How to fix sticky roll top desk


How to Fix a Roll-Top Desk (with Pictures)

Open the rolling top and remove the straps that keep the top piece of the desk together on the rear of the desk.

Remove the tambourine from the room.

When you are applying the new backing, be sure that the loose slats are correctly aligned with one another.

Examine the canvas backing that provides the tambour with its pliability and elasticity.

What sort of adhesive should you use to fix a roll-top desk is discussed in this section.

A high strength fabric and adhesive (I used wood glue, but I’m sure craft glue would work just as well) are all you’ll need to repair the desk. Cut the fabric so that it is about four inches less in width and just slightly less in length than the width of the roll top.

What is Tambour cloth, other from what has been said above?

 Cloth for the Tambour. Tambour Cloth is made entirely of natural cotton twill and is ideal for repairing stuck or damaged roll top tables. Human hands are incapable of tearing this extraordinary cloth! Tambour fabric is available for purchase by the yard. Make use of our tambour glue (205857).

Also, how can you restore an old roll-top desk to its former glory?

How to Restore an Oak Roll Top Desk (with Pictures)

With a brush, apply a thick layer of chemical stripper to the oak roll top desk to make it seem old.

Remove the previous finish by scraping it off with a putty knife and steel wool.

Sand the desk with 120-grit sandpaper to make it smooth.

Using a cloth, wipe grain filler onto the oak roll-top desk and gently massage it into the surface of the wood.

What is the operation of a roll-top desk?

The tambour is made up of half-round or flat slats that are fastened to a fabric or leather backing and attached to a wooden strip, or grip, which is then set into the channel and raised to allow it to open. When the roll is closed, a lock may be installed in the grip and the deck of the desk to keep it safe.

There were 13 related questions and answers found.

What is the proper way to roll an antique roll top desk?

How to Move a Rolltop Desk (with Pictures) Divide your roll-top desk into pieces to make it easier to use (if applicable). Take all of the drawers out of your rolltop desk. Zip ties or any other form of binding material may be used to keep the rolltop cover in place on your desk. Individual elements of your rolltop desk should be cushioned.

What is the best way to take apart a tambour roll top desk?

Using a screwdriver, open the roll-top piece of the desk and search inside for any straps or screws that are holding the top to the rest of the desk together. Using a slotted screwdriver, remove the screws from their sockets. Lift the roll-top piece of the desk and slide out the tambour, or slatted door, placing it cloth-side up on top of the new cloth. Repeat the process with the other side of the desk.

What is the best way to repair a sticky roll top desk?

Rub a bar of soap or a candle within the grove that the slats roll up and down in, then open and close the desk 5 or 10 times to thoroughly clean it. I’ve experimented with wax and WD40. The wax worked the best, although it still adheres to the surface.

What is the operation of a tambour door?

An example of a tambour door is a sliding door constructed of slats that roll up when the door is opened upwards or sideways, as seen below.

What is the best way to repair an oak table?

Using a 150-grit sandpaper, sand the whole table surface. Work in the direction of the grain, sanding in a single direction until the wood is completely smooth. Repeat the process with a 220-grit paper to get a smooth, glasslike surface. To remove sanding dust from the table, wipe it down with a tack cloth or vacuum it up with a gentle brush.

Fixing a broken roll top desk is not nearly as hard as you might think.  Last Friday, I shared with you the desk that I fixed up and painted.  One of the things that was wrong with this yard sale find was that it had a broken roll top.  I had no idea how a roll top was put together when I bought the desk, but I assumed that I could figure out how to piece it back together.

In order to access the wood desk cover, you'll need to first take the back panel off of the desk.  It should be held on with small nails.  Once the back is off, you should be able to pull the roll top right out of the track.  

After taking it out of the desk, I realized that a roll top is constructed of wood slats attached to a fabric backing.  The fabric on mine was old and had worn enough to allow the slats to pull apart.  All that you'll need to fix the desk is some heavy duty fabric and glue (I used wood glue, but I'm sure craft glue would work as well).

Cut the fabric to be about four inches less than the width of your roll top and just slightly less than the length. 

The roll top on my desk was only broke into two sections, so I did not tear the old fabric off and re-position everything.  If yours is broken in many pieces, though, it may be wise to take each section apart and glue it back onto the new fabric piece by piece.  Be sure to apply enough glue that all the fabric is attached securely onto the wood.  

Allow the glue to dry completely.  

Since I was painting my desk, I also wanted to paint this section on both sides.  Painting a rolltop is a lot easier if it is done before putting it back in the desk.  If you are interested in painting over the fabric to make it "disappear," it helps to thin the paint out a little with some water.  Allow the paint to dry and then insert the roll top back into the track.  

Once the section is back in the desk, reattach the back panel with nails and your desk is fixed!   Isn't that a simple fix?

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