Coursera Google certification Reddit

First of all, why the hell are you taking German literature? Talk to your academic advisor because thats insane. Dont blame the school for the fact that youre doing auto generated course plans. Take some responsibility and choose better classes that will be applicable to your program.

It can be done for almost free, you can take online classes- the university where I work has online classes that are 1/5 of the cost of campus classes.

  • look into getting credits for work experience. Most schools have a 3rd party assess credits after you put together a case. Im not super familiar with it, but every school Ive worked at has offered it, its usually 12-15 credits worth

  • have work training assessed for credit. IT certs, police academy training, military service (JST), medical training, I had a regional retail manager get copies of her online work training through her employer (she had copies of her scores and topics covered) and get 12 credits towards her business administration degree- not much considering all that she does, but its 4 classes that she doesnt need to take for training she already did and got paid for. Not too shabby!

-You can do them at community colleges that are even cheaper.

-You can take CLEP exams, which are $85 each, and they have 34 that can be accepted for transfer, mostly for general education subjects. You can find study guides for the tests online FREE.

-You can get them done at the many insanely cheap online subscription services like Sophia Learning, StraighterLine, Saylor University, etc. we accept the credits for about 100 classes between them and were a regionally accredited school- these are accepted at most schools and transfer very easily. Sophia Learning was FREE during the summer. While a student was waiting to transfer in for September, she took 4 classes...for FREE.

-I just had a student pay $50 for a Google certification off coursera. Hes not going into IT, but used the 9 credits (yes, 9 for $50, Im not going to lie, I was SHOCKED that was the outcome, I was expecting 3 at best if we even accepted it at all) as free electives because my school accepts them as certain entry level IT courses that arent needed for most majors, but could be electives . I just checked, its actually free right now: //

I just gave you a few tips that can save you literally 25-50% off your tuition costs. They are very easy to find now that I made you aware of them, but you have to do some work to make it happen like doing research online and checking with your school to see what they take (even Harvard accepts up to 16 CLEP exams. HARVARD- I dont want to hear the I dont think my school accepts those excuse which I hear all the time- actually check) Is free education going to be handed to you? Hell no, not with this guy that people voted in for president!!! Can you show some grit, put some work in, and find ways to make it happen? Yes!


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