Facebook post not on timeline

I want to share posts but every time I do it will not show up on my News Feed and no one can see it. But if you go to my Timeline, it is there. Please help!

2013-01-16 02:23:47
I am having the exact same problem. Sometimes they show and sometimes they don't. I think FB is so over done that many others have this problem too. I hardly ever see several of my friends posts but if I visit their profile, its there.
2012-12-14 04:03:49
I don't use PHACECRACK. All that do are screwed & ur nfo is public property now.
2013-01-03 20:31:10
Then don't post about facebook.
Eloree Boldt
2012-11-04 16:45:03
I haveface book on my iphone and as of today my newsfeed will not come up but did yesterday??????????????????????
2012-10-28 00:51:58
why is my face showing letters only no pictures no blue pages nothing ? why?
Denise Dowell
2012-10-19 18:25:28
My sister's post to FB all of the sudden stopped showing up on my FB page. I have to log into FB as her to see some of her posts and picture. How can I fix it so ALL her stuff shows up again on my FB?
2012-10-19 15:19:02
when i make posts on facebook like sharing, on daily basis they are not shown to my friends,

secondly: i have more than 1000 likes, when i started the account they were coming after every second, but now 10 -15 are present on the wall. i also see posts that are 3 days or four days old.

thirdly: a lot of posts for previous months are not seen on the time line.

how can this matter be solved? i have changed password quiet many times.

Christopher Harlan
2012-08-09 07:18:59
When you post, make sure to set who can see it. Go to the gear (settings) icon and change it to whoever you want it visible for.
2015-09-17 16:49:37
I've done that countless times. It is set to 'public', but will still show on my timeline and not my newsfeed. I have had to go into my timeline to share it, but then my original comment will not post along with it. SOMEONE HELP!!!!!
Aditya Roy
2012-08-09 06:47:07
Change your setting. Its on the left side of button 'post'

Set it to friends when posting your status updates and your friends will be able to see the.

Justin Pot
2012-08-08 21:37:20
Facebook decides which posts to show people based on a complex algorithm. It may have decided people don't find you interesting for some reason, as insulting as that is. If you want specific people to see your posts I suggest adding their names to it by typing "@" followed by their name: you'll see a popup. Click the name you want and they'll see the post for sure.
Josh Wein
2012-08-08 18:14:42
Little gear when you make statuses. It may be set to "only me". Change it to friends or custom or everyone


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