How do i start mysql services?

To restart, start or stop MySQL or mariadb database servers from the command line, type the following at the shell prompt…

On Linux start/stop/restart from the command line:

/etc/init.d/mysqld start /etc/init.d/mysqld stop /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Some Linux flavors offer the service command too

service mysqld start service mysqld stop service mysqld restart


service mysql start service mysql stop service mysql restart

On macOS Big Sur, Sierra & OSX to start/stop/restart MySQL post 5.7 from the command line:

sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl unload -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/

On OS X to start/stop/restart MySQL pre 5.7 from the command line:

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server restart

Use the STA command to stop or restart the MySQL server. You may need to do this during database management activities.

  • Stop the MySQL Server

  • Restart the MySQL Server

Stop the MySQL Server

Stop the MySQL database server when performing database management activities in which the MySQL server is running, but the rest of the STA application is not.

  1. IMPORTANT: Do not stop the MySQL server if the rest of the STA application is running.

  2. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the Oracle user.

  3. Stop the MySQL server:

    $ STA stop mysql
  4. Verify the server is not running:

    $ STA status mysql

    You should see:
    mysql is shutdown

Restart the MySQL Server

Restart the MySQL database server when performing database management activities in which you must shut down the STA application and then restart just the MySQL server.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the Oracle user.

  2. Start the MySQL service:

    $ STA start mysql
  3. Verify the server is running:

    $ STA status mysql

    You should see:
    mysql is running

This section covers the following topics:

  • To Set Up MySQL

  • To Start or Stop MySQL

To Set Up MySQL

You need to perform these steps only if you are using Solaris or Linux platforms.

  1. Create a MySQL user account.

    Refer to your operating system manual for instructions on how to create a user account. It is recommended that you create an operating system user account called mysql and group called dba for performing MySQL operations. Ensure that install-dir/mysql and its subdirectories including the data directory are owned by this user account.

  2. Initialize the grant tables.

    On Solaris, at the command prompt, you can use the following commands to initialize grant tables:

    1. cd install-dir/mysql.

    2. sh scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=install-dir/mysql --datadir=install-dir/mysql/data

See Also

See // for detailed post-installation instructions for setting up MySQL.

To Start or Stop MySQL

Before You Begin

On Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS, ensure that you have completed the steps at To Set Up MySQL. Ensure that you read this option file and change values as appropriate and as documented at //, prior to server startup.

  1. To start MySQL:

    • On Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS, use the following command: Start: ./bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=install-dir/mysql/mysql.ini --user=user

    • On Windows, you can do one of the following:

      • Click Programs > Sun Microsystems > Sun Java SystemApplication Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server > Start MySQL 5.0 Database.

      • If you created a Windows service, start the ASMySQL service through the Control Panel.

  2. To stop MySQL:

    • On Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS, use the following command: Stop: bin/mysqladmin -u root shutdown -p

    • On Windows, you can do one of the following:

      • Click Programs > Sun Microsystems > Sun Java SystemApplication Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server > Stop MySQL 5.0 Database.

      • If you created a Windows service, stop the ASMySQL service through the Control Panel.

What command is used to start MySQL service?

d command to start/stop your MySQL server. Lastly, you can also use the systemctl command to start, stop, and restart applications on Linux, including MySQL.

How do I access MySQL services?

To connect to MySQL Server:.
Locate the MySQL Command-Line Client. ... .
Run the client. ... .
Enter your password. ... .
Get a list of databases. ... .
Create a database. ... .
Select the database you want to use. ... .
Create a table and insert data. ... .
Finish working with the MySQL Command-Line Client..

Why MySQL service is not starting?

Even with correct ownership, MySQL might fail to start up if there is other security software running on your system that manages application access to various parts of the file system. In this case, reconfigure that software to enable mysqld to access the directories it uses during normal operation.

How do I start MySQL as a Windows service?

Extracting the Install Archive..
Creating an Option File..
Selecting a MySQL Server Type..
Initializing the Data Directory..
Starting the Server for the First Time..
Starting MySQL from the Windows Command Line..
Customizing the PATH for MySQL Tools..
Starting MySQL as a Windows Service..

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