Cara menggunakan mysql vs nosql

Pemilihan database merupakan keputusan besar bagi proses pengembangan aplikasi. Pada masa ini, terdapat berbagai jenis database yang ada, dan pengembang harus secara tepat memutuskan database yang sesuai dengan kasus yang mereka tangani dan bisa jadi kasus tersebut membutuhkan database yang mampu untuk menjalankan tugas yang berat.

Ketika hendak memilih untuk menggunakan database yang akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi, para pengembang harus mengetahui apakah pada kasus pengembangan mereka membutuhkan database dengan struktur data relasional (SQL) atau non-relasional (No-SQL). Meski keduanya adalah opsi yang layak, namun para pengembang harus memahami perbedaan yang harus dipahami dan diingat oleh para pengguna saat membuat keputusan.

Sebelum menginjak pembahasan tentang perbedaan SQL dan NoSQL, para pengembang harus mengetahui apa itu SQL dan NoSQL terlebih dahulu.

Apa itu SQL?

SQL atau Structured Query Language yang merupakan suatu bahasa yang digunakan utuk mengelolah data di dalam database relasional. SQL pada awalnya tidak digunakan untuk menyebut jenis database, namun seiring berjalannya waktu SQL menjadi jenis database dikarenakan munculnya jenis database baru yang memiliki query yang berbeda.

Database relasional menggunakan ‘relasi’ (yang biasanya disebut tabel) untuk menyimpan data dan mencocokkan data tersebut dengan memakai karakteristik umum di setiap dataset. Beberapa contoh database management system yang menggunakan SQL antara lain Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL.

Apa itu NoSQL?

NoSQL atau biasa disebut Not Only SQL, menyediakan mekanisme penyimpanan dan pengambilan data yang tidak terstruktur. Jenis database ini dapat menangani sejumlah besar database dengan skema yang dinamis. Oleh karena itu, jenis database NoSQL tidak memiliki bahasa kueri yang khusus, skema relasi, tetapi memiliki data yang disimpan dalam suatu format kumpulan dan dokumen.

SQL vs NoSQL : Apa Perbedaan dari Keduanya?

Berikut adalah perbedaan SQL dan NoSQL yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori seperti berikut.

Tipe Database

SQL memiliki tipe database relasional karena SQL mengatur data yang berada di dalam database dengan terstruktur ke dalam baris dan kolom yang telah ditentukan, dengan tabel yang saling terkait dalam satu database.

Sedangkan NoSQL, dikenal sebagai datanase non-relasional. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena data yang disimpan di dalam database berbentuk kumpulan dengan dengan tidak ada atau sedikit hubungan di antara mereka.

Skema Database

Pada jenis database SQL membutuhkan skema standar untuk data terstruktur. Oleh karena itu, sebelum para pengembang mulai menggunakan SQL untuk mengelolah dan mengatur data mereka, perlu dipastikan kembali bahwa struktur data telah ditentukan sebelumnya dalam bentuk tabel.

Namun pada jenis database NoSQL, memiliki skema yang dinamis untuk data tidak terstruktur. Oleh karena itu, ketika pengembang menggunakan database NoSQL, maka tidak perlu untuk menentukan skema/struktur data sebelumnya. Skema lengkap data sepenuhnya bergantung pada cara pengembang dalam menyimpan data (bidang mana yang ingin disimpan dalam dokumen dan koleksi).

Penggunaan Kueri yang Kompleks

Jika membicarakan penggunaan kueri yang kompleks, SQL lebih cocok untuk itu dibandingkan dengan NoSQL. Hal tersebut dikarenakan SQL memiliki skema terstruktur dan memiliki format tabel untuk data yang disimpan di dalam database. Jadi, jika pengembang ingin menerpakan kueri bercabang dengan banyak subkeri di dalam kueri luar, pengembang dapat dengan mudah melakukannya dengan menggunakan nama tabel dan kolom yang tepat.

Alasan mengapa NoSQL tidak cocok untuk pengelolahan data dengan kueri yang kompleks adalah karena pada jenis database NoSQL tidak memiliki kueri bahasa standar seperti yang dimiliki oleh SQL.

Penyimpanan Data Hirarkis

Jika pengembang ingin menerapkan penyimpanan data hirarkis, maka NoSQL adalah solusi terbaik untuk itu. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena dengan bertambahnya jumlah tabel, kompleksitas menjaga hubungan di antara mereka juga terus meningkat. Jadi, pada skenario tersebut, pengembang dapat menghubungkan jumlah tabel yang sangat besar dengan banyak kolom di dalamnya satu sama lain.

Database NoSQL semacam ini lebih cocok untuk penyimpanan data hierarkis karena mengikuti cara pasangan nilai kunci untuk menyimpan data yang mirip dengan data JSON.


Database SQL dapat diskalakan secara vertikal. pengembang dapat memuat keseimbangan server data dengan mengoptimalkan perangkat keras seperti meningkatkan CPU, RAM, SSD, dll.

Di sisi lain, database NoSQL dapat diskalakan secara horizontal. Pengembang dapat melakukan penyeimbangan beban dengan menambahkan lebih banyak server ke kluster Anda untuk menangani lalu lintas dalam jumlah besar.

A SQL database is a relational database that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data. It qualifies as a programming language. SQL databases are the most common type of relational database, and they are used by a wide variety of businesses and organizations.

Structured Query Language (SQL) databases are easy to use and maintain and offer many features that make them well-suited for various applications. For example, SQL databases provide the following:

  • Robust data security
  • Scalability
  • High performance
  • Ease of use

What is a NoSQL database (non-relational database)?

A NoSQL database is a non-relational database that does not use the traditional table-based structure of relational databases. NoSQL databases are often used for handling large amounts of data that are not well suited to the relational model.

NoSQL databases can be classified into four main categories:

Key-value stores

NoSQL database stores data in a schema-less way as a collection of key-value pairs. The value, which may be anything from a straightforward text to a more complicated data structure, is looked up using the key. Examples of key-value stores include DynamoDB and Riak.

Column-oriented stores

They store data in columns instead of rows. Column-oriented stores are often used for data warehousing and analytics applications. Examples of column-oriented stores include Cassandra and HBase.

Document stores

Data is stored in documents in such NoSQL databases. Documents can be structured in any way, making them very flexible. Examples of document stores include MongoDB and Couchbase.

Graph stores

These database stores data in a graph structure, with nodes and edges connecting the data. Graph stores are often used for applications that need to analyze complex relationships. Examples of graph stores include Neo4j and OrientDB.

Pros of SQL

SQL databases (relational database management systems) have been around for decades and are the most popular database used today. Here are some reasons why SQL databases are so popular:

  1. SQL databases are easy to use. Even people with no prior database experience can learn how to use SQL databases with just a little bit of training.
  2. They are very versatile and can be used for everything from small personal to large enterprise-level databases that need data storage.
  3. SQL databases are reliable. They are designed to handle large amounts of data and transactions without losing or corrupting the database. If they utilize a distributed database, it can provide security. A distributed database has similar databases in different places.
  4. You can scale them. They can easily be expanded to accommodate more data and users as needed. You get more data storage.
  5. Most major database vendors support SQL databases. This means that there are many options available for businesses when it comes to choosing a SQL database.
  6. A strong community of developers backs them. This community provides support and resources for businesses and individuals who use SQL databases.

SQL vs NoSQL: Main Differences

SQL and NoSQL databases are two of the most popular types of databases. They are both mighty and valuable in their own ways. Here are the main differences:

  • SQL databases are relational databases. This means that data is organized into tables, and each table has a specific structure. Tables are connected to each other through relationships. This makes SQL databases very powerful for storing data that needs to be accessed in a particular way.
  • NoSQL databases are non-relational databases. This means that data is stored in a collection of documents. There is no specific structure to these documents, and they are not connected to each other through relationships. So, they are more suitable for storing data that does not need to be accessed in a particular manner.
  • One main difference between SQL and NoSQL databases is how they scale. SQL databases use a vertical scaling approach, meaning they scale by adding more power to the server. NoSQL databases use a horizontal scaling approach, meaning they scale by adding more servers.
  • Another difference is that SQL databases are typically more expensive to maintain than NoSQL databases. SQL databases require more administration, such as creating and maintaining indexes and Views. NoSQL databases are often less costly because they need less administration.
  • SQL databases are also generally more complex than NoSQL databases. This is because SQL databases must follow ACID rules (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability), which can make them slower and more complicated. On the other hand, NoSQL databases are often more straightforward and can be faster because they don't have to follow the ACID rules.

SQL's ACID rules:

ACID stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. In short, it means that data is stored safely and securely, and transactions are processed reliably and consistently. NoSQL, on the other hand, does not follow the ACID rules. This means it is more flexible in storing and processing data. However, it also means that data is not always stored safely and securely, and transaction processing can be unreliable and inconsistent.

So, which is better? It depends on your needs. If you need a flexible database that can handle a lot of data, then NoSQL is a good choice. If you need a reliable and consistent database, then SQL is a better choice. If you need a database that is easy to query and scales vertically, then an SQL database is a good choice. If you need a database that is easy to scale horizontally and is less expensive to maintain, then a NoSQL database is a good choice.

MongoDB vs MySQL

MongoDB and MySQL are both popular choices in the world of databases. But which one is the right choice for your project? In this article, we'll compare MongoDB and MySQL in terms of performance, scalability, and ease of use.

  • MongoDB is a document-oriented database that is easy to scale. It uses JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas, making it easier to store and query data. It is also suitable for unstructured data, such as log files and social media data.
  • MySQL is a relational database that is more difficult to scale. It uses a fixed schema, making it more challenging to store and query data. However, MySQL is a good choice for structured data, such as financial data. In terms of performance, MongoDB is generally faster than MySQL. It is also more scalable than MySQL.
  • In terms of ease of use, MongoDB is easier to use than MySQL.

So, which database is the right choice for your project? It depends on your project requirements. MongoDB is a good choice if you need a fast, scalable database for unstructured data. MySQL is suitable if you need a relational database for structured data.

The cloud and the future of SQL and NoSQL

The cloud has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. It isn't easy to imagine a world without it. The cloud has enabled us to access information and applications anywhere at any time. It's also allowed us to store and share data more efficiently. It has made data storage easier.

The cloud has had a significant impact on the world of databases. In the past, most businesses used relational databases such as SQL. However, the cloud has also made it possible for companies to use NoSQL databases. NoSQL databases are less rigid and more scalable than SQL databases. They're also better suited for handling big data.

Examples of SQL databases

SQL databases are some of the most widely used databases in the world that use multiple SQL languages. They are used in various applications, from small businesses to large enterprises.

They are easy to use and offer a lot of flexibility. Companies can use them for data storage, manipulation, and retrieval.

There are many different types of SQL databases, but the most common are MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, and Oracle.

MySQL is a free, open-source database popular among small businesses and web applications.

Microsoft SQL Server is a commercial database that large organizations use. Oracle is also a commercial database.

Examples of NoSQL databases

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database. It is a document-oriented database that is easy to use and scalable. MongoDB is also very flexible, allowing for a wide range of data types to be stored. They can handle big data.

Cassandra is another popular NoSQL database. It is a column-oriented database that is designed for high availability and scalability. Cassandra is often used for storing large amounts of data.

HBase is a column-oriented database that is built on top of the Hadoop file system. HBase is designed for scalability and performance. HBase is often used for real-time data analysis.

Redis is an in-memory robust database that is often used for caching. Redis is swift and can be used for many applications.

NoSQL databases are becoming increasingly popular as the need for scalability and flexibility grows. There are several types of NoSQL databases, each with its strengths and weaknesses. This article has looked at some of the most popular NoSQL databases and explored their features. Now, let's explore when to use which one.

When to use SQL vs NoSQL for your business

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when to use SQL vs NoSQL for your business. The decision of which database technology to use depends on several factors, including the nature of the data, the performance requirements, the scalability requirements, and the budget.

Some businesses will clearly prefer one database technology over the other. For example, companies that deal with large amounts of structured data may find that SQL databases are a better fit. On the other hand, companies that need to scale quickly and handle large amounts of unstructured data may find that NoSQL databases are a better choice.

Other businesses may need to use SQL and NoSQL databases to get the most out of their data. For example, a company may use a SQL database for transactional data and a NoSQL database for analytics.

The bottom line is that there is no right or wrong answer when choosing between SQL and NoSQL databases. The best decision for your business will depend on your particular position.

Database in AppMaster

If you're a developer, you know that one of the essential parts of your job is creating and maintaining a database. And if you're working with MySQL, you know that this can be a daunting task. But what if there was a tool that could make database design and management easy, even for those with minimal coding experience?

Moreover, while each database type has unique features, they all share one common challenge: designing the database schema. This is the process of developing the tables, fields, and relationships between them that will store the data.

Kapan kita harus menggunakan SQL dan NoSQL?

Jika Anda membutuhkan database yang mudah dikueri dan diskalakan secara vertikal, maka database SQL adalah pilihan yang baik. Jika Anda membutuhkan database yang mudah diskalakan secara horizontal dan perawatannya lebih murah, maka database NoSQL adalah pilihan yang baik.

Apa yang membedakan antara SQL database dan NoSQL database?

SQL terutama berfokus pada format berbasis tabel untuk menyimpan data, sedangkan NoSQL menyimpan datanya dalam format dokumen, grafik nilai kunci, dll. SQL bekerja lebih baik dengan data atau transaksi multi-baris, sedangkan NoSQL bekerja lebih baik dengan data tidak terstruktur dalam format dokumen JSON.

Bagaimana cara kerja NoSQL?

Cara kerja database noSQL yakni dengan menggunakan berbagai model database untuk mengelolah dan mengakses data, seperti document, key-value, grafic, in-memory dan search-engine.

Kapan menggunakan NoSQL database?

Database NoSQL sangat cocok untuk digunakan dengan berbagai aplikasi modern seperti aplikasi seluler, web, dan gaming yang memerlukan database yang fleksibel, dapat diskalakan, berkinerja tinggi, dan memiliki fungsionalitas tinggi untuk memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang baik.

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