Clean up duplicates Google Photos

Google Photos tries to avoid uploading duplicates, but does not always succeed when different upload methods or devices are used. For example when you uploaded using Picasa, a new upload using the Desktop uploader will create duplicates.

There is no easy way to remove duplicates, but some of the following may help:

  1. You can delete duplicates manually, for example in // where they should be next to each other.
  2. The problem is however which one to delete:
    • one photo may be edited, the other not,
    • one photo may be in an album, the other not.
  3. When the upload dates are different (for example when you uploaded long ago via Picasa, and now again using the Desktop uploader.) it may be easier to delete the duplicates in // where they are sorted by upload date.
  4. There are more ways to get a useful search result, for example the device from which they are uploaded.
  5. See //
  6. Since very recently it is possible to delete photos directly from an album. Go to "More options" (3-dots icon), and use "Move to trash"
  7. When you uploaded in the free "High Quality" and have your photos in albums, it may be wiser to simply ignore the duplicates in the library.

A feature to sort and delete duplicates of photos with Google Photos that are already backed up doesn't exist. You may have to manually select the duplicates and delete them.


Other way is to use the Picasa client. Get it at // and install it. Then, login into your Google account. You will now see that all of your Google Photos files will show up in the client. Enable syncing and then go to Tools, choose Experimental and click on Show Duplicate Files. Delete the duplicate files and sync your library again. Now any duplicate pictures will be removed from your library.



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