Google domain list

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List registered domains

If you have one or more domains registered with Cloud Domains, you can view a list of your registered domains. This is helpful when you have multiple domain registrations in a project. You can also view the following details for each of your domain registrations:

  • Name
  • DNS provider/name servers
  • Renewal date
  • Privacy protection status of your domain

To customize the list that you want to see, you can apply filters.

Permissions required for this task

To perform this task, you must have been granted the following permissions or the following IAM roles.


  • domains.registrations.get to view details of a single registration resource
  • domains.registrations.list to list registration resources


  • roles/domains.viewer
  • or
  • roles/domains.admin

List domains and registration details


  1. Go to the Cloud Console.

    Go to the Cloud Domains page

    The Registrations page lists your registrations.
  2. To view additional domain registration details, click the domain name that you want to view details for.


  • To list all domain registrations in a project, use the gcloud domains registrations list command:

    gcloud domains registrations list

    By default, registrations are listed in a table format.

  • To view registration details for a specific domain, use the gcloud domains registrations describe command:

    gcloud domains registrations describe DOMAIN_NAME

    Replace DOMAIN_NAME with the name of the domain that you want to view details forfor example,


  • To list all registrations in a project, use the registrations.list method with an empty body:

    GET //

    You can also use filters to restrict the listed registrations:

    GET //

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the name of your project
    • FILTER_STRING: the filter string that you want to use. An example filter string, before URL encoding, looks like domainName:""

    After URL encoding the filter string is, and in context, looks like the following:

    GET //
  • To view registration details for a specific domain, use the registrations.get method with an empty body:

    GET //

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the name of your project
    • DOMAIN_NAME: the name of the domain that you want to get details for

What's next

  • To edit registration settings using Cloud Domains, see Edit registration settings.
  • To get started using Cloud Domains, see the Quickstart.
  • To get an overview of Cloud Domains, see Cloud Domains overview.
  • To access API information, see Cloud Domains API.
  • To find solutions for common issues that you might encounter when using Cloud Domains, see Troubleshooting.
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