Does Gong Xi fa cai mean happy new year?

With almost 1.4 billion people getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year in China, one family from Happy Valley-Goose Bay is preparing a celebration of their own.

Joyce Law of Happy Valley-Goose Bay is preparing a big meal to celebrate Chinese New Year with her family. (Rebecca Martel/CBC)

With almost 1.4 billion people getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year in China on Saturday, one family from Happy Valley-Goose Bay is preparing a celebration of their own.

"It's a big deal in the culture," Joyce Law told CBC Labrador Morning. "I'd like my children to be familiar with kind of where my parents or their grandparents and their ancestors … where they came from."

Law calls herself "one of the few Chinese residents of Goose Bay." She said her mother, who lives in Toronto, has taught her a lot about the holiday over the years.

"It's very much like Christmas. Christmas or any kind of big family celebration," Law said. "Lots of food, lots of traditional, kind of symbolic foods at New Years. Gifts, there's a lot of red and gold, as those are lucky colours in the culture. There's a lot of decor. In big cities where there's a larger Chinese population you'll see it."

Leaving the Year of the Pig, the Chinese calendar now enters the Year of the Rat. The rat is the first animal of the Chinese zodiac, representing wealth, surplus, and  the beginning of a new day.

Food is often a key point of celebration during Chinese New Year. Law said the different foods eaten are symbolic of fortunes in the coming year.

Law cooks several dishes for her Chinese New Year feast, including this one with ground beef and shiitake mushrooms. (Rebecca Martel/CBC)

"Noodles are long, and they symbolize long life," Law said. "Dumplings are symbolic for kind of little, I guess, little packets of gold or wealth."

"Traditionally a whole fish is eaten," Law added. "Whenever we've eaten it for Chinese New Year's, [my mother] always told us not to finish it. 'Cause I guess the idea is you want to have an excess of things. So if you finish your fish that means you'll run out of money or run out of your good health and fortune. So when we have enjoyed the meal she's always cut us off."

Throughout the day, people share greetings of peace and prosperity. Law has taught children two greetings. The first is Xīnnián kuàilè, pronounced sheen-neean-kwai-luh, meaning "happy new year."

Another common greeting used is gong xi fa cai, pronounced gong-zee-fah-tsai. This is a common wishing of prosperity, literally translating to "wishing you enlarge your wealth."

Shopping for ingredients now easier

Law says finding Asian ingredients in Labrador has become easier over the last 10 years.

"Before I couldn't find ginger here or even a lot of the different types of Asian vegetables. But now there is a lot of ginger, a lot of garlic," Law said. "The other day I found Asian eggplants at the co-op so we'll have a lot of that.

"There are certain things that I bring in from Toronto, these shiitake mushrooms come from Toronto and some of the spices.... It's not too bad."

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

恭禧發財!! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wishing you a prosperous new year! This is the traditional Chinese greeting for Chinese New Year. Today, we celebrate the new Chinese Year: the Year of the Fire Monkey. 

恭禧發財!! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Kung Kei Fatt Choy! Keong Hee Huat Chai!
The child figurines clasp their hands together, the traditional way to greet Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Today Deployant takes a break, and celebrates Chinese New Year. The greeting Gong Xi Fa Cai (in Mandarin) or Kung Hei Fatt Choy (in Cantonese, or Keong Hee Huat Chai (in Hokkien) rings all round. For some background, here is an interesting article, including how to pronounce and to write these characters in Chinese.

Much like the giving of gifts for Christmas, the practice of giving is also prevalent in Chinese culture for the New Year. The gifts are usually cash in small envelopes, decorated with auspicious colors and symbolism. The envelopes are called Hongpau (Mandarin) ” meaning Red Packet. In the background of the photographs above is a selection from this year’s Hongpau from various watch companies in Singapore. Can you identify them?

We will return to our full reviews from this year’s SIHH from tomorrow. Have a Blessed Year of the Monkey, may you have health, wealth, and happiness!

What is the meaning of Gong Xi Fa Cai?

The loose translation in Mandarin is “wishing you prosperity in the coming year,” while the Cantonese translation is “wishing you happiness and prosperity.” Some people substitute prosperity for wealth, so it can mean “wishing you to make lots of money.”

How do u say Happy new year in Chinese?

新年快乐 – Happy Chinese New Year.

How do you greet a gong xi fa cai?

"Gong Xi Fa Cai! Xin Nian Kuai Le. Zhu Ni Shanti Jiankang, Quanjia Xingfu, Wanshi Ruyi!"

How do you say Happy new year in Chinese 2022?

Another way to say "Happy Chinese New Year" is "Xīnnián kuàilè" (新年快乐), literally meaning 'New Year happiness'. It is a formal greeting typically used for strangers. In Cantonese, the common way to say 'Happy Lunar New Year' is "Gong hei fat choy" (恭喜发财), which means 'Wishing you happiness and prosperity. '

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