How do i split an excel sheet into multiple worksheets using macros?

Do you have a big data on excel sheet and you need to distribute that sheet in multiple sheets, based on some data in a column? This very basic task but time consuming.

For example, I have this data. This data has a column named Date, Writer and Title. Writer column has name of writer of respective title. I want to get each writer’s data in separate sheets.

To do this manually, I have to do the following:

  1. Filter one name
  2. Copy the filtered data
  3. Add a sheet
  4. Paste the data
  5. Rename the sheet
  6. Repeat all above 5 steps for each.

In this example, I have only three names. Imagine if have 100s of names. How would you split data into different sheets? It will take a lot of time and it will drain you too.
To Automate above process of splitting sheet into multiple sheets, follow these steps.

  • Press Alt+F11. This will open VB Editor for Excel
  • Add A new Module
  • Copy Below Code in Module.
Sub SplitIntoSheets() With Application         .ScreenUpdating = False         .DisplayAlerts = False     End With ThisWorkbook.Activate   Sheet1.Activate 'clearing filter if any     On Error Resume Next     Sheet1.ShowAllData     On Error GoTo 0     Dim lsrClm As Long     Dim lstRow As Long     'counting last used row     lstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row     Dim uniques As Range     Dim clm As String, clmNo As Long     On Error GoTo handler     clm = Application.InputBox("From which column you want create files" & vbCrLf & "E.g. A,B,C,AB,ZA etc.")     clmNo = Range(clm & "1").Column     Set uniques = Range(clm & "2:" & clm & lstRow) 'Calling Remove Duplicates to Get Unique Names     Set uniques = RemoveDuplicates(uniques)     Call CreateSheets(uniques, clmNo)     With Application         .ScreenUpdating = True         .DisplayAlerts = True         .AlertBeforeOverwriting = True         .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic     End With     Sheet1.Activate     MsgBox "Well Done!"     Exit Sub     Data.ShowAllData handler:     With Application         .ScreenUpdating = True         .DisplayAlerts = True         .AlertBeforeOverwriting = True         .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic     End With End Sub Function RemoveDuplicates(uniques As Range) As Range ThisWorkbook.Activate     Sheets.Add     On Error Resume Next     ActiveSheet.Name = "uniques"     Sheets("uniques").Activate     On Error GoTo 0     uniques.Copy     Cells(2, 1).Activate     ActiveCell.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues     Range("A1").Value = "uniques"     Dim lstRow As Long     lstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row     Range("A2:A" & lstRow).Select     ActiveSheet.Range(Selection.Address).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo     lstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row     Set RemoveDuplicates = Range("A2:A" & lstRow) End Function Sub CreateSheets(uniques As Range, clmNo As Long)     Dim lstClm As Long     Dim lstRow As Long          For Each unique In uniques         Sheet1.Activate         lstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row         lstClm = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column         Dim dataSet As Range         Set dataSet = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lstRow, lstClm))         dataSet.AutoFilter field:=clmNo, Criteria1:=unique.Value         lstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row         lstClm = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column         Debug.Print lstRow; lstClm         Set dataSet = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lstRow, lstClm))         dataSet.Copy         Sheets.Add         ActiveSheet.Name = unique.Value2         ActiveCell.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll     Next unique End Sub

When you’ll run SplitIntoSheets() procedure, the sheet will be divided into multiple sheets, based on given column. You can add button on sheet and assign this macro to it.

How It Works
The above code has two procedures and one function. Two procedures are SplitIntoSheets(), CreateSheets(uniques As Range, clmNo As Long) and one function is RemoveDuplicates(uniques As Range) As Range.

First Procedure is SplitIntoSheets(). This is the main procedure. This procedure sets the variables and RemoveDuplicates to get unique names from given column and then passes those names to CreateSheets for creating sheets.

RemoveDuplicates takes one argument that is range which contains name. Removes duplicates from them and returns a range object that contains unique names.

Now CreateSheets is called. It takes two arguments. First the unique names and second the column no. from which we it will fitler data. Now CreateSheets takes each name from uniques and filters the given column number by each name. Copies the filtered data, adds a sheet and paste the data there. And your data is split into different sheet in seconds.

You can download the file here.
Split Into Sheets

How to use the file:

    • Copy your data on Sheet1. Make sure it starts from A1.

    • Click on Button Split Into Sheets
    • Input the column letter from which you want to split. Click Ok.

    • You’ll see a prompt like this. Your sheet is splitted.

I hope article about splitting data into separate sheets was helpful for you. If you have any doubts about this or about any other feature of excel, feel free to ask it in comments section below.

Download file:

How do I split an Excel sheet into multiple files using macros?

How to split a CSV or Excel file.
Open a new file in Excel..
Enable macros..
Open the macro editor..
Copy the text below starting at "Sub" and ending with "End Sub".
Paste it into the macro editor..
Return to Excel from the macro editor..
Save the file as a file of type . xlsm..

How do I split a worksheet in Excel VBA?

Step by Step guide on how to split the excel sheet: Step 1: Press Alt + F11 to open VBA editor. Step 2: Insert a Module from Insert module. Step 3: Copy the below code and paste in the code window. Step 4: Press F5 to execute the below VBA code.

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