How to insert multiple values in a single column in mysql using laravel

How To Insert Multiple Rows In Mysql Using Laravel With Code Examples

Hello everyone, in this post we will examine how to solve the How To Insert Multiple Rows In Mysql Using Laravel programming puzzle.

/* It is really easy to do a bulk insert in Laravel with or without the query builder. You can use the following official approach. */ Entity::upsert([ ['name' => 'Pierre Yem Mback', 'city' => 'Eseka', 'salary' => 10000000], ['name' => 'Dial rock 360', 'city' => 'Yaounde', 'salary' => 20000000], ['name' => 'Ndibou La Menace', 'city' => 'Dakar', 'salary' => 40000000] ], ['name', 'city'], ['salary']);

With numerous examples, we have seen how to resolve the How To Insert Multiple Rows In Mysql Using Laravel problem.

It is really easy to do a bulk insert in Laravel using Eloquent or the query builder.

  • Use the ->toArray() method on the object collection.
  • It does not insert the timestamps.

How to insert multiple records in table laravel 5?

If we work on big project and then we maybe require to add multiple rows on database using laravel eloquent. Laravel provide insert method for bulk records create on db. In bellow example you can see i use multidimensional $myItems array variable and that insert multiple records same time using DB::insert().12-Feb-2022

How to insert multiple data in array in laravel?

“laravel 7 insert multiple in array” Code Answer

  • $data = [
  • ['user_id'=>'Coder 1', 'subject_id'=> 4096],
  • ['user_id'=>'Coder 2', 'subject_id'=> 2048],
  • //
  • ];
  • Model::insert($data); // Eloquent approach.
  • DB::table('table')->insert($data); // Query Builder approach.

How do I save multiple records in laravel?

How to Save Multiple Records at Once in Laravel Eloquent

  • Sometimes you might need to save multiple records at once and you can do so by using the "saveMany()" method or the "createMany()" method available to each of the Eloquent model relation.
  • Laravel saveMany() Code Example.

How do I seed in laravel 8?

Laravel 8 Database Seeder Tutorial Example

  • Create Seeder Command: php artisan make:seeder AdminUserSeeder.
  • database/seeds/AdminUserSeeder.php. use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
  • Way 1: Run Single Seeder. You need to run following command to run single seeder:
  • Way 2: Run All Seeders.
  • database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php.

What is difference between insert and create in laravel?

create() is a function from Eloquent, insert() – Query Builder. In other words, create is just an Eloquent model function that handles the creation of the object to the DB (in a more abstract way). Insert however tries to create the actual query string.16-Oct-2019

What is Upsert in laravel?

Laravel 8. x's query builder comes packed with a method called upsert that will let you insert (multiple) rows that do not exist and update the rows that already exist with the new values. So, for instance, let's say, you have a table called books and it contains the following records right now.20-Oct-2020

Which method is used to store multiple records at a time?

INSERT-SELECT-UNION query to insert multiple records Thus, we can use INSERT-SELECT-UNION query to insert data into multiple rows of the table. The SQL UNION query helps to select all the data that has been enclosed by the SELECT query through the INSERT statement.03-Aug-2022

What is seeder in Laravel?

Laravel includes the ability to seed your database with data using seed classes. All seed classes are stored in the database/seeders directory. By default, a DatabaseSeeder class is defined for you. From this class, you may use the call method to run other seed classes, allowing you to control the seeding order.

Why do we use seeder in Laravel?

The database seeder in Laravel is used to run DML (Data Manipulation Language). Database seeders are very useful for initiating data on a table or multiple tables when setting up the application for the first time. It is also possible to update existing data or delete it from behind the scenes.


WARNING You're browsing the documentation for an old version of Laravel. Consider upgrading your project to Laravel 9.x.

Query Builder

  • Introduction
  • Selects
  • Joins
  • Advanced Wheres
  • Aggregates
  • Raw Expressions
  • Inserts
  • Updates
  • Deletes
  • Unions
  • Pessimistic Locking
  • Caching Queries


The database query builder provides a convenient, fluent interface to creating and running database queries. It can be used to perform most database operations in your application, and works on all supported database systems.

Note: The Laravel query builder uses PDO parameter binding throughout to protect your application against SQL injection attacks. There is no need to clean strings being passed as bindings.


Retrieving All Rows From A Table

$users = DB::table('users')->get();

foreach ($users as $user)




Retrieving A Single Row From A Table

$user = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'John')->first();


Retrieving A Single Column From A Row

$name = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'John')->pluck('name');

Retrieving A List Of Column Values

$roles = DB::table('roles')->lists('title');

This method will return an array of role titles. You may also specify a custom key column for the returned array:

$roles = DB::table('roles')->lists('title', 'name');

Specifying A Select Clause

$users = DB::table('users')->select('name', 'email')->get();

$users = DB::table('users')->distinct()->get();

$users = DB::table('users')->select('name as user_name')->get();

Adding A Select Clause To An Existing Query

$query = DB::table('users')->select('name');

$users = $query->addSelect('age')->get();

Using Where Operators

$users = DB::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->get();

Or Statements

$users = DB::table('users')

->where('votes', '>', 100)

->orWhere('name', 'John')


Using Where Between

$users = DB::table('users')

->whereBetween('votes', array(1, 100))->get();

Using Where Not Between

$users = DB::table('users')

->whereNotBetween('votes', array(1, 100))->get();

Using Where In With An Array

$users = DB::table('users')

->whereIn('id', array(1, 2, 3))->get();

$users = DB::table('users')

->whereNotIn('id', array(1, 2, 3))->get();

Using Where Null To Find Records With Unset Values

$users = DB::table('users')


Order By, Group By, And Having

$users = DB::table('users')

->orderBy('name', 'desc')


->having('count', '>', 100)


Offset & Limit

$users = DB::table('users')->skip(10)->take(5)->get();


The query builder may also be used to write join statements. Take a look at the following examples:

Basic Join Statement


->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id')

->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id')

->select('', '', 'orders.price')


Left Join Statement


->leftJoin('posts', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')


You may also specify more advanced join clauses:


->join('contacts', function($join)


$join->on('', '=', 'contacts.user_id')->orOn(...);



If you would like to use a "where" style clause on your joins, you may use the where and orWhere methods on a join. Instead of comparing two columns, these methods will compare the column against a value:


->join('contacts', function($join)


$join->on('', '=', 'contacts.user_id')

->where('contacts.user_id', '>', 5);



Advanced Wheres

Parameter Grouping

Sometimes you may need to create more advanced where clauses such as "where exists" or nested parameter groupings. The Laravel query builder can handle these as well:


->where('name', '=', 'John')



$query->where('votes', '>', 100)

->where('title', '<>', 'Admin');



The query above will produce the following SQL:

select * from users where name = 'John' or (votes > 100 and title <> 'Admin')

Exists Statements






->whereRaw('orders.user_id =');



The query above will produce the following SQL:

select * from users

where exists (

select 1 from orders where orders.user_id =



The query builder also provides a variety of aggregate methods, such as count, max, min, avg, and sum.

Using Aggregate Methods

$users = DB::table('users')->count();

$price = DB::table('orders')->max('price');

$price = DB::table('orders')->min('price');

$price = DB::table('orders')->avg('price');

$total = DB::table('users')->sum('votes');

Raw Expressions

Sometimes you may need to use a raw expression in a query. These expressions will be injected into the query as strings, so be careful not to create any SQL injection points! To create a raw expression, you may use the DB::raw method:

Using A Raw Expression

$users = DB::table('users')

->select(DB::raw('count(*) as user_count, status'))

->where('status', '<>', 1)




Inserting Records Into A Table


array('email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0)


Inserting Records Into A Table With An Auto-Incrementing ID

If the table has an auto-incrementing id, use insertGetId to insert a record and retrieve the id:

$id = DB::table('users')->insertGetId(

array('email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0)


Note: When using PostgreSQL the insertGetId method expects the auto-incrementing column to be named "id".

Inserting Multiple Records Into A Table


array('email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0),

array('email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0),



Updating Records In A Table


->where('id', 1)

->update(array('votes' => 1));

Incrementing or decrementing a value of a column


DB::table('users')->increment('votes', 5);


DB::table('users')->decrement('votes', 5);

You may also specify additional columns to update:

DB::table('users')->increment('votes', 1, array('name' => 'John'));


Deleting Records In A Table

DB::table('users')->where('votes', '<', 100)->delete();

Deleting All Records From A Table


Truncating A Table



The query builder also provides a quick way to "union" two queries together:

$first = DB::table('users')->whereNull('first_name');

$users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('last_name')->union($first)->get();

The unionAll method is also available, and has the same method signature as union.

Pessimistic Locking

The query builder includes a few functions to help you do "pessimistic locking" on your SELECT statements.

To run the SELECT statement with a "shared lock", you may use the sharedLock method on a query:

DB::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->sharedLock()->get();

To "lock for update" on a SELECT statement, you may use the lockForUpdate method on a query:

DB::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->lockForUpdate()->get();

Caching Queries

You may easily cache the results of a query using the remember or rememberForever method:

$users = DB::table('users')->remember(10)->get();

In this example, the results of the query will be cached for ten minutes. While the results are cached, the query will not be run against the database, and the results will be loaded from the default cache driver specified for your application.

If you are using a supported cache driver, you can also add tags to the caches:

$users = DB::table('users')->cacheTags(array('people', 'authors'))->remember(10)->get();

How do I put multiple values in one column in laravel?

“insert multiple values in column sql using laravel” Code Answer's.
$data = [.
['user_id'=>'Coder 1', 'subject_id'=> 4096],.
['user_id'=>'Coder 2', 'subject_id'=> 2048],.
Model::insert($data); // Eloquent approach..
DB::table('table')->insert($data); // Query Builder approach..

How can I add multiple values in one column in PHP?

One can also insert multiple rows into a table with a single insert query at once. To do this, include multiple lists of column values within the INSERT INTO statement, where column values for each row must be enclosed within parentheses and separated by a comma.

How can I add multiple values in one cell in mysql?

INSERT INTO LOGI (related_id) VALUES('281,283,284,285,286'); However this breaks the whole foreign key paradigm. You won't be able to run SELECT queries and join tables based on this column. Better to create a cross-reference table.

How does laravel save multiple data?

“save multiple data in laravel” Code Answer.
$data = $request->all();.
$finalArray = array();.
foreach($data as $key=>$value){.
array_push($finalArray, array(.

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