How do I access my Google ad account?

How to Get or Grant Access to a Google Ads Account


Aden Andrus

February 21, 2019

  • AdWords

Aden Andrus February 21, 2019

When you want to work with another person on a Google Ads accountwhether youre granting access to a Google Ads agency/consultantor trying to get access to help someone outthe first step is to make sure that everyone can get into the account.

However, requesting access to a Google Ads account and requesting that someone join you in managing your Google Ads account are two fundamentally different processes. So, depending on which one youre trying to do, youll need to understand how to approach things.

In this article, were going to go over both of these ways of adding additional users to a Google Ads account. That way, whether youre getting or granting access to an account, weve got you covered.

Granting Access to a Google Ads Account

If you have a Google Ads account and you need a little help managing it (or want an audit of your campaigns), youre going to need to grant access to your Google Ads account. Its youraccount, after all, so you get to control who can see and/or edit your campaigns.

There are two ways to grant access to your Google Ads account: 1) add them as a user yourself or 2) approve their request for access. Lets go over each of these options.

Adding an Additional User to Your Account

Google makes it easy to add an additional user to your Google Ads account. All you have to do is log into your account, click the Tools icon in the top bar and then click Account access (under Setup).

From there, youll be taken to the user management page, which looks like this:

Here, you can see and manage all of the users who have access to your Google Ads account. To add a new user, click on the blue + button.

This pulls up the following screen:

Depending on what you need the person or agency to do, youll want to pick the appropriate access level. For example, if someone is auditing youraccount, you probably only want to give them Read only access. If you decide to hire that person or agency, youd want to upgrade their access level to Standard.

In general, there arent a lot of good reasons to grant Admin access to a third-party. After all, that gives them the same level of authority in your account as you have, which means they can make all sorts of changes (including removing you) without your permission.

Once you choose an access level and enter the appropriate email address, Google will send the following email granting that person access to your account:

All the recipient has to do is click on the big blue Accept Invitation button and theyre in! Cant get much easier than that, right?

Well, as it turns out, itcan get easierprovided that person you want to give access to has already requested access to your account. But that brings us to our next section, so lets switch over to approving an access request.

Approving an Access Request

If someone requests access to yourGoogle Ads account (youll need to give them your account number for them to request access to your account), youll get the following email from Google:

If you click on the blue Accept Request button, youll automatically be taken to the Managers tab on the Account access page of your Google Ads account.

Here, all you have to do is click Accept and the other person will have access to your account. Unless you make them an administrative owner, theyll be able to see and edit everything in your account except for your email and password.

What to Do if You Dont Get the Email from Google

If, on the off chance that you miss or dont get the email from Google and want to find someones request inside your Google Ads account, you can view and approve pending requests by clicking onthe Tools icon in the top bar and then click Account access (under Setup).

Youll end up on the Users tab

so youll need to click on the Managers tab to see and approve pending requests.

From there, all you have to do is click Accept or Decline! See, what did I tell you? Approving a request is even easier than adding a new user to your account.

Getting Access to a Google Ads Account

If youre trying to get access to a Google Ads account, the process is fairly straightforward. However, before you can get started, youll need a Google Ads manager account (click here to create one).

The setup process is pretty simple, but heres a link to a step-by-step guide from Google if you get hung up in the process. The important thing here is to make sure that you check the To manage other peoples accounts option during your setup process.

Otherwise, itll be hard toyou know, access other peoples accounts

Once you have your Google Ads manager account set up, simply log into your account and click on Accounts in the left-hand sidebar.

From there, youll need to click on the blue + button near the left-hand side of the screen. This will bring up the following options:

As youve probably guessed, to link to someone elses account, youll need to click on Link existing account. This will bring you to the following screen, where youll need to type or paste in the Google Ads account number of the account you want to access.

The only way to get the account number is directly from someone who already has access to the account, so youll need to request their account number before you can send a request for access. Once youve entered the number, however, all you have to do is click the blue Send Request button.

Google will send the following email to the owner of the account youve just requested access to.

Once they click on the blue Accept Request button and accept your link request (see the above section for more details if you need them), youll get the following email:

Click on the blue Review Account button to see their account information. Alternatively, you can always access their account by logging into your Google Ads manager account and clicking on Accounts in the left-hand sidebar (like you did when you requested access). This will allow you to see and access all of the accounts that you have access to or request access to new accounts as needed.


And thats it! Getting or granting access to a Google Ads account is a relatively easy process, so whether youre looking to have your account audited or managedor want to do either of those things for someone elseit should only take a few clicks to get things set up.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!

Aden Andrus


Over his career, Aden has developed and marketed millions of dollars of successful products. He lays awake at nights figuring out new marketing tactics and is constantly upping Disruptive's internal marketing game. He loves to write, dance and destroy computer monitors in full medieval armor.

Aden Andrus


Over his career, Aden has developed and marketed millions of dollars of successful products. He lays awake at nights figuring out new marketing tactics and is constantly upping Disruptive's internal marketing game. He loves to write, dance and destroy computer monitors in full medieval armor.

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