How to express dogs glands

You caught your dog doing the booty scoot on your favorite rug and now you're wondering why they do it and how you can get it to stop. Whether that or excessive licking of your pet's hind region is what brought you here, it's likely that your dog's anal glands need attention. While that's probably the last part of your dog's anatomy you'd like to pay attention to, the fact is that anal gland problems in dogs are fairly common and often the cause of dog scooting problems.

Your Dog's Anal Glands

Your dog's hind end includes two small sacs located on the inside of their rectum, one on each side within the muscular wall, says The Spruce. These sacs gradually fill with secretions from sebaceous glands — the same glands found at the end of hair follicles that are responsible for unwashed hair becoming greasy — located inside each sac.

The only real function these anal glands are known to serve is in doggy communication: they're what dogs sniff when they say hello to each other. They also excrete scent whenever your dog goes number two, and may make it easier for your pet to pass stools. When they're working properly, these glands are emptied when your dog does their business.

Anal Gland Problems in Dogs

Unfortunately, things don't always function properly. Soft or small stools don't provide enough pressure to empty the sacs. If the glands fill until they become uncomfortable, your beloved pup scoots across the floor to get relief. When this happens, the glands are what's called impacted, says Preventive Vet.

Not only are impacted anal sacs uncomfortable for your pooch, but if ignored they might become infected and abscessed, requiring treatment with antibiotics. If the abscessed glands rupture, they may need surgery to repair, and your dog might also need pain medication to aid their recovery.

Anal Gland Expression

When anal gland problems in dogs begin to develop, human intervention may be required to provide relief. Impacted anal glands need to be manually expressed, a task that can be performed by a veterinarian, or a vet nurse — some dog groomer who's been trained in the tasked may do this as part of the routine grooming, but if you notice an issue, you should always bring your dog to vet over the groomer.

Manually expressing a dog's anal glands typically involves inserting a gloved finger into the rectum to locate the gland and gently squeeze it to empty its contents. If impacted anal glands become a recurrent problem, manual expression might need to be done on a regular basis. You could do this for your dog at home, but it's best to have a professional teach you how before attempting it on your own. A startled or uncomfortable dog could snap or bolt. The ick factor involved in the task might also convince you it's a job best left to the pros.

What Causes Anal Gland Problems in Dogs?

Poor quality bowel movements can contribute to anal glands becoming impacted, says Petfinder. Constipation and diarrhea can produce stool that isn't sufficient for the task of emptying the anal sacs. Hereditary malformations of the anal glands could also be a cause. Preventive Vet adds that chronic skin conditions, including yeast infections, skin or food allergies or infestations of skin mites, may increase a dog's chances of developing chronic anal gland problems.

Other contributing factors include low thyroid function and obesity. And although it's less common, a tumor could be to blame. It's also possible that unnecessary anal gland expression, as is sometimes done routinely by groomers, could create scar tissue that prevents the glands from being able to empty themselves. If this might apply to your dog, talk to your groomer to make sure your pup's glands aren't being unnecessarily expressed on every visit, which could do more harm than good.

Signs of Impacted or Infected Anal Glands

While dog scooting could be one possible symptom of anal gland problems, this behavior could have other causes, such as parasites or digestive problems. Or, it could simply be an itchy butt. Typically, a dog with impacted anal glands will scoot more than once or twice, and can also usually be seen licking their rear end. Redness or swelling around the sphincter is an indication that the glands are becoming infected, as is blood or puss in your dog's stool or left behind on the carpet after they've finished scooting.

When to See a Vet

If you suspect your dog may have impacted anal glands, talk to your vet to see if your dog should be brought in. However, if you notice redness or swelling, or if the skin around your dog's bottom starts to look like a pimple that's coming to a head, the gland is likely infected or abscessed and should be seen by a vet as quickly as possible. A ruptured abscess is an emergency and needs to be treated right away to minimize the damage to your dog and lessen their pain.

You should also see your vet if impacted anal glands are a recurring problem for your dog, in order to determine whether there's an underlying condition that needs to be treated, like a tumor or a thyroid disorder.

Helping Your Dog

Here are some steps you can take to prevent or reduce the recurrence of impacted anal glands in your pup:

  • Make sure your dog is getting enough fiber in their diet so that they're producing healthy stool. Talk to your vet about putting your dog on a diet that is formulated for healthy digestion and proper stool formation.
  • If your dog is overweight, ask your vet about taking steps to help them reach and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Work with your vet to identify and treat or manage any potential underlying causes.
  • If your vet approves, supplement your dog's diet with fish oil, which Preventive Vet notes has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the irritation around impacted glands, or they may recommend a food enriched with fish oil.
  • Again, check with your groomer to make sure your pup's anal glands aren't being expressed unnecessarily.

While it's not a pleasant thing to think about, anal gland problems are common enough that it pays to be vigilant in watching out for them. So the next time you see your dog scooting or licking their rear end, be sure to pay close attention to what's going on back there. Your dog may not be able to thank you with words, but they're nevertheless sure to appreciate the relief you can provide.

You may have noticed a strange smell coming from your dog’s bottom or even a mysterious brown stain on his bed — these are just a few warning signs that it’s time to have your dog’s anal glands expressed, or cleared. Surprisingly, learning how to express dog anal glands is actually easier than you think, and you can do it right from home. The hardest part will be keeping your pup still for the process!

With just a few minutes and a couple of household toiletries, you can help your furry friend avoid major booty discomfort. Of course, a groomer or veterinarian will be happy to help with this process, but there is no reason you can’t learn to do it yourself — if you feel able, of course! Here’s everything you need to know about your dog’s anal glands.

Can I express my dog’s anal glands myself? Does my dog need to see a groomer?

Despite the slightly intrusive nature of anal gland expression, it is absolutely safe to do from home — though it will be even easier with two people. In fact, you may already have everything you need in your bathroom cabinets, so you can do this almost anytime. Here’s what you’ll need, according to River Road Veterinary:

  • Vaseline or lubricant (yes, that kind)
  • Paper towels
  • Warm, soapy washcloth
  • Pair of disposable gloves

If you feel unsure about taking on this process yourself, anal gland expression is easy and quick for a vet or groomer to do in their office. You will probably need to make an appointment, though, so it’s a better idea to plan ahead if you prefer to get some help.

How do you know if a dog needs his glands expressed? Is it easy to tell?

If your dog’s anal glands are full or obstructed, he’s likely to feel pressure in his bottom. This can cause him to look at his rear, lick his bottom more frequently, or even scoot on the ground (via Cherished Companions Animal Clinic).

These glands, which sit at the 4-o’clock and 8-o’clock positions on your dog’s rear, may leave brown debris in places your pup sits. You may notice a foul smell and even swelling around your dog’s anus in more extreme cases. Sometimes, canines can struggle to pass feces when swelling occurs.

Most pooches naturally express their own glands as they defecate — this is how the anal glands work, after all. However, some dogs experience a buildup of gland material if they fail to express upon defecation. This is when you’ll notice the symptoms mentioned above. This can happen when a dog experiences a bout of diarrhea or even from a chronic skin concern, so don’t rule it out (via AKC).

In most cases, a simple gland expression will do the trick. For dogs with more moderately blocked glands or chronic blockages, though, antibiotics or anti-inflammatories may be prescribed. Anal glands can also be flushed thoroughly while a dog is under anesthesia, but The People’s Defense for Sick Animals notes that this is not needed in the majority of cases.

If obstructed anal glands are left untreated, abscesses and infections can occur. Unsurprisingly, this is a highly uncomfortable experience, so you shouldn’t wait to treat full or swollen glands.

How to express a dog’s anal glands safely from home–it’s easier than you think

If you choose to express your dog’s anal glands at home, make sure you have all your supplies ready to go. It will make the process easier to have a second person gently hold your dog while you do the expression, as it can feel somewhat uncomfortable (and this is normal).

Have your dog stand on all fours, says River Road Veterinary, and kneel behind him. Have your helper gently lift up the pup’s tail while you insert one gloved, Vaseline-covered index finger into your pup’s anus. Use this finger and your thumb on the outside to feel for the glands at each side of the anus. They will be between pea- and plum-sized depending on the size of your dog.

Once you’ve located one gland, use your thumb and index finger to gently squeeze and massage it. If done correctly, a brown liquid will leak from just inside the anus — so make sure to have a paper towel or two at the ready in your other hand.

You can repeat this process with either the same hand or your opposite hand as you express the other gland. It’s important to find what’s most comfortable for you and your pet, so take your time. Don’t forget to wash your dog’s bottom with warm, soapy water after you’re done expressing his anal glands, as the liquid can leave behind a pretty nasty smell. It should go without saying–wash your hands, too!

When you’re all done with the process, washes and all, your dog will definitely appreciate a treat. Honestly, you should get a treat, too —we know this isn’t the most fun part of pet ownership. Still, expressing anal glands is necessary for a happy and healthy pup, so it’s a good skill to know no matter what.

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