Cara menggunakan php intldateformatter pattern

Tags: Uic, ; PHP User Manual, ; 969, ; MUCH quicker than mysql_result(), Also note that specifying a numeric offset for the field argument is much quicker than specifying a fieldname or tablename.fieldname argument, Parameters result The result resource that is being evaluated, This result comes from a call to mysql_query(), row The row number from the result that, #039;s being retrieved, Row numbers start at, field The name or offset of the field being retrieved, It can be the field, #039;s offset the field, #039;s name or the field, #039;s table dot field name (tablename.fieldname), If the column name has been aliased (, #039;select foo as bar from..., #039;) use the alias instead of the column name, If undefined the first field is retrieved, Return Values The contents of one cell from a MySQL result set on success or FALSE on failure, Examples Example #1 mysql_result() example, lt; php $link = mysql_connect ( 'localhost', MySQL API, mysql_info, Bahasa Indonesia, Contoh Instruksi, Tutorial, Referensi, Buku, Petunjuk uic,

Just to be clear, to use any non-gregorian calendar:

a. The locale must be in the form of locale@calendar=calendar-name

b. The calendar must use the intlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL constant, or an intlCalendar object created with a locale as specified in a.

The calendar name can be 'gregorian', even if the intlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL constant is used, which makes for a more generic code approach.

It's important to note that a conversion of timezones will be made from the default timezone (date_default_timezone_set()) and the timezone you passed in the constructor (or datefmt_create()).

If you are inserting the dates into your database as UTC time, make sure to set date_default_timezone_set to UTC as well (or any other timezone, but they need to be the same). Once you call ::format, you will get the converted time.

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