Facebook group admin cant see members

The problem is that the trolls in your group have blocked the admins from seeing them, or their posts, and you can't ban someone from the group unless you can see them.

You have to be quick when you do the following, because, if the the trolls are smart, they will quickly block any new admin, but if you are quick, you can delete all trolls, and seal up the group.

First find a friendly (non-troll) member of the group, who is not an admin of the group, and who is able to see all of the trolls posts. Explain to that member that you need their help in eradicating the trolls. Then explain to that member how to kick someone out of the group. It can be done from the group members list, or from any comment by any troll.

Then make sure that the friendly member is ready to carry out the bannings AS SOON AS you make them an admin of the group.

Then make them an admin of the group, and encourage them to delete all troll members as quickly as possible. And when they do they must choose the option to permanently ban the trolls.

Also change your group settings so that new members can only be added to the group by group admins.

That should get rid of your trolls, and keep them locked out.

Facebook has recently launched a new feature for Facebook group admins that allows you to see your “unavailable” members. These are members who may have deactivated their account, blocked an admin or have pending status within the platform.

These members, however, are still added to your total member count despite not being currently active (if ever at all).

So why take the time to remove these members from your community?

Facebook is working hard to draw focus to groups to bring people together and foster connections and will often promote groups through the “suggested group” feature on newsfeeds. They say that the more engaged your community is the more likely Facebook will promote it for you and we all love a little organic growth.

Let's work out some math.

If you download the engagement details from Facebook Insights and work out the average number of active members across the month we can put this into perspective.

  1. Highlight the values in the “active member” column
  2. Click the Σ (sum) followed by average, it will give you your average actives members that month.
  3. Divide it by your current total members to get an average % of current active members in the community.

Hopefully, you have a good percentage already active but imagine how that can change if your “unavailable” and inactive members were not there.

Now if you are a community builder that is required to present data each month, this is a great way to show an increase in engagement and at the same time keep on top of what I am going to call ghost members who are bringing no value to the group at all and focus on making sure those that are there want to be and want to participate.

The process of removing the unavailable members from your community can be tedious as you have to do one by one, but I guarantee in the long run this will help your community engagement numbers.

  1. Go into your community and click “members”
  2. Click “unavailable” on the right-hand side
  3. Click the 3 dots next to the member and select “remove from group”

Of course without the right content in the first place, your community will not engage or participate so continue to come up with relevant, thought-provoking content that will bring value to your members and keep the momentum going.

As a Facebook group admin, you can easily see who joined your Facebook group recently.🙌🏻

To know how to see new members in Facebook group through a laptop/desktop, please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Log in to your Facebook account, and from the left-hand side of the news feed, open the group you’d like to see the new members of

2. Open the ‘Members’ tab given on the top

3. You will see your Facebook group members list, divided into different sections like:

  1. Admins and Moderators
  2. Pre Approved members
  3. Friends (Members you are friends with on Facebook)
  4. Members with things in common
  5. Unavailable members
  6. Pages
  7. New to the group

Under ‘new to the group’, you will see all the members who joined your Facebook group in the last 30 days.

Please note that the ‘new to the group’ section includes all the people who are previewing the group (aka all those who have been invited) in addition to the new members.
As per Facebook’s latest update, anyone who’s been invited to be a part of your FB group, but has not yet accepted the invite, will be able to see your group’s content in their news feed.

If you choose to read this article even further, you’ll know how to find new members in Facebook group through a mobile.

How to find new members in Facebook group? (Via Mobile) 

1. Open the Facebook app on your android device, tap on the three horizontal lines at the bottom, and click on ‘Groups’

2. Select the group you want to see new members for

Or click on ‘Your groups’ and select the desired group under ‘groups you manage’

3. Click on the ‘Manage’ button you see beside invite or click on the star icon on the top right

4. From the list of Admin tools, select ‘People’

5. Your Facebook group member list will appear, and it will be divided into different sections like:

  1. Admins and Moderators
  2. Pre Approved members
  3. Friends (Members you are friends with on Facebook)
  4. Members with things in common
  5. Unavailable members
  6. Pages

On the top of the list, you will see a dialog box saying – “You have xx new members. Create a welcome post”

6. When you click on create a welcome post, you will be taken to the compose post section, with all the new members already tagged.

7. Select ‘Edit tagged members’, and you can see all the new members who joined your group in the last week.

Please note that you can find new members in Facebook group only through laptop/desktop and an Android mobile. The iPhone does not support this currently.

Welcoming new members is a great way to make them feel acknowledged and inculcate a positive atmosphere.

It’s also a great way to get your members talking. If you wish to learn about more such engagement strategies, check out this blog👇🏻

25 highly effective Facebook group engagement ideas 

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment them down below.

Or you can also write to me in our Facebook group, where thousands of Facebook group admins are discussing this and more about community building.🙂

Creating value in the lives of others with my content, little by little.✨
Working at Convosight, I do more than just wrangle commas. I’m passionate about innovating new ways to create amazingly effective content and sharing it with the right audience.
Check out my latest blogs and feel free to share them!💛

How do I see the members of a Facebook group?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap Groups and select your group. Tap the name of the group and select Group info. Tap Members.

Can Facebook group members be hidden?

You can't...anyone in the group can see who is a member. And if it's a public or closed group, anyone can see the membership outside of the group.

How can you tell if a group of admins blocked you on Facebook?

If you have a member of your group that has blocked Admins, their name will turn BLACK. It will keep you from commenting on any post they have, but you can see them and any comments on the post. What you do is take note of that member's name, then go to your members list and search for that person.

What can Facebook group admins see?

Here are some of the things you can see as a group admin that will help you in its success:.
Keyword Alert. ... .
Automatically Flagged By FB. ... .
Member – Reported Content. ... .
Growth Insights. ... .
Mark As Announcement. ... .
Removed Member Clean Up. ... .
Scheduled Posts. ... .
Membership Request Filter..

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