How do I auto populate DATA in Excel with a drop-down list?

How to auto populate other cells when selecting values in Excel drop down list?

Let’s say you have created a drop down list based on values in range A2:A8. When selecting value in the drop down list, you want the corresponding values in range B2:B8 to be automatically populated in a specific cell. For example, when you select Natalia from the drop down, the corresponding score 40 will be populated in E2 as the below screenshot shown. This tutorial provides two methods to help you solve the problem.

Drop down list auto populate with VLOOKUP function
Drop down list auto populate with an amazing tool
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Drop down list auto populate with VLOOKUP function

Please do as follows to auto populate other cells when selecting in drop down list.

1. Select a blank cell that you want to auto populate the corresponding value.

2. Copy and paste the below formula into into it, and then press the Enter key.


Note: In the formula, the D2 is the drop down list CELL, A2:B8 is the table range includes the lookup value and the results, and the number 2 indicates the column number which the results locate. For example, if the results locate in the third column of your table range, please change the 2 to 3. You can change the variable values in the formula based on your needs.

3. From now on, when you select a name in the drop down list, E2 will be auto-populated with a specific score.

Easily select multiple items from drop-down list in Excel:

Have you ever tried to select multiple items from a drop down list in Excel? Here the Multi-select Drop Down List utility of Kutools for Excel can help you easily select multiple items from the drop-down list in a range, current worksheet, current workbook or all workbooks. See below demo:
Download Kutools for Excel Now! ( 30-day free trail)

Drop down list auto populate with Kutools for Excel

You can easily populate other values based on drop-down list selection without remembering formulas with the Look for a value in list formula of Kutools for Excel.

Before applying Kutools for Excel, please download and install it firstly.

1. Select a cell for locating the auto-populate value (says cell C10), and thenclick Kutools > Formula Helper > Formula Helper, see screenshot:

3. In the Formulas Helper dialog box, specify the arguments as follows:

  • In the Choose a formula box, find and select Look for a value in list;
    Tips: You can check the Filter box, enter certain word into the text box to filter the formula quickly.
  • In theTable_array box, click the
    button to select the table range which contains the lookup value and the result value;
  • In theLook_value box, click the
    button to select the cell containing the value you are searching for. Or you can directly enter the value into this box;
  • In theColumn box, click the
    button to specify the column you will return the matched value from. Or you can enter the column number into the textbox directly as you need.
  • Click OK.

Now the corresponding cell value will be auto-populated in cell C10 based on drop-down list selection.

If you want to have a free trial ( 30-day) of this utility, please click to download it, and then go to apply the operation according above steps.

Demo: Drop down list auto populate without remembering formulas

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    Mohamed · 7 months ago
    Hi. I've noticed that the autopopulate works only on a first name basis. If you were to type a surname or family name, you would not see it working. Any chance of fixing this?
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    stefany · 1 years ago
    hi, thanks for your code. I would like to autocomplete and make multiple selections in a drop down list. Can you help me please?, thank you
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    Angela · 2 years ago
    If you would like the exact same data to populate in numerous cells, select the range of cells, type the data and then, Ctrl Enter. Magic!
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    Dounia · 2 years ago
    I want to know the most effiecient way to create a template we can easily auto populate with corresponding information .
    I'll try to explain :
    I want to make a list saying : if we type the airline code ( 3 digits ) we need to deliver it to 'that' specific warehouse.
    We have like 6 warehouses , each handling multiple airlines . So if we type airline code 'x' it should automatically indicate to which warehouse we should deliver .
    What do I do :D , which formula is to be used , how do we select a wide range of values ( all the different ailrines )
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    KAVITHA · 2 years ago
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      crystal · 2 years ago
      You need to prepare your data as a table range in advanced, and then apply one of the above methods.
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    surly · 3 years ago
    I want to do this, but I do not want to use a drop down, the cells will be populated with a value/name from data on another sheet, sort of like a leaderboard so the names will move up and down accordingly I need certain values to follow those names up or down.
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    Aly · 3 years ago
    Hello, I have tried this and keep getting error #NA in the field ... Anyone know how to fix this.

    For reference, I am trying to auto-populate contact information when the person selects a contact name from the drop down. So if someone selects John Smith from the drop down, his company, phone number, and email will auto populate in the next couple cells.

    The formula I am using is =VLOOKUP(B7;Brokers!A2:D36,3,0). Open Office keeps changing the false at the end of my formula to a 0. I tried using True in lieu of False no change. I tried adding $ before the Array range values still getting #N/A....Can anyone advise how I can get this to work
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    lluis · 3 years ago
    thanks for the code, but it only works for me in the first list, I have some inderect lists after the first that don't show any value. Is there any solution? Thanks in advance. ;)
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      crystal · 3 years ago
      Good day,
      In the formula, please change the number 2 to the list you need. For example, if the returned value locates in the third column of your range, please change 2 to 3.
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    GNR · 4 years ago
    I am trying to create a spreadsheet for employee evaluations. I have a series of questions and then there is a drop down box with either yes or no. I need for the yes/no drop down boxes to auto populate another box titled "call score" and for it to be a percentage value that will change with each drop down box that is used.

    Also, I need for this percentage to show in another field titled "Total score" and I need this box to change colors with the value. For example, if the percentage is between 92% and 100%, then the box should be highlighted blue.

    Does this make sense? And is this possible?

    Thanks in advance
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      crystal · 3 years ago
      Hi GNR,
      Sorry can’t help with this, welcome to post any question about Excel to our forum: // You will get more Excel supports from our professional or other Excel fans.
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    BB · 4 years ago
    Will this work to populate multiple columns? IE column a contains the pic list and B-D i want to auto populate with values.
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    Anonymous · 4 years ago
    Do not download Kutools! It gives viruses to your computer.
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      William Self · 5 months ago
      Fake News, the add-in is not a virus
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    Michelle · 4 years ago
    I'm trying to get a drop down list to pull up an entire table based off of what month is selected how would i go about doing that? all i can find is how to pull values from a table
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    Irshad · 5 years ago

    Can you tell what is a formula for this example....

    ex: If any number comes between 15000-20000 in 'B column' then 'A column' automatically add ABC name and If any number comes between 21001-25000 in 'B column' then 'A column' automatically add XYZ name.
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    Melissa · 5 years ago
    I'm attempting to do this exact thing where the dropdown list has almost 500 items (Facility), and I want excel to automatically populate the adjacent cell with the correct state. I already had the menu list on a separate sheet, Menus, and I added a column to the right for State.

    Sheet 1 (ID List) looks something like this:

    A1 | B1 |...| J1 | K1
    Lname | Fname |...| Facility | State

    Menu sheet contains the data for the dropdown and auto-populate values:
    C D
    Facility | State
    Aliceville | AL
    Lancaster | AL
    Hughes | TX

    So my formula looks like this: =VLOOKUP(J5,Menus!B2:C483,2,FALSE)

    The problem is when I copy the formula in the State cell to other cells, either by copying the first cell, and pasting into another cell or a range or cells; or by selecting the cell and dragging down - excel correctly changes the formula for the cell containing the drop down list (dragging down From J2, it changes to J3), but it also changes the range for the menu data:


    Forcing me to manually go in and change the menu range in each cell.

    This document is very fluid and I'm adding rows constantly - so I need a way to automate this without this little glitch.

    Solution greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
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      Jason · 5 years ago
      In the menu data, add $ in front of the number. =VLOOKUP(J2,Menus!B$2:C$483,2,FALSE) Notice I did not add the $ in the J2 as I assume this is the number you want to change. Then highlight the field, drag down the rest of the way through the column, and use Ctrl-D to copy and paste the formula automatically changing only the row number of the J column.
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        JLR · 4 years ago
        Thank you so much for this answer. I've been struggling with the same exact issue as Melissa.
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    Dino Appla · 6 years ago
    Brilliant, thank you for the simple answer
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    James R. Leichter · 6 years ago
    Thank you for this post. This solved my Excel question in two minutes. It was way easier to understand and follow than any other page I looked at. That includes Microsoft's web page.
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    Claire · 6 years ago

    I'm trying to find a way of auto-populating a cell which displays the value selected from a filter.

    So, if my filter was days of the week, and I selected "Wednesday", I need another cell to just display Wednesday.

    I have tried linking cells, but was unsuccessful. I've also tried some basic VBA, but this didn't work either!

    I am certainly no excel expert, but I must be doing something wrong as I wouldn't have expected it to be so difficult!

    Please can you help?
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      JOEY · 5 years ago
      Hi! I am a freelance excel expert and accepting any kind of excel job.
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Auto Populate Cells Based on Dropdown Box Selection

scott[emailprotected]June 5, 2018Excel Examples

This post will guide you how to create a drop down list and how to auto fill cells in Excel based on a dependent drop down list. When selecting a value from the drop down list, then it should be able to populate the value in another corresponding cell.

For examples, you have created a drop down list based on the values in range B2:B4, and when you select any value from the drop down list, the corresponding value in range c2:C4 should be populated in another cell automatically.

What are These Functions?

  • Drop-down lists – just click on an arrow in the cell to choose your data from a list.
  • AutoFill – create entire columns or rows of data based on the value of the first cell.
  • Flash Fill – Excel can fill entire columns based on patterns of other columns.

Read on to learn more and discover how easy it is to use them.

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