How do you print all the odd numbers in a list Python?

Python program to print all odd numbers in a range

Given starting and end points, write a Python program to print all odd numbers in that given range.


Input: start = 4, end = 15 Output: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Input: start = 3, end = 11 Output: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

Example #1: Print all odd numbers from given list using for loop

Define start and end limit of range. Iterate from start till the range in the list using for loop and check if num % 2 != 0. If the condition satisfies, then only print the number.

# Python program to print odd Numbers in given range
start, end = 4, 19
# iterating each number in list
for num in range(start, end + 1):
# checking condition
if num % 2 != 0:
print(num, end = " ")


5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19

Example #2: Taking range limit from user input

# Python program to print Even Numbers in given range
start = int(input("Enter the start of range: "))
end = int(input("Enter the end of range: "))
# iterating each number in list
for num in range(start, end + 1):
# checking condition
if num % 2 != 0:
print(num, end = " ")


Enter the start of range: 3 Enter the end of range: 11 3 5 7 9 11

Example #3: Taking range limit from user input

# Python program to print Even Numbers in given range
start = int(input("Enter the start of range: "))
end = int(input("Enter the end of range: "))
#create a list that contains only Even numbers in given range
even_list = range(start, end + 1)[start%2::2]
for num in even_list:
print(num, end = " ")


Enter the start of range: 3 Enter the end of range: 11 3 5 7 9 11

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Python Programs
School Programming
Python list-programs
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How Do You Print Odd Numbers From a List in Python?

To print odd numbers from a list of numbers you can use the Python modulo operator, related to the mathematical concept of remainder.

When you divide an odd number by 2 the remainder of the division is 1. When you divide an even number by 2 the remainder of the division is 0.

Let’s use this concept and a Python for loop to print odd numbers from a list.

def get_odd_numbers(numbers): odd_numbers = [] for number in numbers: if number % 2 == 1: odd_numbers.append(number) return odd_numbers

Before starting the for loop we define an empty list, then at every iteration of the for loop we add odd numbers to the list.

numbers = [2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 45, 67, 88, 99, 100] print(get_odd_numbers(numbers)) [output] [3, 13, 45, 67, 99]

Python program to print odd numbers in a List

In this tutorial, you will learn to write a program that will print all the odd numbers in a list. Odd numbers are the numbers that are not divisible by 2. We will use this property of odd numbers in our program. The concept of loops in Python and conditional statements in Python will be used in our program.

For a given list of numbers, the task is to find and print all the odd numbers in the list.

Input: [2, 7, 4, 10, 8, 6, 9]

Output: [7, 9]

Input: [11, 6, 2, 9, 10, 4, 26, 25]

Output: [11, 9, 25]

Python program to print odd numbers in a list

PythonServer Side ProgrammingProgramming

In this article, we will learn about the solution and approach to solve the given problem statement.

Python Program to Print Odd Numbers in a List

This article is created to cover some programs in Python that find and prints all the odd numbers available in a given list by user at run-time. Here are the list of programs:

  • Print all odd numbers in a list of 10 elements (numbers)
  • Print all odd numbers in a list of n elements

Python Program to Print Odd Numbers in a List using For Loop

In thispython program, we are usingFor Loopto iterate each element in thislist. Inside thePythonfor loop, we are using the If statement to check and print odd numbers.

# Python Program to Print Odd Numbers in a List NumList = [] Number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: ")) for i in range(1, Number + 1): value = int(input("Please enter the Value of %d Element : " %i)) NumList.append(value) print("\nOdd Numbers in this List are : ") for j in range(Number): if(NumList[j] % 2 != 0): print(NumList[j], end = ' ')

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