How do you print a list as space separated integers in Python?

Python: Print a list of space-separated elements

Last update on October 08 2020 09:21:41 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

“how to take input in list in python separated by space” Code Answer’s

take space separated int input in python

python by Homeless Hedgehog on Jul 08 2020 Comment



how to get user input of list in python

python by Bright Butterfly on May 04 2020 Comment


how to take space separated input in python

python by Shy Stag

on Aug 23 2020 Comment


how to get user input of list of lists in python

typescript by Bright Butterfly on May 04 2020 Comment


how to take input in python3 separated by space

python by Clear Corncrake on Nov 19 2020 Comment



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“how to print all elements in a list with a space in between quickly in python” Code Answer’s

how to print items in a list in a single line python

python by Hurt Hedgehog on May 09 2020 Comment



print only strings in list python

python by Bst Barracuda on May 14 2020 Comment


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Python answers related to “how to print all elements in a list with a space in between quickly in python”

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  • number of spaes pythopn
  • take space separated int input in python
  • how to take space separated input in python
  • how to make only one space in python
  • python split space or tab
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  • end python print with space
  • python fill string with spaces to length
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  • python list to string with spaces
  • take space away from strings ion pyhton
  • how will you print space and stay on the same line in python
  • how to print values without space in python
  • string to list separated by space python

Python queries related to “how to print all elements in a list with a space in between quickly in python”

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How to Convert Space-Separated String to List in Python

Artturi Jalli

To convert a space-separated string to a list in Python, call the str.split() method:

sentence = "This is a test" words_list = sentence.split() print(words_list)


['This', 'is', 'a', 'test']

This works because the str.split() splits the string by blank spaces by default.

Let’s then take a look at how to split a string of integers into a list of integers.

print list as space separated python


>>> marks = [12, 23, 34, 56] >>> print(marks) [12, 23, 34, 56] >>> print(*marks) 12 23 34 56 // *[listName] can be used to pass all elememts as separate arguements

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