Cara menggunakan rich markdown python

Modifikasi terprogram Markdown dokumen merupakan bagian integral dari alur kerja digital modern. Edit teks di Markdown, masukkan grafik menggunakan data eksternal, ubah tabel.

Python adalah solusi yang berdiri sendiri untuk mengedit Markdown yang tidak bergantung pada perangkat lunak lain. Siap untuk penggunaan komersial mencakup semua kemungkinan kebutuhan pengembang profesional Python:

  • Ubah elemen Markdown yang ada: tabel, daftar, bagan, gambar, tautan, bidang, dll.
  • Ubah gaya Markdown dan atribut pemformatan
  • Tambahkan elemen Markdown baru
  • Cari Markdown untuk pola teks dan ganti dengan teks baru
  • Simpan hasilnya ke berbagai format file menggunakan metode 'Document.Save'
  • Hapus elemen Markdown yang tidak diinginkan (paragraf, halaman, bagian, bab)

Ubah Markdown di Python

Python Markdown editor terprogram menyediakan pengembang dengan API modern untuk mengedit Markdown terprogram. Integrasikan dengan cepat fitur modifikasi Markdown ke dalam perangkat lunak Anda. Pustaka kami mendukung modifikasi berbagai format dokumen di Python.

Tugas mengedit Markdown secara terprogram di Python adalah tugas memodifikasi elemen di pohon Markdown dokumen. Ia juga dikenal sebagai 'DOM' - model pemrograman untuk berinteraksi dengan elemen Markdown dokumen dan propertinya.

Edit Markdown di Python

Fitur modifikasi Markdown tidak dapat dipisahkan dari fungsi pencarian Markdown yang canggih. Untuk tingkat fleksibilitas yang tinggi, perpustakaan Python kami menyediakan fungsionalitas pencarian berbasis Regex Markdown kepada pengembang. Pendekatan ini memperluas kemungkinan untuk mengedit teks dalam Markdown file, memungkinkan penggunaan template untuk transformasi dinamis Markdown.

Edit tabel di Markdown menggunakan Python

Salah satu fitur yang paling banyak diminta adalah pembuatan dinamis dan modifikasi tabel dalam Markdown dokumen. Bekerja dengan tabel sangat nyaman dengan perpustakaan Python: edit tabel, perbarui tabel, dan ekstrak teks tabel menggunakan Python.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara memodifikasi Markdown dokumen di Python:

Contoh di Python untuk mengedit MD file


Berkas masukan

Unggah file

Unggah dokumen yang ingin Anda ubah

Jalankan kode

Mengedit teks Mengedit Tabel Mengedit Gambar

import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document("") builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) # Sisipkan teks di awal dokumen. builder.move_to_document_start() builder.writeln("Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.")"")

import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document("") builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) # Sisipkan tabel di awal dokumen. builder.move_to_document_start() builder.start_table() builder.insert_cell() builder.write("Row 1, cell 1.") builder.insert_cell() builder.write("Row 1, cell 2.") builder.end_table()"")

import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document("") builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) # Sisipkan gambar di awal dokumen. builder.move_to_document_start() builder.insert_image("Image.png")"")

Jalankan kode

Anda dapat dengan bebas menyalin kode ini dan menggunakannya untuk tujuan apa pun yang berlaku

Cara mengedit Markdown

  1. Pasang Markdown Editor untuk Python.
  2. Tambahkan referensi perpustakaan (impor perpustakaan) ke proyek Python Anda.
  3. Buka Markdown di Python.
  4. Sisipkan konten di awal Markdown dokumen.
  5. Panggil metode 'save()', dengan meneruskan nama file keluaran dengan ekstensi yang diperlukan.
  6. Dapatkan hasil yang diedit.

Python perpustakaan untuk bekerja dengan Markdown file

Kami meng-host paket Python kami di repositori PyPi. Silakan ikuti petunjuk langkah demi langkah tentang cara menginstal "Aspose.Words for Python via .NET" ke lingkungan pengembang Anda.

Persyaratan sistem

Paket ini kompatibel dengan Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 dan 3.9. Jika Anda mengembangkan perangkat lunak untuk Linux, silakan lihat persyaratan tambahan untuk gcc dan libpython di .

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Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.

The Rich API makes it easy to add color and style to terminal output. Rich can also render pretty tables, progress bars, markdown, syntax highlighted source code, tracebacks, and more — out of the box.

For a video introduction to Rich see by @fishnets88.

See what people are saying about Rich.


Rich works with Linux, OSX, and Windows. True color / emoji works with new Windows Terminal, classic terminal is limited to 16 colors. Rich requires Python 3.7 or later.

Rich works with Jupyter notebooks with no additional configuration required.


Install with python -m rich9 or your favorite PyPI package manager.

python -m pip install rich

Run the following to test Rich output on your terminal:

python -m rich

Rich Print

To effortlessly add rich output to your application, you can import the method, which has the same signature as the builtin Python function. Try this:

from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())


Rich can be installed in the Python REPL, so that any data structures will be pretty printed and highlighted.

>>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()

Using the Console

For more control over rich terminal content, import and construct a object.

from rich.console import Console console = Console()

The Console object has a from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())0 method which has an intentionally similar interface to the builtin from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())0 function. Here's an example of use:

console.print("Hello", "World!")

As you might expect, this will print from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())2 to the terminal. Note that unlike the builtin from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())0 function, Rich will word-wrap your text to fit within the terminal width.

There are a few ways of adding color and style to your output. You can set a style for the entire output by adding a from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())4 keyword argument. Here's an example:

console.print("Hello", "World!", style="bold red")

The output will be something like the following:

That's fine for styling a line of text at a time. For more finely grained styling, Rich renders a special markup which is similar in syntax to bbcode. Here's an example:

console.print("Where there is a [bold cyan]Will[/bold cyan] there [u]is[/u] a [i]way[/i].")

You can use a Console object to generate sophisticated output with minimal effort. See the Console API docs for details.

Rich Inspect

Rich has an function which can produce a report on any Python object, such as class, instance, or builtin.

>>> my_list = ["foo", "bar"] >>> from rich import inspect >>> inspect(my_list, methods=True)

See the for details.

Rich Library

Rich contains a number of builtin renderables you can use to create elegant output in your CLI and help you debug your code.

Click the following headings for details:


The Console object has a from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())5 method which has a similar interface to from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())6, but also renders a column for the current time and the file and line which made the call. By default Rich will do syntax highlighting for Python structures and for repr strings. If you log a collection (i.e. a dict or a list) Rich will pretty print it so that it fits in the available space. Here's an example of some of these features.

from rich.console import Console console = Console() test_data = [ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sum", "params": [None, 1, 2, 4, False, True], "id": "1",}, {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_hello", "params": [7]}, {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": "2"}, ] def test_log(): enabled = False context = { "foo": "bar", } movies = ["Deadpool", "Rise of the Skywalker"] console.log("Hello from", console, "!") console.log(test_data, log_locals=True) test_log()

The above produces the following output:

Note the from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())7 argument, which outputs a table containing the local variables where the log method was called.

The log method could be used for logging to the terminal for long running applications such as servers, but is also a very nice debugging aid.

Logging Handler

You can also use the builtin Handler class to format and colorize output from Python's logging module. Here's an example of the output:


To insert an emoji in to console output place the name between two colons. Here's an example:

python -m rich0

Please use this feature wisely.


Rich can render flexible tables with unicode box characters. There is a large variety of formatting options for borders, styles, cell alignment etc.

The animation above was generated with in the examples directory.

Here's a simpler table example:

python -m rich1

This produces the following output:

Note that console markup is rendered in the same way as from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())6 and from rich import print print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())5. In fact, anything that is renderable by Rich may be included in the headers / rows (even other tables).

The >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()0 class is smart enough to resize columns to fit the available width of the terminal, wrapping text as required. Here's the same example, with the terminal made smaller than the table above:

Progress Bars

Rich can render multiple flicker-free progress bars to track long-running tasks.

For basic usage, wrap any sequence in the >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()1 function and iterate over the result. Here's an example:

python -m rich2

It's not much harder to add multiple progress bars. Here's an example taken from the docs:

The columns may be configured to show any details you want. Built-in columns include percentage complete, file size, file speed, and time remaining. Here's another example showing a download in progress:

To try this out yourself, see examples/ which can download multiple URLs simultaneously while displaying progress.


For situations where it is hard to calculate progress, you can use the method which will display a 'spinner' animation and message. The animation won't prevent you from using the console as normal. Here's an example:

python -m rich3

This generates the following output in the terminal.

The spinner animations were borrowed from cli-spinners. You can select a spinner by specifying the >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()2 parameter. Run the following command to see the available values:

python -m rich4

The above command generates the following output in the terminal:


Rich can render a tree with guide lines. A tree is ideal for displaying a file structure, or any other hierarchical data.

The labels of the tree can be simple text or anything else Rich can render. Run the following for a demonstration:

python -m rich5

This generates the following output:

See the example for a script that displays a tree view of any directory, similar to the linux >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()3 command.


Rich can render content in neat columns with equal or optimal width. Here's a very basic clone of the (MacOS / Linux) >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()4 command which displays a directory listing in columns:

python -m rich6

The following screenshot is the output from the columns example which displays data pulled from an API in columns:


Rich can render markdown and does a reasonable job of translating the formatting to the terminal.

To render markdown import the >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()5 class and construct it with a string containing markdown code. Then print it to the console. Here's an example:

python -m rich7

This will produce output something like the following:

Syntax Highlighting

Rich uses the pygments library to implement syntax highlighting. Usage is similar to rendering markdown; construct a >>> from rich import pretty >>> pretty.install()6 object and print it to the console. Here's an example:

python -m rich8

This will produce the following output:


Rich can render beautiful tracebacks which are easier to read and show more code than standard Python tracebacks. You can set Rich as the default traceback handler so all uncaught exceptions will be rendered by Rich.

Here's what it looks like on OSX (similar on Linux):

All Rich renderables make use of the Console Protocol, which you can also use to implement your own Rich content.

Rich CLI

See also Rich CLI for a command line application powered by Rich. Syntax highlight code, render markdown, display CSVs in tables, and more, directly from the command prompt.


See also Rich's sister project, Textual, which you can use to build sophisticated User Interfaces in the terminal.

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