Cara menggunakan perbedaan mongodb dan oracle

Difference Between MongoDB and Oracle

MongoDB is from MongoDB Inc. that is known for its NoSQL database (where SQL is not necessary), and it deals with documents in its system, while Oracle from Oracle Corporation is a relational database management system. Both MongoDB and Oracle are accessible in all the mainly used Operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unix, etc. An Oracle system consists of databases, tables, and data, whereas a MongoDB is comprised of documents in the fields.


  • MongoDB is designed and developed by MongoDB Inc (it is an American Software Company). and it is published with a combination and coordination of the GNU Affero General Public License and the Apache License. MongoDB is released in the year February 2009 and the latest stable release was in June 2018.
  • Typically, a single MongoDB server has multiple databases in it. MongoDB document does not support the SQL and it supports high, rich and ad-hoc query language. A MongoDB database stores the data in an area which is known as collections and not in tables. Those are the rough which is equivalent to RDBMS tables.
  • MongoDB is written in C++, C, and JavaScript programming language. MongoDB conveniently operates in the following Operating systems: Windows Vista and later, Linux, OS X 10.7 and later, Solaris, and FreeBSD.


  • After introducing the Oracle Database in the market, it extended the relational model to the object-relational model. So that it made it possible to store very complex business models in a relational database.
  • Oracle has a very interesting evolution of history. Oracle database is developed by 3 friend’s team – Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates which is led by Larry Ellison (in a company Software Development Laboratories (SDL) in the year 1977. Oracle database is one of the widely-used and trusted relational database engines.
  • An Oracle database is written in Assembly language, C, and C++ programming language. Oracle database operates on all major platforms, including Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS. Oracle database is commonly used for running online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing (DW) applications and mixed (OLTP & DW) database workloads.

Head To Head Comparison Between MongoDB and Oracle (Infographics)

Below is the top 6 difference between MongoDB vs Oracle

Key differences Between MongoDB and Oracle

Both are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major difference:

  • MongoDB is one of the most famous document-oriented databases whereas Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system and it is highly used RDBMS to build enterprise applications.
  • In MongoDB, data is stored in a collection in the form of document and Field. But in the Oracle database, data is stored in the traditional way of RDBM i.e., in the form of tablets in the form of rows and columns.
  • Mongo database offers some API for user-defined Map/Reduce methods, whereas MapReduce is not supported in the Oracle database.
  • The Partitioning methods (i.e., Methods for storing different data on different nodes) is Sharding in MongoDB whereas it is horizontal partitioning in case of Oracle database.
  • In the Oracle database, optional Oracle Partitioning is also available.
  • SQL is not supported in MongoDB, but SQL is supported in Oracle DB.
  • MongoDB is a free and Open source whereas the Oracle database is Commercial (and a restricted free version is available in the market).
  • The Implementation language for MongoDB is written in C++, C, and JavaScript programming language. And the same for Oracle database is Assembly language, C, and C++ programming language.
  • The Server-side scripting for MongoDB can be achieved by using JavaScript programming language. And the same can be achieved for the Oracle database by using PL/SQL programming language.
  • In MongoDB, it uses only one Secondary database model is a Key-value store whereas, In Oracle DB, it uses four Secondary database models including Key-value store and rest of three are Document store, Graph DBMS info, and RDF store info.

MongoDB vs Oracle Comparison Table

The primary comparison are discussed below:

The basis of comparison  MongoDB Oracle
About & Description MongoDB is one of the most famous stores of documents. Oracle Database is multi-model database management system and it is highly used RDBMS to build enterprise applications.
Secondary database models In MongoDB, it uses Secondary database models is Key-value store:
From an API perspective, Key-value stores are the very easiest NoSQL data stores to use and these are the simplest form of DBMS. Key-value stores are always will have a very high performance and can be easily scaled; this is because it always uses primary-key access.
In Oracle DB, it uses Secondary database models are Document store, Graph DBMS info, Key-value store, and RDF store info.
Document store: Document stores are characterized by its schema-free organization of data.
Records in it need not have a uniform structure and those records can also have nested structure.
Graph DBMS: It is also known as graph-oriented DBMS. In this type, data can be represented in graphical structures as nodes and edges.
RDF store: The RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a methodology to describe the information, and it is exclusively developed to describe the metadata of IT resources.
Implementation language A MongoDB is written in C++, C, and JavaScript programming language. An Oracle database is written in Assembly language, C, and C++ programming language
Server-side scripts In MongoDB, JavaScript is the programming language used in Server-side scripting. In Oracle DB, PL/SQL is the programming language used in Server-side scripting.
Also uses java in developing Stored procedures.
Server operating systems MongoDB can be operated in the following Operating systems: Windows Vista and later, Linux, OS X 10.7 and later, Solaris, and FreeBSD. MongoDB can be operated on all major platforms / operating systems including Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS.
Specific characteristics MongoDB is considered as the next-generation database which helps in businesses transform their industries by taking a control over the power of data. Oracle database is a multi-model and world’s most popular database.
It is commonly used for running online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing (DW) applications and mixed (OLTP & DW) database workloads.


In the race, Mango DB stands in the first position compared to Oracle DB because MongoDB is much easier to handle during the migrations because it is schemaless in nature.

All sizes of organizations can adopt MongoDB because it enables the developer to develop applications much faster, it handles highly diverse data types, and also it manages those applications more efficiently. The Oracle Database will not be suitable for all kinds of organizations. It is very suitable for large-scale enterprise-level applications. I hope now you must have got a fairer idea of both MongoDB vs Oracle. Stay tuned to our blog for more articles like these.

Recommended Article

This has been a guide to the top differences between MongoDB vs Oracle. Here we also discuss the key differences with infographics and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

  1. MongoDB vs PostgreSQL
  2. PostgreSQL vs Oracle
  3. MongoDB vs Hadoop
  4. Oracle vs Google
  5. MongoDB vs Cassandra: Differences
  6. MongoDB vs DynamoDB:Benefits
  7. Oracle vs OpenJDK: Want to know which is the best
  8. MongoDB vs SQL: What are the benefits

Apakah yang membedakan antara SQL dan NoSQL database system?

SQL memiliki tipe database relasional karena SQL mengatur data yang berada di dalam database dengan terstruktur ke dalam baris dan kolom yang telah ditentukan, dengan tabel yang saling terkait dalam satu database. Sedangkan NoSQL, dikenal sebagai datanase non-relasional.

Apa perbedaan MongoDB dan MySQL?

Apa itu MySQL: Perbedaannya Dengan MongoDB. Hal mendasar yang bisa membedakan MongoDB dengan MySQL adalah sifat database MySQL untuk penyimpanan data relasional, sedangkan MongoDB adalah database untuk penyimpanan data dokumen.

Kapan harus menggunakan MongoDB daripada MySQL?

MongoDB adalah pilihan ideal jika Anda memiliki data tidak terstruktur dan / atau terstruktur. Dengan potensi pertumbuhan yang cepat maka MYSQL adalah pilihan tepat jika Anda memiliki data terstruktur dan membutuhkan database relasional tradisional.

MongoDB digunakan untuk apa?

MongoDB mampu menampung lebih banyak data kompleks karena menggunakan schema table yang dinamis (dynamic schema). Dengan skema data tersebut, database ini bisa menyimpan data yang lebih bervariasi, mulai dari data terstruktur hingga tidak terstruktur.

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