How to hyperlink to a folder in Word

I am trying to do something almost exactly the same.
I have tried right clicking and adding a hyperlink to a folder, and that works fine, but when i use the =HYPERLINK function i can't get it to work.
Here is the code i used.

First i made a hyperlink from the right click menu and i got this code when i hover over the link;
This link works no problem and will pull up the folder i want.

However, i wanted to turn this into a function, so i could make the process shorter and easier to do copy to other lines, which i do a lot.
My first try was this;
=HYPERLINK("\\Seav0009\Saporders\2010\"&G924, "Cellname")
It does not work.
So i tried the advice from above with a more direct path name;
=HYPERLINK("Z:\2010\"&G924, "Cellname")
this too did not work.

I have over 150 orders i need to make links for and 5-10 new order per week that will be needing the same, so i can't keep using the right click method, it takes far too long. And i need the links to open folders specifically because i need to move files in and out of them throughout the day.
i also tried including the "file:///" bit in my first hyperlink function try, but that didn't work either.
I could really use some help, i cannot find anything online past what i already tried..


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