How to Fix time and date on computer permanently Windows 10

Some errors in Kaspersky applications may be caused by an incorrect time, date or time zone set on a computer. To fix it:

  1. Check the timezone and change it if necessary.
  2. Change the settings to automatic to sync time and date with the online server.
    If time and date are still incorrect, adjust them manually.

See instructions for Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7 and Vista below.

While Windows 10 typically does a good job at automatically determining today's actual time and date, you may come across the occasional hiccup. The wrong system time and date may lead to network issues and your files showing erroneous time stamps.

If Windows 10 is showing the wrong time and date, it's most likely due to a lack of internet connection. Perhaps you're traveling through different time zones or something went wrong with daylight savings time. 

Luckily, changing the time and date is an easy process that can be completed in a snap. Here's what you need to know about how to manually change the time and date on Windows 10.

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How to change the time and date on a Windows 10 computer

Right-click on the clock icon to access the date and time menu.Business Insider

1. Right-click on the clock icon found on the lower right-hand side of your taskbar. Then, click on "Adjust date/time." Alternatively, you can right-click on the Windows start menu and click "Settings." In the Settings menu, click "Time & Language." Both ways bring you to the same menu window. 

The time and date menu.Business Insider

2. If you want Windows to determine your time automatically, toggle the "Set time automatically" switch on, which will turn blue when enabled. You can also choose to have Windows determine your time zone by enabling the "Set time zone automatically" option just below. 

3. To manually set the time on Windows 10, you must disable the "Set time automatically" switch, as well as the "Set time zone automatically" switch. Then, click "Change" under the "Change date and time" option. 

4. In the pop-up box, enter your desired time and date and press "Change". This will update the system time.

You can change the time and date by clicking "Change," found under "Change date and time."Business Insider

How to synchronize Windows 10 time and date to an internet time server

It should be noted that if you want Windows to update your system time and time zone automatically, but the currently displayed time is not correct, you can direct Windows to synchronize your computer's time with an internet time server to correct it. 

To resync your computer to an internet time server, go to "Related settings."Business Insider

1. In the same menu window, click "Additional date, time, & regional settings" under "Related Settings". 

In this menu, you can also adjust your language and region settings.Business Insider

2. Click "Date and Time". 

Navigate to the "Internet Time" tab.Business Insider

3. In the box that opens, click the "Internet Time" tab, then click "Change settings".

Choose your desired server.Business Insider

4. Then, select a server from the drop-down list. The default server is, but you'll also have the option to choose, which is the time server from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Choose on and click "Update now." A message will appear that the clock was successfully synchronized.

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Jennifer Still

Jennifer is a writer and editor from Brooklyn, New York, who spends her time traveling, drinking iced coffee, and watching way too much TV. She has bylines in Vanity Fair, Glamour, Decider, Mic, and many more. You can find her on Twitter at

Why does my PC Date and time keeps changing Windows 10?

Windows Time Is Out of Sync You should first confirm that your computer is syncing its clock with a valid time server. To do this on Windows 10, head to Settings > Time & Language > Region, then choose Additional date, time & regional settings from the right side.

How do I stop Windows 10 from changing Date and time?

Click on the Windows Start button and enter secpol.msc into the search bar. ... .
Select Local Policies..
Double-click User Rights Assignment..
Double-click Change the system time..
Remove the User Account that you want to restrict from changing the time and date..

Why does my Date and time keep resetting?

Some computer viruses can infect a computer and cause the date and time in the operating system to be incorrect or reset to a wrong time zone. A virus can conflict with operating system files that manage the date and time or cause operating system files to become corrupted.

Why might my Date and time be wrong every time I turn the computer back on?

You may find your computer clock wrong if the server is unable to be reached or for some reason is returning an incorrect time. Your clock may also be wrong if the time zone settings are off. Change internet time server settings if your clock doesn't seem right.

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