How do i install mysql client?

Install command:

brew install mysql-client

Also known as:

Formerly known as: mysql-connector-c

Open source relational database management system


License: GPL-2.0-only with Universal-FOSS-exception-1.0

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/mysql-client.json

Bottle JSON API: /api/bottle/mysql-client.json

Formula code: mysql-client.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

IntelApple Silicon
big sur
64-bit linux
big sur

Current versions:

Other versions:


Depends on:

libevent 2.1.12 Asynchronous event library
libfido2 1.12.0 Provides library functionality for FIDO U2F & FIDO 2.0, including USB
1.1.1q Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
zlib 1.2.12 General-purpose lossless data-compression library
zstd 1.5.2 Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm

Depends on when building from source:

cmake 3.24.2 Cross-platform make
pkg-config 0.29.2 Manage compile and link flags for libraries

Analytics (macOS):

Installs (30 days)Installs on Request (30 days)Build Errors (30 days)Installs (90 days)Installs on Request (90 days)Installs (365 days)Installs on Request (365 days)
mysql-client 24,436
mysql-client 21,200
mysql-client 80
mysql-client 88,109
mysql-client 76,399
mysql-client 330,983
mysql-client 287,250

Analytics (Linux):

Installs (30 days)Installs on Request (30 days)Build Errors (30 days)Installs (90 days)Installs on Request (90 days)Installs (365 days)Installs on Request (365 days)
mysql-client 197
mysql-client 159
mysql-client 0
mysql-client 704
mysql-client 584
mysql-client 3,161
mysql-client 2,763


MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used open-source relational database management systems.

It's a fast, simple, and scalable SQL-based system, and it represents an integral component of the LAMP stack that runs much of the Internet.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04.


  • A system running Ubuntu 20.04
  • A user account with sudo privileges
  • Access to a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)
  • Network connection

Hosting MySQL databases on Ubuntu 20.04 requires installing the MySQL Server package. You can also access the database from remote clients using the MySQL Client.

Follow these simple steps to install MySQL Server on Ubuntu 20.04.

Step 1: Update/Upgrade Package Repository

Update the system package repository to ensure you are installing the latest MySQL release.

1. Open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update

2. Enter your password and wait for the update to finish.

3. Next, run:

sudo apt upgrade

4. Enter Y when prompted to continue with the upgrade and hit ENTER. Wait for the upgrade to finish.

Step 2: Install MySQL

1. After successfully updating the package repository, install MySQL Server by running the following command:

sudo apt install mysql-server

2. When asked if you want to continue with the installation, answer Y and hit ENTER.

The system downloads MySQL packages and installs them on your machine.

Note: If you only want to connect to a remote MySQL server instead of hosting a database on your machine, install only the MySQL Client by running:

sudo apt install mysql-client

3. Check if MySQL was successfully installed by running:

mysql --version

The output shows which version of MySQL is installed on the machine.

Step 3: Securing MySQL

The MySQL instance on your machine is insecure immediately after installation.

1. Secure your MySQL user account with password authentication by running the included security script:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

2. Enter your password and answer Y when asked if you want to continue setting up the VALIDATE PASSWORD component. The component checks to see if the new password is strong enough.

3. Choose one of the three levels of password validation:

  • 0 - Low. A password containing at least 8 characters.
  • 1 - Medium. A password containing at least 8 characters, including numeric, mixed case characters, and special characters.
  • 2 - Strong. A password containing at least 8 characters, including numeric, mixed case characters, and special characters, and compares the password to a dictionary file.

Enter 0, 1, or 2 depending on the password strength you want to set. The script then instructs you to enter your password and re-enter it afterward to confirm.

Any subsequent MySQL user passwords need to match your selected password strength.

The program estimates the strength of your password and requires confirmation to continue.

4. Press Y if you are happy with the password or any other key if you want a different one.

5. The script then prompts for the following security features:

  • Remove anonymous users?
  • Disallow root login remotely?
  • Remove test database and access to it?
  • Reload privilege tables now?

The recommended answer to all these questions is Y. However, if you want a different setting for any reason, enter any other key.

For example, if you need the remote login option for your server, enter any key other than Y for that prompt.

Step 4: Check if MySQL Service Is Running

Upon successfully installing MySQL, the MySQL service starts automatically.

Verify that the MySQL server is running by running:

sudo systemctl status mysql

The output should show that the service is operational and running:

Step 5: Log in to MySQL Server

Finally, to log in to the MySQL interface, run the following command:

sudo mysql -u root

Now you can execute queries, create databases, and test out your new MySQL setup. Take a look at our MySQL Commands Cheat Sheet for some important MySQL commands to know.


You should now have a fully functioning MySQL server installed on your machine. Start exploring the vast possibilities of MySQL and test the various functions it has to offer.

Become an advanced MySQL user by reading our tutorials for MySQL Events, MySQL JOINS, MySQL Stored Procedures, and MySQL Triggers.

How do I get MySQL client?

In case you don't have the client on your PC and you don't want to install the entire MySQL Server package, go to the MySQL download page, select the Microsoft Windows platform, and download Windows (x86, 64-bit), ZIP Archive. You will find MySQL Command Line Client binaries in the bin folder.

How do I Download MySQL client on Windows 10?

The simplest and recommended method is to download MySQL Installer (for Windows) and let it install and configure a specific version of MySQL Server as follows: Download MySQL Installer from // and execute it.

How do I install MySQL client and server on Windows?

Install MySQL.
"Choosing a Setup Type" screen: Choose "Full" setup type. ... .
"Check Requirements" screen: The installer checks if your pc has the requirements needed. ... .
"Installation" screen: See what products that will be installed. ... .
"Product Configuration" screen: See what products that will be configured..

How do I install MySQL community client?

Disabling the Default MySQL Module. (EL8 systems only) EL8-based systems such as RHEL8 and Oracle Linux 8 include a MySQL module that is enabled by default. ... .
Installing MySQL. Install MySQL by the following command: $> sudo yum install mysql-community-server. ... .
Starting the MySQL Server. ... .
Securing the MySQL Installation..

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