Insert Google Slides into Google Forms

How do I convert Google Form responses to PDFs?

You can convert Google Form responses to PDFs in a few easy steps. It is simple to create PDFs which contain all kinds of different question responses including images, dates, numbers and text. First you open your Google Form, then you connect either a Google Sheet or Google Doc template, then you add question tags to your template and then click 'Save as PDF', and voila!, youve automated Google Form response into PDFs! View some more of the advanced settings here.

Can I add images uploaded to the form responses?

Adding images is easy. All you need to do is mark the source row as an image, then when you click insert a placeholder images is inserted into the document. You can move and resize this placeholder image to your liking and hit the 'create documents' button when you're ready! Lean more here

Can I set rules to choose which PDFs are shared?

Yes, you don't have to share all the PDFs. In the email setttings box you can select to add a condition based on questions responses from your form. You can learn more about email conditions here.

Can I select the folder where the PDFs are saved?

Yes, you can select any folder to save the PDFs (as long as it's a Google Drive location accessible by the account you are using Portant with). To change the output folder open the 'options' menu from the Data Merge box and select a new folder in the Output Folder section.

Can I automatically share the PDFs via email?

Yes, you can share the PDFs with any email via a custom email message sent from your email address. To do this select the 'Automatically email created docs' checkbox within the 'Share via Email' box. You can learn more about sharing via email here.


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