enjoy studying on their own more without a teacher.

In my opinion, the best way is always to get out there and immerse yourself in the language by going to Japan or making Japanese friends.

Its not impossible but will be a challenge and test of your patience, perseverance, and reliance! You can do it! Happy Japanese learning!


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