Difference between reverse and reversed in python with example

In this tutorial, you will learn about Python reversed() with the help of examples.

The reversed() method computes the reverse of a given sequence object and returns it in the form of a list.


seq_string = 'Python'

# reverse of a string print(list(reversed(seq_string)))

# Output: ['n', 'o', 'h', 't', 'y', 'P']

reversed() Syntax

The syntax of reversed() is:


reversed() Parameter

The reversed() method takes a single parameter:

  • sequence_object - an indexable object to be reversed (can be a tuple, string, list, range, etc.)

Note: Since we can't index objects such as a set and a dictionary, they are not considered sequence objects.

reversed() Return Value

The reversed() method returns:

  • a reversed list of items present in a sequence object

Example 1: Python reversed() with Built-In Sequence Objects

seq_tuple = ('P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n')

# reverse of a tuple object print(list(reversed(seq_tuple)))

seq_range = range(5, 9)

# reverse of a range print(list(reversed(seq_range)))

seq_list = [1, 2, 4, 3, 5]

# reverse of a list print(list(reversed(seq_list)))


['n', 'o', 'h', 't', 'y', 'P'] [8, 7, 6, 5] [5, 3, 4, 2, 1]

In the above example, we have used the reversed() method with objects like tuple, range and a list.

When using the reversed() method with these objects, we need to use the list() method to convert the output from the reversed() method to a list.

Example 2: reversed() with Custom Objects

class Vowels: vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self.vowels) v = Vowels()

# reverse a custom object v print(list(reversed(v)))


['u', 'o', 'i', 'e', 'a']

In the above example, we have used the reversed() method with a custom object v of the Vowels class.

Here, the method returns the reverse order of the sequence in the vowels list.

Recommended Readings:

  • Python str()
  • Python iter()

Python lists can be reversed using many python method such as using slicingmethod or using reversed() function. This article discusses how both of these work and Which one of them seems to be the faster one and Why.

Code: Reversing a list using Slicing.


ls = [110, 220, 330, 

      440, 550]

print('Original list :', ls)

ls = ls[::-1]

print('Reversed list elements :')

for element in ls:



Original list : [110, 220, 330, 440, 550] Reversed list elements : 550 440 330 220 110

Explanation : The format[a : b : c] in slicing states that from an inclusive to b exclusive, count in increments of c. In above code, a and b is blank and c is -1. So it iterates the entire list counting from the last element to the first element resulting in a reversed list.

Code: Reversing a list Using reversed() built-in function.


ls = [110, 220, 330, 440, 550]

print('Original list :', ls)

ls = reversed(ls)

print('Iterator object :', ls)

print('Reversed list elements :')

for element in ls:



Original list : [110, 220, 330, 440, 550] Iterator object : <list_reverseiterator object at 0x7fbd84e0b630> Reversed list elements : 550 440 330 220 110

Explanation : The built-in reversed() function in Python returns an iterator object rather than an entire list.

Conclusion : 

For a comparatively large list, under time constraints, it seems that the reversed() function performs faster than the slicing method. This is because reversed() just returns an iterator that iterates the original list in reverse order, without copying anything whereas slicing creates an entirely new list, copying every element from the original list. For a list with 106Values, the reversed() performs almost 20,000 better than the slicing method. If there is a need to store the reverse copy of data then slicing can be used but if one only wants to iterate the list in reverse manner, reversed() is definitely the better option.

What is difference between reverse and reversed in Python?

reverse() actually reverses the elements in the container. reversed() doesn't actually reverse anything, it merely returns an object that can be used to iterate over the container's elements in reverse order. If that's what you need, it's often faster than actually reversing the elements.

What is reverse in Python with example?

reversed is a built-in function in Python used to get a reversed iterator of a sequence. reversed function is similar to the iter() method but in reverse order. An iterator is an object used to iterate over an iterable. We can generate an iterator object using the iter method on an iterable.

What is __ reversed __ in Python?

Python reversed() method The reversed() method returns the reversed iterator of the given sequence. It is the same as the iter() method but in reverse order. Internally, it calls the __reversed__() method of the sequence class.

What is the use of reverse in Python?

The reverse() method reverses the sorting order of the elements.

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