How do I bid for keywords in Google Adwords?

Google Ads gives you several ways to bid for your ads, depending on what matters most to you and your business.

Key Term: A standard strategy is defined at the campaign level and can only be used with that campaign.

A portfolio strategy is defined at the account level and can be used with multiple campaigns.

In the AdWords API, all bidding parameters are managed via one or both of the following:

  • The BiddingStrategyConfiguration object, for standard strategies at the campaign level.
  • The SharedBiddingStrategy object, for portfolio strategies. This object defines a bidding type, scheme, and zero or more bids for the entity.

With either object, you can use its biddingStrategyType field, its biddingScheme field, or both, to specify a bidding type. The biddingScheme allows you to set additional parameters specific to a bidding type. When both fields are specified, their types must match.

Strategy types

In the table below, the Valid Contexts column indicates whether a given BiddingStrategyType and associated BiddingScheme type can be used in one or both of the contexts mentioned above:

  • A standard strategy with a BiddingStrategyConfiguration object.
  • A portfolio strategy with a SharedBiddingStrategy object.
BiddingStrategyType BiddingScheme Description Valid Contexts MANUAL_CPC

enhancedCpcEnabled is defaulted to true.

ManualCpcBiddingScheme Focus on clicks - use maximum CPC bids. Standard MANUAL_CPM ManualCpmBiddingScheme CPM (Cost-per-thousand impressions).

Works only with Display Network Only campaigns.

Using this bidding scheme with Search campaigns will result in OperationAccessDenied.OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE.

Standard MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS MaximizeConversionsBiddingScheme Maximize conversions.

Works only with Search campaigns.

Standard MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE MaximizeConversionValueBiddingScheme Maximize revenue.

Works only with Search campaigns.

Standard PAGE_ONE_PROMOTED PageOnePromotedBiddingScheme Target search page location. Portfolio TARGET_CPA TargetCpaBiddingScheme Target cost per acquisition (CPA) - must meet eligibility requirements. Portfolio
Standard TARGET_OUTRANK_SHARE TargetOutrankShareBiddingScheme Target outranking share. Portfolio TARGET_ROAS TargetRoasBiddingScheme Target return on ad spend - must meet eligibility requirements. Portfolio
Standard TARGET_SPEND TargetSpendBiddingScheme Maximize clicks. Portfolio
Standard NONE Special bidding strategy type used to clear the bidding strategy at AdGroup and AdGroupCriterion. Portfolio

Errors result if you try to use a BiddingStrategyType or BiddingScheme in the wrong context:

  • Using a portfolio-only type or scheme in the context of a standard strategy generates a BiddingErrors error with reason INVALID_ANONYMOUS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE.
  • Using a standard-only type or scheme in the context of a portfolio strategy generates a BiddingErrors error with reasonBIDDING_STRATEGY_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Specifying the strategy for a campaign

Standard bidding strategies

Note: Use this approach only with a bidding strategy type whose Valid Contexts includes Standard.

To use a standard bidding strategy with your campaign, configure the campaign's biddingStrategyConfiguration as follows:

  • If you do not need to configure additional attributes of the strategy, simply set its biddingStrategyType.
  • If you need to configure additional attributes of the strategy, such as the enhancedCpcEnabled attribute for a MANUAL_CPC strategy, set the configuration's biddingStrategyScheme.
  • Do not set the bidding strategy configuration's biddingStrategyId or biddingStrategyName.

Portfolio bidding strategies

Note: Use this approach only with a bidding strategy type whose Valid Contexts includes Portfolio.

To use a portfolio bidding strategy with your campaign, you have two options:

  1. Use an existing SharedBiddingStrategy.
  2. Use the BiddingStrategyService to create a new SharedBiddingStrategy and set its parameters.

Once you've chosen a SharedBiddingStrategy, configure your campaign to use the strategy by setting the campaign's biddingStrategyConfiguration to a configuration with the biddingStrategyId set to the shared bidding strategy's id.

Bidding strategy transitions

You can update a campaign's bidding strategy using CampaignService mutate() and a SET operation. The operand should be a Campaign with the id set to the campaign's ID, and the biddingStrategyConfiguration configured as described above in specifying the strategy for a campaign.

Overriding strategy settings

Overriding target ROAS at the ad group level

The targetRoas of a standard TARGET_ROAS strategy's TargetRoasBiddingScheme can be overridden at the ad group level by setting the targetRoasOverride of the ad group's bidding strategy configuration. The other fields of the strategy's bidding scheme cannot be overridden.

To remove an override, set the targetRoasOverride of the ad group's BiddingStrategyConfiguration to 0.

Attempting to override the targetRoas of a portfolio TargetRoasBiddingScheme will result in an error.

Overriding target CPA at the ad group level

The targetCpa of a TARGET_CPA strategy's TargetCpaBiddingScheme can be overridden at the ad group level by adding a CpaBid to the ad group's bidding strategy configuration. The other fields of the strategy's bidding scheme cannot be overridden.

Overriding standard bidding strategies set at higher levels

You can't set a different bidding strategy at a lower level from that at a higher level. For example, setting a MANUAL_CPM strategy at the ad group level when a MANUAL_CPC strategy exists at the campaign level will throw an error.

You can set a MANUAL_CPC strategy at a lower level when another MANUAL_CPC exists at a higher level; however, you would be better off just setting the bid directly.

Setting bids

Bids can be set at the ad group and ad group criterion levels. A criterion bid will override an ad group bid. Attempts to set bids at the campaign level will fail.

Multiple bids of different types can be set in a single BiddingStrategyConfiguration simultaneously (for example, CpcBid and CpmBid) but only the bid that's relevant for the currently selected biddingStrategyType will be used to bid for your ads.

Caution: CpaBid cannot be used with ad group criteria.Key Point: When updating bids, you can simply include the bids you want to update. Google Ads will update those bids, but will not change, add or remove the other bids in the configuration.

For example, if you only include a CpcBid in the bids collection of a SET operation and the configuration already has both a CpcBid and a CpmBid, the operation will update the CpcBid, but will not remove or change the CpmBid.

The following code example uses a mutate call to add a CPC bid at the ad group level.


// Get the AdGroupService. AdGroupServiceInterface adGroupService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupServiceInterface.class); // Create an ad group with the specified ID. AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup(); adGroup.setId(adGroupId); // Update the CPC bid if specified. if (bidMicroAmount != null) { BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration(); Money cpcBidMoney = new Money(); cpcBidMoney.setMicroAmount(bidMicroAmount); CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid(); cpcBid.setBid(cpcBidMoney); biddingStrategyConfiguration.setBids(new Bids[] {cpcBid}); adGroup.setBiddingStrategyConfiguration(biddingStrategyConfiguration); } // Pause the ad group. adGroup.setStatus(AdGroupStatus.PAUSED); // Create operations. AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation(); operation.setOperand(adGroup); operation.setOperator(Operator.SET); AdGroupOperation[] operations = new AdGroupOperation[] {operation}; // Update ad group. AdGroupReturnValue result = adGroupService.mutate(operations);


// Create an ad group with the specified ID. AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup { id = adGroupId, // Pause the ad group. status = AdGroupStatus.PAUSED }; // Update the CPC bid if specified. if (bidMicroAmount != null) { BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration(); Money cpcBidMoney = new Money { microAmount = bidMicroAmount.Value }; CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid { bid = cpcBidMoney }; biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids = new Bids[] { cpcBid }; adGroup.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingStrategyConfiguration; } // Create the operation. AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation { @operator = Operator.SET, operand = adGroup }; try { // Update the ad group. AdGroupReturnValue retVal = adGroupService.mutate(new AdGroupOperation[] { operation });


# Initialize appropriate service. ad_group_service = client.GetService('AdGroupService', version='v201809') # Construct operations and update an ad group. operations = [{ 'operator': 'SET', 'operand': { 'id': ad_group_id, 'status': 'PAUSED' } }] if bid_micro_amount: operations[0]['operand']['biddingStrategyConfiguration'] = { 'bids': [{ 'xsi_type': 'CpcBid', 'bid': { 'microAmount': bid_micro_amount, } }] } ad_groups = ad_group_service.mutate(operations)


$adGroupService = $adWordsServices->get($session, AdGroupService::class); $operations = []; // Create ad group with the specified ID. $adGroup = new AdGroup(); $adGroup->setId($adGroupId); // Update the CPC bid if specified. if (!is_null($cpcBidMicroAmount)) { $bid = new CpcBid(); $money = new Money(); $money->setMicroAmount($cpcBidMicroAmount); $bid->setBid($money); $biddingStrategyConfiguration = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration(); $biddingStrategyConfiguration->setBids([$bid]); $adGroup->setBiddingStrategyConfiguration($biddingStrategyConfiguration); } // Create ad group operation and add it to the list. $operation = new AdGroupOperation(); $operation->setOperand($adGroup); $operation->setOperator(Operator::SET); $operations[] = $operation; // Update the ad group on the server. $result = $adGroupService->mutate($operations);


# Create an ad group with the specified ID. # Pause the ad group. my $ad_group = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::AdGroup->new({ id => $ad_group_id, status => "PAUSED" }); # Update the CPC bid if specified. if ($cpc_bid_micro_amount) { my $bidding_strategy_configuration = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::BiddingStrategyConfiguration->new({ bids => [ Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CpcBid->new({ bid => Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::Money->new({ microAmount => $cpc_bid_micro_amount }), }), ] }); $ad_group->set_biddingStrategyConfiguration( $bidding_strategy_configuration); } # Create operation. my $operation = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::AdGroupOperation->new({ operand => $ad_group, operator => "SET" }); # Update ad group. my $result = $client->AdGroupService()->mutate({operations => [$operation]});


ad_group_srv = adwords.service(:AdGroupService, API_VERSION) # Create an ad group with the specified ID. ad_group = { :status => 'PAUSED', :id => ad_group_id } # Update the CPC bid if specified. unless cpc_bid_micro_amount.nil? ad_group[:bidding_strategy_configuration] = { :bids => [{ :xsi_type => 'CpcBid', :bid => { :micro_amount => cpc_bid_micro_amount } }] } end operation = { :operator => 'SET', :operand => ad_group } # Update ad group. response = ad_group_srv.mutate([operation])


' Create an ad group with the specified ID. Dim adGroup As New AdGroup = adGroupId ' Pause the ad group. adGroup.status = AdGroupStatus.PAUSED ' Update the CPC bid if specified. If bidMicroAmount.HasValue() Then Dim biddingStrategyConfiguration As New BiddingStrategyConfiguration() Dim cpcBidMoney = New Money() cpcBidMoney.microAmount = bidMicroAmount.Value Dim cpcBid As New CpcBid() = cpcBidMoney biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids = New Bids() {cpcBid} adGroup.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingStrategyConfiguration End If ' Create the operation. Dim operation As New AdGroupOperation operation.operator = [Operator].SET operation.operand = adGroup Try ' Update the ad group. Dim retVal As AdGroupReturnValue = adGroupService.mutate( New AdGroupOperation() {operation})

Removing bids

To remove a bid from a BiddingStrategyConfiguration, update its bid field to a Money object with microAmount set to 0.

Display Network criteria dimensions

For ads running on the Display Network, there are a number of different dimensions for which an ad group bid can be set. If multiple bids are set in different dimensions, the contentBidCriterionTypeGroup field can be used to specify the dimension that should be used for absolute bids. Ads on the search network will always use keyword bids.

You can also set a bid adjustment which will be used when the criterion is not in an absolute bidding dimension. It can be accessed via the bidModifier field of the BiddableAdGroupCriterion.

Bid modifiers

Campaign and ad group-level bid adjustments give you more control over your bids in Google Ads campaigns, providing the option to increase or decrease bids for certain criteria.

Note: This section covers bid modifiers for Platform (campaign and ad group), InteractionType (campaign only), and PreferredContent (ad group only) criteria. For all other criterion types, bid modifiers are only supported at the ad group level and are maintained via AdGroupCriterionService and specified via the bidModifier attribute of BiddableAdGroupCriterion.

Within the AdWords API, campaign-level adjustments are accessible via CampaignCriterionService and CampaignBidModifierService, and ad group-level adjustments are accessible via AdGroupBidModifierService.

Retrieving bid adjustments

To retrieve existing bid adjustments, use the get() or query() method of CampaignCriterionService, AdGroupBidModifierService, or CampaignBidModifierService. Similar to other services, the get() method accepts a generic selector, allowing you to select response fields and filter the results set.

The code below retrieves all bid modifiers for an ad group:


public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws RemoteException { // Get the AdGroupBidModifierService. AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface adGroupBidModifierService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface.class); // Create selector. Selector selector = new SelectorBuilder() .fields( AdGroupBidModifierField.CampaignId, AdGroupBidModifierField.AdGroupId, AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, AdGroupBidModifierField.Id) .offset(0) .limit(PAGE_SIZE) .build(); AdGroupBidModifierPage page = adGroupBidModifierService.get(selector); if (page.getEntries() != null) { for (AdGroupBidModifier bidModifierResult : page.getEntries()) { String bidModifierValue = bidModifierResult.getBidModifier() != null ? bidModifierResult.getBidModifier().toString() : "unset"; System.out.printf("Campaign ID %d, AdGroup ID %d, Criterion ID %d, " + "has ad group level modifier: %s%n", bidModifierResult.getCampaignId(), bidModifierResult.getAdGroupId(), bidModifierResult.getCriterion().getId(), bidModifierValue); } } else { System.out.println("No ad group level bid modifiers were found."); } }


public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId)


def main(client): # Initialize appropriate service. ad_group_bid_modifier_service = client.GetService( 'AdGroupBidModifierService', version='v201809') # Get all ad group bid modifiers for the campaign. selector = { 'fields': ['CampaignId', 'AdGroupId', 'BidModifier', 'Id'], 'paging': { 'startIndex': '0', 'numberResults': str(PAGE_SIZE) } } # Set initial values. offset, page = 0, {} more_results = True while more_results: page = ad_group_bid_modifier_service.get(selector) if page['entries']: for modifier in page['entries']: value = (modifier['bidModifier'] if 'bidModifier' in modifier else 'unset') print('Campaign ID %s, AdGroup ID %s, Criterion ID %s has ad group ' 'level modifier: %s' % (modifier['campaignId'], modifier['adGroupId'], modifier['criterion']['id'], value)) # Increment values to request the next page. offset += PAGE_SIZE selector['paging']['startIndex'] = str(offset) else: print('No ad group bid modifiers returned.') more_results = int(page['totalNumEntries']) > offset


public static function runExample( AdWordsServices $adWordsServices, AdWordsSession $session


sub get_ad_group_bid_modifier { my $client = shift; # Create selector. my $paging = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::Paging->new({ startIndex => 0, numberResults => PAGE_SIZE }); my $selector = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::Selector->new({ fields => ["CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "BidModifier", "Id"], paging => $paging }); # Paginate through results. Google::Ads::AdWords::Utilities::PageProcessor->new({ client => $client, service => $client->AdGroupBidModifierService(), selector => $selector } )->process_entries( sub { my ($modifier) = @_; my $modifier_value = $modifier->get_bidModifier() || "unset"; printf "Campaign ID %s, AdGroup ID %s, Criterion ID %s has ad group " . "level modifier: %s\n", $modifier->get_campaignId(), $modifier->get_adGroupId(), $modifier->get_criterion()->get_id(), $modifier_value; }); return 1; }


def get_ad_group_bid_modifiers(campaign_id) # AdwordsApi::Api will read a config file from ENV['HOME']/adwords_api.yml # when called without parameters. adwords = # To enable logging of SOAP requests, set the log_level value to 'DEBUG' in # the configuration file or provide your own logger: # adwords.logger ='adwords_xml.log') bid_modifier_srv = adwords.service(:AdGroupBidModifierService, API_VERSION) # Get all ad group bid modifiers for the campaign. selector = { :fields => ['CampaignId', 'AdGroupId', 'Id', 'BidModifier'], :predicates => [ {:field => 'CampaignId', :operator => 'EQUALS', :values => [campaign_id]} ], :paging => { :start_index => 0, :number_results => PAGE_SIZE } } # Set initial values. offset, page = 0, {} begin page = bid_modifier_srv.get(selector) if page[:entries] page[:entries].each do |modifier| value = modifier[:bid_modifier] || 'unset' puts ('Campaign ID %d, AdGroup ID %d, Criterion ID %d has ad group ' + 'level modifier: %s') % [modifier[:campaign_id], modifier[:ad_group_id], modifier[:criterion][:id], value] end # Increment values to request the next page. offset += PAGE_SIZE selector[:paging][:start_index] = offset else puts 'No ad group level bid overrides returned.' end end while page[:total_num_entries] > offset end


Public Sub Run(ByVal user As AdWordsUser, ByVal campaignId As Long) ' Get the AdGroupBidModifierService. Using adGroupBidModifierService As AdGroupBidModifierService = CType( user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201809.AdGroupBidModifierService), AdGroupBidModifierService) ' Get all ad group bid modifiers for the campaign. Dim selector As New Selector() selector.fields = New String() { _ AdGroupBidModifier.Fields.CampaignId, AdGroupBidModifier.Fields.AdGroupId, AdGroupBidModifier.Fields.BidModifier, AdGroupBidModifier.Fields.BidModifierSource, Criterion.Fields.CriteriaType, Criterion.Fields.Id } Dim predicate As New Predicate() predicate.field = "CampaignId" predicate.[operator] = PredicateOperator.EQUALS predicate.values = New String() {campaignId.ToString()} selector.predicates = New Predicate() { _ Predicate.Equals( AdGroupBidModifier.Fields.CampaignId, campaignId) } selector.paging = Paging.Default Dim page As New AdGroupBidModifierPage() Try Do ' Get the ad group bids. page = adGroupBidModifierService.get(selector) ' Display the results. If (Not page Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not page.entries Is Nothing) Then Dim i As Integer = selector.paging.startIndex For Each adGroupBidModifier As AdGroupBidModifier In page.entries Dim bidModifier As String = "" If adGroupBidModifier.bidModifierSpecified Then bidModifier = adGroupBidModifier.bidModifier.ToString() Else bidModifier = "UNSET" End If Console.WriteLine( "{0}) Campaign ID {1}, AdGroup ID {2}, Criterion ID {3} has " & "ad group level modifier: {4}, source = {5}.", i + 1, adGroupBidModifier.campaignId, adGroupBidModifier.adGroupId,, bidModifier, adGroupBidModifier.bidModifierSource) i = i + 1 Next End If selector.paging.IncreaseOffset() Loop While selector.paging.startIndex < page.totalNumEntries Console.WriteLine("Number of adgroup bid modifiers found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries) Catch e As Exception Throw _ New System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve adgroup bid modifiers.", e) End Try End Using

Adding, updating, and removing bid adjustments

Use the mutate() method of CampaignCriterionService, AdGroupBidModifierService, or CampaignBidModifierService to add or amend a bid adjustment:

  • To add a new bid modifier, use the ADD operator.
  • To update an existing bid override to a new value, use the SET operator.
  • To remove a bid modifier override, use the REMOVE operator.
  • Performing an ADD operation on a an existing CampaignBidModifier, AdGroupBidModifier, or AdGroupCriterion will cause the operation to be treated like a SET.
Note: Refer to the campaign criterion, campaign, and ad group API documentation for the valid range of bidModifier values for each criterion type.

This example demonstrates how to add a new ad group-level mobile bid adjustment:


public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long adGroupId) throws RemoteException { // Get the AdGroupBidModifierService. AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface adGroupBidModifierService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface.class); // Create mobile platform. The ID can be found in the documentation. // // Platform mobile = new Platform(); mobile.setId(30001L); AdGroupBidModifier adGroupBidModifier = new AdGroupBidModifier(); adGroupBidModifier.setAdGroupId(adGroupId); adGroupBidModifier.setBidModifier(BID_MODIFIER); adGroupBidModifier.setCriterion(mobile); // Create ADD operation. AdGroupBidModifierOperation operation = new AdGroupBidModifierOperation(); operation.setOperand(adGroupBidModifier); // Use 'ADD' to add a new modifier and 'SET' to update an existing one. A // modifier can be removed with the 'REMOVE' operator. operation.setOperator(Operator.ADD); // Update ad group bid modifier. AdGroupBidModifierReturnValue result = adGroupBidModifierService.mutate(new AdGroupBidModifierOperation[] {operation}); for (AdGroupBidModifier bidModifierResult : result.getValue()) { System.out.printf( "Campaign ID %d, ad group ID %d was updated with ad group level modifier: %.4f%n", bidModifierResult.getCampaignId(), bidModifierResult.getAdGroupId(), bidModifierResult.getBidModifier()); } }


public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, double bidModifier)


def main(client, ad_group_id, bid_modifier): # Initialize appropriate service. ad_group_bid_modifier_service = client.GetService( 'AdGroupBidModifierService', version='v201809') # Mobile criterion ID. criterion_id = '30001' # Prepare to add an ad group level override. operation = { # Use 'ADD' to add a new modifier and 'SET' to update an existing one. A # modifier can be removed with the 'REMOVE' operator. 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': { 'adGroupId': ad_group_id, 'criterion': { 'xsi_type': 'Platform', 'id': criterion_id }, 'bidModifier': bid_modifier } } # Add ad group level mobile bid modifier. response = ad_group_bid_modifier_service.mutate([operation]) if response and response['value']: modifier = response['value'][0] value = modifier['bidModifier'] if 'bidModifier' in modifier else 'unset' print('Campaign ID %s, AdGroup ID %s, Criterion ID %s was updated with ' 'ad group level modifier: %s' % (modifier['campaignId'], modifier['adGroupId'], modifier['criterion']['id'], value)) else: print('No modifiers were added.')


public static function runExample( AdWordsServices $adWordsServices, AdWordsSession $session, $adGroupId, $bidModifier


sub add_ad_group_bid_modifier { my $client = shift; my $ad_group_id = shift; # Create mobile platform. The ID can be found in the documentation. # // my $mobile = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::Platform->new({id => 30001}); # Create the bid modifier. my $modifier = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::AdGroupBidModifier->new({ adGroupId => $ad_group_id, criterion => $mobile, bidModifier => BID_MODIFIER }); # Create ADD operation. my $operation = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::AdGroupBidModifierOperation->new({ operator => "ADD", operand => $modifier }); # Update campaign criteria. my $result = $client->AdGroupBidModifierService()->mutate({operations => [$operation]}); # Display campaign criteria. if ($result->get_value()) { foreach my $modifier (@{$result->get_value()}) { printf "Ad Group ID '%s', criterion ID '%s', " . "and type '%s' was modified with bid %.2f.\n", $modifier->get_adGroupId(), $modifier->get_criterion()->get_id(), $modifier->get_criterion()->get_type(), $modifier->get_bidModifier(); } } else { print "No ad group bid modifier was added.\n"; } return 1; }


def add_ad_group_bid_modifier(ad_group_id, bid_modifier) # AdwordsApi::Api will read a config file from ENV['HOME']/adwords_api.yml # when called without parameters. adwords = # To enable logging of SOAP requests, set the log_level value to 'DEBUG' in # the configuration file or provide your own logger: # adwords.logger ='adwords_xml.log') bid_modifier_srv = adwords.service(:AdGroupBidModifierService, API_VERSION) # Mobile criterion ID. criterion_id = 30001 # Prepare to add an ad group level override. operation = { # Use 'ADD' to add a new modifier and 'SET' to update an existing one. A # modifier can be removed with the 'REMOVE' operator. :operator => 'ADD', :operand => { :ad_group_id => ad_group_id, :criterion => { :xsi_type => 'Platform', :id => criterion_id }, :bid_modifier => bid_modifier } } # Add ad group level mobile bid modifier. response = bid_modifier_srv.mutate([operation]) if response and response[:value] modifier = response[:value].first value = modifier[:bid_modifier] || 'unset' puts ('Campaign ID %d, AdGroup ID %d, Criterion ID %d was updated with ' + 'ad group level modifier: %s') % [modifier[:campaign_id], modifier[:ad_group_id], modifier[:criterion][:id], value] else puts 'No modifiers were added.' end end


Public Sub Run(ByVal user As AdWordsUser, ByVal adGroupId As Long, ByVal bidModifier As Double) Using adGroupBidModifierService As AdGroupBidModifierService = CType( user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201809.AdGroupBidModifierService), AdGroupBidModifierService) ' Mobile criterion ID. Dim criterionId As Long = 30001 ' Create the adgroup bid modifier. Dim adGroupBidModifier As New AdGroupBidModifier() adGroupBidModifier.bidModifier = bidModifier adGroupBidModifier.adGroupId = adGroupId Dim platform As New Platform() = criterionId adGroupBidModifier.criterion = platform Dim operation As New AdGroupBidModifierOperation() operation.operator = [Operator].ADD operation.operand = adGroupBidModifier Try ' Add ad group level mobile bid modifier. Dim retval As AdGroupBidModifierReturnValue = adGroupBidModifierService.mutate( New AdGroupBidModifierOperation() {operation}) ' Display the results. If Not retval Is Nothing AndAlso Not retval.value Is Nothing AndAlso retval.value.Length > 0 Then Dim newBidModifier As AdGroupBidModifier = retval.value(0) Console.WriteLine( "AdGroup ID {0}, Criterion ID {1} was updated with ad group " & "level modifier: {2}", newBidModifier.adGroupId,, newBidModifier.bidModifier) Else Console.WriteLine("No bid modifiers were added to the adgroup.") End If Catch e As Exception Throw New _ System.ApplicationException("Failed to add bid modifiers to adgroup.", e) End Try End Using


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