How to reheat fast food fries

Leftover french fries...wait, is that even a thing?! If by some miracle you happen to have leftovers of these irresistible crispy potato spears, then you'll definitely want to know how to reheat them the right way. Believe it or not, they really can taste just as good as they did on the first day you made them—and that's a good thing, because we all know that there are few things worse than a soggy fry.

Ahead, we're sharing tips on how to reheat french fries so that they're nice and crispy for round two. Whether you're making a plain and simple batch or opting for something a little more exciting—like the Garlic-Parmesan French Fries that we can't stop ordering at The Merc!—our tips can help you out. After all, not only can you use these ideas to properly reheat homemade fries, but they're also great for reheating leftover restaurant fries, too. Oh, and we're also sharing a reheating method for air fryer french fries.

P.S. Don't miss our favorite potato recipes!

Credit: Walmart

What is the best way to reheat french fries?

No matter what, do not—we repeat, do not—use a microwave! If you do, you're all but guaranteed to get soggy fries. No one wants this. Instead, the best way to reheat french fries is in the oven at a high temperature. This will ensure that the outside gets as crispy as can be while the inside stays light and fluffy. But if you do happen to own an air fryer, you can use that, too! Just set it to 350˚, then place your leftover fries in a single layer in the fryer basket and heat for 3 to 5 minutes or until your desired crispiness has been reached. Pro tip: Don't crowd the air fryer basket or the fries won't get as crispy.

How do you reheat leftover french fries in the oven?

First, preheat the oven to 425˚. Then, spread your french fries out on a parchment-linked baking sheet, making sure none of them are touching (again, if they're too crowded, they won't get as crispy). Heat them in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes, then give them a quick toss. If you like them a little crispier, we recommend continuing to bake for 2 to 3 more minutes.

Can you reheat old french fries?

The answer here is: It depends. You can reheat them, of course, but depending on how old they are, you may want to just toss them and make (or buy!) a new batch. French fries will only be good for a few days in the fridge; any longer than that, and they'll start to lose their texture and become crumbly. The moral of the story: Be sure to reheat and eat your leftover french fries in a timely manner!

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If I come home with a bag full of fries or just don't finish my Large from McD's, I want to save them for later. But if I microwave them or just eat them semi-cold they taste disgusting. Do you reheat fries or just tend to throw them away?

When done right, day-old fries make a tasty snack or side dish. But before you put any leftover fries on your table, you might want to read up on how to reheat old fries. There are so many options for getting the perfect fries, and whether you’re using an oven, microwave, or air fryer. “Fries, unlike pizza and Chinese food, are rarely better cold. Thankfully, you can salvage them in a number of ways,” says expert chef Courtney Rada, host of the web series Carnivorous on Genius Kitchen. 

You don’t have to spin your wheels trying to figure out how to reheat French fries. We asked two professional chefs to weigh in on their top kitchen hacks for how to reheat fries. 

The Best Way to Reheat Fries in the Oven

If you don’t want your kids to complain about soggy spuds, then you’ll need to learn how to reheat fries in the oven. Plus, Rada says, you can use the same steps if you want to know how to reheat your spuds in a toaster oven.

“Instructions for reheating fries in the oven and toaster oven are generally the same, though toaster ovens are usually the best option to preserve crispness,” explains Rada, though she adds that if your toaster oven doesn’t reach 450 degrees Fahrenheit, you may need to leave the fries in longer. Just be attentive and make sure they’re cooked to your desired consistency. Here, Rada shows us in seven easy steps how to reheat fries in the oven. 

How to Reheat Fries in the Oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil (this will prevent them from sticking to the pan). 
  3. Spread your fries out on the pan, avoiding overlap. 
  4. Add a little extra salt, paprika, garlic powder, or even fresh herbs like oregano and thyme. If you thought they were missing some pizzazz previously, this is your chance to spice up your fries. 
  5. Place the pan inside and bake for two to three minutes, watching closely so you don’t burn them (make sure the oven is 450 degrees Fahrenheit).
  6. Check on the fries and tousle them around using a spatula or an oven mitt to shake the pan (after two to three minutes). The type of fries will determine how long to reheat fries in oven. If you’re working with heftier fries like steak fries, they might require a little more time in the oven. 
  7. Remove the fries when they appear crispy and have that golden glow. Cool before serving.  

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

The above steps only cover reheating French fries. But what if you have an entire meal to reheat? In that case, Rada says busy parents wondering how to reheat a burger and fries should use the stovetop method. Here’s the method she uses to reheat this kid-friendly treat.

  1. Heat a medium skillet with a little canola oil or grapeseed oil (you’ll want to use an oil with a high smoke point  — so no olive oil!)
  2. Remove the burger patty from its bun and place on the pan. Cover with a lid and cook on medium heat for roughly five minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, freshen up the bun by giving it a minute in the toaster (or toaster oven if there are toppings stuck to it).
  4. Remove the lid on the skillet and flip the patty to its other side, allowing it to cook uncovered for two more minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and transfer to a paper towel to soak up excess liquid before serving in the heated bun.

How to Reheat Fries in the Microwave

We’re all squeezed for time, so knowing how to reheat fries in the microwave is a real life-saver. While reheating your fries in the microwave won’t achieve that “day one crunch,” Rada says that if you’re willing to eat your fries on the softer side, it’s totally doable. Here, Rada shows us in three easy steps how to reheat fries in the microwave. 

  1. Start by pouring a little vegetable oil on your fries — just enough for a light coating.
  2. Place your oiled fries on a microwave-safe paper towel, dabbing at any excess oil.
  3. Lay the towel and fries on a microwavable plate and heat for 20-second intervals until you’ve reached your desired temp.

How to Reheat Fries in an Air Fryer

If you haven’t already jumped aboard the air fryer train, now would be a good time to do so. As it turns out, they’re one of the best kitchen tools out there. And if you’re wondering how to reheat fries in the air fryer, it’s super simple. Check out these steps.

  1. Place your fries in a single layer in your air fryer. You can add one tablespoon of oil to the fryer, or fry them on their own.
  2. Set your air fryer to 350° and air fry your fries for 3 to 6 minutes, to your desired crispiness.

How to Reheat McDonald’s Fries

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, McDonald’s French fries are definitely a kid favorite — so if you don’t want to toss out uneaten fries, you better learn how to reheat McDonald’s fries. Since the Golden Arches fries are deep-fat fried, reheating them on the stovetop with a touch of oil may duplicate that same-day taste your kids crave. “They may not be perfect, but they are good,” says Rada. So, if you want to know how to reheat fast food fries, consider the following steps on how to reheat fries.

How to Reheat Fries in a Frying Pan

  1. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a nonstick pan (canola or vegetable oil is best) over medium heat until the oil starts to simmer.
  2. Throw the leftover fries in the pan and spread them out evenly, cooking for about one minute. They should sizzle.
  3. Stir with the spatula and flip, heating the second side for an additional 30 seconds. 

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

If McDonald’s isn’t on your drive home, you may be wondering how to heat up your Five Guys fries, In-N-Out fries, or Chick-fil-A fries. The good news: You can reheat all of these fries with the same steps as the McDonald’s fries!

When it comes to deciding how to reheat cheese fries or how to reheat carne asada fries, Rada says if you’re heating up fries that have fresh or day-old toppings, you should definitely stick to the oven, which is always more reliable for an even temperature, explains Rada. 

Elana Karp, head chef and culinary cofounder of Plated says knowing how to reheat steak fries is easy — you just pop them in the oven and follow the instructions above for how to reheat fries in the oven. Reheat your steak with them, and you’ll have a full meal. And in case you’re wondering how to reheat sweet potato fries, use the same method as you would for steak fries. (If you’re looking to reheat a baked potato, you’ll need a different method.)

Fried-food lovers: Now that you know the experts secrets to making day-old fries come alive, you’ll never have to serve soggy French fries again. 

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