Google refund

How long does it take to get a refund from Google Play Store?

Note: App developers are not eligible to issue a refund for you or on your behalf.

Otsimo has a 2-day refund policy. After your purchase, you have two days to try our apps and decide if it suits your needs.

If you are in two days period (in other words, eligible for a refund), you can get your refund through the payment providers.

Depending on what you bought via Google Play, different refund policies are applied.

You will receive your refund to your choice of payment method used to make the original purchase. The time of refund differs, depending on how you made your payment.

Please check your refund status on your Google Pay account if your refund is taking longer than expected. You will see a credit on your form of payment if the status is Refunded. If the status is Cancelled, the order was never charged so you will not see a credit on your form of payment.


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