How to change minecraft mod configs

Config Menus for Forge Mod (1.18.2, 1.17.1) allows for edit Forge’s server configurations (and all other config types as well) directly in-game with many convenient and handy features.

The way to go for mod configs to be configured directly in-game on Forge. Nice, quick and easy.


Most notably, this mod allows for: editing all of Forge’s config types (including server configs, as well as syncing with an online server and other players), setting default configs to be used when creating new worlds, a powerful and immersive search, proper handling for editing lists with various data types, an easy to use interface for dealing with all configs added by a single mod at a glance, and much more.

When opening a mods config menu you’ll be greeted with a file selection screen listing all config files added by the mod. The restore defaults button allows for resetting a single config file as a whole (you can tell a config has been modified when it’s name is in italics). There is also a button for opening the actual config file in an editor. The copy to defaults button allows you to set this config as a default config to be used whenever the config is recreated (mainly useful for server configs when creating new worlds).

When a config is open, you’ll find a big list with all config options and categories. The button to the right of every option will restore it’s default value. When an option is hovered, a tooltip will provide additional information, including the internal key, description, range, allowed values, and the default value. On the bottom, the cancel button can be used for discarding changes, the done button will save all changes to the config file.

The path bar on top shows where you currently are within the active config file. But there’s more: It also functions as a navigation bar. You can click on previous categories to go back to them.

Searching is quite fancy, the current query is highlighted, and found entries are sorted accordingly. Results will be located in the current, as well as all subsequent categories. And best of all, the search field can be cleared again with a simple left-click.

Editing more complex values such as strings, enums and lists is done via a separate screen. In this case, an enum value can be chosen from a list where all choices can be viewed at a glance.

Editing lists on the other hand looks quite a bit different. All values are entered as strings and will be converted and checked automatically. Sometimes, the type of a list cannot be determined by Config Menus for Forge, so you’ll be promted to choose the type yourself, or edit the option directly in the config file instead (not yet implemented). Also lists cannot be saved when invalid entries have been added, they need to be manually corrected before that.

Editing server configs is a bit different from other config types. They exist for every single world, so to edit a server config from the main menu you’ll have to select a world. When you’re currently playing in a world this world will be selected automatically. This message is shown when Config Menus for Forge has to create the server config first as it doesn’t exist yet.

This message is shown when playing on an online server. Server configs can only be edited by server operators. When doing so, they’ll be synced back to the server and from there to all other clients. In singleplayer no warnings are shown and no syncing happens as everything is done locally.


Minecraft Forge

Better Mods Button Mod

How to install:

Config Menus for Forge Mod (1.18.2, 1.17.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.17.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.18.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

With the ever-growing community of Minecraft Servers, the number of Mods and Modpacks available on the Internet is increasingly growing, including new versions and features that a Mod can offer.These new settings (features), which are available in some new edit mods, are available on servers in configuration files within your FTP in the "config" folder.This article seeks to clarify the possibility and try to explain to you how this Mod setting should be changed.

Before you begin, you must first know what FTP is and how to access it.

If you don't know what is FTP File Access or how to use it, we strongly recommend you to firstly read our " How to: Access Your Minecraft Server Files Via FTP " article.

To start an explanatory article like this, let's take a simple example.

Editing a Mod configuration:


The following steps can be used for any Mod that allows the user to change the default settings. Just select and edit the correct file of a particular Mod!Let's take as a simple example, to be easy to understand. 👍In the following example, we use one of the best known ModPacks today, ModPack " Pixelmon Generations ".(Remember! This can be used for any Mod, but caution and caution is required when editing the file!)

Let's say that you're looking to change the Pixelmon's spawn rate.In order to do that you should firstly stop your server.Then follow these steps:

Stop your Server

Click on " Files " and then on " FTP File Access ". (It's where you can access your all server files)

Use your Multicraft credentials to login.

Open your " config " folder.

Select your wished Mod file to be edited, right-click and then click on " Edit ".

(NOTE: This must vary depending on which Mod file you're looking to edit)

In this example we're looking to edit Pixelmon's configuration file, so we must edit the " pixelmon.hocon " file.

As we are looking to edit the Spawn Rate, we must find the spawn rate option and edit it with our wished configuration.

Once found, we need to edit exactly as what the default configuration is!

What does that mean?

- Since it is a configuration file, it is very unstable! We must follow format "rules" in the file so that nothing bad happens the moment the server powers up.Let's look at an example below:- As we wanted to edit SpawnRate to " 2 ", we should use the following edit:If the default file uses: spawnRate=1 When editing, we must use: spawnRate=2 ---- Example of common errors: ❌ spawnRate= 2, ❌ spawnRate= ;2 ❌ spawnRate= 02: ❌spawnRate=2 ✅ spawnRate=2 --- As you can see, as minimum is the error, some space forgot or some additional accidentally character used by mistake can crash the whole server, so make sure to edit the configuration file correct! 😀

Click on " Save ".

Back to your server control panel (Multicraft) and Start your server.
In a few words, as you can see, changing your server settings is easy and simple! = DJust be careful when editing the files correctly!Whenever you need help, you can always find out more about a Mod's settings on the same page where you can download it.

Feel free to open a ticket in your Client Area if you need further assistance.

Updated on: 08 / 04 / 2021

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