How do you come up with a Japanese name?


Making up an original Japanese name is very difficult. Does it sound natural enough as a Japanese name? Dont the kanji symbols that I choose contain weird meanings? How do I know!? o(>_<)o

Hmmm, its tough for me to answer everyones individual questions about creating their own names, but KansaiChick is here for help today! I hope this post will help everyone, who wants a Japanese name, get some understanding of the thought process you can follow to create a Japanese name.

I was thinking up of a name of a Japanese pseudonym of mine as a lazy little pig or build a pun around it. Would you help me?

Thank you for the question!

Youve already got what you want to describe yourself in Japanese name. Thats a very good start.(*)

Simple Translation to Japanese Kanji

A little pig is 子豚/仔豚(kobuta) in Japanese, and we can say a lazy little pig 怠惰な子豚(taida na kobuta), 怠け者の子豚(namakemono no kobuta), and so on.

怠け子豚(namake kobuta) also makes sense to say A Lazy Little Pig.

怠惰(taida) means Laziness. 怠け者(namakemono) means A Lazy Person. The word ナマケモノ(namakemono) in Katakana script means a Sloth the animal.

無精(busyou) is also a word that means laziness. ごろごろする/ゴロゴロする(gorogoro-suru) and だらだらする/ダラダラする(daradara-suru) are very common way to say being lazy as well.

ごろり/ゴロり(gorori) or だらり/ダラり(darari) can work too.

Sound Trick of Japanese Kanji

There is a trick that Japanese people typically use to make a name. Its the sound trick. Place a kanji that makes the sound of the word you want to say, but they are nothing to do with the original word or they mean completely different thing.

A lazy little pig will be a reijii ritoru piggu in Japanese sound.

Reiji sounds like a Japanese boys name. Toru(Tooru) can be a Japanese unisex name. Examples are here.

  • 怜治(Reiji)
  • 礼司(Reiji)
  • 徹(Toru)
  • 透(Toru)

This trick works also for Japanese word to another Japanese word, by the way. For example, I can write the sound Kobuta(子豚: a little pig) as other kanji that LOOKS LIKE a Japanese last name.

  • 小部田 (small + part + rice field)
  • 小武田 (small + force + rice field)
  • 小分田 (small + divide + rice field)
  • 小蓋 (small + lid)

All four kanji words example above can be pronounced as Kobuta.

Image Adjustment of Japanese Script

Personally, I think Kobuta Reiji is the natural name that is understandable to someone with Japanese knowledge and a good sense. To make the boys name Reiji cuter for a girl, I can write it in Hiragana script.

  • れいじ (reiji)
  • れーじ (re-ji) Welll, this one sounds stupider in a cute way.

Plus, ゴロり(Gorori) also can be a unique name I guess. To make this one cute as a girls name, ころり(Korori) is acceptable. ころり sounds like a small thing lies down.

小部田 ころり looks very cute and it sounds like a piglet rolling down to the blanket or something.(*´Д`) Technically, you can place kanji that sound korori there, but I strongly recommend you to use Hiragana script to keep the balance of the whole name.

Please see my suggestions as your reference. Thanks again!

Todays Kanji Shirts are the cute version of Love and Peace! They suite a peaceful piglet I believe. Items and colors can vary.



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