Does Japanese have 4 alphabets?

How to Learn the Japanese Alphabet (With Japanese Alphabet Charts)

written by
Caitlin Sacasas

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Think learning the Japanese alphabet is impossible? Learning a foreign language is already intimidating, but learning a language that has three systems of writing?

I agree, thats pretty scary!

Heres the thing. Japanese is not as hard as you think in fact, you can learn Japanese, fast.

One of the best ways to start studying is to learn the basics of reading and writing in Japanese. After all, these are part of the four main skills you need to reach fluency!

And despite what you might think, learning the difference between the Japanese writing systems and understanding the basics are quite simple. In fact, you could learn it in a day if you tried!

Heres everything you need to know about the Japanese alphabet to get started.

What are the Letters of the Japanese Alphabet?

Ill start by answering questions that language learners often ask about why Japanese is written the way it is.

The Japanese alphabet actually contains fewer letters than the English alphabet!

When Romanizing Japanese (that is, writing Japanese words with English letters, also called romaji), you will only use the vowels a, i, u, e, o. And youll use these consonants: k, g, s, z, j, t, d, n, h, f, b, p, m, y, r, w. There is also the combined letters ch the letter c is never used on its own. Thats 21 letters in total.

The sounds in the Japanese alphabet are one thing that makes Japanese easier for English speakers to learn than for Japanese speakers to learn English.

Japanese contains almost no new sounds for English speakers, whereas English has many sounds not found in Japanese. The main sound that English speakers struggle with is the Japanese r. Its pronounced between an l and an r, almost like the soft r sound from Spanish. Say la, la, la and notice where your tongue flicks off from behind your teeth. Now say da, da, da. This spot where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth is actually where you flick off from to create the r sound in Japanese!

How Many Letters are in the Japanese Alphabet?

There are 46 basic characters in the Japanese alphabet and additional characters/sounds that can be made from the basic 46. Each of the alphabet symbols forms one syllable made of the 21 romaji, which is phonetic and always read the same way. Because of that, reading Japanese is a great way to pick up proper pronunciation for spoken Japanese. Theres no guessing like in English, where two words that look the same sound nothing alike, or words that look nothing alike sound the same. How you read the characters in Japanese is exactly how you say it, without exception.

How does the Japanese Alphabet Work?

The Japanese alphabet is called a syllabary, or syllabic script. Thats because each letter in Japanese represents a whole syllable in English. There are two main ways the characters represent syllables: as a sole vowel and as a consonant with a vowel. There is only one character that represents a sole consonant: n. Other than that, consonants must always be paired with a vowel, and the vowel will always follow the consonant.

Japanese has two alphabets called hiragana (curvy like English cursive), and katakana (angular like English print). The two together are called kana. The third writing system, kanji, is not really an alphabet or a syllabary. Instead, it represents whole words. The three systems of writing can all be used within the same sentence. Unlike English where youd write only in cursive or print, you can combine kana and kanji as needed.

Why are there 3 Alphabets in Japan?

Hiragana and katakana are native to Japan, while kanji was imported from Chinese hanzi. Each of the characters has its own function, though. Many words are represented by a kanji character and the sound is completed with hiragana.

An example of this is 好き (suki). The first character, 好, is the kanji and read as su. The second character, き, is a hiragana symbol thats read as ki. Theyre used together to create one word: suki, like.

Hiragana is also used for many other reasons. Words can be written entirely in hiragana. It can be used for furigana, small hiragana written above kanji to help with reading. Also, it can be used to write particles that mark the purpose of a noun or verb in a sentence. Writing exclusively in hiragana is okay, but makes it a bit more difficult to read. Words can get jumbled together because Japanese doesnt use spaces. Its also a bit childish to write only in hiragana children write exclusively in hiragana until they start learning kanji in grade school.

Kanji are used in reading and writing to make it clear what the word is referring to. For instance, hashi means both chopsticks and bridge. But when youre writing, the kanji makes it obvious which you mean: if you write 箸, you mean chopsticks. And if you use 橋, you mean bridge. Kanji characters can have many different readings though, unlike the standardized, single reading of kana characters.

What about katakana? Well, katakana is only used for two reasons: to write foreign words in Japanese, or to put emphasis on a word. Sometimes youll see either slang or peoples names written in katakana to stylize or put emphasis. Youll also see them used for Japanese onomatopoeia.

Katakana and hiragana both contain the same amount of characters that correspond to each other. What that means is, the hiragana き and katakana キ are both read as ki. Just like A and A in print and cursive English.

Japanese Alphabet Charts

Okay! Now, lets take a look at the characters for each of the Japanese alphabets.

Japanese Alphabet: Hiragana

kstnhmyrwaあ (a)か (ka)さ (sa)た (ta)な (na)は (ha)ま (ma)や (ya)ら (ra)わ (wa)ん (n)iい (i)き (ki)し (shi)ち (chi)に (ni)ひ (hi)み (mi)り (ri)uう (u)く (ku)す (su)つ (tsu)ぬ (nu)ふ (fu)む (mu)ゆ (yu)る (ru)eえ (e)け (ke)せ (se)て (te)ね (ne)へ (he)め (me)れ (re)oお (o)こ (ko)そ (so)と (to)の (no)ほ (ho)も (mo)よ (yo)ろ (ro)を (wo)

This type of chart, called the gojuuon, is a 50-block chart that organizes the kana sounds into something like alphabetical order. Its always written this way. It doesnt include the extra sounds made with dakuten (the double accent marks: ゙), handakuten (the small circle: ゚), sokuon (which is a small っ that doubles the consonant sound and makes a stop in the word), or yoon (the small Y-row characters: ゃ,ゅ,ょ). These are special characters added on to these 46 basic sounds to make the additional sounds in Japanese.

For instance, adding the dakuten to き makes it ぎ (gi). Handakuten are only used with H-row characters, to change the sound from H to P. So, は (ha) becomes ぱ (pa).

The most common sokuon is the small っ (tsu), which is added in between characters to double the consonant of the second syllable. A common word using this is かっこいい (kakkoii, cool). When pronouncing it, the k in ko is given a strong accent that adds a stop sound to the middle of the word.

And lastly, yoon characters are the small Y-row that can combine with any of the the I-row of consonants + vowels. So, if you added や (ya) to き (ki), it becomes きゃ (kya). If you add よ (yo) to ち (chi) it becomes ちょ (cho). You drop the i vowel and add the ya/yu/yo to the consonant, except for chi and shi. These two sounds become cha/chu/cho and sha/shu/sho when you add yoon characters.

Its a lot to take in at first, but I promise it makes sense quickly! The more you read the characters, the easier it is to understand and see the patterns. Start with the basic 46. Get comfortable with those symbols and sounds. Then start to memorize the additional sounds and how to properly write them.

Japanese Alphabet: Katakana

kstnhmyrwaア (a)カ (ka)サ (sa)タ (ta)ナ (na)ハ (ha)マ (ma)ヤ (ya)ラ (ra)ワ (wa)ン (n)iイ (i)キ (ki)シ (shi)チ (chi)ニ (ni)ヒ (hi)ミ (mi)リ (ri)uウ (u)ク (ku)ス (su)ツ (tsu)ヌ (nu)フ (fu)ム (mu)ユ (yu)ル (ru)eエ (e)ケ (ke)セ (se)テ (te)ネ (ne)ヘ (he)メ (me)レ (re)oオ (o)コ (ko)ソ (so)ト (to)ノ (no)ホ (ho)モ (mo)ヨ (yo)ロ (ro)ヲ (wo)

The katakana chart is laid out exactly like the hiragana chart, as they coordinate with each other. New learners often have a hard time memorizing katakana, especially because some characters look very similar, like ツ (tsu) and シ (shi). How to tell them apart is all about the direction of the strokes when writing it. Tsu is written top down, while shi is written left-to-right.

If youve learned all the extra sounds and accents with hiragana, youll have no problem learning them with katakana as well.

Japanese Alphabet: Kanji

Now lets look at kanji. Kanji is totally different than hiragana and katakana, because its not an alphabet system. Each character has a whole-word meaning and combine with other kanji to create compounds and deeper meanings. There are thousands of kanji, and around 2,000 that are considered essential for everyday reading and writing. But these 100 are a great place to start and get a feel for kanji.

KanjiEnglish MeaningOnyomiKunyomiJLPT N5 Vocab with Kanji一Oneichi, itsuhito(tsu), hito一人 (one person, alone)二Twonifuta(tsu), futa二人 (two people, pair)三Threesanmit(tsu), mi三日 (3rd day of the month)四Fourshiyo(tsu), yo, yon四日 (4th day of the month)五Fivegoitsu(tsu), itsu五日 (5th day of the month)六Sixrokumut(tsu), mu六日 (6th day of the month)七Sevenshichinana(tsu), nana七日 (7th day of the month)八Eighthachiyat(tsu), ya八日 (8th day of the month)九Ninekyuu, kukokono(tsu), kokono九日 (9th day of the month)十Tenjuu, jitou, to十日 (10th day of the month)百Hundredhyaku百万円 (1 million Yen)千Thousandsenchi千万円 (10 million Yen)万Ten thousandman, ban万年筆 (fountain pen)円Yen, circle, and roundenmaru(i)円い (round)日Day, sunnichi, jitsuhi, ka明日 (tomorrow)週Weekshuu毎週 (every week)月Month, moongetsu, gatsutsuki月曜日 (Monday)年Yearnentoshi今年 (this year), 去年 (last year)時Time, hourjitoki時計 (clock, watch)間Time frame, span of timekan, kenaida時間 (time, hours)分Minute, part, to understand, to dividebun, bu, funwa(karu)三十分 (thirty minutes), 自分 (oneself)午Noongo午前 (morning, A.M.)前Beforezenmae名前 (name)後After, later, behindgo, kouato午後 (afternoon, P.M.)今Nowkon, kinima今晩 (this evening), 今朝 (this morning)先Before, ahead, futuresensaki先週 (last week), 先生 (teacher, master)来To comeraiku(ru)来月 (next month), 来る (to come)半Half, middlehannaka(ba)半分 (half)毎Every, eachmai毎日(every day)何What, which, how manykanan, nani何曜日 (what day of the week)人Personjin, ninhito人々 (people)男Man, boy, maledan, nanotoko男の子 (boy)女Woman, girl, femalejo, nyoonna, me女の子 (girl)子Childshi, suko子供 (child)母Motherbohaha母 (mother)父Fatherfuchichi父 (father)友Friendyuutomo友達 (friend)火Firekahi火曜日 (Tuesday)水Watersuimizu水曜日 (Wednesday)木Tree, woodmoku, bokuki, ko木曜日 (Thursday)土Earth, grounddo, totsuchi土曜日 (Saturday)金Money, goldkin, konkane金曜日 (Friday)本Book, sourcehonmoto日本語 (Japanese)川Riversenkawa川 (river)花Flowerkahana花火 (fireworks)気Spiritki, ke元気 (healthy, spirit, fine)生Life, to live, to be born, to growsei, shoui(kiru), u(mareru), ha(yasu)生徒 (pupil)魚Fishgyosakana魚 (fish)天Heaventename, ama天気 (weather)空Sky, emptykuusora, a(keru)空 (sky)山Mountainsanyama山 (mountain)雨Rainuame雨 (rain)電Electricityden電気 (electricity)車Car, vehicleshakuruma電車 (electric train)語Language, word, to chatgokata(ru)英語 (English)耳Earjimimi耳 (ear)手Handshute手紙 (letter)足Foot, to addsokuashi, ta(su)足 (foot)目Eyemokume目 (eye)口Mouthkou, kukuchi出口 (exit)名Namemei, myouna名前 (name)店Shoptenmise喫茶店 (coffee shop)駅Stationeki駅前 (in front of the station)道Street, path, waydoumichi道具 (tool)社Shrine, societyshayashiro社長 (president of a company)国Countrykokukuni外国人 (foreigner)外Outsidegai, gesoto, hazu(reru), hoka外国 (foreign country)学School, learninggakumana(bu)大学 (university)校Schoolkou学校 (school)上Up, aboveshou, jouue, u, a(geru)上着 (jacket)下Down, belowka, geku(daru), shita靴下 (socks)中Middle, center, inner, betweenchuunaka日中 (during the day, midday)北Northhokukita北 (north)西Westsai, seinishi西 (west)東Easttouhigashi東京 (Tokyo)南Southnanminami南 (south)右Rightyuumigi右 (right)左Leftsahidari左 (left)見To see, to be visible, to showkenmi(ru)見せる (to show)聞To hear, to listen, to askmon, bunki(ku)聞く (to listen, to hear)書To writeshoka(ku)辞書 (dictionary)読To readdokuyo(mu)読む (to read)話To talk, conversationwahanashi, hana(su)電話 (telephone)買To buybaika(u)買い物 (shopping)行To go, to carry outkoui(ku), okona(u)銀行 (bank)出To go out, to leaveshutsude(ru), da(su)出かける (to go out)入To enter, to put innyuuhai(ru), i(reru)入口 (entrance)休To rest, break, holiday, vacationkyuuyasu(mu), yasu(mi)休む (to take a day off)食To eat, foodshokuta(beru)食堂 (dining room)飲To drink, a drinkinno(mu)飲み物 (beverage)言To talk, wordgen, goni(u)言う (to say)立To standritsuta(tsu)立つ (to stand)会To meet, societykai, ea(u)会社 (company)多A lot, manytaoo(i)多い (many), 多分 (probably)少A little, fewshousuko(shi), suku(nai)少ない (few)古Oldkofuru(i)古い (old)新Newshinatara(shii)新しい (new), 新聞 (newspaper)大Big, a lotdai, taioo(kii)大きい (big), 大変 (dreadful, immense)小Little, smallshouchii(sai), ko小さい (little)安Cheap, safety, peaceanyasu(i)安い (cheap)高Expensive, highkoutaka(i)高い (expensive)長Long, leaderchounaga(i)長い (long), 部長 (manager)白Whitehaku, byakushiro, shiro(i)白い (white), 面白い (interesting)

As you can see, each kanji has multiple readings. This is what makes it hard to learn how to read. The readings change based on the word or how it combines with other kanji. The easiest way to learn how to read them? When youre learning your kanji, also memorize a common word for each reading. It helps lock in the sounds and meaning at the same time.

But dont stress about kanji too much. Just look over the chart and get a feel for what these characters look like and represent. Learn your kana first, the true Japanese alphabet system. Then, move on to kanji.

What is the Most Common Japanese Alphabet?

The honest truth is that all three alphabets are common. You need to learn all your kana and some kanji to get by. That said, you could get by writing only in hiragana. Hiragana is the most basic and the first writing system that children learn, so it can be used to convey the same ideas as you would using all three systems. Although youll be understood, be aware that it would appear very childish.

My advice? Master both hiragana and katakana completely, and learn at least 100 essential kanji.

Is Japanese read Right-to-Left or Left-to-Right?

So how do you read Japanese? The honest truth is its both. Traditionally, and especially in literature, youll see Japanese written in vertical lines. These lines are read top to bottom, right-to-left. The characters are stacked single file in these vertical lines and there are no spaces. So it takes a bit of practice to get used to this style. However, I find this way of writing incredibly elegant. Its worth the practice!

In modern situations, youll find Japanese written horizontally and read from left-to-right. Things like brand names on packages, signs, and more.

Where and when you see which way of writing varies greatly. Youll see neon signs on buildings written vertically, while some ads may be horizontally written. The usual rule of thumb is if its vertically written, you read right-to-left. And if its horizontally written, you read left-to-right.

There are a few exceptions, but youll learn to spot them once you get used to reading Japanese and how it normally looks.

Tips for Learning the Japanese Alphabet, Fast

There are some easy ways to learn the Japanese writing systems fast!

The best tip is to come up with mnemonic devices to remember them. Here are some examples of ways I remember the hiragana:

  • ぬ (nu) looks like chopsticks grabbing a ramen noodle
  • む (mu) kind of looks like a cartoon cow face moo
  • し (shi) looks like a hook for catching fish in the sea/shi
  • に (ni) looks like a knee!
  • れ (re) looks like a person running. Think like Scooby Doo: Rets get out of here!
  • み (mi) looks like a fancy script for 21. So I remember the phrase, As for me, Im 21. (Not really, but it still helps!)
  • き (ki) looks like an old fashioned key
  • め (me) looks like an Olympic gold medal
  • つ (tsu) looks like a wave from a tsunami
  • ひ (hi) looks like a smile, hee hee hee

Those are just some examples of my own mnemonics Ive used to learn and remember the hiragana. You can do the same thing for katakana and kanji, too!

Another way to practice and memorize is to write out the gojuuon chart and fill it in yourself. I used to do this over and over for both hiragana and katakana. I write the vertical row with the vowels, and the horizontal row with the first letter of the consonants. Then I work on filling in each rows symbols. Any I cant remember, I leave blank. Then I look over the chart, check for mistakes, and write in any I forgot. I did this until I memorized them all! And its great writing practice. Pro tip: the gojuuon chart is actually really helpful for learning basic verb conjugation. So memorizing the way the chart flows can help you with grammar, too!

As for kanji, I highly recommend using Heisigs method and Anki. This method is very similar to the one I described for kana, but it focuses on learning the character and English description first, and then going back to learn the readings later with related vocab. Its a very effective method, and one of the most popular among Japanese learners.

The Japanese Alphabet is Easy!

Seriously it is! Even if youre still a little confused or overwhelmed right now, it clicks together fast with just a bit of practice. Using mnemonic devices can help you memorize the kana in only one days study time!

What other tips do you have for learning the Japanese alphabet/syllabary? Are there certain characters you struggle with? Leave a comment and let me know!

Caitlin Sacasas

Content Writer, Fluent in 3 Months

Caitlin is a content creator, fitness trainer, zero waster, language lover, and Star Wars nerd. She blogs about fitness and sustainability at Rebel Heart Beauty.

Speaks: English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish

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