How to clear data on Messenger

Have you ever wanted to wipe your device and start fresh? If so, you might have needed to clear the messenger cache on your iPhone.

It is necessary to clear the cache on iPhone to boost memory and keep power consumption. Here we have introduced a few ways to help you clear the messenger cache on your iPhone with different methods.

Why Do I Need to Clear Messenger Cache On iPhone?

If you’re an iPhone user, you know that one of the most important things you can do to keep your device running smoothly is to clear the cache on a regular basis. But what exactly is cache, and why do you need to clear it?

The cache is basically a temporary storage area for data that your iPhone uses frequently. Clearing the cache on a regular basis helps to keep your device running smoothly because it ensures that this temporary data is cleared out and doesn’t build up over time.

So why do you need to clear the messenger cache on your iPhone?

Messenger apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger tend to use a lot of data, which can quickly build up in your cache if you don’t clear it regularly. This can lead to your device becoming sluggish and unresponsive.

Most users have moved from traditional text messages to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, and Signal to stay in touch with friends and family. Feature-rich apps like Messenger collects cache, which is a bunch of small files, to load your frequently visited chats quickly. But when Messenger collects a corrupt cache, you start facing issues like Messenger chat heads not working, the app not sending videos, etc. You must clear the Facebook Messenger cache on iPhone and Android.

Overamount of cache leads to glitches and errors in any app. Messenger is no exception here. You can always try uninstalling the app, but Messenger will use the saved cache to load everything swiftly. And you are back to square one with Messenger issues.

Table of Contents

  • Facebook Messenger Cache Explained
  • Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on Android
  • Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on iPhone
  • What Happens When You Clear Messenger Cache
  • Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on the Web
  • Learn About Facebook Messenger Cache

Facebook Messenger Cache Explained

Like every other mobile app, Facebook Messenger collects cache in the background to improve app performance. Since the app stores small files on your phone, it doesn’t need to load everything from scratch. Thanks to the collected cache, you shall notice faster access to your frequently used chats. Sometimes, things go out of hand, and Messenger collects corrupt cache on your mobile.

Clearing cache also helps you free up space on your Android or iPhone without uninstalling relevant apps. It’s one of the effective ways to clear space on your phone.

Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on Android

You can clear the Messenger cache from the app info menu. Follow the steps below.

1. Long-tap on the Messenger app icon and open the app info menu.

2. Select Storage & cache.

3. Tap Clear cache from the following menu.

You can access the same from the Settings menu too.

1. Swipe up from the Android home screen to open the app drawer menu.

2. Find the Settings app with a familiar gear icon.

3. Select Apps and tap See all apps.

4. Find Messenger from the following menu and open a familiar app info menu to clear the cache.

Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on iPhone

Unlike Android, you can’t check the Messenger app cache on your iPhone. You can offload an app to free up storage used by Messenger. You can also reinstall the app and start from scratch. Let us show you how to check collected Messenger data on your iPhone.

1. Open Settings on your iPhone.

2. Scroll to General.

3. Select iPhone Storage.

4. Check a detailed storage breakdown from the following menu.

5. Scroll to Messenger.

6. Check app size as well as Documents & Data space on iPhone.

You have two options to choose from – Offload and Delete.

Offload Messenger – The option will free up storage used by the app, but keep its documents and data. When you reinstall the app, it will reinstate the app data.

Delete App – It will delete the app and all related data from your iPhone. The action can’t be undone.

7. Tap Delete App and confirm your decision.

8. Open the App Store on your iPhone. Search for Messenger and install the app on your iPhone again.

What Happens When You Clear Messenger Cache

Clearing the Facebook Messenger cache doesn’t affect your personal data. The option only deletes the Messenger local files from your phone. Once you reinstall or open the app, Messenger loads everything from the company servers. Your messages, photos, and shared videos remain intact. The Messenger may ask you to log in again. Make sure to keep your Facebook credentials handy when using Messenger again.

Now that you have cleared the Messenger cache, the app can’t find local files on your phone. When you open Messenger, you may notice slow loading times and higher data usage.

Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on the Web

If you frequently use Messenger on the web, you can easily clear the Messenger cache in your preferred browser. Unlike mobile apps, you can’t selectively check and delete Messenger cache. The option will clear all the cache collected by the browser on the desktop. You should launch Facebook Messenger in private mode to stop the behavior.

Learn About Facebook Messenger Cache

There are several reasons to clear the Messenger cache on your phone. Power users can go through the steps above and free up space. It also helps you troubleshoot Messenger misbehaves on the go.

What happens if I clear Messenger app data?

What happens if I clear data on Messenger? Your Messenger app will reset to default settings, and you will get logged out from the application. No, they are not the same. Clearing data removes junk files and resets the app.

How do I clear my Facebook Messenger data?

Log into your Facebook account..
Click See all in Messenger..
Click on the options wheel next to a conversation..
Click Delete if you want to erase all the messages..

How do you delete Messenger data on iPhone?

Clear Facebook Messenger Cache on iPhone.
Open Settings on your iPhone..
Scroll to General..
Select iPhone Storage..
Check a detailed storage breakdown from the following menu..
Scroll to Messenger..
Check app size as well as Documents & Data space on iPhone. ... .
Tap Delete App and confirm your decision..

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