Cara menggunakan mysql attributes unsigned

The “unsigned” in MySQL is a data type. Whenever we write an unsigned to any column that means you cannot insert negative numbers. Suppose, for a very large number you can use unsigned type.

The maximum range with unsigned int is 4294967295.

Note: If you insert negative value you will get a MySQL error.

Here is the example demo of unsigned type. Let us first create a table with “unsigned” column. The following is the query to create a table −

mysql> create table UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue -> ( -> Distance int unsigned -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.86 sec)

If you will try to insert the upper value with unsigned 4294967295, then an error will generate since the value is out of range.

Inserting out of range value.

mysql> insert into UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue values(4294967296); ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'Distance' at row 1

In the above example, I have inserted 4294967296, which is out of range, therefore error generates.

Now I am inserting another value 4294967295 into the table.

mysql> insert into UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue values(4294967295); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.30 sec)

Above, you can see that the query executed successfully.

Now, let us see another example. If you insert negative records, then the following error can be seen −

mysql> insert into UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue values(-124); ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'Distance' at row 1

I will now insert only positive value with value 124. The query is as follows −

mysql> insert into UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue values(124); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.86 sec)

As you can see above, the query executed successfully.

Let us display the record with the help of select statement. The query is as follows −

mysql> select *from UnsignedDemoWithPositiveValue;

Here is the output −

+------------+ | Distance | +------------+ | 4294967295 | | 124 | +------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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DB Schema

CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12345678901234567945 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

MYSQL Config

{ host: 'localhost', user: 'develop', password: 'develop', database: 'develop', waitForConnections: true, namedPlaceholders: true, connectionLimit: 1, bigNumberStrings: true, supportBigNumbers: true, };


INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES('test')


[ ResultSetHeader { fieldCount: 0, affectedRows: 1, insertId: '-6101065172474983670', info: '', serverStatus: 2, warningStatus: 0 }, undefined ]

Version: ^2.3.0

PS: Works as expected with //

This article focuses on the MySQL BIGINT data type and looks into how we can use it to store integer values. We will also learn its range, storage size, and various attributes, including signed, unsigned, and zero fill.

The BIGINT is a b byte or 64 bits integer value and is very useful in storing huge integer values.

The MySQL BIGINT, like any other MySQL integer data type, can be signed or unsigned. A signed data type indicates that the column can store both positive and negative integer values. This is the default type for most integer types in MySQL. Hence, unless explicitly specified, any integer type column can store both positive and negative integers.

On the other hand, unsigned data type indicates the column can only store positive integer values.

The range for the signed MySQL BIGINT type is between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807

For unsigned BIGINT type, the value ranges from 0 to 18446744073709551615.

The other attribute of the BIGINT type is the ZEROFILL. With this attribute specified on a column, the column gets automatically set to UNSIGNED.

The zerofill attribute also fills the spaces with zeros.


Let us look at few examples to illustrate how to use the BIGINT type.

USE integers;

Next, let us create a table and populate it with various BIGINT columns, as shown in the query below:


Example 1
Let us first try to add all positive values to the table:

INSERT INTO examples(x,y,z) VALUES (1,2,3);

In the example query above, the values are acceptable because they are in the range of signed, unsigned, and zerofill BIGINT types.

SELECT * FROM examples;
| x | y    | z                    |
| 1 |    2 | 00000000000000000003 |
1 row in <strong>set</strong> (0.01 sec)

Example 2
In the next case, let us try adding all negative values. An example query is below:

INSERT INTO examples(x,y,z) VALUES (-1,-2,-3);
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'y' at row 1

In this case, the query fails as the y column is unsigned. Hence, assigning a negative value to the column is out of the column range.

Example 3
We can observe a similar case as above for the third column. The zerofill attribute automatically makes the column unsigned, making adding a negative value is out of range. An example is as:

INSERT INTO examples(x,y,z) VALUES (-1,2,-3);
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'z' at row 1

Example 4
Let us now try adding the maximum values for each type. An example query is:

INSERT INTO examples(x,y,z) VALUES (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808);

In the example above, since all the values are in the range, the query executes successfully.

Consider the query below:

INSERT INTO examples(x,y,z) VALUES (9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808);

You will notice that all the values are on the maximum values. Since the x column is set to AUTO_INCREMENT, adding a value to it will fail.

INSERT INTO examples(y,z) VALUES (9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808);
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '9223372036854775807' for key 'examples.PRIMARY'

However, if strict mode is disabled in MySQL, you can insert out-of-range values.


In this tutorial, we discussed the MySQL BININT type and the ranges for its various attributes.

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Is BIGINT signed or unsigned?

A large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 . The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615 . SERIAL is an alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE .

Does MySQL support BIGINT?

MySQL supports the SQL standard integer types INTEGER (or INT ) and SMALLINT . As an extension to the standard, MySQL also supports the integer types TINYINT , MEDIUMINT , and BIGINT .

Can a primary key be unsigned?

TL/DR: Yes, but it almost doesn't matter. Auto-increment always increases, so it will never use negative values. You might as well make it unsigned, and you get twice the range of values.

What is unsigned int in MySQL?

The “unsigned” in MySQL is a data type. Whenever we write an unsigned to any column that means you cannot insert negative numbers. Suppose, for a very large number you can use unsigned type. The maximum range with unsigned int is 4294967295. Note: If you insert negative value you will get a MySQL error.

Apa itu atribut unsigned?

Atribut UNSIGNED digunakan untuk tipe data numerik, namun berbeda sifatnya untuk tipe data INT,DECIMAL dan FLOAT. Untuk tipe data INT, atribut UNSIGNED berfungsi mengorbankan nilai negatif, untuk mendapatkan jangkauan nilai positif yang lebih tinggi.

Apa itu unsigned pada MySQL?

Unsigned merupakan salah satu flag yang ada dalam tipe data INT di dalam MySQL atau MariaDB. Dengan mengaktifkan unsigned, maka nilai yang akan ditambahkan nanti tidak bisa dimasukan nilai negatif. Penggunaan unsigned ini cocok untuk penyusunan: Key: untuk Primary Key dan Foreign Key.

Apa kegunaan unsigned?

Unsigned merupakan kata kunci untuk menandakan sebuah variabel tidak akan menampung bilangan dengan "penanda" sebagai representasi suatu bilangan yang disimpan ialah bilangan negatif atau positif. Seluruh bit akan digunakan untuk merepresentasikan suatu bilangan.

Apa yang dimaksud NULL pada database?

NULL adalah suatu nilai pada suatu kolom yang berarti tidak mempunyai nilai. NULL tidak sama dengan 0. Sebab angka 0 mempunyai nilai yaitu bernilai 0. NULL juga tidak sama dengan text kosong. NULL adalah suatu nilai yang tidak bernilai sama sekali.

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