How do you reverse a string without a loop in python?

Educative Answers Team

Table of Contents

  • 3. Use join
  • Using for loop
  • Using while loop
  • Using the slice ([]) operator
  • Using reverse function with join
  • Using recursion()
  • How do you reverse a string without a loop in Python?
  • How can I reverse a string without using inbuilt function or loop?
  • How do I reverse a string in Python manually?
  • What are different ways to reverse a string in Python?

In Python, strings are ordered sequences of character data.

There is no built-in method to reverse a string. However, strings can be reversed in several different ways.


Three methods to reverse a string are explained below:

1. Slicing

Strings can be reversed using slicing. To reverse a string, we simply create a slice that starts with the length of the string, and ends at index 0.

To reverse a string using slicing, write:

stringname[stringlength::-1] # method 1

Or write without specifying the length of the string:

stringname[::-1] # method2

The slice statement means start at string length, end at position 0, move with the step -1 (or one step backward).

s="Python" # initial string

stringlength=len(s) # calculate length of the list

slicedString=s[stringlength::-1] # slicing

print (slicedString) # print the reversed string

2. Loop

To start, let’s create a new array called reversedString[].

We can then loop over the list with iterating variable index initialized with the length of the list.

  • In each iteration, concatenate value of str[index-1] with reverseString
  • Decrement the index.

We then simply keep iterating until the index is less than zero.

s = "Python" # initial string


index = len(s) # calculate length of string and save in index

while index > 0:

reversedString += s[ index - 1 ] # save the value of str[index-1] in reverseString

index = index - 1 # decrement index

print(reversedString) # reversed string

3. Use join

This is a powerful technique that takes advantage of Python’s iterator protocol. This technique reverses a string using reverse iteration with the reversed() built-in function to cycle through the elements in the string in reverse order and then use .join() method to merge all of the characters resulting from the reversed iteration into a new string.

The general syntax is

s="Python" reversedstring=''.join(reversed(s))

The following Python code demonstrates the concept.

s = 'Python' #initial string

reversed=''.join(reversed(s)) # .join() method merges all of the characters resulting from the reversed iteration into a new string

print(reversed) #print the reversed string

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Python String is the collection of the Unicode character. Python has numerous functions for string manipulation, but Python string library doesn't support the in-built "reverse()" function. But there are various ways to reverse the string. We are defining the following method to reverse the Python String.

  • Using for loop
  • Using while loop
  • Using the slice operator
  • Using the reversed() function
  • Using the recursion

Using for loop

Here, we will reverse the given string using for loop.


('The original string is: ', 'JavaTpoint') ('The reverse string is', 'tniopTavaJ')


In the above code, we have declared the reverse_string() function and passed the str argument. In the function body, we have declared empty string variable str1 that will hold the reversed string.

Next, the for loop iterated every element of the given string, join each character in the beginning and store in the str1 variable.

After the complete iteration, it returned the reverse order string str1 to the caller function. It printed the result to the screen.

Using while loop

We can also reverse a string using a while loop. Let's understand the following example.

Example -


('The original string is : ', 'JavaTpoint') ('The reversed string using a while loop is : ', 'tniopTavaJ')


In the above code, we have declared a str variable that holds string value. We initialized a while loop with a value of the string.

In each iteration, the value of str[count - 1] concatenated to the reverse_String and decremented the count value. A while completed its iteration and returned the reverse order string.

Using the slice ([]) operator

We can also reverse the given string using the extended slice operator. Let's understand the following example.

Example -


('The original string is : ', 'JavaTpoint') ('The reversed string(using extended slice syntax) is : ', 'tniopTavaJ')


Generally, a slice operator accepts three parameters - start, stop and step. We provided the no value to start and end index, which indicates the start index is 0 and the end is n-1 by default. The step size is -1; it means the string continues the traverse from the end and goes to the 1 index position.

Using reverse function with join

Python provides the reversed() function to reverse the string. Let's understand the following example.

Example -


('The original string is : ', 'JavaTpoint') ('The reversed string using reversed() is : ', 'tniopTavaJ')


In the function body, we declared the empty string separated by .dot operator. The reversed() string returned the reverse string it joined with the empty string separated using the join() function.

Using recursion()

The string can also be reversed using the recursion. Recursion is a process where function calls itself. Consider the following example.

Example -


('The original string is : ', 'JavaTpoint') ('The reversed string(using reversed) is : ', 'tniopTavaJ')


In the above code, we have defined a function that accepts the string as an argument.

In the function body, we defined the base condition of recursion, if a length of a string is 0, then the string is returned, and if not then we called the function recursively.

The slice operator slice the string expects the first character and concatenated to the end of the slice string.

How do you reverse a string without a loop in Python?

1. User must enter a string. 2. By giving the increment value as -1, string slicing is used to reverse the list..

Take a string from the user..

Use string slicing to reverse the string..

Print the reversed string..

How can I reverse a string without using inbuilt function or loop?

Reverse A String In C# With And Without An Inbuilt Function.

static void Main(string[] args).


private static void ReverseStringWithInbuiltMethod(string stringInput).

// With Inbuilt Method Array.Reverse Method..

char[] charArray = stringInput.ToCharArray();.

How do I reverse a string in Python manually?

Strings can be reversed using slicing. To reverse a string, we simply create a slice that starts with the length of the string, and ends at index 0. The slice statement means start at string length, end at position 0, move with the step -1 (or one step backward).

What are different ways to reverse a string in Python?

Some of the common ways to reverse a string are:.

Using Slicing to create a reverse copy of the string..

Using for loop and appending characters in reverse order..

Using while loop to iterate string characters in reverse order and append them..

Using string join() function with reversed() iterator..

How do you reverse a text string in Python?

Strings can be reversed using slicing. To reverse a string, we simply create a slice that starts with the length of the string, and ends at index 0. The slice statement means start at string length, end at position 0, move with the step -1 (or one step backward).

How can I reverse a string without using inbuilt function or loop?

Reverse A String In C# With And Without An Inbuilt Function.
static void Main(string[] args).
private static void ReverseStringWithInbuiltMethod(string stringInput).
// With Inbuilt Method Array.Reverse Method..
char[] charArray = stringInput.ToCharArray();.

What are the different ways to reverse a string?

Different Methods to Reverse a String in C++ are: Using 'inbuilt' reverse function. Using Constructor. Using a temp file.

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